Working with the Solar Logos to Support our Evolutionary Shift to 5D
The Main News of our Planet at this Historic Juncture is that we're sailing into a Grand Galactic Convergence of cosmic cycles that are progressively escalating their impact on all life here. At this time, too few are taking notice, due to the rampant distractions of a society gone crazy. But rather than ignoring the grand movement of celestial bodies like the Sun, the Solar Logos, we can positively work with them to activate and integrate soul, and most importantly, to restore orientation in our lives to provide meaning and purpose.
Our Celestial Connections
Do we not all love the sun? If Gaia is our divine mother, then the Solar Logos is our heavenly father, shining down upon us, bringing life and warmth to the planet. Just stop for a moment in your busy day: imagine yourself walking across a sun-kissed beach, through a golden meadow, or swimming in the ocean as the sun glitters down through the surface. Are these not some of the simple pleasures of life that we live for? They are priceless occurrences that give pleasure and meaning.
It's no doubt we've entered the End Times for the reality construct we currently dwell within - a soceity that, by the day, is going increasingly off the rails. So we must centre in a new orientation to sail through. Synchronicity is speaking strongly to those wirh the ears to hear and eyes to see. Like for example, the 11:11 awakening code. Some speculate it's relating to a particular timeline. But to me, it always meant the connection and convergence between four key centres of consciousness: your own soul; Gaia our divine mother; the Solar Logos our heavenly father; and finally, the soul of the Galaxy, the galactic core around which our solar system gravitates.
These centres are actually crucial to our well-being and energetic orientation in life, yet life in society seems perfectly configured to distract from this heavenly alignment. I'd say it's the main reason why society is in such a mess; why it's so unsustainable, and why it's heading toward a catastrophic breakdown. Whenever existence steps out of alignment with the natural flow, then the universe in its vastness will be tolerant, but only for so long. Of course, everything is interconnected - where disharmony forms distorted eddy currents in one place, then the energy of the cosmos is drawn to it, to unravel it, and restore the flow once more.
This is what we at Openhand mean by The Great Realignment.
Gaia Enters End Times for Old Reality Construct
As I've explained in the Openhand Book DIVINICUS I feel Gaia in great pain, caused by an Interdimensional Intervention which she drew by her own karma - yes planets and deities have karma too. This aspect of her evolutionary growth drew an Opposing Force of gross consumption and disrespect - the very synthetic society you and I currently live in. You could say she needed it so as to contain her own explosive Kundalini energy - the one that's precipitated 5 mass extinctions on the planet previously.
This karmic dynamic has led to the creation of a synthetic reality across the surface of the planet, including the satellite belt around us. Together with the synthetic moon (check the evidence) that's manipulating the 4D morphic fields, supressing and controlling life here. When you dig deep down the rabbit hole, that's the scope of the fullness you'll eventually realise.
You might understandably at first balk at the enormity of it!
However, if you allow yourself to sit with it long enough, there comes a point where you're simply done with it. Your heart and soul long for the truth. And if you sit in that longing long enough, that's when the bigger picture of the astronomic cosmic alignments comes into view.
Just recently, we've had several inbound solar flares. It's likely precipitated a wave of hot weather to the UK, what you could call an "Indian Summer". More than that though, the inbound solar energy will activate dormant aspects of soul. At first you may feel a degree headachy and discombobulated. But take yourself off to a hill top or out in nature somewhere. Lie on the ground. Let the energy integrate through you and connect up with Gaia. In no time you'll feel as right as rain, and your soul will be integrating new aspects of beingness.
I feel this is exactly what Gaia is gearing herself up to do right now as well. She's drawing on increased solar and galactic energies to reanimate her Kundalini spin (the spin of the Earth is progressively increasing), which will shake off the intervention like a vivacious dog shaking off a rather irritating flea infestation. To be clear, there's increasing evidence that her soul contract with the intervention is now complete. We have entered the End Times for the old reality construct.
And so where will that leave us now?
Progressively Infusing a New 5D Reality
The significance to all life on the planet of this momentous shift cannot be overstated. As I explain in DIVINICUS, she's already created a new reality in the Fifth Density. And specifically - of utmost importance - she doesn't need this old fear-based reality of dog-eat-dog consumptiveness any longer.
Gaia no longer requires the old dogma of 'survival of only the strongest', but those of compassion, empathy, interconnected love and respect for all life. These are the new vibrations of Fifth Density Earth. Indeed the old consciousness will be purged from the Earth like the cancer that it has become.
How will this happen?
