What Spiritual Empaths and Catalysts Can Learn From Each Other
Empaths are those that can feel aspects of the field, as if it were themselves. Meanwhile, catalysts can activate energies in the field at will. The work here at Openhand draws people from both ends of the spectrum in equal measure, and each is reflecting to the other - we all have varying degrees of empathic and catalytic qualities. Often our greatest gift conceals our greatest vulnerability in the field - we might be too open or else too closed, for example. So what might each trait learn from its opposite?
How the catalyst might help the empath
Firstly, let me begin by saying I think it's essential we don't fixate on the idea of being a "this" or a "that", an "empath" or a "catalyst". The risk is to create identity around the term, which can limit one's ability to respond authentically to the flow. In extreme cases, the labels could lead to oppressor or victim mentalities, which would clearly serve us to avoid. That said, I find the terms can still be of value, providing we don't fixate and form identities around them (for the rest of the article, the terms "empath" and "catalyst" will be used in quotes, so as to refer more to the relevant qualities).
A person with more empathic qualities is someone who can - and naturally does - take on the feelings and emotions of others as their own. It means they can literally feel what another is feeling. But this gift can become exceptionally challenging until it's properly developed and integrated. In taking on the emotions, thoughts and feelings of those around you, and society, you become awash with convoluted energy that can batter you around like a small sailing boat in a storm. It can raise high levels of anxiety and fear, a frequent fight/flight mechanism, which can at times, be challenging to live with.
But it needn't be like this. There is a solution. There is mastery of one's gift, of one's art.
Personally, these days, I find have both catalytic and empathic qualities, but with a tendency more to the catalytic. When I sit with people, where given to, I can literally feel what's going on inside their field. I can feel their blockages and see intuitive reflections of their karma; I can see entities and implants. The field is awash with this density - people's fields generally are. And I can see that if I couldn't switch this gift off, then I could potentially take the world upon my shoulders, and have it 'tidal wave' through my emotions.
You have to be able to always find your vibe, no matter what it going on. The point is, I actually don't have to switch these feelings off. Because I aire more on the catalytic, that just naturally happens. It's like my consciousness hones in on what it is supposed to, works with it, but then literally drops it like the proverbial hot coals. Once more, I find myself resting in the purity of my own vibration. So maybe there's a clue here for someone who aires more on the empathic side?
Feeling into Blockages
Let's look at the beneficial nature of having more empathic qualities for a moment. Because to truly unleash beingness and shed distortion, is to express the truth in the distortion - you're activating the distortion because the soul is trying to break through an area of limitation.
In having empathic tendencies as a spiritual catalyst, means that you can feel into and harmonise with the feelings of another - especially their density. In the Facilitator Work we do at Openhand, I get the group to practice expanding their field out to embrace their partner, then to explore exactly what they're feeling.
Then, as the "catalyst", you bring attention - energy - to the places you feel are blocked. You literally direct your focus to these places. And it's essential to also direct the partner to those feelings - so they're empowered through their own realisations and integrations. You can use intuitive questioning to explore why the blockage might be there... "Tell me what the word 'worthlessness' means to you?" for example. In this alchemical cauldron, merely the use of such a word, delivered intuitively, can be enough to spike a reaction, followed by an unwinding of identification, and then release.
It's like you're connecting inside your partner, harmonising with them, then resonating a frequency of realignment. The blockage unwinds and falls away - that blocked aspect of soul is reminded of itself; the soul then integrates; miraculous alchemical healing and transformation takes place.
None of this could have been possible without the empathic qualities. Paradoxically, a really good "catalyst", also has really good empathic qualities.
The Canary in the Coalmine
Someone with very strong empathic qualities can also work in the field in quite a unique way (the same may be said for a "catalyst", they just work differently). A strong "empath" can take on all the nuances of another's energy, which could even be planetary system such as Gaia for example. Such a gift has the capacity to manifest the unseen - that which is repressed and hidden from clear sight. By revealing the density in this way, means that people with strong field catalytic tendencies can begin to work with it.
I've sat in many spiritual groups where somebody is sitting peacefully and in harmony, feeling very evolved, and yet the "empath" next to them is in emotional agony, expressing that which the other isn't yet willing or able to express.
That's why I often consider someone with strongly empathic qualities like the proverbial canary in the coalmine. That's what makes their gift so valuable to the world and the evolving group. That's why we should cherish these people and their gifts and not see them as some kind of affliction. Yet before they're developed, they can indeed manifest as the most difficult affliction - fear of the world, reclusiveness, hyper sensitivity, listlessness and directionless, lack of motivation, stress and anxiety. So how to deal with these challenges?
I'd say the key lies in the reflection the "catalyst" can offer.
The vital importance of setting effective boundaries
Someone with more catalytic tendencies inherently sets boundaries more effortlessly. For me, it just happens. You could sit me in the middle of an emotional hurricane, and I will still find my own vibration. So here's the first key - knowing your own vibration.
You have to keep exploring your own vibration as much as possible and in your own space as much as possible - especially if you're in partnership - especially if you're in partnership with a "catalyst" (which can, by the Law of Attraction, tend to happen - opposites attract!).
So this will involve developing your own rituals and practices: your own spiritual practice like meditation, yoga or tai chi for example; what you eat, when you eat, what NOT to eat - you can easily override these boundaries with a partner when they're less effected by the 'microclimate'.
Sensitivity is the key here. An "empath" is highly sensitive, and in order to centre in your vibration, you have to focus on the things that truly serve you and those that don't. Just because your partner enjoys something particular, and just because you feel a yearning to compromise behaviour, doesn't mean you should compromise your soul!
I see this as one of the other major hurdles for an "empath" to overcome - they have a highly active ray 4 - the diplomat aspect of the soul. They want to harmomise. But often overstretch the boundary so they dissolve into the other person's vibration. And here's where the difficulty begins. I'd say it's about embracing the sense of focus of the "catalyst". Not to close down on the world, no, but to be really clear about one's own boundaries. When you know your boundaries, then you can start to have a positive effect on the world through the field - which is where the catalytic side comes into its own. Less and less, are you being washed around by all the flotsam and jetsam. You become increasingly centred. Then when an inflow of negative energy begins to invade you, you can work with it as the "empath", and then realign it as the "catalyst". How?
