The "Greening of Greenland" - 5 Evolutionary Ways to Respond Positively to Global Earth Changes

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/22/2018 - 01:44

Personally I frequently marvel, that despite its downside, the wonders of modern technology also reveal spectacular beauty on the planet that wouldn't previously have been accessible to us - such as the ancient glacial beauty of Greenland. It's high time we use the technology to pay attention, not just to experience its majestic beauty, but also how it signals a rapid shift in the earth's climate, that is going to increasingly affect us all in the immediate future. In the shift to 5D consciousness, synchronicity - the mother tongue of the Universe - speaks volumes..."Greenland, that was once mostly white, ironically, is now becoming increasingly green!"

Let's sit up and pay attention folks, because the writing is on the glacial wall,
and only the truth can truly set us free...

Looking into the Mirror of potential Spiritual Mastery

In the exploration of consciousness, it's utterly essential that we work to fearlessly confront the truth of what's going on currently in our world. If we stay plugged into the old reality construct, inadvertently resisting or deflecting the shift due to lack of awareness or fear, then the risk is to become an unwitting victim of what unfolds. The converse is true: if we are prepared to courageously face any fear, we may explode the myth of our merely 3D beingness and reality.

The mirrors in the current shift are now stacking up thick and fast. This presents the tremendous opportunity of spiritual mastery for those prepared to look directly into the mirror - if we embrace our internal reactions to the outer picture we've collectively manifested, ultimately there is no choice but to surrender and let go - there is simply nowhere else to hide. The surrendering into soul takes us reverently into the presence of the One, where we realise our eternal nature, and the undaunted arising of soul, from that infinite potential that we are. It leads to profound mastery of life.

The ancient glacial ice of Greenland is melting rapidly. If you were to metaphorically compare the speed of melt to a hockey stick, I sense we're at the point of the curve, where the rise now goes exponential. When I tune in consciously, in my truth, I can feel we've reached the point of no return for the ice sheet. The "Greening of Greenland" has been one of those great synchronistic spikes in my awareness by which the Universe endeavours to keep me in touch with the underlying message and flow. To me, it's as crystal clear as the melting ice itself.

With Immediate Effect...

Assuming this comes to pass, which now seems unavoidable, it will have a dramatic effect across the planet. With ice that is in places over 3000m thick, the melting of the glaciers, according to scientists, would raise global sea levels by over 7 metres. Since many large cities and habitations across the planet are close to the ocean, hundreds of millions of people would be displaced by the melt, impacting infrastructure and resources for just about everyone.

In my sense and knowing, we are not talking hundreds or thousands of years hence, I can feel the impact of this beginning to strike widely within a decade.

I invite you to spend just 5 invaluable minutes reflecting on this video, and then connect with me again in deeper contemplation...

How might consciously evolving people deal with the potential impact of this?
How might we turn a negative into a positive, that it may inspire evolutionary growth?

5 Evolutionary Ways to Respond Positively to the Melting Ice

  1. First it is to embrace the natural flexibility and spontaneity of the soul - not to allow oneself to feel fixed and rooted in a particular location. It is to reclaim the sense of our original nomadic nature, because change will likely spring upon us quite rapidly (from this and other escalating climate change shifts).
  2. It means to work to unleash the natural resourcefulness and adaptability of the soul. The mainstream of the soul does not fixate to a particular reality. Although there are karmic lessons to be learned, we are being invited to expand into a multidmensional consciousness landscape, one of flowing beingness. Radical earth changes will naturally inspire this.
  3. There is a priceless potential to prosper from this shift at a soul level, because it invites us to reacquire our natural mother tongue - that of synchronicity, which brings us back into the loving embrace of the divine; thus enabling us to endure vigorously the inherent changing nature of life.
  4. We're being compelled to create differently, from 5D consciousness, by embracing the natural engine of change, and coming back into alignment with the mainstream flow of sentient life. Once you're compelled to let go of limiting fixation of a particular reality, you rediscover your indescribable potential for miraculous manifestation. But, we have to overcome fear and restriction to unleash this. Here's how to explode fear in 5 steps
  5. The defaulting consensus karmic construct has divided people and enslaved them to the agenda of profit and loss, winner and loser. The escalating changes will compel many more of us to reconnect in supportive community groups - "Islands in the Storm" - where we harness, respect and treasure the remaining resources available to us. I see the "Rainbow Tribes being increasingly inspired to reunite in support of one another.

The last point I find particularly uplifting. I believe we already witness it happening in the heart-warming rise of the Transition Towns. Do check out this article with overview video...
The Heart-warming rise of the Transition Towns

The Majestic Glaciers are Speaking

Change is upon us. In a Universe of constant change, change is the only constant. This can be the liberation of us. We achieve it by turning directly into any fixation and fear. We go right into the eye of the inner storm and penetrate the 3D myth that binds us to a lower reality. Such an approach offers the making of humanity. In short, it inspires our spiritual mastery.

