The Great Shift: Crucial Gaia Energetic Realignments Underway

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/03/2024 - 04:59

We've begun processing through the most phenomenal unravelling mechanism imaginable, which is multidimensional and multifaceted. It's happening within the quantum field, which shapes everything, yet it's doing so gradually, so that with the naked eye, you hardly perceive the daily changes. Most recently, a Benevolent Mission has been instrumental in helping Gaia realign with her Twin Flame, after many thousands of years of misdirected captivity by the Intervention. What will that mean?

Precession of the Equinoxes

Consider the "Precession of the Equinoxes" - which is a most curious phenomenon. It's described in mainstream cosmology as a "wobble" in the earth's orbit, due to misalignment from the axis of rotation. And so Gaia now rotates through a 26,000 cycle, that circumambulates through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. It's why the "New Age Aquarius" has recently commenced.

Image: Human Origins Project

Consider this precession of the equinoxes more deeply, because it's crucial to the nature of life on the planet. In fact it's not a "wobble" as described at all. Because it is smooth and consistent through the complete cycle. For some curious reason, the Earth has been 'shunted' from rightful alignment down its axial core of rotation.

To be clear: it's the interplay of the Moon between Gaia and the Sun causing it.

We now know the Moon to be artificial. There are just too many synthetic anomalies for it to be natural. Like for example, that it only spins once on its axis around the Earth, creating a "dark side" that is never seen; it's perfectly spherical and positioned at the exact distance from the Earth so as to exactly block out the Sun at an eclipse; it's 5 degrees misaligned from the equatorial axis, which creates the tides; it's exactly 108 times its diameter from the Earth, just as the Sun is a 108 times its diameter from the Earth. There are many more curious 'coincidences' to consider:

Check this article on the 9 Astounding Facts that Reveal the Moon to Be Artificial

Losing Your Twin Flame

The point is, the Moon, which is locked in place by electromagnetic coupling with the Sun, generates the Precession of the Equinoxes. Recently on pilgrimage in the Heart Chakra of Gaia, Glastonbury, a group of Openhanders experienced the impact of this, by travelling into the quantum field dynamic. It's caused Gaia to disconnect her consciousness, her orientation of Soul, from alignment with the Galactic Core, and instead, to be more identified with the Sun.

Why is this a problem?

Anyone who loses connection with their own Twin Flame, often due to losing themselves in physical relationship, will come to know only too well. It can mean you don't follow your rightful sovereign pathway. It's wonderful to be in relationship with another, yes, but not to be in their pocket!

With Gaia, it became clear that her natural alignment of consciousness had been purposefully reconfigured so that interconnection with the Sun, and specifically the entity "Ra", the Sun God, has, over time, usurped her natural alignment and connection with her Twin Flame in the Galactic Core.

It's a crucial misalignment for the Intervention, which has enabled them to drain energy from Gaia's Torus (so-called "Free Energy") which then has powered the foundational layer of the Shadow Simulation here, through the 4D morphic fields. A highly sophisticated ruse, has ensnared and encapsulated Gaia, over many thousands of years. She's been bound into a web of energetic deceit, caught like a giant football, in a cosmic net.

However now, as the layers of the Intervention are steadily being stripped down by Benevolence and the arrival en masse of the Star Being Nations, another pivotal Shift has just taken place.

What is that exactly?

Get up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...

Fundamental Realignment in Gaia's Base Chakra

In terms of quantum mechanics, each sentient body has a natural alignment of its fractal with a higher body - you can consider the fractal phenomenon, like that of being encompassed by ever larger Russian Dolls...

In a particular galaxy (the largest "doll"), around which all life in it rotates, alignment of consciousness is meant to be with the Galaxy. It's the nearest phenomenal representation of the Universal Torus. And we can say, this is where one's Twin Flame connection ultimately resides and originates from. The Twin Flame being the other polarity of you, which stays out of incarnation, but progressively draws you back to the Source, through the Ascension process.

Get to Understand More About Your Twin Flame Dynamic

Now, at the recent Glastonbury Pilgrimage, a strong infusion of Draconian energy through Gaia's Torus, has seen her base chakra reconnect back into alignment at the Galactic Core. It is for sure a phenomenal realigning event.

Anyone tuning in, as I am here in the planetary Heart Chakra, may feel this recent Shift. Although it's a quantum field effect, nevertheless, I maintain it is so profound, that it's bound to ripple out onto the surface of the Earth, including through society. We may witness in the days and weeks ahead, increased flooding and earthquake or volcanic action, for example. Or some seismic shock on Gaia's physical surface.

Ongoing Work With The Star Being Nations

This realigning work by the Star Being Nations is still very much ongoing. Because now they're working to reorientate Gaia's Crown Chakra with the Galactic Core. I can feel the Lyrans amplifying her high Torus frequencies, but then the Andromedans applying hexagonal sacred geometry to the field, so as to stabilise it in this reorientation.

It's a complex dynamic, because with the moon still in place, the physical precession of the equinoxes continues - for anyone feeling this crown-realigning dynamic that's now just beginning, it feels like having a huge magnetic weight around your head!