Assert yourself: breathe in, impart your energy, breathe out
The best way I have witnessed, is to breathe it in, and relax, hold the breath, radiate it with light, then breathe it back out again, in the direction from whence it came.
You're accepting the energy, feeling into it, but being really clear it is not you. Then having a positive impact on it, by bringing your soul vibe to it, before breathing it back out again.
You're not rejecting your gift in this way. But neither are you getting lost in the external vibration. You're having a positive influence on it by asserting yourself. And in asserting yourself - your highest vibration of truth, love and light - then you're breathing that back out into the world and having a positive impact on it.
There might well be places where this incoming denser energy gets stuck first though - it can happen where there might be some subtle judgment of the world, which inadvertently aligns with the density. Maybe slightly veiling your incredible discernment of the energy, is subtle judgment of the impact it has on you? This is where there might be some reaction to the world by an unrealised aspect of soul. This is what we'll first have to work with, by softening into the contractions we feel - the reactions. We're breaking the emotional and mental 'triggers'. But softening into them doesn't mean accepting them as you. It means surrendering to the truth of them, but then working to release them - by bringing light into them in the way I've described.
So feel into any empathic contractions, soften into them, become as One in them, unwind through them, and then allow your higher self to infuse them with your own higher vibe. Then release them back out into the world from whence they came.
You might also have to raise the warrior in this experience, especially if the energy is particularly dense and clingy. I know this part is not always easy for someone with more sensitive empathic qualities, but you have to be clear about your own vibe, the importance that you stand assertively in your own truth.
Keep developing the Gift
I welcome the involvement of people with both these extraordinary empathic and catalytic gifts in the Openhand healing/realigning work. We can learn greatly from each other. We've been blessed thus far that so many of you have found your way to our shores. Long may it continue.
Remember we will each have a unique blend of these qualities, and to always look at the reflection your divine counterpart might offer - someone from the other side of the spectrum. The universe put us together for a reason!
Hopefully, this general approach might help ease and harmonise the wonderous empathic and catalytic tendencies we each embody. I encourage all to better understand and master our unique configurations for the good of all people in these often challenging times. When done so, we can be of immeasurable value to the 5D shift.
There can be nothing more rewarding than discovering your profound gifts of divine beingness. Then to be able to bring them to fruition in all aspects of your life. If the sense of it compels you, then explore Openhand's advanced spiritual work...
Openhand Ascension Academy Autumn Events 20204
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
While I certainly can't speak for all empaths, I can share some of my experiences.
Where you said "but then literally drops it like the proverbial hot coals", that ability is not in my energetic makeup. Things come in and get totally absorbed into my entire being. Once in they stick like they've been superglued and can be very difficult to release. If a catalyst comes on "too strong" it shuts me down. And my definition of too strong would probably be considered mild by a catalyst's standards. In a relationship when a catalyst over-energizes by arguing, yelling and screaming, I respond with the silent treatment. This tends to really upset a catalyst but it's a coping mechanism not a power play.
In some areas I'm hyper sensitive and others where I can cope much easier than other empaths. I have so many food intolerances and can't use chemicals or synthetics in personal care or cleaning products. I can walk into a space and be affected when someone else has used chemicals to clean or with personal care items. I have huge reactions to the off gassing of newly manufactured items. I do not have an emotional "thick skin", it is really hard not to take things like constructive criticism or when someone tells me no personally.
When in a sea of energies, I can not find the purity of my vibration. I don't know if this makes sense but by learning who I am, what causes me to react and by how much, I can now discern what's mine and what isn't. Usually it actually feels like my vibration has disappeared and I've become an empty container to hold, and many times process, all these energies.
I've noticed I'm also a catalyst but in a totally different way. A way to describe it would be a high catalyst does a full frontal assault, while I'm more back door you don't even see it coming, not sure what just happened type of catalyst.
Hi Ann, Thanks for sharing,…
In reply to challenges by Ann B
Hi Ann,
Thanks for sharing, means a lot.🙏 Just about everything you stated I personally relate to. But I've spent most of my life trying to numb my sensitivity because it wasn't socially acceptable in the circles i travelled, and I certainly didn't have the courage to be myself. But I think that's because I wasn't really accepted the way I was. So I pleased. In my teens i became aggressive and reactive as a defense mechanism. If a catalyst tried to exploit my vulnerabilities or offended my ego, that coupled with social anxiety became a default trigger-reaction. But avoidance was also heavily employed. Fear was the bedrock of my misaligned behaviours. Having such a strong attachment to my father meant I was highly influenced by him so if he didn't think something was cool, I'd dismiss it, including my own gift. Only now at 53 am I starting to accept and explore it. I don't feel regret though; it's like I needed to get a "lay of the land" first, and get past a lot of things before I could even be ready to accept myself. I'm sure it'll make more sense as I remember more from previous incarnations. If I may ask how do you sort yourself out after being amongst others or taken on energies? I've been finding lately sageing and crystals help although I'm still getting to know them, and showering. Water really seems to help. Even just interacting with a plant in my apartment helps. It's all fairly new to me so I'm still exploring what helps. Learning to stay relaxed and present around others, and mastering breathing and that pause before I react is my immediate focus. Well, besides others, there's a fair few 😉. What's shifted is not avoiding anymore because I can see how I betray myself by missing out on important lessons. So this home ( I don't know if I mentioned I live in a group home type of place) is now the perfect arena to practice. Although there's likely still going to be avoidance but it's workable. Your catalyst style reminds me of Carlos Castaneda. One concept was his students were either "dreamers" or "stalkers" and your description brought up stalker. Like a jungle cat. Interesting. How did you develop your gift? (If it's not too personal)...
