Planetary Balance of Power Shifting

What might the result of the US election tell us about powerful shifts of energy going on in the multidimensional field around us? In this podcast episode, I cover how the reactivation of Gaia's Torus, and a breakdown of the Simulation Shadow, have been instrumental in catalysing a wave of freedom and sovereignty on the surface of the 3D. Most importantly, my considerations are designed to help you realise the marvellous effects of tireless and selfless lightworker efforts in the planetary field.
Meditation question
Really enjoyed the new video. It’s great for people new to the work and as a recap for those not so new.
I do have a meditation-related question. Last night I was listening to the kundalini meditation. At the point I started working on the base chakra, I felt an immediate pain in my third eye. When I moved to the sacral, the pain disappeared until I moved on to the third eye chakra. Could this be indicative of an implant?
When I was in the relaxation phase of the meditation, I reached the abdomen and saw a pylon. I wondered if this also indicated an implant or if something else was going on.
Any thoughts would be gratefully received 🙏
Old implant technology
In reply to Meditation question by NikkiNoo
Hi Nikki,
Yes, I would say the pylon relates to some fixed rigidity - some anchoring between lower and higher - some internal 4D technology, plugging you into an old energy source that needs removing.
That's sure to happen in the work ahead - you're already becoming conscious of it.
Well wishes
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Tremendous Supportive Feedback Loop For Lightworkers 🪽
My Dear Friends, whatever side of the political divide you may be, and even if you balance wisely on the fence, I believe we can point to the outcome of the US election and see it as a pivotal bellwether of life on the planet. How so?
In recent times, lightworkers in this movement, and around the world, have been having major successes in confronting the shadow elements that govern the planetary simulation, and to cause it to wobble, crack and break open. It's happened in three key ways: 1) We've helped restore the Toroidal Flow of Gaia; 2) This enabled us to activate the Dragon Leylines and usher in the Dragon Nations to support an acceleration of her Torus; 3) This precipitated a confrontation with the base layer of the Intervention, the Council of Nine, and to fracture it apart.
What this has done, is to create a strong opening in the field for greater sovereignty and personal freedoms to emerge - the energy itself is actively encouraging and supporting that - stimulating it. That's why I simply knew the outcome of the election would unfold as it did. Not because the field favours one political party or another; not because one is right and the other wrong. It's because on balance, the shift in power favours that movement that is the reflection of this greater opening for freedom and sovereignty. What irony!
I realise I walk on thin ice here, for many an intellect. But bear with me a while longer. The crucial synchronistic pointer in all of this, was RFK, having to cross the house in order just to gain a platform to speak freely. As a lifelong Democrat, a man of honour and integrity, whose forefathers have stood for democracy and freedom, who has actively taken on racketeering and cronyism by big corporations and the intelligence services in government, the only way he could get to the podium, was by crossing the house. His own 'democratic' party efforted tooth and nail to censor and shut him down.
You have to ask, why? What have they got to hide? What are they so afraid of?
This is not freedom. This is not encouraging sovereignty. This isn't even democratic!
What irony that he was embraced with open arms by the other side of the house. To me, that speaks volumes.
Let's be clear, I'm NOT saying this is some kind of perfect outcome. The two-party approach to politics, with so much corporate investment, will always be flawed. But to me, as we currently stand within consciousness and the world, this represents the right effect of those field changes I'm speaking of.
I've expressed this more fully in the podcast I've just recorded linked below. I believe light and energy workers might join the dots through it, see what this shift actually represents, and quietly celebrate. Because it represents a powerful feedback loop of the changes happening at a macro level. After many years toiling away unseen and often unrespected, this is objective field validation for all of that sterling work.
You are awesome! You are seen! You are cherished! You are loved!
Do check out our latest podcast above, and please do share you feelings in commentary below.
Bright blessings
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