Openhand DownUnder
Rolling journal in Oz Well yet again I'm making my way down under to the land of Oz. The Openhand community is spread far and wide around the world. I've often marveled at that. There's definitely a special synergy that connects us, but it has nothing to do with geography! We connect in the space between the spaces, but it's also compelling to meet face to face where that's possible - it definitely builds the energy more strongly and ripples outwards ever further. So I'm greatly looking forwards to it (thanks greatly to Graeme, Megan and Katie for generating plenty of energy). So come join the rolling journal which I'll keep updating as and when I get "a moment". Hang on, isn't there always "a moment?!"... Here's the outline itinerary...
- Five Gateways Activation (level 1) in Kiama: Nov 30th/1st Dec...Full info
- Walking the Path (level 2) near Sydney: 2nd-5th Dec...Full info
Come join us for the journey of a lifetime! Blessings Open
Ears to hear!
The prayer in my heart at this time is to keep clearing the clutter and allowing a clearer and clearer passage through which to be informed... All other mental tossing it about with what if this or that and how to physically prepare seems quite futile. I feel I can only empty the vessel of all that is unnecessary and listen. Tuning in!!
Open Sharing
I look forward to your sharing, Open, about the 'shift into the higher paradigm'. Although part of me finds the whole thing quite scarey, its good to be prepared as can be.
with love Myra x
almost missed this thread
Wow is right. Open, I'm listening! :) <3
End Game
Wow. Wow! What a powerful week. Openhand Aus was truly cosmic and the resonance of unwinding interwoven group Karma was felt in my bones.
Thank you Open. Thank you. There is a beauty in the growing Openhand Kiama/Aus connection and your commitment and passion is deeply appreciated.
The beginning of the end-phase. That's what I feel. Take that as you will, personal, global, galactic! Probably all of the above.
I'm grateful to the other beautiful souls who are unfolding their truth and therefore helping me unfold mine. There's inspirational courage all around me (thank you mirrors!).
And Trinity.. thank you for all your work; astral, angelic and administrative :) can't wait to introduce you to the Openhand Aus crew.
Much love,
Resistance to softening (From Megan)
From Megan Smillie;
Dear Open,
Thank you for flying halfway around the world to facilitate back to back Level 1 & 2 courses in Kiama & Sydney, Australia.
Thanks for helping me shed a few tears and for showing me how distortions in the soul ray harmonics can make ones 'gifts' very difficult to shine through.
Thanks for holding a space that safely allowed expression, release, joy, transformation & healing for the souls on both courses. Kiama and Govindas will never be the same!!
Thanks for the music - your selection of songs touched my heart and helped me feel both joy & beauty and also sadness and pain.
There is pain in my heart as I write about my resistance to softening, fear of getting it wrong. I feel my self sabotage is coming through as I type. This entry has been typed, retyped, deleted etc because I so wanted to write something that was profound and 'conscious' and showed I got it.
The truth is I got some of it and so desperately wanted to get it all. So desperately want to soften, let go and say good bye to that karma, repressed energy whatever we wish to call it, that often has me striving, 'doing', creating then feeling sad, overwhelmed, out of control and so wanting to be someone else and somewhere else. The tightness has come over me again as I cant work out what is truth and what is fear and whether I am letting that little monkey rule the type writer.
I am sending love, sunshine and heartfelt thanks to you, Trinity, Lesley, Openhanders world wide and the Australian Openhanders who fastened their seatbelts and went for a ride down under.
XX Megan Smillie
Very deep message
Very deep message. I have felt it vibrate in my soul.
Message in a Bottle
- "I'll send an SOS to the world,
I'll send an SOS to the world,
I hope that someone gets my,
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle!"
- How will you know if what I share will be the truth? You won't. But assuming I'm accurate, and I believe I am, then what I can say is this: for those that will hear my message, even partially, you will find yourself in the right place when the time comes and prepared with the right gifts. Although you may doubt what is offered now, the sewn seeds will ensure that you'll know exactly what you're given to do at the right time. It will become obvious. The time leading up to this is preparation time - as thorough as possible!