The Cosmic Cycle of death and rebirth
This is perhaps one of the most challenging things to share: the visions I've seen, and the tumultuous shifts I now feel taking place which confirm those intuitions for me. But that said, when you see just how corrupt and bankrupt society has become, it comes as a breath of fresh air to those who are now realising they can relinquish any allegiance to the old system. Sure, we may have to work in it a while longer, but people around the planet, that we're now experiencing within the Openhand movement, are saying,
"Enough is enough. Be gone with that corrupt craziness! Let me find peace, truth and alignment".
I can enthusiastically say, that for those who connect up with the realigning energies of the 11:11 awakening code as they're coming through your soul, you're feeling waves of release, liberation and upliftment. That's what's to be gained by attuning to infusing solar energies for example.
I feel Gaia now progressively drawing these infusing solar and galactic energies to precipitate a faster shift into the higher paradigm. Over time, her bio-magnetic energy field will dwindle in the culminating Pole Shift. The cosmologists say this is already happening. What we're witnessing now on the planet, besides the nefarious weather manipulation by the Shadowstate, are strong atmospheric transformations happening caused by solar magnetic forcing by the Solar Logos. This is a key trigger to initiate the necessary Shift of consciousness to 5D.
Plenty of people are speaking of the Shift to 5D beginning to take place, but we must understand and embrace the enormity of this, because it won't all be roses and light. There will be two sides of the coin - it will include the progressive breakdown of the old consciousness, the old systems and materiality as we transcend time and space into the new.
That's going to require us to work with the infusing energies on a daily basis. When a solar storm heads our way, for example, rather than simply ignoring it and getting on with a regular day, instead meditate and soften with it. Connect in nature. Feel the activation of soul - let it dance you alive. And if your reality now feels a degree topsy turvy, then feel the unwinding of those old consciousness layers. You'll be invited to show up in your life differently now, in relationships to be more aligned and authentic, in how you live and work - doing only those things that truly serve the soul.
The Rebirthing of Your Cosmic Self
I share the enormity of what's now unfolding on the planet not to spread fear, but to spread awareness. And if it invokes fear within you, then it is your fear that is already within you. There is no fear in a self-realised being: for they know their intimate connection to the eternity of the cosmos. So if fear is invoked, you could instead consider it a blessing: where do I contract, where do I resist, where do I slip into the victimisation of the small "I"?
What's coming is the potential for the birth of your cosmic self, a child of the universe; something to be embraced with courage, passion, surrender and grace.
Some in spiritual circles would likely say: "We should rather manifest the reality we want, one that is safe and loving". However, to me, this is missing the fundamental point of reality and our inherent nature as spiritual beings. There is nothing to fear from the physical when you truly know yourself as spirit. Let each inner confrontation with the challenged 3D come as an opportunity and a blessing - the encouragement to transcend that old aspect of yourself.
We're an intricate part of a much greater cosmic alignment, together with our heavenly father the Solar Logos, to which we're being invited to surrender. Loving thoughts may make people feel better, yes, but they're not going to change the overall directional movement. For too long, society (influenced by an Opposing Consciousness) has been manifesting illusionary realities - eddy currents in the flow - which will be progressively unwound.
Yes, it's surrender that I'm inviting - surrender to your Cosmic Self. It's time to step out of the thimble of our small world reality and expand into our glorious God Self - to live that courageously and fearelessly right now. To allow the 11:11 alignment to bring the greater aspects of you awake and alive.
So there's absolutely no need to fear these tumultuous shifts that are now growing in strength. Rather the other way around: it would be the continuation of the old status quo, the outdated fear-based reality, that would be the most disheartening. When we're locked in the mind, planning and strategising what we're going to do on that tablet PC or not-so-smart-phone, we're much less in the heart, feeling the flow of the field and what now wants to happen. What is benevolence inviting of us?
For each of us, there will be a path of light, shone by the divine, helping us confront all our distortions, that we may peel them away and unfold the spiritual wings of our destiny.
Building Up to the Event
This is the message Openhand will continue to share going forward towards the culminating Solar Nova Event. It's so refreshing to see people around the world stepping out of fear and containment to liberate their highest spiritual selves - to live from day to day, uplifted and inspired by both the smallest of synchronicities and the most spectacular movement of the heavens too.
How does the building energy of this moment want to speak through you now?
We're opening to the vastness of our cosmic selves, the infinite potential that we are; as we confront and let go of the contractions of the small "I" - the old Homo sapiens mentality. Nothing can be more rewarding and necessary on the planet right now. Nothing could be more pressing or important. The time is now. Our destiny as truly cosmic beings is upon us. Let's align with these grand heavenly cycles as they compel us fully awake and aware.