Although deeply energetically demanding, it doesn't need to stop Gaia, at the Soul level, from making this critical realignment with the natural axial core of her Torus; that which is integrated with the core of the Galaxy, and her Twin Flame residing there.

The fascinating question is: with this new realignment happening, just how much longer can the Moon actually remain in Earth's orbit and thereby retain the precession - that which energetically controls the morphic fields of life on the planet, through the Simulation? No doubt, things will change greatly at the final "Event" - the Solar Micronova flash, coupled with the completion of the Pole Shift (whereupon Gaia's magnetic field dwindles rapidly (practically to zero) as it flips flops, at this upcoming Grand Galactic Convergence we're sailing into.

Discover more about the Grand Galactic Convergence

Front Row Seat in The Shift

I realise this recent reorinetation of Gaia, which is still very much underway, is highly complex to describe and understand in a short article. But it felt important to share this initial insight with the ascending community. It's happening at a pivotal time, where the balance of power on the planet has clearly pivoted and opened up. It's happening as the "swamp" in the lower-density consciousness is being cleared.

For sure, these are phenomenal times to be alive. And it's crucial people in the Shift now truly orientate to the field itself, because that's where the real news and the defining energies are truly coming from. It means we're going to become increasingly successful in creating our lives from the infusing energies of the much anticipated, "Golden Age".

To be continued...

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Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž

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13/12/2024 Shift Insight

Thanks so much folks for sharing your intuitive insights into the latest round of Gaia Shifts (see below) - they helps add a wider and deeper perspective to the developing picture - Miha, Ann, Nikki & Barb - profound thanks โค๏ธ

I'd like to pick up on two key points, which to me, represent important keys to the next layers of unravelling.

First this, from Miha in relation to Gaia...

What stayed with me was also the feeling of Gaia feeling separated from the Universe. At some occasion it felt, I was able to connect with her and expand multidimensionally outside of this Galaxy - which precipitated a huge sense of relief and reconnection. To give an earthly example of Gaia's story for her, coming to this Solar system and incarnating to the planet here felt like leaving the vibrant environment she was used to, and needing to settle in the far away village, "behind God's back".

Therefore, we could explore feelings in relationship to her archetypal parents. There was strong sense of betrayal from the Mother side - the mixture of overt responsibility at one point that eventually flipped towards carelessness. And from the father side, noticing tremendous gap, feeling like the distance just keeps perpetuating. When all of this was acknowledged with, it felt to me like Gaia was able to better accept, how is she playing out her own role as Mother (now here on Earth.

Yes, this resonated deep. Especially since the Ascended Master Team's relationship with their "Mother", Quan Yin, needed to Shift some while back. Quan Yin was done with being subtly painted in that way. The label needed to be let go of. Hence she could drop that weight of perceived responsibility.

I'm feeling to call on Quan Yin to express exactly the same with Gaia - to let go of the burden of responsibility. "Actually, we are NOT your children Gaia - we are walking a connected path together - for a while". It's high time Gaia lets go, in order to ascend on. ๐Ÿ™

Secondly by Ann, in relation to the Council of Nine...

For some the power became addictive and intoxicating to where increasing power became the sole focus. For other members they "knew" it wasn't about emassing power and something didn't seem right about what they were doing but they couldn't put their finger on (metaphorically) what was wrong because the original inquiry was outside the reach of their consciousness. When OH started dialoguing with the Council earlier this year it triggered the memory of the original inquiry. Those who knew something had been off felt guilt, shame, remorse and want to come back into alignment. Others felt perhaps they had crossed the line but were able to justify why it was needed and therefore insisted the actions had been benevolent and want recognition for this. It feels like they are wanting to come back into alignment but on their own terms. It's possible they can be dialogued with about how true alignment means letting go of any terms.

I feel given to honour that in the beginning, they were acting from benevolent intent. But, as they say, "all power corrupts". There is no true aligned power over nature - the Flower of Life. It's working with the natural Torus that leads ultimately to evolutionary success.

There are no "terms" with the Flower of Life. It happens, and is meant to. Let it, in it's infinite intelligence, get on with the job, without any need for meddling and interferring.

We'll surely be working in upcoming Openhand events, to communicate along these two key lines of inquiry. Plus also, convening with the Star Being Nations to ensure stabilisation as the control steadily unwinds.

These are exciting times for sure.
Thanks from the heart for your invaluable contributions.

<<< Open โค๏ธ

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,Ann and Miha,

I spent some time deepening my connection to Gaia and โ€œseeingโ€ what her Torus looked like. Firstly there is a deep sense of grounding in the lower chakras ,probably much than before as she seems ready to confront all the programs within her that prevented her from fully embodying . And now that there is greater illumination as to her path ,there is a a subtle shift towards seeing herself as an evolving being ,not just as a mother. I am still sensing some ? intervention energies in her throat and heart ,that point to her โ€œ responsibility โ€œ towards all of her โ€œ children .A deep realisation of how she outsourced her Twin Flame to a reflection of the Sun - the entity Ra and how that played out . And a confusion over how it will play out for her children ( The children of that union so to speak ) . Possibly a sense of attachment to outcome . But I am also feeling an emerging roar of sovereignty in the realisation this was a cosmic role she played . And now that its over ,its time for her to embody her own beingness,her own true self .