- "I see your true colours shining through,
I see your true colours
and that's why I love you!"....

Back around it goes
Thanks Trinity and Claire! Sending you love!
Synchronicity rocks
Thank you all for sharing such heart felt experiences. Since this song has touched me deeply the past couple weeks I felt to share as well. At what point is the outer world a reflection to perceived consciousness versus ones consciousness being pulled to another's field to reflect.. Then noticing the field around that seems to pulsate as it melds one into the other. Prefer not to get caught in specifics, yet concepts thought to have experienced presence through and let go of came back magnified ten fold. Watching an innocent young soul in a human body that was failing truly feeling the physical suffocation knowing impending death of the physical shell, clinging to my being with such desperation.. Pleading for my being to just stay as this presence was felt within as the recognition of distress was felt, choosing to go into/with was a conscious choice, it was felt deeply by this other soul. Writing that one feels suffocation, gasping for each breath as no words can escape, just the look in the eyes holding me close as I caressed her back and went into that space with her and just took a breath.. In and then out.. In...then...out...In....out....In........out..........In.................Out...........................In............................ Out...................
Slowly moving synchronistically with to ease the perceived aloneness, the suffocation that truly gripped as the body failed as family sat on the sidelines. I went into that space with and what was felt..... so much is occurring that just when it felt divinely graceful, much was accelerated to the point of awkwardness .. Yet again. There are no words anymore, there just are no words to convey it all/nothing
Thank you all for "listening"
Now today, that song is right there. I felt challenging to all of it in some way over the past two weeks and told "them" its not soft that its when one can stand firmly in the swirling chaos of it all with the proverbial staff grounded firmly within this realm then the centeredness creates a neutral resonance that pulsates. I was thinking what a luxury it must be to meet like minded souls who have at least the longing for greater awareness. I was processing so much that had been mopped up and absorbed from within the matrix that for the past 2weeks I would physically run listening to the entire Meteora album by Linkin Park until my shirt was drenched and my legs ached. When Numb came on, it was the last song, I felt some relief. To me the song represents stillness within the ever moving matrix that pushes, presses, pulls upon yet within the centeredness ones field exudes with more awareness as the skin is shed of its superficial value that is no longer reflected in what is "seen" with human eyes. Then it was time to feel more and strain the muscles on through and beyond the perceived exhaustion, as I am coming to know it truly is eternal.
Calling what we see
Breaking through Day
Openhand leading no one!
- Do not believe anything
because it is said by an authority,
or if it is said to come from angels,
or from Gods,
or from an inspired source.
Believe it only if you have explored it
in your own heart
and mind and body
and found it to be true.
Guatama Buddha
The doors of perception
When I think about it Open , we always have a choice and that is how we respond , like an orange squeezer what comes out is the juice of what’s already within…… matter where we are on our spiritual journey.
I do feel communication is a challenge with the Openhand so often.I do feel topic area sometimes leads the show. I couldn't feel the connection coming from the heart. So often we only encapture a portion of written words. The dynamics and complexity of the space between the spaces and what is in the midst of landing for a person can so easily get misunderstood /distorted.….For example how often do we read a text a second time and the whole tone and what it is saying may seem completely different.? We can read from the gut, later the intellect through mind feeing into higher mind and emerging into the heart source feeling …Very often words are simultaneously meaning or appearing as two different things.Words in actual fact have become quite meaningless to me.
What I feel to be important myself when being open to the realms of illuminated truth/opening portals is focussing on what feels truly ‘’benevolent’’, and what resonates with my soul frequency .. One of the essential keys of divine guidance which I also have a deep inner knowing is that it always leads us into ‘’self empowerment’’ which means trusting what ‘’we feel’’, and comes in a form of raising questions to activate our own self realisation. It never speaks in the form of ‘’do this or do that’’…..there is total freedom of space within divine timing of the natural state of evolution.
Our divine self only seems to wants us to master of our own soul and take the responsibility of all the divine choices presented whether coming from the mind or heart space-it’s all one in the end in any case , it all emerges. It’s about divine unification.
