9 Days in Tibet...Openhand Journal

Submitted by Open on Sat, 08/10/2024 - 04:34

It's pause-time in the Openhand Academic Calendar, and I felt a strong calling to Tibet. Although it feels very much like my spirit roots, it's the first time I've traveled here in this incarnation. I wonder what the trip might reveal about life on the planet in the Shift? That's what I feel to explore and share glimpses of with you all. Come join me, I'll work to transmit some of the marvelous energy here. 

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21/08/2024 Arrival Back at Openhand HQ

Wow, that was a journey and a half, with much attempted "adjustment" by intervention energies, but I'm also pleased to say, much Re-adjustment and realigning pathways with support from the various Team players in the ether - and of course, with all of your well wishes I could feel in the field. Thanks deeply from the heart folks. I love you all ❤️

It's been a monumental journey of a lifetime (lifetimes actually!). Much has moved through it and is still landing and integrating. At one level, it was my own personal journey of remembrance. However, it was clear from the very first step in Lhasa, there were some other deeper purposes at a planetary energetic level - Tibet being such an enigmatic location.

I'll be writing about what I felt was seen and gained in due course - plus bringing the energies into the Openhand work going forward. But here's a sense of it for now...

1) Reactivating "Dragon Leylines" - which are ancient primordial ones, that stimulate the Earth Grid with light and accelerate it       
2) Reclamation of the planetary crown chakra       
3) Anchoring key higher dimensional groups, such as the Lyran Dragon Energies

Indeed Dragon was the key topic of the work. Put simply: it's a new acceleration of infusing cosmic energies which are designed to shift the balance of power on the earth back toward the direction of nature and the Shift to 5D. To get things moving!

So farewell Tibet. It's been a magical, activational, and deeply heart-opening pilgrimage. I definitely won't say goodbye, because I get the sense Openhand will be leading pilgrimages there sometime in the future.

So farewell Tibet - thanks for being a super host. See you down the flow.

Bright blessings to all. 
<<< Open 💎


19/08/2024 Tibet Pilgrimage: Homeward Bound

I've left Tibet now, but it's certainly not the end of the adventure. As you'll see from my photo journal below...

The last day in Lhasa, and finding the perfect place to anchor energies from all the journeying here...

 Work complete, "now where's the best place to get some high vibe food?" Wow, just look at this, a family run Tibetan restaurant. And with a good selection of vegan food...

Here's where the "fun" then started.

Having made it to the airport with plentiful time to spare, I discovered that for some unknown reason, my name had been removed from the passenger list. Hmmm, I started to expect some intervention, some "adjustment" afoot (the cost of writing this journal!). However, benevolent energies responded quickly, and I got an alternative flight to meet my next connection on mainland China. And I'd still arrive 2hrs in time for the next flight.

However, it would be nip and tuck through the airport, and it definitely began to feel like some kind of "ding dong" battle was going on around me: the plane arrived earlier than scheduled, carried on homeward winds, but then mysteriously, the access gantry had "broken", and we were all left sitting on the plane some considerable while.

After fnally getting off, and quickly skidadalling across the airport to get my baggage, it's only then that I learned the terminal for the next leg was an hour's drive across the city, with only 90 minutes to flight time!! I managed to flag down a taxi, and using both feet and hands, "explained" to the taxi driver where I needed to get to. 

He turned out to be an angel, and a very fast one at that. We motored across the city at breakneck speed. But then came the next problem - no Chinese cash and he didn't take card payments! So what followed next, at very high speed weaving across town, was an attempt to make a 3-way conversation, with his friend and google translate..."Just what are 'English Pounds' and what's the value of 40 of them?"

We got there safely, phew, and he was happy with the exchange.

But, alas, I arrived just after the checking in had closed. "Sh**, what now?"

I was shattered, it was 2am in the morning, precious few people were around, no airline help desks were open; in mainland China it seemed like no one spoke any English, and I had no data on my phone. As I looked around me, it quickly dawned, "I'm stranded!"

Time to relax and breathe very deep. And that's when a beautiful flow of guidance kicked in, across the airport on tired legs, that brought me to a very curious, but impressive 5-star hotel, but at 3-star prices. "Yes, we have a room," said the check-in person," in perfect English, "It's on the 9th floor, room 929". Ah, now I knew, the Team had created the space, and shaped the booking - in response to all the intervention shenanigans.  

When I got up in the morning, I could hardly believe the view from my window. It metaphorically spoke of the Galactic Core, where the Team reside..."

Immediately prior to this trip, I had inquired of the Team, "When will it be time to energy-work in China?" Be careful what you wish for!

No one was using the outside garden, which although felt very synthetic, nevertheless, was home to some wonderfully chirpy sparrows. I found the perfect place to meditate. Can you see the "space ship" high up in the wall of windows? It felt like Team HQ in the Galactic Core...  

In fact I've been completely amazed. Even amongst this "simulation" of reality, the energies of the higher dimensionals have been powerfully present for my whole stay...

It's like benevolence is saying to the intervention: 

"Adjust the path for 'travellers' if that is your will. But make no mistake, the light of true soul connection is breaking through, and will not be thwarted. We'll adjust the path right back!"

This is the "ding dong" battle I've been experiencing while here - which is turning out to be a superlative magesty. I'm having to extend my trip by a couple of days in order to meet new connections. But I don't mind at all - it's giving me the space to unwind after such an intense but rewarding time in Tibet. And I do believe the airline is going to foot the bill - thankfully!

Homeward bound soon. Fingers crossed!!

Thanks for tuning in everyone.
Pleased to have you onboard!
Much love,
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Its amazing to read about your journey. Inspiring to see how light is breaking through the adjustments and pushbacks. That place indeed looks like the galactic core. How funny is that! A good place to send down wayward energies. Maybe china needs some support at this time.


In reply to by Open


I agree with Tilly and Ann, first impression was of benevolence acting. It feels like you're meant to be there. That whole hotel feels like a 'safe' spaceship, like a safe place to regroup and recharge. The synthetic feel is like being held by advanced tech of an advanced benevolent group, a cozy life raft and for some reason feels familiar to me. I once envisioned that land to be overtaken by quite negative energies. A dream showed me as the source of 'underground' activities fueled globally. I've felt for some time that is a priority for unravelling huge distortions. Seems like a daunting task alone though, but maybe I'm underestimating. This feels next-level and timely, important recann. Blessings to you! 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Wow, I can't tell you how inspiring I found this last set of photos! As Openand has travelled round the globe, I too had wondered, "Will there ever be an opportunity to work in China?" To hear of your diversion and then see such incredibly pwerful metaphor from the architecture of the site you slept in, has the most tremendously reassuring feel to it.

