How to Work with Your Inner Guru: The Rainbow Tribe Rises
These are extraordinary times of great change and upheaval. Many things we've come to rely upon, the establishments and systems in society, even the very foundations of the reality we've believed in, are beginning to topple. In an environment of such turmoil, who and what can you really trust in? Gone are the times when a great saviour - a Messiah - has come to 'save the day'. Now is the time to put faith in your own soul. How best do you work with the full spectrum of your authentic beingness?
The Soul Emerges - A Subtle Sense of Perception
One of the greatest problems humanity currently faces is the deceptive fog of karmic consciousness that we're living in. It's a past where many have unconsciously devolved responsibility to others for decisions made. Perhaps it was previously to a Religious or Spiritual teacher, a politician or a business 'chief', our very society has been founded on the notion of devolving responsibility to the state.
To varying degrees, we've all done it - accepted the reality society has created and gone along with that. It's formed a matrix of belief systems, ideas, rules, regulations and codes of conduct. It's a fixed reality that's limited people more to an identity that fits within the system.
Of course, now the lid is lifting, the confines bursting at the seams.
The problem is: What to trust in? Who to believe?
Learning to listen carefully to the soul is not easy. Certainly not in the beginning. It doesn't speak as the ego does. It doesn't package answers around what you most want to hear. It doesn't always provide the immediate answer, the immediate choice. It will often leave you guessing, wondering what is supposed to be going on. The soul has an intangible air to it, like the wind blowing through the trees, you only know it by its effect, its rustle through the leaves.
You have to become still enough to be tuned inwards in any given moment, no matter what is going on outside, whatever the distraction or compulsion might be. Then watch for the flicker of a feeling sense, a subtle emergence of a perception - this is how to be now.
Embracing the sense of not-knowing
The problem is it's so easy to become conditioned in society to the immediate answer. And if you don't have one, you're often seen as woolly, indecisive or vacillating. Yet this is often how the soul builds energy. It's watching and feeling the way forwards. You have to learn to trust that reality will bend around what you're being and that somehow, the path will shape from that.
You have to become patient and courageous enough to 'hold the moment open', waiting for all the parts of the jigsaw to land before moving. In exchanges with people for example, you're not being evasive, you're just not feeling obliged to commit to anything until you can truly feel it - and don't be afraid to say so.
The soul will start to feel as an upwelling - "this is how to be now" - but it is not always immediately clear what to do.
My observation is the need to get used to this sense of not-knowing, to become awesomely okay with it. What happens then, is that your consciousness opens around the moment. You watch, feel and in so doing, build energy. It has nothing to do with fear nor timidity, it's about holding the space until divinely inspired action wants to naturally happen through you.
And when you truly feel it, it's like all the lights of the universe got turned on all at once. There's no longer any question. Even no need for a choice. The choice is obvious, it reveals itself. I call it the Power of Being.
The Seven Rays of Consciousness - Life's Game-Changer
They say "Being is the Change", but what does this beingness really mean? What does it feel like?
Often when people in spiritual circles say this, they mean the sense of surrender. However this is just ONE quality of the soul, whereas it has many: the drive and will of the warrior for example; the sophistication of the diplomat; the joy and vivacity of the child; the mysticism of the magician. Just for example.
When light refracts through rain, the awesome majesty of the rainbow is materialised. In fact, what you're witnessing of the 7-rays of consciousness - 7 frequencies of being that comprise your soul. By knowing these, and their distortions as they come through - anger for example - you can learn to forge the soul and peel off the distortion.
Explore The 7-Rays of Divine Consciousness
Looking in the Mirror - Working with a Guide
Despite the fact that your ultimate guru is within, it can still be of great value to work with someone who you recognise acts as a mirror to your own authentic beingness. So you can truly see and feel your truth. I'd say this is what humanity most needs right now: people who can hold the space empathically and people who can catalyse a feeling deep in your own being - remembering that it's always Your feeling they're activating.
How will you know it's your soul you're feeling? The first thing is to move beyond the collection of beliefs and ideas banded around as truth. To me, truth is what you feel as a deep resonance inside. Others may share a point of view, but if elements of our own truth are contained within it, we have to truly process it. And by that I mean to feel it as a resonance.