I also felt clarify and get my point across; I don’t need any analysis thank-you, I can always get a physchotherapist for that. I have been here to be me, to self realise, like a flower I blossom my own petals in my own time at my own pace.. Perhaps my choice of words was not as accurate as they could have been, for example my actual words were
‘’Trust in the unseen is what I am being told. Blindy,fearlessy and passionately.’’
The trust in the unseen is the ‘’original message’’. The blindy, fearlessly and passionately are my own human interpretations and not what has actually been communicated directly, just to clarify in case there was an misunderstanding.
It’s a bit like the bible and how words can get fabricated /distorted through the ages and through word of mouth, and to serve a particular audience for a particular purpose.The original message can so easily get lost and interpreted through our own filters especially when presented with interference and yes there was some degree of accuracy in what you said about interference, and denial . That’s what was happening as I felt it, i.e the two conflicting energies but I still was being guided to trust in what was unknown, in the unseen. It was based around a conversation earlier on during that day about trust. Benevolence was working, I could also feel another energy working through another being , and in the cosmic field, and into my field and the greater field.
Interference is inevitable on planet earth.….but benevolence is here to help us through.I feel this, I know this.
I do feel it’s about my own soul interpretation and well I am trusting in that and discerning with what’s basically no longer needed in my field.
I don’t need any answers……..because I have full trust that they will energe from within, I always have.
‘’If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite’’ William Blake
Ah Zac, that's BEAUTIFUL... especially the laughter! hurray! You express how you feel so wonderfully.
Two years ago, I was numb I had pain I couldn't process, I was a shell. Katie (my wonderful sister) sent me the link to The Five Gateways and I cried through the whole film. I felt it all, it was like I was remembering a love beyond anything I'd known but had forgotten, which filled me with elation then instantly the pain hit at the feeling of loss or separation as I now know.
I have just finished Level One in Kiama and am so profoundly thankful for the experience. The weekend has now illuminated my path. It was beyond words for me I find it hard to find the right ones... A realisation, no choice, I heard my soul speak. It was a protected space to get inside my pain and FEEL it. Still integrating it all now, but with light/love coming in:)... work in progress.
Open, Trinity and all at Openhand...Thank you.
The blind leading the blind
To a certain extent we are ALL partial.
Open: The Catalyst
I attended level one in Kiama and wanted to share how open has catalysed my ascension.
In order this is what has happened in TWO DAYS since the course:
I have confronted an ultimate fear for me again, death, the liberation from which surpasses all fear beyond comprehension.
I experienced the illusion of this reality as a means to realise my full potential, from which my laughter was beyond recognition.
I have remained in the void as the unidentified seer and have the privelige of witnessing the expression of this soul in all its magnificent beauty.
I have utilised a new found ability to cleanse my chakras,techniques I now find invaluable to turning up the volume of my soul.
I have become aware of a major block in my throat chakra which was distorting my verbal expression of authenticity. Now instead of controlling I may inspire by ..asking the question instead of telling the answer.
Through sychronicty and intuition I now have understanding of my disconnect from this place and my inner longing to return to my home a star within the orion constellation.
I am honoured and blessed with what is returned to me as a result of my new found expressions.
ALL THIS IN TWO DAYS since the course.
This is how open has catalysed my ascension.
May the gratitude I have be returned in full.
And may the vibrations from my elation be felt across the far reaches of the cosmos.
Onward we go!
working on this
Open, it never ceases to amaze me that your posts most always correlate to my current explorations and challenges. ...I get a real kick out of it! :)
These past two months, I have been struggling with identifying and removing attachments. I have been doing some big emotional and regression work in efforts to shed and clear myself emotionally (as well as clearing etheric implants). Just recently, it's been presented to me that my property (as well as surrounding properties) are hosting and attracting these energies, due to a malevolent portal.
I have been guided to live here and work with land, clearing these energies, but I have a hard time trusting myself--knowing that I'm being safe and connecting to the right guidance. I read your advice, but I have a very hard time DOING it. How do you "challenge" this energy to make sure it's benevolent?
