The Tenth Transfiguration!
Woohoo! It's here. Openhand's tenth annual "Transfiguration" begins today, here on the Isle of Avalon, a very special earth portal into higher dimensions of consciousness. As ever we have a wonderful group of lovely people flying in from all around the world. And because Openhand is a virtual community, and because you can touch the energy from anywhere on the planet, we're extending an open hand of invitation for you to come and join us. We're running a rolling journal through the course, sharing insight into what we're doing, so you may explore in your own way too. So come and connect up to the energy by opening your heart and mind to the sense of the space and what we're doing. It's sure to activate shifts in your consciousness too. You are most welcome... Here are just a few photos of past courses to get you into the mood...
A big Hug after those intense "Diad" Processes
After tears of joy or sadness, laughter was always just around the corner...
Singing for joy, connecting with nature and balancing the chakras during this beautiful 'singing chakra meditation'...
Another few layers lifted. An Openhand Angel at peace...
"You've found that lovin feeling. Woah that loving feeling..."
Singing in the woods on the earth spirit walk. Who can forget the deep vibes?
And the pixies came to summon some extra energy!
Time for intense processing in the wood...
And after the processing has subsided, deeply relaxing in the hammock...
Smiles from Lesley...
Calling in the energy for the transformational sweat lodge...
The Team hot tub - taking it easy of an evening...
A couple of hobbits lapping up curry and sunshine...
"Your focus needs more focus grasshopper"...
"Is that a plane or a bird?" No, it's the group performing the Openhand Owl Movement...
Who turned the lights out?...
SoulMotion on the hill...
Reach for the skies!
Deep meditational contemplations in session...
And the joys of sharing those deep inner discoveries...
The bodywork session in the meadow. Remember that deep consciousness bodywork done with presence and awareness can unleash and liberate the soul...
Lesley always on hand for those magical fire ceremonies...
The Warriors, ready for the Sweat Lodge...
What better way to stir up an appetite? Who will ever forget Trinity's Conscious Kitchen...
Lunch today was a delicious medley buffet of sun-dried tomato & ginger salad, raw sprouted sunflower seed pesto, curried chickpeas, sun-dried tomato tapenade, red pepper hummus and mint pea soup. Went down a treat...
How we tucked in!...
The delicious and healthy food helped all those deep contemplations: Caroline focused...
Marjolyn letting go...
Open with Joann unraveling and unwinding during a session today...
After lots of unraveling Kim decides to contemplate with a hard earned cup of tea...
Contemplating inner child identities today, what better place to go than to climb a tree and sit in the tree house. Well that's just what Martin did...
Abi such a gorgeous being...
These guys are ALWAYS laughing and smiling...
See what I mean :)
Music was never far away...
With our very own backing group...
Pennie on percussion...
Myra delighting...
Trinity busted - exposed from behind the lense...
As always having a blast!
And so the 10th party begins. Join us for more of those unforgettable magic moments...
Cosmic transfiguration!
What a powerful and liberating experience. Deeply grateful! Truly Awesome and beyond words!
Feels like the cosmos is breathing and flowing along :-)
About to fly to Sydney. Look forward to write more after reaching there!
Sending heaps of love and gratitude.
Wish best wishes
~ zero
Hi folks,
What an amazingly deep and powerfully transformative week. I feel truly blessed to have been involved.
Thank you to each of you beautiful souls who courageously stepped forward. It was such a priviledge to connect and share with each and every one of you. Blessings for your onward journey, life will not be the same! *clapping*
Thank you Pennie and Rich for your wonderful support, it was lovely to share and "work" alongside you both. *biggrin*
Thank you Trinity for your truly divine conscious cuisine. It was always so delicious and full of love and nourishment, like a big comforting hug. Thank you for your support in many other ways too! *angel*
Open, words seem inadequate, the way you enable people to find their light and shine is.... PROFOUND! With huge heartfelt thanks (f)
I gained many insights and reflections during the week too and as for the sweat lodge - wow that was intense and beautiful!
With love and immense gratitude,
Just some gratitude
Beautiful, shiny faces! What an epic week it has been... Thank you for sharing here!
And that video you shared above....syncs me right up to the universal flow inside.... Totally uplifting and connecting...I appreciate that so much as I have felt up to my knees in muckiness. Thank you <3 Jen
All Roads lead to You!
Transfiguration Day 7 - Closing Photos

