Being the Divine Architect of YOUR Authentic and Fufilling Life
Every day is a new moment, a new possibility. What will you create and how will you create it? If we can find the most aligned way of living and being, then we'll progressively surrender into the divine flow, which will speak majestically through us. You'll get the most sublime reflections that will sing you alive. The key is to always begin with what you're creating now. Why did you create it? What is it revealing about you? You'll witness the shadow and the light. Ask, "how can I be more aligned in what I've created? Explore what 'skin' you now need to shed - what new aspect of beingness can it make way for.
When you look at life through this lens, then everything informs through your environment. From the most miniscule opening of a petal, to the spectacular majesty of the sunrise. All will speak to you of the greater YOU. And as you step into that reflection, taking full ownership of it, you'll become the architect of the most miraculous masterpiece...YOURSELF.
Interplay of Surrender and Willpower
I believe that in the Spiritual Mainstream, the concept of "Surrender" is much misunderstood, and sadly, all too often, used as an excuse not to commit to anything at all. If there's one apparent blocking synchronicity on the path, they plenty stop or turn back without fully exploring. Maybe it's an invitation instead to push through, to discover divine will?
I witness a highly intelligent flow, that has the best interests of all life at heart. When you surrender into it, the ego will get battered by it for sure; you'll encounter plenty of obstacles for certain. But that doesn't necessarily mean to stop. Check the synchronicities again - truly understand what they are telling you. Is the pattern of life's events bringing to the surface an old blockage, like non-commitment for example?
This video explores the three types of synchronicity and what they point to
"Not Efforting" - Embracing Your True Reflection
The Universe is not there to spoon feed us. It's there to challenge us to be all that we can be. Take a pause for a moment and contemplate the majesty of the sunrise, the wind through the trees or a rolling wave crashing onto the shoreline. Look out into the wider cosmos and imagine in your inner eye shooting stars, comets and super novas. Are they not expressing themselves in the most elegant of ways? Are they not butting up against resistance and yet breaking through?
What they are not doing, however, is efforting: they're not trying to be something, or do something, other than what is right for them - what they are truly about. And that's the key to authentic spiritual surrender: it's about not efforting to be something else; rather embracing the reflections of who you truly are and being that.
The Amplifier of the Flow
Another misconception I perceive is within the art of divine creativity. Either there's intentionally manifesting what the ego wants. Or else there's languishing in the misconception of "Oneness" - not even showing up to the playing field. The Universe is a monumental mosaic, full of infinite variety and majestic creation - we are each a fundamental piece in the jigsaw - a masterpiece, that requires each to be fully play their part.
It's like you are the amplifier of the flow that brings creativity into being through you. It requires all of your divine skills, your tenacity, your empathy, your commitment to the moment, in careers, day to day living circumstances and especially in relationships. By fully expressing yourself, you breathe the moment into life. The key is to be authentic, honest, real, and peel away that which is not.
I'm not specifically a follower of New Year's Day celebrations. Why? Because every single day, every single moment, constantly offers the potential to be born again and create something new. As I breathe in, I unravel the old. As I breathe out, I crystallise the new. Why wait till just once a year!
Here's Video Reflection on how to create as the World is now Transforming
Knowing the Sense of "Rightness"
The world is transforming strongly right now. The energy field is shifting and unravelling, bringing something new into being. You and I have the opportunity to be the creators of what comes into form, IF we create consciously.
Begin each day with alchemical meditation. Bring alignment to your field with the breath. Feel the sense of connection with the source and coherency in your soul. Then pay attention to how you feel to be, how the soul wants to create. Let it animate naturally out into your world, then step positively into it.
Wherever you are in the world as you're reading this, whatever time of day it is, I encourage you to recognise that you are the architect of your life. Even though you are a part of the greater whole, even though at your core you are the infinite presence of The One, at a soul level, you are also totally unique, with a unique way of being and expressing. To find true alignment, to come into true Enlightenment, is to align with your uniqueness - you cannot aim for The One, because the very approach establishes separation from it. Instead, the key is to locate and connect with the flow of your soul. Because that will deliver you on the shores of The One inside.
So how will you align with your soul on any given day?
To me, the greatest challenge - and the opportunity - of life is to align with your soul. For me it represents the challenge of all creation. The answer is straightforward, but not easy. And although simple, will take a lifetime of mastery: it is to attune your sense of "rightness" in any given situation.
