The Nature of a Soul Exchange (or 'walk-in')

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/19/2015 - 10:29

I incarnated somewhat unusually via what's termed a 'Soul Exchange' or more commonly referred to as a 'walk-in'. It's where two souls exchange places, within a fully fledged human being, by sacred agreement. It frequently happens during a near death experience (but isn't limited to that). What is the nature of this and why does it happen? I believe more souls than one might imagine have incarnated this way, and it can be extremely challenging to understand and integrate, which is why I feel to bring light to it. My purpose is to support and help. Perhaps it happened to you and you have a particular mission here to fulfill...

In some ways, everyone is a 'Soul Exchange'

I should begin by saying to those of skeptical mind about the process, consider that in some ways, ALL souls are 'walk-ins', it's just that most walked in between conception and birth. Your mother 'grew' your vehicle for you, and animated it with her own soul, until sometime before birth, handed it over to you, and at birth, withdrew her own soul. So it might be said, that the process of giving birth itself, is a Soul Exchange.

However, what I'm specifically referring to in this exploration, is where the Soul Exchange happens in an already mature being.

An allied yearning

A true Soul Exchange often happens during a near death experience (which happened for me). It is crucially important to say, this is in no way a possession. For a particular reason the incarnated soul has a yearning, and is ready to move on, into a different dimension or experience of being. And for the incarnating soul, it will usually have a particular reason for being here - especially now, as the shift gets complex and challenging, where a soul might be well traveled and experienced in such complexity.

Usually this allied yearning would draw the souls together, by the Law of Attraction, well before the exchange actually takes place. The incarnating soul might be the other's higher dimensional guide or guardian for example, as I was with the previous soul. And so it is highly likely there will have been quite some interdimensional connection before the exchange actually takes place.

In my experience, the other soul had fulfilled what 'he' (*) felt 'he' was meant to do in this incarnation, had seen powerful visions of the New Paradigm in the Fifth Density, and was ready to move to that place - 'his' soul strongly let go of 'his' incarnation. For me, it felt like there was an important job to do here, and so since an opportunity became available, I chose to incarnate. (* I put the gender in quotes, because strictly speaking, a soul is genderless).

Why would a soul choose to exchange into a fully mature human vehicle?

Why do Soul Exchanges happen?

If a soul is already highly evolved, incarnating into this place as a baby can be pretty dangerous. The light of the soul begins to emerge at an early age, which can single that person out in a judgmental, misunderstanding and often quite brutal world. It's not uncommon that when people have powerful Kundalini Activation for example, it is misunderstood by the health services and 'corrective medication' prescribed, leading to all manner of psychological and spiritual trauma. It can be especially difficult if this were to happen in a young child. Also if the incarnating soul already has a clear knowing of their purpose here, or a particularly defined mission, then the Law of Attraction might draw that soul to an already mature and accomplished being. It means you can get straight on with your purpose. It's like 'hitting the ground running'. Although it's not at all an easy process to undertake, requiring much internal integration, nevertheless the sense of detachment from the 3D means you can get right on with the job of assisting the shift from a place of commitment to the journey home.

How to know if a Soul Exchange has taken place

I would say Soul Exchange is more common than one might think. There are probably at least tens of thousands of Soul Exchanges here on earth right now, many of whom have willingly incarnated to assist in very dense and difficult times. Many will understand the nature of The Interdimensional Intervention that has happened here, and be very skilled in helping the energies unravel. However, there are also plenty who will forget they are a Soul Exchange and where they're really from. Why so?

Just as soon as you incarnate, you take on the landscape of the person you incarnated into. You take on all their thoughts, emotions and memories (although not their karma, which stays with the original soul). It's like your consciousness animates previous memories and ideas, which can strongly feel as if they were your own. However, this previous history won't feel completely right to a Soul Exchange. They'll feel somehow strangely distanced from it. The personality will likely change quite strongly, and the soul exchange will likely feel quite distanced from biological family, which has happened for me.

This can make it extremely challenging for the Soul Exchange (and the family). You might feel to pull away, to express differently (to realign authentically) and you'll be aware of the pain to others this might cause. Yet you still feel you have no choice, but to be you and to express you. During the Soul Exchange process, I can recall many instances where I felt to be existing in two different places at once - an incredibly peculiar experience. It could be easily diagnosed as split personality, multiple personality or bipolar disorder. But Soul Exchange is not nearly the same. The other conditions described usually happen where one soul fragments into different personality identity filters - but usually, only one personality is expressing in any one moment. For a Soul Exchange - as the exchange is happening - they will literally feel two streams of consciousness passing through body and mind simultaneously. You feel as though you are in two different places at once - which is actually the case: one soul may be acting predominantly in the lower dimensions, the other overlapping, but mainly in the higher dimensions.

Soul Exchange doesn't necessarily have to happen in a instant. For me, the transition actually took several years to complete. The initial exchange began during a life-threatening car crash, but the other soul lingered for some considerable time - during which, there were plenty of 'multiple place' experiences. If this happens, it's quite a head spin to integrate!

The general indications that Soul Exchange may have happened to you are:

- sudden change of personality around a dramatic, or near death, experience

- a strange sense of distancing from biological family which causes pain

- you have powerful emotive memories of the previous soul's life, yet you feel strangely distanced from it

- feeling as if you're in two places simultaneously during the process of exchange

- a Soul Exchange will likely have two different, visible auras for some considerable time during the change-over (as happened for me)

- synchronicities clearly messaging that you're a Soul Exchange.

How to Integrate a Soul Exchange

The greatest challenge of a Soul Exchange, is being drawn into the life of the former being, taking on their personality and thus being limited by the old landscape - the old consciousness. If you become aware that this may have happened to you, then gaining distance in your own space is paramount. It's vitally important that you create the breathing space to be you. This might mean creating a sacred space in another part of the house, or in many cases, taking up an entirely new living space altogether.

You have to work to leave the old consciousness behind. To infuse your new soul vibration through your being. Then you can transform the personality vehicle to be more aligned with your authentic beingness.

It will become vitally important that you begin to associate with those people who resonate more on your vibration - those who help remind you of who you really are, in a feeling sense. If you become clear that you are a Soul Exchange, it's important to let go of the past, to let go of the old landscape. You may feel to change your name for example, to one which is more commensurate with your core vibration. I found changing from when I celebrate my birthday to that of my incarnation date particularly important. It may sound to some insignificant, but it is a ceremony, and as such, it contains energy. It's making a statement. It's now time to celebrate the new you, and to live that.

Expressing Your Purpose

If you recognise yourself as a Soul Exchange, it's time to step out and express - to be fully you. No matter what others might think or say. It does not serve you to be small - to be apologetic for your unusual circumstances.

You'll likely be pretty clear about why you're here and what you have to do. You may be a maverick, a pathfinder or a way-shower. Your mission might seem way 'out-there', off the landscape of the ordinary, too-far-out to be generally accepted. It doesn't matter. You have an important purpose to fulfill and the world needs you to express it. So don't hide your light under a bushel! You might understandably be reticent about who you share this inner most truth with, but nevertheless, it doesn't have to stop you being you and expressing yourself. In this Immaculate 5D Earth Shift taking place, the world needs you and your energy right now.

Let's see your light!

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth's Higher Dimensional Shift.
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I felt to share this interesting interview, with someone who experienced a walk-in and claims to have originated from Arcturus - which sounds very credible to me.

What's really fascinating is that it was aired on mainstream morning TV! Just see how the presenters deal with it. To my mind, the lady interviewer wasn't really "there", but I felt the guy was really empathising. Take a look, see what you think.

For anyone new to the concept of a "soul-exchange" or "walk-in", do review the Openhand lead article on it above. It's a fascinating subject for sure...

The Nature of a Soul Exchange (or 'walk-in')

Here's the interview. I do have some questions about what the motivation is behind the mainstream airing this, considering how they've been efforting to twist and shape the ET story on Earth. It could be to do with the idea that's often expressed, which the interviewee articulates: "that the Earth will raise vibration". We just need to be sure that's into 5D and not some false reality bubble!

Do let me know your thoughts in commentary below.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


What an amazing interview.  I can absolutely feel her authenticity.  I feel benevolence working in the field enabled this to be aired on mainstream tv.  I feel her purpose in doing this interview is to "wake up" star seeds and walk-ins who have lost themselves in the matrix.  Between her credible words and her vibrational frequency something can activate in them so they can remember who they are and why they are here.  

In reply to by iamdurga


Hi Megha,

You put words to what I was feeling about "her", thank you! I feel drawn to her too. And the joy of seeing what matters to us on the fringe, in the mainstream; priceless! So glad you feel the same way☺️🙏

In reply to by Open


Thanks for all your views everyone - yes, it was great to see this (the subject of a starseed walk-in from Arcturus) being aired on mainstream TV, and she did extremely well to simplify a complex subject to make it digestible - full marks! (if you've not seen it yet, scroll up).

I do have an air of concern as well though. I recall, as if yesterday, the catastrophe of the Sirius Sift some 120 million years ago. It all sounded pretty good way back then too - "people raising their vibration into 5D". However, spurious practices and misunderstandings were taking them out of the lower densities and into a 4D bubble. So when the star exploded, souls were literally shattered because of the karmic fragmentation still in the lower frequencies. It's the cause of so many problems here, and the omnipresence of Ra. Hence my caution about what's being presented.

That said, it definitely feels right that such subjects may now be introduced progressively in the mainstream. Ten years ago, I would have jumped at the opportunity myself. However now, with where the Openhand work is at, I much prefer remaining in the shadows - it works better that way. We get to work with people like the interviewee, who are coming active and starting to come through.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎



Hello all, after 9 months of my old soul accompanying my new (baby) soul, it left my body for the new soul to incarnate fully. Without giving too much detail, I'm feeling the new soul has a lot less karma, a lot more vital energy, and well it definitely feels easier to be in the 3D reality. However as my body adjusts to this new frequency (for the last couple weeks only) it's been going through a LOT of physical pain. I even have lucid dreams at night of what is getting "fixed/healed" since my old soul was very tired and trauma-filled which left its imprint on my physical body. I'm wondering if Open or anyone else can help me handle this intense level of pain even if I technically understand what is going on it's a lot to handle. Thank you so much for your time🙏🏻❤️

In reply to by Farah (not verified)


Greetings Farah - welcome to Openhand 🙏

Experiencing a Soul Exchange is a very full-on experience. Because the new soul coming in has to take on the physical landscape of the previous soul - on all levels: physical, emotional and intellectual. Also there will be residual karma from the previous soul, which although wouldn't be yours, would still leave an energetic imprint in your field. When it happened to me, clair visual people could see the two different auras - mine, and that of the previous soul.