She also reflected a lot of gratitude in the enunciation of her own process to the OH team . And a sense of reconnecting with her higher order consciousness and those of star beings. My heart feels so full at connecting with Gaia the Being ,who incorporates the Mother principle - BUT IS SO MUCH MORE ! ( her caps )



12/12/2024 Shift Insight: Critical Gaia Realignments

There have been yet more key dynamics happening in the field since this recent Shift in Gaia's move toward realignment with her natural Torus - through anchoring of the base, and working to release the blockage in the crown (see above to revise: crucial Gaia energetic realignments underway).

It's happened in the last few days, with what I can best describe as: "A suppressive dampening of the field around the crown and below". It definitely felt intervention based. But this time not Ra. In the dreamtime, I realised it was the self-appointed Council of Nine - those who've mimicked the real Group of 9 Ascended Masters (see article on the Council of Nine here).

And so, I opened communication channels with them (which had begun through an Openhand empath back at the Glastonbury pilgrimage 10 days ago). They'd felt "aggrieved that their original benevolent intention in providing the foundation of society was not acknowledged - that the karmic construct was necessary, in order for evolutionary growth to happen. Also, this had been (supposedly) agreed with the Group of Nine".

Communication with the Council of Nine

I was given to point out the following to them, on behalf of the Team...

1) Yes, in a way, it was agreed of (what became) The Council, for them to explore a shadow - an unclarity around helping establish civilisations. They wanted to head out in support. The other aspect of the group was wary of getting involved in that way - where does involvement become intervention? But yes, you could say, an โ€œagreementโ€ happened to explore it.
2) It is absolutely agreed, that in this case with Earth (and perhaps other planets), a โ€œmisdirectionโ€ of Gaiaโ€™s field was necessary to stabilise her, rather than exploding, as she had done previously. And so it is agreed, it became necessary to slow her Torus down. This helped form the foundation for the karmic construct to be created, which would involve both humanity and Intervention energies. Essentially it would enable Gaia to work through her karma of not being able to fully embody, due to the strength of the Torus, and so exploding as per her earlier attempted incarnation in the early solar system.
3) However, when such a reality becomes so heftily distorted, that manipulation of consciousness is amped up ever-increasingly, entrapping souls, binding in systemic suffering on a global scale, and affecting every which way, to block the benevolent support from the Star Beings, then we can say for sure, this โ€œinvolvementโ€ has gone seriously awry, has become cancerous, and is highly destabilising for the Earth, solar system and beyond, were it allowed to persist.
4) It appears to us, that The Council of Nine, have blinded themselves to the truth of what actually is going on here - and are way off kilter.
5) The Group of Nine does not judge them for this, but is not going to stand idly by and let it continue. Hence the involvement of several groups now to ease Gaia back with the natural Galactic Alignment. The Council would do well to consider their position now in all this.

Personally, I believe I may have felt the sense of wanting to come back into alignment by them, to support a gentle easing of the planetary field - and that would be welcome.

Since this has been communicated, I felt them ease back once more, and so the field has opened again.

Rippling Shifts Through Society

If readers would like some reflective 'proof' of these shifts in the field, then we can look at the phenomenon of cryptocurrency. There has been a fair 'explosion' since the balance of energetic power has shifted on the planet, leading into the US election. There's been a wave of openings in the field, and a strong statement of sovereignty. That's exactly why crypto has taken off - the authentic currencies are a means of regular people extracting themselves from the bankrupt old financial system.

However, just as the Council of Nine imposed their pressure a few days ago, at a planetary level, there was a sudden, panicked sell-off of crypto, through what was felt as, a wave of fear. It was the largest spike of liquidation, since when the covid 'plandemonium' struck. Since this communication with the Council, causing a degree of witdrawal by them, the crypto market has surged once more.

I pointed out to the Council that they are not needed in the Shift right now, and, due to the excesses of the past, not trusted. Trust can be rebuilt by acknowledgement, and realigning, step-by-step. First, it would be in their best interests to withdraw, carefully consider what's been done here on Earth, especially recently, on the back of their energetic power. And what kind of legacy in the Akashic Record that scribes - one that can be seen and read through the cosmos. Afterwards, constructive involvement can be considered - that of reverse engineering, to set the Torus fully free. A process that has been working well with the Anu (evolved Annunaki).

They need to withdraw, explore, regress into their own karma, and thereby begin the healing process. Which, will possibly take some considerable time.

Support from the Star Being Nations

In the meantime, the Star Being Nations, centred around the Andromedans, are well able to stabilise the Shift of Gaia, steadily back to alignment with her axial Torus. The Lyrans continue to amplify the higher aspects of the Torus where required, and the Dracos the base. Also, I feel the Venusains stablising the 4D field through, and around, the heart chakra.

This is what I feel is underway now. At some point, there will likely be a strong planetary "ruction", as the final realignment of Gaia with her natural crown axial alignment takes place.

I'd be intrigued to hear from all, and especially from the empaths in the Openhand community, what you're picking up and perceiving of this dynamic?

Colourful and alchemical times indeed!

Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open, and thank you for this update. By way of a reflection, I can offer the following. I have been looking for a new car the past few days and came across the registration numbers in quick sucession that did not feel like a coincidence. They both started with AG09 and the other CN09. It was clear to me that both the group and council of nine were being reflected to me but I didn't know why.

In addition, I had a major headache, focussed around the crown area for most of yesterday. I assumed it may have been down to some work I did a few days ago in releasing some karma but now I wonder if it's connected with the content of your article. After doing a meditation the headache almost completely disappeared and there's no sign of it today. Any reflections welcomed.

All the best,

Nikki ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


Hi Open, it's interesting to read more insights about the bouncy ride, especially about the communication between Group and Council. Since coming across article earlier in the day, yet keeping it somewhat at the background of my awareness, I can report strong agitation in my field throughout the day. ๐Ÿ™„

Let me reflect some more of what I've been witnessing in last few days, beginning with greater clarity around Gaia's process.

2) It is absolutely agreed, that in this case with Earth (and perhaps other planets), a โ€œmisdirectionโ€ of Gaiaโ€™s field was necessary to stabilise her,...

Essentially it would enable Gaia to work through her karma of not being able to fully embody, due to the strength of the Torus, and so exploding as per her earlier attempted incarnation in the early solar system.

Following Saturday's Ascension exchange, I felt the continuation of Gaia's karmic process reached me through the feelings of grief. With all that has been going on the planet lately, and what now appeared for her to be (purposeful) misdirection of vast majority of humanity, the sense of "how did I not know any better?" came to the surface... However, the sense of acceptance was reflected and it felt like step by step the process of "Self-forgiveness" could take place.

What stayed with me was also the feeling of Gaia feeling separated from the Universe. At some occasion it felt, I was able to connect with her and expand multidimensionally outside of this Galaxy - which precipitated a huge sense of relief and reconnection. To give an earthly example of Gaia's story> for her, coming to this Solar system and incarnating to the planet here felt like leaving the vibrant environment she was used to, and needing to settle in the far away village, "behind God's back".

Therefore, we could explore feelings in relationship to her archetypal parents. There was strong sense of betrayal from the Mother side - the mixture of overt responsibility at one point that eventually flipped towards carelessness. And from the father side, noticing tremendous gap, feeling like the distance just keeps perpetuating. When all of this was acknowledged with, it felt to me like Gaia was able to better accept, how is she playing out her own role as Mother.

3) However, when such a reality becomes so heftily distorted, that manipulation of consciousness is amped up ever-increasingly, entrapping souls, binding in systemic suffering on a global scale, and affecting every which way, to block the benevolent support from the Star Beings, then we can say for sure, this โ€œinvolvementโ€ has gone seriously awry, has become cancerous, and is highly destabilising for the Earth, solar system and beyond, were it allowed to persist.

There is this convolution between souls being entrapped within the planetary field, and at the same time blockage of the benevolent support from the Star Beings. The question that arose within the group of people, I was meeting with - how can we assist Gaia at this point? What stood out strongly is re-aligning the position of her "Mother role". Gaia was reminded of the notion of "Greater cosmic family reunion", that would be possible to happen on the planet. Her role in the process was acknowledged, holding space for many conflicts and working towards greater harmony, but she was also reminded that we are all in this together. Meaning, that there are countless starsouls on the planet, that are here to help carry out, what felt like a burden for her. What I felt truly shifted the dynamic, from the human perspective, was to address Gaia as friend, rather than the Mother. In my perspective this is very poignant development, it means that Gaia is able to trust incarnated starseeds as her "partners in crime", rather than focusing and going with the connection to "Sun-God", as the shadow aspect.

This leaves me with the inquiry of bridging portals and anchoring connections to Star Beings from the incarnated human beings, reaching up to their teams. Since Andromedans are mentioned in the article as the centre point, maybe this can lead to some development of establishing head-quarters or emissaries from particular cosmic energies on Earth?

They'd felt "aggrieved that their original benevolent intention in providing the foundation of society was not acknowledged - that the karmic construct was necessary, in order for evolutionary growth to happen.

Personally, I'm not fully able to recognize (or distinguish) energetic imprint of the Council of 9. Yet from reading about the dynamics it feels like this energy even joined our session, yesterday morning. What was interesting, that after some processing what happened intuitively was to address the initial benevolent intent of the energy in relation to incoming starseeds, and than strongly reflect to it, that it has to move on. On that note, I shared an example of that authoritarian teacher, that makes you forget about the softness and warmth of your Home and makes you to focus on the learning process. However, it feels like starseeds have learned enough, therefore the interfering energies in the evolutionary process of society are not needed.

And on the personal note to the process. Few nights ago, during my sleep time, something urged me to engage me with the Crypto market. Since I'm new to this idea and basically don't posses any virtual resources - all I could to was to buy 15 EUR of token called HOPR. It is supposed to support privacy and prevent tracking any data on the internet. It speaks to me about investing in the security of my own field from being tracked, whilst traversing multidimensional landscapes.


With lot's of different strings of energy in the field, I still wish to share a song, that assisted me to settle with it all.

miha ๐ŸŒณ

In reply to by Open


I wasn't at the Glastonbury pilgrimage so maybe this has already been covered, and isn't what you're looking for, but this is what I'm getting.