Hi Sylvanheart, Yes crystals…
In reply to Hi Ann, Thanks for sharing,… by sylvanheart
Hi Sylvanheart,
Yes crystals, especially obsidian, connecting with nature especially trees and flowers and the other things you mentioned help a lot.
As far as how did I develop my gift, for me I think it was always there waiting to be uncovered. The first thing that helped was going vegan. My diet was always really clean but not vegan. After going through what is now the Divinicus retreat I decided to go vegan just as an experiment to see what if anything I noticed. And vegan for me meant whole food, organic, high raw. Things started shifting slowly but I could definitely tell it was from the change in my diet. Then it took awhile to trust what I was feeling. Because it was different from what others at OH retreats at first I thought I was "doing it" wrong. It wasn't until after a retreat session when I shared with some other empaths what I had felt and they said they had felt the same thing (but also not said anything) that I started trusting myself. What helps now is making it a priority. I still consider myself a work in progress and seek out ways to expand, grow and push myself.
This article is excellent,…
This article is excellent, and just what i've needed. Thank you🙏
Integrating our gifts as empaths and catalysts in the Shift
I'd say understanding the nature of what it means to be an empath or a catalyst is essential to evolving people in society - to get a sense of what blend you might have, how your gift works, and then how best to nurture it.
If you have empathic qualities, then the likelihood is, you'll be picking up energies, emotions and field influxes that can cause your mood to shift on a sixpence. Whereas a catalyst will trigger the energies of another without hardly knowing it. That's why it's good to learn from each other - how we each deal with life's situations.
Hence I felt to feature this Openhand article above today: "What Spiritual Empaths and Catalysts Can Learn From Each Other" (scroll up).
As you can see from the commentary below, it's definitely an essential topic to unpack. What challenges do you have? How are you coming to terms with them?
Do share, and I'll gladly offer a supportive reflection.
Much love
<<< Open 💙
Mission of the Starsouls (related to catalysts and empaths)
In reply to Integrating our gifts as empaths and catalysts in the Shift by Open
This film we made from La Palma about the mission of the Starsouls is very related to the topic of empaths and catalysts - embracing the Starsoul frequencies.
It's well worth reviewing...
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
All in hand
In reply to Integrating our gifts as empaths and catalysts in the Shift by Open
Ideally, you'd be receiving subtle energetic information from the field via the high sensitive empathic capacity, and other forms of intuition, then the divine inspiration as thought form would land to catalyse the blockage or situation through it's expression, as a simultaneous integrative system of beingness. I understand the split of empath and catalyst, the same as male and female, and all forms of duality, but the goal is the integration of the two, for me. Reason being, that if we're partial in our reception of the reality, then we're dependant on something else for our completion. We need both the capacilites really. What we go through to acquire that, well, I will say no more. 🙏 🙂
I've only come to realize…
In reply to Integrating our gifts as empaths and catalysts in the Shift by Open
I've only come to realize lately with increasing prescence, just how lost I become around others. I come away feeling disappointed, confused and depressed not understanding why when it's been a pleasant exchange. Now I see it's like I betray myself not keeping my energies sovereign. I was moved by the ability to recognize your vibe no matter whats happening, and is a skill I'm very motivated to develop. Make this house a home. being around someone who's vibes are low will bring me down, or any emotion I may be particularly sensitive to, like anger. I take on other people's feelings and it feels disempowering. For so long I thought it was all me and let docs put me on meds that didn't work. I think part of the reason I avoided with drugs/alcohol for so long was to ease the storm. I spent so long feeling like I was grossly inadequate and inherently flawed because I wanted to commune with nature when my friends were all going to clubs. I feel like I finally have specific concrete tools, it's like a fresh start. Thank you🙏
Empathic and catalytic challenges
I resonate with most of what Yulia has written - the challenges of both empathic and catalytic energies. Recently Im experiencing both sides of the coin really well though I tend to be comfortable in the empathic side. The catlytix energy can be unsettling and frustrating at times especially when one is seeing reality through his own lens and want things to change in a particular way eventhough that is a more aligned way. Yes realizing that there is no end goal, final outcome or perfection helps to surrender and let go enough to realize the right moment to unleash the warrior energy in an aligned, productive way. The energy is transformative and feels altruistic but one needs to be adept at knowing what is right and what is simply another identity needing an outcome. One needs to respect others who are on one's reality and realize that they are on a particular place in their journey and its not your job to realize for them. I find questioning without glitz of the ego really helpful in challenging others.
The empathic energy has its own shadow side too and what I'm given to explore now is just conforming and adhering to rules and fixed schedules of a particular reality. Loosing oneself and identifying with the group without challenging because of fear. I find its at most important to spend time alone, meditate and clear density from the field. And ofcourse staying conscious and anchoring in the body.
The need for an 'empath' to know their own boundaries
There are some great exchanges and inquiries here - very illuminating
Yulia - you describe the challenge of the 'empath' exceptionally well - I can feel the turmoil of it. And I'm sure many people reading will be having similar challenges and not realising why - just swirling in emotion and feelings that they don't fully understand. I would encourage anyone in this kind of predicament to read the post above. And also you summarise 3 key approaches to dealing with it, which I felt to highlight once more...
1. Make sure I stay conscious
2. Listen to the sense of rightness rather than what I feel/want, making sure that what I say or do feels right. If I am not sure or feel increasingly uncomfortable in the situations - I simply leave. For me it is a challenge because the default is to stay and challenge myself and others. But I found it is crucial to know when to stop the communication
3. Take enough time to be alone, let my field clear and then feel out and reflect or realise something. Too much triggering and mixing with others can literally drive crazy. When I am most of the time alone, sleep alone and doze interactions very carefully I stay sane. Scanning through my past, times like this were the only times I felt sane and could function.
It's crucial for any 'empath' to get to know you're own feeling boundaries and be connecting with those in any given moment. Since I aire on the catalytic side, I find establishing boundaries quite natural (not to say that I haven't also overriden these in the past). I find it's a key of being really embodied, and feeling into the body, not going out of body for any reason. But also being really clear what helps your own vibration - whether it be meditation, what kind of food, connection to nature, etc etc. And plenty of alone time - outside of Openhand, I spend most of my time alone.
