Understanding Kundalini, and How to Effectively Integrate it Into Your Life
There's a profound spiritual possibility open to all people: the opportunity to be absolutely connected to the source of all life, and have that energy steer you in the direction of destiny. Kundalini is the natural creative alignment with the divine; it is our inherent birthright that most have been separated from. How do you unify lower and higher self so that you may reactivate your Kundalini? What would be the advantages of doing so? Activating Kundalini is like connecting to the fast track of the internal superhighway - plugging directly into the 'mains' of universal consciousness. It leads to a divine life of interconnected joy, through streaming synchronicity...
What is Kundalini?
To me the soul is a flowing stream of consciousness, out from the source and back again. In an aligned state, it's an eternal flow of creativity, symbolised by the figure 8. You're in creative alignment with the divine, every step feels interconnected with the Universe, an orchestra of synchronicity sounding in your ears. It's like every action is supported, and even when your creative manifestation is blocked in the physical world by someone or something, you're still able to appreciate the deeper significance, the deeper meaning, the higher teaching that all co-creators in the event are being invited to realise. This interconnected flow of creativity is the sacred dance of an aligned and balanced soul. This is Kundalini.
Most - if not all - have suffered the loss of this inherent condition early in life, which is essentially caused by 4th density karma that separates lower from higher self, and then builds a limiting reality that perpetuates the polarity. This separation has then been exploited by society, fueled by an interdimensional intervention - an Opposing Consciousness - with the agenda of separating mankind from his divinity and creating an artificial reality in which to enslave him. When you look around you in the world at how humanity lives, it's easy to appreciate how effective this separation has been.
We can reactivate this kundalini. And to do so will guide you on a profound journey of rediscovery of who you truly are and your place in the cosmos. You become once more an active channel for divine expression. So how do you do it? How do you reclaim your true nature?
How to activate Kundalini?
Firstly, it greatly helps to keep reminding yourself of the higher connection through spiritual practice. The power of meditation cannot be over stated. Of course there are many forms, but essentially the principle we're looking for is a way of softening identification with the lower physical/emotional nature - feeling through that and instead, touching the softness through and around us. It's experienced as a sense of expansiveness, pure light, stillness and peace. When you begin to embody this higher nature, there's a feeling of wellbeing and harmony: pure inner peace.
It can be done through countless spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, shamanism, crystal healing, sounding healing, aromatherapy, reiki, five rhythms dance, through connection with nature and probably one of the most powerful - loving sexual intimacy. Essentially you're looking to soften identification with the lower self ego and it's distorted behaviourisms, transcending these and infusing soul. Then progressively you'll expand consciously and open out to the Higher Self. The more you integrate Higher Self connection, aligned behaviourism and the guiding flow of synchronicity, then the Higher Self begins to integrate into the Lower, which causes the activation of Kundalini. This is your flowing reconnection to the Source, that leads to "Transfigured" living.
Hence in the activation of Kundalini, a great deal of inner work must be done. Firstly opening to the Higher Self attributes by softening the Lower Self identification, but then the Lower Self must be purified such that the Higher Self can integrate here and now. How might you do that?
Opening the channels for Kundalini
The Lower Self, composed of the physical body, the emotional body and lower mind has been essentially separated from the Higher Self by a karmic barrier in the fourth density which generates ego. It's a consciousness which addicts people to base levels of desire and neediness through disconnection from the divine. This leads to lack of trust, fear and the dwindling of self love as empowered sovereignty dwindles. It causes people to effort to control reality, generating the build-up of conditioned behaviours, isolating them further from their inherent connection. So essentially we must confront and break down these fear based patterns that embed the lower consciousness within our being.
Imagine sitting in an orchestra of music where the base section is playing so loud, the finer sounds of the flute (for example) can no longer be heard nor felt. This is the effect within society of the denser vibrational consciousness.
First you'll need to reconnect to the Soul through spiritual practice. Chakra Attunement Meditations can greatly help (check out Openhand's Chakra Opening and Attunement Meditation Download). But opening to the soul in the initial awakening (which often gets confused with Enlightenment) is only the beginning. It then becomes essential to attune your "Spiritual Compass" in order to follow the flow of the soul in daily life (explore the Openway process for attuning your Spiritual Compass).