When the Council of 9 first broke away from the Group of 9 they were holding the question "where does involvement become intervention". As part of the inquiry, they were engaging in various levels of involvement as an exploration. It began as a benevolent mission but over time, there was an unintended and unanticipated outcome of the more involvement, the more powerful the Council became. At the same time the original inquiry became a distant memory and then became lost altogether.

For some the power became addictive and intoxicating to where increasing power became the sole focus. For other members they "knew" it wasn't about emassing power and something didn't seem right about what they were doing but they couldn't put their finger on (metaphorically) what was wrong because the original inquiry was outside the reach of their consciousness. When OH started dialoguing with the Council earlier this year it triggered the memory of the original inquiry. Those who knew something had been off felt guilt, shame, remorse and want to come back into alignment. Others felt perhaps they had crossed the line but were able to justify why it was needed and therefore insisted the actions had been benevolent and want recognition for this. It feels like they are wanting to come back into alignment but on their own terms. It's possible they can be dialogued with about how true alignment means letting go of any terms. Still others are so addicted (may not be the right word) to how powerful they as a Council had become, they see any remorse as a sign of weakness. So the Council which had been cohesive, has become fractured and there is disharmony among themselves. They still seem to be together as a group and depending on which energy is coming forward, things in the field are opening up towards the shift or there are attempts to clamp it back down.

About Gaia not wanting to be viewed as a revenging mother (from Miha's post). I'm getting when she drew the intervention to help her, she didn't fully understand (or maybe realize at all) how all soveirgn life would be affected. She feels responsible for the intervention's manipulation of human dna that caused them to lose their connection and to view the simulation as true reality. So as the dragon ley lines became active speeding up her process, she is not resisting but is in some turmoil about her "lost children". This causes a weakness in her field, that intervention can come in on. And the Council (even those who want to make things right) are so used to being in control it's almost like they don't know how to step back and let the Torus control.

If it was actually different information you're looking for, if you ask a question, I can see if an answer presents.


Ann ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


Hi Miha, Open and Openhanders. Thanks Miha for your post about the supercluster. I havent even began reading everything but Ive seen this image and it makes me wonder, in terms of a fractal universe, that we seem to be in an area where we're at the end, like on the edge of a cliff, or eagle's nest. If we're on a wheel and things are cyclical then we would be approaching the bottom it feels like to me, and the pic of the supercluster would confirm that. Can there be areas of the universe where source is harder/further to reach and that would be our particular perspective of hell? As simple as being cut off from source? Or in our case where the energies are getting denser and denser and more erratic? As we ourselves get further from our own source? ive probably already asked this but i forget sometimes. But the image is amazing, feels alive almost.

It would appear the universe tried the gentle way with me and got nowhere. So now its deeper and deeper plunges into my own personal hell. And i'm happy to report it's reaching me. Meister Einhard(sp?) had it right with his poem; we need those demons who are really angels. How else is the universe going to get my claws free of that edge! i thought i was weak but try to get me to let go, i turn into neutronium. I felt a bit of shame wandering off to go back to the past, like i was copping out or shirking my duties in order to feel like a teenager again and not think so much all the time or feel any more anxiety and pain. I felt like i was trying too hard and i realized later why, which is a big reason i needed to face some stuff but its been so necessary; i don't want to lose the chance to meet and know incredible people because i'm stuck in my childhood being jealous of my sisters cause they're getting attention and not me. trying to get a seat at the table without merit, wanting someone else to do my self-loving for me, because i didnt want to grow up. And i felt like i was throwing away the most important gift i've ever received but i wasn't, just needed a break to rest get caught up and deal with my triggers. i just didn't know it at the time.

 I will give myself all the time i need without feeling inferior to others, i will without shame answer what calls to me, even the "bad" habits because if it takes me a hundred times going back to the past to see there's nothing there for me, then that's how many times i have to go. i learned i am far too influenced by others and im enjoying finally starting to taking ownership of myself. Although things like nasty bouts of pancreatitis have a way of getting one to sit up and take notice too. No more letting others decide for me how i should live. So much shame for so long i let others push me around because they scared me like my parents. Still really wrestling with that one; that's especially where i feel inferior and worthless. Spent most of my life trying to prove how tough i was but im still scared so who's fooling who? Needless to say fear of death, even though i know is irrational, is an incredible catalyst as we all know and looking at it closer and closer, getting a bit braver each time, i feel like maybe i got just a smidgeon back, a quantum speck of myself back. i veered towards the void one day when i was smoking weed because it gives me the courage i haven't yet recovered, and it was interesting because it felt like i was travelling in a lightless place, closed but comfortable, not dense just no light or maybe haven't opened my eye yet, and im speeding along horizontally and then "pop" im "out" and im a speck just flying through some colorless grainy field and i didn't end, which is another irrational fear i'm working on, and i was that observer im slowly beginning to recognize. Im not interested in getting in the way anymore of how things want and need to be. Sure maybe im doing it "wrong" maybe im going to suffer through this even more and maybe not even make it, but its what i can manage at this point in space. One step at a time and if i miss the bus, ill walk. Im not giving up on me anymore. 