So now to the base wound of the catalyst (I wonder why Marije you tend to consider that there's avoidance going on because we're looking at specific issues?). I think it does help to explore within these archetypes even though it's unhelpful to crystalise in labels. It is clear that different types of configurations have particular issues. So I felt to feature this article today and post what I consider is the 'catalysts' base wound. What do you experience?...
The Cosmic Role of the Spiritual Catalyst
Rightness as a guide
In past I've made big 'mistakes' when confusing another person's energy with mine. It can come to the point of complete confusion between what somebody else feels and wants to create here and what I feel and what really wants to happen. Empaths are prone to all kinds of manipulations too. Events can take place for an empath and suddenly it is too late to do something about what is happening. Then there is an agony of waking up and becoming aware of what is going on and what already transpired. Sometimes waking up from that semi-unconscious blur can take months and in the meantime all kinds of damage and mess is happening.
A decade later, after all the tough experiences I found that I have much better chances of not getting 'swallowed' when my empathic side activates and the catalytic goes to sleep if I
1. Make sure I stay conscious
2. Listen to the sense of rightness rather than what I feel/want, making sure that what I say or do feels right. If I am not sure or feel increasingly uncomfortable in the situations - I simply leave. For me it is a challenge because the default is to stay and challenge myself and others. But I found it is crucial to know when to stop the communication
3. Take enough time to be alone, let my field clear and then feel out and reflect or realise something. Too much triggering and mixing with others can literally drive crazy. When I am most of the time alone, sleep alone and doze interactions very carefully I stay sane. Scanning through my past, times like this were the only times I felt sane and could function.
Catalytic energies can be not any less unpleasant - spending days with all that swirling and bubbling, or the frustration and the stream of energy that is welling up and has no direction. Sometimes it feels I am going to explode before the energy ripens and the right moment for it to come out arrives.
Recently I found that just opening and surrendering and letting it all go, letting the outcome go, letting the pull to change or even process something go helps with the catalytic energy. A total relaxation into it... All the energy just passes through me then and I don't feel messed up, burnt or torn by it. When there IS a direction and a moment for it to finally flow out, I also learn to soften it and doze it as well, otherwise it can come through as a laser beam that does more damage than serves. I follow the sense of rightness here too, learn to not submit myself to impulse but rather watch what is happening and 'unleash' just the right amount, not more. It is rather challenging. I miss the 'right' intensity, moment or words a lot. But if I don't mix it with some more soft, diplomatic, surrendered energies, it can be overpowering, too dominant and very unpleasant and stir the field too much.
It is a challenge in both states, and seems like it demands the right mixture of rays? coming through in the right combo and the right moment?
Hot chocolate - the usual avoidance!
Hi Megha - nice to have you tune in as always.
I had to laugh at this...
so I have done my usual avoidance of chocolate and noodles.
Here I am sitting at Gastly Gatwick aiport drinking hot chocolate when it really should be peppermint tea!
Weighing in
Thanks for reposting this Open.
There is so much in this thread that speaks to me, I'm not sure where to start.
Over the weekend on the 12th of January, I stayed at a place where they had powerful telescopes and which is also situated in the middle of a Jungle. For someone that identifies as an empath it was heaven. We looked up and the first start cluster we saw was Pleaides. And I felt a strong strong pull. As if something significant was emanating from that cluster as I saw it. Marye told me later that you posted something about energies coming in around that time.
At present I am in this phase where I have these really amazing soul stirring powerful experiences and then go straight into density and its dark deep density.
2 nights ago I went to hear some music which had a very powerful beat. These are travelling ministrels from the Rajasthan desert who, I am convinced have the ability to transmit soul through their music. I felt a very strong pull to go even though it was cometely unplanned . While I was sitting and hearing them, I actually had an out of body experience and saw a lot of Sacred Geometry ( Sufi music is so powerful!) and saw then and later what I thing is the torus and a spiral again and again, also later when I dreamed.
And a day later and I am feeling into deep mother wounds as described in the thread. It's very, very deep so I have done my usual avoidance of chocolate and noodles. And I am writing this just before I finally pluck up the courage to bow into it.
It's almost as if I am experiencing the best and the worst parts of being human very intensely. I am attempting to contain( I feel so much grief and RAGE).
Thanks everyone for this thread. It has brought together and integrates what I hitherto thought were disparate fragments quite beautifully.
Bowing as Gracefully as I can!
Aha the drumming! You…
Aha the drumming!
You asked me if I’ve experienced those base wounds: hell yeah.
The thing is once freed up from an energetic perspective the orbit/flow/ torus can move much more effectively which alleviates these ‘empath’ issues. I can feel the same ‘wounds’ in the empath groups. I say wounds.....mother wounds because they sit there at the base - like an early existence trauma that life normalises around.
That block on the ‘whole’ has been softened considerably, it can be processed if folk have the sense of it.
We don’t see groups of ‘catalysts’ forming or a hive narrative around how hard it is to navigate through a field that’s been catalysed. It’s really interesting to look at the energetic pathways of each.
just observations
Say hi to the Tor from Uluru 🧡
Understanding the base wound for 'empaths' and how it diverts
In reply to Aha the drumming! You… by Kd1
Hi Katie - yes I've seen the base wound in 'empaths' too.
What I've witnessed is this: some kind of trauma, often early in life and reflective of a past life, where there's been some kind of abuse (often sexual), which can be extremely challenging to process. Often there's a resistance to deepening into the pain, and a confusion that sharing the emotional surface pain about it is somehow healing it, when in fact, what it does is only distract from the core of it. And so the pain gets propagated around, pulling in other people and even entire groups. This kind of environment is 'target rich' for entities that then feed off the releasing energy and perpetuate the victimhood exchanges.
The entities/entity behind it all is extremely clever, what I've clearly witnessed as 'satanic', it takes a truth and bends it, then plays it back to the person/group. It embellishes the projection by creating holograms of the subject it's projecting against. So to the person suffering, the subject of their pain (which is often a 'catalyst') becomes only an illusionary avatar - they can't even see the being behind it. Until they own the truth of their own wound, they're often witnessing and propagating only illusion in the external. It's a very sophisticated deception.