The ancient glaciers are speaking to us, in an accelerating flow. The old paradigm is beginning to melt rapidly away with them. I have no doubt the consciousness of their majestic beauty will reform elsewhere down the flow - so I do not attach to this loss, for when we have the courage to let go, loss only leads to increased potential for some new creation (here's how to process the grief of loss).

We're being compelled now to higher 5D consciousness. But it's not about waiting for that to transpire. We must get into the intimate inner inquiry right now, so as to join the realigning flow. The ancient glaciers are speaking. It's time that we heard them.

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

Openhand Courses in Spiritual Mastery

PS - in the commitment to Spiritual Mastery, the Openhand energy is constantly touring the world connecting with evolving people and supporting the Shift.


Here's where we'll be from September to December:

1st Sep: FREE, WORLWIDE WEBINAR 10am & 3pm (UK time)
Introducing Openhand's new body of work, designed to explore your Sacred Ground of Being, deep in your divine core, and then how to emerge from there in 5D consciousness for successful, fulfilling and abundant living. Scheduled through two 2hr Webinars to connect freely with as many of you around the world as possible.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

4th Sep: GLASTONBURY PLG, Evening Seminar
We're thrilled to be back in the heart chakra of the planet, Glastonbury, in The Town Hall with the Positive Living Group, for an evening seminar of deep alchemical magic. We'll be exploring your Sacred Ground of Being and from there, how to live successfully and abundantly in 5D consciousness right now. Doors open 7pm.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

7th/8th Sep: BRIGHTON/UK, 2 Day Intensive Workshop
We're back in the sunny seaside town of Brighton, just a short hop from London and it's international airports. This will be a 1 day Saturday intensive, followed by an optional Sunday morning of integrational meditation. We'll take you deep into the Sacred Ground of Being and emerge in glorious 5D consciousness.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

15th Sep: SYDNEY/AUSTRALIA: 1 Day Intensive Workshop
Sunny Sydney has always been an Openhand Favourite. This will be a 1 day intensive that impacts at a deep energetic level, taking you into the alchemical magic of your Sacred Ground of Being. Touch your deep divinity and know how to come forth from there in successful, fulfilling and abundant 5D consciousness.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

20th Sep: BYRON BAY/AUSTRALIA, Free Evening Seminar
What a magical place Byron Bay is! We're thrilled to be back in the highly conscious Mullumbimby, at the Drill Hall for another evening of beautiful divine connections. We'll be weaving the threads of spiritual experience to deepen into your Sacred Ground of Being and come forth in fulfilling 5D consciousness. Begins at 6pm.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

20th-23rd Sep: BYRON BAY/AUSTRALIA, Weekend Retreat
We're back at the aptly named and stunning retreat "Phoenix Rising", just outside Byron in Mullumbimby. Kick your shoes off for a weekend retreat of deep discovery into your Sacred Ground of Being. Touch infinite presence together with us, feel the vibe of 5D consciousness, and let it emerge to illuminate your life.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

11th-14th Oct: GDANSK/POLAND, Weekend Retreat
We've always wanted to work in Poland, and here it is! Our first Openhand event at the Sound Temple of Joana and Huzy, with the 'gong of love and peace' at its heart. We'll be just outside Gdansk for a weekend retreat of deepening into your Sacred Ground of Being and emerging into successful 5D consciousness.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

19th Oct: EXETER/UK, 1 Day Intensive Workshop
The Phoenix is calling us once more! We're gathering for a deep 1 day intensive of inner inquiry, softening into the Sacred Ground of Being within and stepping forth with successful, resilient and abundant 5D consciousness. Whether you're new to The Shift or a seasoned master, a deep day of alchemy awaits.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

25th-28th OCT: BRUGES/EU, Weekend Retreat
It's "Blessings from Bruges" once more! We'll be back at the stunning private retreat of Michael & Marielle, just a short drive/train from Brussels International airport and in easy reach from all over Europe. Bask in the tranquility to touch your Sacred Ground of deep inner Being. Emerge into glorious 5D consciousness.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

8th/11th Nov: CALIFORNIA/USA, Weekend Retreat
It's high time we brought the Openhand alchemy to the magical California! And here we are, at the stunning Seven Circles countryside retreat, for a weekend of deepening into the Sacred Ground of Being. Touch deep presence and emerge in successful and abundant 5D consciousness. Sure to be unmissable.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

22nd - 25th Nov: AFRICA, Sterkfontein Caves Retreat
Heard of the Sterkfontein Caves, the "Cradle of Humanity"? That's where we'll be for the epic conclusion of 2019. You can feel the energy here touch deep into your DNA. What better place to deepen into the Sacred Ground of Divine Being, and to emerge forth in glorious 5D Consciousness. Experience of a lifetime.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

25th Jan-1st Feb: LA PALMA, CANARIES 7 Day Retreat
And there's still one more exciting event as we shift into 2020. This is Openhand's legendary 7 day retreat on the stunning Volcanic Island of La Palma, just off the coast of North Africa and in easy reach of main European airports. The vibe off the scale! Spend 7 days of deep inner inquiry & soul revelation for the New Year.
Our Times Call for the Divine Being in Each of Us To Arise!