Inner Purification on the Path to Full Kundalini Activation
It's as you begin to follow the guidance of the soul, that it will start to take you through the areas of lower density that obstruct the full freedom of authentic expression through soul infusion. It leads you on a path of progressive purification of the Lower Self.
Here are 9 key areas you'll need to work on in terms of purifying the lower vehicles...
1) Fear and control: Mostly fear happens when we realise we cannot control the situation; we're needing a particular outcome or are resistant to what's really happening. It's all caused by false identification with who we think we are. Such erroneous perceived need, creates tightness and density which sucks the soul into it like water into a sponge. You can literally feel the contraction inside. Yet if we challenge this when it's happening, soften into the tightness and unwind the need of an outcome, then we find the universe shapes through us the 'Right Action' ('right' defined as being in alignment). Once more you feel your interconnectivity as the One Life.
2) Food: industrialised and processed food is full of impurity. From preservatives to pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial colourings and GMO, these disharmonious substances create 'excito-toxins' within the body. It becomes like white noise, contracting our consciousness into the denser vibrations. It's the same with meat and dairy, which many would argue the human body was not designed consume or digest. When people convert to a mainly plant based diet, they get healthier and their vibration rises. The sense of interconnectivity greatly increases (explore Openhand's Conscious Cafe).
3) External distraction: It would seem society has been purposefully constructed to distract people from their inner self. Yet within rests the seat of our power - our kundalini. Our inner configuration of consciousness creates the reality we're experiencing. Both our aligned state and distortions are mirrored into the outer world. So trying to fix the outer is a pointless waste of time, and only distracts from the source of the creativity. Hence we must not only delve deep within, but be constantly attuning to our inner self through the events of our lives. You touch the place of the void - infinite potential - the crystal clear clarity of the Seer. Upon which, right action then flows through you. It could also be enjoyment within the physical world, but you do it because you feel a sense of rightness to it, there's no getting lost in it, and your actions are supported by co-creative synchronicity of the universe.
4) Inner child/Inner teenager: when we're in the flow of life in this way, then the soul begins to integrate and infuse within. It's purpose is the empowered experience of the One. And so (assuming we allow it), the soul will flow into all the inner density that prevents the expansive freedom of an enlightened life - fueled by kundalini. Especially it will take us into our inner child and teenager identities - a complex inner web of fixed bahviours, fears and identifications with the illusion. The false self creates false reality filters through which we judge life thereby creating unaligned choices leading to disharmony. So as the soul now infuses, we must allow the contraction of these filters to expose themselves as inner tightness, but now soften and unwind into the constriction. We must challenge and confront the lower based behaviours, interrupting the old reactions and instead choosing the responses of our highest truth. This will unwind the old density.
5) Matrix Consciousness: the limiting consciousness of the matrix is omnipresent through the field, influencing mind and emotions. It's a web of fixed ideas and behaviours - energy - which owns people. We think we're making free choices, but mostly they're confined within limiting fields and parameters. You appreciate this just as soon as you start making choices of the soul - you tend to rebel against the non-aligned ways of society. It's vitally important that we honour this new emerging truth, or we continue to strangle the life out of the soul. There's no need for conflict, but if we work at it, we can still express our truth with tact and without reservation. Sometimes this may mean saying or doing nothing, but in the process, embodying depth of truth that says energetically "this is where I stand!". It's all apart of the reattunement inside. If we're constantly expressing the soul, then it will strengthen within.
6) Electrosmog including wifi: the surrounding field is full of interfering electronic frequencies from wifi, mobile phone networks, household electrical circuits, gadgets and appliances. They cause a huge amount of interference within our bodily field. If we can minimise the use of such gadgetry in our lives, then our biomagnetic field will become more harmonious and aligned.