If you feel inspired to join the growing movement of people around the World embracing Ascension into 5D at this critical juncture in history, then explore the evolutionary work of Openhand:
Bright Blessings
Open 💙🙏
Six Solar Flares & 3 Geomagnetic Storms this Week - High Energy!
01/08/2024 Shift Update - Highly Active Sun
This week six solar flares have been directed at the Earth precipitating three geomagnetic storms - a huge influx of energy, which is bound to be triggering to the soul. So if you're finding things discombobulating and don't know why, this could be the reason.
The crucial thing is to work with the energies and allow them to integrate by relaxing and softening into them - let them move through your being. That way, you'll get the maximum beneficial effect.
With this in mind, I encourage you to review Openhand's lead article on the subject above, so you know exactly what to expect, why, and how to work with it...
Working with the Solar Logos to Support our Evolutionary Shift to 5D
Here's the latest from Stefan Burns...
Bright blessings indeed!
<<< Open ☀️
geo storms and physical effects...
In reply to Six Solar Flares & 3 Geomagnetic Storms this Week - High Energy! by Open
Hi Open & everyone,
Going to see if this works, my internet has been terrible lately but I was aware we'd had some solar storms because my landline phone and friends phones had been down all day from the hits on the earth.
For myself I noticed my heart beat was VERY strong and I had some headaches, which I didn't connect to the sun events initially because I'd not been paying attention to weather events. It's been wild. I have spent more time outside watering veggies and enjoying my small greenhouse which has become a total jungle of tomato and cucumber plants. Maybe those geomagnetic storms are stimulating my plants too? I know my physical body relaxes and the heart rate and headaches improve when I'm with the plants. (Yes, I still talk to all my plants... lol)
I got an email from Tilly and did reply, letting her know I'd been tuning in and reading your posts but my internet kicks out constantly. No fibre internet here and the DSL is no longer working well. So when you post, I can usually read it even if it goes offline.
I'm still around even though I've not been posting lately. Will continue tuning in as the internet allows.
Hugs to all,
Strong geomagnetic influx: big impact on gravitational field 🌔
This geomagnetic influx is strengthening, with many power grid outages happening for key networks. We wait an even stronger infusion on its way. I wonder how well the gravitational field of the Earth will hold?...
Strong solar storms this weekend: what will be the effect?
10/05/2024 Shift Update: Inbound Solar Energy
We've got at least four strong CMEs inbound toward the Earth this weekend. What's going on and what are the effects likely to be? In a truly advanced civilisation, this would be the mainstream news, rather than the distractive tittle-tattle we get! (do check out my article above on understanding how the Solar Logos is impacting the Planetary Shift)...
Most powerful geomagnetic impact this century?
In reply to Strong solar storms this weekend: what will be the effect? by Open
Here's more on the inbound CMEs this weekend. And by the way, it's incorrect to say we're in a "Solar Maximum" as the presenter says. We're in a Solar Sunspot Maximum. But actually moving into a Solar Minimum. The first is a 22 year cycle that sees growth and fall in the release of CMEs. The second is a 400 year cycle, which lowers the magnetic shield of the Sun, so that more charged particles and plasma are fired out from it. This is a crucial understanding for the Grand Galactic Convergence and the "Event" - what's actually headed our way. I've put both videos below...
How best to integrate solar & cosmic energies?
In reply to Most powerful geomagnetic impact this century? by Open
The last time the inbound solar flares were strong, I made this short video to help support your integration...
Major Planetary Impact Right Now Due to Solar Flares ☀️
23/02/2024 Shift Update: Solar Flares and our Consciousness
Increasingly the earth is being targeted by Solar Flares as we escalate to a sunspot maximum. This is going to be experienced as increasingly disturbed weather patterns, but also, it's going to impact us at a soul level and could be very discombobulating without you realising even what's going on.
Right now, for example, the Earth has just been struck by strong Solar Flares during the rise to the Sunspot Maximum, that's likely caused network outages across the planet (see video below).
How to deal with these infusions?
What I tend to do myself is head out into nature, usually a hill top, to stare up into the heavens but also be grounded and connected to the Earth. Sure enough I could feel the energies moving through me and the new sense of consciousness beginning to integrate. After about an hour, everything felt settled and aligned. I felt like a new man!!
It's a simple and pleasant practice that I would encourage all to partake of, especially when you know bursts of solar energy are inbound. Then we'll gain greatly from these infusions of new energy - it will spur our Shift to higher consciousness and help us find a better alignment in our lives.
I'd encourage all to read the Openhand lead article on the impact of the Solar Logos on our Journey of Ascension. It's probably one of the most important things for us to understand and integrate...