A challenging dynamic for sure. But if we're each prepared to own our own wound and work into it, then I've seen it can, and will, dissipate.
Classic 'empath' vs someone with a strong intellect
Hi Helene - glad the sharings resonate
And thanks for sharing your personal experiences. What I've witnessed in emapthic people is (clearly) they're very active on the plane of the emotions. And so often when they connect with someone who is strong on the plane of mind, then they lose themselves in the exchanges. This often happens between a woman and a strong male character - these days I can actually see the consciousness being lost as I look into the eyes. So there's an encouragement to be attentive to ALL the various boundaries. Clearly sometimes people feel overwhelmed by someone with a strong intellect - in this world there's a feeling of a need to match them, and if apparently they can't, then they feel unworthy and disempowered.
I would say the key in situations like these is to recognise that we're all unique, and just because someone might appear to have a more colourful intellect than another, doesn't make them better (of course). I've also watched someone of more gentle empathic qualities completely unravel a person of strong intellect simply by saying something like, "you know what, that's way too much in the head for me. I much prefer to come from feelings".
So we need to be attentive, and sovereign, on all levels. Then it becomes less and less of a problem.
Victim/Empathy Narrative
Hi Open
I can definitely understand the empathic victim mentality. I would feel everyone else's stuff, at least I thought I was. In trying to get to the core though, I would go to the other extreme and push all the feelings down so I didn't have to feel them. Then I realized that many of those feelings were my own, and I was projecting them onto others. I am really having to look and try to see where the empathy is really coming from. It is a challenge, but it is exposing those deep base wounds.
Loving all your recent live streams! At last, someone is speaking out.
What's you experience of empath 'base wounds'?
Nice to have you land on the Openhand shores Katie -
Last night I was up on the Glastonbury Tor at sun down with 3 drummers - felt the heartbeat of the planet coming through us. And some wonderful higher dimensional energies wanting to be grounded there - felt Pleiadian - wonderful connection.
So have you encountered the particular 'base wound' of those that would call themselves 'empaths'?
What's you experience of that?
Hi Open I just landed here…
Hi Open
I just landed here after picking up lots of OH vibes.
Maybe an identified empath tends to have issues with unconscious enmeshments caused by base wounds. The label normally gets attached to justify the dissonance rather than break into the healing. So you have groups hovering around the same ‘mother/ base’ wounds unable to efficiently process energy. This has created this victim/ empathic narrative which is a shame because empathy occurring within a clear vessel - particularly at the base is potent and not problematic.
just some down under observations :)
Importance of not fixating on the identity of empath or catalyst
I felt to feature this article again today - what spiritual 'empaths' and 'catalysts' might learn from each other. I should immediately say that I witness how limiting it is out there in the spiritual mainstream when people get labeled - or l label themselves - as an empath or catalyst. I see how easily people build identities around that, sometimes feeling victimised, other times building glamour. That said, it can be very useful to look at situations in your life that might be illuminated better by considering them through a particular resonant lens - I have empathic qualities and so I tend to take on energy from other people. Or, I have catalytic qualities so I tend to push buttons in others. However these are only forms through which to expand through into your formlessness. I'd say no one is specifically an empath or a catalyst - I've come across people with highly empathic qualities that trigger the people around them and vice versa.
So let's not fixate on the labels and thereby create inner polarity. However let's benefit from the archetypal forms so we can find a more expanded and gifted formlessness.
Not getting stuck in "empath" "catalyst" identities
I felt to repost this article again today - What Spiritual "Empaths" and "Catalysts" might Learn From Each Other
It seemed appropriate timing since we've been looking at healing the divine masculine on the site too. I would say that a catalyst tends to have more ray 1 masculine energy and an empath more ray 2 divine feminine.
What I feel it essential to say however, is NOT to create identites around these archetypes, which can create ego, where an 'empath' might tend to become a victim identity of the challenges of the world; likewise a 'cataylst' might always try to take some kind of lead role. Each will most likely have a balance of these energies with the requirement to find internal harmony with them.
If you have strong characteristics of one or the other, there'll be particular challenges to integrate. Do share your thoughts on the matter, I'll happily offer a reflection.
Balancing the blend - empathic and catalytic
Hi Tracy, Aphroheidi and others tuning in,
I'm glad this article resonates. About a year ago, there was quite a breakdown in the old Openhand community. I witness there had been quite an imbalance on the 'empathic' side of the equation which was limiting the work - a fair degree of inertia, the sense of being bound into a lack of drive to really move forwards, a degree of reticence about really stepping out; a kind of 'walking on egg shells' so to speak. But since then, the energy has transformed and renewed. It harnesses a balance between both empathic and catalytic, recognising that we must build bridges into other people's reality to help them transform, yes, but transform we must! And we must not be afraid of rattling some cages! To my mind, that's the only way true change is now going to happen.
What I'm witnessing is a new infusion of energy here on Openhandweb, by people willing to call things as they are and make true change happen, both in themselves and the wider world. Not getting bound in to any sense of victimhood. We are here to shake things up, but in a way that is as connective and accessible as possible - as caring and understanding as we can be.
So a profound welcome to you newcomers. You have a place here. You are most welcome. To me it feels like a breath of fresh air.
Something Learned...
I love that I learned about the catalyst element in regards to empathic being. Prior to even knowing of this website I developed a CHANGE program for the participants in my company's programming for people in transition. We began developing and offering a more holistic approach based on empirical evidence. Such evidence pointed out to me that using the words "mentor" or "Counselor" sometimes made people in certain situations see "authority" and shy away. For that reason I said why don't we call them Change agents, or better yet Catalyst Coaches (which is what we decided to go with). I have always loved the word anyway and it means just what we intend it to be for our needs. Anyhow, it was not until the intensive when I heard you mention the word within the realm of being an empath and it clicked with me so hard! I have always been extremely empathic, yet I am not subtle and I am more like a wrecking ball and that has always baffled me because I thought I "should" be a more peaceful person if I am spiritual and/or empathic. When you said that it really got me and I LOVE the freedom it has given me. I guess I am pretty much a 50/50, depending upon the situation, but it is so nice to be able to embrace it for the tool it can be rather than try to reduce the catalytic part of me so that I can be more "spiritual"...