About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV

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I received an email yesterday suggesting that scientific evidence is contradictory to what I'm sharing here, in that the ice mass over Greenland is in fact increasing. Check out this rather caustic article at Electroverse

Disaster Averted! — Greenland has Big Turnaround and is now GROWING Sea Ice in Summer

It's clear there's a discrepancy somewhere down the line. But that all depends on exactly how and where you measure the thickness of the ice.

For me, Skeptical Science explains it well...

Confusion caused by anecdotes of structures being buried by accumulating snow on Greenland's ice sheet leads some skeptics to believe Greenland is Gaining Ice. As always, the best way to tease out the truth here by following the research of scientists investigating Greenland's ice mass balance.

The evidence suggested by a multitude of different measurement techniques suggests that not only is Greenland losing ice but that these ice losses are accelerating at a rapid pace (Velicogna 2009). Further evidence suggests that although ice losses have up to this point primarily occurred in the South and Southwest portions of Greenland, these losses are now spreading to the Northwest sector of the ice sheet (Khan et al 2010).

Although there have been some gains at high altitudes, significant ice losses are occurring at low altitudes (Wouters 2008) along the coastline where glaciers are calving ice into the oceans far quicker than ice is being accumulated at the top of the ice sheet (Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006).

In conclusion Greenland is losing ice extensively along its margins where fast flowing ice streams are pushing more ice into the ocean than is gained in the center of the ice sheet. For more information on how ice sheets lose mass, a more comprehensive discussion is available here.

I felt to clarify!

Open HeartPraying Emoji


For newbies and seasoned travelers with Openhand we make a conscious point to address the inconvenient truth wherever it arises in this Great Shift unfolding across the earth...

It's only by equalising with a situation that you can 'normalise' in it, meaning to become as-one with it. Now that's going to bring up all manner of fears, worries and resistances. The temptation is to turn away and focus only on the 'positive' stuff (note that 'positive' here is a judgment - not accepting the way things truly are and being awesomely okay with that). Everything is consciousness. We define ourselves by what we identify with in the moment. The invitation is to transcend all challenge and difficulty by passing through the eye of the needle. That way we grow as beings. And that's what this 'game' of life is really all about.

With this in mind, I felt to draw your attention to some startling recent news...

Greenland Temps Soar 40 Degrees Above Normal, Record Melting of Ice Sheet

Last week, Greenland lost 2 billion tons of ice or about 45 percent of the surface in just one day. Measuring about 275,000 square miles, the ice melt was slightly larger than Texas, said Marco Tedesco, a geophysicist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, according to the New York Times.

"The melting is big and early," said Jason Box, a climatologist at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, as the Washington Post reported. In May, Box predicted that 2019 would be a big melt year for Greenland, as CNN reported.

Why is this so important? Because of the 50 Giga Tonne Methane bomb that lies in the permafrost that is being progressively exposed - it will certainly have a global elevating impact on temperatures.

Why then are parts of the USA and other areas in the northern hemisphere experiencing record seasonal cold at the same time?

The situation is complex and often apparently contradictory. It's because there are many different dynamics going on simultaneously. We have the accelerating rise in global CO2 emissions, which are now well above the 400 parts per million dangerous warning level. This is causing the transformation of the jetstream, so that colder air is meandering south from the arctic and warmer heading north. But you also have the solar minimum and the ongoing pole shift which are likely reducing temperatures too.

Parts of India and Pakistan are now at consistent temperatures where it becomes hard for the human body to exist. And parts of Australia are clearly heading that way in its summer months too. Abrupt climate change is upon us now.

The crucial thing is to equalise with this. Know that the world is dramatically changing now and let that encourage you to live much more in the moment. Give thanks and blessings for each day. Live it as if it were your last. Shift from trying to acquire things in the 3D to positively growing from each treasured experience of life. Let the Shift unfold you as a spiritual being. Let it become your engine for growth and your life will become successful and fulfilling right now.

I put it to you that this is how we can be positively inspired by dramatic earth changes right now. It can be the making of us.

So what inspires you today? How can the bigger picture elevate your life?