By "rightness" I don't mean right and wrong, as in good or bad. I mean what feels right. And by that I don't necessarily mean what feels easy. Imagine you were an extra terrestrial come from a distant star system and you'd never before seen or heard a guitar play. You would still instantly know if the chord was in tune or not. You'd know when the guitar was being played well. There would be this sense of "rightness" to it.
Consider yourself that fine musical instrument. In each moment, how can you get the best possible expression - the most harmonic and attuned? You'll find it in what you're doing yes, but to get the most aligned doing, it has to come from the most aligned being. So focus on being: whether that is soft and surrendered, whether that is passionate and committed, whether that is diplomatic or forthright. Work on discovering the intrinsic qualities of your soul and allowing them to speak through you.
Here's more on the intrinsic qualities of soul
Becoming the Architect
As you attune the uniqueness of your soul, what will happen, is you'll progressively align with the most majestic flow, supported by signs and synchronicity - all pointing toward how to be more of you, to unleash the greatness of your soul. And as you do this, something truly miraculous will happen....
You'll come home to the Void of Infinite Potential.
Your soul will be unleashed in all its majesty.
You will become the architect of a blessedly divine life.
This possibility of becoming the 'architect' of our lives comes especially into view as we shift more to 5D consciousness. To conclude with, here's a sense of how to thrive from that more expanded consciousness now...
And if you would benefit from support in becoming the Divine Architect...
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In loving support
About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth's Higher Dimensional Shift.
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Brilliant and love it,…
Brilliant and love it, thanks open
Infuse positivity in the things you do, it does the shift work as well somehow in unknown ways, there are multiple ways to realign and see what feels right as every soul has a uniqueness and a purpose.
If we even understand that each beautiful soul has its own purpose and therefore respect it, it shall clearly make more sense and make realignment easier in my understanding and to live your own life fully and to enjoy it..
There must have been work done by spiritual masters of the past as well to bring us to this day i verily feel, i think every great work deserves honour (and is never in vain) whether it was before or even now as long as led by the most benevolent intention that I feel is through love
brings me back to Shiva teachings - whenever there is a battle it's never between people, it's always between mentalities and that a battle was always the last resort that too if one was causing harm or brutality to the other and that's where i feel sovereignty was probably misunderstood if at all..Also felt like sharing this from the scriptures that once Kartikay ji (son of lord shiva as also ganesha ji) asks lord shiva that father you tell the same things (knowledge)to both myself and ganesha but somewhere i feel i am not able to take it in the same way as ganesha does and he is in a sort of sad contemplation of it, then lord shiva explains in his own beautiful way and says to him that there is nothing wrong in it, of course i give the same teachings to you both but actually your soul journey is different than that of ganesha, we later see that kartikaye ji is a great warrior adorned by even the devas and he kept everyone safe and ganesha ji is the beautiful lord of Gyan meaning knowledge and who was looked upon as the best to approach for advice especially in difficult situations, thereafter again shiva says that yet with what i tell you all, it's upto you to follow or not, i shall not impose it upon you.......(abridged only from Puran teaching)
what is soul and what is therefore sovereignty is a bigger discipline as well probably therefore difficult to understand as well may be, but again as long as we all respect each others journey, greater harmony is always here.
Inspiration into catching the higher dimensional 5D flow
Sometimes it will seem as if creation is out of your hands in life and yet you are the architect. It's a paradox. We're co-creating with the Universe, and so collective constructs form that embody collective learning karma. So the world is terraforming right now and shifting more to a 3D/5D Hybrid state, where light is breaking in and stirring up the bed of the karmic pond. At some level, you chose to be a part of that; you chose to co-create it for your own learning. It meets your karmic activation requirement.
AND, within that co-creation there is also great freedom of action. Imagine a surfer riding a wave. The wave is moving in a particular way, a particular direction. But the surfer has tremendous freedom of action and expression. He can be victimised by the 'control' of the wave or he can choose to dance on it.
So it is with what's happening around us right now. What wave will you pick up? And how will you dance on it?
This is where you become the divine architect. You've created and chosen a wave that gives you the maximum potential to express all aspects of your being. And remember, the waves are multidimensional - they're informed by the higher dimensions too, especially the 5th, which is very active here at this time.
My encouragement is to let go of the rigid constructs in your life. Allow life to flow more readily, in all aspects, from relationships to jobs to finances to how you generally live. That way you'll breathe new possibility into all that you do.
Here's some inspirational insight into catching 5D waves through your life right now. Be inspired...
