We Are Spiritual Warriors Learning through Adversity
I've faced many challenging and difficult situations that I recall through my existence. It seems my life has consisted of a good deal of breaking through adversity; continually confronting and overcoming challenges. Since earlier times, many things have changed. Along the path, I've learned the art of divinely surrendering to the flow; of accepting life as it really is, initially at least, without trying to change it. I realised you have to be at-one with something - the One - to truly change anything. Has this made life any easier? In many ways yes. But I also have a strong warrior energy: I love the complexity, challenge and opportunities in life; the chance to learn and grow. Whether man or woman, cultivating the warrior spirit can be of great service to us all...
The divine blend
Frequently there seems to be a view in spiritual circles that the path of Enlightenment is one of softness, gentleness and light; that unconditional love is only expressed through the softness of the divine feminine. This is an illusion! The soul has seven key characteristics, only one of which, is the surrender of the divine feminine (see... Seven Rays of Divine Impulse).
The masculine warrior energy is the counterpart to the softness of the divine feminine and in truth, both sexes need it. It is just as vital for creativity and without it, we probably wouldn't do anything effective at all. To be truly enlightened, is to be able to unleash, and allow to flow, all of the authentic characteristics of our soul, without limitation, control or hesitation.
Of course the warrior has gained much negative 'press' in life because of the distortions of it. Its energy has been used throughout the ages to gain power over people, to control and imprison them. This is a gross distortion of the energy, the purpose of which, is to invigorate, uplift and liberate. It is to breakdown lower harmonies yes, but not to create some other limiting status quo. Rather it is to continually provide new possibilities for growth and advancement. This authentic yearning is in every one of us, male and female alike, and to deny it is to deny who we are.
Invoking the spiritual warrior energy
If we truly want to be fulfilled in life, it is going to involve us learning to work with our warrior energy. For those who do not frequently feel the arising of this powerfully passionate and creative yearning, it might mean invoking the warrior energy by doing things that activate adrenaline. It could be taking part in sports - including the martial arts - for example. If you're young and fit, it could be something like mountain walking or climbing. If we're older and less agile, that needn't stop you, a power walk in nature might be for you. Anything to get the lungs and heart pumping. Maybe watching emotive films would help - films like "Lord of the Rings" and "The Matrix" for example.
Once the energy is flowing, you'll definitely feel it. It's the kind of energy that wants you to jump and leap; to scream and shout. When you feel it arising, the key is not to deny it, but to find a positive vehicle for its expression. Letting the energy come through, but in a harnessed way. We need to 'open the internal pipe' through which it is channeled by feeling it and working with it.
Denial is dangerous
You may feel the pipe too constricted within you and it may cause you initially to tighten as it flows. That's when the warrior energy turns into frustration and anger. If this happens, keep working with it. Work with people who'll let you be who you are without judgment. When it happens to the friends in my life, I get them to don boxing gloves and spar (either with me or a punch bag). It's simply amazing how liberating and enlivening it can be!
The key is not to suppress the warrior energy or try to make it dissolve before you are ready; denial is dangerous because the energy simply goes inside leading to repression, deep seated frustration and stress. It's why 'heaping love' on someone in this situation is dangerous too. If they're angry and aggressive, we need to totally accept them as they are, but then find healthier ways of expressing the energy.
Keep finding the appropriate vehicle. We'll each have one (or more) when we've discovered how to harness the energy. Then we become more at ease with it. We don't tighten when it arises, we don't get angry or frustrated and we certainly don't use it to control or intimidate people. Arising anger is first harnessed, processed and then directed positively. In so doing, it becomes a creative force for good in our lives. It provides the courage to surmount the seemingly insurmountable. In these chaotic times of great challenge and change, it is the energy that can break down the limiting constrictions of the past and unleash positive force for growth. It is this energy that can open the breathing space for a higher harmony to emerge.
Tips on harnessing the spiritual warrior energy
Here are some tips gained from working with people on how to harness the spiritual warrior in you:
1) Invoke it: if you have trouble raising the warrior in you and you feel any strongly creative and manifesting juices are lacking, then watch for the subtle rising of passion and bring attention to it. It could be something as simple as walking through the rain or it could be getting up early and power walking to the sound of the dawn chorus. Or it could be dancing passionately to your favourite boogie box tunes. Whatever generates that feeling of empowered invigoration
2) Unleash it: denial is not a river in Egypt! If we try the 'spiritual identity' approach and put on the 'Buddha-like-behaviour' if it's not how we're truly feeling, then we'll build either deep seated frustration or bubbling anger. Better to find a way of letting it out, but without directing it at anyone - unless they're a willing facilitator
3) Contain it: if the energy is running strongly through your 'veins', then building and holding it, so as not to let dissipate too soon will be of benefit. The key is not to get lost in it. Not to let it control you. Feel it, but then contain it within your consciousness. It's something that comes from experience.
4) Channel it: once the warrior energy is there, the key is to watch for productive and constructive ways to channel it. If you're holding it within you, those opportunities are bound to materialise as a product of your consciousness. It could be through physical exercise, but it could also be some for of challenging action that requires commitment and courage - confronting a friend, relative or acquaintance with naturally arising confrontational news for example. It could be through the creative arts or caring, passionate sexual intimacy.
5) Master it: the warrior spirit is one that requires much attention and care in its mastery. It is influenced, suppressed or harnessed through many of our daily activities from the food we eat to the colour of the clothes we wear. Of course it's gotten pretty bad 'press' through the course of history, but make no mistake, those that work to harness it in a productive way will find it works creatively for you through the daily events of your life.
For more info, refer to this popular Openhand video...Healing the Wounded Dragon
In the eyes of the Spiritual Warrior
You know when you're looking into the eyes of a spiritual warrior. They're eyes that have seen it all: the pleasure and the pain, the success and the heartache. They've been broken and bowed by it all, yet they didn't stop, they didn't give in. When you look into the eyes of a spiritual warrior, you see aeons of earth-shattering experience, humbly expressed through an immovable sense of self belief and presence. It's definitely not something that arises overnight or simply springs up without courageously clearing the path before it. It is one that is forged in the crucible of life, with mountains of patience and persistence. Something, that at a soul level, we each carry in abundance...
(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)
About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV
Today is Good! Inspirational Video
I felt to repost this article above today as a reminder that as things get tough out there in society, with the rampant conumerism, climate change and escalating EMF, tough challenges invoke the spiritual warrior in us, and above all, the invitation to see the positive in life to. To be grateful for the divine experiences you do have.
It's the old addage, "glass is half full or half empty". Of course in true Openhand fashion, I wouldn't start to encourage denial of the truth, or not turning into arising inner density. However, I'd also caution against any constant whirlpool of processing - when you come through an inner challenge (using something like the Breaththrough Approach), then allow time to integrate and settle. And even if life is at times tough, nevertheless, by having a recognisable approach to the density, enables us to always from from a positive attitude to the process and to life in general. Then you're always going to create opportunity for yourself.
This video came to me this morning, which had a warm uplifting and positive message, which I felt to share. Having a sense of gratitude, optimism and positivity are definitely traits that fuel the spiritual warrior. Be inspired...
In loving support
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