It's almost like benevolence saved the best 'til last!

WIth a hug and thanks,

Tilly 🙏

In reply to by Open


Thank you for the latest update. The battle was really interesting to read, and the meaning behind the architecture at the hotel is absolutely amazing.

Yesterday I went for a walk at a local nature reserve. I’ve visited numerous times but this time I saw a path I’d never seen before so decided to follow it. Within just a few feet down the path I saw a tree which looked like it had an outstretched arm and an ‘openhand’ at the end! I felt connected and couldn’t help but smile at finding it!

Have tried to upload a photo of it several times but I don’t think the intervention wants me to share it!

Happy travels and looking forward to the next update!😄

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

"for some unknown reason, my name had been removed from the passenger list", what immediately landed for me is that was not caused by intervention but benevolence.  Whatever energy work you're meant to do while in China, the "mission" had to be top secret even kept from you so as not to tip off intervention.  And as you describe what happened from the time you landed in China through arriving at the hotel, I can identify a top gun, crazy Ivan and a gugli :).  The hotel has beautiful energy and feels like you'll really be held and supported there while doing whatever work is meant to happen.

Ann 💖


18/08/2024 Tibetan Pilgrimage Conclusion: Everest

My final day in Shigatse was one of soulful memories. Work completed, walking the streets, soaking up the energy of a lifetime gone by. It was all falling into place, reflected in the beautiful people around me - their curious glances as this strange "mystic" - but absolutely no judgment. I smiled at them, they smiled warmly back at me.

A little boy came my way with his mother, walking down the street, with his football that he kicked at me. What followed was a lovely few moments of "pass the ball", with everyone laughing and looking on, having to get out of the way as our inaccuracies sometimes fired astray. I was completely lost in the moment with him...

Oh, how these little incidents trigger the necessary past life memories. Sitting reflecting on it afterwards, at a little cafe, it all flooded back. I'd finally become, let's say, "excommunicado" with the monastery, after committing the cardinal "sin" of taking a partner (an Andromedan starsoul). So we left the monastery and set up a farming homestead outside of the town, at the base of a small horseshoe mountain that we called, "Sitting Buddha" (because its shape reminded us of that) - I even passed it by on the way into Shigatse. That's when I reassumed the identity DK. We lived humbly and happily, growing our own crops to sustain us, at the same time providing intuitive support for passing pilgrims, monks and lamas who frequented by. And we had a son together - hence the walk down memory lane, triggered by the "pass ball" (let's always make sure we embrace those poignant moments that light up the path!).

It all came apart, as for many, in the "exodus". I was called upon to provide intuitive insights into the safest routes and weave channels of light along which to pass - through the mountain passes, like between Everest and its neighbouring "Cho Oyu", for example. Synchronistically, there are 5 connected mountains in the range. I guess that's one reason for the strong call to Everest this time.

You're exactly right Miha, in your post below, about "reaching Everest Base Camp." Plenty of spiritual people around the world, we can say, have reached the "base camp" of Ascension - they've found a good degree of Unity Consciousness. But that's only the beginning of the journey. Each must now process through their karma, in the steep, and sometimes treacherous "ascent up the mountain". Of course it's the inward journey, but reflected into our outer lives. It's tough going for sure, but that's exactly where mastery is attained - not disconnecting from life in the "monastery".

It happens in "ordinary" everyday life - at work, in families, and how present and connected we are in our regular activities. In this way, the "ordinary" becomes miraculous. Like this scene at the train station, would you believe, of this wonderful group performing a Tibetan dance for travellers...

It's about taking ownership of what creates - not projecting externally when we hit those challenging moments of triggering. Instead, working through the crunch points on the inside.

It's about "owning your sh**", as Joy so eloquently put it in a recent Openhand Video.

Another Exodus is underway. But really what we're leaving behind, are the unconscious, programmed, and even indoctrinated ways of the past. We must learn to live in the moment, following the flow of the soul as it interrelates with the signs and synchronicities all around us. This is what we might call, "mysticism". It's how the Original Lemurians lived - the 'root nations', infused with Star Being DNA, and what humanity desperately now needs to resurrect. For me, that's the real message reflected in this journey, through my 9 Days in Tibet.

It's a journey of remembrance and resurrection of our true, not indoctrinated, divinity.       
And never forget, especially when it gets tough, above all, it's a journey of love.

It's high time for us to begin climbing our own personal Everest.       
High fives everyone!

<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Seems a challenging yet deeply rewarding experience, and I'm grateful to you for bringing us along. The 'rain on the parade' was awesome ("Eywa has heard you!") and the picture of the anu cloud amazing! My own learning continues apace, seeing me slide back into the muck of my resentments and viciousness. But thanks to karma, I was shown myself, and with the bow and help from the ether, managed to at least get out of the muck, though it's still close. It's a balance of not allowing myself to dwell in that ugliness while still working with it in the hopes I can clear more and more of it. Themes of shame and self-forgiveness are at the fore, and the acknowledgement that ultimately everything is a choice. I want to choose better and higher for myself, but there is a lot of muck to clear, including the argument of worthiness. I have to believe it to achieve it. A visit from Turkey vulture (I was reading and felt compelled to look out the window and he swooped right by an opening in the tree at that moment) is to me a message from the higher realms that a time of cleansing, rebirth and renewal is at hand, and vulture will assist. I simply must let go of the habit of lashing out, especially in my thoughts, when I'm not feeling well. It's exactly as you and Joy say: "Own that shit!!!". But also letting go of resentment, and seeing how your ego clings like a miserable king, to your own self-righteousness. Who knew resentment would be one of my worst habits! But the core wound, at least of this lifetime, is seen. And vulture coming to me is so heartening and a good sign I, and everyone who truly wants better, is worthy of support and the new beingness they crave but seems so out of reach in those low moments. A couple days ago I was emerging from sleep and having some conversation (I talk a lot in my sleep!) along the lines of "i want that connection with my higher self, I want to do what it takes" and for a moment I had it! It was that overwhelming feeling of joy and being home that makes me giggle with delight even now. Such a relief, like a light gets switched on and all the crap you've been holding onto is just gone, and you feel so full and complete and light and excited to experience everything. It's there, always there, just waiting for me to quit fooling around and get on with it. And in that place there is no question of worthiness and no need of being forgiven, because you already are, and are. But so easy to forget when you allow yourself to slip back into old habit and beliefs. So lots of climbing (and falling) ahead, but sure not going to hang around at the base anymore. I will surely slide a thousand times, but I will climb a thousand and one times. Deepest gratitude to you for showing the way! barb🙏

