5D Shift: Dealing with Judgment and Projection Against You
There's no escaping it, when you challenge the old 3D construct and stride purposefully in a new 5D direction, judgment and projection will come calling. When you make a bold statement about who you are, and your beliefs about the world, if you're in some degree of alignment and truth, then you're going to challenge those around you. Your very actions are reflecting to them a new possibility about themselves, and if there's resistance to change, they'll likely shoot at the messenger. How best to deal with this?
The nature of Change
I'm feeling powerful shifts in the surrounding field right now. But these aren't easy shifts, they're a difficult rebirthing. I can feel the turgidity of the old consciousness clinging to its old ways of being, in fear and anxiety as the 5D movement of light begins to tug on the tethering that holds the old reality in place. And the Opposing Consciousness does not like it. New layers at the bottom of the barrel that the shift is engaging are fighting back and resisting. It's to be expected. I've consciously experienced many similar ascensions before. This is nothing new - it's an old adversary.
Most importantly, when we're in awareness of what's going on, because we're inquiring within our own field, then even though the unravelling flow presents great challenge, we continue to find the directive light through it, like a ship following a homing beacon through the storm.
It's important to say the nature of this resistant Opposing Consciousness (OC) has been beneficial too: bear in mind that ALL realities are founded on some collective need for karmic resolution - a construct in which to explore and redefine who we truly are. OC is an energy (in many guises) that weaves the threads of that old reality construct together. Thus it's serving an invaluable role.
Shoot the Messenger
That's all well and good, the ideal being that when the old karmic reality is due for dissolution, as is the case now, then the OC works in concert: it lets go and allows the dissolving threads - the strings of consciousness - to realign into the new reality construct, a new flavour of the quantum soup. As it does so, it realigns itself.
What I perceive happening here in Gaia's 5D Shift right now though, is a distortion of this resistance - it's been bedding in, and trying desperately to cling on. It's become a deceptive consciousness - a black slippery snake - that's using judgment and projection to limit the movement of the shift.
How might this dynamic be manifesting in your own life?
When you step purposefully forwards, when you commit to making true and lasting change that's real and authentic, one that's aligning with the flow, then you become a reflection to all around you. They see your light, which challenges them to step out of their own box too. If they are anxious or fearful about what they're being invited to do, then the knee jerk reaction is often to shoot the messenger, rather than have to deal with an inconvenient message. That's exactly when judgment and projection will come calling.
Beware, because this kind of consciousness can seep into the psyche of those around you, even your loved ones. It's important that even though you might love and respect them, not to let their fear or anxiety still limit you.
Explore Openhand's Breakthrough Method to overcome insecurity
Treat the resistance as a consciousness
When I experience this, I find it helps to disassociate the energy from the person. In other words, I work to see the light in them - their authentic being - but I also witness the potential for some kind of intervention going on, which might be working to exploit anxiety so as to hold the old reality construct in place. I find that in seeing it this way, I can still connect with them, still honour myself, and still step forwards, even though challenging.
Be aware that in this resistant environment, judgment and projection will likely come from the most unexpected sources - those that love you most, those that want you most to be the old you, the one they feel comfortable with.
When you disassociate the energy and behaviours from the person however, then an honest inner inquiry will more readily shine the light forwards for you. You will challenge them. You will challenge the resistant consciousness. But it becomes clear that you still have to step forwards because the backward tug of the Opposing Consciousness itself does not serve you - it's pulling in the opposite direction to which your soul is inviting you to go.
Apply Profound self-honesty to your situation
No doubt the doubters will call you "crazy", an "oddball", the "weirdo" that doesn't fit it in - don't be limited by their labels! Even though the baying crowd around you might be telling you that you are wrong, even though they might be moving completely in the opposite direction to your flow, this is especially the time to push on.
It won't be easy! Because as your blazing trail stirs up the dust in the desert, it'll get harder to see and feel the guiding signs and synchronicity you've been used to. You might even begin to doubt yourself that you're heading in the right direction at all...
"Maybe the nay-sayers were right all along?" No! They are not!
At this point it's essential to remember why you did all this, why you began the journey. What does it really mean to you? Keep reminding yourself, keep tuning into this original light, then apply profound self honesty to the choices you make... "in terms of the step I'm about to take, is that right and aligned with my own path of sovereignty and evolutionary growth?" As I said though, don't expect this to be easy. You're actually forging the soul in the crucible of profound evolutionary change - that's never going to be a breeze in the park. So it won't be easy, but you are seeded to come through, to succeed. With some well placed grit and determination, you can and will come through. Just keep trusting in your path forwards.
Collecting "Treasure Totems" on the Path
As we travel down the path I believe it's essential to pick up 'totems' - little reminders of who you are and why you're doing this. Then to put them in your sacred space, which you keep coming back to when the challenges get difficult.
My power animal is the owl, because it sees through 360 degrees, and with pinpoint accuracy in the darkness. Right now, owl is appearing for me everywhere, because I purposefully pay attention to it. On a past Divinicus Course in Australia, a white owl would land in the branches immediately over our campsite fire of an evening. It was totally spectacular and very inspirational - so what's your power animal?
Of course it could also be a crystal, an item of jewelry, or something you pick up in nature. Collect them, treasure them, watch for the messages they bring. If we're attentive, then just like the owl, they'll be there for us when the going gets tough.
Soul retrieval in the darkness
Always remember, that when the going gets toughest of all, when the judgments and projections reach almost unbearable proportions, then in your deepest trials and tribulations, at the heart of the matter, you are still the inviolable "One". Constantly work on transcending through the challenge. That doesn't mean ditching it though. It means allowing yourself to experience the fullness of the karmic resistance, and then at its zenith, opening a doorway through the density and into the profound experience of pure presence. Then you reconnect with the fragment of soul that was attaching you to the old drama. The shamans call it "soul retrieval".
Recognise you're only ever judging yourself
The Shaolin Priests have a saying: "give evil nothing to oppose, and it will dissolve completely of its own accord". Realise that a judgment cannot harm you unless you are judging yourself by the distorted reflection you're witnessing - the one that only you created!
When you empower yourself by accepting that you drew this reflection to yourself in the first place, then you may discover that judgment and projection toward you can be healing too. When judgment comes calling, and you feel the impact of it touching you, look intently within - where are the contractions? Why are you judging yourself? Maybe you can't accept the impact you're having on those around you? Maybe you can't accept the brilliance of your own light?
Why are you still trying to fit in? Why are you still playing small? Be bold, step out, embrace the maverick you always were!
Mavericks in the 5D Shift
There's simply no avoiding it. If you're a light-bearer and a way-shower, then right now, judgment and projection will likely come calling. It's because you're challenging the very binding weave that has woven people's lives into past limitations - you make the situation uncomfortable and inconvenient. However, this is no time to stop, but to push on.
There are no limitations! Step out of the box, break the set, smash the glass ceiling!