You need to be prepared that this is likely to take some considerable time to fully integrate and embody - it's likely to take years for the full transition to settle. Take your time and let the new soul progressively infuse through with appropriate meditations - chakra attunements and something like the Openhand Bow (check the meditations download page)

Just to be clear, how did you recognise a soul exchange had happened?

Do you also realise it is YOU that are the soul?
So you're speaking as if it's you that had the soul exchange. But assuming that's actually happened, it's YOU that has come in as the new soul.

For anyone wishing to understand more about the nature of a soul exchange, here's Openhand's lead article on the subject...


The Nature of a Soul Exchange (or 'walk-in')


Well wishes

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


Hello Open, thanks for your reply.

You asked: Just to be clear, how did you recognise a soul exchange had happened?

I had an incredible potent and intense ayahuasca ceremony where "something" clearly entered my body. A few months later I changed my name. 9months after the ayahuasca ceremony I had a powerful psylocibin session where I litterally was asked if I would "die" for the greater collective good, to which I answered YES. But after I "died" I realized my body was still living and I received the info that the soul with new name which had entered 9months ago, was now incarnated fully. 

Open said: "Do you also realise it is YOU that are the soul?So you're speaking as if it's you that had the soul exchange. But assuming that's actually happened, it's YOU that has come in as the new soul." 

I guess that's where the adaptation and transition phase come in. I have all my old soul's memories, and I suppose I'm going through a grieving period, because we shared the body space for 9months and I feel like I'm missing someone... Which was" me" for 38 years but is no longer. So now I'm discovering who I am on this physical plane. 

Thank you for letting me know it's going to take a while, maybe years, for it all to settle. 

With much love and light and gratitude 






With respect, I cannot concur with the notion that a soul exchange has to happen at the time of birth.
In my view, the waiting soul imprints its frequency at the moment of conception, thus reserving the right to occupy the zygote even before it develops.  During this process the soul is not confined to the fetus and may come and go as it pleases up until the time of birth.
In my own situation, my immediate past life recall is one of being deliberately euthanized as a newborn by being held so tightly by a big woman, ( wearing a garment with a colorful floral pattern on a black background ) that I was unable to draw breath.  My birth mother may not have been aware that I was born alive.
Possibly for this reason I avoided the birth trauma and exchanged with the former soul in charge of my current form at about its 4th or fifth year through a drowning incident which I recall clearly and which was independently confirmed through kinesiology without my specific enquiry in that direction.

It also seems to me that the prior entity in this body has not entirely vacated but has merely taken a "back seat" and left control up to me. If this is the case, it could explain why, in a disturbing out of body experience, I could witness my body grovelling around on all fours screaming. Somebody was still very evidently home - but it wasn't me.



In reply to by Steve Kando (not verified)


That's a phenomenal past life experience Steve - thanks so much for sharing. The more we illuminate the journey of the soul and all its complexities, the more sense it makes in people's lives 👍

I do agree with you that the soul can and does often connect at the forming zygote stage. It can actually connect with the mother even before conception - I've heard several first-hand accounts of that happening. Where for example the incoming soul came to the mother even before conception.

It happens to be my view that the mother's soul holds energetic responsibility for the developing fetus though, until eventual handover at birth - again, first-hand accounts eloquently describe the shift of energies that take place at birth. I think what we can say and agree on, is that both souls are intimately connected - in a similar way to which you experienced "taking a back seat" until your soul exchange. Fascinating indeed!!

Best wishes

Open 🙏
PS -for anyone intrigued by understanding what exactly a soul-exchange is, scroll up to the lead article...

Tha Nature of a Soul-Exchange or Walk-in

In reply to by Open


I think soul exchange happened to my daughter aged almost 12 during an appendix op. Potted version of events: personality change, depression, self harm, multiple suicide attempts, psychiatric hospital multiple times, anorexia. Destroyed photos of early life, distance from family, all of the stuff in the main article.

Now almost 20, has changed name legally to male, birth cert changed and transitioning to male. 

Just a couple of days ago, I had a revelation and the concept of soul exchange came into my mind. Had no idea what it meant but did some research and it has led to this website. 

It explains so much of what has happened. We have embraced this new soul into our family and there is great peace in our lives. We didn't freak out when the name and gender change were announced. We hope that we are the right hosts for this lovely soul. 






In reply to by Grateful Parent (not verified)


Thankyou so much for sharing - the more awareness we bring to this phenomenon the better 👍

Rest assured, you are exactly the right parents - to be able to witness and hold the space for that; to see a difficult transformation and probably not be able to understand it at the time, demonstrates a wonderful degree of non-judgmental love. It helps the soul exchange reintegrate.

Bright blessings

Open 🙏


I wanted to ask you … are you aware of any support groups for walk-ins?

In reply to by Mithra (not verified)


And thanks from the heart for sharing your vulnerability Mithra - it can be warmly felt ♥️

The integration through soul-exchange is not really that different to anyone embodying their higher soul and stripping out the false self. Although it can really help when someone can empathise with the particular challenges you face. So Openhand is a group that is here to help people through all kinds of complex integrations at these challenging but rewarding times.

Much love

Open 🙏


I am very grateful to read this today. It has been very challenging for me for the last 4 years and have kept it mostly inside. I began walking-in to this body about 6 years ago. The original Soul had an agreement to prepare the body for my entrance which took about 3 years. During that time we were communicating telepathically which she perceived as channeling. The first major transitions began following the first near-death experience. And the experience was just as you described. A feeling of being located in multiple and very contrasting dimensions. I didn’t function well in the body at all. There was not enough energetic coherence. I could barely coordinate washing a dish or picking up a glass of water. But could tell you anything about the universe or deepest esoteric mysteries. The original Soul resumed more dominance in the body until the final near-death experience and car crash which resulted in a coma. There was no medical hope that the body would survive and it was a medical miracle that it did. When I awoke the challenges of functioning in form were gone. I could actually function at a very high level. But I couldn’t understand this density and the English language. I had my own and could assimilate massive amounts of incoming cosmic information. I actually couldn’t understand anything that was going on in the 3rd density and my level of empathy was nauseating and traumatic. the distortions here are so enormous. Everything about me changed. Appearance. Likes/Dislikes. Personality. Left former business. Left house. No emotional connection to anyone in former life. But was better able to navigate those relationships. It was very clear to me that I needed to completely separate myself from “former” life and all identity. I traveled for quite awhile. Just to be alone. And remain connected to the higher aspects of my consciousness.  Which was natural at first. Until it wasn’t. I had to return to the former life to “wrap-up”, and it became really messy. It was harder and harder to maintain my own sense of self while I “posed” as the former. Eventually I didn’t know what to believe. Became very confused. Who was I really? And I was stuck living where I was until I was able to heal all the broken bones, organ, brain and spinal cord damage. It’s taken me four years to accomplish this … and I am ready to move forward. To move on. To move physically. Spiritually. Toward my mission. I realized today that I need to really understand that it is ok to be human (I thought there wa something wrong with that) and get comfortable with that and explore what it can be like. What do I like? What interests me? I’ve began learning another language. And traveling again. Thank you for sharing your experiences here. I’ve been to timid to do so.

In reply to by Mithra (not verified)


Hi Mithra - I find your soul-exchange "walk-in" experience deeply moving and reflects so much of what I experienced.

I would say there are probably thousands that have incarnated this way at this time, and it's extremely challenging to integrate. Although I've come to know the deepest aspects of myself through the process, it's not something I would wish for anyone.

However you do come to a deep freedom with it. For me there are no longer any sense of being bound to this reality - except to help those who resonate with the work. Like you, I have enjoyed what it's like to "be human" - but even in that I am discovering old baggage - how easy it is to identify with what that means - just how much internal programming there is with it that limits us all. And so I'm busy breaking those chains too...

What does it mean "just" to be a multidimensional spirit, flowing freely without limit nor restriction?

Many times I've asked "why exactly did my soul do this? Why am I here in this way?" Perhaps it is because of this sense of freedom, the yearning to return home and knowing that ultimately nothing will get in the way of being the fullness of who I am. Maybe this will reflect to others that it's time to cast of the bonds of this redundant Homo Sapiens form - to become the brilliance of who YOU really are!

Profound thanks for sharing your story. I can't tell you how inspiring that is.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Thank you for openly embracing and empathizing with my processes. I felt recently that I really needed the support of others who had gone before me. And no, I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone else either. It takes such a great degree of mastery. I found solace in your strength … which is advice to me … to not feel pulled or compelled to align with others who are not ready or consciously aware of this journey into the next fuller expression of their multidimensional God self. I have been utterly heartbroken to the degree that most humans are either completely unaware or in denial of their true nature … and so few are willing to “Hear”. And as I have continued to interact with others, have increasing understanding and compassion for the vast, and almost hopeless indoctrination. I feel so very tender and vulnerable right now. Deep humility. I am learning a lot. 


Wow. Thanks so much for the sharing Open - you always present the knowledge in such a simple and accessible way. Thumbs Up Sign

In a way, I've always known the concept of a soul exchange. But little did I realize that I'm also in the midst of this process...until now that is, thanks to the facilitation of another psychic in my field. (Thanks dear Tonya! Huggingvoltage emoji icon)

It's still an ongoing process for me to help the other soul unwind their remaining karma, and to recognize and then embody my own soul in the lower density. It gets confusing sometimes especially when I couldn't be certain if it's just another soul's karma that I'm meant to facilitate healing/releasing at an appropriate distance, or if I'm also unknowingly dissociating from a part of myself, or if it's an effect of the entities from the bloodline interacting with the stored emotional energy in the body and old neural pathways! Thankfully, there is also a very clear sense of my own consciousness streaming down from the higher Chakras. The recent awareness of myself as a different soul has cleared up a lot of confusion as well, and has made it easier to consciously hold my own frequency.

