Tilly - Openhand Community Connector

Tilly is Openhand's "Community Connector", which is really all about weaving connections between people within the Openhand virtual family. She will usually be your first port of call and the first person to respond to any questions you might have in engaging with Openhand. Having been around since the early conception of Openhand (formerly as Lesley Lord in the 5GATEWAYS film), she has an indepth understanding of the philosophy - she will often joke how she was the "guinea pig" within it's early development! Tilly's wider responsibility also includes weaving our events together: taking bookings, liasing with you on all administration coordination, sending out joining instructions and following up with any necessary support afterwards. She will also be coordinating our facilitator network, initiating connections where you're seeking one-on-one facilitation.
Tilly has a wealth of experience within the Awakening/Ascension arena. Having travelled through several varied walks of life, and most frequently in a service orientated role, she has the perfect level of empathy to meet you on an energetic level. Her role will be to guide you through the Openhand work and particulary the development framework of the 5D Ascension Program, which is our evolutionary backbone.
Tilly is also known for her broad and colourful experience in Shamanism, having trained and developed as a firewalking instructor with Sundoor International, and then subsequently leading many of her own firewalks and sweat lodges over the years, including plenty for Openhand. Her new Zoom "Sweet Lodge" needs to be experienced to be believed!
With her grounded, down-to-earth vibe, yet tuned in with the deep alchemy of shamanism, it is entirely appropriate that she is known as the "Urban Shaman".
Find out more at her personal website: Tilly Bud - Urban Shaman
Visit Tilly's Facilitator Biog Page on Openhandweb: Tilly Bud Facilitator
Connect with Tilly for support, info and bookings with Openhand...Contact Us
Shifting over
I am alright because I've been in other realms but I don't want to leave my family. I need a little help or advice
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