In reply to by Open


So intensive and so sensitive, this journey energetically feels like you Open have climbed Everest, and now is for us to follow. It seems that the sky here above the Openhand headquarters reflected the work you were doing in Tibet. It felt amazing and I took some photos the other day.  To me, it gives a sense of souls coming home. And there are some beings there too.



My feeling is that somehow this location (Tibet) may relate to the Lemurian times / lands. Maybe where (and when) the Andromedans infused their energy into this ancient civilization. Interestingly, this new music came to me yesterday (I was in tears when listening...) and it feels to fit in here:


Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us, this is an art of how to turn personal travel into a service for the good of all. It's priceless and many of us may gain something (perhaps personally) from it.

Sending love to everyone reading.

Asya 🙏💜


15/08/2024: Tibet Pilgrimage Update: Andromedan Connection

Yesterday was a massive day of remembrance, connection and processing, taking place at what I knew would be the pinnacle of the pilgrimage - the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Shigatse.

My guide somehow materialised from the heavens. Literally. There was an instant connection. Rather than trying to fill my mind with detail, he quickly empathised with my energy, and allowed the space for me to feel and explore, only providing detail when asked for (he was also a mine of useful information and knew the history well). I prefer not to reveal his name, so let's call him "Tashi". 

His perfect suggestion was not to go into the monastery itself, "where the tourists all were" (his words!), but walk around the periphery instead - I was feeling exactly the same thing. I know that in the past, I've been mainly on the periphery of this place...

I've been receiving non-stop downloads here, of many things, including three past lives: one on the periphery as a mystic (incarnated); one as a bridge in the ether; the other first as a teacher, then again externally as a mystic with distant connections. My work was often considered as too "progressive" and confrontational to the doctrine.

Right about now, I'm stopped in my tracks by a vibration I know well. I'd been noticing barley sprigs around the circumference, which connected right back to the crop circles of Avebury, when "boom" - the Andromedans came in...

Both crop circles, and the Mandalas the monks created here, have the same purpose: a mystical metaphoric transmission of consciousness. It's my knowing, the lamas were gaining deep insights from this connection, whether they were able to acknowledge the source or not.

The problem is, it was turned into scripture, dogma and overt discipline - rather than free-flowing alchemical expression. And it was very exclusive - women were denied the knowledge. It's exactly why the Group of Nine soul-contracted Madame Blavatsky to come here and share the knowledge with the world. After several failed attempts, to their credit, they did share some of this work with her. She also channeled the "DK" consciousness (my mystical expression) through the ether - a bridge to the Group. Alice Bailey did similar. It led to much of the philosophy of the New Age.

I was reflecting on this during meditation, looking down into the square. In a lovely synchronicity, the monks emerged from their morning session just as my meditation concluded. It confirmed the feeling of being connected, yet mostly on the periphery...

Further on, I'm stunned by the panorama - Shigatse is surrounded by highly energetic mountains. Take a look at this picture, and I'll point out three key features, which jumped right out...

First, there's an exceptional mountain range. You can't necessarily see the detail in the photo, but I can tell you without a shred of doubt, they had been purposefully shaped to anchor higher dimensional energy. Then there's a small darkened pyramid-looking feature, left of the range (I get closer further on). This felt totally unnatural, with implanted technology. Then there's the obvious fort in the foreground. I pointed these out to Tashi, so he guided me to get a closer panoramic view, from a teashop in the nunnery (definitely no tourists here!)...

In the pretext of drinking tea, I pulled out my obsidian stone, formed a higher dimensional bridge, and first worked to remove blocking energy in the fortress - which was built in the time after the monastery (built by the first Dalai Lama in the 14th Century).

The work seemed successful (empathics please check - anything else to be done remotely?).

Afterwards, I was tasked by the Team to get much closer to the Mountains, and see what else needed to be done. So I left Tashi and the monastery, and walked the couple of miles to the mountains...

The detail is not too clear, but they definitely looked carved and shaped. And I had the confirmation they were, with sound technology - in Lemurian times, to support the emergence of Original Humans. According to Tashi, you're not actually allowed to climb these mountains, because according to the state, "They're unsafe". And yet they happily let busloads of people climb Everest!

Do you see the pylon top left? It must have taken ten times the energy and cost to put it there, rather than going through the obvious pass. What do you think they (the Tall Whites) are trying to suppress?!

Next, I turned my attention to the pyramid, immediately adjacent to the mountains, and was given to meditate to form a multidimensional bridge with it...

It was clearly Old Annunaki, constructed in Atlantean times, and put there to control the energy, thus limiting the expansion of consciousness that would be possible from the "Andromedan Range". The evolved Anu were very keen and willing to come in to remove any implanted technology. After a short while they appeared, and the clouds started to shape accordingly...

Can you make out the face now forming in the clouds? This is now right above me...

For about 45 minutes the clouds morphed and shaped. All the while the energy was transforming. Can you make out the powerful arm of the Anu now removing the tech?...

After about an hour, all was complete. I bowed in gratitude and headed back to near Tashi Lhunpo, where I am staying. It's 180 degrees in the opposite direction...

The Team formed (what looked a degree like) an open hand in the clouds above the monastery.

"Great work everyone!!"

<<< Open 💎

PS - and on the way back, I saw some tremendous synchronicity about the healing between the Annunaki (Now Anu) and the Andromedans. I've long suspected the Old Annunaki were a breakaway "fork" from the Andromedans.

In reply to by Open


After completing my update above (before dawn), I was guided out to a beautiful spot, up behind the monastery, for the most sublime morning meditation. It was deeply moving - a peak experience - as the sun came up over the "Andromedan Mountain Range"...