Pleadian energy has presented itself, and I've been given the choice to work with it. I'm hesitant. I have been shown that I've transmitted in this life (as a voluntary pre-life contract) and also in past lives--doing much work for them. At this point, I feel like I'm being tested in "blind trust", as Teresa and you discuss. I go back and forth, as to what my answer will be from here. this the way Pleadians even operate??? I'm not sure it's in my best interest to continue. (?)
I know opposing consciousness is tricky--and could be preventing me from doing work to my highest potential. I feel like I'm doubting everything lately.
Open but always confused--lol,
''Learn to trust only in your inner integrity of experience. No truly benevolent source will ever tell you to blindly trust... only if you've first explored deeply the feelings through your own knowing, questioning deeply, unraveling deeply. If in any kind of doubt, dissolve the experience and watch if it reappears.
Especially in the higher dimensions, challenge everything. Keep challenging. Keep stripping apart. Only when the absolute core of it is felt in every cell of your being is it authentic''.
This is EXACTLY what I have been doing Open, and have been doing for quite some time !
Actually, contrary I am feeling much more like I am grounding consciousness into the hear and now and am not doing higher dimensionary work, just living life and letting it unfold..? What you are saying isn't something I don't already know,or wasn't aware of, it's like I have shifted........and I am out that box........
I will think and ''feel'' into your words, but if I feel inconsistency or anything else, it's truly time for me to move on and follow the guide within
With love and caution Tess
Interdimensional influences
I feel strongly to caution you Tess. Here at Openhand we've been trying to do that for sometime but as yet, it's fallen sadly on deaf ears.
I have no doubt that you're a star soul and can open into higher dimensions. I have no doubt that you're being influenced through higher dimensions and that benevolence is trying to work with you and develop this. However I do feel you're denying a lot within. I don't feel you're truly grounding your consciousness in this realm, which becomes quite risky when doing the higher dimensional work - we become open to interdimensional influences which can't be felt fully. When I've worked with you, this is what I feel going on in your field. I say this with all compassion, even though I know it will likely push buttons.
You said... "Trust in the unseen is what I am being told. Blindy."
No. Absolutely no.
This is the path to interference and intervention by unseen entities that may appear benevolent but are not. When I tune into your field remotely, that's what I feel is going on.
Learn to trust only in your inner integrity of experience. No truly benevolent source will ever tell you to blindly trust... only if you've first explored deeply the feelings through your own knowing, questioning deeply, unraveling deeply. If in any kind of doubt, dissolve the experience and watch if it reappears.
Especially in the higher dimensions, challenge everything. Keep challenging. Keep stripping apart. Only when the absolute core of it is felt in every cell of your being is it authentic.
I offer this in love
Tuning into portals
I just wanted to say Thank-you Open from my heart for these really in depth explanations of how the Openhand work by opening portals and with respecting and working with the guides, soul families of people from all walks of life.This is very clarifying and reassuring to me.
I feel that portals are being opened inside of me through benevolent higher dimensionary intervention guides, blue ray energy, (not in a detached 4th dimensionary state like how I can so often feel with many fellow humans). But this is different, very different, amazingly different,where the light is descending within the density and change feels it is working in and through me and's a powerful energy that comes and goes. I see energetic knots being unleashed.Trust in the unseen is what I am being told.Blindy,fearlessy and passionately.
''Basically the universe is within you - all aspects of it, all dimensions. But mostly of course, the soul is in a particular density to learn some key aspects of self realisation. So you'll look inside and be working with physical, emotional, mental and eventually karmic density - of your individuated self. This consciousness is reflected into the outer world for you then to work through''.
This is exactly fitting the energy with words, I can't find
Thank-you. What a wonderful evolving journey even through all this dark heavy density. Light can indeed be found even in the darkest of realms, if only we open our eyes and trust we can find the lightswtich. It sounds like a wonderful place that these evolving souls are residing in amongst many portals in Australia and within oneself.
We are coming home, that's it. We are only ever going home.
And sending the energy fully felt through being shown distortions back to their home, that somehow it no longer serves..their game/purpose is over.
Love and light.