7) People that don't serve: We may find we have to let go of certain relationships - people that constantly remind you of the old consciousness and continue to suck you into it. There will be yet others who beneficially activate your old patterns so that you may break through them. Hence there'll be some relationships to maintain, even if they aren't always harmonious - because they challenge you to be more of you. But in these more challenging engagements, the key is to always take the opportunity to expand who you are within them, even if that means a degree of uncomfortable confrontation. If you're truly meant to be in that relationship, the person will come to accept you as who you truly are, even if they don't agree with you. They'll be brought to a place where they're not constantly challenging you. So be mindful of which relationships to maintain and which to release. Thus you're opening into the new consciousness and kundalini is strengthening within you through the application of aligned Right Action.
8) Compassion for all life: Compassion is an inherent characteristic of the soul, signaled by the fact that we're interconnected with all life. Energetically, what we do to another sentient being, we do to ourselves. And if we deny the impact of our footprint on other life, then we're denying an inner aspect of ourselves too. So by exploring the choices we make in relation to the impact on life they have, causes us to increase our sensitivity and intimacy with the whole of life. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat, how we travel and what we consume in society, all these activities contain energy. As we become ever mindful of our actions, then compassion arises naturally, which increases the inflow of kundalini.
9) Aligned Sexual Behaviour: fully expressing your sexuality is a powerful means of activating kundalini, whether by yourself or with a partner. But many are constricted by the karmic taboos of society or else distorted through misaligned sexual activity - exploitative and conditioning pornography for example. So it's essential to realign sexual behaviour. The practice of tantra can greatly help, by bringing the sacredness and non-attachment back into sexual expression. Essentially you're working to become fully conscious and only coming from the soul. This leads to freedom of expression, including surrender and empowerment - both dance together in loving embrace (check out Openhand's forum... Exploring Sacred Sexuality)
The pitfalls of Kundalini Activation
It is essential to realise that you cannot divorce effective spiritual practice from its impact within our lives. So activation of the chakras will highlight the lessons you now need to work through, as you navigate the landscape of your relationships and external circumstances. It shines a spotlight on them. So you have to work through the distortions highlighted if the effect of the spiritual work is to be fully integrated within your being. So to activate and unleash balanced kundalini, there has to be integration of your spiritual beingness into your physical life.
Without this integration aforementioned, then spiritual practice becomes either ineffectual, or else it disconnects you from true reality. In extreme circumstances, some spiritual practice can lead to premature kundalini activation: it’s being forced without the proper integration of the new, higher beingness within your life. It’s like conducting too much electrical energy through a fuse that’s too small. It leads to ‘burn-out’. The person can become disconnected from a true interrelation with the world. They will seem distanced, aloof, spaced-out and not really in their body. It can also lead to psychotic behaviour. We have to be mindful then of practices which unnaturally force kundalini without the proper integration of the higher spiritual behaviour in our lives. In my experience, psychedelic drugs such as Ayahuasca and also forced kundalini yogic breathing are practices to be very careful with, because there must also be mindful integration of the opening experiences into daily life, without which is the risk of becoming ungrounded, unbalanced or aloof. What you’re looking for is a steady build up of kundalini energy over time, allowing it to progressively flow into density so that you can unravel and integrate it through your 3D reality. Then it becomes the most profoundly rewarding and beneficial influence imaginable.
When Kundalini does start to activate, it can feel like an emotional rollercoaster ride - sometimes you're up, expanded and high, at others, in the depths of density. It can be very destablising and unbalancing. What's needed is a progressive integration. Sometimes you'll need to open up the channels of soul infusion, sometimes you'll need to steady, centre and ground.
Time grounding in nature can greatly help - connecting to trees for example. Sexual release will most likely help infuse and integrate the energy - especially and including the practice of trantra to infuse energy through the lower vehicles. And when you need to, you can tone the energy down by eating denser foods and also distraction with entertainment might be necessary at times. Deep consciousness bodywork will be important - especially and including dance. Chakra Attunment Meditation will help channel consciousness into the various bodily vehicles - it's important to regulate that one though, as it can also be highly activational (the same with sexual expression). The Openhand Bow is great at grounding into and through the density. So a combination of all these things will help integrate the process. NB: be mindful of the processes that activate the strong movements of energy, and those that dampen them where necessary. It's about finding balance, with peaks and troughs, activations and integrations.