I'm feeling uncomfortable that i'm sharing too much info or doing something wrong, like am i talking about myself too much? Is it overly self-concerned or narcissistic? Maybe, but in my family when i was a kid, no one talked to each other. i lived amongst strangers it felt like. i felt embarrassed to cry because my father would consider that weak or maybe it would irritate my mother. i became boyish because it was easier to connect with him, and i wouldn't risk doing anything that would further alienate him from me, like be myself. But he was also great a lot and gave us a lot. He had his faults and i blamed him for a long time but i know he went through his own tormented childhood and tried to outrun it. I want to help myself heal if it means it'll help him find peace too. 

But we never talked. I mean really talked. And i really am starting to believe this is the biggest injury to any relationship. It got me thinking about cancer, which my counselor (and i hope eventually may even become a friend down the road, provided i learn how to be one) is facing right now but its an inspiring story ill share another time, and the idea that maybe in our bodies when we give in to BS energy and allow ourselves to be consumed by dark thoughts and behaviours, that energy blocks our cell's ability to communicate to each other and the healing they need cant reach them. They feel abandoned maybe and believe they've alone and have become that energy and so give up and give in. Like here. That old fractal universe again. Communication is so much more incredibly important than i ever realized and i need it, i'm starved for it, almost as much as connection. Isn't the universe one big connected net of sub-quantum filaments? It seems the "cure" is quite simple really. 

This crazy scary house that reminds me of the Evil Dead movie and then i look in a mirror and i'm one of the evil dead too, but i know its not who i really am. Its getting less and less scary and im learning to embrace it and feel grateful. Not that i wouldn't sprint to my cottage in the country as soon as the universe coughs it up for me ;) i feel it getting stronger though, that need to really start pulling it together. Maybe its Mercury slowing down and getting ready to start moving forward again. The universe is sending stronger and stronger messages that it's not putting up with anymore more nonsense. i know my pancreas sure isnt.  Ok now i see what im doing, where the discomfort was coming from: im avoiding my loneliness and missing my father, by looking for someone to talk to about our evolutionary struggles. i'm realizing though that loneliness is an illusion; once the connection is made there's no more loneliness and that's what you say all the time too. ive felt it. And when he started to get uncomfortable with my clinging i had to start "begging" for his attention by asking millions of questions. its embarrassing to admit, i have to grow up first before i can really start to make progress, and it has been hard to let go of myself because ive only just started accepting her, but im also understanding that "she's" really just a bio-chemical meat-suit so what the heck am i so attached for, i'll have everything i need when i move on, its just getting to and past that hump. Which im going to do with this post. Thanks for reading and happy to hear any thoughts. Feeling a lot of gratitude for this community Best, barb (sylvanheart)

In reply to by Open


Hi everyone,

After reading Miha's, Ann's, Nikki"s and Megha's posts i realize there have been parallels in my own journey. Firstly, i resonated so much with what Megha, Ann and Miha say about Gaia and her journey and feel it reflects similarly to my own mother's journey so deep gratitude for that, and helping her find her way. Your gifts are priceless.

As with Nikki, i had been experiencing base and crown symptoms but wrote them off as only health issues. My lower back has been aching more than unusual as i reconnect with and help realign my inner child. A motorcycle accident when i was around 12 that affects my lower back and hip has especially started to call my attention for realigning. And the pressure and pain in my crown had been at times quite intense, feeling like i had a railroad tie wedged in it. i have no idea why that analogy popped up but apropos. After intense purging and the weekend of the Syrian shift i noticed a palpable relief and i feel like there's been some clearing and the symptoms have abated. Another parallel is a particularly troublesome resident had left recently, bringing a calmer, lighter energy to the house. Like a lull in the storm.

Reflecting on Open's interaction with the council, after some intense health issues (which i created), i've been feeling a pronounced need to greatly reduce my interference in my own health. It had become a habit to soothe myself with prolonged research into symptoms that were caused by excess but my unwillingness to curb that excess had me researching every natural way i could reduce symptoms and continue the indulgence. After all these years of taking supplements and herbs and alternative treatments, i've made enough mistakes and wrong self-diagnosis to realize i'm approaching it the wrong way. My body talks to me all the time, it tells me what it needs all the time. Only now i've been forced to really listen, understand and honour. And the more i listen the more i hear. Letting go of interfering and simply listening feels like bringing myself closer together, like the family is reuniting because the hyper-controlling father has seen the light and is stepping back and allowing his children to tell him what they need, not the other way around . He sees now his "guidance" was usually off the mark and not only not helpful but harmful. This is not done out lack of love but his own inherent need and deep attachment to be seen as the wise and knowing leader, which is where his worth resides until he lets go of this illusion and need and reconnects to the flow and becomes his more authentic self of a guide and supporter without imposing his will. That's all i got right now.