Discovering the creative "YES!" in your life
I liked this one when I came across it. Finding the creative "YES!" in your life. How might it inspire you today?...
Connection restored
Thank you for your reflections Open and Margaret. Sexuality is definitely an area I need to explore for energy alignment. Besides the pressure in my head, i quite often feel the energy blocked somewhere in lower/middle back.
As for deceit and separation/isolation, it only works if we allowed it or agreed to it for lack of realization or experience of it. It turns out that, i triggered the disconnection by switching off the wifi and then giving the wrong number to contact me. It was lighting that damaged the cable sometime in summer and good grounding kept it going for a while.
Anyway, my connection is restored as well as well grounded now.
With Love,
Hey Mark,
It’s not the first time we are moving though a challenging processes simultaneously. As before, our experiences are similar and we get to support each other through the ether. I'm grateful for your perspective. It makes me feel I'm not alone in this.
It is not an easy labour, at least for me it isn't. And it's not even a complaint. :) It also feels like going home. seems so familiar. My soul recognizes this new transformative force as home. It pulls at the attachments bringing up pain. But that’s ok. I just continue to surrender as well as I can.
I watched the end of Space Odyssey and thought that you would possibly be ok with surrendering to what wants to happen through you. The fetus scene whas quite powerful. It made me think how we actually created ourselves in the womb.
Wishing you well.
Re: ...
Hi Margaret,
Yes, I can see the parallels between our paths (I think it would be impossible not to) :).
This is an interesting paradox - I think alchemy is eventually a lonely process. Yet, the importance of support, feedbacks, reflections and sharings in a community based on inner alchemy cannot be overestimated.
I can most certainly feel a deeper soul connection with you. And I am glad that the Odyssey resonated. Movies like this can greatly help us to put the pains and loneliness of our own rebirthing process in another perspective. :)
Just some impressions
I just saw your post and felt a lot while reading it... Some impressions were around: abandonment, barren, withdrawn, cut-off, apathy, empty/dry desert. The strong red elements reminded me of the woman in a red dress from the movie Matrix, She is there to distract Neo from what is really going on. This might just be some of my own associations... but I feel like sharing that too.
Also, I like how you express. It speaks to me. There is familiar energy behind your words.
With love.
An intuitive response
Hi Anatoly - just as an immediate reflection, my intuition suggest to explore sexuality and perhaps the sense of being deceived by a partner in that.
Wishing you well in the exploration.
It is hard to put it all in…
It is hard to put it all in words what I am experiencing but when the subject of Sirius came up from Margaret's last post, I decided to write something. I am sitting at WholeFoods because for the last couple of days my home internet connection went down and having difficulty fixing it. So i have been asking the question of why i manifested it and what do i need to get from the situation.
Following the signs and synchronicity, the subject of seperation (and maybe abandonment) comes up. As I am typing this a mom with a baby sits next to my table. It is a girl and she is looking at me. She has a pacifier. But going back to the subject, this loss of connection happened at the time when I am home alone for the last couple of days. My wife/partner left for the Gratitude training course and kids mostly having sleepovers at friends. What else would they do at the place without internet connection nowdays?
So yesterday while by myself, i picked the Divinicus book and opened at the chapter about the goddess Isis as she represents sacred feminine surrender aspect as well as being part of the Intervention back in Atlantis days. Could i have been part of this in some way? The feeling is subtle, I don't know.
I don't yet get fully why i manifested the situation as it is still in a process but i get a feeling that something is blocking my full reconnection with the Source. The color is red. Sound is alarm. This morning i noticed a red car blocking our power poll (internet cable hooks up there as well). Not sure if this is the reason the cable guy decided to leave. Just an observation.
I wish i could provide more feedback and reflections on other's posts above but that is all that is coming out right now. Expression in words is not my strong skill.
With Love,
Keep working through, keep surrendering
You're doing great Margaret - keep working through, keep surrendering.
So grateful for this wonderful community
I've been trying to respond to the posts on this forum and each time I sit down and read what's been shared here I experience a swell of very powerful emotions and have to lie down. Open, Mark, Michelle, everyone tuning in (you are totally felt)... you have been so incredibly helpful for me in the last few days.
Open, you said:
Yes, surrender into it Margaret - as you know, it's the only way to go. The only way out is through. You know you have what it takes, and the timing is right.
It's hard to express what the energy behind those words did to me (and still doing). The last 2 days have been rich in... obliteration of what doesn't serve me anymore. Some Sirius karma came on in full bloom and I've been letting go of that the whole evening tonight.