Open HeartPraying Emoji


An essential thing to add in this contemplation is the unpredictability of climate change and its effects. Here in Britain, there was originally a feeling that things would get drier and warmer. But as the artic ice cap is breaking down, so is the northern jetstream - that's dumping a lot of cold and wet weather over the UK. So will similar happen when Antartica breaks down? It is currently beginning to, and that will greatly affect the southern jetstream. Maybe then parts of Aus will get cooler and wetter too? As I shared in my book Divinicus, Gaia clearly spoke to me that there will be safe havens everywhere - "Islands in the Storm" - where conscious folk would come together to support oneanother in resourceful and resilient communities. I do see that already happening...

Open Praying Emoji


I Love this Alexandros....

I have no expectation at all, in terms of how long I will stay there. I am open, and even expecting the unexpected. And there is sense of freedom in that too!

See you on 5GATEWAYS! It's all about following the free flowing flexibility of the soul.

Open Earth Globe Americas EmojiThumbs Up Sign


Hi folks ?. I came across this video I felt important to share. It's the story of 3 climate change scientists in Oz and their concerns for the future. I think it's important to watch, even though it will likely stir up some things. The mind tends not to like change that much. And it's easy to slip into subconscious denial and deferral. That's a hindrance to the full emergence and free flowing expression of soul. This is the essential point: to be constantly attuned to the inner world; to look into the external mirror and truly engage how you feel about things in this moment. If there's fear, that offers an incredible doorway to expansion, because it shines the light on where to work next. This is not about our survival as Homo Sapiens. This is about the emergence of Homo Divinicus. It's in us all, the magnificence of the Cosmic Being. It's time to unleash it, step by step.

With this in mind I share the video. Feel into it. Work through any contraction over the days ahead. Plenty have seen it on the Openhand site and found the sense of the nomadic. How might your soul respond positively? How might it inspire you even more strongly to the inner journey of emergence? In loving support HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Jennaya - I saw the film Geostorm too. An interesting take voltage emoji icon

Hi Joanne,

Great to connect with you. You said...

My shadow work is that despair brings me into denial which spins me into hope.

The essential thing of course is that we have such a handle on our own internal process and can track what the various internal machinations want to do.

I always wondered, in weight of all of the evidence, why people don't accept (for example) the obvious truth about 911 - especially when you watch building 7 fall at free fall speed when nothing hit it.

Then I realised that sometimes the magnitude of the truth is so great, that internally people are unable to cope with what it means - psychologically they can't go there. So they simply continue in the old belief system.

I see the shifting climate very similar. It's happening relatively slowly in front of people's eyes (although it's at breakneck speed in Gaia's time frame). I believe for most, the magnitude is too great to grasp at this current time.

But dialogue with higher consciousness is helping me see that's the reason the shift is being supported here in a progressive way, over years and decades. That way we can progressively unravel resistance and denial of it.... or indeed 'hope' of something different.

I do believe enough people will begin to get it early enough so as to help many more.

Let's trust that will be the case.

Open Praying Emoji


Mostly just want to thank you for being a source for reality checks. My own awareness is like an ice flow....present then gone. My shadow work is that despair brings me into denial which spins me into hope. I am grateful when I recognise what I'm doing as it gives me the opportunity to get real...then being all that I am becomes even more important...i feel tremendously blessed to know we are the ones we have been waiting for! Love to all. Joanne


Hi All,

I just stumbled upon this article, which I found quite synchronistic. It reminds me of the gradual withdrawal of raptor consciousness from this 3D reality as well as the alchemical fire inside us, that helps burn it (and which will, eventually, manifest in our external world, as well.) At least this is my take on it.




Hi courageous people! Day-by-day the shift is inviting us to get increasingly real, because the 3D effects are coming home to roost. There's two ways we can look at it though: the glass half full or half empty syndrome. The higher dimensional Openhand team have drawn my attention to the melting Greenland Glaciers, and the effect this is going to have across the world in the very near future. That's the purpose of my article with enclosed video above. It's a degree shocking no doubt - but that's no reason to turn our eyes away. Quite the opposite in fact. For when we 'normalise' in what's truly going on, by deeply penetrating the reality and our reactions to it, then we're offered a window to expanded consciousness.

To me this defines the enormous possibility the mirror of abrupt climate change represents. I can feel the reflections inside myself, and now I know where to work, what to let go of. In a Universe of constant change, change is the only constant. Can I embrace that fact as the engine for my own shift? I find that as we do, then there's always phenomenal expansion into cosmic consciousness. Spiritual Mastery is open to all of us right now. To me, that's what the writing on the glacial walls is telling us. Glass half full or half empty? Let's be inspired by the enormous possibility of change.

In loving support

Open Praying Emoji