A good guide will not tell you "the truth". They may share a perspective yes, so that you may feel your own truth. Getting these reflections can be very helpful, especially at times where you're in some karmic density of unclarity. But what you're really looking for in the reflection offered, is how YOU then feel about it - what new aspect of YOUR beingness wants to come through?
Become an Advanced Spiritual Facilitator in the Planetary Shift with Openhand
Empowerment of Your Soul: The Rainbow Tribe Rises!
Let's not be afraid to make mistakes, for this is how we learn - you get to feel the distortion, but most importantly, then locate the truthful expression within. Progressively you're gaining reflections in the outer mirror and fine-tuning the multiple colours of your inner beingness. Now the landscapes you create in life become increasingly harmonious - even when the world is chaotic, you can navigate the aligned pathway through the storm.
You're becoming a part of the Worldwide emergence of Rainbow Souls!
PS: Openhand's approach of facilitating people, is all about catalysing self empowerment by the Activation of Soul Consciousness. Discover more:
The Openhand Advanced Spiritual Course Program
In loving support
Open ππ
Awesome clarity
Thank you for your awesome clarity Open. This is a really uplifting and supportive message. π I see this matrix as a subreality embedded in the natural, true quantum field. The matrix moves and speaks through its own, ultimately temporary frame. Our physical senses are tuned to this dimensional subreality and distracted by it. Around, the quantum flows in its truth, expressed as tendrils of soul projecting into our present experience. Learning to sense true flow is, for me, allowing the sense of quantum to reveal itself in the spaces between the noise and distraction of this matrix. I have heard the gentle whispers of 'higher transmissions' being described as a rose petal softly falling through a moonbeam. Sitting in stillness and trusting for right resolution can be a challenge. The wheels of collective expectation and programming never seem to stop spinning.
That's beautiful - tremendously poetic π
In reply to Awesome clarity by Andy (not verified)
That's beautiful Andy - you were definitely a bard in a part life π
Finding Your Guru within - Video reflections
19/01/2023 Shift Update
I find it so rewarding and fulfilling having people tune in here on Openhandweb sharing snippets of their journey - we all gain so much from it. When you express your inner truth in the right place, then reflections come back your way. And crucially, when you put authentic energy out into the field, you're connecting up energetic feedback loops with your higher self, your team supporting you, and the wider universe. These feedback loops can't help but be creative in your life.
Essentially, you're learning how to actualise the inner guru. That's what I felt to share in my featured article above today...
How to Work with Your Inner Guru: The Rainbow Tribe Rises
And here below is a video I put together some while ago - but it's just as relevant in the shift right now.
What does it inspire you to share?....
Bright blessings
Open π
Animating the torus
In reply to Finding Your Guru within - Video reflections by Open
Hi Open,
I'l share the experience I had yesterday
As I reached the beautiful hills of Ponmudi, there was a heavy feeling in my chest. It was unusual considering the expansiveness of the place. Some synchronicities suggested that the field was dense. I found a nice, big rock and sat down for meditation. There was a three-legged structure on the side of me that felt like an invitation to channel and ground the light. What wanted to happen was that I embody my torus there. After a few minutes of moving with it, releasing the dense energies from my own field, I could feel the denseness dissipate and the feeling of expansiveness return. I could feel the joy of sitting in the sacred ground of being and animating my torus there. I wonder if it was the consumptive energy humans have brought to the place that resulted in the dense energy in the field. As I left, my attention was drawn to the sky. A cloud was formed like a dragon. I think its a confirmation of the energy work!
okay with not knowing
I like this article.
Something about the 'not knowing' spiked for me. Its a place that's not always easy to be in necessarily. I can understand why people might want others to direct them when in that place. Something I found is that usually its exactly right, and if I hold to (honour) the not knowing then often it pushes buttons of most people around me. Now that I feel more comfortable in myself with holding that space, people seem less bothered than previously, or if they are then I don't feel the tightness of needing to placate them as in the past. many ways to be a mirror.
Great to express
Cool Jen! Great you see it.