Opening Interdimensional Portals

- So one could be sitting in a room, but accessing three realms of existence simultaneously. If one's able to master the internal convolutions and be calm, even though you're opening into all manner of moving energy, then you can start to ripple the energy of that higher realm out into the room. It's like one's own higher vehicles in the higher densities become active, here and now, encompassing the room and all in it. This is what I mean by opening a portal. Then according to the degree of internal sensitivity the occupants can access in their own fields, they're being activated to touch the aspects of higher self in those higher dimensions. It's utterly magical!

Openhand Oz update

Five Gateways Oz - Bring it on!
Today I'll be setting up and getting myself ready for Five Gateways to commence. So for those who've not previously at attended one, what's it all about?
Essentially it's a journey through layers of inner consciousness, but it's so much more than what you might consider formal 'meditation'. It's an exploration. We set up the space through a deep and profound connection to the majesty of the source. It could best be described as opening a 'portal' to the source. By holding centre within this all-encompassing void of infinite potential, we then ripple that energy down through the dimensions and align the field in the working space. We become one with it. It's like we step into the source. It feels like home. This is the main aspect of the setting up - perhaps the most important part of the gathering - it's what makes the magic happen.
Then the main work with the guests is to invite them - encourage them - to progressively surrender into these various layers of consciousness. It begins subtly, softly, at the level of the intellect - where so many people experience life, where there are so many traps and illusions to ensnare souls. We'll present a model of reality, through the various levels of consciousness and cause people to explore purpose - why are we really here? What is the true purpose of the moment? Any moment? Through various self realisation exercises, and the continual unravelling of out-dated, distorted truths, the inner reality for which people have been variously attached begins to unwind and unravel.
A deep penetration of the moment ensues. With profound softness and deep inner intimacy, we expand through previously limiting layers and into the core of the soul. It's profoundly moving of course when you relocate a lost aspect of yourself. It feels like coming home after a long and tiring journey away. There is nothing more fulfilling, more completing than this.
People will surrender to varying degrees - depending on how willing and ready they are to let go of the fabrications upon which lives have been built. The portal will interrelate with their own guides, guardians and soul families, plus the angelic realms. Very quickly, the room is positively packed with spirit! We work with these angelic energies that participants may experience a deepening connection, resonance and trust with the truth that they begin to feel. In this 'vehicle' - an 'Arc' really - the journey progresses through the various densities, letting go of much unwanted baggage along the way. Fragments of beingness - lost soul 'gold' - are relocated and integrated as a deep sense of "aha, that's me!"
I love each one of these Activations. No two are ever the same. It's a privilege to meet new people venturing down the path, sharing the beauty and uniqueness of their being, working together, experiencing together and going deep into truth. To me, this is truly living. It's what I'm here for. Bring it on!
Love to all
Arrival in Kiama
Well after a humungous journey I've arrived here in Kiama for the first stage of the Openhand events here. To me traveling is important because it gives deep insight into what's going on in the world. Can it really be this out of alignment? Yes!
What happens for me is it stirs energies deep within. Yes there's the challenge of the travel of course, but you have to really see this and feel it that it may evoke energies of realignment and transformation. It's this which inspires the work for me in many ways.
And of course there's the beauty too, intermingled between all the craziness. Kiama has some breath-taking, natural scenery and a few minutes sitting close to rolling waves cleansed a good deal of my travels away.
Tomorrow will be a day of rest and preparation, building energies, opening deeply with the source, feeling the inspiration for how the work 'wants' to be presented. I'm greatly looking forwards to meeting the group.
Much love
That's one beautiful song, I
That's one beautiful song, I think when I first heard it I played it till the record broke. We await you Open - with much much love and gratitude x
Fasten your seatbelt Dorothy
Can't wait
Thanks for setting the tone guys, it's exciting to have a new Openhand Australia diary up and running. Hard to believe level 1 Byron Bay was this year! Seems like much energy has been moved and revealed.
This work is truly beautiful - I can't wait to reconnect with the Openhand Australia crew :)
Beautiful Australia
That's amazing Kd - so moving, it really made my day and gets me thirsting for beautiful Australia.
Thank you!
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