In my own life, I have been encouraged by the flow to make big changes, to shine a stronger light in what I perceive to be a general inertia based on emotional attachment to the old reality construct and therefore a general resistance to change. I've at times, therefore, attracted a good deal of judgment by people projecting their own subconscious fears and limitations. If and when this happens, I'm reminded of a soul-stirring poem, which I felt to share with you in closing. I've adapted it slightly from the original. I'm sure Rudyard Kipling won't mind...
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Then you will inherit the Universe and everything that's in it.
And - which is more - you will shine like the sun!
If you resonate...
If you're recognising the shift into higher dimensional consciousness and would like to align with it past the limitations of the old reality, then explore our evolutionary work:
Openhand Ascension Portal
Bright blessings, Open 🦋🙏
Discerning visions and impulses in the mind
The challenge I'm facing nowadays is discerning whether the thoughts, ideas, and impulses I have towards certain directions are aligned or not. How would I know if it's coming from the soul or some kind of energy that wants to take me down blind alleyways? A few weeks before, I was quite inspired by an artist, and then some ideas were formed to express myself in a particular way. It elicited some energy in me, which was almost uncontrollable. It felt good, as I was excited and passionate about it, yet it was clearly attached to a particular outcome and did not allow me to be at ease with it. But then I asked what the truth was in it and I got it was expressing playfulness through it and I realized I could express that within the current situation I was in. The energy dissipated within a few days, and I couldn't feel it at all. In many ways, I'm relieved that I didn't run off to make a quick decision behind that impulse.
Today I had a similar experience of a direction being generated in my mind as visions, and there was a strong sense of desire and excitement with it. Are these not the qualities of the soul? So there's every reason to believe this is a truthful impulse, and I'm supposed to follow it. But following up with it posed a great challenge to my mind, which quickly became over-questioning and feeling unsupported, etc. I had two funny synchronicities later: as I was walking with my partner, I saw a guy wearing a helmet that had a question mark in it, which was pointing to the distortions of over-questioning. A man was plucking oranges, and two oranges fell and rolled towards us, and he asked us to have them. The universe doesn't support what the ego needs, but it supports what we need to realize.
So now the energy has already changed and is taking me in a different direction, which feels much more aligned. It has a sense of passion but an ease to it as well. So I'm working with this level of uncertainty where the mind is invited to be fluid and not crystalize on any particular thing.
My way of dealing with this challenge is to take gentle steps with the visions and ideas and see if they want to flow or not. I'm not sure if its related to the above topic, but I welcome reflections.
Discerning how flashes of divine inspiration are meant to create
In reply to Discerning visions and impulses in the mind by Vimal
Hi Vimal - your question cuts to how the soul actually, in authenticity, manifests reality when allowed to...
The challenge I'm facing nowadays is discerning whether the thoughts, ideas, and impulses I have towards certain directions are aligned or not. How would I know if it's coming from the soul or some kind of energy that wants to take me down blind alleyways?
Visions from higher mind will create, and you may well feel some kind of sparking with them. But that doesn't necessarily yet tell you how things will create how they might land, and indeed, if they're even meant to create at all.
So in the Openhand Approach, when we get these visions, knowings and flashes of divine inspiration, the key is to entertain them, yes. However, to then hold them lightly in the beginning - be attentive, but not to fixate.
If they're meant to start to manifest in some way, then you'll start to see other pieces of the puzzle beginning to form. And then energy will activate in the lower chakras to meet it. I would say the "plucking oranges" example your shared points to this. Reality is beginning to manifest.
When a creative movement all connects up, and you feel a sense of yearning for it in the heart, and there's movement in the emotional/physical - a kind of "clicking in" - then you know the pathway is forming and to step into it.
See how that feels.
Open 💎
Exploring creating from the soul
In reply to Discerning how flashes of divine inspiration are meant to create by Open
I think when the soul is fired up through some creative impulse, knowing, and vision and there's excitement and purpose with it, I experience some kind of grasping onto it. I'm hurrying before the energy fades out. I think I should take less caffeine, which tends to cause the energy to activate a lot and get me in the head. But what I'm getting is also to be a quiet witness to these various impulses and gradually step into them without over-questioning. I was probably looking through karmic filter and needing the reality to be a particular way. Some reflections in that way.
you said,
Visions from a higher mind will create, and you may well feel some kind of sparking with them. But that doesn't necessarily yet tell you how things will create how they might land, and indeed, if they're even meant to create at all.
This says a lot. I think we must also be ready to let go of the energy without fixating on it. That's an art in itself. I can't fully see the creative process like you have written yet, but maybe it will make more sense in the future when I explore it further.
you also said,
So in the Openhand Approach, when we get these visions, knowings and flashes of divine inspiration, the key is to entertain them, yes. However, to then hold them lightly in the beginning - be attentive, but not to fixate.
What I feel is missing in this approach is spontaneity, or so I perceive. Like, for example, an impulse to go somewhere or do something. And without thinking about it, waiting for it to land, just going for it. I had done such things and later realized them to be mistakes😁 but I had learned a lot through those..
Vimal 🙏
The difference between spontaneity and recklessness
In reply to Exploring creating from the soul by Vimal
Hi Vimal - just to add to your last point...
What I feel is missing in this (Openhand) approach is spontaneity, or so I perceive. Like, for example, an impulse to go somewhere or do something. And without thinking about it, waiting for it to land, just going for it. I had done such things and later realized them to be mistakes😁 but I had learned a lot through those..
Holding the experience until it fully lands doesn't rule out spontaneity - not at all.
But there's a crucial difference between spontaneity and recklessness: Spontaneity can happen because the flash suddenly triggers through your whole being - kundalini descending meets kundalini rising. The expression is then sure to meet positive creativity with your environment. As opposed to simply deciding to "jump off a cliff" - without the full recognition of the energy, which is likely to be reckless!
It does take a high degree of mastery to discern. And yes, too much caffeine can impede this level of accuracy. It can make you jittery and reactive.
Best wishes
Open 💎
Relaxed creative action
In reply to The difference between spontaneity and recklessness by Open
Hi Open, Thanks for this clarification. It puts some pieces of puzzles in their place. Looking back, I can recall many circumstances where I chose to "jump off the cliff," equating adventure and spontaneity with recklessness. I think it's part of growing up when we start to see things differently. In the higher dimensions, there probably isn't such a time lag between inspiration and action. I also had this thought that if it's coming from the higher mind, then it is supposed to land and create, or otherwise it could be from an external source.
Inquiring into these with other realizations, I feel much more relaxed, and there is more trust in the way the soul creates. It also made it more clear that true creation emerges from beingness. But it's more about the emergence of beingness than what is created from it. And there is continual innovation with each realization and emergence. What you wrote about spontaneous creation in relation to the Kundalini flow puts things in context.
I feel also to add as a reminder to myself and others that this information is not something to be learned and applied but rather to resonate. So it's also important to let go of what doesn't make sense and let the process happen naturally.
Protective/ over protective?