The miracle of Kundalini
I've witnessed many people experience the full activation of kundalini through the Openhand work. When the breakthrough finally happens, it's a very special moment, something you'll treasure your entire life. The soul encased within the lower self, rises up the spine then reconnects higher and lower self in the third eye. Sense of separated self completely vanishes. Your true self emerges, everywhere and nowhere, penetrating the space between the spaces. Crystal clear clarity emerges. You know yourself experientially as the One. There is nothing that can match it.
From now on, you flow eternally as the soul, an individuated expression of the eternal. But most importantly, although you're having this experience of the soul, you still know yourself as the eternal presence that precedes it. You are still the Source - still infinite potential. It's like having your 'cake' and eating it too!
So I'd encourage all to work with the activation of kundalini to restore attunement and interconnectivity with the universe - our natural state. But we must do so with care, mindfulness and progressive integration into our daily lives. That way, it builds a solid basis through which to flow. We're able to harmonise inner and outer seamlessly. Do check out Openhand's Book 5GATEWAYS, which is packed full of advice and practices to help activate and integrate the miracle of Kundalini into your Life...5GATEWAYS
In loving support
About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV
Kundalini very active within the Openhand Community
As I wend my way back home to Glastonbury after the marvellous La Palma retreat, I felt to post this article exploring the nature of Kundalini Activation. It's coming highly active in people in the community right now - I witness lots of powerful movements going on in the workshops and retreats. So having a good understanding of what it's about and how it might be influencing you is going to be highly beneficial.
There are lots of useful exchanges and advice in the posts above - If you have any questions or sharings, do feel free to post.
15 symptoms of the beginnings of Kundalini Activation
Here are some symptoms of the beginnings of Kundalini...
- Powerful surges of energy that make you feel highly energised but ungrounded
- Expansions into higher dimensional experiences
- Rollercoaster mood swings, emotional highs and lows
- Spasms in the body as the energy moves through the density
- Headaches and pains around the Third Eye as it opens more
- Strong sexual urges
- Frequent swaying of the body
- Prophetic visioning and dreaming
- A seeming disconnect from 3D reality
- Diffculty communicating with old thought patterns and vocabulary
- Frequent pangs of hunger as the energy integrates, or else conversely the complete loss of appetite
- the sense of needing to purify lower self, mind, emotions and body
- frequent senses of euphoria with divine connection
- the sense of presence of a divine guide or guardian (the higher self)
- the interrfering affect of Opposing Consciousness
What are you experiencing?
We're with you
Hey Jan - we're all with you in spirit.
As star souls, many come about the kundalini activation more in reverse - it's breaking down into the density rather than breaking up and out. So it's going to have a different quality of experience.
You know the drill - accept it, honour it, keep working with what shows up and breaking through. Then more and more waves of kundalini will activate - until it all integrates and life stabilises again.
Surrender upon surrender!
We're with you
Open <3
Star souls - doing it in reverse
In reply to We're with you by Open
Open - yes.... thank you. When I read your response I found Geoff on the property to share this with him and we both welled up with tears...
We have talked about it many times - how our hearts have been cracked wide open, but it felt that the density below was stopping the flow of the very Life force itself. Since my 'pop' I have had glimpses that breathing into the grip of the Solar Plexus clears the pain (emotional and physical) enough for the energy to flow down into my second chakra - creative, inspired thoughts seem to begin to flow to fulfill the need for security of the base chakra. This is how is appears to be moving in my body with no particular destination or intention in mind.
The grip on my back is loosening - and there are small bubbles appearing... the tiniest bubbles of laughter at the silliness of it all, smiles at the birdsong and dogs and knowing that all is right with the world.
It HAS to be...
Thank you - yet again, Open... for your guidance in this perilous sojourn.
Kundalini 'pop' ?
Hello all,
All of the forums the past few months have been incredible sharings - absolutely awesome. I am finding it fascinating how they all come together helping to translate and perhaps, amplify the experience I am having now.
