A Star is Born - Angelic Inspiration (by Solara)

Submitted by Open on Sat, 02/06/2016 - 07:09

I recently came across a profound poem, gifted by an Openhander, which shares an incredible exploration of reality, as seen from an angelic perspective. What exactly are angels? How are they helping transmute 3rd Density into 5th? These are deeply complex metaphysical phenomena, and yet here in this poem, it is so exquisitely and eloquently explained, more advanced than any science, as deft as an angels feather. It is clear to me, that the person writing this, has direct first hand experience of which they speak. So take some time, quieten, be in peace, then as you read, see the images and feel the feelings it initiates. So easy is it to be disconnected in this dense place. It's time to explore what interconnectivity and our greater cosmic reality is really all about...

Part One: The Star-Borne

In the Beginning There was But one Star, The Star That We Are. Together, Merged as One, We Shimmered and rotated In the vast Heavens. Each spark, Each glowing ray, Was the manifestation Of our combined Essence. Our Star Was one being, Complete, Containing everything. Then… Critical mass. Our Star Exploded, Then imploded Sending Starry fragments Of itself Shooting Across The Endless Empty Universe Up, Down, Under And through. Cascading fragments Cast outwards Upon Heaven’s currents, Star Waves Churning with Debris of Star. Fragments Split apart Becoming Smaller, Smaller, Smaller, Spreading Throughout The sky. Smaller, Smaller, Smaller And ever Further Apart. Still, We held together As best we could. Focusing Our vision On the One Star That we had been, That we truly are. Smaller, Smaller, Smaller Fragments Rent apart In mandalic display Like fireworks Illuminating the sky In their brief Moment of glory. Becoming Further apart… Separate … Remote … Isolated … Alone. … Finally, We could Become No smaller. Thus We developed Into individualized Units of consciousness. This is termed The Birth Of the Angels.

Part Two: The Angels

Possibly You remember now Flying so freely Through the Heavens. Separate, yes But limitless, Still remembering Our Divine Origin United as One Vast Starry Being. Unconditional Love Flowed through us As we danced and played With our Angelic Brethren, All of whom Were but fragments Of our One Star. How could we not love Those who were but mirrors Of our whole, merged Self. Each of us simply a facet Of the same shining crystal, Rays of One radiant Star. Ah, the games we played In those Golden Days, Combining our Essences Into vast Heavenly Beings, Filling the silent skies With Waves of song, Dancing joyously In shimmering starlight. And when we merged The tender Essence of Love With each other Making Truest Love, We sent rippling currents, Rocking the stare waves, Birthing new galaxies Spiraling ever outward Across the celestial sea. Our transparent bodies of Light Sparkled with rainbow tints As though brushed with dust of star In truth, that they are. Remember, we are a Star. Now we were winged Angelic wings that soared Outstretched in fullest flight Gliding effortlessly Throughout the endless night. Ah, the glory and the freedom Of those bygone times, So joyful and precious Now that we know What we chose to undergo. Maybe now You remember As do I. The memory fills me With forgotten longing, Banished tears Raining down My weary, worldly face. Dare I speak of the Call, That urgent summons to server. So many of us responded And descended down to Earth. At first, it was child’s play, Angels openly creating on Earth, Birthing a new Paradise, Walking about with wings unfurled, So magnificently huge and Heavenly, Life on this planet was a delightful adventure. Then dear ones, I’ll remind you gently, The Second Call sounded. The Time of Decision had come. Most of the Angels departed quickly Returning to the Celestial Realms, While all of us Who hear these words, We chose to remain and serve. The task sounded simple. TRANSMUTE MATTER. Bring Heaven to Earth. Transform the Third Dimension. Naturally, we assumed This could be completed Effortlessly and quickly, But, of course, that was before We had ever experienced The illusion of limitation, Time and separation

Part Three: The Fall

Yes, the descent into matter We remember it well Although long has it been veiled Hidden behind the mists of time. The brightest of us Volunteered willingly For earthly service By receiving that lethal blow That locked us into the prison Of density, of forgetting Who we truly are. Our experiences of the Fall Are carried with us today. Shock, betrayal, abandonment, Deep sorrow, anger and guilt Lodged within our cellular memory Waiting until now to be released. We forgot, dear ones, We truly did. Forgot our wings, Forgot our Star, Forgot our Divine Origin, Forgot that we are Angels, Forgot our limitlessness, Forgot that we are One. Thus we judged ourselves severely, Adding upon ourselves the weight Of unmeasured guilt and judgment, For had we not vowed Never, ever, to forget The Star that we truly are. But dearest Angelic Brethren Please know within your hearts That this too, Was preordained. Forgetting was but a necessary part Of the process of transmutation Of third dimensional matter That we, ourselves, had chosen to do. Therefore, judge not yourself harshly. Your have not failed your mission. Understand this and forgive, For you must love yourself That you may be healed and loved. We of the Heavenly Realms Who have remained at Home Cradled in the heart of God Have utmost love and gratitude for you. We honor your sacrifice and service, We understand the reasons why. You need no longer cry