Hi Open,
A month ago I had a strong judgement from one of my family member. It wasn't direct but it had all the impacts on me. His judgement was this ~ I'm doing nothing even I have all the calibre to achieve materially, I'm just copying my partner and being a shadow of him . A lot of anger came through as my initial response which was swept away by a lot of tears. I started questioning myself. It is true I came across this level of teaching through him. We are in a similar situations and we use the same tools but we have different inquiries. Does that mean im copying him? I started resisting/fighting the judgement internally. It shook me in all the mental and emotional layers. Until I reached the point, I have no problem copying others, I'm an exact copy of universe. I don't know from where this knowing came through but it softened the internal resistance and I welcomed the judgement as an opportunity to look where I'm unconsciously following my partner.
The thing is when ever we plan to do something together this judgement pops up and I start questioning my response. It feels like I'm not ready to let go of this judgement. Still it affects me what other people say. Another dynamics I'm involved in is self protection mechanism. It's like I'm being protective / overprotective to myself. I don't have any connections/ communications with my friends in schools, colleges, places I worked before and with my sister's. When ever a message / call come from them , I feel irritated like ' why are these people calling me? They don't get me and I have nothing to say/ask. Later I feel bad about my response. I know their motivations and orientations are different yet I feel to ask ~is it because of my judgements I can't connect with them? If so I wont connect with any people plugged into the matrix. How can I move on? What are my attachments. May be I'm expecting them to accept and see me as who I'm now and I'm being irritated because that's not happening.It is the prejudice in me telling ~ No this person can't see you,.do not engage and lose your energy. How far the protection go? I know it's not alligned. But somehow I feel hard to let it go.
All reflections are welcome
Pick your friends wisely: those that support your highest self
In reply to Protective/ over protective? by Soumya
This is a very rich seam of inquiry Soumya - which holds many useful threads for others to contemplate. I'm sure many have similar dynamics going on in their journey of awakening. So let's look at the key aspects.
Being Judged By Family And Friends
Firstly: you said you'd received this judgment from a family member...
I'm doing nothing, even (though) I have all the calibre to achieve materially, I'm just copying my partner and being a shadow of him. A lot of anger came through as my initial response which was swept away by a lot of tears. I started questioning myself. It is true I came across this level of teaching through him. We are in a similar situations and we use the same tools, but we have different inquiries. Does that mean im copying him?
We are all unique and individual - we're each a fractal of the whole. But fractals do flow together in common streams as well. Hence you get big movements within spirituality. Also, it's a classic judgment by people in the mainstream, that you're "doing nothing". Absolutely! We're being something - which is what most on the planet are missing.
So the question is, why were you angry about it? Is there some aspect of truth in what was said? Are you fully exploring yourself? You said: "I have no problem copying others". Perhaps there's another way of seeing it - not exactly copying others, but being inspired by others. I'd say we are here to inspire each other.
Also, where two people are together in partnership, it's highly likely that one will have more ray 1 energy - that of creating and forging pathways. Whilst the other might have more to give in supporting a pathway - more ray 2. It's how teams come together. One is more willful, one is more surrendered. I don't see anything wrong in this, as long as each creates the space for the other to develop their own unique gifts. As long as each respects and honours the other's point of view.
Choosing the Right Fertile Soil for the Soul to Grow
Secondly: you ask about being self-protective, of your boundaries...
It's like I'm being protective / overprotective to myself. I don't have any connections/ communications with my friends in schools, colleges, places I worked before and with my sister's. When ever a message / call come from them , I feel irritated like ' why are these people calling me? They don't get me and I have nothing to say/ask. Later I feel bad about my response.
I'd say one of the greatest personal limitations to progression on the path is maintaining past relationships that don't actually serve you. Classically, where the other cannot see who you now truly are - one who often subtly tries to undermine or continually project you into the old identity of you, that they are comfortable with. This is highly limiting of our consciousness - because it doesn't provide the fertile soil for the soul to grow. Where instead, the soul requires an open and supportive space with positive feedback loops.
It's fine for someone to challenge you, and this can be highly helpful, providing they do it from the right place - from a loving space that wants the best for you and not filling your space with their judgments of you. Otherwise, the connection becomes highly toxic and limiting. What's the point in maintaining them? Why answer the texts that come in? Let them go. Become fearlessly courageous in who you are. What this will do, is create the space for new people to come into your life - those that truly support you. Let the toxicity go.
To be clear, there are plenty out there fighting for their degree of "normality" in the system. They are challenged by another emerging from it - because they recognise there's something in them that is wanting to do the same, but they're suppressing it, not willing to risk what they can truly become. And so they'll judge and even fight to keep the other suppressed. It's why we must step away in such situations.
If you feel the other could change toward you, then you could begin explaining why how they're being toward you is not serving you. And to say what you require instead. If they continually can't or won't fulfill that, then it's time to part.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
My sense
In reply to Pick your friends wisely: those that support your highest self by Open
Hi Open,
Thank you for the reflection. It all make sense . While I was reading my throat was in pain, felt like some thing stuck.
You asked ,
why were you angry about it? Is there some aspect of truth in what was said? Are you fully exploring yourself?
My sense is, I was expecting some validation from this person. I wanted him to see me even though I know he can't. And what he said was something that im not. So the pride in me felt wounded which lit up the anger. He is an elder brother to me and there was a subconscious need for validation from this strong paternal figure.
You are right , we are getting inspired by each other ,not copying.
When ever I hear you say." You' ve been in that road and you know it wont serve you anymore" ,I often doubt myself even though deep inside i know you are right~ Did I explored that road fully or did I bypass it? Does the soul need to start from the beginning to go further? I don't know from where this doubt coming from. When judgements comes from mainstream they triggers this doubts.
I need to read it again and again.
Thank you
LMAO bit of a connection…
LMAO bit of a connection here. Making breaky and inspired by Andy's prose, and apparently your waxing poetic in the ether, this came up ;
why do i need to be so loud?
always seeking attention
is it because i am so proud?
cant i see im just like them?
same concerns same dimension
why do i need to know what star im from?
another label to dispel the glum?
a place to fit in and commiserate
why not just let it rest up to fate?
i already know who i am inside
its who im not that i need to find
yours is brilliant and a keeper; inspiration to turn to when i give in to the old tape. and the inquiry you present is very timely for me. ive been confronting the reasons why i still find it so hard to be authentic. why i buckle and crumble when someone is mean to me, like a child i sound but appropos. And the ridiculous hypocrisy where i can be scathingly nasty to someone but become a spineless jellyfish when they return the favour. But worse is when i hold me ground, say with someone who i recognize as trying to take advantage of my good nature. i dont do anything overt to hurt them, just dont engage, and still they react as though ive killed their firstborn, and i let myself get pulled into the emotional manipulation, stewing over their rejection which i started. how does my standing my ground keep turning into a mind game with these people? But more in keeping with your inquiry; why i avoid telling people im back to vegan, not wanting to arouse in them that sense of obligation that invariably becomes defensive. why must i forever be walking on eggshells? why do i feel the need to? this is the warrior i wish to become, the one who stands firm in their truth while dispassionately observing others reactions without also reacting or rising to the bait. Staying calm and present and seeing the bigger picture like you say. But also standing firm in my truth and not letting others negative reaactions sway me from my truth; such personal betrayal. no wonder im so at war with myself. After getting such a wonderful energetic boost from the video of La Palma, i was seeing and hearing sychronicities everywhere and noteabbly pausing in the grocery to get my bearings and standing smack in front of a sign that said "face the intensity". Alrighty then! A warrior doesnt become so avoiding the intensity. So no more running from the battleground. Great practice for facing the "final boss", my mother and sister wounds. But mostly learning to stay calm. Teaching my nervous system not to feel like it has to be ready to physically fight. Oh to be calm and honest and steadfast, and opening the ground for others to feel the same. Now that would be the beginning of freedom. Thank you!
