Dragon Nations Win The Day In Fight For Planetary Freedom
The US election was never about politics, and no matter how the mud got slung on character, at least with the winner, what you see is what you get. Rather that than the forked-tongued at the teleprompter, with strings pulled by unseen shadowy masters. The victory was far from perfect, but it's a crucial step in the right direction - that of increasing sovereignty and freedom for regular people, the popular vote. The spiritual realms are quietly celebrating, because the Dragons saved the day for Democracy. How exactly?
Draining the Swamp
Humanity may never know just how close we came to losing planetary democracy. It seems millions were hoodwinked into voting for increased censorship; vote rigging by importing illegals; escalating big-corporation involvement in politics; manipulation of consciousness through social media; degenderisation of the human body; escalating sickness and poverty; trumped-up legal cases and bungled assassination attempts. The wool has been severely pulled. But, fortunately, enough saw past the delusions.
And to be clear, the US election has been a crucial bellwether for planetary freedom: the backbone of the quasi-communist, worldwide takeover, has been cracked apart, and severely pushed back.
Plenty may dislike the victor. Some will say he's brash and egotisitical at times - but in an imperfect world of profit and loss, dog-eat-dog, winner and loser, it's often someone of that kind of ebullient character that's necessary to get a difficult breakthrough done. No doubt, plenty of corporations have their fat fingers in that pie too. Will we ever see the full truth? But a crucial indicator for me was RFK, being forced to abandon the party of his forefathers, including JFK, because his own party fought tooth and nail to keep him out of the news and off the podium. Democratic? Ironically, he would probably have been their best chance of winning!
Why couldn't they stand an RFK victory?
For anyone doubting the power of this vote, and RFK crossing the house to support the new regime, his courageous shift speaks volumes. Pay close attention - because actions speak far louder than words.
It's because he speaks passionately about draining the swamp of racketeering and meddling in politics by the big corporations, and the intelligence agencies too. This is what Trump embraced - and so whatever you think of him, it speaks volumes for what he stands for too. Trump is clearly no angel. Like the other side, he aligns with dubious conflicts in the Middle East. Yes, he rolled out the bogus vaxx at warp speed - I can only imagine he was hoodwinked like billions of others. But on the whole, I do believe, what you see is what you get. And that's a breath of fresh air, stepping out from behind the veils of the puppetmaster's teleprompter.
Receive illuminating Shift Bulletins from the cutting edge...
Sovereignty and Freedom Win
Here's the crucial key: whatever you think of the person, based on past experience, Trump will likely deliver a wider window of greater freedom and sovereignty to the average person. The dollar in the regular pocket will likely strengthen, as opposed to being continually deflated. And, the 40% of Americans owning crypto will likely get to keep it - why not? It's an essential means of peer-to-peer exchange, beyond the grasping hands of the banksters.

I had the strong sense Trump was going to win. Why? (In fact, this article was written on November 5th, early UK time, before even a single voting result had been recorded). I was confident in this outcome because of strong shifts that have happened in the energy field since the summer. Namely, we've had a strong infusion of Dragon Energies across the planet. They helped kick-start Gaia's Torus. They're interrupted artificially amp-up hurricanes, designed to disrupt the election by spreading fear and havoc. There have been major confrontations of intervention shadow layers: a shrinking back for Ra; a splitting apart of the background layer held by the self-appointed Council of Nine, those who've mimicked the true Ascended Masters on Earth; those whose bogus channelings are still lauded in the spiritual mainstream.
Yes, the real victory has been in digging up the roots of the deep, deep-state.
When the Openhand energies confronted the self-appointed Council of Nine, and reduced the catastrophic impact of both the artificially amped-up hurricanes Helene and Milton, benevolence was laying down a gauntlet to the shadow...
"This is as far as you go. The balance of power on Planet Earth now shifts here in favour of freedom and sovereignty for the balance of sentient life. It's time to negate the oppression, meddling and interference. It's high time to level the playing field, for Gaia and Humanity to actively participate in the Shift to 5D. That begins now."