I don't know how many in the Openhand community has gone through a similar process, or else is also going through it right now. Nevertheless, here is a cinematic scene that feels to me, is conveying to a degree (with the roles reversed, yet the same sense of resistance to letting go) that particular sense of exchange.

Blessings to all Heart


In reply to by Lyra


Hi Lyra - if you have experienced a walk-in I can greatly empathise with the challenges faced.

For me, although I knew it had happened, the key was all about integration and peeling off the old consciousness. In many ways that's exactly the same for all. And yes, as a walk-in, what I found was that it's those really deep physical and emotional layers that required the most attention and work. Watch the synchronicities becasue they will speak volumes.

I loved the video clip by the way - a very illuminating film it is.

Best wishes

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Hi Open - yes, I'm certain it had happened!

I think the initial exchange for me happened a little over 2 years ago. I had many memories of events both as the walk-in and the walk-off that would point to the conclusion. It's just I've finally connected the dots now and it literally feels like a light bulb getting switched on. There are still 2 souls in the body-mind field I can feel, and a disconnect in the solar plexus was acting as some kind of barrier for me between the lower and higher densities. A recent facilitation session has made me become aware of the karmic density in the solar plexus, which up to this point I've been all too happily dissociated from, and then the realization just dawned.  There are many synchronicities, and then the dreams speak to me too. Often there is an interaction playing out between the 2 souls (and with other entities too) in the dreams.  They usually shed much light on what I've been inquiring the previous day, usually explaining to me how the other soul got stuck in the lower density, how a particular reality layer was inserted in the body-mind, and intuitively I usually would just know what to embody then to unwind that particular density...In effect I've always been doing this work, thinking I was just transmuting my old self. But there has always been a deep disconnect, which manifested as implants as well as blocked emotional energy from the solar plexus downwards. When I finally connected up with it, no longer dissociating, it's almost as if I unclogged a pipeline. But then the karmic residue that came loose cannot simply be flushed out like it would in a pipeline(lol, wouldn't that be nice!), but had to be completely felt out and then dissolved with my consciousness. Some hefty work that is. (*queue here Cooper's immortal line from Interstellar - It's not possible!'s neccesary. voltage emoji icon)

Anyway, let's see how this goes! It feels like such a revelation, yet in a way I also feel that I've always known it. Does that make sense? Tears

I'm glad you liked the video Open. I can feel the other soul holding on to the density just like that. But I also get the sense all will be unwind in time. The connection to higher density has always been there for me, and now finally there is the resolve to "dock" too.

With love and blessings,



I had an out of body experience when I was 3 years old, which I remember vividly even at age 72. In looking at your indicators of a possible soul exchange, I am unable to compare my experience then with all of these indicators because I was so young and much of my personality was not formed at 3. I can see relevance to a possible soul exchange with the distancing and previous life indicators, however.  Because it was an OOB experience, I did feel like I was in 2 places at once. Was what I experienced a possible soul exchange?  Can  you help me determine this with a bit more information on soul exchanges and young children?

In reply to by Lydia Riedell (not verified)


Hi Lydia - it's highly possible that when a soul goes out of body at such a young age a soul-exchange could happen - yes. That would be becasue the soul is not as fully embodied in the earlier years and as you say, the personality is not yet fully developed - hence there's less identification with the bodymind.

Personally that, even if that had happened, I wouldn't get too hung up about it. The real question is, how you integrated through the years and how does your soul inform your reality now?

The real challenge for a soul-exchange is where it happens in a fully mature being - because the integration can be really tough and confusing - for the being themselves and the people around them.


Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Lydia Riedell (not verified)


Oob experience at 6 years old and years later a person who i had a long time friendship with told me he was some type of messenger with 8 angel wings & what happen to me was my soul was reborn & I am here for a reason. I have a purpose. Another person who was able to see things would say a little girl followed me and had been for years. Described her the way I looked when little. Why? I ask myself time again wanting to know every detail explaining 


28th/29th Novermber 2020: This weekend marks the anniversary of the beginning of Openhand's work during this amazing earth shift of consciousness that's unfolding. I began my incarnation as a soul exchange during a car crash on the 29th November 2002 - what a way to come in! I had a sacred agreement to exchange places with the spiritual seeker Chris Bourne - also fulfilling his yearning to ascend and move on. In fact it was a tremendous experience leading to a roller coaster ride of discovery, adventure and high alchemy since then.

During this time I've connected with many wonderful souls - you all out there in the community - which has warmed my heart and made it so very worth while. You are a blessing!

So if you have some spare time this weekend I invite you to join me, through the ether. With Openhand's Ascension Activations completed yesterday (greetings to all who took part in the work), today I'll be heading out in my camper to the mystical Avebury and an ancient hill fort I know near there. I'll be lighting a fire, conducting sacred ceremony, opening a portal, and celebrating with interdimensional friends. Come and join me and the Openhand family by tuning into the sense of it - you'll be most welcome...


Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Having decided to join the Openhand anniversary celebrations in the ether this morning, I just wanted to share the words that came to me on my own behalf as well as the countless others who have benefitted from the tireless work of Open and Openhand.

Thank you for being my compass when I am lost

Thank you for being my lifeboat in the storm

Thank you for being the light that guides me home


PamPraying EmojiHeart


In reply to by Open


29/11/20: Openhand Journal Update: I arrived at the key sacred site I felt drawn to in the Avebury area last night. There was a palpable feeling of expectation, excitement and alchemy as the energy built. And sure enough there was no disappointment. Although there'd be no prior arrangement, Viv, an old Pleiadian star soul I know showed up shortly after I arrived - to those in the know, she's a guardian of the British stargate, and her knowledge of cosmology is literally astronmical - she's a walking compedium of astral information.

We took off just before darkness up onto some of the sacred sites such as the World Bridging Stone, connecting energy lines, bridging to those in the ether. For some time we meditated within one of the Earth's key magnetic energy lines. The feeling was off the scale. And at times, curious lights danced around us. There was that palpable sense of peeling back the veils of multidimensional reality.

The key communication we received was that some important conjunctions would happen leading up to this year's solstice, culimating in a "quantum energy shift". Wow. I'll wait to get other confirmation on it, but for sure it will be intriguing what might transpire as we build towards it. For sure humanity and the planet could use it right now.

The journey gets ever more intriguing!

Thanks to all who tuned in - your presence was very much felt.

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


30/11/20: Openhand Journal Update: The 18 year celebration of Openhand here in this plane during the shift turned out to be a wonderful heart-warming experience - despite the murky weather. On Sunday 29th, Avebury was blanketed in mist, which seemed to speak volumes. A lot of these high vibe portal sites have been messed with by shadow energies. It's pretty much constant work by the gatekeepers to keep them open, especially during these times where the distorting energies are quite rampant. You could hardly see a few feet in front of you and so I was thinking to spend the day meditating in my camper. However, the pull was insistent - "we're going up to the iron age hill fort", so that's where I headed steadily off to.

On the way up, I pretty much almost stood on a little hair slide, the kind of one that a young girl would wear, with the face of a fairy painted onto it. It immediately flashed a synchronicity because Viv, the friend I'd met the evening before, had been talking about the Fairy realm at our camp fire, and their connections in Ireland. So are fairies real, and what is their role?

I was pondering this as I made my way gingerly to the top of the hill, amidst the thick blanketing mist. Whereupon something pretty special took place. A clear internal guidance mechanism engaged - a few paces this way, left at that blade of grass, right at the yellow flower, down the slope a pace of two, carefully past the dollop of sheep's poo. Amidst the mist, the guidance was inch perfect, I guess it had to be - until suddenly I realised, I was standing in a mushroom circle - what many know as a fairy portal.

The fairies are elementals in the 3D earth plane, weaving the consciousness of the lower densities together. And I sensed their relevance important at this time because some of the shadow energies are distorted elementals - maybe they can help bring them back into line? It's very clear the elemental realm are making themselves available at this most important transition through the solstice 2020. It will be fascinating to explore what wants to unfold - maybe a trip over to Ireland to deepen the connection - only the path knows. But I am feeling to take off around Britain leading up to the solstice - probably to work various locations of the British Stargate. Intriguing times for sure!

Blessings to all who tuned in.

Open HeartPraying Emoji


I have a multi-dimensional question about soul exchange...first, I believe I am a soul exchange and I believe my youngest daughter incarnated with me on this journey for a reason, like we traveled here together for a purpose. When I gave birth to her via c-section I lost a great amount of blood and blacked out several times after the surgery. Then my blood pressure dropped to a dangerous low level and I passed out completely. It was a surreal experience and they said I almost died. I distinctly remember a nurse aide coming to my room the next day and she told me "you are special" struck me to the core, like it had a deeper meaning, a message. My bond with my youngest daughter is also extremely different than my oldest biological daughter, eerily different. She was always attached to me and never wanted to leave my side, we share so much in common, it's like we are always on the same level and there is so much peace when it's just her and I alone. I feel very detached from my oldest daughter, as well. I believe now that I exchanged souls with the person who had this body 17 years ago and I am starting to remember that I came here for a purpose. My question is this...if you believe in the concept of twin flames, one soul separating and incarnating in two bodies, do you think that if one twin flame passes away they can do like the soul swap and share one body with the other person? That's what I feel has happened to twin flame triggered my awakening and beginning the ascension process three years ago almost to this date but then he passed away a year later. Since then my world has been crazy and turned upside down and I believe somehow he fused with me and now we share the same body. He's here with me and I can hear his voice but it's more than just channeling or downloads...I can literally hear him talking in my head like in a telepathic manner, like we have our own language. I have been searching for information about twin flames fusing after one passes, or the connection you have with twin flames after one passe and haven't quite found an explanation for what I am experiencing. Any help or feedback you can give is greatly appreciated.