Choosing ground
In reply to LMAO bit of a connection… by sylvanheart
Sylvanheart ( braveheart, thorin oakenshield), on reading your elegant comment the thought came, choose your battlegrounds. Of course, the ole silent treatment often suffices, as it creates the space of self enquiry for your would be tormentors. Maybe what needs to be expressed is, dignified silence. 'Why do I need to seek attention, why do I need to be so loud'? Well, no need at all, - well put. But lines feel like they should be drawn in the sand sometimes..
Thank you Andy, your…
In reply to Choosing ground by andyvaz
Thank you Andy, your reflections are highly appreciated! Definitely something to consider. Ah! To embody those names! If only! My new mission: Journey from wimp to warrior ;) Many blessings, barb aka Braveheart Thorin Oakenshield
What happens to you when YOU make judgments?
05/02/2024 Shift Update
I spoke in the article above about how to deal with people making judgments against you, especially when you're evolving your life in the shift (scroll up to review). So what happens to your consciousness if YOU make judgments? Why is it such a problem?
The Difference between Judgment and Discernment
First, we need to determine the difference between a judgment and a discernment, because it's fine and necessary to make the latter. A judgment is where you make a fixed opinion of someone or some situation and then form some inner fixed strategy for dealing with the situation - you "condemn" them or the situation without room to change. A discernment on the other hand, you recognise as a perception of the situation, a relativistic viewpoint, that can change, evolve and flow according to the soul.
I'll give you an example of a situation that a lady described on an Openhand workshop that happened to her:
She was walking down the street and coming in the opposite direction was a large street person, shabbily dressed, carrying a bottle of alcohol, and swaggering across the pavement. She wondered should she cross the road? But instead, decided that it was the trusting and loving thing to do to carry on. She got knocked over by the street person!
When we explored it in session, she realised that she was making a strategy to always trust people and their actions - that the divine would look after her. Yet she recognised that the soul was guiding to cross the road. She'd overridden it. In other words, she'd overridden a discernment by the soul. There would be no judgment in the action by the soul, no condemnation of the street person, but the flow wanted her to cross the road.
To be clear, a discernment is where you're noticing a situation as you perceive it to be, but without fixing on a strategy that you "always apply". Instead there's an openness for the soul to then come through and simply act, which would always be according to the flow and the highest interests of all life. It's an in-the-moment feeling response.
What happens to our consciousness when we make judgments?
In the example I described above, you are in the presence. You're in the One. From the One, action simply arises through the soul according to the universal Torus. Crucially this is a spontaneous flow and never the same twice in any given situation. This is the ideal configuration of beingness, enlightenment, that souls are working towards.
A judgment is where you form a fixed opinion of a situation and then inadvertently condemn it to be the same as last time. You're not allowing it to change or others in the dynamic to change. Hence you keep recreating the same patterns and challenges - by the Law of Attraction, you keep manifesting these disharmonious situations.
Most importantly, when you form fixed judgments of people or situations, you're actually defining your consciousness as a fixed identity in relation to them. You cease to be the One and are now limited by the inner identity you've inadvertently created.
The Shift is flowing through Grey Areas
The shift is now flowing through copious grey areas as we progressively unravel the Old Paradigm. Realise that everything is a perception and you could be wrong about a given situation. Work to approach each moment afresh, with a "beginners mind". Believe that a new outcome could be possible from what you expected. Allow for the fact that you could be wrong about a person and that they could change.
This way your consciousness becomes soft and malleable - you can flow through life's situations more effectively and make aligned choices with the Universal Torus. It's going to bring greater harmony and success to your life.
Bright blessings
Open 🦋
My judgment
In reply to What happens to you when YOU make judgments? by Open
My judgment of the author Starsky was that s/he was a threatening and unsafe person according to the mails s/he wrote. As the catalyst person I sometimes am I decided to kind of challenge him/her by throwing out a mail. I must say it unlocked a major karmic process for me of which I am working on to complete. I today I have gotten the most precious piece of advice. I am very grateful now, thanks Open for reminding.
What kinds of judgments are you getting on the path?
So Openhanders, what kinds of judgments are you getting on the path? I'm intrigued to hear and will gladly offer a supportive reflection. ♥️
Comment below...
Finding balance in expression
In reply to What kinds of judgments are you getting on the path? by Open
Right now it's that I need to be softer. But really I don't feel triggered so much by this judgement anymore, which is recently coming from men who are uncomfortable with a woman reclaiming sovereignty or are uncomfortable seeing and expressing their own power. Yet I'm aware that after lifetimes of giving it all away and having no boundaries, I can swing the other way pretty hard. And I used to judge myself for that, because it hurts others. But then I realise that the degree to which I overly surrender is the degree to which they take control or play into the distorted dynamic as well. And the degree to which I then swing the other way is to balance it out, which they attracted to themselves too. Every time this happens I thoroughly review and feel into whatever uncomfortable message I want to deliver, and it just doesn't want to be watered down even though I can see it has the potential to be taken personally and cause pain. What I'm working to do when expressing is to come from my feelings and not project and make things right or wrong. As you reflect I can see their fear and their course of action as an energy now and not as them. I can feel how on a soul level they actually wanted to hear the message.
A part of me yearns for this intensity to not be necessary anymore at some point. But I see how that doesn't happen from watering a message down when it wants to be expressed strongly. It needs to happen right at the beginning of the dynamic. To not go unconscious and lose myself to such a degree that it needs to be brought into balance with equal force.
Rest assured - harmony in relationships will come
In reply to Finding balance in expression by .
I greatly admire your inquiry Hannah - it's a wonderful example to all. 👍
What I can reflect is that I used to push buttons left, right and centre. Probably because I definitely did NOT water things down. Something in me was compelled to let expression simply flow. Each time I witnessed the other presenting into the exchange through their own veil; that this was a good thing because it afforded them the opportunity to change. Even if they didn't take the opportunity, which was often, at least I was playing my part in a possible shift of consciousness. AND crucially, I also explored how I might have approached things from a more evolved perspective. What did I (what do I) need to change in me so the expression can be more accurate?
Specifically, one key thing was: could I extend enough of a bridge to keep them onboard long enough to feel some kind of shift?
What I can say now is, that relationships tend to be more harmonious. It's definitely NOT all the time. But also you find that you only attract situations where each is ready to evolve and grow. More and more, people are taking ownership of their part in the dynamic.
If you keep working at it, relationships will become more harmonious and you'll find yourself in far fewer situations where discord happens.