The Group of Nine.
The Balance of Power has shifted strongly. I knew it would. Because it's been shifted in the field. For that, we can all celebrate, no matter what side of the political divide you stand. It all began with the reactivation of the Dragon Leylines and the re-animating of Gaia's Torus.
Understand the Impact of Dragon Energy - How It's Shifting Balance of Power
The Quantum Energy Feedback Loop
This outcome is not a political one - and it's not about one group celebrating at the expense of another, 'lauding it up', because in actual fact, when the smoke clears, we are all clear winners. Only the shadow has lost. Although the odds in the Simulation were stacked against the victory of breakthrough, nevertheless, freedom and sovereignty won the day. And even though the causes began from the higher dimensional field, way beyond what most are yet able to perceive, nevertheless, the sense of peaceful rebellion cascaded down through the field, so the populist 3D voter could pick it up.
It teaches us in spiritual lightwork an invaluable lesson. What exactly?
There are plenty who've worked tirelessly behind the scenes over the years, off-the-radar, unsupported, unrespected. Yet selflessly worked the energy fields. This is where true change and transfromation begins from. It may take time to perculate downwards, but the expansion of consciousness this eventually activates, is the ONLY thing that can ever change a situation for the better.
Know that by this organisation, and by the real Ascended Master Team, you are seen, cherished, valued, and respected for everything that you are doing. This victory is a reflection of that breakthrough. To be clear, the shadow won't disappear in a flash. It is anyway, the outer reflection of the inner karmala (pardon the pun!) that people hold, which can only be processed away progressively, in layers.
We're not in the 5D paradigm yet. But this is a step in the right direction, that of greater freedom and sovereignty - which will have a powerful diminishing effect on the quasi-Marxist takeover, far and wide.
Letting Go Judgment And Polarisation
No doubt plenty of alternatives will point to Trump's shortcomings - that he's also influenced by the shadow. Some will always see the negative, rather than the possibility of positive. I say to you, you're projecting your own limitation of judgment, of polarity, 'this' and 'that' - you're seeing through your own identity filter: that of black and white. We must evolve past this limitation. When you only focus on the shadow, or fear it, that's all you create, all you manifest - you are in fact, reinforcing the shadow. Instead, work past 'this' and 'that' as judgments, in order to pick up the flow of rightness of the given situation.
I feel it down to my bones - this election outcome is simply 'right'. Not 'right' as in 'right and 'wrong', but rather it's in the flow of rightness. That's why I knew this would be the election outcome - even before it actualised.
However, it is not about lauding it - because it's not about the victory of one political party or person. Instead, we witness the powerful quantum-field feedback loops, coming into fruition, through what has happened here in the multidimensional field. After reactivation of Gaia's Torus, freedom and sovereignty have rippled through onto the surface, into the generality of consciousness, taken the populist vote, and triumphed to some strong degree.
As lightworkers,
let that feedback loop be our reflection.
Let it be our reward,
our recognition.
That is our validation.
So go out and celebrate. Quietly.
Beginning of the End
This election is not the end in itself. Instead, it is a crucial marker - not of the end of the shadow involvement on Planet Earth, but the beginning of the end.
We have been tremendously effective in opening up the field, by activating Gaia's Dragon Leylines and anchoring in this new infusion of Dragon Energies. In recent times, we've been tremendously effective in breaking the coherency of the Shadow, of dispensing with various entities and layers of intervention. The World is not yet free. BUT, most definitely, she is on the trajectory to freedom. To be clear, the election result will NOT secure that transformative process. Rather, it is the EFFECT of it.
So let's celebrate. Definitely NOT on one side of a political victory; BUT, the fact that we've empowered a tremendous feedback loop of benevolent support - we've channeled light into the field and anchored it on the Earth. We've broken apart the controlling quasi-Marxist shadow. Which has precipitated a greater opening of freedom for regular people.
I can feel it down to my bones. Can you look past the political divide, the black-and-white illusion of 'this' and 'that', and feel it too?
