Winter of Metamorophsis: Openhand Winter Course Program

Submitted by Open on Sat, 11/12/2022 - 05:13

Are you one of those going through dramatic changes and major life upheavals? Don't worry, you're not alone! And if you weren't, then you wouldn't be on the path and doing the necessary work. Our whole reality construct is bending and terraforming. We're like caterpillars who've entered the chrysalis phase building our new 5D wings. That's EXACTLY what the new Openhand Winter Calendar is all about. Dive in. It's high time for us to unfurl 5D flight.

Never mind the Naysayers, Doomers and Gloomers

Dramatic change is upon us. It can cause anxiety yes, especially when we have to unravel many aspects of our old lives. But where we embrace change and transformation, when we wake up each day positively expecting it to be different, then major alchemy and magic become possible.

Never mind the naysayers, doomers and gloomers. They HAVE to try to bring you down, or else your bristling new light causes them to start to question too. And most people are not yet ready for what you're embarking upon.

What the caterpillar sees as the end of the world, the master sees as a butterfly. At the risk of mixing metaphors, every cloud has a silver lining. BUT, you only see the glimmer that you focus on. See only the dark clouds, and that's exactly what you'll manifest. We must let go of this poverty consciousness, and trust that we can be illuminated in an entirely different way; that we can thrive from a different possibility.

THRIVE as the World Terraforms

Here at Openhand, we've made it our purpose, commitment and devotion, to help you connect to those silver threads of upliftment, connecting to the source, and all the way into the New Paradigm.

To be clear though, we're not expecting you to live in la la land. We're living in metamorphosising hybrid states, where reality progressively strips off layers on a daily basis. We're inviting you to live, to thrive, here and now, in the 3D as it terraforms. BUT, also to be coming from the higher infusion of light. Stretch out your 5D wings and give the new thermals a chance to sweep you up.

It's in the nitty gritty. It's in the trials and tribulations: of your relationships, in your career, how you live and work on a day-to-day, moment-by-moment basis. That's where the real work is done. It's off the radar, it's far from sexy and glamorous. But that's exactly where the nuggets of soul gold are to be found.

Openhand: Helping You live a Divine Life

This is EXACTLY, what the Openhand coursework is all about - helping you live a divine life, one that's fully multidimensional; and yet thriving in the old 3D construct while it still remains. Our events are crafted to meet these extraordinary times. Openhand's Ascension Academy features an annual program from September to August, and today we're announcing our all-new winter program.

We've got something for everyone: Just want to dip your toes in and see what Openhand is about? Then the Saturday afternoon Ascension Exchanges are for you. Want to dive into the deepend? Then how about meditating on an active volcano? Believe it or not, it's all here. You can join us terrestrially, or work on zoom from the energetic comfort of your own living space. Whatever works for you, we're here to serve.

Browse through the calendar and see what tugs on your soul strings...

Openhand Winter Events Calendar:

28th Dec-1st Jan: New Year Quantum Shift: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM
5-Day Zoom Retreat to Quantum Shift Your 2023. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Set your focus in 2023 for successful living, with planetary shift facilitator "Open".
Quantum shift your New Year!

5th Jan: THRIVE from 5D in 2023: Evening Seminar, GLASTONBURY
Highly alchemical 3hr evening seminar with Open, in the Glastonbury heart chakra, including meditations, harnessing energies from the Benevolent Mission, to take maximum advantage of the infusing planetary light as we transition into 2023. Game-changing!
Energetic Downloads with Open

7th Jan: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

12th-14th Jan: Facilitator Development Conference: 3-Days, ZOOM
3-Day Online Facilitator Conference for advanced travellers with Openhand. Whether working towards accreditation or not, benefit by integrating your consciousness in cutting-edge processes; deepen your facilitator craft; develop your spiritual business; process your own karma.
Advanced Spiritual Development

23rd-28th Jan: New Year Retreat: 6-Days, EDEN RISE/UK, Marvellous Dartmoor Retreat Centre
Terrestrial New Year Retreat to Quantum Shift Your 2023. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Set your focus for successful living, amidst planetary transformation. With planetary shift facilitator "Open". Quantum shift your 2023!

4th Feb: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

20th-26th Feb: THRIVE from 5D: 7-Day Retreat, LA PALMA
Chance of a lifetime retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. We'll be calling on the active energy of Gaia to uplift our lives; learning to transition the 5GATEWAYS of spiritual success in a rapidly terraforming world. Ground-breaking meditations, secluded retreat, high-vibe food, rustic accommodation.