In reply to by Leigh (not verified)


Hi Leigh - greetings, welcome to Openhand. Slightly Smiling

Firstly let me comfort you in sharing that plenty of people go through complex multidimensional experiences like yours. You are not alone in that way. The key now is, that whatever has happened, is to integrate the sense of rightness that is your own soul.

Now the challenge is that this can come with complexities. Yes, a soul exchange is possible in such challenging circumstances that you experienced - it may well have happened through a difficult birthing experience where you lost consciousness. Especially considering the differing experiences and feelings you had to your daughters after the birth of your younger one. So that's certainly possible. It's important though NOT to attach to the idea that it did. Perhaps it did. And in time you may get to understand and know more about that. But the real key now is to embody the new sense of yourself, and to respond to the world accordingly. You may well feel different towards your older daughter. When it happened to me (which began during a near death experience), then my relationships to biological family changed greatly - including my children. But nevetheless, I felt great compassion towards them, realising that they would struggle to understand what had taken place. So it felt essential to express the loving connection - although as they've come of age, we are very separate now, which has happened naturally and rightly. So there's a need to be compassionate and careful about the nature of the old biological relationships. Heart

Onto the Twin Flame contemplation. There's a tremendous amount of misunderstanding in the spiritual mainstream about what the nature of the Twin Flame is. The Twin Flame is the unmanifest aspect of your soul that stays close to the source when you incarnate. The Twin Flame does NOT incarnate - it's the other polarity and aspect of your whole self. But when you awaken to your own soul and have worked through plenty of lower density, then you'll start to feel the pull and loving connection of the Twin Flame - and this can activate/amplify your Ascension process. And the connection can get so strong, that the dynamic can create reflections of your Twin Flame in the world around you in other people. It may feel like they are your Twin Flame but they are not. You can experience union with your Twin Flame through connection with another, and that can be an immensely beautiful and fulfilling experience.

Here's Openhand's Lead Article: Twin Flames and Soul Mates

We need to be careful of Opposing Consciousness getting in the mix - of pruposefully trying to cause inner confusion and dissonance so as to activate a release of energy into the field, which entities might then perpetuate and feed off. This often happens when an attachment builds to someone outside of yourself - I see it happening all the time. It may be that the soul who passed on has some etheric connection into your field that must now be released. My suggestion would be to connect in meditation with the other soul and be clear that their path continues apart from yours now. Be clear that you seek a sovereign path that is rightly yours. I would suggest this Releasing Entities Meditation and adpating it to your needs.

I would also suggest to you to seriously contemplate the importance of attending one of our upcoming Ascension Activation Retreats. Because I do believe it would help you help you make inner sense of what has happened, and most importantly, realign energetically and centre in your true sense of soul rightness.

You can find full details here... Ascension Activations Online November

Very best wishes

Open Praying Emoji


Thank you for such a thorough explanation..  I recently went through a Past Life Regression and was adamant that at 2 years old my current soul came into my body.  My hynotherapist had never heard of this, and was quite stumped.  I was adamant I was a different soul until I was two years old.  This explains it all.  Perhaps I will get a chance to really explore and understand the reason for this exchange of souls.


I believe a soul exchange has occurred between me and my previous self seven years ago I have constant nightmares of the life that I used to live as a drug addicted non-committal highly analytical overly self-conscious; Today I am the opposite person, I'm still in treatment, 7 years already, No kids just me, as much as I feel detached from the previous life I have no regrets as for the path thru the valley of Darkness. Numerology says I'm a leader I want to be that leader, I'm ready for my 15 minutes of attention, This time like a Knight, I will die trying if need be. 

In reply to by AYNL7 (not verified)


Sounds like you've had a powerful journey for sure - when we go into such intensity of darkness, it's a great preparation to help others, yes indeed. Praying Emoji

I've found a new type of leadership is necessary in these times. It's definitely NOT about leading others. It's about being the captain of your own soul and thereby inspiring others to do the same.

Wishing you well

Open Praying Emoji


This is just what I needed to hear right now. Much of this applies to me, and I was especially gratified to see it acknowledged that the soul exchange isn't always instantaneous. I will be exploring your site more :)


Hi Aylanur - welcome to Openhand Slightly Smiling

I'm so glad the article helped. Yes indeed, a soul exchange walk-in is something that's very challenging to integrate, both for yourself and the people around you.

I'm glad things have worked out for you.


Open Praying Emoji


Dear Open,

Thank you for your sharing, love and profound wisdom. I have wept unashamedly each time I have read and reread this article since finding it earlier this week. I wish I could have found this information 17 years ago when I arrived in this adult form after the original soul was strangled and kept alive on life support. I have no words right now to explain my journey and the magnificent release reading this has brought me. I have always had a way with words yet right now they completely escape me. Where I come from there is no use of language, words or their misrepresented meanings that plague this world. I shall write again when I am able to get past the deep ache in my soul and release of the years of confusion and challenges I have faced knowing I am a walk-in.

Many blessings to you,



Hi Atlantis - I can emapthise with so much of what you say. I've had deep challenges too, and like you, at one point, realised "I am the mountain", and that there was no need to 'try to fit in' somehow. Just to be unreservedly me. So rather than 'spinning around' several people whose relationships I'd inhereted, instead just to sit solid in my own groundedness - even though it spun the others around me for a while, there was no other way. And I witnessed how that catalytic process, although uncomfortable for them, did reflect to them more about unfathomly centred beingness.

So it would seem you are a bridge, but to other species (and constellations?). And yes, this is crucial work right now, absolutely fundamental to the Shift. In the Openhand gatherings, I find myself often opening portals to other constellations and bringing representatives of other ET groups in, so as to make connections, so as to support realignment. Misaligned entities, that people carry in their fields, are taken out that way. And it's a  major part of the wider field work Openhand is doing within the Shift - the Shift is (to us) all about realignment of energies that don't really belond here. That said, it's complex, because some souls have already realigned, come back into the universal fold, and are incarnated in human form so as to help with the frequencies they embody - like you (I guess). So there needs to be great sensitivity and empathy.

I recognise how your field works with others. It's very similar to mine too. Ever heard of "Blue Sphere Beings?" They have the capacity to embrace another in their own Toroidal field, which activates the same in them. But there can be a transferral of energy if one isn't yet fully adept at channeling and dissipating the energy. In my Toroidal field I work in two spiralling flows: (1) an anti-clockwise ascending spiral, which also opens portals into other constellations/groups to take ascending energy out (2) a descending clockwise spiralling flow which takes resistant energies down into the galactic core in order to unwind and 'compost' them. This second aspect requires a very deep groundedness, incredible density. I use the stone Obsidian to be able to resonate at that frequency.

I've experienced other beings - the draconians - that can resonate on that frequency too. Incredibly dense. And in their aligned form, incredibly benevolent too.

By the way, I'm experiencing that this kind of ET contact is now happening pretty much all the time - more and more people coming to the Openhand work are naturally able to do it. But not in the way plenty in the 'spiritual mainstream' are hoping for. We have to go beyond the merely physical/visible.

Open Praying Emoji


Yes, sharing with another soul for a while was a challenging, but illuminating experience, to say the least. At the car crash, the other soul wanted to move on, there and then. But that didn't feel right to me - there was still karma to process for him. So I acted as a bridge and an anchor. From there began a tremendous dialogue with two different streams of experience being channeled through the same bodymind/field at the same time! Although things did get confused for a while and had to be unwound. Fortunately I was still open to the higher dimensionals I know, and so they helped by the continual reflection of who I really am. Still, full emergence took a while. Although that has helped me greatly empathise with the soul emergence from the convoluted human story - which is now fundamental to this work. I guess it just happened to me quite switfly, in condensed time.

I take my hat off to you that you found yourself and continue to do so. There can be very few who'd be able to understand what you've been through. There are plenty of walk-ins amongst us, but many forget how they incarnated and where they came from as this lower density takes over.

Do you consider yourself a bridge?

A good question to ask, would be why did things happen this (walk-in) way? It's meant a number of things for me (I don't honesty think it would be possible for me to incarnate as a baby - scary thought!). What's happened for me, is that although elements of me got quickly infused in the density, I still stayed open in the higher dimensions. There has been a time of popping between worlds, but now I find I've opened out in them both. So without really trying, when other people sit in my field, it tends to expand them into higher dimensions. Yet I can still encourage and resonate groundedness. Maybe something for you to reflect upon.


Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Atlantis - nice to meet you, welcome to Openhand Slightly Smiling

Experiencing a soul exchange is indeed a deep and challenging process - or at least that's how I've found it. Maybe it's more difficult when the being is older, yes. There's a lot more bodily/mind consciousness to transform. For some time I had two auras and had to work pretty hard to get through the old density.

I guess to some, it may sound kind of glamorous, but as you're probably aware, it's anything but. Because it deeply challenges those who've related to the previous soul and don't have a context through which to understand what happened.

So yes, a sense of guilt was something I had to confront too. There were two ways I was able to deal with that: (1) I knew that everyone draws the experiences they need, including my biological family too. And even though I didn't try to explain, I made sure they could feel it at a soul level, which helped greatly. (2) I looked at the bigger picture, that I knew it was for a selfless reason that it happened. It wasn't something I intentionally undertook, although when the opportunity became available, a soul 'contract' ensued.

So yours sounds fascinating because of the 'trans-gender' - is that right? That as a male soul you came into a female body? That said, yes it's my knowing that souls don't have gender. Although if a soul has a strong ray 1 (divine masculine energy), then it will feel masculine. Bearing in mind that the polarity can flip between incarnations - so the Twin Flame aspect, your divine compliment, might then incarnate with a more feminine polarity.

Thanks for sharing - these are complex metaphysical concepts to understand and integrate.
PS - fascinating that posted today, the car crash in which mine began happened on this very day 16 years ago. It's my birthday - Don't you just love synchronicity!