It feels like we can definitely say, the Andromedan energy has been restored over the Shigatse area.

The next mission?...To find a great place to have a morning coffee!!

Bright blessings to all.
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

it took me some days to get the message from the dreams and check the website to find out that Openhand is in Tibet...! 
When reading through the journal, feels like a thrilling adventure, and that sense of Home-coming with the latest experiences from the monastery seems to be palpable. Thanks for sharing from the mountain range. 

What stands out strongly for me is reaching the "Base-camp" metaphor. Within the dynamics of the Shift, I've been often hearing you saying - In the spiritual circles we just reached the base-camp, but now there is a mountain to climb... So it was illuminating to hear about the actual experiences you had in the base camp and than (rhetorical) question that follows>

I prayed to Gaia and to Everest - what do you feel about this? What's your response?  

Tuning in with Gaia, there is sadness (probably well reflected in rain and snow); feeling the lack of respect, or rather lack of sensitivity within humans. And with that there is also a recognition of some sort and connection that wants to be formed. Saying something like - people have awakened at least to a degree of being able to touch the "Base-camp". Can someone please communicate with them, that it is just the beginning of the (spiritual) climb?

Somewhere beneath the surface level of let's do this together, there is simply the feeling of being overwhelm. Like a burden that wants to be let go of, even though there is still some hope that this "burden" will actually transform and start honouring (mountain) Life on Earth...🤞🌍

And one more reflection that wants to be echoed in relation to the latest journey, pylon and incoming of the Andormedan frequencies...

What do you think they (the Tall Whites) are trying to suppress?!

I feel that the suppression in this moment is actually just about there own demise - as synthetic beings. It's coming to an end and by now, they are very well aware of the trajectory. In echoing their presence in this post, I just want to empathise with those aspects that are in the constant alert due to your journey to release their need of hiding...

Even-though it comes out in a very distorted and colonising way when it comes to natural habitats - Tall Whites tend to be serving as some sort of the shield for Andromedan energy. I would see it reflected through the shadow aspect as the (over)attachment to purity. 

It feels like enough of the (Soulful) sensitivity has been stirred through the pilgrimage to form the bridge, surpassing any type of the (old) indoctrination. Maybe this can be invitation for some cleansing and rejuvenation also within the landscapes of Gaia and her mountain ranges. 🏞

Best wishes for the rest of the journey 🙏



In reply to by miha


This is fascinating in many ways Miha - thanks so much for tuning in.

Yes, we each have the internal "Everest" to begin to climb ahead of us - it's the perfect metaphor - including the fact that there are five mountains in the range, and plenty of different routes through them.

I haven't had much of an empathic connection with the Tall Whites thus far - I guess that will come. Yes, definitely, they have blocked the Andromedan frequencies.

Much love
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


This is what I'm getting which may be just a part of the total but it's what I'm being shown is the priority.

The fortress and the pyramid seem clear to me.

When I look at the first panoramic view, I can see lemurian crystalline mountains in the upper right background.  It seems they are meant to support and (communicate is the word I'm getting) to the mountains and to aid in holding the overall vibration.  The pylon is blocking and suppressing this process.  It seems like there's a way to block the frequency of the pylon by creating a barricade so it transmits back on itself or maybe there's some other way neutralize it.  

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thanks for the amazing photos and report. The distant then the close up views and cloud photos convey so much. I am struck by the pyramid reflection in the water, where you see the two bases together, then the "opposite" arrangement of two pyramids in the foreground, maybe a fountain/ornament (?) where the shape is two pyramids with points together. Something felt cleared and open when I saw that.

Yes, I see the arm and the hand in the clouds, and as for the face, I think it looks like you with your white pointed beard 😁

Much love on your travels,

Tilly ❤️ 


14/08/2024: Tibet Update: Himalayas - You'd be Shocked!

Thanks so much for tuning in Openhanders 🙏 

All of your feedback is so on-point. And receiving those feedback loops provides a massive sense of uplifting support, because I can tell you, this is far from easy travelling here. Here's my photo journal to Everest, the "Roof of the World",  and then back to Shigatse. Prepare to be shocked!

The road to Everest (and all across the Himalayas in Tibet), is rapidly becoming a thoroughfare for business and tourism. The simulation is spreading its tentacles far and wide...

There's construction happening everywhere. This is highly symbolic - a deliberate attempt to stop the 5D pedestrians ascending? (is that a 4D cross?!)...

There are pylons across the mountains everywhere, sometimes in rows four abreast. They look just like an army of ETs landing from outer space (just a metaphor?!)...

They're even over the high sacred passes. It's such a powerful metaphor of the "Tall Whites"...

Surely things will get better as we enter the Everest National Park, which is "ecologically protected"?

Phew, some stunning, unspoiled skylines!...

The Gwalu Pass - Everest is in the distance. It's down through the final pass...

I'm down in the base of the final pass now. How do you think we make it to Everest Base Camp...trekking, ponies, riding on Yaks? 

No... there's an "eco-friendly" bus station, for the plentiful tourists who want to visit. And it's not missed on me, that all the "high" tech that helps them get there, is bringing in blocking energy too...

And finally, here's Everest Base Camp - the tourist one! The mountaineer's version is a couple of hundred meters up the pass...

This caused a huge amount of reflection. Especially when the young visitors, with their ghetto blaster, began raving into the night - whilst carrying oxygen bottles (no joke!!)...

I prayed to Gaia and to Everest - what do you feel about this? What's your response? It was a deep, emotional, releasing meditation, complete with ear-plugs, to the "boom, boom, boom" of the ghetto blaster, as it thumped into the night.

Gaia's response? It started to honk it down with rain, and then snow, which brought the rave to a swift end!!

The next morning, there's stillness in the frosty air. The harmonious gong of the monastery resonates deep in the heart, and through the mountains. It felt like something ancient had been reactivated...

I would say this though..."Why do so many young tourists want to come here? Even if they do rave? Could that be key to forming a bridge to their awakening?" Probably it's a question of softening any judgment as to how the awakening can more widely spread.

And now, on the route back, you could palpably feel the awakening of an ancient dragon energy, that is getting ready to roar!!

All the way back, I was given to weave aligned Draconian energy, to pushing back the ET intervention frequencies.

There are some advantages to technology of course. We must harness the best of it. Would you believe it - after all the exhausting work... "mine's a coconut maccha latte" at 5000 metres!!!