Working with the Solar Logos to Support our Evolutionary Shift to 5D
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Major Planetary Network Outages Due to Solar Flares (video)
In reply to Major Planetary Impact Right Now Due to Solar Flares ☀️ by Open
I really appreciate the great work of Suspicious Observers for bringing insightful and accurate scientific information about the changes in the Earth's magnetic shield in the Pole Shift and the dramatic changes in the Sun, that are all a part of the Grand Galactic Convergence we're sailing into.
Check out this latest video update of the recent inbound solar flares - then do check out my article above on how to best integrate the effects you might feel on your consciousness...
What to Do as Solar Flares Strike the Planet. ☀️
04/09/2023 Shift Update: Solar Flares and our Consciousness
This past weekend, I felt pretty out-of-sorts due to inbound solar flares. I could feel the strong activation of soul, but this new sense of reality wouldn't compute with the old external consciousness. You'll likely find this as the soul comes more strongly awake and integrated in the Grand Galactic Convergence of cosmic cycles we're sailing into.
I'd encourage all to read the Openhand lead article on the impact of the Solar Logos on our Journey of Ascension. It's probably one of the most important things for us to understand and integrate...
Working with the Solar Logos to Support our Evolutionary Shift to 5D
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Are you recognising the impact of solar flares on you?
In reply to What to Do as Solar Flares Strike the Planet. ☀️ by Open
Privately people have been telling me what they're feeling and what they do to integrate the impact of these inbound solar flares.
I'm intrigued: what are you experiencing and how are you working with it?
Do share, it will help you integrate.
Open 🙏
Solar flare makes my head heavy 🗿
In reply to Are you recognising the impact of solar flares on you? by Open
Hi Open,
i have been noticing that on the one hand I have a lot of energy for daily living these last three days. On the other hand I feel quite some heaviness in my head, like an application of pressure or weight especially onto my temples and crown area.
Normally I would say maybe I need more sleep, but it feels different than just being tired or worn out. Might well be the influx of solar energies. What do you think this is about?
Much love
Thomas 🙏🏼
Headaches from Solar Flares and Infusing Higher Self
In reply to Solar flare makes my head heavy 🗿 by thomask
Hi Thomas - yes the headaches would point to an effect of the recent increase in solar energy impacting the earth from CMEs (coronal mass ejections).
I would also say that when the soul activates and integrates more strongly, due to these increased energy effects, it can feel like you're working to squeeze new expanded consciousness down into your being. And so the head or body might feel tight and restrictive as that's happening.
But if we keep working with it and expanding through, then the integration will happen in due course and we'll feel "right as rain" once more, only with new gifts to express and celebrate.
Open ☀️🙏
Exactly what I'm experiencing
In reply to Headaches from Solar Flares and Infusing Higher Self by Open
Hi Open,
Thank you for explaining what I'm experiencing. You said "it can feel like you're working to squeeze new expanded consciousness down into your being. And so the head or body might feel tight and restrictive as that's happening." Yes, except I didn't know what was going on. It came on rather suddenly and I've been working to equalize with it as it grows in intensity. It started as tightness and pressure in my head and upper body. Then my whole field started feeling very restricted. As it grows in intensity it feels like my physical body is a birth canal of sorts that I (my consciousness) is being squeezed through. It also feels like my torus is spinning faster than that of the 3D construct and something is trying to slow mine down so it fits in this construct. It's really helpful having some context for what is happening and to know eventually I'll be feeling "as right as rain" again :)
Taking note of internal impact of solar sunspot activity 🔆
In reply to Exactly what I'm experiencing by Ann B
It's good to share these feelings Ann - thanks so much, because it helps other folk make sense of what's happening to them 👍
I like the description of the "physical body as a birth canal". Yes, that's exactly it. It feels like you're squeezing something new and expansive through a small and tight "pipe". But it does eventually work!
I find caffeine can ease the discomfort, but also be aware it will likely delay full integration. There has to be a deep intimacy with the physical so as to channel the energy through every cell. Then it will integrate more quickly.
And yes, the sense of the Torus is strengthening!
Much love and well wishes
Open 🙏
seeing 11:11, some headaches & stiffness and how to ground?
In reply to What to Do as Solar Flares Strike the Planet. ☀️ by Open
Hi Open,
First, I've been happening to glance at the time and see 11:11 frequently. Lately I've also had some short periods of headache pain that will come just for quick second and sometimes will feel headachy and thick in the head and neck enough to get my attention and can last a while. Normally I'll drink more water and do the deep breathing through the chakras. This seems to relieve it for a day, then it'll happen again. Never thought it could be from the solar flares.
