‘Dragon Man’ skull discovery in China tells story of unknown human ancestor
Hi Open,
Saw the below article of a critical recent discovery and thought it really matched much of what you discussed in 'Divinicus' about our DNA manipulation and true ancestry. Really interesting that the research team decided to call the species Homo longi, Dragon Man!
A couple of interesting quotes from the article that made me smile that we are surprised by these 'discoveries':
"“In some ways, the face looks almost modern” and
"Indeed, research shows that Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA survives within almost everyone living today. Neanderthal genes account for about 2% of the DNA of modern Europeans and Asians, including gene variants associated with cholesterol metabolism, depression, schizophrenia and the risk of contracting Covid-19. Traces persist among Africans as well. Asians also carry varying amounts of Denisovan DNA."
Article here: https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/ancient-mysteries/dragon-man-skull-discovery-in-china-tells-story-of-unknown-human-ancestor/
(Couldn't find a forum devoted to Divinicus material - sorry if in wrong place).
Clare ❀
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Meet the originals!
Hi Clare,
Thanks for sharing - yes I saw that about the "Dragon Man" too. I look at a lot of these kinds of discoveries with heightened interest. What I believe we're seeing, as with the Denisovans and Neanderthal are the remant genetics of the Original Humans. Fascinating!
Open 🙏
Reactivating the original human DNA?
In reply to Meet the originals! by Open
Hi Open,
Indeed, very fascinating. It's equally amazing how important it seemed to the man who preserved the skull and ensured his grandchildren released it for study at the time of his death - a small act, with great importance to humanity!
I wonder whether activating this still-present DNA within ourselves and reclaiming the Original Human body would be a part of the Ascension process (or a step backward) - or if we simply acknowledge what was and allow the body to evolve instead into a new state without 'backtracking' (if that makes sense)? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Clare ❀
DIVINICUS - back to the future
In reply to Reactivating the original human DNA? by Clare
Hi Clare - I don't believe there is a going back to the Original Human. But what's I've worked to express in the book DIVINICUS, and on the work related to it, is that we'll take the best aspects of the Original Human and blend those with the new that's evolving. Firstly I don't see anyone here in a physical body after the great transformation of earth in the culminating galactic and solar cycles. So this form of DIVINICUS will be the light body form (for those who've gone so far as to activate and embody it). Then I would say later, after the earth has reconstituted in the 3D or elsewhere in the cosmos, then DIVINICUS will incarnate in 3D form aswell. I can vision forwards and see this happening and it fills me with excitement.
Open 🙏
Exciting to think about, for sure!
In reply to DIVINICUS - back to the future by Open
Hi Open,
Thanks for your answer - that's exactly the angle I was asking from!
To me, it feels reassuring that the Original Human prototype still exists within our DNA and I have no doubt that when we support our physical body to evolve and ascend (i.e. through high energy diet, lots of clean water, consciousness work, ample sleep, etc.), then the cells can retrieve and activate all that is needed within this 'old' DNA, and excel beyond our wildest imagination to create the new Divinicus form.
As a metaphor, I see it as though we are pulling down a crumbling old house that never really served us, and in the process we discover an amazingly strong foundation built from materials which no longer exist but would support an even better style and structure of house than we had originally planned to build. And so we are able to design a new house accordingly and proceed to build it, all the while using the old foundations to not only give us a stronger start, but also ensure the eventual dwelling is far superior to anything we have ever built or could imagine building!
Thanks so much Open, your support to All is invaluable always.
Blessings to you too,
Clare ❀
DIVINICUS - Rebuilding a crumbling old house - perfect 👍
In reply to Exciting to think about, for sure! by Clare
I loved this Clare...
As a metaphor, I see it as though we are pulling down a crumbling old house that never really served us, and in the process we discover an amazingly strong foundation built from materials which no longer exist but would support an even better style and structure of house than we had originally planned to build.
Open 🙏
Thank you!
In reply to DIVINICUS - Rebuilding a crumbling old house - perfect 👍 by Open
Thanks Open! ❀
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