The light CAN win on this planet.
It WILL win.
Here we go.
Bright blessings
<<< Open đź’Ž
A bombshell, by the President-elect, for free speech đź’Ą
13/11/2024 Shift Bulletin - Greater Field Openness
I'm currently guiding an online RESURRECTION retreat, and I cam definitely report there's a greater opening in the field at large. What we have to understand, is that this planetary simulation is plugged into the psyche like blankets of cotton wool, that dim the senses, shut down multidimensionality, and divert people down spurious life pathways that bolster the simulation matrix. But now, those blankets of cotton wool strip away much more easily, and simultaneously, that precipitates a falling of those veils further afield.
I definitely feel the 'swamp' being cleared to some stronger degree.
Yesterday, I came across this video by a popular UK blogger, who, like Openhand, has struggled with online censorship due to him tackling the truth about the manipulations of the shadow in society. You have to understand this has been a major problem. During the time of the bogus pandemic, due to what I was calling and reporting, Openhand's web traffic was cut by over 90%!! At one point, I even wondered if we'd survive. It's only when you run a site like this that you realise just how controlling and manipulative the system is - just what a problem censorship is, and how that has been strangling planetary freedoms. As quoted in this video below: "If you don't have free speech, you don't have democracy."
The podcaster is quoting the New President, along with a raft of measures to clear out online censorship so we have more free speech on it once more. Take some time to watch, because what's being said here is monumental. I believe Trump fulfills on what he says he's going to do. So I'm definitely bolstered by what he's saying here...
Do let me know your thoughts.
<<< Open đź’Ž
flows of rightness
Now that the election is over, I can feel a sense of calm yet purposeful movement in the field. It's almost like soft dragon energy if that makes sense. It feels like distortions will start unraveling and previously hidden truths will come to light . I'm getting feedback loops that this is already starting to happen.
An opening up in the field after the election
In reply to flows of rightness by Ann B
Thanks for that feedback Ann - especially as you live in the US. đź‘Ť
I'm feeling a general opening in the field, and in some sectors, real exuberance and excitement. Just take a look at the effect in the world of crypto for example. Which I've always maintained was for greater freedom of connection peer to peer, and which the Biden administration used countless back-door and overt tactics to shut down these past four years.
Just in the week since the election result: Bitcoin up 30%; Ethereum up 38%; Dogecoin up 143%; Cardano 79%. And most are up large amounts since the election. It just goes to show what the market and general public think/feel.
But I'm also aware that the shadow is regrouping behind the scenes and I've since seen refleections of how it's already trying to influence the new leadership - a return to the good old Bible for example! Also machinations in various conflicts, like trying to maintain funding in the Ukraine - another artificially created war, which has increased poverty in many western countries, like the UK aswell, due to the inflationary effect on energy prices - which was clearly intentional by organisations such as the WEF. And I see the new Chief of Staff has some very questionable connections into the pharmaceutical industry.
As I said, it's not all black and white, good and bad. There are bound to be shades of grey. But definitely, the field feels more open, which is something I encourage us each to capitalise on, within our own evolutionary process.
Much love
Open 🙏
Thank you Open, that was a beautiful post. Planetary liberation is underway from tyranny. So many in other countries were also watching, hoping Americans would choose freedom over censorship and elite power over others. I wonder about things I've read in the past about the metaphysical splitting of the world as it feels like there are now two different realities on Earth, which I've not seen before. It's like we're not seeing the same thing and the duality is so sharp. I note that a lot of it comes from which media one chooses to consume, but I'm not sure how we can go on being in such different realities and see things in such opposite ways.
I would offer that those disappointed in the outcome watch, unfiltered by commentary, the hours-long rally for example in Trump's return to Butler, PA. It was filled with love, camaraderie, laughter, beautiful music and caring for the man who lost his life. I can attest to the feeling of togetherness, high vibrations and common bond of freedom and liberty being among the crowd at a Trump event.
