Portals and Pleadian contracts.
Open, it never ceases to amaze me that your posts most always correlate to my current explorations and challenges. ...I get a real kick out of it! :) In regards to a couple of your last posts...
Just recently, it's been presented to me that my property (as well as surrounding properties) are hosting and attracting oppressive energies, due to a malevolent portal on the property next door to my house.
I have been guided to live here and work with land, clearing these energies, but I have a hard time trusting myself--knowing that I'm being safe and connecting to the right guidance. I read your advice, but I still always doubt myself. I still feel new to much of this, and I'm not confident in my abilities to "challenge" the energy that presents itself to me, and accurately distinguish/qualify it as benevolent. So, I'd love for you to elaborate on your advice regarding this.
Pleadian contracts/implants:
Pleadian energy has presented itself to me from time to time, and especially lately. I have been shown that I've hosted implants in my lower chakras to send and receive "transmissions" or "codes", as part of my soul contract in this incarnation. However, with the help of a friend, we removed them in Sept. because they were full and I'd been told the contract was over.
This week however, the energy has returned to "renew", giving me the opportunity to host at a new level. ...This sounds crazy, I recognize. It's strange to me, even as I type it here... I feel hesitant, skeptical, and frustrated by this test. Because that's what it feels like: A TEST. And I go back and forth, as to what I believe is in my best interest. You write that Pleadians are benevolent, and I believe that. However, what they're asking of me seems 'off", I guess. I also believe in mischievous opposing energies, and I wonder what forces are TRULY coming through to me. Based on your knowledge of Pleadians/star seeds, does this sound 'off' to you? Can you offer any advice to me?
In the Australia thread, what you wrote to Teresa about "blind trust" was relevant for me. While I, personally, am not blindly trusting, I'm trying to follow/understand your advice to her. It's still not clear.
I know this is a fully loaded post :), and you're likely ready for some down-time from your wonderfully enlightening trip. I'd be so grateful for your time and advice on the challenges I'm experiencing when you find the time.
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The human condition
Jenny you said...
- "Unexpectedly, the more I feel what is really going on rather than "correcting it", I am feeling an upsurge of wildness and an urge to lose control...it feels very centered in the 2nd chakra - which for me has been quite amazing to feel at all. I keep having the urge to dance until I fall on the floor and feel intense pulsation of energy from the lower centers upward. I get comical images in my mind of me going out in public naked or with disheveled clothes on and my hair all sticking up in all directions like I've been electrocuted.
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. This is that level of letting go. It's wild, free and totally out of control - very 'non-spiritually-correct'. But that's where we need to go. Remember how people started to express on the Florida "Walking the Path". So many people are repressed and unable to truly express who they are within this energy.
And yes, it's preferable if we can establish a safe space to work through this. It's good to share with a trusted friend/partner what you're going through, that you're not going crazy, you just feel to get into these repressed emotions.
If all people were helped to work in this way, war and aggression would cease. The intervention would be quickly unraveled. Psychiatric institutions would become a thing of the past. Over time, harmony would be restored to the human condition.
Thanks Cheryl and Mike for your warm engagement =)! Cheryl, yes it can be so challenging and yet living life floating along unaware yet feeling that nagging sensation of wtf is the point of this existence is sooo painful! And so we keep going... Digging in and freeing up!
Mike...thanks for your input...yes a question that keeps coming is what if it didn't matter what anyone thought about you? And does it?! How freeing to live in a way that is not obscured by the need to be liked or well received... Not there yet but recognize that every moment is inviting this and I am beginning to stumble and not be so prepared and not always say the "appropriate" thing and this crack in the protective shell is oddly exhilerating!
=) love, Jenny
Came back to add that surely this is a feeling out process of authentic expression balanced with interacting in a way that can most readily be received.... Not just a disregard for how things are received but more non-attachment to the outcome.
Hey Jenny. Your post made me laugh. Here's to losing control without being arrested! LOL
The first line of your first comment (to Open) really struck me. Although, I don't know how the conversation turned towards reliance, I'm grateful for it. THAT'S been my big lesson this week.
I was raised being overly-nurtured while at the same time under-validated (if that makes any sense), and looking back to 10-15 years ago, I was so entitled and insecure. From where I stand today, I recognize how it's still my first inclination to look to *receive* help. I'm trying to pay very special attention to that. So, it's interesting that you mentioned that, off the bat.
At the same time, this stuff is helleva hard, is it not?!? (lol) It helps to talk to other people, and see what others are experiencing and feeling in regards to these things. I know this is a personal journey, and the only true answers come from personal discovery, but like you mentioned above, I feel a deep level of trust here. I'm far away from Avalon, but nevertheless, the synchronicities and pulls that I have to the Openhand work, feel born from beyond this incarnation. Very special.
Thanks for your input. Much love.
Lose Control
Thank you Open!
Over the last few days I have been noticing the urge to rely/depend on others for things I can do myself...down to some of the silliest tasks...a reflection of what has happened on a larger scale. I continuously notice the pattern you mention above of immediately shifting into the detached observer and choosing to be different - following what I would perceive to be a spiritually correct way of being...what a trick that can be!...knowing what it should look like and then putting that on. So it's been another step past that to catch that moment and actually feel what is going on when I have the urge to disown my own sovereignty and believe I need anything outside of myself. I have to wonder every time I write on this site, am I doing it here as well? Am I seeking answers outside of myself - relatively speaking? Though the keys and reflections I constantly see here help to unfold the experience within...I do feel a deep level of trust with Openhand and I wonder if this is part of giving it away...not questioning it enough? Perhaps we'll see when the reflections aren't so comfortable =)!