Finally, this is on the way back to Shigatse, where I'm now posting from. It is the Gatsola pass. Suddenly, the visions are flooding in - of people trekking across one of the Exdous routes into Nepal. I could feel my past-life here. I couldn't stop the tears welling up.

Shigatse feels like the home I used to know. Everything is flooding in. Even the place I used to live.

A huge healing is happening here. And a huge activation. We're getting ready for a new "Exodus".

With much love and well wishes to all.

<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Thank you for the amazing update! 

When I woke this morning, my immediate thought was ‘dragon’ and I sensed a strong dragon energy. My very next thought that came was just one word: ‘Draco’. On reading your update, it’s clear how far reaching the work is that you’re doing. 

What an amazing journey. 


14/08/2024 Tibetan Pilgrimage Update:

Thankyou so much for tuning in folks - beautiful to hear your feedback. ♥️🙏

Yes Erica - the Everest "Base Camp" - about anchoring into the base chakra here, so as to receive the higher dimensionals - they have presented to come in. However, this space has been held for aeons by other beings, the Bodisatva Guardians and the elementals - notice the elemental rock being in my picture being very welcoming? To the right...

So there needed to be an invitation and an anchoring. Also the Dracos were helping greatly in that regard, and have been all through this region - so necessary considering the spread of the simulation energies here.

It was a fascinating night for sure. I was in a shared cabin/tent, with about 12 other people, some Chinese, some Tibetan, and some European. It was noisy, energetically mish-mash, there was cooking in the middle (definitely not vegan!), there were mobile phones going off, or texts coming in, oxygen cylinders blasting. Fortunately though, I had a good blindfold, good ear-plugs, and my rainbow obsidian stone - only nothing gets past that!

Around about midnight, they all eventually energetically quietened down, and so the dreamtime could commence - connecting widely through the area on multiple levels. At one point, the rain started, and continued most of the night, which has been very cleansing - very welcome. 

I can tell you that amongst the energetic mish-mash down here, there was a beautiful convergence "up there":   
Elders of the area; Andromedans, Arcturians, Lyrians (including their Dragons); the Pleiadians, and I could feel the Venusians there too. Even Bigfoot made an appearance, (in the ether), bounding across the mountains! There were probably others too, but they were the ones I could mainly tune into.

The energies progressively harmonised, and lowered through the ether, until their presence here was strong. As the others slept, an veritable orchestral ensemble was happening all around them, which persisted throughout the night. For all those tuning in, I'm given to share this piece of music, "Night on a Bare Mountain" by Mussorgsky - except it wasn't so bare! 

Do take some quality time to watch it. Tune into the sense of what's going on. Feel the multidimensional ensemble coming together. Which multidimensional groups, in which "sections", do you feel being ushered in?...

It's morning time here now. There's already much racket as people stir. But in the ether, all is harmonious, joyous, steadfast, and powerful!

For-Ever-Rest Indeed!!  
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I played the music and felt like meditating while thinking: hm, never tried to meditate to such music before. Definitely strong dragon activity going on here and much fell into place within just the first ten minutes. Since last week I've been seeing an enormous black dragon in my third eye wherever I am, although as with all of them (at least as far as I see them) their coloration is unlike colors as we perceive them, and a better description would be: a void dragon. Not sure why I was seeing it, it didn't seem to communicate as the others did, just... hanging around exuding powerful energies. Two days ago it was joined by a white/light one and I understood: Yin Yang. Does this mean Draco and Lyrian, or Lyrian Dragon? I have no idea if and how this is a difference and at this moment I feel no need to inquire.

I also cast my runes a few days ago and they told me of a gift wrapped in destruction. At the time I took it to apply to my personal life but after this meditation it is increasingly clear: we're all in for a big ride people! Draco/Lyrian or Lyrian Dragon: a floodgate is opening, a soul frequency is strengthening, unreachable energies are becoming reachable: no matter what metaphor you prefer, something is about to go down!

In reply to by Open


I realised that for the past 2 days I’ve been seeing 11:11 all the time. I see 11:11 regularly but right now it’s happening all the time which tells me that what’s happening in Tibet is part of the great awakening. I feel that there will be a ripple effect from the epicentre there that will reach more people who will switch on and become awakened. 

Has anyone else been seeing 11:11 a lot the past few days too?

In reply to by Open


No doubt the energy is completely different after you worked the field but from the picture aside from removing oppresive, dense energies, the area needs to be re-energized, awakened and uplifted.  It needs lots of fresh energy like when you shake a rug out or open the windows of a house to let it air out and bring in fresh energy.  And for some reason, I keep being taken back to the monument that honored the liberation you showed at the begininning of your trip.  You may have already dealt with it but I saw a hand and arm that was surppressing, dampening and holding energies down.  To me, it felt like it's meant to affect individual souls more so than Gaia or the torus overall.  It felt like it contained some technology enabling it to broadcast some type of subtle but potent frequency that affects the region rather than an implant that disrupts or diverts the torridal flow.

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

I will try and verbally describe what I am being shown of what is going on. The music was very evocative of multiple groups orchestrating a lightening flash . Lightening occurs at the intersection of positive and negative ions. I am “seeing” storm clouds gathering above the mountain -symbolic of the war that’s occurring . Until now they weren’t enough “positive “ ions ( Read Benevolent ones ) and now that there are ,the friction is going to cause lightening -I am seeing it go through the mountain and activate ancient codes in Gaias core . And that is going to get things moving . Really moving . 

In Ancient india there is a legend about the oceans being churned by opposing groups of gods and demons that cause the sea to split and amrit ( = Immortality serum ) being extracted from the depths of the ocean. For some reason that comes to mind .

As always do forgive any inaccuracies : I am just trying to describe the piece I am seeing . I am sure there are many many aspects I am not .

Deep Bow . This is sure to get things underway . The very foundations of the matrix will now be shaken - literally  and metaphorically .

 It is time . 



Thank you for sharing your journey. 

What came through was quite scattered until I looked again at the picture of you at the base camp and in some way you appeared as the stillness within the toroidal  flow… I have to smile as the root chakra was anchoring through the base (camp) literally! Then Mt Everest felt like For Ever rest….

The word Lynch has been floating around which in itself is very heavy through all the perceived associations. Then the work yoke came through followed closely by Anointing which is associated with burden removing, yoke destroying power that delivers to set captives free….