Thank you for your teachings; they are a HUGE catalyst to my evolution :) catalytic
Much love to all!
I Don't Qualify As An Empath
This is my fave article and the only one on the internet that presents it this way! I say I don't qualify as an empath because when I first heard that term every single article on the internet had a list of traits that mostly didn't resonate for me. Aside from the fact that I do feel energy and honestly, I think all humans are empaths.
What has really turned me off and gotten me kicked out of most spiritual groups is the victimy, blaming narcissists, energy vampires and not taking responsibility, feeling drained and all around using the label as an excuse.
Deeper self inquiry for me here is I have felt really alone my entire life as I never fit in anywhere. When I had my spiritual awakening I thought I had finally found my place, my tribe but alas, I have shaken up that world too and become the not so popular one again.
Bodywork helps
I love this thread! In my experience what has really helped.me is learning to tune into.my body as an anchor. In the moment ,if I am deeply anchored within ,I can be an observer without trying to energetically fix someone. It's not been an easy lesson at all. And it still ongoing practice when I have negative energy thrown at me to not go into to fight or flight ,but just observe and breathe. And allow myself to feel it without being unduly perturbed .
So much to learn !
when in the flow
... perfect things happen, like me reading this article today. It resonated so strongly, yet at a level so deep I can't grasp it. Can't, well, wrap my mind around it. Yet right now, I feel I don't need to understand with my mind. This deep place inside of my understands. That is enough for right now.
You have to be able to always find your vibe,
no matter what it going on.
That perfectly describes an experience I had this morning during meditation. Seems to be I'm slowly learning, discovering what my vibe feels like.
And can I just come out and say it feels amazing? Dear mind, why would we every want to live another way?
Empaths can shine light on inner darkness
Greetings Wyndè - welcome to Openhand :-)
I love your sharing, especially this...
- "Ive often found that the moment I think to myself "ahhhh ha!!!" Ive got it, Ive learned it all, I have achieved intelligence haha! Its in that moment that something new is learned."
Yes! We must be constantly learning, constantly evolving, constantly unveiling.
What I've noticed in the heightened empaths that come to the Openhand work, is when they can quietly and deeply feel another - inside of them - as you can, when you take on those feelings but don't get lost in them, when you can keep searching for the light in the darkness, then it activates the similar feeling in them - it brings their stuff to the surface so it can be worked on and processed.
Hello all!
I see this was posted in its entirely in 2015. Yet today in 2017 a question was posed on facebook regarding empaths and highly sensitive people.
The question was: How do you best deal with life - and how do you unveil the fullness of this divine gift.
Personally I have found the best way to deal with this "wild card" gift is very carefully, moment by moment. If need be, question every single feeling or thought one encounters on a daily basis. That way one's discernment regarding it gets stronger.
It can be very very difficult just doing minute tasks such as grocery shopping. Ive seen the most horrific things in people and yet with the same token, Ive seen the most beautiful things as well.
I don't think personally it will ever be fully unveiled! Ive often found that the moment I think to myself "ahhhh ha!!!" Ive got it, Ive learned it all, I have achieved intelligence haha! Its in that moment that something new is learned.
But when I am able to help another, I just whisper inside to them. Hope. That whatever it is that they need in that moment in time, that its right there for them. Perhaps they just need to shift their perspective a fraction to help themselves in whatever quandary they've found themselves entangled in.
Otherwise what is the point in being able to know what another is going through without being able to help them?!!
Hello open,
Hello open,
Thank you so much, you have shown me a new approach to my questions.
From my heart to yours,
Create from authentic being
Hi Jess,
Welcome to Openhand - pleased to see you :-)
May I say, the first thing is to work to stop feeling like you have to always justify yourself to those around you - especially your partner. If love isn't unconditional then it's not truly love!
It all has to begin with beingness. If you have a genuine question of the soul, ask it now. Speak it out into the universe. Then watch the reflections come back. How are you being invited to be now? In the place you're at?
You've got to dig deep, inside yourself. Find that which is truly you. Then be that. As much as you can. As often as you can. Come what May. No matter how much you love those around you, you can't let this stop you being you.
Authentic creation (like jobs etc) follow authentic being. As you are being, so you create.
If there's hesitancy about who you are, then that's what you create as an experience.
However the more you have the trust in being you, and your own truth, the more you'll create a positive world around you that reflects this.
Wishing you well
Sam you have quite the
Sam you have quite the polarity in your life right now. I can fully empathize with your situation as I've been there. If you choose to not follow your own path it can be really easy to hold strong resentment toward your partner and not even know it until it just erupts to the surface. The best way to help someone grow is to plant little seeds in the form of the right Questions to get them thinking. Then sit back and be patient in time they will draw their own conclusions and grow as they need to. You cannot change them directly to any lasting degree I tried this when I was younger and it becomes an ugly control game very quickly!! The thing about Unconditional Love is that it is without judgement. This is not easy for the human mind and what we are taught is our heart. But I believe that your heart has nothing to do with Romance or your partner it is your connection to your higher self that is truly your heart. It is a SOLO JOURNEY!!! That does not mean that you have to live alone just that we are each our own independent person. My advice is to write your partner a letter that way you can collect your thoughts at your own pace and be more sure that you are speaking from your heart.
Thank you
In reply to Sam you have quite the by treebrother
Thank you eddie you have given me strength to find a solution. I truely appreciate it :)
I have another question which is baffling me. How can I find peace at work? I work in the supermarket as service cashier. I am highly sensitive to electronics, others emotions and completely forget who I am and how to breath when im there but I have to work to be able to pay the bills and grocery shopping. My soul is aching for me to get out into nature away from electronics, and when I do I can see my invisible soul path, its so magical. Is there a job that I can get where I can help save the plannet? And how can I explain this to my partner who doesnt care about tge environment and says who cares what you do at least you have a job. I dont want to sound pushy for answers, I am just very overwhelmed at the moment because I am spiralling upward and awakening but my partner is spiralling down with mainstream.