This is never conveyed by mainstream media who for years only throw hate on him and those who support him. Question why? Are views your own from firsthand knowledge or formed by an elite threatened by him because they can't control him? Now with RFK Jr wanting to clean out the corruption in the food and pharma industry and make people healthy, I'm hopeful. But the severe duality of the split in realities of what people know and see continues to weigh on me. Thank you again for an inspiring post.
Let's be clear, only a wave of souls are truly going with Shift
In reply to Beautiful by Cindy (not verified)
Hi Cindy,
You say...
Mainstream media - who for years only throw hate on him (Trump) and those who support him. Question why? Are views your own from firsthand knowledge or formed by an elite threatened by him because they can't control him?
Indeed. I have to say I've been quite shocked, on this site, by views that can only have come from the media - a fakestream, one-sided media, bent on his destruction. Which has happened all over the world - including here in the UK. Now the fakestream are on the back foot, desperately trying to cover their tracks by finally offering a more balanced viewpoint. It's pure hypocrisy!
Then you say this...
But the severe duality of the split in realities of what people know and see continues to weigh on me.
Everyone needs to hoist on board exactly what is happening here....
2025 will now be a "Year of Acceleration", of consciousness, because the landscape has been softened for greater freedom of expression.
BUT, that's ONLY for those who actually go with the accelerated Shift - for those who take the opportunity.
Not everyone is ready to ascend, and will not be for hundreds of thousands of years - many more such cycles.
Only a wave is readying to ascend into the New Paradigm.
The key is to make sure you're on that wave.
Let go of the judgments - the fixedness with the Old Paradigm. Soften the being and go with the flow of soul.
Integrate soul multidimensionally.
Let this be the singular endeavour of every single day.
There is ONLY the process!
Much love
<<< Open đź’Ž
Selecting a Leader
With such great forces in play why choose a leader of the USA who has demonstrated divisiveness, lack of empathy, dishonesty, narcissism, attacks on Institutions and Individuals, greed, selfishness, is racist & sexist. Surely they could have arranged someone who we could admire and want to be like?
When we polarise and judge, exactly what are we seeing?
In reply to Selecting a Leader by Graham (not verified)
Greetings Graham,
Benevolent forces are not choosing a leader. That's a mistaken idea.
They are merely creating the conditions for greater freedom and sovereignty to emerge.
The electorate picked the winner - it's very clearly the popular vote.
Imperfect, yes. But then it's still the perfect reflection of the mainstream configuration of human consciousness right now. Albeit, I maintain, with greater opening of freedom and sovereignty being expressed.
But there's another crucial question in this, Graham. What are your observations, your judgments, revealing in you?
Are you seeing it polarised? Are you seeing only the negative?
And are you considering that this new leader is meant to lead souls?
Because I'm certainly not maintaining that.
I'm seeing the possibility that greater freedom has been opened up so souls can express their own sovereignty - with less of the shadow manipulating and controlling.
I'm also saying that manipulation and control will clearly continue - I just see less of it.
It seems to me, like you're seeing through the lens of your own polarisation - of black and white.
The invitation now is, for each of us to see our own reflections by the judgments we pass.
"Choosing a leader whom we want to be like?"
No. Figure out the best version of you that you can be, by the reflections you see. Both positive and negative.
<<< Open đź’Ž
Selecting a Leader
In reply to When we polarise and judge, exactly what are we seeing? by Open
Hi Open
I know my samskaras, both positive and negative, which allows me to have opinions, but I don't find much need to attach emotions to them.
A lot of people struggle because they don't like the reality they see. Reality is what it is, enjoy the ride and see what happens.
It is interesting that the incoming is a reflection of the worst in people. I guess it is the mirror many people need to see.
Cheers Graham
Baised and one-sided?
In reply to Selecting a Leader by Graham (not verified)
Can you still not see Graham, that what you say here (about Trump), is a judgmental reflection of your own filters?...
"The incoming (President) is a reflection of the worst in people."
Allow me to offer another possible vision, of the other side of the (same) coin...
