Telepathic help
I need help, Im sorry guys I don't know where to go to ask for help regarding telepathy but here. I have researched it nearly to the brink of exhaustion and welp.. My question is how does one politely, gently and calmly ask another soul that's trying to connect with you to just.. go take 5 or something, because I cannot be available to help or converse 24/7!
Do you have a shielding technique, such as empaths learn or do you breath or ?! I pray nobody out there is or has freaked the F out like I have LOL!
I tried this link from another forum topic and its...just not there haha!
My thoughts regarding telepathy is that there is for one a reason for it, for two there is almost definitely something to learn by it and the soul contact.
When it first started happening to me I was absolutely knocked on my.... I had no idea what was going on and seriously considered that perhaps indeed I had a brain tumor because my usual "GOD is that you?!!!!" went completely unanswered so that ruled out my God.
There is a veritable amount of information out there regarding the subject and since more and more people are hmmm - connecting, awakening, being more aware of nearly everything then perhaps its something to be addressed more in a universal manner?!
I'm asking this today because I went to a public gathering and as I walked by another woman I heard her say in my mind "Hello Friend!" and I replied my usual "Heyas!!" We did not know one another, had never met on this earthly plane of existence either. But she said after that audibly, "Are you living the dream?!" for which I replied, The dream is living.
More and more people will be hmmm acquiring this telepathic gift I think as time progresses forward so what do y'all think?! Maybe you Open could write up something far more extensively on it?! It really is no fun to wake up one morning and suddenly not know what in the world is going on you know.
Anyways, thank you all for your time and bless you!
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Good advice
Yes, I deleted my previous comment lol! Dont judge me, I'd probably delete everything if I could because after awhile it just seems a bit redundant to me.
So I took your advice Open and I have had a pretty peaceful few weeks.
I am taking back my soul Sovereignty and just sinking more into myself. The ceiling and roof advice is perfect.
Thank you
Dealing with invasive telepathy
Hi Wyndè,
Yes indeed such level of empathy can be a problem - but also a great opportunity to fully harness. How?
Whenever the separated aspect of soul (essentially that which is still contained in the identity/ego) asks a question in truth, then the mainstream of the soul always answers and often immediately in ones own words.
So right at the beginning you asked...
- "My question is how does one politely, gently and calmly ask another soul that's trying to connect with you to just.. go take 5 or something, because I cannot be available to help or converse 24/7!"
Right at the end you answered (of a fashion) your own question...
- "It really is no fun to wake up one morning and suddenly not know what in the world is going on you know."
What is being offered here?
It's never about solving or fixing a situation.
It's ALWAYS about an aspect of self realisation.
What especially here?
Basically going unconscious and so losing oneself. I'd say that's why you can't turn the incoming telepathy off (at least it's one reason - another I pick up is a distortion of compassion - the sense of obligation that you must be there to serve - at least potentially; check it out).
Especially before you go to bed, requires some ceremony establishing energetic boundaries - consciously creating a field that only allows in what serves your highest good. In fact you could go to each of the corners, the roof and the floor, and make that statement with will and sincerity (it does have to be an authentic statement with your own energy).
Then as you go to sleep, make sure you're deeply relaxing into it, so that you don't actually leave the body, but rather rest within it. That way you retain sovereignty of your body and mind.
You might find this article of interest...
Dealing with the Challenges of being an Empath
With best wishes
Open *OK*
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