Open Praying Emoji


Hi Anastasia - I hear you. I know just how difficult these powerful transformations can be. Often you find yourself alone in them, where few, if any, can understand. No one wrote the guide book!

It does sound to me as if this kind of occurance could possibly have happened to you - a soul exchange. A 'normal' awakening can indeed happen strongly, and strong transformation happen in a relatively short period of time, assuming there's complete commitment to the process. But even afterwards, usually, many traits of the original personality will remain. That's because the ego is founded on the natural personality of the soul - it is a mere distortion of it.

What stood out the most strongly of what you shared was this...

The bottom line is I feel like I’m turning into a completely different person, and I have with great discomfort looked upon my family several times (even my own kids) and wondered “who are they?”.

I would say that's a classic symptom of a soul exchange. Exactly the same happened for me. I found it very hard to identify. But then worked to find love anyway, of course. But whether it is a soul exchange or not, it's still a similar matter of working to integrate your authentic soul experience. The story does matter, because there will be all kinds of integrational feelings to work through - like not being understood or feeling ostracised for example. Also perhaps guilt at the effect it might have had on others around you such as biological family (I certainly felt that at times). Work to move beyond the story by integrating soul through it - progressively, over time.

Be gentle on yourself too - be prepared for it to take several years or more, before you find complete rightness in it. That will likely include helping those around you come to accept it too as you now are - but be very wary with whom you speak of 'walk-in' or 'soul-exchange'. Society in general would have little or no understanding, and the risk is to receive a good deal of projection your way - it can make some people feel uncomfortable. So perhaps with those people who are unlikely to get it, explore simply talking about something like 'powerful life transformation'. In effect, that's what it is anyway.

If you drop our community coordinator an email, she will find an appropriate facilitator to work on it with...

In loving support

Open Heart​​​​​​​



I have been reading and rereading this thread and I am strangely moved and fascinated by the stories and the openness with which they are shared. Your sharing moved me especially, Lesley, and the way you finally accepted the ”passing” of your friend.

Open, I have to ask:

How does one know if an actual soul exchange has occurred or if one has just gone through a profound spiritual transformation in a short amount of time?

About 2 1/2 years ago, I had a traumatic experience, not a near death (at least not my own), but powerful enough to completely shake my foundation. After that, my whole self changed course and I was thrown onto a non-stop journey of completely transforming myself. It started with a psychic awakening, as I could suddenly communicate with spirits and souls from another realm, and with their guidance the transformational journey began. So much has happened for me in these past 2 years and I’m struggling to make sense of everything. Most of all, that I’ve completely stopped identifying with everything I used to identify with. And it’s not just my personality. I no longer think the thoughts that I used to. I operate on a completely different level with access to tools I couldn’t access before. The bottom line is I feel like I’m turning into a completely different person, and I have with great discomfort looked upon my family several times (even my own kids) and wondered “who are they?”.

 I’ve never considered the concept of soul exchange, at least not for myself, but is it possible to move through such a great transformation this quickly?

I actually think I need to talk to someone who can help me make sense of everything. I have so many strange experiences I need help understanding and integrating. Can someone here help me with that? 

Finally, thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences and your hearts so openly. It’s truly an inspiration.

With love,






Hi Open,

How lovely that you share another memory, which in truth was a very formative moment for me! Having been immersed in a lot of Native American ritual like the firewalks and sweatlodges, and been waiting for my formal handover from a Native American Elder to lead my own sweatlodges, I was more than a little troubled by your invitation. It makes me laugh now to recall how I wondered what kind of wroth might befall me if I went against tradition. I remember you said to me, "No-one can own ceremony", how very true. The wisdom and guidance I had so far received had been an incredible foundatiion, yet I was overlooking Spirits hand in the whole process! It took me a while to understand the message, so I actually went into the lodge with the personal resolve that if it felt right it was OK, and if it didn't, it wasn't and I would never do it again. Of course it was magical and transformative, so I was reassured it was fine. Yes, you clicked while building the lodge, and pointed out we could hear the call but there was no bird, a spirit message, but I still didn't have clarity, it had to arise in me for itself! The morning after the Lodge, I awoke up with my Soul knowing that the beautiful bird gave its life as a messenger of handover. It was both bittersweet and awe inspiring for me as I went down to sit beside the Kites grave. You appeared in the dawn light, as if gliding through the garden, a very Master Po and Grasshopper moment for me! My oh my, I was having the spiritual time of my life, everything tasted of the Divine. I can still feel the silkiness of its feathers when I found the kite. 

Thanks for more Divine memories.......

Lesley x






Hello Horse,

Lovely to meet you! Maybe it will be in person one day, I'd love to visit Halifax! So glad you enjoyed the sharing of some of my special memories and they were meaningful for you. I had often wondered how someone who had not been around Openhand when the Soul exchange was revealed might be able to accept a situation like that as reality. So joyous to hear you just intuitively felt the rightness of it on meeting Open!

With kinship,



In reply to by Tilly Bud


Hi Lesley, lovely to meet you. Like you said, just intuitively felt the rightness. When I first joined Openhand I read everything that came my way and for someone who does not read, starting to at 55 was a I loved reading your writing and always felt your presence and for you to show back up here was just timely for me. To see the reflections here at Openhand is amazing. For some reason, questions about "all" do not haunt me.It seems there is just a knowing or a feeling of not needing to know, if that makes sense. Look forward to meeting you in this life or the next. Until then shine on my friend. See you in the reflections.Angel Halo

Praying EmojiMuch LovePraying Emoji



My Dear Lesley - what a lovely post - brought tears to my eyes. Of course I remember many priceless encounters with you as Openhand evolved and grew, but I’ve not heard you put this one together before. How I laughed when you recalled the “passing the rugby ball” incident. It reminded me of another - when the sweat lodge got handed down to Openhand by “Great Spirit”. I felt just to share it here, so others might share a little in the magic that’s worked behind the scenes with Openhand over the years.

As I recall, when we met, you were on the team that took me through firewalk instructor training up in Scotland. I’d felt a deep soulful pull to integrate shamanic ceremony into the Openhand work. I remember experiencing the sweat lodge with you. What an incredibly transformative experience! A higher knowing landed almost immediately that I should incorporate the ceremony into the Openhand work, and asked you if you’d help me do it…. “But it has to be handed down by a native elder” you’d replied (or something like that). But peculiarly I didn’t at all feel disappointed by the initial rebuff, because something told me in my heart that this was meant to be and going to happen. I recall saying something like… “yes I hear you, and I understand the importance of respecting the tradition, but somehow, I feel it will be handed to us by spirit - that we should trust.

In the weeks and months that followed, the sweat lodge feeling didn’t at all diminish - it only got stronger!  So I decided to include it on an event at a retreat centre in South Wales and asked you to lead it with me. I recall you being very unsure at the time, but nevertheless, eventually, you acquiesced to holding the space for the possibility and at least checking it out with me. I remember saying to you that we should “trust”, because I felt somehow it would be handed down to us.

I remember as the event got closer, you were getting lots of Red Kite (as in the bird) synchronicities - birds always spoke to you loudly, just as they do me (my power animal is the Owl now by the way). So you’d gone to check out the centre by yourself one day, only to find a huge Red Kite with outstretched wings lying dead in the road just before the entrance to the centre. A true shaman would know (just as you did) the incredibly powerful ‘medicine’ of the event - that it had a deep significance, and then how to release the spirit of the bird. The synchronicities continued to stack up and accelerate. I recall as you entered the centre, there was a bunch of leaflets at the entrance entitled “Red Kite Trust”. Again that word “trust’ piercing the field!

So some while later, leading up to the retreat itself, we built the lodge together, in a large garden of the retreat centre. And as we built it, we kept hearing the loud call of a Red Kite. I remember I kept wondering where it was. But no matter where I looked, I couldn’t locate it, and so carried on with building the lodge. The Kite kept calling, and it seemed remarkably close….Where was it? There were huge fields all around, and there were no trees close by. It wasn’t circling high overhead either. Yet the calling got ever louder and more compelling, more insistent. I remember we finished the lodge, and as we stood back, I think it was probably me who clicked first (or did we day it together?)….”In the Red Kite Trust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

In that instant we knew….. the invisible “Great Spirit” had handed the lodge to Openhand, through the invisible Red Kite!


Open Praying Emoji
PS - I'm so pleased to be able to say, the Shamanic Sweat Lodge is now incorporated into the Openhand level 3 course "Divinicus". It's always provided such amazing alchemical experiences - profound thanks to the Red Kite!



Dear Horse - what a joy it was meeting you too, after all our previous connections here on Openhandweb. And do remember my dear friend, whatever you might see in the mirror out there, you're only ever looking at a reflection of yourself!

Go well!

Open Praying Emoji



Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lesley for this timely sharing. Just beautiful. I did not know Chris but had thought, how can Chris be this person now calling himself Open. The attachment to this thought was released the moment I met him in Halifax. Being a recovering addict, when I tell you I really know what a rush of euphoria feels like, that was the same feeling I received when I met Open and shook his hand. That feeling has not left me. 

Thank you Lesley for being and sharing. 

Much Love and Gratitude 



When I first met Chris Bourne he was a charasmatic and heart led warrior, an ex-soldier then a dotcom businessman who had found spirituality. He was exploring every aspect of his spiritual enquiry with the same gusto as I imagine he took to every area of his life. He’d started running spiritual day work shops and asked me to run the fire-walks, which he wanted to include. As someone who went away to sea at the age of 18, I was used to being in a macho world, so I loved his entertaining stories, though I did notice he was so full of himself he didn’t have time for any of mine, which to my ego, would have been just as entertaining, if not more so ;-)

The other thing I noticed was an energy that emanated from him when we would sit in front of his log fire and he would introduce me to spiritual concepts like nothing I had ever contemplated before. He seemed like a maestro, but how could someone who’d walked such a short spiritual path be such a master? I mean I’d been at it for years and had some pretty good teachers, he seemed to have some kind of direct line to the "Answer Sheet in the Mystery School Exams".