Transfiguration Day 7 - Romancing the Flame
Soul Ohana
Love it Jen*hugs my soul sister* Enjoy your journey
Open such beautiful sharings... Swells my heart feeling all through your pictures.
There are no words.. faces just glowing melts it all away!
Soul motion expressing through, moving the energy yet grounded. Light warriors dancing softly yet passionately
What a wonderful experience to be part of.
Making connections with all these courageous soul-seekers.
It has been inspiring, encouraging and just plain awesome to be there as people go through the work, each bravely facing and addressing their own 'stuff'.
And to observer the changes in people as the course developed.
Its been an honour, a pleasure, and a privilege.
Thanks to all you star-soul brothers and sisters.
And especially to Open and the team for asking me along.
(How can we get a smiley for namaste? *smile*)
Love always.
Transfiguration Day 6 - Soulmotion swing

Just 'beautiful'
Great to feel you apart of this Jen :-)
Looking forward to seeing you here soon.
We have no idea what the flowers are - we just call them 'beautiful'!
Open *OK*
What are those flowers?!
Can anyone tell me what those gorgeous flowers are up higher in the pics.. The red and yellow ones? Those are incredible!!!! Never seen anything like them before! <3
Pics that tell an awesome story!
Oh you guys! I feel the deepest joy welling up thinking of you all and looking at these awesome pics! All your fiery spirit comes through and I feel right there with you - thank you for letting us take a peek into such special moments.
The last few days the word Ohana (family) keeps showing up and today it showed up for the third time next to the word Avalon... Felt connected to you all there seeing that. I must also be in a rush to come out there as I just realized that I booked my flight for an entire day earlier than I planned to (or booked a room for!) Timing has been funny lately... And everything seems to be happening earlier than anticipated.
Much love, Jen
Nobody said it would be easy
my thoughts have been with you all this week. Every Openhand event is unique and different, and my own experience with the Transfiguration was profound and life changing. Open, your commentary of the ceremony's allowed me to feel part of the experience. Mark
Good Vibrations!
Thanks for sharing the lovely photos, Open and Trinity. I'm partial to the photo of the chocolate shortbread! Although the one with Open and the holy horseshit is a close second. :)
Lots of love to everyone. Magnificent vibes and so inspiring to read! Makes me want to break into song with The Beach Boys, "Good, good, good, good vibrations..."
x Cathy
Transfiguration Day 5: The Most Superlative Day