I wish to express more to you, Michelle and Mark as you connected me with something so important within. At this moment, I literally have to lie down and chill.
I have created a lovely playlist that's been supporting me in this current ride. It's called "Vapour" and if you are curious, you can find it on my sound cloud profile:
In gratitude <3
A new king is being born
Hi Margaret,
Thank you for putting your experience in words for me - this is exactly how I've been feeling recently. A complete dissolution in an ocean -a dissolution which can only be completed through sacrificing the remnants of the old structures of my old personality.
Open- 'The creative yes means committing to not knowing.' :)
It is not an easy labour, at least for me it isn't. And it's not even a complaint. :) It also feels like going home. (For instance, I have also been experiencing even more frequent synchronicities recently.)
To me, it feels like a landslide - bigger and bigger parts are breaking off to give way to the new(?), eternal aspect/ Self. The 'old king' in me is dying in order for a new king (a new state of consciousness, a new reality) to (re)born. I just rewatched Stanley Kubrick's immortal Spase Odyssey 2001 - here's the ending scene, that is, in my view, completely synonymous with enlightenment. I hope you dont mind me sharing it.
Holding the space for you
Hi Margaret,
There are several people in the Openhand Community (I know of) feeling the Void drawing them right now. You said...
I feel I must demolish all old structures to become the true divine architect of my life. No way around it. This is what is being asked now. I will need tons of courage to get through this one! It feels like there is a gigantic wave coming for me and I scramble to remember how to swim. It's in there somewhere, this knowledge, my true nature...
Yes, surrender into it Margaret - as you know, it's the only way to go. The only way out is through.
You know you have what it takes, and the timing is right.
Holding the space for you.
The void and a paradox
Such a wonderful experience, Michelle. Your description of it is so personal and touching. I especially related to this part:
I am experiencing full colour and expression, the kiss and embrace of all coming into being and of all simply being. I melt into it, embody it in and through every cell, feeling the blueprint for the universe and all that is first hand in this experience and repeated in every tiny cell of my being… and repeated in and through all beings.
I slightly shivered at the word "blueprint" as it is a word I also used to describe to myself an impression/discovery while in an expansive experience. During those moments it is so incredibly touching for me to realize that all this that-is knows me so well. Somehow the "knowing" part tends to be the most moving. Perhaps it is the same as you are describing as you being repeated in and through other beings, but just the other way around: the beings are me as I am repeated in them.
Open, you said:
The way it works for me, is that my consciousness is subtly polarised: a part of it is always looking outwards into the manifest. The other part is always looking inwards into the Void. Hence there is always both.
I think I get what you're saying. What I perceive as the void often springs for me out of a paradox, holding two opposite states at once. It feels like they both get saturated and then suddenly collapse. That creates a ripple in the "reality". I get to reside in that expanding time/space ripple for few seconds. Then, the polarities show up again to collapse and I expand with another ripple. The mind eventually rebuts and kicks in with its attempts to hold on to the experience, bringing back the concepts of time and place. And that's ok.
I've noticed recently that after several of these seconds-long experiences the "reality" feels more synthetic and my energy doesn't want to flow into certain aspects of it (like saying "Happy New Year" feels strange and redundant). So, it feels good to allow the ebb and flow without holding on to any of it. However, it's been getting stronger in the last few weeks and I find myself a bit worried that it is "too strong", that it's going to "do something to me", that I cease to exist as me. I know it's the ego and the fear is just another delusion, but I do struggle and get scared recently. My soul is longing to allow the process, but I sometimes just give up to the fear and feed on sugary food. That surely slows things down, but not by much anymore.
Anyways, to circle back to your article, I feel I must demolish all old structures to become the true divine architect of my life. No way around it. This is what is being asked now. I will need tons of courage to get through this one! It feels like there is a gigantic wave coming for me and I scramble to remember how to swim. It's in there somewhere, this knowledge, my true nature...
Margaret - thank you for…
In reply to The void and a paradox by Margaret
Margaret - thank you for sharing your experiences and for your resonance and reflection <3
I sometimes feel as though I can feel the patterns repeated through all that is, repeated over and over, through and through and it seems so simple and so intricately complex at the same time. Energy, geometric shapes, creation, formation... and they are all repeated just using formats. Somehow for me it simplifies things, helps me to step back and feel the 'rightness' through the letting go and processes. It helps things fall away more easefully, with Grace, Surrender and Trust.