Even though it is a still picture of you, I can feel the movement and the clouds above where light is breaking through the mountain tops… a release occurring, a balance of light with dark then I saw the picture of you and the gent appreciating the light and dark beards where your shapes appear to form a heart encapsulating yin and yang Qi energies. A last thought is Lapis Lazuuli 

Wonderful journey! 

With gratitude 






13/08/2024 Tibetan Pilgrimage: Everest Base Camp

I was wondering where to anchor all that Infusion of Multidimensional energy that's been happening here. I thought it might be the Holy Mount Kailash, which was in my heart. However, the Team directed me to Mount Everest, and its range of 5 mountains (big clue in that one!). After a very long journey today, I arrived at dusk time. I can already say there's a massive battle going on here in the ether, and on the ground, so I was called to waste no time. Mount Everest is in the mist in the background...

The energy is massive here - just as you'd expect from the mountains. But the convolutions of the simulation are massive too. I bet you're wondering how I uploaded this post? It's because in my sweet cabin, I have complimentary wifi and even a mobile phone link!! It's just the thin end of the wedge, that's the problem, that I unexpectedly encountered on my way here.

However, the energy coming in is strong and the support great. This was earlier in the day, with Everest between us in the background in the mist, and much energy coming in. Can you see the Yak? Yak energy is strong, and as I got closer, a hug Yac in the clouds was sitting right on top of the mountain. Explore, see what you see, and do share, because there's simply masses going on here...

He was fascinated with my beard, so I empathised!

I don't feel there's going to be much sleep here tonight, with everything that's moving!

All you empathic people out there, do share your feelings and feedback - as you do, it helps enormously and I feel you with me.

Not sure when the next post will come, so bright blessings.

<<< Open ♥️🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

It's really fascinating to know about your tibetan journey and the Yak energy. Yesterday I happened to visit a tibetan gift shop here at a nearby monastery. My attention was drawn directly to a pack of incense named 'Lhasa' and later on to a yak toy! First time I'm seeing those here. It was white as snow just like the one you shared but not with nose rings. First I thought should I buy this or not. Later I red your post this morning and felt somehow everything connected. An invitation to work with yak energy. Who doesn't want to embody that level of steadfastness? Are they connected with the original humans? Because I also feel subtle connections with them also. An inquiry to hold. I'm curious...

Thank you for sharing

Much ❤️ 


In reply to by Open


Hi Open.

I'll glad you're enjoying yourself up there on Everest base camp. It's been in my thoughts a lot the last couple of months. Glad you made your way there without too much trouble ( I would have love to have come too). Well, admittedly my kneecaps wouldn't have been ready so it's probably going to be next year. I see insectoid groups in the clouds. We don't seem to talk about them much but I've sensed them on and off as of late. i would establish clear boundaries with the beard whisperer if I were you! Have a lovely time. Blessings.🙏

In reply to by Open


Incredible journey, and your own steadfastness is admirable. I remembered your connection to Tibet; you have many mountains to climb it seems. Yesterday's photos were pretty mind-blowing. What stood out most was how in the first photo, the clouds seemed imbued with subtle greens and violets, like the colours the woman beside you was wearing. Then the elephant in the pic where you spoke of heavy energies. There was also a sitting Buddha. A man who seemed to be sucking energy in the dam photo. The eagle i saw here showed up too. The most heartening was the pic with the 2 angelic beings and the 3 whales. No doubt you're highly supported.

Seeing you work those energies is awe-inspiring. There's so much going on in the second pic, but I see your yak, another whale, and someone's smiling down on you. Best wishes to you! barb 🙏

In reply to by Open


The dragon energy is clear in those clouds… it’s huge! I see various different beings including a cat-like creature and a wolf?

In the base camp photo I had an instant feeling and the word that came to mind was resistance, and the intervention. Not sure if that’s what’s happening there or not but it’s the first time I’ve had a feeling about something that’s been shared here so would be interested to know if that’s what’s happening. 

Your journey has been fascinating and I look forward to your updates each day. 

All the best,



12/08/2024 Tibet Pilgrimage - Adventurous Travels

It was high time to get out of the city and into the vastness of the stunning countryside that Tibet is celebrated for. My agent out here hooked me up with a small group, heading in what I felt was the right direction. It turned out that two of the group are lightworkers. You just can't plan these things!...

We'd be on the road all day, heading south, first destination being the stunning Yamdroktso turquoise lake, and known as one of the most holy in Tibet - you're not even allowed to bathe in it!...

Remember I said a lot of earth-bound souls had been released in Lhasa? Released from attachment to the old dogmas, but still unsure where to go? The lake provided the perfect solution. I was given to connect with the Bhodisattva Guardians and create an ascending portal for releasing souls in the area. Can you see the guardians coming in on the clouds?...

Back on the road, one of my absolute pleasures would be to connect with a Yak! Sadly, this one was being exploited for tourist attraction, so I offered some empathic compassion, and in return, the Yak offered me some steadfastness for the ongoing work. Beautiful creature!!...

Next, it's up the Karola Pass. How it reminded me of the Llanberis pass in Snowdonia, where we do the DIVINICUS retreat. Now I know why I've loved Wales so much...

Some while later, it's time for a lunch "pit-stop", at this traditional Tibetan restaurant. Where I got some rice, Tibetan cabbage, spinach (for those leg muscles!) and even Tofu to replace the Yak meat (who could possibly eat such a beautiful creature?!)...

Onwards and upwards along the pass, until this stunning experience - the Karola Glacier, 7000m up, and the energy is just off the scale...

I sat to meditate, and it felt like the Glacier swept me up in its 'arms' - it was the peak experience of the trip thus far. Tears of joy flowed. It felt like coming home...

Everywhere, such warm-hearted and friendly people...

Now it's further along the pass, opening channels of light as we travel, with the weather flashing through the seasons. All the while, the energy is building and accelerating, until we hit upon this hydroelectric plant - dam, what a blockage! We did our best...

Further and further on, the energies and connections building by the mile. We came across monasteries, like the Baiju Temple at Gyatse. What a fascinating place. It's where the Tibetans halted a British invasion, before the Chinese "Liberation". I don't consider myself a "Brit", but some energetic reparations were applicable in the ether. How the rain poured!...

