Inspiring music
How come we still don't have a music thread on the web? :)
C'mon, everybody! Kidding, whoever feels like hhhh, flood this thread with what makes your soul alive, or just resonates with you, or brings an important message, or is just beautiful :D
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Trevor Hall
In reply to Connection with the Trees by Open
Trevor Hall! I have been just loving his music lately.... I find his tunes Immerse me in an internal love affair .... Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Vimal and Anastasia!
Thank you both for sharing! I would be willing to bet that you are already shining far more than you think you are and that you actually accepted your roles and gifts long ago with your heart. The work you are doing now is part of the shield building process that is vital to the work of an enlightened and loving soul. One of my favorite movie quotes always sums it all up for me:
"Everything that you could ever want or be, you already have and are." -I Heart The Huckabees (movie)
Meanwhile, I will meditate for your wounds Anastasia and will be available to you if you ever need to talk. My email welcomes you.
Vimal your words are profound and the seeker in your soul is definitely on the right path in the right time and I appreciate your sharing and will meditate for your wellbeingness (you've inspired a new word ;).
I wrote this poem after reading your comments (for some reason my GPS giving directions interjected itself, tee hee!
Not Just Along For The Ride This Time
Fasten your seatbelts.
I was furious, I was petrified, afraid of what they’d see inside
My soul yearning and burning for the ride, but afraid to take it.
Make a legal U-turn if possible.
I am no longer stagnant. I am LOUD.
I am not ashamed because I am PROUD
I will not be moved. I will not be muted.
Take Exit 111 on the right.
I am supported by the Universe, the angels, the source, the light.
I no longer feel undeserving of my plight.
Third Eye vision, now my sight.
No longer only good “despite”. I invest in me.
Not careful, not realistic, having no limitations.
Unattached to what I heard and cried with powerful lamentations.
The light I am here, Chakras in flow, embodying the highest of vibrations.
Conscientious for the world and conscious of my breath.
I am compassionate for myself now, not just all the rest.
There is always plenty and I am always enough.
All I know and those I love are in ALL WAYS enough.
You have arrived at your destination.
Love, Light and All the Good Stuff to you!
"This light of mine isn't so little..."
I Love This Poem!
In reply to Thank you Vimal and Anastasia! by Aphroheidi
Thank you for the humor. May I share this by email with my friends? Paula
In reply to I Love This Poem! by paula1326
Paula, if you are referring to my poem, you may share anything that I have to give :)
Sending you and your friends love, light and humor ;)
"This light of mine isn't so little..."
Realizing our true power
Hi Aphroheidi and Anastasia,
I don't know if I'm a lightworker or not. But this is synchronistic to an emerging feeling that I have. That is I'm enough just the way I'm right now. My beingness is enough and there is nothing that I need that I don't already have. It's about realiazing ones true power. I'm reading the book sidhartha by Herman Hesse and it offers a reflection for the feeling as well. We are all united by this common thread that we have the true power in our innermost self. Others can offer a reflection yes, but we each hold the key to our self. This liberates me from the search for a teacher, an authority to take away the pain, offer validation for our self doubts which is ultimately not possible at all. So why not start looking into oneself for the answer? Because it's already there!
Thankyou for your reflections.
Vimal <3
Thoughts on being a lightworker
In reply to Realizing our true power by Vimal
Hi Vimal,
I think the feeling that you describe emerging for you, that of ‘being enough just the way you are, and already having everything you need’ is one of the most significant realisations one can have, even if one is not consciously on the spiritual path. It’s a core feeling that kind of changes the whole ball game, don’t you think? It pretty much challenges the whole 3D system we’re conditioned to nurture. Imagine if everyone came to this understanding, how much of the structure around us would just collapse. The beauty industry would find no foothold, consumption would decrease considerably, and many more people might actually pursue their true passions, instead of just working themselves to soullessness in order to increase GDP. In fact, most crimes would cease altogether. I think you’ll find, as you nurture and pay attention to this feeling of yours, that so many layers of societal conditioning will fall off of their own accord. It’s truly a seed of personal empowerment.
My thoughts on being a lightworker:
I don’t know what the actual definition of being a lightworker is. I only know that after pursuing all kinds of possible ambitions and outcomes in the 3D world, and eventually realising they lead nowhere, I find the only thing that makes any sense is being a lightworker. I can’t find any other possible meaningful reason why I may have chosen to come here. So it has kind of been a process of elimination for me.
I also have another thought. Being a lightworker essentially means ‘working for the light’, right? Since we all carry the light inside us, and like you say ‘have the true power in our innermost self’, don’t we all then have the ability to be lightworkers? I think if one is willing to fully commit to walking the path, you eventually run out of all other options except shining and sharing your own light for others to benefit from, which inevitably leads to being a lightworker. At least that’s my own conclusion 😊.