Long story short - the last few months Geoff and I have been traversing through, with everything we are worth, the fears and blocks that have been replaying for us, over and over - probably forever. Holding space for each other, we bump off of the sideboards, coming back to a wobbly centre - with just enough energy and will to jump back onto the Dragon again for another round. The pressure has been so intense that at times we can't feel our breath. Back and forth we go - (3D to 5D ?) - up and down this roller coaster, feeling and expressing every emotion held within a human. We have been shaking our fists at our 'Higher Selves', telling them that the crew on the ground here is getting weary and we could use some SUPPORT, damn it !!!!!
Two days ago our West Coast sunshine appeared and we felt new energy arising. Cleaning the deck to open it up for summer felt like the perfect task for the day. Then, lifting a not very heavy pot, I felt a crack in my lower back - like a jolt of electricity, that took me to my knees. I was paralyzed in that sublime posture of deep prayer - and I was stuck - literally and couldn't breathe. The words out of my mouth were 'this is a Kundalini pop'. (I believe something in me 'knew' that - recognizing its potential from all of the experiences I have been reading about here on the Openhand Web. I knew from all of you that I wasn't dying - or going crazy).
When Geoff got me into a chair energy started moving and I was surrounded by a bright white misty cloud of light. It was so bright I could barely keep my eyes open. My entire body vibrated and it felt like electricity was coming out of my hands.
Geoff knew exactly what to do and guided me through the experience, until all of a sudden things cleared and I could speak again. I couldn't believe I was back! I felt like I would be drifting in that place of no place forever. Translating into words for Geoff was difficult - and I don't remember much of what I said, now - but Geoff understood. And so we help each other integrate whatever it was.
The pain in my back was incredible and beautiful - excruciating if I moved a millimeter. It traveled up my spine, stopping at my neck. There is has remained for 3 days, leading me back to my Stillpoint - my Centre,
that place just below the navel and right in the core of me. I was taken there to find myself again - to bring myself back. There, thoughts disappear and the pain changes - it is there, asking me to pay attention, but it isn't punishing. It is just guiding me - moving my body where it wants to go for ease - or to spasm me back to the now moment.
The next day, back in 'reality' - I saw that my hope for a Kundalini experience, which I have felt for awhile was being activated, was that my circumstances would ease, and life would be easier after a jolt. Who knows - maybe it will - maybe it won't. What I see now is that it doesn't matter. If I feel afraid - it doesn't matter. I see it more now as the feeling of a fist in my solar plexus that just needs to be breathed into - rather than devastation heading towards me. I have the power to exit the story before it takes me away and there is an underlying, surrounding peace throughout it.
I am watching for what unfolds going forward, as I am acutely aware that this is an ongoing process - and it has much to show me. Bring it on, I say - let's get this show on the road.
Much love to everyone from here.
Awesome kundalini - now comes the integrational part
hi Lightoflearning, greetings, welcome to Openhand. :-)
Yes it's lovely isn't it when kundalini kicks off. Yes it is often earth-shattering, turning the previous reality on it's head.
After the initial phase, what then happens is the inner journey of purification, where kundalini is progressively integrated until it becomes a way of life.
I should also say, to be of assistance, it's pretty clear you've had only a partial kundalini activation. It comes across in how you write and explain - I'm able to feel through the ether. When full activation happens, all sense of separated identity is gone. There is nothing other than the path, and a constant conscious choice in every moment. Lower self is completely integrated into divine higher self.
So I celebrate in your wonderful experience - brilliant. Now comes the integrational part. Which will likely take many years of mastery.
The path itself beckons!
Open *OK*
Thanks Open!
In reply to Awesome kundalini - now comes the integrational part by Open
All I can say is "sweeeeeeet". Let the path begin.
Funny, Open, I am here talking to you.
This has been an 8 year search for me. Going from earning $9 / hour at Sam's Club handing out pizza samples to selling anti-hacking software worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. What my partial awakening tells me (and I think you are right about it being partial...) is that NONE of that was my path. The universe was carrying me to where I needed to be, which was stable enough to be open to this great transformation. I hope we can be pals. I really dig your site and what you are up to in this life. Keep helping people, man. If the whole world even PARTIALLY wakes up, I am clear that the human race just might be OK after all....