Part Four: The Golden Cord

During that timeless instant That endured forever, Heralding the onset of separation, You, as an Angel, emitted A stream of Golden Light, A holographic projection Of Yourself, Downward, earthward, A Golden Beam of Star Stretching all the way into matter. This was how your descended so far. A tiny star seed embedded itself Into the density of Earth, Sent by shaft of Golden Star. This seed was the only part of you Which needed to descend so far. Above in the starry Heavens, Stood a huge Golden Angel Watching over your. This Angel is truly your, Only your have long forgotten That the part of you who incarnated Was but a tiny fragment Of the vastness of your Higher Self. At this moment of the starseeding Of planet Earth by the Angels, There was experienced a sensation Of splitting apart, of division, Though, in truth, no separation Ever took place. The Golden Beam which brought you here Has constantly remained in position, A Golden Cord always connecting You to your Golden, Solar Angel From whence you were birthed, To which you shall return, That who you truly are. This Golden Cord is really a ray Of shining Golden Star, Yes, the Star that we truly are! See, my beloved ones, That although we have long perceived Ourselves to be far from Home, We were never alone, Or separate or lost. We never left the arms of God. We are Home right now. This long Golden Cord Has ever served us As our link between Spirit and matter, Heaven and Earth. Throughout your cycle of endless embodiments This Golden Cord has remained intact, Always connecting the earthly you To your fully empowered Angelic Self. Although you have often perceived Your Golden Angel as being Outside of you, separate from you, As a Guardian Angel, perhaps. This Celestial Guardian has guided you, Ever protected and inspired you, Enfolded you in all encompassing Love, Understood you even more Than you have understood yourself, And judged you not!

Part Five: The Call

Now the call has sounded once again Inspiring us to rise up and reawaken, To shake off the shards of sleep And remember what we once knew. The Angels, those shining Golden Ones Who have watched over us so patiently Since the birth of time in dawn’s creation, Call out to us with resonating Angelic song To receive them, to acknowledge their Presence, And to bring them inside ourselves Into the full Light of conscious embodiment. For to make the transition From third dimension to fourth, Fifth and ever beyond, Climbing up the Golden Stairway, Retracing our footprints back Home, We must lift ourselves above duality, We must balance and unite the opposites, Melding the polarities back into the One. Thus your Angel Calls out to you To enter into your physical vehicle, Anchoring down into your toes, To surrender your identification With your clamorous little self. The ego which served you so well, By bringing you to this door, Serves you no more. Now is the time to allow The Divine to be your guide. Never, ever before Throughout the shifting sands Of histories tides’ rising and falling, Have the Angels been free to incarnate Into the Earthly frequencies, Anchoring themselves Into the root of matter. Now this is finally possible For you have done your work here well, Dear Servers of Divine Destiny, By transmuting the density Into ever higher octaves Of accelerated vibrations of Light You have hereby entered upon The accelerated path homeward.

- Solara

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Oh my! This is just so beautiful, so eloquent and exquisite! This is perfect timing too, you have no idea!!

Reminds me of a moment, a super nova. An explosion of light, symmetry, freedom and twirling and dancing in unison with everything. The joyous expression of just being.

Wow! I am in awe



Ah Amber thanks for sharing this - so beUtiful xxooxx


Amber that is the most amazing poem. Very touching. Thankyou.
Love Shar x


So many shades of powerful feelings this exquisite poem evokes from deep within as I embrace this celestial journey...the ecstasy of the star-borne...exploding... fragmenting...spiraling outwards...a divine spark...down... down...down...angelic bliss... down...down...falling...falling...the excruciating pain of loss...betrayal... abandonment...separation...the miracle of the golden cord intact...hearing the call to return home...spiraling back to the center...the One...climbing the golden stairway...we have not failed our mission...we forgot only to remember that we never left the arms of God.

Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel" ripples through my soul.

"In the arms of the angel
fly away from here..."

Deeply grateful for this,

x Catherine


i thought i might share how i came across this poem. I say poem but of course its more than that :) I'm sharing to help me to remember the magic before my brain overrides it and doubt sets in .. it might be nice for others to read too :)

when i was 7 or 8 my mothers friend gave me a painting she had done for me. I thought it was of my "angelic self". Its an angelic looking woman with long blonde hair, flying up towards a star mandala. She has what looks like large translucent grey wings. The painting has been in my room most of my life except for a 7 year period when i lost touch with my mother who had it.

I got back in touch with mum last year and she gave me a box of my things which included this picture. I was chatting to her about it and it turned out the artist had told my mother that the wings from the picture are actually not wings but entities, i said in that case they looked a bit dark and ominous. My mum said she had said the same thing to the artist and the artist told her not to worry because they were helping me.

a few months back, for some reason i decided to read the inscription on the painting for the first time ever, it said "a copy of painting by mary st marie from the star-borne by solace"

so I looked up these mysterious terms and found this poem which is an excerpt from solaces book called "The Star-Borne: A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones"

upon finally reading the excerpt today, i felt much remembrance, like ecstasy. The line "melding the polarities back into one" stood out for me.

i will get that book i think :)

xx amber


That is just fabulous.
Awed and inspired to read that.
Massive thanks and love to the author.
Such beauty.