He's been vilified, attacked, and abused by a one-sided, manipulated legacy media; likened to Hitler, character assassinated - such that kids at school now believe he's a fascist, having never met him; he's been ousted from office in a very questionable voting result (last time); the legal system was politically weaponised to bring him down, right before an election, where his opponent had been accused of similar or worse, yet without any such litigation; He's been threatened and shot at - very nearly killed. Yet through all of this, he's had the courage, the commitment, dogged-determination, resilience, the self-belief and the focus to stand up and keep going for something he's believed in - he's unswervingly expressing what he's clearly passionate about, at the risk of his own death (even now).
You asked in a previous post, why wouldn't Benevolence pick a leader we would want to emulate?
I responded that Benevolence only created the space for greater sovereignty and freedom to be expressed.
But if you're looking for characteristics to emulate, when times are especially tough, manipulative, one-sided and stacked against you (as they have been for many of us working to unravel the Intervention Simulation), then whatever you think of Trump's other characteristics, you might consider at least these positive attributes worthy of embodying too?
Are we not able to see past what we are personally triggered by, or dislike at an ego level, to also find the positive that is being reflected?
<<< Open đź’Ž
Selecting a Leader
In reply to Baised and one-sided? by Open
Hi Open
What is lacking in all of this is any evidence that incoming is working for greater freedom and sovereignty. It was not apparent in the first 4 years he had.
An opinion that matches the description you give, a possible third side of coin, is that of someone who loves power and needs to be in power to stay out of jail.
All I can say is 'at a Universe level, he would not be there if he was not meant to be'.
Guess we will find out soon enough.
Cheers Graham
Selecting a Leader
In reply to Baised and one-sided? by Open
It keeps life interesting listening to other's points of view. The problems only arise when we are doggedly determined that our view is the only correct one. Very often the truth lays in between two opinions.
Cheers Graham
Breakdown of ego as it approaches inevitable demise
In reply to Selecting a Leader by Graham (not verified)
I don't believe there is any "correct" view of the external Graham - even if it's adopting the middle ground between two points of view.
Instead, there is the realm of possibility.... "I am going to be partially wrong and partially right", in any given moment. How can it be otherwise when we're immersed in a Universe of relativity? Because there is no absolute this or that. Therefore I'm not deciding this is right or that is wrong.
How to deal with this degree of openness and vulnerability?
By looking into the external, but seeing ONLY the reflection of oneself - which, becomes a means to adjust one's own flow within the multidimensional field.
If you are now looking out there for "evidence of greater freedom", then you'll be missing the point of my sharing and these exchanges.
The point is: that for those who see past needing to fixate an external opinion, of 'this' and 'that', or even the 'middle path' between them, then you soften the fabric of rigid or clunky identity.
Now you are softening into the quantum field, where nothing is fixed and rigid, even the atom. Even the atom is only an opinion, it's ONLY a possibility. Can you live in that level of vulnerability?
That will take a huge commitment of courage - the ego doesn't fair well at the inevitable approach of its own demise.
Well wishes
<<< Open đź’Ž
The system coming down.
In reply to Selecting a Leader by Graham (not verified)
I agree with the comment above. I’ve been spiritually minded my whole life. However, Trump will bring the system down and thats a good thing. Whether you like him or not, both political sides want to keep you in the game, always distracting you from who you are. But you are here to learn, to seek truth and light through darkness. Truth hides and disguises itself so you can learn and grow in the seeking. You must seek! Man with not grow or even survive without resistance in this 3d realm. Everything is out on the table now so you can chose between polarity, service to self, or service to others. It’s obvious isn’t it that things are accelerating faster as fast? So don’t worry who the leader is at the moment. If you’re ready to let go of both sides, all conflicts, judgments, and resolve all paradox, then join us in the higher vibration. It’s time to let go of the old world.
Love for all
Conflicted - where is the con?