Kind regards,
What are my options?
Hello all,
I have a question that I would like to ask everyone. I will describe my situation first.
I live with my fiancé in our own house. My partner works fulltime but i have been without fulltime work for over two years now. I never learned to think quickly and communicate my point of view due to my mental health before I met my partner. Now I am only beginning to grasp how to form a conversation properly but I still cant put my point accross without forcing it upon the person. This makes it very difficult in the work world and even more difficult at home. I observe everyone around me and feel as if I am standing in the eye of a hurricane. Everyone around me is rushing around wondering why time goes so fast, and I am standing in stillness loving every moment wondering why they cant just stop rushing and take time to smell the flowers. My partner is right in the centre of the kaos, he does everything so fast eating, working, tasks etc. When he has time to relax he doesnt know what to do. I sit on the couch meditating while he walks around the house looking agitated like he cant relax. I want to help him so badly but I have tried in the past and put him off meditation and yoga all together. I have recently had a realisation where my life may be headed if I dont talk to him aboit everything. He likes fast cars, video games, things that make his heart pump with adrenaline. When I met him I was addicted to those things too but my perception on life has changed and those things give me terrible feelings inside. I have been drawn more and more to nature and dont even feel like work is the right place to be. My soul is telling me I need to get away from the city and go find myself in nature. But the trouble is I cant just leave the life I have now, my partner gave up everything he had to be with me and I promised I would get it all back for him. He is completely consumed by the mainstream and media. I feel am torn between my heart and the need to find my true self. My question is how can I explain this to him and what is the best way to approach the situation?
With all my love,
Own vibe and Pure Presence
Hi Ben,
Thank you for the reflection- it is so appreciated. Yes there is this bit of resistance within around the fixation on ones felt vibration. I suppose it is the same as honoring ones individual unique expression, yet not being identified with it. The question that comes up for me relates to a perceived boundary between feeling ones own vibration and Pure Presence...perhaps it is just that there is for me still identification with the feeling as who I am, rather than the sense of nothing through it and I trust this unfolds naturally as we walk the path. For now attuning to my own vibe feels key. Thanks Ben!
With love,
Hi Jen
Hi Jen
I was resonating with a lot of what you said.
One thing I found interesting that you wondered - "Like there could be a limiting potential in holding on to how one's own vibration feels". I think its one to bear in mind that I'd not really thought of. I understand why you'd say that, that to see yourself as a fixed/boundaried vibration might limit you from reaching out beyond that and expanding. I imagine there's a point at which if you identify with that vibration then it limits you, yet it still feels real and valid. So I think the 'key' is in not "holding on", yet its tricky not to if you're trying to attune more to that energy. I think as one of the challenges is to bring one's own vibration through around louder energies, until you are really stable in that and 'know yourself' - which obviously doesn't mean 'thinking yourself' (e.g. living out ideas of yourself, patterns, wants etc), perhaps a degree of 'holding on' (identifying) is necessary. Its like perhaps you're trying to reach right through to Presence without recognising that Presence is experienced in (or in relation to) relativity, and to indivuality in a sense. Don't know if that makes sense, just think it'd be a bit pointless if you don't feel/express your own essence. and if you feel overwhelmed by others energies then its worth working to amplify that (you). plus feels good.
Beingness is the Change
Thank you Open. That is of
In reply to Beingness is the Change by Open
Thank you Open. That is of tremendous help.
Hopefully see you and Trinity next year
Life's purpose?
Hi Gamble,
Yes I know it's tough sometimes when you have empathic tendencies - my thoughts are with you <3
You said...
- "I feel that there is an enormous "block" on my life and I can't seem to break through and find my "life purpose" so I just retreat into my own bubble where I constantly search for answers that will remove the block and lead me to that sense of purpose.
In the Openhand Approach, life's purpose is not something we're supposed to do. It's finding your authentic way of being, upon which, a path of light unfolds before you.
I'd say mastery of your empathic skills is going to be a significant part of your purpose. From which, everything will flow.
A path of light unfolds?
In reply to Life's purpose? by Open
Open thank you for this insight it has helped further my understanding and I do believe I am starting to live my authentic way of being. However The path of light unfolding before me is where I am struggling. I suppose I have to further surrender to what is and let life take its course? I hope to join you again sometime again in 2016. I have attended your Gateway 1 teachings a few years ago . Any thoughts on the next step would be appreciated.
Thank you again for your teachings and guidance.
Dealing with challenges of being an Empath
Thank you Open for a very enlightening article which really resonates with me. I have for many years taken on the feelings and energy of other people and find it very difficult to set boundaries. This has led me to being very drained in the company of certain people especially a life long friend who as you say "opposites attract," . I feel that there is an enormous "block" on my life and I can't seem to break through and find my "life purpose" so I just retreat into my own bubble where I constantly search for answers that will remove the block and lead me to that sense of purpose.. Strangely I am never more happier and content than when I am alone with my thoughts. But understand this can't be healthy retreating from the world back into my shell. I know that I am on the right path and will breakthrough in time but it can be quite painful at times not living in the "real world".
Thank you again for your insights and your help along the path.:)
Feeling own vibe
Thanks for this awesome article! So many key things that I can relate to!!
For one I feel it is so important, if one is sensitive to get clear on what it means to push the boundaries. In the past there was a resistance within myself to honor the individual expression and so there was this willingness to always let down all the boundaries that might serve to separate 'this' from 'that'. There was a misunderstanding that pushing boundaries meant to also let go of any sense of the separate self. It's become clear over the last several years how important honoring the unique expression and centering in my own vibration then allows me to be in any circumstance and push the boundaries of conditioning, but not the boundaries of my own vibration... To feel centered in my own feeling no matter what is happening. Something in the words "but not the boundaries of my own vibration" is not feeling right to me though... Like there could be a limiting potential in holding on to how one's own vibration feels.