4th Mar: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

13th-17th Mar: THRIVE from 5D: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM - zones USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA
Advanced techniques, meditations and approaches to walking the spiritual path through the tumultuous planetary changes. Infusing higher 5D light, navigating the successfully through 3D. Employing accredited 5GATEWAYS route-map to Ascension, from energetic comfort of your own home.
5GATEWAYS to spiritual success

26th-31st Mar: THRIVE from 5D: 6-Day Retreat, SYDNEY/AUSTRALIA
Join Openhand back in Australia at a secluded, magical retreat close to Sydney. 6 Days of Ground Breaking meditations and self-realisation. Explore how to embody higher dimensional 5D light to successfully navigate the tumultuous planetary changes unfolding.
5GATEWAYS to spiritual success

8th Apr: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

11th-15th Apr: Easter Quantum Shift Retreat: 5-Days, ZOOM
5-Day Zoom Retreat to find balance and harmony on your path. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Applying infusions of higher dimensional light to uplift your life, with planetary shift facilitator "Open".
Restore Balance & Harmony in your own energy space.

Feel it. Embody it. Step into it!

Can you feel the calling? Is it time to step into the magical mystery of the unknown, the adventurous alchemy of possibility? When the soul is calling, it's like being in love. You simply know it. So don't waste a second longer. Explore the event (or events) that best suit you and sign up today. Or else reach out to our community connector Tilly Bud - her purpose is to serve... contact Tilly

We also have reduced bursary and even donation-based places available on most events for people finding themselves in a low income country or resource constrained situation. Check in with Tilly

It's an absolute pleasure and a privilege connecting with people on these gatherings, watching you touch deep aspects of your soul, and lending a helping hand as your 5D wings unfurl and you take to flight. There's simply nothing like it!

See you there.

Open πŸ¦‹

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Wow, I am stunned and shocked. Only two weeks left till the La Palma Thrive from 5D retreat and we still have 2 places left!

Has the community gone stark-staring bonkers? πŸ˜€
This is (possibly) a once in a lifetime chance to meditate with an active volcano in the shift πŸŒ‹
And La Palma happens to be a keystone in the Shift - the 7 islands are a collective Stargate.
Methinks the inertia of too much grey energy has been holding people back.
Time to shake it off and get fully awake.
See you on the Volcano. What could be more invigorating!

Open πŸ˜‰


Hi everyone in the Openhand Community - we've got an event change for the series THRIVE from 5D to make you aware of.

Due to the excessive work load we've experienced in recent weeks, we've decided to merge the two online versions of the retreat into one - which will now take place in March.

So to summarise, we now have 3 versions of the Retreat coming up not the planned 4.

They are...

20th-26th Feb: THRIVE from 5D: 7-Day Retreat, LA PALMA
Chance of a lifetime retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. We'll be calling on the active energy of Gaia to uplift our lives; learning to transition the 5GATEWAYS of spiritual success in a rapidly terraforming world. Ground-breaking meditations, secluded retreat, high-vibe food, rustic accommodation.
Let's Meditate with Gaia, on an Active Volcano!

13th-17th Mar: THRIVE from 5D: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM - zones USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA
Advanced techniques, meditations and approaches to walking the spiritual path through the tumultuous planetary changes. Infusing higher 5D light, navigating the successfully through 3D. Employing accredited 5GATEWAYS route-map to Ascension, from energetic comfort of your own home.
5GATEWAYS to spiritual success

26th-31st Mar: THRIVE from 5D: 6-Day Retreat, SYDNEY/AUSTRALIA
Join Openhand back in Australia at a secluded, magical retreat close to Sydney. 6 Days of Ground Breaking meditations and self-realisation. Explore how to embody higher dimensional 5D light to successfully navigate the tumultuous planetary changes unfolding around us. With planetary shift facilitator, "Open".
5GATEWAYS to spiritual success


Due to a last minute cancelation, we have one final retreat place available at Eden Rise, on the wonderful Dartmoor in Southern England. If you can feel calling to your soul, here are the details...

23rd-28th Jan: Quantum Shift Retreat: 6-Days, EDEN RISE/UK, Marvellous Dartmoor Retreat Centre
Terrestrial New Year Retreat to Quantum Shift Your 2023. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Set your focus for successful living, amidst planetary transformation. With planetary shift facilitator "Open". Price Breaks Available: Contact Us


27/12/2022 Essential Shift Update

As we roll into 2023, we've added an extra event in the heart chakra of the planet, Glastonbury. It's an evening seminar in the Town Hall on 5th January, where I'll be looking at all the essential energetic shifts happening on the planet at this crucial juncture. It will lead into Ascension Exchanges on zoom on January 7th. Let's capitalise on the infusing energy to maximise our lives in 2023.

Here's the overview. Click through for full info:

5th Jan: THRIVE from 5D in 2023: Evening Seminar, GLASTONBURY
Highly alchemical 3hr evening seminar with Open, in the Glastonbury heart chakra, including meditations, harnessing energies from the Benevolent Mission, to take maximum advantage of the infusing planetary light as we transition into 2023. Game-changing!
Energetic Downloads with Open


26/12/2022 Shift Update

Right about now, after a few days of festivities, thoughts turn to the New Year - how can we change and prepare our consciousness for a new start? What you definitely don't want to be doing is beginning with tiredness, lethargy and inertia, which can tend to happen if there's been too much excess!