I have been through such a phase of letting go, over the last couple of months; there really feels like very little left in a 3D sense and ego has come up many times within each process and letting go.
With courage
The Void cannot be felt in Isolation
Great that you enjoyed it Leela
Hi Michelle you said... "but I didn't feel the Void in isolation."
If you think about it, it's not possible to feel the Void in isolation. Who would be there to feel it?
So there is always both the relative and the absolute, the manifest and the unmanifest.
The way it works for me, is that my consciousness is subtly polarised: a part of it is always looking outwards into the manifest. The other part is always looking inwards into the Void. Hence there is always both. To me, this is what the term "Enlightenment" truly means.
Becoming the Divine Architect of YOUR life
......thank you Open.
This article served to be a beautiful and gentle guide and reminder for me.
A magical inquiry
It sounds like a magical inquiry you're embraced within Michelle.
I especially loved this...
I see infinitely down, into the core of the earth and beyond. I see infinitely up, to the stars, galaxies and beyond, I feel love and the flow of giving emanating through my front and I feel infinite support from all guides, angels and ancestors from behind. They speak to me of being all that is, the support, that all beings, experiences and expressions are in support, in flow.
Do you perceive this is the Void, or something around it that interconnects the manifest?
Much love
The Void
In reply to A magical inquiry by Open
I had an awareness of the void as the feeling of all that is, the feeling of all coming into being from a place of nothingness but I didn't feel the Void in isolation.
At one point I had the feeling of falling and there being nothing else present but of course I was there experiencing that and I contemplated if one feels as though they are falling, there would probably need to be something else to feel that in relation to, otherwise it would be floating, being, no up, no down...??
I have previously felt myself simultaneously as the seed and the oak. Or as a seed of light, expanding infinitely and then retreating back to the seed, in a rhythmic ebb and flow of everything / nothing. And sometimes I feel myself jumping back through lifetimes and experiences, further and further back but never further than the seed, never absolute nothing, which is what I imagine the void to be.
Not that I am particularly seeking this experience but it is an interesting and expansive contemplation and I will hold it in my awareness and see where it wants to go, Thank you x
The Glass Box tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Thanks so much Michelle for putting down in words, what can only come from my mouth, not my pen. You see everything I just read from you, comes from me, the only difference is I am The Glass Box to. It also reminded me when I met Open at Fall River, he ask me who I am, without pause I said "I am all that is" Thank you for being.
Much Much Love and Peace to all
What a beautiful reflection,…
In reply to The Glass Box tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo by Charlie
What a beautiful reflection, thank you Horse. When the box was perceived as restriction I experienced it as separate.
Partway through the experience my Son came in to ask a question, it was so wonderful to be able to converse with him, with a tear rolling down my cheek in gratitude for the experience and stay with both experiences simultaneously.
The Glass Box
Tuned in this morning, internally still, no agenda, just sitting. And I find myself in a glass box…
I see and feel up and down as far as the eye can see. I feel out and all around, it is beautiful, I know it, I am it.
I am experiencing it as though experiencing nature through a window, not as clearly as in person, muffling the song of the birds, wind in the trees. Dulling the colour, not embracing… Rather I glimpse, tune in and briefly touch upon.
I am aware that the box is restricting my physical being; that I feel contained, scrunched around the neck and shoulders and become aware of the physical mis-balance between left and right within my being, a mis-alignment I have been aware of for quite a while.
I hear the words “Are you ready”? Tears spring to my eyes. I am ready and all it takes is a gentle blow and the glass panels fall away to nothing, as though they never existed and I am experiencing full colour and expression, the kiss and embrace of all coming into being and of all simply being. I melt into it, embody it in and through every cell, feeling the blueprint for the universe and all that is first hand in this experience and repeated in every tiny cell of my being… and repeated in and through all beings.
I see infinitely down, into the core of the earth and beyond. I see infinitely up, to the stars, galaxies and beyond, I feel love and the flow of giving emanating through my front and I feel infinite support from all guides, angels and ancestors from behind. They speak to me of being all that is, the support, that all beings, experiences and expressions are in support, in flow.
To the sides I feel the arc of infinite knowledge, unfolding and wisdom and feel it all converging, present in this moment, this experience, this now.
Able to tune into any thread or energy, anything or anyone anywhere with the most intricate detail and at the same time hold the vibration of all, no time, simply anything and everything happening in this moment, complete expansion and nothingness, it floods my being, I am it. It is me.
With love and blessings to all, in this moment
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