Wishing you well
Open 🙏
Forming a bridge
In reply to Rest assured - harmony in relationships will come by Open
Thank you for the support Open, it means a lot. And yes, what you say about forming a bridge is what I want to work to do as well the best I can. But I see now the bridge will just form itself over time if I keep expressing as accurately as possible, stay conscious in witnessing distortions and work through them. There's no need to control how I express. And I think a bridge and evolution of both souls is what always naturally wants to happen, it's just the mind contorting it.
“ The system is designed to suck your soul”
In reply to What kinds of judgments are you getting on the path? by Open
Dear Open ,
That’s my judgement of my own situation on account of the legal quagmire I have been pushed into to reclaim my daughter’s and I property . As I wrote the above ,I had a flash of karmic knowing about how this is a replay so to speak for both my daughter and I ,giving away our power on many an occasion. And something just equalised in the action of writing the above statement.
The soul sucking nature of the Matrix is because through the eons I have “given myself up “ in so many ways to gain some sense of identity ,surety in chaos. Recently ,I encountered a veritable pillar of the matrix - a retired police officer who I have asked to help me navigate the system. Even asking him for help was so hard :) Another judgement about not having to ask for help and bludgeoning through on my own.I have also manifested bruises all over my skin at this time - seemingly after a small accident. ( There are no accidents :))
It’s layer upon layer showing itself these days . Knot after knot is coming up to be seen. Poverty consciousness,giving my power away ,trying to control what others think of me so I am safe in some shape or form . What is miraculous though is how every teeny tiny shift within seems to be reclaiming me to my own true self . Every time my little self is aware enough to observe through what is a complicated tapestry of karmic influences ,its almost as though another skein of energy joins into what is feeling like a tidal wave of my soul .
In reference to your article ,it is waking every day willing to have fresh eyes on the same situation which is allowing me to gain all my lessons from it . I am so grateful to be alive .
Pushing buttons in those around you
I felt to update this article today, about how to deal with Judgment and Projection when they come your way. (Scroll up).
When you're diligently working to evolve in the shift, there's no doubt about it, you're going to push buttons in those around you. Especially if they're still living comfortably in the box and burying their heads in the sand concerning the tumultuous planetary shifts going on. How do you deal with it?
One way is to take it as the tremendous growth tool that it is. It's going to search out any iota of doubt you have about yourself, where you are going and why you're doing it. That's a GOOD thing. It's only ever self-judgment that's being activated. So take it as a great opportunity. Ask: why and what am I judging myself about?
Then work to let go of the attachment.
(To dig deeper, scroll up)
Bright blessings
Open 🦋
Subtle need to divert attention
Hi Open,
Yes I get it, I guess I still have feelings of shame around the projections and subsequent behavior and the post triggered a need to explain and also divert attention to the receiving side. Although it also really fascinates me and awakens my inner scientist
The distinction of the 'holographic avatar' projection
Hi Hannah,
Yes indeed, there are many different types of filter - all of the rays of consciousness will have them.
What I was trying to do here, and maybe didn't specify distinctly enough, was an exaggeration of a particular filter that I've directly experienced, in this case the patriarch one, which then not only gets projected, but creates a delusional embelishment - in this case the creation of what I'm calling a 'holographic avatar'. I use the word 'delusional' carefully. What I've experienced is that the reality construct the person (in this state) can build is so far removed from reality, that it's almost impossible to relate to. For example, in one or two instances, people have put me in places that I've never been to, or exchanges that have had no context for reality at all. So I was tring to draw distinction to this kind of extremity - it's quite shocking when you first see it.
But yes, apart from that, there are countless more common filters that get projected.
Distorted caretaking
Good point Marije! I was later thinking about this as well, that the other end must attract these kind of projections for a reason too and how the post seems to be one-sided in this. In Open's case it's probably not too distorted, but I think it can be an equally distorted need to take care or 'save' someone. Also, what I noticed can happen at the same time in this dynamic in men (I'm talking from my experience here but gender doesn't necessarily play a fixed role), is that they have projected a perfect mother figure on a woman and are hoping that that will reveal itself once they have done enough 'saving'.
An over-keenness to help
It's a good question Marije, and of course where the energy has been projected at me, in true Openhand fashion, the first thing I've done is ask myself, 'why did I manifest it?' It's always my first response to any given situation.
I do embody a good deal of patriarch energy, that I've come to realise. Which in an undistorted way is a great thing. It's solid and reliable, it's resilient in difficult situations, it's supportive and compassionate. It's also an essential energy to embody on the journey into presence. So if people can pick up their own resonance from me in that, well I would say that's pretty invaluable.
What I've come to realise in a few instances, is that where this projection continues, the best thing to do (in my case), is to establish firmer boundaries and actually encourage the said person to step back - in a caring way. My distortion has been an a degree of over-keenness to help, a distortion of the ray 4 compassion, that's mantained connections longer that they should have.
This kind of challenge is something plenty of teachers/guides/healers experience. It's something I've had to now learn and deal with. As I explained in my point above, if ownership isn't taken, it's important to de-escalate the situation, to de-energise it, or else the filter tends to grow and embellish.
The patriarch projection that surely affects many people
Hi Hannah,
Thanks so much for your honest and open reflection. This is for sure a dynamic that effects many people unconsciously, and so bringing light to it, can really help people see it and move past it.
This is also an essential additional point that you brought up...
but then feeling disappointed or even angry because they don't meet the expectations from the projection and this is where the drama kicked in
So what I've witnessed is then a knee jerk swing of the pendulum back the other way - as the resentment is expressed, the reaction is then over energised.
Thanks for your contribution!
Thank you Open for…
Thank you Open for describing this phenomenon so clearly. It can be such a complex dynamic! I feel to share my perspective on this, coming from the projecting side. When I would get involved with someone with a strong 'fatherly' energy I feel there was even more than one projection where I was relating myself to, which could even switch and morph; the projection of my father how he actually behaved towards me (abusive) and one where I projected an ideal image of a father onto someone. Either way, I indeed couldn't see someone for who they really were, also causing me to behave in a way that completely overrides my true thoughts and feelings. Although what sometimes does happen is that those holograms fall away for a moment and you do see the real person behind them, but then feeling disappointed or even angry because they don't meet the expectations from the projection and this is where the drama kicked in mostly, trying to get them to behave in a way that fits into the projections again and keeps them in place. Looking back on periods where this happened it felt like hallucination and the behavior coming from it can seem ridiculous and even malicious, but in the end comes from immense pain. Of course this doesn't mean not to take responsibility, but it can certainly be hard to unwind.
How people project holographic avatars into relationships
I felt to share a phenomenal dynamic with you that has happened to me recently. I perhaps wouldn't have fully recognised it, except the same filter was projected by several different people. In my situation, it was to do with the projection of the patriarch archetype.
So probably all people have some kind of subconscious conditioning in relation to the patriarch energy, until that is they fully embody it for themselves. They're either have had good or bad experiences with the father figure in their formative years, or else a mixture of both. I've also come across plenty of cases where a father figure has abused their child, including sexually. Such occurances, needless to say, are going to be deeply impactful for a child. It's incredibly difficult for them to know how to process such trauma, and so it gets pushed down into the subconscious. Consider also the major religions that have been based on patriarchy, where billions of people are now holding that karma of disempowerment and loss of soul sovereignty. Which is why I say that probably all people have some kind of trauma or understandable subconscious judgment about the patriarchal energy.