Beyond words
They were simply beyond words........ *THUMBS UP*
(I snuck a second piece!)
Your comment " I'm really noticing the dis-trust and fear in so many people. People seem naturally distrusting generally"
Whoa! I am going through an experience that has completely taken me off guard...I am feeling this from someone and I have no idea why and the situation in a few days has totally unravelled and I am left completely lost as to how and why??? I do feel our external is a mirror to our internal consciousness and I accept that this is something I have created BUT in this case how this escalated this way I honestly have no idea??? so now I need to go quiet, meditate and ask for benevolence for some guidance of Why and How <3
Heart Warming
Ahh, lovely photos, I am feeling that love emanating through the ether :-)
Thank you x
Wide Awake
I've been wide awake at night this past week, feeling the energy of Uranus, The Great Awakener, which sits in my 12th House of the Unconscious in my natal astrology chart. It's during the night when stuck energy often illuminates for me, more so than during the day when I'm distracted. Given the time difference between England and Canada, it feels like I'm tuning into the Openhand energy of the Transfiguration workshop when it's happening. Last night I was strongly feeling the energy of guilt at letting others down and how I have projected from there through numerous lifetimes. My heart felt about to burst and shatter. I've experienced a lot of physical pain in the heart chakra area these past few years as I continue to activate karma. Feeling guilt about letting others down feels like deep and bottomless Source pain and an ancient pattern associated with my star family, which feels like Pleiades, and how I failed to hold the light way back when to help dissolve the dark agenda of OC. I'm questioning the images and feelings I'm picking up, asking myself, "Can this be real?" I re-read the Openhand nine-step process and am doing my best to process that way, but I feel a lack of confidence in doing so. Onwards with the practice to confront, feel the pain, become the One in it, and replace the old neural pathways with joy juice and aligned patterns in the flow of Divine Benevolence.
P.S. Felt to add that synchronicity today reflects back that I am breaking up old neural pathways of behaviour. Along with guilt of failing others comes over-compensation, feeling overly responsible for and doing too much for others; then feeling unappreciated, resentful, and pissed off for over-extending my compassionate heart. I interrupted this pattern today by backing away from a situation that clearly mirrors back this distortion. And guess what, no one died! :)
x Cathy
Journey of Discovery
Loving vibes from this humble being as you all travel and journey through the densities to embrace all that comes. Spending time today submerged within a healing alkaline hot spring near the arctic circle, I was thinking of all of you when a very playful squirrel started circling around, hoping courageously from large stone to stone. Just moving naturally and effortlessly, always moving towards a perceived structure trusting in the lightness of the physical to be supported as the next step was coming into view...the creative miracles are everywhere. Boundless energies untamed!
Thank you for all the courageous travels you are sharing
Much love
Transfiguration Day 4: Regressing into Karma
What an incredibly powerful day it was yesterday - digging deep into inner identity filters. It's not pretty or easy, regressing into all the challenges of growing up in society and the scars that people then carry around with them.
- The important thing is that it can all be healed!
Such suffering is an illusion, around which people build myths: ones that they then try to avoid by placating the pain in some way - by distraction or avoidance. But when you look squarely into the very heart of it, and express it outwards, you explode the myth that it is and reintegrate the lost fragments of 'soul gold' that were buried there. The sense of liberation is astounding.
- There is nothing like witnessing people courageously going into this, then breaking through and being liberated by it.
Once you've cleared a path through the 1st (physical), 2nd (emotional), 3rd (intellectual) inner planes, then it becomes possible to expand onto the 4th density plane - the plane of karma.
Today I'll be regressing the group on a deep journey of discovery - the human journey on this planet, baggage from which, everyone is carrying. They'll be witnessing the 'big picture' of the intervention, but also their individual stories in it. This is the subconscious 'source pain' which so influences people's lives, and limits them, without even knowing why.
Clearing this is pure alchemy. Lives will never be the same again. The soul is liberated to flow more freely through the inner densities which then begins to manifest a more liberated and creative experience in the physical world.
- Let's dive full-on, all in!
If you wish to explore karma with us, here is a key to understanding it...
And here is one for processing it...
Of course you may wish to engage one of the Openhand Facilitators who are all skilled in guiding people through it....
Wishing you all well - thanks so much for joining us on this magical journey.
ice thawing?
Hi Michelle
I've been watching it to. When I remembered it was a mirror, that seems to have softened a fair bit. Today I've been meeting people who initially feel a bit closed but then warm up when I interact with them. Perhaps because I'm being less judgmental/more trusting myself? I've been talking to walkers, garage attendents, there was even a potential 'run-in' with a car park security guard (don't ask!) which was totally diffused when I interacted with him! So I guess there's a mirror. Each time there's been initial coldness, then that's changed. I think boudnaries are really important, but also holding the space for the potential of a genuine interaction.
Support and Appreciation
Tuning in, feeling lots coming up inviting unraveling.
Ben, you said you've been observing dis-trust - yes, that is one of the big ones coming into my awareness too, slap in the face actually, after initial feelings of shock and frustration at the sheer craziness and sadness of it all, feeling into the fear behind it, the need for control, the disconnection and then looking into myself for where I am not trusting, where I can alchemise healing within myself, it feels massive though... so much wrapped up in it... overwhelming at first... but gradually I am settling into the truth of it, starting to soften... to surrender and heal.
Wishing you all lots of support for the processing and appreciating the support in being able to share the journey.
With love Michelle xxx
More Transfiguration Photos