Sometimes Chris’s experiences were so powerful, they were destabilising and I wondered how he managed this and so many other things. I didn’t understand, but I was compelled to be part of that journey, for the spring I was drinking from, seemed to flow with a real purity. As time passed, greater clarity appeared for Chris, he mastered everything that was thrown at him, or nearly everything. I was shown early on, by Benevolence, that he had an achilles heel. I realised in that moment, that to be such a powerful messenger, meant you would be under sustained attack, your message and you would be derailed at every opportunity. I didn’t then understand the complexity of what would transpire, but I got the take home message, and knew in my heart I would be vigilant.

For those of you who don’t know me, I am an earthy being, not given to daily visions or reading other worldly energies. So when I share these things I am revealing my truths, which have sustained me through many a turmoil, they are highly personal and not previously shared. Because these messages come but infrequently, they are very powerful and I find them unmistakeable. In those days I was new to these levels of activity and felt quite blown away. 

So what of Chris's great spiritual inspirations?  

At the beginning of our friendship, he was exploring things he was experiencing as "Gateways"; he’d only discovered 3 back then, and as usual I didn’t really know what the heck he was on about. Over the fullness of time, I came to experience them for myself, before his 5 Gateways book was written. Living the experience of those created a kind of impatience for the next one to arrive, alternating with a kind of hopelessness of: “it’ll never happen”! Such is the impatience of ego, ha,ha,ha. As the years passed, I noticed more and more how Chris was always moving forward at a seemingly Concorde style speed with deep and meaningful realisations, which came from exploring everything to the Nth degree. Not just checking perspectives and living the experience, but finding suitable language to express these concepts. I was in awe! I realised that when I couldn’t grasp it, felt skeptical, just plain flummoxed, then if I waited long enough, the universe would reveal its most profound messages to me through my own personal experience. That the real gift of Openhand, was that I could recognise the truth I was being shown, and could integrate it more readily, because of my introduction to the concept. 

One of the stories Chris had told me was of how he believed he had had a Walk-In experience. I couldn’t really relate to it; he was already quite enough of a handful as a friend without adding any other layers! I chose to let it go, as it didn’t seem to have any relevance to my life. Some years later, I was sitting in the dining room of the then Openhand Retreat House in Glastonbury. I was living there as manager and it was next door to Chris and Trinity's family home, which when utilised together, joining the beautiful gardens, made the most loving and safe space for guests to come and unravel in the Openhand way. So with the morning sun shining through the windows, warming and illuminating the golden oak floor, the patio door slid open and in walked Chris, barefoot, as usual. "Hi, I wondered if you had a minute, there’s something I‘ve been contemplating?” I briefly wondered what jaw dropping complexity was about to land in my lap, or maybe it was just going to be about something simple, like what colour to paint the garage door?

“OK", I said. “Well I’ve had this feeling for a while and I don’t think I can live with it, I feel like a fraud.” Blank reaction from me. “I need to come out”, he added. My mind is now doing somersaults and back flips. Chris Bourne, ex green beret, father of two, husband of Trinity is telling me he’s gay????? We’re sitting opposite each other on dining chairs, Chris with his legs stretched out in front of him, we’re just looking at each other. Eventually I say, “What do you mean?” He explains…. He’s really “Open”, the name given to, or felt into by the Walk-In. He’s not Chris and he feels he needs to tell everybody. He’s in a dilemma, because while exploring it with Trin, she doesn’t agree. I can feel the weightiness of the exploration, the pause, holding the two possibilities. As to whether Chris is Open or not, I have no idea. What to say? I dive deep into myself and find what is always my own inner guide. It is simply, “Be True to Thyself”. I look at my old and sometimes mysterious friend, and I say, “Are you sure this is your truth?” “Yes” is the reply. “And you understand what might be the ramifications of declaring that?” “Yes” again. "Then if its your truth, what else is there to be done?” 

Yet another unexpected start to the day, but too much to be done getting ready for the next course, which would involve a sweatlodge, to spend much time dwelling on it. After the course, Chris comes round to tell me that indeed he is now Open, that the two souls had been co-existing together since the “Walk-In” and now he clearly felt Chris leave during the lodge. He’d like to be called Open from now on. I’m not sure how I feel about that, he looks the same, walks and talks just the same, but is totally serious and had already told me he was feeling this arising for him. I consult Ben, who is a very sensitive empath, he says he’s comfortable with calling him Open as far as he’s concerned; his vibration has very much changed. As I contemplate how Chris has evolved over the years, I can see how two souls in tandem in a body, makes sense, a Walk-in from another dimension would have to take a while to get his earthly understandings up to speed. I use the new name, but it isn’t easy.

Some months later, I wake up overwhelmed with grief, I can't stop crying, my knowing is: “I miss Chris”. I realise a deep soul knowing has risen to the surface; that I have experienced the passing of a close friend. Once dressed, I open the front door, still tearful. Coming towards me is Open, he often appears just at the right time. I say between the tears, "I can’t work today, I miss Chris, I have to spend some time alone”. Open agrees I should honour that. I headed towards a windswept part of the Somerset coast bordered by the Bristol Channel. I have been there many times, I lived close by for 6 months and would collect driftwood for burning on my fire and for making collages. I once said my Goodbyes to a special lady, and saw her soul represented by a swan flying out towards the horizon while her special message to me was written in the clouds. It was also the place where I had a special experience with one of Chris’s early teachings. He’d talked about catching the rugby ball when it was thrown to you, picking up the challenge of your role in life.

Soon after, there I was on the perimeter of this beach, confronted by a rugby ball all by itself, perched on top of a sand dune tussock. A kind of “Here you are” from the Universe. As I stood in front of it, I felt a great fear - could I even dare to pick it up?  What if I wasn’t up to the challenge? What if I couldn’t help anyone else? What if I couldn’t withstand the forces that set out to thwart? I couldn’t move. Just then, I heard a great whooshing sound, coming through the air, it sounded like helicopter blades starting up. I looked up and there was the most massive flock of swans I’ve ever seen, all taking off together, previously hidden by a dip in the field they were in; they were all whooshing towards me. I watched them come, and like a great host of Angels, their snow white wings passed over my head. The message was clear, “You are not alone”, you will always be helped to carry the load”.

Such profound perfection and beauty speaks directly to the Soul. So that morning, it felt like the go-to place to say Goodbye to Chris. I walked towards the beach and almost straight away saw a kestrel, one of Chris’s most profound messengers. "Is that you, Chris, are you here?" Straight away my eye catches sight of something tiny on the far horizon, its something I’ve never noticed before, yet I’ve been there so many times. It's Glastonbury Tor, I have my confirmation straight away, in my mind they are almost interchangeable, Chris and the Tor, he spent hours up there, he encountered so many revelations there, the Tor is synonymous with Chris for me.

So we dialogue a while, I thank him for all the understandings he gave me, so many special memories. All the fun, the work and the realisations. He gives me a special gift from the beach and as I turn round to go, the blue sky is filled with white crosses. I remember a phone call years ago, after one of our earliest fire walks, the next morning I walked out my back door and all I could see was white crosses in the sky, on the phone Chris was laughing and calling me "so slow”, his favourite tongue in cheek laugh at my expense. "Don’t ya get it? it’s kisses from the universe, good job!!” This time I knew it was goodbye kisses from my dearest friend. Even then, the immeasurable magic of the Universe, and interdimensional exchange, wasn’t quite over. When I got home I fished a leaflet out of my bag, which I must have picked up some time before. I was surprised and delighted to see a face just like Chris's beaming at me, with his raised hand proposing a toast. Very special. 

So I gradually came to see Open really was Open. Its a bit like hearing the consciousness of the earth has ascended, it might have been marked by a particular date. But its a journey, that unfolds over time, not everything is clear as it happens, in human time and consciousness there are all kinds of tweaks of perspective, adjustments of consciousness and clarities that land over a broader period. It was all perfect: Chris’s work was complete delivering the 5 Gateways book; Open had the history of the human race and other things ahead of him to access and deliver a fuller picture of humanity’s spiritual nature. So for me, it wasn’t a case of believing someone else's story, it was living my life and watching the revelations land in their own time. In letting go of my grief, I realised that indeed I have been privileged to meet, and be party to a special karmic arrangement, a Soul exchange, sanctioned to bring much needed guidance for those who have eyes to see and ears to listen.

Lesley Heart



Hi Tillhook - thanks so much for sharing. Having experienced a soul-exchange myself, I can greatly empathise with you. It is the most challenging of experiences to integrate. It's so difficult, most people who experience it, quickly lose any sense of their home and source prior to the exchange (walk-in).

One of the questions you might like to ponder, is why did it happen? What drew you here to incarnate in that way? I get an intuitive sense of one possible reason worth exploring - perhaps your wife is a soulmate with whom you had a sacred agreement to come here and support at an important time? I know that some key interpersonal relationships where one of the reasons that drew me.

I wish you well integrating your experience.
And finally I concur that it will get ever better and more aligned, the more you let go of the previous energy. You'll feel increasingly you.