Keep up the good work,
Much love,
Lightworker by being you
In reply to Thoughts on being a lightworker by Anastasia
Hi Anastasia,
You are absolutely right. It changes the whole game. Coming from beingness may challenge all belief system including those spiritual, right and wrong, expectation of others etc. There is incredible feeling in the knowing that my feelings, my soul is all I have to follow and nothing else. So being me challenges the conditioned behaviours in me as well as others then I might as well be a lightworker. We all are if we are progressively bringing light into ourselves. I see that I have no control over what happens outside of me but only my reaction in relation to those. Everyone has their unique journey and its not my purpose to change it for them. There is also a unique feeling that I'm invited to be something beyond me not by doing something but by being me. It's not to say I don't feel the expectation or the conditioning. I do. But there's also a knowing that I don't have to succumb to them but find my truth and rise above it by expressing them no matter how its perceived in the outer world. Opening up myself in this way without intentionally trying to protect may give more opportunity for growth and draw the right reflection that I need to see. Even if its unpleasant for the ego there's no greater purpose than learning from one's mistakes. Thankyou for your definition of the lightworker. I wholeheartedly resonate with it.
We are all Lightworkers!
In reply to Thoughts on being a lightworker by Anastasia
Yes, Anastasia! Exactly! We all have the light and we all can share it in any way that we are capable. I completely understand the "process of elimination" theory as many of my friends have only recently accepted the mere idea of being on the planet specifically to work to their highest good and share their light (the light that many don't even recognize in themselves). Over the years I have had many different "titles" given to me by others (Indigo, Star Seed, etc.) and with all of these projections from others I have come to the conclusion that they all fall under the category of Lightworker, so I adapted that title. Recently, however, the awakening process has sped up significantly and the synchronicities have increased as well. I finally accepted my spirit guide Snow and my abilities to share my light have brought me to my current work and I can see how expansive my light can be. I am giving this endeavor my all and I am pleased with my efforts. I look forward to hearing more about your journey as it progresses.
So much love and light coming your way!!!!!
"This light of mine isn't so little....."
Love beyond the bones
In reply to We are all Lightworkers! by Aphroheidi
Hi Aphroheidi,
Thank you for your generous support. I read your personal story on another thread and oh my, you’ve certainly been through a lot. It’s amazing work you’ve done with yourself. I’m so glad you didn’t give up.
Like you, I’ve been a seeker from a very young age, attracted to the occult and with a very vivid inner life. I also had quite a bumpy life ride, and even though the events don’t exactly resemble yours, I can relate to the feeling of having one thing come after you after another, non stop. The situation with your children must be particularly tough. Having two small ones of my own, my heart really goes out to you. ❤️
I awakened suddenly, about 3 years ago, after losing an unborn child. Before that I had never even heard the word star seed or lightworker, but when I discovered the concept after googling strange things that were happening to me, it felt like coming home. Like my whole life’s challenges suddenly made sense. You mentioned your guide Snow, and how you ‘finally accepted’ the guidance of this spirit. I’m curious as to what you meant by ‘finally accepting’. What process did you go through? If you want to share I’d love to learn, since we all have such unique and interesting journeys.
For me it started with being able to hear and speak to the soul of my dead unborn. There were in fact two souls coming through and I was made aware of a conflict concerning which one of them was supposed to come. Apparently, the ‘wrong’ soul pushed his way through, so the pregnancy had to be terminated. (Crazy stuff, right? 😉). After that, a whole ‘new’ world opened up to me, and a challenging but magical journey began to unfold before me.
In case you’re wondering about the conflict between the 2 souls, it was resolved, and one of these souls, the ‘right’ one, is with me now as my 1,5 year old son 😊.
I loved your poem, btw, especially the GPS interjections, hi hi! They really cracked me up. Since this thread is actually called ‘Inspiring music’, I feel I have to contribute something of the sort. So I dedicate this song, that has been coming to me a lot lately, to you my star sister. 🌟
Lightworkers Being Called Through Unassuming Conduits
Over the years, through many forums, mediums and methods I have been told (and I have known) that I am a lightworker. I have held this truth so tightly in its secret box afraid to believe for fear of either societal pressure or heavy responsibility to follow. Recently, I went through a MAJOR transition and I have finally been in touch with my spirit guide, whom is named Snow. I have been told that there will be more, but for now it is just me and Snow ;) Of course, ever the student, I delved into researching the spiritual meaning of snow and along the way found a new album from a band that I would never have assumed carries the message....the entire album is a spiritual awakening and turns out to be the final "push" I needed to solidify my role and accept my path. Reading Rebecca Campbell's "Light Is The New Black" was a big kicker too. Every single song on this album has beautiful significance, but these two are my favorites of the messages because I danced my heart out for over a week now (whenever I am not tending to life's various responsibilities within this dimension) and instead of feeling burdened by the responsibility I thought would come with accepting my role...I have NEVER FELT MORE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!
"So standing in the steady throne of restless hope
You don't feel like an outcast anymore
And something deep inside of you has woken up
And you know that nothing's going be the same again: - From “Empress” was the final gateway that I passed through and I cannot tell you what you all mean to me for being an epic part of this beautiful life and journey that I am so blessed to have!!!!!!!