Transfiguration Day 3: Integrating Inner Identities
Who am I?
Touching down again with y'all gathered for the Transfiguration workshop in Glastonbury. Open asks the question, "Who are you?" I'm feeling a strong pull these days to reclaim and express my personality which is part of who I am. Yes, I'm One with All That Is, but I'm also a unique spark of Divine Benevolence. The trick is to celebrate my uniqueness without identifying with it as my ego likes to do. Somehow along the way, I developed ambivalent feelings about my uniqueness so feel I have buried a lot of who I am. Synchronicity around the cosmic planets and their special energies speaks strongly to me. I'm immersed in an astrology course at present with a focus on planetary archetypes and the chakras. Along with that, I'm re-reading Open's 5 Gateways book since my astrology group doesn't go deeply enough and tends to stay too focused on the intellect (a good mirror for me). This exploration is giving me lots of insights into discovering lost soul bits of who I am. I'm keeping an eye open so I focus more on the feelings and don't get bogged down in the intellect through this exploration. I have an intuitive sense of how I express the energies of the planets in my life and in my relationships when I really feel into their placement and aspects in my astrology chart. This is taking me into a lot of uncomfortable feelings: mainly guilt and shame and how I judge myself on "failing" others. Guess that's why I embrace distraction at times to distance myself from the pain. It's inspiring to read about how all of you are diving deep down the rabbit hole to come out the other side into Absolute Presence without identifying with any of it. Down I go.
x Cathy
I love seeing all these snapshots and tuning in with you guys! We are so blessed to have these amazing connections with each other from all over the place! Personally, I am experiencing some bodily discomfort... slowing down and feeling through it and it's so supportive to connect with you all here. Heart full of love for you all. <3 Jen
shining lights
Hey guys!
what beautiful photos - I'm tuning in to those shining lights!
Its interesting travelling at the moment, I'm really noticing the dis-trust and fear in so many people. People seem naturally distrusting generally. It seems to have heightened in the last few weeks I think. But it almost makes it more beautiful when I see a small child with open eyes and hands, or tune in here and see aligned people being themselves with open hearts. Keep shining through, souls connecting! The world needs that light!
with love
Transfiguration mirrors
I'm tuning in through the ether with memories of last year - some sort of evil cackle seems appropriate here. Yet, it seems I'm going through my own stuff right now - being drawn out, coming together in a whirlwind of emotion.
Feeling alone even though I'm surrounded by people. Trapped, not able to fully unleash myself. And frustrated at not being able to fully connect with those around me. We'll see how this week pans out, with the Transfiguration energies doing what they do.
Lovely to see all the participants immersing themselves - inspirational guys! And big shout out to Trinity, Open and all you facilitators for bringing all your unique energies and making the course so valuable.
Transfiguration - Breaking on Through

Transfiguration Day 2: Pushing the Boundaries of Experience
- I was talking to one of the group out in the garden early this morning, who was suffering a high degree of resistance and pain. The dawn chorus had recently begun. I could literally feel the sound of the birds connecting inside. And as I asked what they thought about the sound of the birds, a brave little robin landed right on the ground between us. It's these priceless little moments that come to you when you do penetrate and break through the resistance the ego has to the moment. Utterly priceless.

My hands are tingling with
My hands are tingling with the etheric hand holding. Such a lovely energy emanating from the photos past and present and such fond memories resurfaced. I feel blessed *HELLO*
Transfiguration Day 1: Early Photos

Transfiguration Day 1: Who are you really?

Jolt into the Cosmos
This brings tons of great memories from last year!!
:-) I'm thinking of wonderful friendships that began then and are still flourishing now. I'm also feeling into how much I've changed since. My goodness... the path can be really wonderful and full of surprises. :-D
This course is literally a jolt into the cosmos! It gives so much incredible momentum. I'm tuning in through the ether. Enjoy, everyone.
Touching Down!
I'm touching down with you guys through the ether!
God bless us, everyone!
x Cathy
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