So now if they encounter someone who embodies qualities of strong patriarchal energy, even if aligned, there's a tendency to project that subconscious filter onto them. What I've witnessed is the formation of what I would call a 'holographic avatar' into the relating experience between you. They're actually relating to the hologram rather than you. And they'll project all manner of drama and delusion onto the hologram. It's as if they can't really see the real you at all. The situation can get exacerbated by entities amplifying the drama so as to gain energy from it. A person relating to you in this kind of way, will actually believe the delusion that's been created, and so to someone else, sound incredibly compelling.
I've found it a difficult conundrum to break. But it most definitely IS possible. Here are some important pointers...
1) Work not to get wound up or angry yourself. Work not to over energise responses
2) Carefully and gently call their illusion
3) If they're open to it, help them confront the source of their inner pain
4) Help them see what it is they think they need or want from you
5) If the projection doesn't stop, or starts to escalate, it's important to step away from the relationship, or else you simply risk triggering and building more of the delusional experience.
So I invite you to be mindful that in some of the most challenging relating experiences you might be having, that something like this dynamic could be happening. Work not to take things personally. Work to see their delusion about you and the projection that is likely being made. Then see if it becomes possible to help them dissolve this.
In loving support
What you see in me...
I felt given to repost this article today...
When Judgment and Projection come Calling...How to deal with Them
I was inspired by a great quote that came my way which I felt to share with you...
"What you see in me,
is what you see in yourself."
It's so true. Especially when people make bold statements about you, either to your face, or behind your back, it's often usually because they're projecting a filter out from their own subconscious. They literally are seeing some kind of reflection about themselves.
Maybe this realisation can help you if someone is projecting at you at this time.
Being judged by those closest to you
The most difficult thing I've had to deal with is my estrangement from my 20 year old son. This article has helped me to understand the rift and pain I'm currently experiencing with him. It never occurred to me that our estrangement might have to do with his judgement regarding my shift of consciousness and how it makes him uncomfortable.
In case I needed confirmation, I saw the "Green Snake" Energy during my meditation this morning and noticed Anastasia's comment above regarding the Green Snake when scrolling down to comment!! I asked the Universe this morning "What's the lesson I need to learn with my Son?" The answer was to Love unconditionally which has been a struggle for me. Part of me just wants to close down and shut him out, but I realize it's necessary to stay open and hold the space for him.
More to come as I unwind the Karma associated with this struggle.
Looking forwards to your sharing Anastasia - very intriguing!
Looking forwards to your sharing Anastasia - very intriguing!
A very strange sharing
Hi Paul, (and everyone else)
I'm so glad you shared that experience. It really excites me how you were able to capture it on so many levels within (and outside) yourself. I have to say, well done! A grand spiritual high five from me to you. And don't fret about the 'graphic' details. I see stuff like that quite often, and it's nice to hear someone else does too.
Well, once again, synchronicity brings us together here . As it turns out, I have had the most fascinating weekend with the 'green snake' myself. The problem I'm having though is how to write about it. I've 'seen' and understood so much over the past few days, I don't know how to summarize it. There are so many layers and so much that wants to be said, and I'm not good at just spontaneously writing. When it comes to communicating important messages to the greater public, I get stuck in various places inside myself. The flow gets obstructed, and I just want to give up and run and hide. Add to that a sore throat (chakra) and a cough that I've had since the last webinar and I think you have yourself an issue of karmic proportions
The point is, I don't want to just give up this time. What was shared with me this weekend by the 'green snake' is really valuable, and it's meant for everyone, not just for me. So, I kind of feel it's my duty to share, otherwise the benefit gets lost, and with that perhaps an opportunity for me to break through. So what I'm saying with this very odd sharing is that I will write about it. I just have to find the right way to do it, and perhaps I have to process something else first before I'm ready. I just don't want the energy of the moment to get lost, this great synchronicity, so just bare with me. And now that I've said all that, I've pretty much closed all exit doors on myself, because I can't go back on my big promise now. (Anastasia, what are you doing?)
So much discomfort in me right now. Breathe. Relax.
Love to you all,
The matrix as a catalyst
Megha, Open, Richard, Maria, Vimal, and Tracy,
I can't thank you enough for this thread. Each of your shared perspectives and experiences were very inspiring and catalytic.
I had a related experience at work towards the end of last week that spiked really hard for me. Essentially my actions from earlier in the week did not conform with what was expected of me in my new role, and my new boss addressed this through a series of direct judgments. Several comments spiked in succession, like they were bombs being dropped on me:
"NOT VERBOTEN," "Your absence was definitively noticed by several people at the top," "Your reason for not being there is not good enough," and "It looked bad for your entire team."
Fortunately I was in enough of the position of the Observer to able to watch the interaction consciously, and while I was uncomfortable during and definitely demoralized afterward, I somehow knew in my core that I was being given a gift if I could apply the experience as an opportunity and catalyst for growth.
I woke up at 2am that night, still restless from the experience, and was drawn to read this article from back in November 2017 for an evolutionary viewpoint on how to deal with judgment and projection. When I logged into the site later the next day I was confused for a second, because the article I was reading the night before was now somehow on the home page -- until I realized that Open had reposted this EXACT ARTICLE for consideration that day. You're definitely one tuned in dude; thank you 1000x. :)
I finally had the opportunity to fully regress into the experience alone in my car at lunch. There was pain in the solar plexus, left side of the heart, and massive tension in my third eye. After a few moments of breakthrough breathing my Soul just opened me wide up and I went straight into an early childhood experience where it felt like I gave up my capacity to fully feel through the field. Pardon the graphic-ness, but what I saw was a face sucking scarecrow-ish entity going into my rapt stunned frozen face through my mouth, instilling an undercurrent of fear into my existence from that point forward. I saw and felt inserts being clamped into my jaw and implants going up the back of my throat and all the way up into my head through my nasal passages. I identified with what was occurring and could not handle the paralyzing fear, so I eventually I shut my sensitivity off and out just to cope and to be able to sleep at night.
I suddenly saw my own childhood innocence in all of it - along with HUMANITY'S innocence as well - and with it came forgiveness for allowing my light to be overshadowed in the first place. Emotion flowed through in waves and I just allowed it to course through over and over -- so grateful to be graced with the opportunity to realign and to serve and to SHINE again. It was like the emotions themselves became a "hydraulic" cleanser, pushing energy up to my forehead and breaking apart all kinds of stuckness on the way.
Then I saw a toroidal-ish connection between my solar plexus and heart, and it lit up and got stronger and brighter. My hands heated up and they were placed in that space and gave it added warmth. I suddenly saw a tightly wound black snake coiled around my heart space and solar plexus, and as soon as it hit my awareness, it began moving again and turned GREEN. (!!)