Now I've got a question. I cannot get down on the ground but I have chairs I can use outside to sit in and put my bare feet on the grassy ground to make the connection to Gaia. I'm thinking a vinyl( plastic-type) chair might not be the best but is lightweight to carry? I have a wood chair, much heavier to try to take it outdoors, but the wooden legs would make a good natural contact with the ground. Does it make any difference what I choose to sit in as long as my bare feet make ground contact? There's a wood swing in the driveway but it's on an asphalt surface and has paver stones under the legs to level it. It's far too heavy to try to move anywhere. Will this still make a good connection for grounding? The view from the swing is of my forest. I do go outdoors daily and water in the greenhouses and I always feel somewhat lighter while doing that. I'm also touching the plants and talking to them while watering. I'm growing organic cucumbers, tomatoes, shallots, chives, white onions, Thai Basil, Thyme and Oregano and they all seen exceptionally healthy and lush this summer. Onion family is outdoors, rest if in the greenhouse, and I had wondered if the strong solar radiation would burn up the plants but watering has kept it all beautiful. (maybe some gratitude and touching is helping too... )
Those are the main things on my mind lately. Much love to you and everyone
Sherri the crazy plant lady. lol
Integrating the Sun - what you're doing sounds just fine!
In reply to seeing 11:11, some headaches & stiffness and how to ground? by Sherri Sunnygirl
Hi Sherri - what you're doing sounds just fine. Let the intuition speak. You'll gain greatly as you consciously infuse this new energy.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
I am having a day of tears..working to manage this profound reaction to the outer crap.. breathing..wondering how to center in the face of this depth of emotion that rises. Let it flow. I know this. Sit on the earth. Quiet my ever-moving mind and physical self.
Your newsletter and website calm me and I thank you for the sanity and for what feels to be optimism. Truth.
Thank-you so much. I am deeply appreciative!
Aligning with the 11:11 synchronicity
05/07/2021 Journal Update
My attention is being drawn once more to the sun and the impact it's going to have on the shift within society and our Ascension. Hence my lead article above today - it's definitely NOT something to ignore. My heart goes out to the village caught up in extreme heat and fire in British Columbia, Canada. It's clear the shadowstate will do all if can to pass this off to manmade climate change just as the Canadian Prime Minister is already doing. Because it fits the globalists agenda. But it has little or nothing to do with the truth.
To be clear first on the science...
It's the impact of ionsed particles and plasma, which is in constant descending and ascending spirals to and from the Earth. The sun's magnetic field is lowering meaning more plasma escapes its surface. And this is happening in convergence with the lowering of Earth's magnetic shield due to the culminating pole shift. It means there's an increase in hot, fast, and highly charged particles hitting the Earth's magnetosphere. These charged particles bounce between the poles, which causes a cascading effect down through the ionosphere, which in turn greatly impacts the jetstreams. It leads not only to extreme warming events and fires, but also increased storm activity including hurricanes and typhoons. Which is EXACTLY what's going on around the planet right now.
We need to become as-one with the real truth of the underlying planetary shift, which is an integral part of the shift of our solar system as a whole - all of the other planets are being transformed through this solar forcing mechanism too. Surrender is the only viable option, and then, the connection inwardly of the 4 key centres of consciousness: your soul, Gaia, the solar logos and galactic core. This is entirely natural when we're not fighting the flow. That's what the 11:11 synchronicity means and it will guide you to be in the right place at the right time.
Do read my article today and in your meditations, orientate yourself to these key centres. See how that guides you forwards. And above all, work to let go of fear that arises. Fear always is the gateway to a greater revelation and expansion of cosmic beingness.
11:11 and The Influence of the Solar Logos on our Ascension
Open 🌞🙏
How to break through the 4D shield around the earth
In reply to Aligning with the 11:11 synchronicity by Open
One of the things I've felt for some time is a "vibrational container" imposed around the earth by the Opposing Consciousness which is holding souls in - preventing them from connecting into higher dimensions - its an electro magnetic barrier in the third and fourth densities. One of my roles as a bridge is to expand up through this to help provide channels of consciousness through the density - I know there are others around the planet doing the same thing. I do believe the action by our Solar Logos will weaken and ultimately break open this container.
And when you become aware of it in meditation, then you can open out through the higher chakras - especially the throat - and expand out through it. You're punching holes of light through it. And by embodying the sense of the sun, and anchoring it here, that's going to greatly amplify the effect.
Open 🌞🙏
We can "punch" right through this container!
In reply to How to break through the 4D shield around the earth by Open
Just to be clear, yes there is a vibrational "container" that the Opposing Consciousness has instigated in the 4D around the planet - it's an electromagnetic field that's be augmented by 5Jeez. However you can most definitely "punch" right through it. You can feel this most clearly as you come up into the throat chakra and expand up into 5D consciousness. Openhand's multidimensional meditation and kundalini activation will help achieve this...