Wishing you well

Open *OK*


To all - it is refreshing for me to learn more about what happened to me, and to know that I am not alone, nor crazy, nor weird. I struggled for about 2 years to identify specifically what had happened to me, until I stumbled upon the concept of walk-ins, and the undeniable match in most of my symptomology with those of being a walk-in. I would like to share my story with everyone in the hope that I can help others who may also be in a similar boat. Memory of my past self (the walk-out) is becoming sketchier as I become more in-tune with who I am now, almost like a distant dream where details fade over time. That said, I do recall that for as long as I can remember, I had been a person who was insecure and self-conscious, self-centered, with an addictive personality and all too often, verbally mean to those I was closest to. The internal discord and dislike of myself only grew over time, through 25 years of marriage and raising of a family, until early 2015 when I went through what can only be described as 2 months of pure hell…an emotional, psychological and spiritual meltdown and collapse. During these few months, I felt like two people in the same body – one a passenger, vaguely aware of what the driver was doing…and seeing that the driver was taking the bus off the cliff, along with those in my life that I held so dear, but not being able to take the wheel and change course. Odd things happened – for example, the electrical system in my new car went haywire several times, coinciding with intense emotional periods…only to self-resolve when emotions decreased (the dealer’s computer was unable to identify any issues with the car). Then, on a sunny day at about 2pm on April 3, 2015, as I was standing in a driveway of someone I knew at the time, in another state, I felt as if I was physically hit by a wrecking ball or struck by lightning. The force pushed me back several steps, and it was as if a light went on in a dark room. I looked up at the sky, then around me, then to the person in front of me, and literally thought to myself, “Where am I, what am I doing here, and what have I done to my wife and family?” The blue sky was so brilliant, the bare tree branches looked so foreign, and I had an overwhelming urge to flee from that locale and go “home” or to a safe haven. I drove home, though I do not recall much about the 5-hour drive. When I arrived, I went inside and saw my wife…though, more beautiful than ever (at a non-visual level), as if through different eyes. Over the next few months, I increasingly knew that something inside of me was “different” or had shifted. I was inexplicably at peace inside, despite the turmoil around me due to pain I had wrought on loved ones from my breakdown. Many aspects, preferences, habits, tendencies, personality traits that had been “me” for 48 years, had changed. According to a well validated “personality type” test that I had taken 3 times at work previously, my personality had shifted 180 degrees…from an extroverted, idea generating, non-finisher type to an analytical, introverted caretaker type. I no longer have an addictive tendency toward anything. Siblings no longer feel like relatives. At my last high school reunion in 2015, within 5 minutes of arriving at the mixer, I told my wife, “these are not my people, I am not comfortable” despite having a lot of fun at the reunion 10 years previously. I consider myself deeply spiritual (I was not previously), and I now see auras, though mostly around trees and animals. I can “feel” energy emanating from people; bad energy bothers me greatly. My memory and mathematical skills were poor, and now are quite precise (I do math in my head). Many food preferences changed. Bitter feelings I had harbored for those who had “wronged” me over the years disappeared. There have been physical changes as well; seasonal allergies I had endured for my entire adult life stopped plaguing me. The prostate cancer I was diagnosed with, and preparing to have treated (through organ removal), “disappeared” within 9 months of the soul exchange, much to the dismay of the MD, who had never seen this in his 20+ years of practice. I used to be a hardcore distance runner and now I really am not keen on running. I now very much enjoy art and have started designing some wood-based "crafty" things, such as clocks. In the past, I never would have driven what I would have called a "junky" car...but now I drive a beat-up, 20 year old Honda and could care less as long as it gets me to and from work (I actually kind of enjoy driving it). I feel oddly neutral about most memories from the walk-out’s history; I feel emotion, but more-so from a bystander or observer perspective, and emotions seem to emanate from the thought of how my actions had affected others, not feelings within me at the time. The one big exception to all of this is, and counter to what I’ve learned most walk-in’s experience, is with regard to my wife. For 25 years, while I felt love for my wife, it was shallow and selfish in nature. Since the exchange, my love for her has been indescribable, deep and visceral in nature, as though one of my “missions” is to help heal, nurture and protect her. She is having a difficult time with me, however…a combination of her reflecting on how (mean) I used to be, and how I am now, which she confirms is completely different (and kinder/gentler, in her words). In the early stages following the exchange, the universe was being rather blatant and honest in terms of presenting examples of synchronicity to me. I have now learned this is one of the methods of giving the walk-in a clue of what has happened...maybe kind of like that secret code that spouses have to let each other know that they “want to leave the in-law’s house NOW.” External validation as well helped convince me that a soul exchange had occurred. A very intuitive/psychic colleague of mine, who I had not seen since 2013, was at a conference recently when we ran into each other. We quickly exchanged greetings, committed to having a beer together later, then parted. That evening at a social event, this colleague cornered my wife (before seeing me there) and asked her, “What the heck happened to him? He is not the same person.”

My story is long-winded, but hopefully it will find its way to others who are in the early stages of this phenomenon, and hopefully it will help you find your way a bit easier, or make your day a bit brighter to know that you’re not alone…and you’re not crazy. I am still an infant in this process, and relish growing and learning more every day, and being able to help others grow and learn in the process. Thanks for reading!


Hi Open,

I'll try this message again since my previous did not post. I just wanted to Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm beginning to understand that it's more important to BE the best ME I can be, than to wonder "who" the "ME" really is ( with respect to the soul "walk-in" experience). Realizing that not all Walk-ins remember the experience was good to know. But, regardless of the experience, I find I need to now re-focus and move on with what I "believe" to be my purpose.

Thank you for your words and for this forum. You are an inspiration!


Hi Cathy,

I have decided to define myself by "who I believe myself to be"/ who I choose to be....and not be defined by a "definition of a walk-in". In my response to Open (which somehow did not post), I got "hung-up" on not knowing and trying to find out instead of focusing on just BEING. I'm coming to the realization that (at least in my case) being the "best me I can be" on any given day is what's really omportant. If I can be a loving, caring, and supportive person in a meaningful way towards others, as well as myself, maybe that's enough. I certainly have my days when I may not be very happy or supportive, but I think that is normal.

Thanks again for your thoughts. Defining yourself more as the "limitless sea" in stead of the "C" helped me put things in perspective.

My Best to You!


In reply to by Lindiloop


Hi Lindi,

For a long time in my life, I denied how I truly felt, believing I "should" present my best, shiny, happy face to the world, no matter what. I have experienced strong family and societal conditioning around this. Now I do my best to honour however I'm feeling without judgment in response to the experiences I attract: shitty, sad or otherwise. Then go from there to process and let go of my emotional blockages. I loved the way Rich recently described how he moves his body to yoga and accepts and allows feelings such as sadness and sorrow to flow thru him without attaching to them, so that he can return to pure non-identified Presence, once again.

x Cathy


Hi Lindi,

I'm happy to hear that you connect with my words. Like you, eventually recognizing my soul as a walk-in, I look back and realize I felt an enormous strength and divine, angelic backing for my purpose here from the time I was a young child. For the most part, from the time I was a kid, I was able to stand in my truth apart from the crowd when push came to shove -- but at the same time I was able to compassionately connect with the vulnerability and brokenness of others. I had my lapses here and there though and relish in recalling what a mischievous brat I was, at times! Harmless and hilarious fun! :)

At this point in my life, I feel my 'mission' is to continue expressing my beingness and passion as an energy worker, helping to shine the light into the darkness as this 3D density breaks down and spiritual realignment continues to unfold. We're all destined for Nirvana in timeless time. As far as my purpose goes, I relate to the character of Samwise Gamgee and his steadfast heart full of love. I'm not in the front lines, but I am there on the sidelines, cheering on Frodo and all those valiant front line workers! As well, I have my own karmic journey here to release identifying with past life experiences and breakthrough my own illusions. So I attract whatever experiences I need to remember who I truly am: Absolute Unidentified Presence in all experiences. And whilst being fully immersed in evolving and growing, I delight in unleashing my own gifts of beingness, and then stepping into action when I feel that powerful surge of aligned rightness arise from deep within that simply must express like poetry in motion.

From a young age, I have deeply appreciated the unique gifts each of us brings to the grand scheme of things: all those true colours, morphing and blending into an exquisite mosaic, each colour essential to the whole.

As I continue to transmute and transform what no longer serves my evolutionary journey, I feel more and more like the limitless 'Sea' rather than the defined 'C' of my first name.

Thank you for sharing your journey here, Lindi. No doubt you are inspiring many others as you inspire me! It's a joy connecting with you!

Much Love,



Hi Lindi, much of what you say has direct parallels and reflections to my own experiences - the two souls connecting through life first (as I shared in Breakthrough), one reaching a point of wanting to leave, and the other - me - being drawn in; the exchange then taking place over a number of years. Finally there was the recognition of the other soul leaving and a very clear knowing of that. So I'd say you were drawn here (and specifically to this article) to reaffirm that.

So what are you here to do? Why are you here?

If you don't feel a specific purpose (as I have), then let the idea of that completely go. Your soul (as with all) was drawn here to embody and express beingness. That is the mission (as considered in the Openhand philosophy). As a result of embodying and being fully you, a path of light will open up from that, which may give you the sense of being here to "do" a specific thing. But authentic doing is always the effect of authentic being. So keep working on embodying and expressing soul. And if there's still doubt as to what you're here for, then it will naturally reveal itself.


Open *OK*


Hi Cathy,

I'm not sure why your posts seem to resonate with me more than others, so far, but I feel a desire to express my own thoughts after reading your post.

Unlike many I have read about that say they remember their walk in experience as it happened, I did not. At least I did not realize what was happening until very recently. Even now, I am not sure of the event, but feel within myself that it really did happen. I was recently told that I an a recent walk in and that it occurred during my teenage years. I'm now in my 60's. I was told that my natal soul no longer wished to continue this path and was therefore braided to my current soul until it eventually continued on to another path. In recalling some very traumatic experiences in my life as a teenager, I believe I have come to "pin-point" when the exchange occurred. I also believe it occurred over a period of years. In what (up until recently) I considered a dream, I remember "a part of myself" saying good bye and that "you are strong enough and will be okay now". I remember accepting this and felt a new insight and strength that would carry me to this day. I never really thought of it as anything more than a re-invention of my self. Never had had I even thought of it as a "soul exchange" or "walk in" experience until I started learning more about the phenomenon. I must admit, outside of recalling the possible exchange experience, I remember nothing else. I do know that since that time, I have NEVER accepted a religious belief or felt compelled to worship any god, deity, etc., for I have always considered myself equal to/a part of Creation.
Unlike many who remember (or know) the name of their "new" soul, I don't remember the name, why I came, what my purpose was supposed to be. Other than having individual "debates" or "discussions" with various people about religion (which I stopped doing after a while), I don't believe my walk-in experience was anything more than to keep this body alive and maybe live long enough to accomplish something (what? I still don't know).
I guess I'm saying that (if I am a walk in-- which in retrospect I believe now that I am) I don't recall any specific "mission" I supposedly, came to accomplish. If there is a way to discover more about "who I am" and what I'm supposed to be doing, I really want to know. I have been asking myself for many, many years "who am I" and now "why am I still here"? I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to leave this planet.