A phrase was gifted: CONSTRICT or CONSTRUCT. The realization hit that the "matrix" consciousness was NOT originally built to limit and restrict. It was to provide the necessary framework in order for experience itself to happen. Without boundaries, the Flow could not flow!
A powerful experience I am so grateful for, and I have a few questions as I integrate it.
What are some best practices to encourage grounded integration after something like this? It's not exactly a common occurrence for me. :) As far as my career itself I trust that the external situation will align itself with my internal shifts, but like a lot of us on this thread, there is a big difference between the "two worlds."
It seems like it would be more effective to go directly inward to unwind density rather than requiring external events to catalyze growth. How is this best facilitated? Or is karma pretty much karma and it is what it is?
Thanks again to every one of you - especially the inquiry on blending and expressing.
I resonate with this
Thank you so much Maria ,Open and Richard for this thread .
I am in healthcare too Maria and I face many of the issues you do. For much of my medical training and even afterwards I was completely in lock down. My internal experience and it's external expression seemed to be completely at odds . I often fantasised fanta doing Integrative Medicine - seemed to resonate much more with me but the Universe basically caught me by the scruff of my neck and planted me here 😀😀😀.I ''woke up" after my father's death and reconized the value of surrender ,without surrendering my integrity. This is a moment by moment exploration of course. In my work ,I am fortunate to be almost entirely independent. And so I am able to work with a lot of heart and push the envelope so I am doing much more kind and intuitive medicine( with excellent results !) . Probably doesn't impact the matrix very much - I am after all working in a very small hospital with very few babies . At one level I like that relative anonymity - makes me feel safe.
As far as judgements are concerned the level of projection and judgement has immensely spiralled in the last couple of years .I recognize that I am shining my soul obviously a lot more in the last two years. I am living ,in many aspects very true to my soul so it's inevitable I suppose. I have been attacked for literally just being who I am - I am still learning to undo my own unconscious judgements instead if getting into altercations and fight or flight mode .
For me ,I look at it literally moment at a time. I focus on being centred and loving inside my own heart and with each patient just being a Presence. I give very little medicine ,much more time and space . I try to connect with all of the families at a very heart level . Sometimes works ,sometimes doesn't. I look at each interaction as an opportunity . Even my patients are starting to select themselves - I feel like everyone that comes to my small hospital was meant to meet me and interact with me for that small time ,as I was meant to meet with them . And of course unravel any tightness ( for me it's often about appearing perfect ,being trusted ,self doubt)
I recently ran away into the mountains for just the sort of retreat you describe.It was a lovely break ,but the matrix is definitely my karma bhoomi ( the space to enact karma) for now .
Thanks to all of you !
Reclaiming our uniqueness
In reply to I resonate with this by iamdurga
Hi Maria, Richard, Open and Megha
These exploration are also connected with Open questions towards me about the need to belong. I have not really inquired about it within but always felt it. I believe I'm a star soul but like it's frequently discussed here I have not felt that I don't belong to this place and elsewhere. This is because I'm empathic and have string diplomatic quality so I have always been good in blending in, fitting in. And most times it has meant compromising my soul. This is a false belonging but serves to find ourselves within it. I also feel some of the issues like beauty, perfection, achievement etc are also connected to this need to belong where I feel that I will only be accepted, belong if I meet this needs within myself. How limiting is this. There is no place for the real me. So I think what has really made a defference is cultivating this space - meditating, solitude, being with nature, animals, playing music etc. So that I progressively touch my soul. And when I go back to the place where Im expected to blend in I can be aware of my uniqueness inside those rigid conditions which can be family, friends or the job I do. I used to teach at this centre only very recently where children were controlled, literally beaten into submission. It was even more sad to know that people involved and the children's their parents just didn't know these were a disharmonious reality and life goes much beyond that securing our place in this world. It was no place for me to raise my voice and blame them for these things because that will have only created more polarity and exploded the connections.. But the universe also gave me the opportunity to connect with them, speak my truth compassionately and openly, even sing from my heart. And I know this has made a huge difference. But the most important thing was that first it required my awareness, inquiry, surrendering and opening up. Because the rigidity outside always connected with the rigidity inside. The conditioning I picked up from my own school days. To give you a funny example,after literally grinding through the institution for some years I came to realise that the head of this insitituons resembled in every way a physical teacher I had at school! I was so afraid of this teacher but also wanted some consideration, belonging from him. Look how the universe bends and wraps reality for mutual evolution and growth!
Love to Connect with you all
Vimal 🙏
Paul - I didnt see your comment. But I trust everything happens in an orchestra in the universe. So no worries! Interesting experiences you had. Keep on exploring brother. Namaste
Oh wow !!
I love both these queries Vimal !! I have been feeling a lot of judgement too. In the last year there have been many reacting to my aura. They have been so many attacks real and intangible because I feel I threaten people .
And the urge to belong and to be afraid of not belonging is sooooooo deep it feels very karmic too. I resonate with your anxiety to not belonging as well Vimal . And the solar plexus and the heart are definitely it's seat.
Whenever I am in a particular query ,I attract babies that reflect it. Right now I am dealing with a child who is sick because he literally has his intestines in knots . The last time I was processing this a baby died with the same disease and so this time I was able to pick it up much much earlier . True for my insides as well. I am looking at where I am judging myself for speaking my truth. Had a very firm conversation with my mom yesterday as well - usually she is able to bully and guilt me I to shutting up ,not yesterday . I held my ground.
The guts unwound themselves. Whew . Just made that connection right now .
Thanks Vimal and Open for sparking that off !!
The need to belong?
Hi Vimal - yes indeed, no matter how much you might read something, it's only going to 'land' when it's ready
Have you explored the need to belong?
Much love
Judgement and tightness in heart
It has not occurred to me before the judgements I face are actually self judgement or at least I wouldn't be affected by it so much if I was not judging myself for the same. Funny no matter how much we read and process such stuff, we.will only get it when we are supposed to. I have always struggled in front of judgement from others - my heart beats wildly and I have huge tightness there. Probably some karma from the past. This is part of the reason I have felt to involve my family and others in my path so that I can resolve the judgement with them, triumph over it even. Yesterday after seeing this posted here it occurred to me that it was only my self judgement and I needn't worry about how others perceive me because it can change magically when I have resolved it inside myself. I feel more free. Relief. Thanks a million
Sometimes right action will be neither safe nor popular
Well said Tracy
“Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?'
Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?'
Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?'
But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?'And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I've been speaking up since before it was popular
I have always felt like the lone wolf. I've been speaking my truth for a long time. It is just something that comes natural to me. It's like I can't not do it. It has not made me popular. I've spoken my truth as a woman before there was a space or support for it. I'm glad this is coming out now and creating a container for others to feel safe to do so.
We try so hard to fit in, to be liked, to be accepted and find an identity even if it's not who we are.
Judgment: are you blaming yourself for something?
I felt to share this article again today... When Judgment and Projection come Calling...How to deal with Them (scroll to the top).
Remember, when you feel judged, it's only because it's touching your own self-judgment inside. Others might project blame, but it can only land if you're already blaming yourself for something. Let go. It's not your fault - the universe is simply unwinding through you. Accept yourself. Stand in your truth.