PS - if you have problems downloading it, then contact us, there have been a few "blockages" with the paypal gateway! us
Tried this today
In reply to How to break through the 4D shield around the earth by Open
Dear Open ,
I tried to connect with Solar Energy in my meditation today. I felt a very …grandfatherly energy. When connected ,some codes seemed to stream down ( ? Light language -there were symbols I don’t recognise ) and then ground through the base chakra into the earth. They also seemed to go into the intervening capsule and do something. I also thought I saw several light workers doing this and creating weaknesses in the shield around the planet .
Fantastic! Way to go! 😇
In reply to Tried this today by iamdurga
That's fantastic Megha - great work, way to go! 😇👍
The sun is popping up all over the place
The sun is for sure popping up all over the place - thanks for sharing - looks awesome
Early crop circle seasons depicting changes in the sun?
Our upcoming Facilitator School takes place in Avebury in about 10 days. In previous years we've used connections with them as intuitive activators of direction and purpose in the shift. They can definitely indicate shifts and trends that people are often unknowingly influenced by. As yet there have been no crop circles in the area, which is surprising, but there's still plenty of time for some to appear. What's fascinating about the early ones around the world to me, is how they often seem depicting changes happening in our sun - at least that's how I intuitively interpret them. Now this is fascinating because the Openhand inquiry is very much being drawn that way at this time. We are approaching a sun spot minimum, but actually the changes afoot are very deep and cyclical. Some in alternative circles predict we're building to a mini nova, which I certainly feel approaching too, in conjunction with impulses coming from the Galatic core where the cycles indicate that we're overdue the influx of a Galactic super wave. This will of course greatly impact the entire solar system, and my sense is it's already doing that in ways beyond the visible - more on that to follow.
Back to the crop circles, to me very clearly, they are means by which interdimensional ET groups are speaking to humanity through signs and symbols. You do have to get out of the head to interpret them and come much more from the intuition. When I look at these below, it leaves me without doubt that they're all speaking of the predicted "Event" regarding a mini nova (or the like) with the sun. Some of them closely resemble petrogyphs found carved in stone by survivors of the last mini nova at the culmination of the last ice age - which some predict was the actual cause behind the Atlantis mythology (more on that to follow too).
In the meantime, here's a useful little video by a crop circle researcher offering a general point of view...
Here are some recent ones, many from France (please note, I cannot vouch for the authenticity of any of these without having directly experienced them. These days, some can certainly be man made (my suspicion is that a couple of these might be). Even if this is the case, I am still astounded to see (what I feel to be) the link with the solar changes, as many seem to relate to...
This one called near Noiselle in France...
This one near Saint Hippolyte, France....
This one in Blaesheim near Strasbourg, Alsace....
This one near Calais, France...
This one in Surrey although may look like an insect, actually resembles to a degree the petrogyphs representing the sun going through stages of transformation during a previous micro nova......
Intriguing indeed!
The 3 Tenors and the Sun - awesome!
Thanks for sharing Alex - isn't it absolutely marvellous - the synchronicities come to us in a myriad of ways. We just need to be attentive to what they're saying.
When I lit the Sweat Lodge fire on DIVINICUS this year, I usually do so with vegetable oil. But the shop was sold out. The only oil available was, you guessed it.... sunflower oil!
LOL - time to soak up the sun, to lighten up!
LOL - this just came on my youtube feed - "Time to Soak up the Sun" by Cheryl Crow.
Crow medicine...process the shadow side and then it's time to lighten up!...
The Impact of the Sun on our Consciousness
I'm glad you felt energetic Jean - I felt pretty discombobulated for a while! It just goes to show it's going to affect us all in different ways - depending on your own cycle, in some it will activate soul, in others it will bring up density to work through.
Interesting you mention the crop circles. I've been following the early ones. I find it highly synchronistic that many of them appear to depict transformations in the sun, particularly as we go into the Grand Solar Minimum and the completion of a 12,000 year cycle which I'm currently writing about.
Here's one that appeared in Hampshire on 2nd June...
(Please note: I cannot vouch for authenticity without directly visiting - some of them are definitely manmade in recent times)
It all bodes well for the upcoming Facilitator School where we'll certainly be looking at the very latest in the shift and how our Solar Logos will be taking centre stage.