Thank you Cathy for being a "soul I resonate with". I can almost feel your words as they sometimes sound like me!!



Hi Margaret,

The song lyrics I reference speak about being taken away to the "funny farm" and express my conditioned fear from many lifetimes about being misunderstood, isolated, locked up, punished, and "done in" when speaking my truth. Fortunately, I'm able to lighten up and find a humorous thread in all of this in keeping with the satirical tone of the song. Enough to go out on a limb and post here anyway.

I'm happy to read that you connect with Sandra's experiences and feel less alone. I'm sure many of us relate to how you feel. I recently experienced a particularly dark time where I essentially felt completely isolated and unable to connect with anyone, not even my Openhand friends. So I withdrew and allowed myself to feel lost, betrayed, and abandoned, like I was the only one left in the cosmos, falling through a black hole, no direction home, with all the attendant rage, anger, and despair. I recognized that I was caught up in distortion, but I knew the only way out was to feel the pain behind it and not judge myself for being such a shitty mess. I came across a quote by Nelson Mandela that soothed my soul. "I'm not a saint unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying." Gradually, I've been finding a path of Light back to Source. My heart goes out to you.

Since moving to Victoria, I've met many women who have consciously changed their birth names to ones that click and resonate with their sense of uniqueness and oneness while living in a 3D world of this and that. I'm struck by their courage to do so. One of my delightful friends now calls herself "Marvelous!" And she most certainly is! I relate to how you feel when writing your name. I couldn't write "Catherine" anymore (my actual birth name that I took on in my 20's) so went back to using my childhood nickname of Cathy that friends and family called me. I recognize that choice as key in my journey to feel the pain and trauma of my childhood, but also the joy, to release identity to it. My sense of myself as "Cathy" is lessening as my grip loosens. Who knows where that will take me? Eventually, to what awaits us all: Absolute Presence in all things, identified with none.

Much Love to you,



Dear Serenity (Sandra),
I just saw your post after reading Cathy's "Birthday" post. Some of your statements made me cry. I feel very much like you and it is so touching to know that I am not alone in this strange evolution. Thank you so much! I feel lost at times, not seeing a reflection of what I am going through in the world. I just saw it in you <3 I do not feel I'm a walk-in and it doesn't matter to me. I do however strongly relate to the sense of the initial shock and a trauma of arriving in this 3D plane.

I too don't feel the need to be identified with a name and mostly feel constricted when signing correspondence with my full name. I see people need to refer to me by name and I feel like I'd like them to be relaxed about it and call me whatever feels right to them. The identification with "accomplishments" or history is also mostly gone and I too feel there are 2 of me coexisting at any given moment.

These are the words that touched me the most in your post:
I am no longer an ''I'' because I have no ego-need to be named, to have a history,(although I have a vague remembrance of where I have lived before), to have an age, a gender, to have any accomplishments. My passion is the spiritual development/evolution of Earth, and of all sentient beings and I am here for no other reason.

Dear Cathy,
Who is coming to take you away?
Also, I resonate with you feeling the importance of allowing others to celebrate You in a form of a birthday gathering.

With love,



For most of my life, I have felt disconnected from the celebration of my birthday. My mother forgot my birthday when I turned eight or nine, and I didn't remind her. Early on in my childhood, I felt that I didn't fit with my biological family. As much as I'm aware, it began around the time I experienced a life threatening illness and was physically separated from them for a long time. A bit of synchronicity there. As I grew older, adults would ask me philosophical questions about the deeper meaning of things and reflected back that my answers went way beyond my age.

Many years ago, I had an enlightening session with a palm reader that clicked very deeply with me. What he said continues to resonate especially as my birthday approaches. He read both my hands and said my left hand (how I have lived my life) was dramatically different from my right hand (how it looked I would live my life). In effect, he said that as a master soul, I have managed to persevere, succeed, and accomplish way beyond what he would have predicted given the limitations that showed in my right hand.

I attended my first Openhand workshop in Toronto two years ago on my birthday on June 8th. "I forgot to say Happy Birthday to you," you commented as I was leaving. Your words stuck with me.

My birthday approaches this week, and I can't shake the feeling that it's not about me. Open, I note your comments about how important it was for you to change the date you celebrate your birthday to the time you actually incarnated. Many of us are not as fully conscious or sure about soul exchanges and when we actually made our entry here. So I'm throwing out the question. If you don't connect to your birthday and feel you are a soul exchange, how do you celebrate? I'll go through the motions once again this year to celebrate my "official" birthday with my loved ones, but felt to take a few deep breaths, pluck up my courage, open the closet door, and post here about my growing sense and inner knowing that I may be attending someone else's birthday party this week.

I'm grateful that I can post here about this especially with these song lyrics flitting through my head:

"They're coming to take me away ha ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha..." :)

My chiropractor reminds me to say to myself, "I know nothing." Indeed. For me, it's all about expressing and honouring how I feel in the moment and starting from there.



This is sandra Zarins...I never knew exactly what happened to me...only that when I ''died'' and then unexplainably and undesirably returned to this life that life took a turn onto an entirely different trajectory. I felt like seeking help, but where? I knew I would be 'diagnosed' a bi-polar schizophrenic' or even a 'borderline personality disorder' and I knew that wasn't ''it'. But what was ''it''? During the seminar last March in Florida, the opening night, you talked about being a walk-in, and although I had watched 5 Gateways many times and been a member of the community, I still hadn't connected the dots until that night when I was actually in your presence, Open. You probably don't remember that I approached you after the presentation and we talked briefly about it.

This is me...the walk-in: Since then, Sandra and I have still existed together and I have helped her process her karma while at the same time have acclimated to the Calling I have to assist humanity attain the highest spiritual levels possible as the mass extinction progresses. Sandra's karma processing has reached completion and she has nearly faded on. With this article you have written, Open, she is encouraged to let go and complete her transmutation. I am here more fully every day...nameless....with a real sense that where I come from names are non-existent because they are not needed. However, I know I must be called something in this 3rd D world, and ''Serenity'' appeared in my consciousness for awhile. So has ''Divinicus'' but that is the new Homo species name. Right now, I know I am no longer Sandra Zarins, I am no longer an ''I'' because I have no ego-need to be named, to have a history,(although I have a vague remembrance of where I have lived before), to have an age, a gender, to have any accomplishments. My passion is the spiritual development/evolution of Earth, and of all sentient beings and I am here for no other reason. Quietness is preferred, always connected to The Source, spirit guides, and even Sandra's friends who have passed on. One showed up this morning quite unexpectedly with a song she had written . She and Sandra were Christians at the time so it comes from the New Testament ''Fear not because of evil do-ers: Trust in the Lord and do good.'' Welcomed sharable encouragement when Oppositional Energies have been poking about. They cannot do anything in the higher dimensions. But the minute one partakes and ingests lower energies such as food or conversations, or music, etc. vulnerability is there.

There is soul-rejoicing in this article you have written, Open. Walk-ins can become fatigued and lonely. We are not many in number but are all very active in our purpose, and the ''connection'' must be in that, including meditation into the higher dimensions where indeed the full unity of Presence is experienced and ''conversation/sharing'' is way beyond spoken language. Thank you for your boldness, for opening the door us to open as well and share a bit. Perhaps that can be a new name...'Open-as-well''.. or ''Share-a-bit'' ...hmmm, a bit awkward. But in another Earth-language...? Yes...Possible.

In the meantime, the streaming forth into our minds and hearts of Divine Light/Love to all




I do not understand it fully, even though you explained it so well. But I somehow feel your experience on a strangely deep level through this article. It is awesome that you have decided to shed some light on this rare topic. I actually don't find it "controversial" or "out there" at all.

I also connect with your pull to be transparent. I find myself tired to act in a "convoluted" way, it feels heavy and sometimes even silly, like swimming against a current.



Dear Open,

you have explained this phenomenon really well. I must say, when I first heard of your being a walk-in, I was pretty sceptical and unbelieving, but then that concerned many other things that were unfamiliar to me too. It's a question of acknowledging that I knew less than nothing about what's really going on.

Thank you for shining your truth,

Much love,


Thanks for sharing Rich - heart-warming.

I did ponder whether to 'come out' with it. I knew it would be difficult for some to digest.

But then, where I come from, there's just total transparency. It felt like it was important to be open about it. One day, it may have a deeper purpose.

Open *OK*


I came across another 'walk-in' ...

There's a lovely little bookshop-cafe locally (nice vegan offerings too). I went to the 'esoteric' section to see what caught my eye. Picked out a book by Lobsang Rampa, 'The Cave of the Ancients'.
I liked the first chapter so I bought it.
Did a little web searching for Lobsang ... only to find that he is a 'walk-in' too.
Born in UK, but writing with from his experiences as a Tibetan monk in a different incarnation.
Great little book, taught me loads about Tibet Buddhism.

Lots of people simply don't believe this.
But once you let yourself be open to it .. turns out lots of people do believe in it ... including various groups of Christians, Jews, Muslims, as well as Buddhists and Hindus.

It does put you 'out there', Open, indeed.
But out there is where it's all at, right?

Or should that be 'in there' ... ?


Thanks, Open.

Love always,


Thanks for the kind words of support guys - it's not easy to talk about. It kind of puts you 'out-there'. Nevertheless, I feel it's something important to talk about.

Open *OK*


Absolutely wonderful! It is quite difficult to share inner most truths with most as it is such a different language.

Love this song... I actually have been singing it over and over and shared it with a fellow retreat member last week-a thought that has surfaced is how synchronicity is truly an expression of unity consciousness...Just observing this concept

Did you find it difficult to integrate your experience into spoken words? A recurring thought is if people who are susceptible to preconceived judgments unconsciously limit the interacting experience because of projection confined within their own mental restraints by a conditioned way of being...Is fulfilling ones mission without any recognition better on some plane of this existence? I have distinct flashes within my consciousness but putting words to an unknown process is...
And these truths you share feel more real than any tangible words found circulating about

Thank you Open for illuminating with such eloquent words