Openhand Wave 2019 - Catch the Vibe!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 09:02

The Great Planetary Shift of Consciousness rolls on. Connecting with you during the Paradigm Shift Tour was simply awe inspiring! And now we're perfectly set for the stages 2 & 3. We'll deepen the work into "Living The Shift", bringing expanded consciousness into daily life, and then "DIVINICUS" - the next evolution of humanity. We've achieved loads, but there's still plenty to do. We're forever discovering profound new aspects of self. Join us!

If you've been following us through the ether, it's time to connect with us terrestrially, on the ground, and feel the awesome vibe of soul family, all exploring, expanding and evolving together. Let's make it happen!

A Progressive Framework for Your Inquiry

For those who are not fully aware, the Openhand Work is a framework for inquiry, called The 5D Shift Project, taking you on a progressive journey through the layers of past life karma, peeling them away, integrating soul through the process, and then bringing you increasingly into your divine being. Never is this more important than now, as the Earth continues her phenomenal 5D Shift. But there's no need to wait, we can live it here and now, for successful and abundant living, in true authenticity.

Here's how the Openhand work is configured...

The Paradigm Shift Tour was more focussed at the level 1 of Breakthrough, and continues with 3 events into the New Year: in Exeter/UK, La Palma/Canaries and Mozambique/Africa. Although pitched at level 1, this is all energy work, and can take you as deep as you're ready to go. The work then rolls on into March with the level 2 5GATEWAYS work: "Living the Shift", with events in Australia, Europe, USA and the UK. That's before we move onto Openhand's legendary level 3 course: "DIVINICUS", at the Lord of the Rings retreat, in the breathtaking Mountains of Snowdonia. That's not to mention the pinnacle of our program, developing Spiritual Facilitators, which will be interwoven with the work and culminating in our Facilitator Summer School in July, this time in Avebury UK, a tremendous portal for Interdimensional unfolding.

Here's the full schedule for the rest of our Academic Year...


12th/13th Jan: PARADIGM SHIFT, 2 Day Intensive: EXETER/UK
How can you unleash Your greater Cosmic Self, and live in a bright New Paradigm of Divine Interconnectivity right now?
Openhand is a bridge to your higher dimensional consciousness, to unleash your authentic greatness: offering a 2 day intensive, with meditation, self-realisation inquiry and movement to emotive music.
There's no need to fear The Shift, let's positively Thrive in it!

19th-26th Jan: PARADIGM SHIFT 7Day Retreat: LA PALMA
How can you unleash Your greater Cosmic Self, and live in a bright New Paradigm of Divine Interconnectivity right now?
Openhand is a bridge to your higher dimensional consciousness, to unleash your authentic greatness: Paradigm Shift work, encompassed into a 7 day retreat, on the incredible volcanic island La Palma, far from the matrix where the vibe is high. Unmissable!

24th-28th Feb: PARADIGM SHIFT 5 Day Retreat: MOZAMBIQUE
How can you unleash Your greater Cosmic Self, and live in a bright New Paradigm of Divine Interconnectivity right now?
Openhand is a bridge to your higher dimensional consciousness, to unleash your authentic greatness: this is our ground-breaking Breakthrough Work, as a 5 Day retreat, on the stunning east coast of Africa in Mozambique, at the aptly named "Turtle Cove".

Exploring the Intracacies of the Unfolding Earth Shift.
What's Influencing Your Life Right Now?

This is sure to be a high octane event in Glastonbury - a power packed 3hr seminar exploring the interdimensional aspects of the Shift, including starseeds, ET overview & Benevolence supporting The Shift. What's unfolding in the Field right now?

18th-23rd Mar 2019: "Living the Shift", BYRON BAY/AUS
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

5th-10th April 2019: "Living the Shift", SEATTLE/USA
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

18th-23rd April 2019: "Living the Shift", *Easter*, BRUGE/EU
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

10th-15th May 2019: "Living the Shift", DEVON/UK
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

14th/21st June 2019: DIVINICUS, 7 Day Retreat: SNOWDONIA
A profound opportunity to break through into your Divine Being, the next Evolution of Humanity and live it, 24/7 (Openhand level 3)
Karma stands in the way of your fully fledged divine self. We'll be regressing into and clearing it, using profound ceremony, transformation self-realisation techniques and ground-breaking meditations, to come into your Spirit Light Body.

15th-21st Jul 2018: FACILITATOR SCHOOL 2019, AVEBURY/UK
Divine Service lights up our lives with sense of meaning, purpose and belonging - further develop your service

This is the pinnacle of Openhand's work and purpose for being here - working with you as facilitators in the Great Shift, unleashing your profound gifts and skills to benefit your lives and those you serve.
Join your family in the multidimensional fields of Avebury!

Thoroughly Looking Forwards to the Work!

As I write this, I'm already positively brimming with energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming year. The Shift is building strongly, and I feel plenty of souls out there rising to meet the challenge and taking it as a huge springboard for your evolution. It's breathtaking to experience and to be able to host.

If you have any queries or would like more info, don't hesitate to ask.