I guess that I am in the minority experience here...I would love to feel that this outcome is the reflection of the shift and an invitation for each to step into greater freedom and sovereignty. I suppose being here in the States I find it challenging to step through the political aspect on the surface as it impacts certain freedoms in a way that does not feel liberating. I do realize that true liberation is not dependent on external but an inner state which is then reflected externally. Ultimately it CAN be liberating as I feel the sense of perceived reduced equality and bodily autonomy and Self realize through it. I support movement toward greater transparency and a breakdown of corporate controls and at the same time I experience a sense of many feeling their autonomy and right to be as they are is under attack - is that just propaganda? At least locally in this state it doesn't seem that it is. I also realize there is no perfect option at this time on the surface...only degrees of opening or closing down...important to not let the idealism stand in the way of incremental change.
Feeling into the question that posed in my subject...conflicted - where is the con? Con having multiple meanings - a trick, a manipulation but also a latin root meaning together...The conflict I feel perhaps reflects the sense of unity and separation and that the shift is destructive and constructive at once. Feeling the sense of liberation on one hand and the constriction and locking down on the other.
Realizations - Apples falling from oak trees
In reply to Conflicted - where is the con? by .Wren
Thank you for the podcast this morning Open - it has felt challenging to embrace this election outcome as a positive reflection of the energetic shifts in the field and a signal of greater opening in the 3D toward sovereignty and freedom. I am realizing that although I also see a wave within this wave of freedom and sovereignty that is feeling emboldened toward greater power over others through things such as Christian nationalism and white supremacy; this same power over energy has been there all along in less obvious ways and different forms such as our food and water supply, our health, our school-to-prison system...it is not a newly emboldened energy it is taking an obvious form and I wonder if it is more minority in the big picture and less systemic- though still feeling for those impacted by the sharpness of it.
I am holding the bigger picture that you have shared and allowing it to land within...recognizing at times my inclination toward noticing and getting lost in the detail and missing the big picture.
A magical series of synchronicities have been landing...earlier this week a vibrant green dragonfly flew down through my sun roof. Finding it on my seat I picked it up and it wouldn't leave my finger for minutes - staying on my pinky while I drove down the road - to me speaking of being open to being informed in ways that my lower mind may block out ...keeping the sun roof open!
Yesterday I visited a cemetery in my town - one I didn't know existed and have never been to. After parking the car alongside the outer perimeter (the roads forming a circle around the outside with a road coming down the center - similar to a simple drawing of a torus. As I got out of the car, I watched a red apple fall from a tree - from an OAK tree?!! Right near it was one more - both fully formed - no nibbles! How in the world does an apple fall from an oak tree? This felt like it related to the inquiry around the election and around my typical way of perceiving...that something is outside of the usual here - the typical or predictable patterns of life are called into question...that something is fruiting from an unexpected place.
As I walked through the cemetary, taking in the stories of the lives around me, I was struck by a grave with the words SELF. On a personal level, I received the message, but also, perhaps this was helping me see that the larger SELF and the natural flow of life has been buried, and this fruiting from an unexpected place is a reflection of its uncovering.
2025 - will be the "Year of Acceleration", for the free flowing
In reply to Realizations - Apples falling from oak trees by .Wren
Hi Jen - and I would point this out to all...
Yes, the death of SELF in the cementary synchronicity is pointing to the death of an old way of seeing and relating to things.
It's where we know SELF in terms of a fixed identity - even a spiritual one - that sees 'this' and 'that' on the surface, 'good' and 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' and then polarises by this inner value system. We have to understand that this locks one's consciousness into a fixed landscape - one that subtle levels of ego and spiritual identity are comfortable with.
And in some, there's a pushing down, a squashing of emotion, because it's spiritually incorrect to judge. Yet the judgment is still there - deeply buried.
Instead, it's about opening up to see the triggering and rigidity of this inner identity layer. Feel the tightness of it. Let it crack open to reveal vulnerability.
There are, for example, many characteristics of the new president I don't like either - the ego, brashness and self-agrandisement. But, he also has the perfect qualities to stand strong in the situation as the various layers of the lower swamp are confronted.
But to be clear, it won't all melt away in one go. Yes, I too witness a stronger projection by particular religions. But I sense this will back-fire just as other shadow projections have.