Open *OK*
Caught me
Ooooohhh caught something here! I said it is the input that is experienced as confining and defining but in truth it is the need for it, the need to fit into it that is confining. Input is just input ....being defined by it or confined by it is on me. Ahhh! This is why expression is so helpful!! =)
This is a truly inspiring article and I am so glad you re-posted it.
Fiona - I don't recall reading your poem above before and it is incredibly touching and mirrors much of the feeling I experience (as I am sure many others as well!!) - thank you for those soul inspired words <3.
Recently I changed vehicles after 8 years...I was moving from a mini-van but wasn't sure what was replacing my surprise the best fit was a Pilot...and so here it was, the outward expression of what I have been feeling within...the letting go of the "mini" (me) and embracing the soul as the pilot.
I have also been experiencing some shifts with people I perceived as teachers and historically looked to for answers...I wasn't ready to know the soul as the teacher, and to release the dependency. I am finding their input confining and defining and this input communicates to me that I need help and that they need to give it to me... Recognizing and taking responsibility for how I drew those who would play the role of "my teacher" and now allowing that to fall away. Everything is a teacher....everything is showing me all the a mirror, not as a dependency. And thank goodness for the wayshowers as you so nicely put it Open, to share a perspective and allows us to see how that resonates, to see our distortions and our truth in the mirror, but never to tell what someone else's truth is or to "fix" them.
Much love and gratitude,
Thank you for this inspiring article and video clip, Open. Invictus is a poem I read often. It speaks deeply to my soul. So does the film about the life of Nelson Mandela who embodied the meaning of Invictus: Unconquered. Profoundly moving.
xxx Catherine
I get it now...
Hi Open,
ok! Now I see what you are saying and I can see how I have felt the build up and then let it out - definitely losing contact with the inner feeling in the exchange and missing the possible full circle. This makes sense! Thank you =)!
This also puts words to what I feel when guiding a yoga practice. Sometimes it feels like there is a sense of denseness like the energy isn't going anywhere And I have attributed this to my own temporary disconnect at that time and other times it feels like a complete Circle and I feel quite lifted up after class rather then emptied out. Funny to see that in my daily life I don't keep the same attention to feedback energetically as I do when purposefully working with others. Seeing however that Every moment may be inviting this level of connection.
Staying present in the blind spots
Hi Jenny,
You said...
- "my entire torso was pulsing with warm, circular, loving energy - it grew so big that it overflowed in what felt like a natural expression of gratitiude. It sounds to me that in those times, the moment is inviting more than just an overflow...that I can build a feedback loop by bringing attention to where that inner feeling is being reflected outside...staying seated in the building energy and perhaps then it would be more clear how this energy wants to be expressed?"
Essentially yes. But I'd say there's a little piece of the jigsaw missing.
When we get overwhelmed by such feelings, that's where it's easy to get disconnected and lose oneself momentarily in a 'blind spot'. So as the energy overflows, it's easy to lose the source of the feeling and instead 'flow out with the feeling'.
So what I'd suggest looking at, is allowing the feeling to flow, but with at least part of your attention, make sure you stay present inside. Allow the feelings to express naturally as you did. But keep 'one eye' on the source. In that way, it should help to bring the energy in a circular loop back inside. Otherwise it just becomes a flow which ultimately drains and depletes.
Best wishes
Open *OK*
Hmmm...a bit confused
Hi Open,
At first there was just mud when I read this =) like WHAT?? but something got through when I left it alone for a bit. From what I hear you saying...the sense of aloneness is also the experience of all one ness when we tune in more deeply to the ongoing dialogue and interconnectivity. If this is what you mean, yes, I do feel on the edge of this experientially - though there is just this little piece that just pokes it's head up to see if I could possibly attach to just one really reliable person =) - I am just aware of a part of me that is not at ease with letting go of dependency and I keep making steps out allowing that little feeling to just kind of hang there.