See you down the flow, it's sure to be divinely magical!

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

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Hi Everyone. It's right about now, after the Christmas Festivities are well behind us (phew!), that thoughts turn to deepening one's spiritual journey, connecting deeper with the soul, and finding greater alignment forwards. Look no further than Openhand - that's exactly what we're here for!

We've got great events lined up in the first half of 2019, all around the world, in some tremendous locations and venues. Plenty have said, "the Openhand Work is probably the best kept secret on the planet!" I guess that's because we want people to really resonate in themselves and find us. We are truly at the cutting edge, with groundbreaking meditations and alchemical transformations. So if that's what you're looking for, if you want to unleash the majesty of your True Self, then it would be our pleasure to help.

So here's our schedule till the end of July. Do check out the retreat in La Palma at the end of January. Due to a couple of last minute cancelations, miraculously there are still a couple of places left. Are they for you? If so, come join us on a simply magical paradisical isalnd, far from the madding crowd, where the higher dimensional vibe is off the chart. It's sure to be the experience of a lifetime - as the other events too...


12th/13th Jan: PARADIGM SHIFT, 2 Day Intensive: EXETER/UK
How can you unleash Your greater Cosmic Self, and live in a bright New Paradigm of Divine Interconnectivity right now?
Openhand is a bridge to your higher dimensional consciousness, to unleash your authentic greatness: offering a 2 day intensive, with meditation, self-realisation inquiry and movement to emotive music.
There's no need to fear The Shift, let's positively Thrive in it!

19th-26th Jan: PARADIGM SHIFT 7Day Retreat: LA PALMA
How can you unleash Your greater Cosmic Self, and live in a bright New Paradigm of Divine Interconnectivity right now?
Openhand is a bridge to your higher dimensional consciousness, to unleash your authentic greatness: Paradigm Shift work, encompassed into a 7 day retreat, on the incredible volcanic island La Palma, far from the matrix where the vibe is high. Unmissable!

24th-28th Feb: PARADIGM SHIFT 5 Day Retreat: MOZAMBIQUE
How can you unleash Your greater Cosmic Self, and live in a bright New Paradigm of Divine Interconnectivity right now?
Openhand is a bridge to your higher dimensional consciousness, to unleash your authentic greatness: this is our ground-breaking Breakthrough Work, as a 5 Day retreat, on the stunning east coast of Africa in Mozambique, at the aptly named "Turtle Cove".

18th-23rd Mar 2019: "Living the Shift", BYRON BAY/AUS
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

5th-10th April 2019: "Living the Shift", SEATTLE/USA
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

18th-23rd April 2019: "Living the Shift", *Easter*, BRUGE/EU
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

10th-15th May 2019: "Living the Shift", DEVON/UK
The Shift into Higher 5D Consciousness is unfolding all around. How do You live it Right Now? (Openhand level 2)
Develop your own internal Spiritual Compass and a Routemap to navigate the daily challenges of life; expand into your Higher Dimensional Self, fully integrate it here and now. 5GATEWAYS has helped thousands of people around the world join the 5D Shift

14th/21st June 2019: DIVINICUS, 7 Day Retreat: SNOWDONIA
A profound opportunity to break through into your Divine Being, the next Evolution of Humanity and live it, 24/7 (Openhand level 3)
Karma stands in the way of your fully fledged divine self. We'll be regressing into and clearing it, using profound ceremony, transformation self-realisation techniques and ground-breaking meditations, to come into your Spirit Light Body.

15th-21st Jul 2018: FACILITATOR SCHOOL 2019, AVEBURY/UK
Divine Service lights up our lives with sense of meaning, purpose and belonging - further develop your service

This is the pinnacle of Openhand's work and purpose for being here - working with you as facilitators in the Great Shift, unleashing your profound gifts and skills to benefit your lives and those you serve.
Join your family in the multidimensional fields of Avebury!

It's a Pleasure and a Privilege to Work with You

It's always a great pleasure and a privilege to meet evolving souls and to work with you. How rewarding and fulfilling it is to be on hand to facilitate deeper breakthroughs. There's simply nothing quite like it. For me, each event is always a cosmic adventure, as we travel deep through the dimensions together, letting go of the karmic past, and integrating higher self. So I greatly looking forwards to seeing you.

If you have any queries or would like more info, don't hesitate to ask.

See you down the flow, it's sure to be divinely magical!

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji


I had been meditating on my options, my funding and all of the possibilities to explore the divine....Open process being #1 on my list, of course ;) Then I got an email from Scott and I am SUPER THRILLED that this beautiful energy is coming to my part of town! I just can't wait to continue the journey and I am now meditating on a way to get to all four things my spiritual path is calling me to do throughout the world...woah, taking it in and being until the answer comes...all I have to say is "show me" and I get to see (especially when I have beautiful and amazing friends like Scott and everyone else in NY)...lovin' it! Can't wait!


Here it is guys, the New Openhand Schedule for 2019 (scroll to the top).

It's time to shake off the shackles and let profound freedom flow through us, just to be unreservedly ourselves. What have we got lose but small-self consciousness!!!