Gratitude to you all, namaste and love, barb, sylvanheart

In reply to by Open


I've been feeling an almost overwhelming agitation in the field since Saturday evening. At first I thought it was mine because of an issue with my internet that came up Saturday night that took 2 1/2 hours on the phone with tech support and me having to purchase a 3 year service contract on the spot that felt like extortion to get it restored. But then I woke up this morning and it was still very present in my field. So perhaps my personal agitation caused me to tap into the frequency but what I'm feeling now is definitely not mine. This frequency is not only in the field but also able to affect my field so I have to stay really focused on staying coherent.

It's also full moon. The moon hadn't been affecting me like it used to but it feels like somehow it's involved with what I'm feeling now. It feels like Ra or the Council or some other intervention reprogrammed or amped up the interference frequency coming off the moon. I'm not saying that's what is going on but my attention keeps being drawn to the moon. I may also be feeling Gaia's agitation or her field being agitated by this frequency, but again it feels more than just Gaia that I'm feeling.

Maybe it's that the electromagnetic frequencies in my area have been amplified and that's what caused my router to go out.

There's also been some suspicious drones flying over a portion of the US (which the government denied until one landed in someone's back yard and then they had to confirm) so maybe what I'm feeling is just affecting the States.

It feels like something is about to explode and while it may be a volcano or earthquake it feels like more than that. And maybe it's something energetically not physically that's about to explode.

Anyway, more questions than answers at this point so I was wondering if anyone else is feeling anything similar. Any reflections are welcome.

Ann ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Ann B


Hi Ann - Thank you for sharing this. The last two days I have felt a lot of energetic changes that are not connected to anything happening in the personal sphere. Yesterday around 2 pm I got a sudden headache in my right eye ...I was in the midst of a creative project - tapping into some deep energetic work on some inner child dynamics...the pain was bad enough to lie down right where I was working and close my eyes to consciously work to relax and and feel into what was going on. The pain remained despite the attention and relaxation - and a mood shift came as well - sort of discontent - aggravation. The headache lifted overnight but there has still been a lot of irritation today (Sunday) - for me it seemed to need movement and some sort of productive, active, physical expression - and also has required some care as it has been difficult to not flip the switch with others as I feel amped up. Maybe this is the sense of something needing to explode that you described. Thanks for bringing this up. <3

In reply to by Ann B


Hi Ann (and Jen), yes, there are definitely strong changes and recalibrations going on.

What jumped out from your sharing was the word "extortion" and enforced "3-year contract". What I'm witnessing, esecially in the world of cryptocurrency, is a strong degree of irrational exhuberance within society, which could get out of hand. The Shadow (Council of Nine) know this, and so I believe, are threatening amplified catastrophe. It's leverage to keep themselves in the game.

I can definitely feel an engagement coming on with them in the very near future. I can feel our New Year Retreat being where this might happen next.

Thanks for sharing - essential insights.

Much love

<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž

In reply to by Ann B


Hi Ann,

Over here, it's been quiet, like a break in the storm. But it doesn't feel settled by any means. Mercury is starting to go forward again which can kick up 'cosmic dust', and i feel like every simple mundane task becomes a minor catastrophe. i could blame it on my clumsiness but this feels more than that. Almost as though it's an energy that's provoking me into an outburst. Like something unseen is trying to push my buttons. Like you say, the full moon's also adding it's fizziness and i agree it could be part of it too. My mind lately is certainly not the clearest or most coherent, but this weekend it felt even more stuffed with cotton than usual, like a zombie.

I believe i saw what i can only describe as a "stealth drone" here once gazing out the window one night. I live in a military town so i've no doubt they've got things like that going on all the time, not to mention something underground; i've never lived anywhere where the ground was so unsteady. Hope this helps :) namaste, barb,sylvanheart

re the feeling of exploding, i've recently acquired a piece of Vesuvianite from my local crystal shop (literally from the area of mount Vesuvius) and one of its qualities is to dampen explosive energies so this could be why im not feeling any major pressure. Maybe the malachite earrings i've been wearing as well.

In reply to by Ann B


I've been feeling odd the last few days as well. I haven't been able to concentrate on much of anything. I usually meditate before bed each day, but I've been feeling so exhausted and foggy I skipped the last couple nights.

I did fit in a yoga routine this morning and I feel a bit clearer headed today. But now I saw on the news that the finance minister in the Canadian government just resigned. To make a long story short, there's every chance that will cause a federal election soon, which I suspect is the point of that resignation. I don't know what the election is supposed to achieve, but politics have been getting pretty weird in Canada lately.

Like you said Ann, there are definitely more questions than answers right now. I kind of feel like I should be doing something, but it's not time yet. It's like there's a pause right now to either prepare or rest before something happens. I guess we'll see what it is soon enough!

Zoe ๐Ÿฆ‹


Hi Open, thanks for this article and sharing about the recent unravellings in the quantum field. It's bountifully explained and feels nice to tune with greater awareness. ๐Ÿ™

In lights of the on-going realignments, I wish to share some insights and connections, that I have noticed on the plane of Gaia.

"Black Sun" and implanted galactic core technology

It first happened in a session with someone, that described a sense of dense matter&black hole in their chest area. Through some further engagement we noticed an implant, that acts and appears to be as "fake galactic core". What it does around human field is to create a thick layer of separation, supposedly around the heart space. Where the energy that would be naturally drawn to entropy, it instead becomes channeled towards so called "Black Sun". In this mechanism of mimicking initial connection to the Galactic Core, the bypass has been inserted as to severe connection on a Soul level, and trap the energy in separately locked container.