Unexpectedly, the more I feel what is really going on rather than "correcting it", I am feeling an upsurge of wildness and an urge to lose control...it feels very centered in the 2nd chakra - which for me has been quite amazing to feel at all. I keep having the urge to dance until I fall on the floor and feel intense pulsation of energy from the lower centers upward. I get comical images in my mind of me going out in public naked or with disheveled clothes on and my hair all sticking up in all directions like I've been electrocuted.
With this unfolding this sentence really stuck out to me...
"Be prepared to lose control. Be prepared to express what you might consider previously as your lower darkness. But then integrate the truthful and authentic aspect of that, peeling away the distortion that you begin to recognise in the exploration."
So it seems those lower urges are being felt and now to feel out how to express them and peel away the distortion in a way that doesn't get me arrested =).
Thanks for this amazingly clear sharing!!
Thank you, Open, for being so through. This is a lot to digest! :)
First and foremost, can you direct me to a link to more of your writing on "ray" energies? I'm not recalling them well enough, and this is definitely an important piece.
You write: "Be prepared to lose control. Be prepared to express what you might consider previously as your lower darkness. But then integrate the truthful and authentic aspect of that, peeling away the distortion that you begin to recognise in the exploration."
I think I've been doing this over last few months. I've been exploring and excavating these hard, dark places; re-living them, making better sense of them, in order to release.
I have more trouble recognizing them when they happen spontaneously, arising in daily life, but I'm working on it. I don't feel like I'm ignoring them, but often I think I just miss them (and their opportunities) by not being present enough.
In both cases, I process as best as I KNOW HOW, but I'm wondering if I'm kidding myself that I'm doing it FULLY perhaps? I have some deep behaviors that are obvious blocks for me, and I'm TRYING to confront, but they just aren't releasing. I see the truth that is presenting itself, and I try to soften into it, and I THINK I do, but it comes back around again and again still.
Being a mom of three small boys, while going through my awakening is challenging, to say the least. However, watching their behavior, specifically how they process emotion is very eye-opening, in regards to your advice. The younger two boys never "stuff" their feelings. When they're mad, they are ALL-IN, processing the emotion, and they ride it out. (I've seen a tantrum or two to prove that. LOL)
I do recognize the power in this, as it seems innate, until we are conditioned out of our natural emotional processes. My older son is changing now. He's stuffing, becoming more anxious, aware of social expectations. And I'm feeling his field change (as it becomes more contaminated).
They act as a wonderful mirror for me too.
Thank you again. This is very helpful so far.
In reply to helpful by cldstone
Hi Cldstone!
I can relate with your experiences with your children - I have three 10 and under and for sure they are my constant teachers/mirrors!
I wanted to comment to you about how you see your children express anger - it really is amazing to see them move through it especially when their anger or frustration does not meet with resistance from a parent - that's awesome that you are able to witness it and allow it to flow. There is a great book called "Playing in the Unified Field" and she talks about how parents very rarely will mirror back to a child anger (I see you are feeling upset or angry etc)...instead they will try to change it/make it better and essentially give the message of it not being ok to express anger/frustration etc.
Thank you for sharing...it illuminated much for me too!! Funny I noticed we posted around the same time and quoted the same line! =)
Anger and warrior energy
Since this subject is so important, I felt to provide an example.
Consider anger for example. It's not spiritually correct to express anger. So when it arises, many spiritual approaches are encouraging people to simply dissolve the anger by 'dropping the hot coals' internally. To quickly let go, but crucially, before you've felt the heat of the 'coals'.
What this does is establish an inner identity that is afraid of the 'heat' (in this case the anger). So the tendency is to 'trip switch' into a detached state - the detached observer. Now you're in denial, denying a crucial aspect of yourself within the lower density wherein Opposing Consciousness can reside as entities - unseen in your field because you're actually avoiding that behaviour - that aspect of self. You're avoiding a vibration of your own field.
But in ALL distortions is buried truth - buried aspects of self. So for example, within anger is the purposeful ray 1 warrior energy. Within control, is that aspect of the soul that knows what's supposed to happen, and is supposed to shape reality according to the higher flow (in this case it would be the ray 3 acting on the plane of the intellect - shaping with mind). These are two key rays the raptor energy works on (and distorts for its own ends).
So if we feel angry, we need to express it and let it out. If we feel controlling of situations, we need to feel the control inside - where is the tightness? We need to keep failing so we can learn not to be attached to the fulfillment of creation - so we can bring creation into completion, but not by controlling or needing it to happen. Thus we don't become identified with the creation.
Exploring ones deep behaviours in this way it to embody soul. We will feel the raptor buried within. As your lower sensitivity increases, you may feel it in the colon or solar plexus. When unleashed, it will express as anger, control, lust, consumption etc etc. But now we can start to express the authentic aspect of that energy.
As you embody, you naturally eject anything that doesn't belong in your field. If the energy is pure, it can't hang on. This is when either sitting in a portal or activating one with sense of will (the very energy that masked the raptor entity in the first place) will then eject it and locate it back to where it belongs.
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