"This light of mine isn't so little..."
Namaste, Aphroheidi
Yes, I’m a lightworker too!
In reply to Lightworkers Being Called Through Unassuming Conduits by Aphroheidi
Hi Aphroheidi,
What a beautiful sharing! I’m also in the process of understanding and accepting my path as a light worker, and I love how you just declare it openly into the world like this. I’m still working on the wounds and the belief systems that keep me from doing that fully. Thank you for sharing your light. 🙏🏻
Much love to you ❤️
Moving on - enlightened flow?
Stunned By Inspiration
Wow! I looked on the first page this morning and in the "recent" posts saw "Xavier Rudd", whom I have seen live more than 11 times and took my kiddos to their first concert of their lives (when he played in Seattle last month) and had a mind blowing, spiritually charged, exciting and fun experience. When I went to that post I saw the Snow Patrol Song, then Trevor Hall and, needless to say, I am having one of the best mornings of my life! Namaste to all contributors here...I will be reading (hearing) every single post!!!!!
In Love And Light,
Xavier Rudd - Honeymoon Bay
Life on Earth...Challenges of starsoul arriving?
Hey everyone - just been through a mamoth task of production for the upcoming PARADIGM SHIFT video. Boy was it tough, many long hours, early starts and late nights. But we're just about ready for the release.... stay tuned.
In the meantime, just came across this video from Snowpatrol, and their appropriately named "Gary Lightbody" lead singer. Interesting...
I feel it
Wow! Open, it fits perfectly. This is exactly how i feel :
"So standing in the steady throng of restless hope
You don't feel like an outcast anymore
And something deep inside of you has wakened up
And you know that nothing's gonna be the same again"
It's so damn simple yes - because the flow will manage ,you just have to keep trusting in it !
Hands reaching out for hands
Hey Jennaya and Vimal, lovely sharings. This seemed to fit somehow....…
yearning and waiting
Jennaya, Im glad the song resonated. I have been wanting to share this song but somehow it didnt feel right. But then I saw your post and thought how beautifully both complimented each other.
Its a balance isnt it ? A yearning but also a waiting - waiting for the right pieces to land.
I'm feeling more in the waiting side nowadays but that seems to work too!
Much love <3
Waiting for what will come.
It's a great song Jennaya. I loved the movie too!
This song has been in my head for some time among others. It feels like I'm waiting - waiting for the lessons I'm yet to learn. Waiting for what will come. It's also great song. Thought you guys should listen if you haven't.
Glad you like it Jean-Michel. I was doing some processing with-in and that popped up. It was the first time I heard it and sharing it here was the first thought that came.
much love
Love Alone Is Worth The Fight
I feel your presence Aspasia
I felt a need to share this as well. It is my youtube channel
number 8 STANDING OUT at the moment
Lovely song Charlie, an old…
In reply to George Harrison-Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) by Charlie
Lovely song Charlie, an old time gem beautifully heard now. :)
Another classic from Nahko Bear
Just came across this one from the delightful shaman Nakho Bear. Enjoy...
Stunning Twin Flame video songs
Hi Marije & Aspasia - for me, both songs you posted were timed perfectly with the culmination of the 5GATEWAYS retreat in Avalon this week.
Aspasia - wow, especially, what a video to find. Seeing one's Twin Flame reflection and celebrating that all around you. And it spoke strongly to me of accepting the physical 'peculiarities' and 'limitations' we each might (think we) have. As I witness any kind of 'peculiarity' in me, anything I might get tight about, it always offers an incredible mirror to expand through, right into the mainstream of the soul - new gifts are always waiting through those doorways.
Awesome - thankyou both.
You & I (Nobody in the World) - John Legend
The Soul expresses breaking through stereotypes & archetype identities
The Eyes see the One in the mirror of life in all its unique manifestations
And the Twin Flame sings you back Home = 'No-body in the world'
Such a beautiful song and video doc I came across tonight whilst creating a playlist for a conscious dance session
In reply to You & I (Nobody in the World) - John Legend by Aspasia
This is such a great message! I just forwarded it to my daughters; thank you for sharing!
"Sacred" - inspiring music
Lovely, just lovely!
Lovely, just lovely!
Sometimes I dont feel 'at Home' and sometimes I feel the aroma of Home...
Tremendous Trevor Hall - "I wanna return"
Wow - loved this Marije, it touched something in me too.
Thanks for sharing.
With You - Jai Jagdeesh
Ajeet Kaur
Ajeet Kaur x Kiss the Earth...stunning authentic feminine vibe
In reply to Ajeet Kaur by Charlie
Just had the chance to watch this Horse, just SO inspiring! My kind of vibe and dare I say lots of other women's too! Thank you for coming up with this gem at the right time.
The authentic feminine power of heart, body and mind embodied here in song, music and imagery. Speaks to me deeply. And at about 1.09 on the video the letter V comes up in the middle of the screen - wow!!
Wise love
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