Back on the road and the rain quickly clears, as new energies are sweeping our minibus off its wheel and up onto wings of light - I'm not kidding!! You could palpably feel strong infusions coming in from higher dimensional groups, following the flows. They were strong, pushing back any intervention blocking energies...

For several more hours, I was glued to the skies, as they wove a story of connection, convergence and celebration. The Star Beings are gathering. I've felt several groups, who do you sense?...

We concluded a phenomenal day, shattered but exhilarated, at Shigatse, home of the stupendous Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. Our hotel is just a short walk away. Some Openhanders will already know the significance of this place (which I'll share in due course). And yes, Megha, Madame Blavatsky was the first to greet me in my hotel room shortly after arrival!!...

This was always going to be the number 1 destination on my list. It's where Blavatsky channeled the DK consciousness, which led to so much interpretation and translation of ancient mysticism. I'm already tremendously moved to be here. However, the Team are telling me there's one more essential destination, to first anchor all these infusing Star Being Groups. They're literally zooming around in the ether here!!

I wonder where they might be anchored? It's sure to be somewhere mountainous!

Bright blessings to all tuning in. Do work to feel it, because this is becoming an epic journey!

<<< Open 💎


Thank you,Open, for sharing this journey.  It is really speaking to me, bringing some needed clarity.  I just returned from a trip through Greece.  Silly me, to think I could just go on ‘vacation’!  While I did enjoy the sights and experiences, there was a bit of disconnect for lack of a better word.  I thought I’d feel more enthusiasm and connection.  I’m so used to living my quiet, high vibe Sedona life, that I wasn’t prepared for the energetic onslaught of Greece in July.

As I toured the ancient sites, I became so aware of how so much of human history, and the historic monuments are based on war and conquest, or as religious monuments.  I really felt that I was living in two worlds, just relaxing and  enjoying the magical and beautiful places I was visiting.  But there was this strange, disconnect.   I thought maybe it was just me, that I was tired from travel and the heat and crowds, and then remembered all that you’ve shared during your travels.

There was a temptation to make things wrong.  Last time I travelled, a number of years ago, things were not so crowded.  It seems that travel is so much more available to more people, and especially during the summer it was unbelievably packed.  But I especially noticed the almost hypnotically driven energy of everyone, and the weary energy of the shopkeepers and restaurant staff.

My last stop was to the island my grandfather came from.  I wanted to connect and look for any distant relatives I still had in the village there.  As soon as I arrived, I wanted to leave.  It turns out, this island, with it’s amazing beaches, is a big destination for people from Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria.  All these places have a lot of dark history.  The bloody and violent Serbian war ended just 25 years ago. I saw all the families, some multi-generational family groups, all playing and laughing and enjoying the beach and each other.  I realized that most of the parents and grandparents had lived the difficult history of those places.

It took me a bit to realize the energetic push back I was feeling, and then I was able to just hold an energy of compassion, renewal and healing for the families I saw there.

The other thing was all the ruins, with some artifacts from as far back as 3000BC—roughly 5000 years ago, which is when the age that ended in 2012 began!  It didn’t hit me till I got home that I was standing right there, looking at the history of the age from beginning to end.  No wonder my energy was wonky and I was so tired!

I haven’t figured out how the Greek pantheon figures into the story. Insights anyone?  I haven’t done any studying or research there.

Being home now, I’m taking time to sort through the feelings, allowing more information to come through.  I wasn’t energetically able to do the work that Open did, but I realize that I was doing work just by my presence and awareness.

Thank you again, Open, for sharing your Tibet experience.  See you in September, and great love and blessings to all.  Meredith


11/08/2024 Tibet Pilgrimage Update

In the dreamtime the other evening, I was made aware of some old Annunaki technology in the 4D ether, that was waiting to be removed from inside the Portala Palace. I wasn't sure I'd get in, but fortunately, I have some good agents here, who managed to get me a permit - what a blessing to be able to go inside...

It's a long way up! I've been suffering somewhat from altitude sickness here, so I've been fasting and feeling pretty sluggish - but being able to ascend the palace felt so monumental, the energy helped me up the 13 stories...

You're not allowed to photograph inside, and there's CCTV everywhere, but here's a snap of the top I managed to grab from "behind the veil"...

Inside, what to say? This was the residence of the current Dalai Lama before his exile, and you can get a sense of it by watching the movie Seven Years in Tibet (where you'll also get a very different view of the "peaceful liberation"!). It's ordained with meditation/prayer rooms, arrays of Golden Buddhas, and a vast intricate 3D mandala construction. In one way, it's everything you might consider it to be - devotional to the divine.

But, (and I have to be a degree guarded here on what I might say)...

I found the energy unbearably heavy, such that with each step through the rooms, my gait was getting heavier and heavier, as if carrying lead weights. Firstly, it's clearly been greatly "amended" since the original times, to render a more "politically correct" modern-day Chinese view. But it was also full of dense and decrepit energies, which hadn't been cleared - even other visitors were frequently sneezing to release energy. That's not to mention the feeling-sense of embedded 4D technology.

I was supported by an interdimensional group, including the evolved Anu, who located the old tech to be released - of which there were several elements. It was very complex and intricate. As I've reported at places like this before, there's the feeling of lower deification, but blocking energies that stop you opening fully into the crown chakra, and so limits the full divinity that one is able to attain. And the sense of worshipping devotion, by being encouraged to place these icons on pedestals, you can clearly see, causes devotees to lose their soul-sovereignty. 

It's something I've gone into in depth in the new Openhand book, Resurrection.

I was in there for some time, and I can readily say, that with the help of various benevolent etheric groups, including the Anu, the old 4D technology was removed. But it was hard work - it felt like carrying energetic lead weights, and I needed some time to breathe fresh air and release the energy after emerging from the inner rooms...

It was mentioned by Megha in another post, that an Andromedan group had showed up, keen to "get in on the act". Indeed, I felt them very clearly afterwards, which felt wonderfully reflected in this cloud formation on my way back to the hotel...

Having fasted for a couple of days now, and feeling totally drained by the work, I definitely needed some sustenance. The trouble is, how to communicate in Chinese you only want vegan food? Fortunately, I found some superlative help at a small restaurant on the way back. A friendly chineses family who, with great patience, much humour and intrigue at this curious Englishman, and with some translational tech, I managed to get a good vegan meal. At one point, the chef was even bringing the ingredients from the kitchen for me to approve. How funny - thanks guys, you are warm, generous and lovely people!....