In loving support
Use an empowering question to stop judgment
Hi Steve - I admire your courage and bravely - it takes a lot to stand up, be you and express in that kind of closed mindedness. Yes, the light is often inconvenient to people. But nevertheless, the encouragement is to persist.
We need to get you on a facilitator course! One of the things people learn on it, is how to formulate an empowering and open question. So when someone comes at you with a judgmental projection like that, instead of just taking it in your system, you can turn it around (benevolently) and inquire what they feel about what they're sharing.
So for example:
"I hear what you're saying, and I honour your truth. But I also feel some anger and judgment projected my way. So where's that coming from? It feels like you've got some pain brother. What's that all about?
If done in a loving and compassionate way, it causes the energy to go back in on itself and explore.
You do have to be a little careful with the questions, so as not to explode buttons! But with practice and application of intuition, it is extremely effective because it empowers the inquiry. At the very least, it halts everything coming your way!
Wishing you well
In reply to Use an empowering question to stop judgment by Open
It did feel like I was trying to take it all in and work with it, that can get a bit heavy....I like your empowering reply which sends back the energy to make it work at the least as you say to stop the onslaught and I definitely see how it can also create a bridge of conversation to get to a mutual place.
My Experience
Beautiful Intuitive article Open..
I just recently spent some time with a close family member, 1 full week together and well I lived this exact experience you mention in the article, during the Process I found myself searching for ways to be able to build a bridge of communication and to handle the judgment and projection coming at me. It was challenging but I saw the task at hand as a nice test of sorts to see where I was at within to handle such a person. I found myself meditating to look for clues and ways to improve the communication so it could become an exchange of opinions rather than turning into an argument. It was very very challenging, spending time with this person made me realize how I have distanced myself from judgment and how I have become much more open minded and accepting of others, then only to fall in the trap of projection myself towards the narrow mindedness of this person’s ways. I never got to high or to low, my personal challenge was to be able to express myself, my ideas, my ways, my feelings without impeding on his; I noticed quickly he was very defensive and competitive with many of my sharing’s, I went out on a limb to share some of the experiences I have had personally and with others of like mind and on the few occasions I did share he quickly diminished them to nothing, I felt the person was not really listening to me to understand but more to reply, this I found discouraging I must say. The experience was interesting and I am eager to spend more time with this person when it arises and continue to find ways to build a bridge of communication between us and of course this can serve me well with others as well.
Now having read this article I feel the missing piece that would have helped greatly with meditating is as you say to separate the energy and the person, I feel this is something I can meditate with and explore.
Experiencing judgment just for being a starsoul
Hi Tonya - I'm aware you've experienced a lot of judgment on your journey Tonya - just for being a starsoul!
But to your great credit, you've kept looking within and shining the light.
You are "seen".
(PS - the image is from Game of Thrones)
Hey, Open. This article…
Hey, Open. This article speaks to me in ways that you can't know. So many levels of my own experience, past and present. And no, I don't intend to stop shining my light and moving forward because of the projection, resistance, fear, or the challenges that my beingness presents for others... but keep moving forward through the density, through the resistance, shining my life (oops, typo, light).
Who's the picture of, by the way (very poignant)? Not Joan of Arc, by any chance?
Much love.
Thanks for your perspective Open. I kinda had the sense of it already because i have been observing how im unintentionally setting my day into chunks of time where im meditating to feel the soul,getting out to face the world and entertaining myself. And this continous striving to feel the light gets hectic after a while. And maybe its about time it all merge into one or atleast start to. The thing that stood out most for me in the exploration is vulnerability. I observe i behave a certain way inorder to protect myself from potential negativity and this is holding back in many ways. Your question in the article stands out for me " Why are you still trying to fit in ?". I guess my way of fitting in nowadays would be an image of someone who doesn't get agitated or loose his centre and pose minimum disturbance to people close to me. This is afterall a way to protect myself. And getting clear of negativity inside helps me to conform to this way externally. I think i have developed some degree of acceptance to negativity inside which is helping me to see some of it clearly. This takes off some judgment i had towards my family and helps me to see them as they really are without needing to change them. I have observed in the past as opposed to being untouched and all peaceful its when i have some sort of argument or issue with any one of them is where i really grow. This idea that i no longer need to protect myself and i can be however i want to be is itself very liberating!
Thanks for reading
How illusionary realities are founded on subtle judgment
Thanks for the feedback guys
Vimal you said:
Another thing i wanted to ask was about energy attacks. I spend most of my meditative sessions clearing out them from my field with awareness. But as soon as i engage in my daily life sometimes i feel depleted and i can literally feel the attack coming.
I think the important thing about attacks, is that before you process them out, to ask "why are they landing at all?" Because then when you confront and unwind those inner recesses, the attack has nowhere to land.
Jen, you quoted this as a projection that came your way...
"If you love someone, you take care of them"
This is a powerful one for people to take note of right now. Because there's truth in it, and a projection of obligation, which borders on manipulation. That's exactly the 'snake energy' of which I've been speaking of late and can ravel one up in emotional/intellectual knots. What usually happens is that whilst you're trying to resolve inside what just got projected - because some degree of truth has landed - then conversation advances and creates an illusionary reality on (for example) what it truly means to take care of someone. A false foundation in the psyche is created, upon which a whole illusionary reality is built. It's one to be very attentive to.
Great inquiries guys!
Can so relate to this
I can really feel... More than words can express. I feel that tether pull on me and it wants to weave me back into that fold... It feel like part of me wants to fall into it as well. It's in these moments that I come back to the beginning... What is at the root of the movement? When I connect to that, I feel the rightness and all the murkiness can just be while I step through it.
Projections have allowed me to let go of needing to bridge the gap with everyone... I just won't be able to in some cases (most)... And there is gentleness again when I just let them see it how they do, just let them perceive it from the place they can.
Yesterday I hit some stuff stirred up by the expectations of someone close that "if you love someone, you take care of them"... It tugged on my need to show love by care taking and It really hurt deep in my heart that there was failure there....and then with a lot of tears it melted softly and a sense of what's real for me came through.
So anyway, thank you Open- for me I find a greater capacity to embrace those around me with all of the misunderstanding, misperceptions and to embrace myself and how I am in it... What I fee is true for me... Without fighting it or proving anything, just follow the light of my soul urging me on. <3 Jen
Its a very relevant article…
Its a very relevant article for me. When i opened this page i also recieved a friend request from someone who has posed many judgements and even praise upon me in the past. I agree with how its my own subtle self judgement which is getting reflected tenfold and how i feel to engage with it. But these days its amazing how some of it doesn't affect me at all. My response has been to engage very less with them and only when its necessary otherwise its like i lose all of my energy in a conversation. But at the same time i also wish if i could connect more positively with them ,my brother for instance.
Another thing i wanted to ask was about energy attacks. I spend most of my meditative sessions clearing out them from my field with awareness. But as soon as i engage in my daily life sometimes i feel depleted and i can literally feel the attack coming. I doubt whether it has something to do with mindfullness which i don't feel necessary to hold like in the beginning because it has become natural.
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