Felt very energetic today
Hi All ,
Only a few days ago , i caught a FB page of someone reminding Us of the July double Sun Eclipses ( 2d and 17th July as i read ) ...had also forgot it was the eclipse season 😜 . As i am into the midst of a very intense rollercoaster on all levels ( personal , Family , relational & Professional + a relocation in its final procedure ) this 2d July Solar eclipse actually boosted me amazingly well - feeling very energized to my surprise & that extra boost was very welcome . I feel like i was invited to go beyond lower mind limitations & its been flowing very well despite so many chalenges . Usually , it can activate a very different effect ( feeling low or drained or even a bit depressed or unmotivated ) . At the same time , i dont know why , my attention got caught by another interesting post 2,3 days ago : Its the season of Crop Circles starting Ha haaaaaa 😎 . Photographers Steve & Karen Alexander took a wonderful Crop circle in Northern France on the 30th of June . They called it apparently " Temporary Temples " and it manifested in an area called " Twin Terrils " in the Nord Pas de Calais - near Calais . Here it is : file:///Users/MacAir/Desktop/Temporary%20Temples%20.jpg
Much love to everyone 💙
J . Bluehopi
If you're feeling a bit weird today, it could be the eclipse
Wow, have I been feeling weird these last few hours. Something was clearly messing with the alignment of my usual frequencies. The calling was to go and simply lie on the earth. I couldn't actually do anything else! I sensed it was to do with the sun, but hadn't realised that we're midst a solar eclipse - due to complete in the next hour around this post. So if you're feeling a degree weird too, my advice is simply to lie down on the earth and let the shifts integrate.
There's usually lots of prognosis on the web about what these events mean going forwards. They could likely precipitate shifts in your consciousness if you're being internal. So be attentitve to that.
Do let me know if you've been having strange experiences too. It will likely help integrate.
I felt given to share this song with you, in case the sentiment helps...
In loving support
The Sun Goes Quiet....Video exploring solar minimum
I felt it's high time we started exploring deeper into the movements and transformations of the sun within the Openhand community. We have explored it before, as in this article above about the Solar Logos - the soul of the sun. However, what I'd like to draw attention to in particular right now is what happens during the solar minimum, which we're moving into. Firstly, it's likely to be having an impact on global weather, keeping temperatures lower than they otherwise would be (for a while!). It will also cause an increased irradiation of cosmic rays on the earth. But what often comes with the solar minimum, and what plenty of sentients can feel building, is the release of a 'micro nova' - a cosmic 'burp'. That's definitely something that we need to bring attention to, because I do believe it will most likely have a huge impact in The Shift.
So here's a short informative intro video exploring the Solar minimum, although it doesn't go into the micro nova aspect (probably intentionally due to the impact such will likely have). Do also check out the other short videos in commentary above, especially about the effect of solar plasma on the earth..
How the Earth/Sun plasma exchange functions (video)
For those interested, here's how the Earth Sun Plasma exchange functions. I do believe as the flows strengthen, it will impact our state of consciousness in the ways I've described. It's something to be aware of as potentially impacting you and realising its something to work with using the Breakthrough Approach...
'Energy shifts'
Thank you Open. I know that the Shift has been going on for a while, but since November I feel an acceleration and also experience HUGE 'energy shifts' bringing up karmic residue during the last 3 weeks or so (many of us can relate to that, I assume). I've had a strong feeling that it is all closely connected to the Sun's activity (and now the connection with the electricity transformers is also obvious!)
wishing you all well
5D at the time of 5G - the Solar Logos Offers an Opinion
I felt to draw your attention Openhanders to this article above that I wrote some while back for a very important reason...
The Influence of the Solar Logos on our Ascension (scroll to the top)
It is not just the Earth that is shifting in composition and consciousness - the whole solar system is.
The earth is constantly being 'pulsed' by solar plasma, which is usually regulated by the earth's magentic field. But that's now dwindling due to the pole shift. It was to be expected that the solar plasma pulses would start to have a big impact on the eletrical systems on Earth and indeed that is starting to happen with electricity transfomers simply blowing up all around the world (although the mainstream is not yet joining the dots). Check these two videos from New York on December 28th and Sao Paulo on 5th Jan...
It's clear to me these incidents are caused by plasma pulses and we're going to see an increase in similar incidents.
We're right now in a solar minimum, an 11 year cycle of reducing solar activity, but nevertheless, there's a paradox that during this period, you can in fact get even greater pulses of plasma release.
There are those who feel we're building to an 'event' of a major plasma pulse, which could sweep across the earth having a dramatic effect on society and the biosphere. I believe the probability of this is increasing all the time, with the conditions we're moving into. It's something I've also seen visions of as a part of the Earth Shift.