Today I'm heading out of Lhasa, southward, and the calling of an ancient monastery, which was massive in the emergence of the "New Age" philosophies. I'm quietly excited.

Bright blessings to all tuning in.
<<< Open 💎


11/08/2024 Tibet Pilgrimage Update

I knew this was going to be a very personal ride here in Tibet, however, the invitation to work with group and field energies arose quickly, and took me by surprise (I guess foolishly!). So I quickly turned into the process and that of divine service. I can only share glimpses right now, given the sensitivity of the situation, and where I happen to be. But I think you'll pick up the gist...

It's abundantly obvious just why Lhasa has been such an important energetic convergence through the centuries. It is surrounded by spectacular mountains, and (what would have been) the original village rising on a mound in the middle - the perfect place to build and harness energy...

My hotel is on the edge of "town", which is now a vast sprawling metropolis...

This is the "Monument to the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet". Ouch, that made my stomach tighten. and I know I must carefully guard my words here, considering where I am. I wonder what the million or so Tibetans who were "peacefully liberated" might have had to say about that?...

It quickly became clear there were many earth-bound sounds, attached to this place (around the original walled city), whom I was asked to work with. It came in the form of a devotee, prostrating himself all around the palace...

So I made for the gates and discovered there was a path all the way around the Palace, protected by security, but with the public allowed in. Synchronistically there were a couple of women in traditional Tibetan dress emerging from the Palace - that's what it was to become about...

Part of the way around, I was given to meditate at a nicely high energetic spot, and there to create a bridge between the Tibetan elders in the ether, and earth-bound souls connecting to the palace...

The problem with some of the ancient practices, which I say respectfully, is the dogma attached to them. Traditionals were looking at me strangely as I made the circle-ambulation. I realised it was because the traditional way is to go clockwise around the grounds, and to spin the prayer-wheels (around the whole circumference!) in a clockwise direction.

The problem is, this creates a downward descending spiral, which does anchor in higher energies. But it doesn't balance, and connect in, the energies of the Torus that are ascending in an anti-clockwise direction. So despite the curious looks, I continued to balance the Toroidal flow.

It most definitely was the right approach, and a few of the youngsters were more open-minded about it!

Later on, in the dreamtime, I traveled the whole area, with the higher dimensionals and plentiful dragon energy. I could feel eaons of trapped souls and energy, ready to be released. It was quite shattering, moving that density, creating pathways of emergence.

This morning, after the quite shattering work, the clouds from my hotel window most definitely reflected the release of souls...

However, right now, they still feel pretty lost, and so I know the pathway ahead to other locations is meant to act as an ascending pathway to the whole region - that's the scope of the benevolent mission that's gathering here right now.

Gulp! And here's me thinking it was going to be just a gentle pilgrimage!

Thanks for tuning in everyone - I could most definitely use the energetic support.
<<< Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Dear Open, 

I dreamt last night that there is a gift waiting for you in a small space (looks like the King's chamber in a pyramid). I think it was the Andromedans reaching out. Fascinating travels and I can feel the scattering of the earth bound souls now along with the unravelling of dense energy. The Andromedans are waiting in the wings to get in on the action, is my sense. 

The Crown is getting active! 

Deep Bow 


In reply to by iamdurga


You're spot on Megha. There is indeed a meditation chamber of the original king, underneath the Lhasa palace. And this was where some of the old 4D tech was. Yes, the Earth-bound souls are scattering - I'm being shown they need to be given some direction. And yes, the Andromedans have arrived in support.

It's suddenly got very intriguing for sure!

Many thanks for your reflective insights.

Much love and well wishes
<<< Open ♥️

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

Here is what I am getting -forgive me for inaccuracies . The mandalas ,the expression was originally an energetic transmission . Over time ( and Intervention ) it became precisely the opposite - steeped in rather stolid, tiredly traditional, isolated fragmented deification of the mandala itself ( they are twittering with humour at it ) . The subsequent umm…liberation was a “kick in the pants “ to wake up a formerly pure transmission lost in fragmentation. It was fiery because that was what was needed to jump start the next phase ( of which we are part ). The fragmentation and the re-unification were both inevitable (  I feel a lot of grief coming up at the last bit ) 

In my own Self ,Open, I am experiencing extremely strong emotional storms . I am working almost constantly to stay with the emotions which are all over the place . I am at once victim and abuser ,tyrant and abused . And simultaneously in a process that is lost on my waking mind ,something new is streaming in ( also firing off all the density in lower self ) . There is so much happening internally that without the Bow I would be lost . I read about what you said about transitioning from Anu to Andromedan . It rings true though I am still doing the work in the trenches and not capable of looking up as yet .

The activation of the Crown and the connection “from above to below” is what needs to be modelled to Gaia . I don’t know what that means exactly ,but that’s what I am being shown . 

Deep Bow to you on your travels . Do tip my hat to Madam Blavatsky . She is waiting for you there . 





10/08/2024 Tibet Pilgrimage Update

It's my first day here in Tibet, in the capital Lhasa. And since the weather is so spectacular, how could I miss out on the energy of the old walled city, known as Potala Palace, named after Mount Potalaka, the mythical abode of the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. It was the winter home of the Dalai Lama, before his exhile. Now it's a museum and a massive tourist attraction.

In fact I've been shocked at just what a busy metropolis Lhasa has become. Naievely, I thoughtI'd still be walking along stone and dirt tracks - in my dreams maybe!

The weather is amazing right now, and even though the face of the red dragon looms over the square, I can feel the connection to Lyran dragons all around - connecting to the mountains and most beautifully metaphored in the clouds.

It promises to be a fascinating trip for sure. The hand of the simulation is very strong here, but so too is that of the ancient spiritual energies. I trust that's what I'll discover on my pilgrimage here.

Bright blessings 
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I see a dragon in the first, and a kiss hovering above another dragon in the second, with some of those joyful 'brain' clouds that are starting to look more like manatees lately. What was interesting was the 'mountain' cloud I saw here today, from which an eagle ascended. Seems like there's going to be some magic happening over there in those mountains, despite all that interference. Have a magical, transcendent pilgrimage! barb🙏