Crucially, can we let this old SELF that centres from the fixedness of it's own limited judgments of reality die?
Then consciousness is opened up fully, so as to be able to flow within the realm of possibilites. That way, you're able to pick up the flow of right action, within the multidimensional field.
2025 is going to be the "Year of Acceleration". It's time to unbuckle the seatbelt!
Much love
<<< Open đź’Ž
In reply to 2025 - will be the "Year of Acceleration", for the free flowing by Open
I have stayed with the experience - the feelings - and found that when I come to empathize with any narrative - the world can be seen through that perception, and any polarizing perceptions and energies can be unified. I sit now with uncertainty and, yes, a beautiful vulnerability - not knowing how anything will play out and not needing to know or think I know. An apple fell from an oak tree, and it was seen that what I expect, what I anticipate, or what I think I know is all a facade. And all facades will crumble - are crumbling.
What can be found at the source of the fingers pointing out various causes is a shared sense of change, uncertainty, and even doom, and isn't there truth in that? Removing the projections from all angles, what's seen is a yearning for freedom and perhaps a subconscious existential dread - an awareness that death of that which is identified with is here - and it can't be resolved through moving around players or policies on the surface. In all of this, I can meet what comes up in each moment and continue to breakthrough any limiting constructs that create boxes around what can not be contained.
New Election 5D Shift Podcast to go live on 9th November 🎙️
I've just recorded a new episode of the 5D Shift Podcast all about the field insights of the US election.
It will be broadcast here on Saturday on 9th November at 7am. If you'd like cutting edge insight from crucial movements in the field itself, then here's the place to be...
What's Your Take On Election US Outcome? 🗳️
So, Openhanders, I'm intrigued, what's your take on the US election outcome?
Please do read my article above, and share what you feel.
Well wishes to all.
<<< Open đź’Ž
How much truth in the humour?
In reply to What's Your Take On Election US Outcome? 🗳️ by Open
"Many a true word was said in jest". What do you think?
Video is hilarious
In reply to How much truth in the humour? by Open
Ah if only the media were this honest in their broadcasts 🤣
Now we wait
In reply to How much truth in the humour? by Open
Good Morning Open,
The people have spoken indeed! Now we wait to see what changes actually happen and what the changes will create. We have put up with much garbage over the years. My favorite example of the power of the people in the US is when a certain individual had his face printed on a can of Bud Light beer. That can ended up costing $9 billion! lmao! Somethings should not be messed with! My hope with this breath, the US just took, will allow room for something bigger and brighter...allow space for people to wake up or some will get comfortable again.
mostly fascinated by the reflections
In reply to What's Your Take On Election US Outcome? 🗳️ by Open
Hi Open(handers),
I cannot help but smile at the fact that he reflects the best choice right now. This offers a great insight in where humanity is. Given America's position as leader of the 'free world' [citation needed] and the implications of that manifestation on a fractal level this outcome does instill a great sense of relief. I never had an interest in politics in general, so I know absolutely nothing about what goes on in other countries but I can tell you that the government we currently have here in the Netherlands is operating at such an incompetent level that even the most politically minded of my friends and acquaintences-or-however-you-write-that, even those who only look at the 3D level, start to question if there even is a point to the charade anymore. I have no doubt that this is something going on in many countries, if not most already, given that it represents the state of the world at the fractal level. But it makes me smile, because there is a great sense of magic to looking around and seeing fully 3D-minded people being affected by benevolence, even those who would never come to realise it.
But there is also a degree of illumination concerning the manifestation of progress. Somehow this victory has increased my awareness of how one should always look beyond the initial manifestation even if it seems clearcut. Benevolence has to jump through quite some hoops!
Things are different
In reply to What's Your Take On Election US Outcome? 🗳️ by Open
When I woke on the morning of the election I felt different. I didn’t know who had won and wasn’t really following the result, all I knew is that I felt different, lighter. I assumed it was the meditation I had done the night before but now I’m wondering if it was this shift I was feeling 🙏
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