Your response with regard to the inner feeling and the feedback loop turned a little lightbulb on but I am not entirely sure that I got it...It sounds to me that when these more subtle energies start to really get intense inside...for example in my class the other entire torso was pulsing with warm, circular, loving energy - it grew so big that it overflowed in what felt like a natural expression of gratitiude. It sounds to me that in those times, the moment is inviting more than just an overflow...that I can build a feedback loop by bringing attention to where that inner feeling is being reflected outside...staying seated in the building energy and perhaps then it would be more clear how this energy wants to be expressed? Perhaps some patience too in containing the feeling and waiting for more clear right action?
Hmmm...I could probably use some refinement on this understanding!! =)
Thanks for your response!
Keeping ones eye on the inner
Hi Jenny - lovely story. Wonderful that you feel so much love inside :-)
This jumped out...
- "There is still some trepidation in knowing the soul as the only teacher I need...I feel a sense of aloneness when I contemplate this and watch as there is a searching for something more solid and sure seeming."
Remember a really important point: that at the heart of every distortion is a truth. Find the truth, peel away the distortion and it will set you free.
To me the truth here is that when you feel something inside, it always reflects outside. And if you can build a feedback loop with what is outside, then it will elevate energies ten fold. So there's a natural expectation that the inner would reflect into the outer. It's just that there's the risk sometimes of identifying the mirror we see in the outer as the subject of our feeling.
So the invitation is to see the reflection, express and work with it yes, but then always feel the energy building inside. Don't take your eye of the 'inner ball' - so to speak.
It means you're never alone, but you're always all-one.
Open *OK*
Captain of my soul
Thank you for this article...I see myself in every bit!
Wanted to share an experience I recently had. I have been going to the same yoga class for 6 years and have gone through many levels of attachment to my teacher. I have projected a lot onto him...and I I had tried to fill many needs be liked, appreciated, special, to get knowledge, to grow. Since there was such a self created cloud between us, I felt incredible anxiety around him because I couldn't figure out how to be to "achieve" my grand goal of acceptance and love. I experienced a pretty big shift with this recently and feel quite in front now...not looking for something from someone comes up but I keep working with it and expanding back to a place of Self reliance...being mindful of when I feel the urge to put someone else out front for me to follow. Lately I have been feeling so in love inside - being mindful to not project it onto another, yet last night I felt a natural urge to approach my teacher after class and give him a hug and tell him how I appreciate him and am grateful for his presence...there was no seeking or needing or anxiety about it felt so clear and right. I feel like I really saw him for the first time and that I really let myself be seen.
There is still some trepidation in knowing the soul as the only teacher I need...I feel a sense of aloneness when I contemplate this and watch as there is a searching for something more solid and sure seeming - and then I keep coming back to knowing this is where I have given my power away many's never served me to disempower myself - perhaps given a false sense of security but in the end I've come back to the same place.
I find this article so reassuring!
Thanks you,
Be the master of your own
Be the master of your own heartbeat
Deep in my soul
Deep in my soul there's a desire to be free
Why am I still bound?
Deep in my soul there are longings to be heard
Why don't I listen?
Deep in my soul there's a song to be sung
Why am I silent?
Deep in my soul there's a dance to be done
Why am I not moving?
Deep in my soul there's someone to embrace
Why am I so closed?
Deep in my soul there's a joy to be expressed
Why do I feel sad?
Deep in my soul there's a picture to be painted
Why is the page empty?
Deep in my soul there's a cry for mother earth
Why am I in the city?
Deep in my soul there's a garden to be grown
Why are there no flowers?
Deep in my soul there's a desire to be free
Deep in my soul there's a longing to be heard
To be real, to be true, simply to be
Today I listen and set my soul free!
expanding the view
Very gracious to receive such insight, I remain open to the message as it resounds, reverberates, and eventually resonates as the impression settles through to perceived clarity.I do experience apprehension in the labels of catalyst and empath as the two seem to be one. I can't decipher the perceived division as they both flow seemlessly with benevolence. Being humble through it for all these years... it feels unreal to actually find others who speak the same language. Solitude instills serenity and clarity yet the impulse to align harmonize with unity consciousness is...I am so gracious for the vastness of this exposure but am ready for all that comes. The energy has been building, reconstructing for so long..The scale of the playing field is expanding. Time to get out of the pond and navi"gate" into some new waters! Glorious day!
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