I can relate with the feelings you list here of feeling directionless, anxiety, fight or flight, lack of motivation. There is such a natural urge within to join with the other, to blend and kind of swim alongside each other, but when I am not centered in my own feeling I actually lose total site of what feels right for me... There becomes no preferences... I can have whatever, I can do whatever. We can go wherever because on one level, it really is true, I don't really need to make it go one way or another, but the point would be what am I truly feeling inside and when I am so overly blended with another I can't feel myself at all which of course feels directionless and unmotivating as well as stressful as you are riding on the waves of the externals without a true center.
So yes Kd1 I totally resonate with what you share here:
"If the furnace is on then the rest is mind stuff and subtle judgement getting in the way?"
The key for me at least was even recognizing my own furnace. It was very much like ohhhh! Here I am! And now as you said Open "embrace the sense of focus" - focus within on my own inner furnace and then the rest now feels entirely different.
I would also like to mention that there is also the other side of feeling others energy as your own... I have been realizing that at times I am around people whose energy feels great, uplifting and powerful. I am recognizing the tendency to "wear" it as mine rather than feel it as a mirror and tune into how my own vibration feels in their presence. It's easier to feel motivated to stay in your own energy when things are heavy - but there is also the dependency that can grow from needing to be around certain people to feel a vibe within yourself.
Thank you so much Open for bringing light to these experiences!
OK - thanks Open, I get that
OK - thanks Open, I get that 'catch' that makes the difference. I can feel the catalyst arising, I'm thankful. But not forgetting that I've been bought to the threshold of energetic overload too at times - but by testing yourself and getting the encouragement to throw yourself into highly energised environments - there's the potential to unleash something new - right? ok over and out and big love from Kiama :)
Thank you
Open this is so timely as always. Wow – what an exciting journey of self-discovery. I recognise the empath within and your description of the energy that can “batter you around like a small sailing boat in a storm” really fits. I understand my learning needs as it is difficult sometimes to recognise which emotions, pain and fear are my own or others. The mental exhaustion and fog that can follow a ‘normal’ working day or a simple trip into a supermarket can be debilitating, equally the confusion that can arise when I enter the Tor for example and experience a sense of fear. So knowing my own vibration and being able to set boundaries is clearly key for me. It is often difficult for me to connect to my own soul, which emphasises the sense of separation if that makes sense? Yet somehow, it is exciting and joyful with that ‘knowing’ that I am moving forward. As Carl Sagan said, “I don’t know where I’m going but I’m on my way.” Awesome!
Working my way through
I feel I am a Catalyst more than an Empath, recently looking back on world events with some of your Intuitive guidance I realized this now; but I have sooooo much work to Hone my skill set, I am at the very tip and beginning of discovering all of this. It feels like I am at the commencement of sharpening a dull knife :)
Cheers :)
Maybe the 'furnace' needs a little firing?
Thanks for the resonance Jean *OK*
Katie, go for it girl, absolutely nothing like putting the cat amongst the pigeons! :-)
You said...
- Can't we turn this on it's head and see that we are urged to develop some deep inner alchemy that works continually and in the deepest of 'overloads' isn't that the journey? If the furnace is on then the rest is mind stuff and subtle judgement getting in the way?
Woohoo! True Openhand style.
But there is a slight catch maybe - are you not a catalyst too? (I mean aswell as an empath). I strongly sense that you are - then maybe there's less of a problem in blazing the furnace?
With some though, they get battered around with emotional flotsam, and the furnace gets waterlogged too. So a little firing might be necessary.
I think that was the main point really.
But the warrior in me, sees the warrior in you.
Open *OK*
truly love those insights
Thank you Open again for the important insights u have described in this article about the Empaths and it`s divine counterpart the Spiritual Catalyst .
I am very aware of being a deep empath for many years . This powerful gift has certainly not been easy to use at its full potential - it needs more mastery , that`s certain . On the other side , it has brought incredible understanding of the human nature / the path to follow / feeling deep resonance with Mother Gaia and nature / and the development of psychic abilities . To protect myself from very heavy densities , people and places has often been a challenge . I still see that i do pick up from others lower vibrations at times , less than years ago . I still do often feel the need to take a shower to release any densities left or breathing exercices . Its getting more balanced with maturity and the years of practices . I will surely do the exercices explained above - i love its preciseness and trust it`s efficiency .
I came also to realize that there is some aspect of the catalyst within as well - it`s exploration is very interesting and has been very useful this year . Both have somehow worked together at times in a magical way and offers a new perspective on those formidable Soul gifts . My dear wish is to use them to work with people in a near future - A knowing is constantly reminding me of this inevitable path yet to unfold .
Much love ,
Thanks Open, insightful!
Thanks Open, insightful!
I can't relate very well - I say with much respect. My guidance in this sense has been to drop any notion of 'being an empath' or to see it as a gift. 'Just be'. It calls for some deep level of surrender and that's all it requires from a mental exploratory perspective- for me on this journey. Boundaries are being continually pushed to broken down and that's been the greatest thing. What is liberation if we are all creating shields and hiding in the corners? (I see you are not advising this ) Doesn't seem like a fun journey - can't we turn this on it's head and see that we are urged to develop some deep inner alchemy that works continually and in the deepest of 'overloads' isn't that the journey? If the furnace is on then the rest is mind stuff and subtle judgement getting in the way?
And I see here that these pointers are great and invaluable - and will no doubt help many but I do find it hard to relate. Probably because there's a configuration here that can't grasp it? I don't know?
I do honestly tire a little at reading how empaths are all so drained - and fighting off everyone else's stuff, just doesn't feel ok. And so everyone else is treading on egg shells round them? I've not enjoyed witnessing people do that around me, thankfully that's stopped :)) I thought maybe I shouldn't share what I feel about this but it's just another perspective. I feel like there needs to be a change if script around this?
With loads of gratitude k x
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