I just went through it
Hi everyone. I am LightofLearning, recently experienced a Kundalini Awakening and want to share with you. At first, it was scary. I had no idea what was happening. I felt like I was getting a download of information from the biggest supercomputer in the universe. I couldn't stop talking. All kinds of thoughts and ideas on subjects i never studied in college or grad school started flooding my mind. I started seeing blue lights everywhere.... little tiny flashes during the day, at night, all the time. I was awake from the hours of 3-4AM every night, sitting in a state of bliss, with my whole body buzzing with energy. Sometimes, I went downstairs to write on the computer. My wife and I thought I was going nuts. I couldn't sit still. I lost 4 inches from my waist, 20 pounds, and started exercising vigorously to expel the excess energy. All of the sudden, things started to happen. A man offered me a partnership in a media business. A friend of mine told me about a spiritual guide who specializes in Kundalini Awakenings with whom I am meeting this Saturday. After 8 weeks of a rough ride, everything began to calm down. I felt this connection to my body. Things felt more.... integrated.... like I was really living in there for the first time. Every interaction with people became a chance to be kind to them and listen to their stories. I felt like I had nothing to do. Even at work, the day just glides by. I do my job, smile at everyone, and go home to my wife. It is very blissful. I was told when I was hired that I was going to have the possibility to rise up in the company. (We are a major software company.) The other day, my boss let it slip that they are going with an outside hire for the role I thought I was going to get promoted into. I was upset for a second, but then Kundalini kicked in and I started laughing. This is just God taking care of me. Perhaps the job was not right. Perhaps I would have failed. Or, most likely, the person who will get the job.... it is part of his or her journey and simply not part of mine. So, I found this community and thought I would join and say hello. Please feel free to message me. Kundalini is a fascinating new topic in my life and I would like to study it further. I bought some books and plan on a few sessions with my new spiritual guide, a past life regression, some transpersonal therapy. The self I was 3 months ago would have laughed all this off as completely impractical nonsense. I have seen the light, though, brothers and sisters. It is ALL real: energy fields, God, the universe's power, spirits, angels... the reason I know is I can FEEL them now. And it's not scary at all. It's wonderful. There is a unity for this universe and a divine plan and we are all part of it. What a wonderful place this planet is to be. Louis Armstrong must have had Kundalini when he wrote "What A Wonderful World". So, anyways, I need to get to work now, but please message me with any thoughts on any of the spiritual realm. I would love to discuss with you and learn from my friends who have more experience with this sort of thing. Peace, Love, Light and Joy to all of you.
Holding contradictory truths at the same time
Hi Cathy (I like your name change by the way),
I might not answer your questions directly, but this is how I feel to respond.
The mirror that you draw to yourself is not strictly a direct mirror - in the sense that they exactly mirror who you are. They can't, because you are unique!
It's a sense that the other is reflecting, not the exactitude.
And in the sense of the mirror, what's most important to take in, is not what that reflection looks like, but what it feels like inside. So you draw someone and it kicks off a particular feeling of some kind of tightness or process. That's the mirroring of which I speak.
But logic can also point the way.
For instance let's say you're with someone, and they don't reflect what you know to be your core values. And they're not evolving along with you. What is it that they're doing? Perhaps they're denying their deeper self. So one might then ask: "what am I denying about my unconscious self?"
But be prepared that it won't be a direct likeness because we are each unique.
On the second part, I observe there is a widespread misunderstanding here about the concept that "we are all One". It's a paradox - we are, and we are not. At the absolute level, where everything literally dissolves into the One, inside yourself, where we've moved beyond all feeling, then yes, we are the One, and there is no separation.
But at the same time, you are being a unique and separate expression. If there was no such relativity, then there could be no experience - no you and me. Because you can only know hot in the presence of cold, up in the presence of down, love in the presence of fear. These are all relativistic experiences.
It's one of the hardest things to master: to hold two, apparently contradictory truths, both at the same time, without needing it to be one way or the other.
It's how you ultimately grasp the formation of reality at all. How could the Big Bang explode outwards if there was nothing outwards in which to expand? It's because reality is a dynamic equilibrium between being and not being, between one and separation. You have both conditions existing in the same space and time together.