It's already abundantly clear to me that 2023 will be a year of great opportunity, of strong alchemy and adventure. I feel the field shifting day by day with new openings and energies anchoring all the time. If we can tune into these energies and download them, then we can expect a broader opening up and infusion of higher consciousness - our lives are bound to change for the better.

Do consider coming on Openhand's New Year Quantum Shift retreat, because it's perfectly crafted to shed whatever karmic layers you're ready to release and attune you to the new energies coming in. We'll help you envision what new landscape is beginning to reveal so that you may already begin actualising it. It's crucial, that in these times of profound change, you become a divine co-creator of your life. That way it's going to become increasingly harmonious, abundant and fulfilling.

Here's an insight into the retreat and a link to explore more deeply. If it resonates, myself and the team very much look forwards to hosting you there. Bright blessings, Open πŸ’™

28th Dec-1st Jan: New Year Quantum Shift: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM
5-Day Zoom Retreat to Quantum Shift Your 2023. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Set your focus in 2023 for successful living, with planetary shift facilitator "Open".
Quantum shift your New Year!

In reply to by Open



Started drawing this with sketch pen on paper without any particular intention for it to be a certain way and this came out of the flow. It's been a while I had sketched anything and felt happy about it. I felt like sharing it here.

What do you see in it?

Personally I see the shift of gia and sentient life at this particular time in our collective evolution. I see wholeness and the process of death and rebirth. I see how humanity is preparing for the grand shift.

Looking forward to be in the retreat tomorrow.

Vimal πŸ™

In reply to by Open


Thank you Open for your feedback and for the latest journal entry. It speaks a lot into the work that im invited to do where I'm. It puts perspective into a bigger picture and eases the load on my personal journey. I feel I'm heard.

Vimal πŸ™


I'd like to take the opportunity to wish all in the Openhand community a warm, peaceful and joyful festive weekend, from myself, Tilly, Thomas and all in the Openhand Team.

It felt the perfect configuration of energies flowing to share this tremendous Bell Chant with you from the marevllous Thich Nath Hanh. May you enjoy a time of great inner harmony and divine connection. Bright blessings <<< Open πŸ’™πŸ™


I know just what the festive season and heading into New Year celebrations can be like: you want to be with your friends and family, AND you want to prepare your consciousness for a brisk new start into the New Year. How to balance the conundrum?

This year you can do both! The timings of our New Year Zoom retreat are geared such that you can spend time with your family and friends, celebrate the New Year, AND spend 5 essential hours a day setting your consciousness for the brand new year ahead. What could be better?

Here are the timings wherever you are in the world. There are 3 daily sessions...

  1. 06:00am-07:30am(PST) / 09:00am-10:30am(EST) / 14:00pm-15:30pm(UK)
  2. 08:00am-09:30am(PST) / 11:00am-12:30pm(EST) / 16:00pm-17:30pm(UK)
  3. 10:00am-11:00am(PST) / 13:00pm-14.00pm(EST) / 18.00pm-19:00pm(UK)

Join your soul family too at the Openhand New Year Retreat 2022/23 β™₯️...

28th Dec-1st Jan: New Year Quantum Shift: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM
5-Day Zoom Retreat to Quantum Shift Your 2023. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Set your focus in 2023 for successful living, with planetary shift facilitator "Open".
Quantum shift your New Year!


We've had an (almost) overwhelming late surge (like the pole shift?!) for our Ascension Exchanges today. We're sold out. People are finding them a great way of keeping abreast of the current field changes, meditating on them, and making sense of their own lives in the shift. They're a low-cost easy-entry to the world of Openhand. So do consider the next one in January...

7th Jan: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open


At times Australia has felt like a second home to me. It's been a tad frustrating not to be able to travel there these last few years and connect with Openhanders downunder. Well here we are, it's all opening up again. And we've been blessed with a tremendous retreat centre just outside Sydney - aptly named "Swami's Retreat". I can't wait to see the place and meeting up with Openhanders there πŸ’™...

26th-31st Mar: THRIVE from 5D: 6-Day Retreat, SYDNEY/AUSTRALIA
Join Openhand back in Australia at a secluded, magical retreat close to Sydney. 6 Days of Ground Breaking meditations and self-realisation. Explore how to embody higher dimensional 5D light to successfully navigate the tumultuous planetary changes unfolding.
5GATEWAYS to spiritual success


Boy, when I heard that Finca Aurora, our old retreat centre on the Island of La Palma had miraculously survived last year's eruption, having just stopped a few metres from the studio door, and then learning that they're back in business, I simply knew we had to go back. How can you possibly resist meditating on an active volcano?!

20th-26th Feb: THRIVE from 5D: 7-Day Retreat, LA PALMA
Chance of a lifetime retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. We'll be calling on the active energy of Gaia to uplift our lives; learning to transition the 5GATEWAYS of spiritual success in a rapidly terraforming world. Ground-breaking meditations, secluded retreat, high-vibe food, rustic accommodation.