Who knows when that will happen. Until then, solar plasma pulses can have a beneficial impact on our personal consciousness shifts. They can resonate and bring alive previously dormant aspects of soul - like for example around the Third Eye. But at the same time, they're also going to activate density to work through - it's not just that we'll be 'bathed in light that raises our vibration' (as often commented on in New Age circles). We have to do the work that goes with the activation! If at times you feel such 'growing pains' be aware that it could be catalysed by solar plasma.
I will write more in due course about the impact of the Sun shifts within our Solar System, and how especially it will impact the Earth shift and human evolution, but for now I thought to leave you with one important synchronicity - many people are beginning to raise their voice against the roll out of 5G, which is causing exposure to radiation that is literally off the scale (1 quintillion above background radiation - that's 1 and 18 noughts!). How synchronistic that 5G is coming out during the shift to 5D and during a time where the Solar Logos is beginning to impact the electricity grid in general.
The Gods Speak!
Truth always encourages to align more accurately with the flow
Thanks for pointing this out Erica. Yes, for those who've been taking notice, there have been all manner of powerful solar activity on the planet recently. Like aircraft disappearing off radar screens in Sweden for example.
Solar storm activity is getting stronger at a time when the Earth's magnetic field is weakening. Nothing to be afraid of, just something we need to be aware of. The truth always encourages to align more accurately with the natural flow.
Namaste my friend
Open *OK*
Cosmic Self
A G3 (Strong) geomagnetic storm watch has been issued for 02 November (UTC day) and a G2 (Moderate) watch has been issued for 03 November as a recurrent coronal hole high speed stream is expected to disturb the Earth’s magnetic field.
As a result of this storm, highly active aurora is expected Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Weather permitting, aurora displays could be visible from Barrow to Kodiak, King Salmon and the Panhandle.
Other potential impacts from a solar storm this large include intermittent GPS problems, including loss-of-lock and increased range errors. Power systems may experience voltage irregularities and false alarms from protection devices may be triggered. High Frequency radio may be intermittent. Low Earth-orbit satellites could experience increased drag and orientation problems. The potential impacts of the storm are expected primarily pole-ward of 50 degrees latitude.
Feeling extremely gracious...much love to all
Yeah, That was weird. I shall
Yeah, That was weird. I shall not bother with the posts that I wrote and failed to post lol. Suffice it to say that there is a story and it has a positive ending. Many thanks again Open, your advice was exactly what I needed. I'm at the Divinicus workshop in May so we can maybe discuss some more then :-)
You're clear
Well the synchronicity (with the empty posts) would say you're now empty - you're clear. Well done!
Best wishes
Open *OK*
Openhanders dealing with entities
That's amazing soulcraft - wonderful - thanks so much for sharing here *OK*
Yes such implants may be fixed in ones field in various ways - like to the jaw or ear for example. And we have to work energetically to remove them - using the natural intuition of the soul to guide us.
It sounds like you did this perfectly!
And dispatching entities into the light is a wonderful way of bringing them back to the angelic realms, back into the cycle of reincarnation.
Not all will go that way, but many will. Next time, if you feel a resistance from an entity in your field, especially denser frequencies in the solar plexus, gut and abdomen, then explore opening a connection into the galactic core - another centre that ones soul naturally attunes to (aswell as the solar logos). Resistant entities can be dispatched that way too.
PS: for anyone reading, here is Trinity's Releasing Entities Meditation
Solar Logoi
This morning as I awoke to another grey day I wondered when I would get my next opportunity to gaze at The Sun. When I first started Sun-Gazing a few months ago I knew I was realigning to my authentic self. At first the pressure in my brain was difficult to bear but I since came to understand that there were implants (to use your belief structure) near my Ajna chakra and strangely in my jaw. I was reading a beautiful book on Soul-Centred healing at the time and it guided me to accept the entities and show them the wisdom of my Higher Self. In meditation these entitities took on a real physical presence, moving my head and (it felt like) demanding existence. I was not entirely sure what was happening, but my mood suddenly turned dark and brooding. I invited entities who were on the path of service to others to come help me. And as the days unfolded I was guided to this community. I included the removing entities meditation in my routine and when I gaze at the Celestial Deity we
call Sun I accept all entities seeking my life force by directing them to the Light.
The head pain has gone. Any glance at the Sun now connects directly with my heart and as if I needed any more proof that benevolence is helping me, the Sun shone through the grey for 5 minutes this morning, just long enough for me to feel His energy in my navel chakra. At night I sleep in a sheet which is sewn with silver and connected with our Mother Gaia through an Earthing point, in the day I connect with Our Father by watching his ascension. Even as I write I feel their truth in these words and know my path is being lit for me. Thank you for your part so far and for future parts in my authentic awakening.
(For more details on the sun gazing method search for the HRM effect online) Blessings of Love, Light and pure Source Energy.
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