It gives the illusion the possibility of feeling real.
Open *OK*
two in one reality
In reply to Holding contradictory truths at the same time by Open
Thanks, Open. Very helpful. Two in One reality. It's a good thing I'm a Gemini ha!
The mirror decodes so much more easily when I focus on how I feel. Good reminder to get out of my head.
I've always thought this too.
In reply to Holding contradictory truths at the same time by Open
Great comment. This part stuck out to me: "It's a paradox - we are, and we are not."
Individual self-expression is completely necessary for our peace of mind. If we cannot be who we truly are, it is equal to being locked in a jail cell. The jail cell contains the physical body, but an un-self expressed person's body BECOMES the jail cell for the soul. The Eagles had a lyric that went "Most often times it happens we live our lives in chains and we never even knew we had the key". It's from the song Already Gone.
Hi Open,
I've been feeling kinda lost and discombobulated about the whole mirror thing. That whatever I attract mirrors my consciousness. So if I feel unworthy of love, for example, I will likely feel unloved by others in my life in regards to how they treat me. But then again, we co-create with others. So if I change my consciousness, it doesn't necessarily mean a loved one will change theirs. So what is the reflection there? I'm feeling that it likely relates to healing the distortion in myself and continuing to observe it in a loved one, but it doesn't trigger me or push any buttons because I've found myself as the One beyond it -- at least in regard to that particular distortion. You've said previously that no-one here in this third dimension is completely free of distortions. If you're fully self-realized as you are, I'm guessing you discern the distortions in others but don't feel them as a reflection of your own distortions, given that you feel yourself as the One and no longer identify with distorted behaviour patterns.
Also, if I'm feeling my own pain when I'm involved with a loved one in pain, am I not feeling both their pain and my own, given we are all One, but not the same, as U2 sings, "We're One but we're not the same." We are each unique expressions of the divine and we hold the tangible intangibility of both Oneness and duality as Trinity says in one of her meditations.
Any light you can shed on confusion would be appreciated. Thank you.
I've switched back to my childhood name, Cathy, since I no longer relate to Catherine that I took on in my 20's.
x Cathy
This can't be a coincidence
Two days ago, while reading several (to me now) priceless articles of yours, I came across an older one (I believe from 2012) where Trinity describes her awakening and I got somehow frightened (the human in me, yaaaayyy!) and for two days I thought: ok, maybe I should take it easy, don't push it if it does not come naturally, in a less overwhelming way so to speak. Today I checked out your webpage and the last article I could see was (tadaaa!) this one, again about kundalini. What a coincidence, some might say, but I almost cried when I saw it. I've just finished reading it and it gave me such a relief. I somehow knew that for such an event, one needs to prepare/balance his/her body/mind for it, through different practiced (as you mentioned above) yet sometime kundalini is triggered off by itself, yet (in my opinion) it has to do more with the soul's purpose. Thank you again, for your time and effort you're putting into sharing this valuable knowledge with us.
Great article!
Hi Open,
This is really good and informative article. You said:
"To activate and unleash balanced kundalini, there has to be integration of our spiritual beingness into our physical life."
I used to believe that all will take care of itself once the Kundalini is activated. I thought the transition from the old to the new paradigm would be a just a matter of turning on a switch. And it might be for some, but not for all. I read several articles on Kundalini activation and they seemed to idealize the event, making it a spiritual goal to strive for. Openhand site is the first source that explores this energy in more balanced way. And I'm very grateful for this.
Active Kundalini
Decided to share some recent musing.
Since the level 1 workshop in May I have had various experiences with Kundalini. The most awesome ones during meditation when I have felt the bubbles of energy rising up through the heart centre; heard the roar of waterfalls and thunder; felt the bee-like buzzing throughout my body and heard the whistles of some unseen, gurur/coach. It has not all been straight forward though and cautionary tales are as necessary as the inspiring ones.
I have experienced massive arrhythmia, where my heart has almost knocked me off me feet, such was the strength of the muscle pump. Similarly, I have felt the energy rise through my body but not my central channel and this has caused partial black-outs, nausea and dizziness.
The process is a natural one, but we can help prepare ourselves by activities that increase nerve function and endocrine activity throughout the body. Energy moves best when there are no blockages. Being relaxed, calm, confident, joyful, loving and blissful helps. Practising these states until they become your natural state, increases corresponding hormone levels. Increasing your sensitivity to energy through chi kung or similar also helps moves these hormones to every cell of the body which does give kundalini access. And of course the more intense the emotional state the greater the involvement of kundalini.
Aya/DMT/Ibogaine are consciousness changing, but, I would suggest, offer only temporary changes. Just as shaktipat will not on its own awaken kundalini to a level that can be integrated fully into existence. Yet both can have a place in waking us up. Both can have a place in helping experience our true nature. Both can have a place in making the difference between choosing ignorance or choosing to become the warrior.
Fellow Beingness
Hi Fellow Beingness - nice name change :)
Thanks for the reply. Just to say I didn't feel your post to be attacking - just felt to write to strike a balance around the caution. Thank you for the consideration. Katie
Integrating Kundalini
I'd say you're right about not forcing or pushing Kundalini Supr3m3.
That's why we felt to highlight in the article...
- We have to be mindful then of practices which unnaturally force kundalini without the proper integration of the higher spiritual behaviour in our lives. In my experience, psychedelic drugs such as Ayahuasca and also forced kundalini yogic breathing are practices to be wary of. What we're looking for is a steady build up of kundalini energy over time, allowing it to progressively flow into our density so that we can unravel and integrate it through our daily lives. Then it becomes the most profoundly rewarding and beneficial influence imaginable.
And yes, it can be pretty earth-shattering - so working with guides who've fully experienced and integrated it can be of profound benefit - I know Katie (Kd1) above has for example.
Open *OK*
The need to guide others :)
Hi Kundalini :)
Nice to hear constructive critic from a fellow traveller :)
I did not want to scare people. I meant point out that by forcing or rushing into awakening might bemore harmful than beneficial. Especially by getting initations before you actually can handle it.
It seems that you had you awakening at the right time, when you were prepared for it and ready to let go. The inner work was at a stage that allowed you to embrace the porcess and take the next step.
I am sorry if my post seem to be a bit aggressive. I did not meant to cause more confusion. But after witnessing "awakenings" where the natives were not ready for it, I had an urge to write a few comments on this subject. There are people who are giving these initiations without really giving people the knowledge and support they need.
Once again, this was not meant be an attack against the people on Openhand. I just wanted to highlight the importance of an authentic teacher and guide that will help you thoughout the process.
But everyone is free to do just as they feel.
Wish you all the best <3
Hi Sup
Your post interested me, for a few reasons.
My experience of kundalini awakening (and I was the average impure type- to some extent) was radical and shattering. You say:
'No you will not be able to proceed your "normal" life like working and being a mother or father once the process starts. There is nothing that is normal once the Kundalini awakens.'
I would say the surrender into the process has enabled me to live a very 'normal' life raising two children and working. The requirement seems to be more about simplifying, opening and coming into alignment. Which is what the openhand approach is all about. I do understand the need to advise others not to push it, but I'm here as testament that you absolutely can when ready move through the process. When it started I used to read posts like yours and spin out into fear. I think it's important to know that when 'ready' the inner teaching will come forth and the right teachers will emerge to support you. Always have faith in that. We live in times when people are awakening very unexpectedly - I feel its time to spread a more positive message about the process. It's the energy of transformation after all. :)
Kundalini and food
And before you start to awaken your Kundalini, make sure your diet is pure. Some foods, drinks and substances like pork and cigarettes create blockages in our system. You really need to go through purification before you can become, what some might call, a worthy vessel.
Trust your Heart and have faith in it.
Fear and Control
Hi Open - this is very inspiring - thanks. The 'key areas to look at' helped me a lot to identify where I am blocking and it seems to be mainly the 'fear and control' that I have problems with. More especially with, what I perceive to be 'more important' situations, where I think I need the outcome to be a certain way. I guess its about being the observer and perseverance. I will keep at it!
Much love and hugs Myra
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