Amplifying connection to real Galactic Core

It is through embodied connection by resonating coherency through the base and amplifying the actual connection to the Galactic Core, that the implant could be shifted out of one's field. If my understanding is correct, that is described in the process, that all of you undertook on a planetary level..

Witnessing and hearing about decent amount of "clearings" in Gaia's field, I had the question - why are we not seeing more of the effects of cleansing mechanisms on the surface? There is a number of synchronicities that even comments here are alluding towards, yet I still felt to address the inquiry with Gaia. What came to me is the hesitance towards stronger activation of the uprising process, and the notion of taking some more risks at the inflection point.

Gaia's perspectives

Following dynamics were outlined about the possible withholding of stronger cleansing through natural events like storms, earthquakes, flooding,...

- Taking into account "Societal slavery programming" and the inflicted idea of separation from nature. Due to the societal conditioning of "being wrong" and infliction of the guilt in the Homo sapiens programming, people normally consider natural catastrophes as the revenge from nature. Therefore, Gaia doesn't want to perpetuate this dynamic, until greater understanding of bigger picture lands among people. She is definitely not, and doesn't want to be seen as the "revenging mother" to their children.

- Interrelation of "implanted galactic core technology" which manifested as societal structures, that are highly influencing the energetics of the planetary grids. No matter, how much disruption to the organic flow of Consciousness those structures might have caused, there is a need of skilfully relocating Consciousness to the realigning aspects. Which means, that Gaia tends to hold an open space for human consciousness that was trapped with her, to gradually mitigate towards an "organic reality."

Healing of the Andromedans and their supporting in the unraveling

The connection, that was a doorway for me to discover more about "Black Sun", ended up with connection to and greater infusion of Andromedan frequencies. Later on, I was invited to discover more about their process, since they've been present around for a while.

One of their role seems to be in stabilising the field in cases of greater/enhanced flows of energy coming in the system. When working in nature, I've often times observed their capacity to harness energy simply from the surroundings. It's like intuiting the flow with greater awareness and being able to bring what ever might be needed, for the creative action.

However this increased capacity of harnessing energy, tend to crystallise the polarising distortion at some occasions. I have a suspicion that the old Anunnaki were utilising "Free energy", due to their connection with Andromedan off-shots. In my knowing, another disruption happened with Lyrans, when some of their home-planets exploded due to the overload of energy in a given system.

Overall, I understood that Andromedans are here simply balancing out their own engagements in this Galaxy. Whilst equalising with the density of the Earthly realm, they are simply offering the possibility of crystalline structures as to support the transition process. And they are rather hesitant in connecting, until being "crystal clear", if their energy is being brought in organic creations. There is also a feeling of part of their energy being embedded in Gaia's core, and therefore becoming available to come to the surface as part of the unwinding.

Laniakea stargate

I just became aware of Laniakea supercluster, which is supposedly a home of more than 100.000 galaxies, including Milky Way.

6th of December marks an the astronomical alignment of our solar system to the supercluster. Looking to this image, it feels like starting to feel the out-breath of the Universe, reaching the in-breath here, whilst embodied on Gaia.

Warm greetings & bright blessings ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽ†

miha ๐ŸŒณ

In reply to by miha


This is a powerful sharing Miha - thanks so much for posting.

It concurs very well with what I've been experiencing, and at the recent Openhand events. I encourage all to read.

Yes, I'm aware Gaia has the concern of not being seen as a "revenging mother", as you put it. This is something we must work to heal - because there's already systemic suffering by sentient life here, that supports the old construct. It's high time for them to be liberated from this unholy mess!

I think it's a case of "steady as she goes".

Much love
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž


06/12/2024 Shift Insight

We're getting plentiful synchronicities that there has indeed been a huge shift in Gaia, just since our pilgrimage in the heart chakra here last weekend - see the detail above.

Quite apart from exploding mud volcanoes, 'clearing the swamp', so to speak, large sink-holes appearing, and Gaia shouting "Eureka" off the Californian coast with an Earthquake there, here in Glastonbury, we're being battered by 80 mph winds from storm "Darragh", which actually means "Black Oak". To me, this speaks of the solid anchoring now happening in Gaia's base chakra - her mast in the storm. Black - because it refers to the density, and the Star Being group, the Draco, that helped us secure it.

It's also highly interesting for another reason: it suggest Benevolence can now influence the naming of storms, whereas previously, that was definitely the domain of the Intervention. Perhaps another indication the balance of power has shifted.

There's no doubt that Gaia's axial relationship has shifted at the base, now back in alignment with her natural Torus, and not that imposed on her by the moon, through the tilt that causes the precession of the equinoxes. She'd formed an enhanced, limiting relationship with the Sun God, "Ra". Now she's realigning her consciousness more with her Twin Flame at the Galactic Core (do read my article on this above).

I cannot possibly overemphasise how important this is going to become in time - for the energetic restructuring of the planet and through society. We're already witnessing strong unravellings of the foundation of the old karmic construct, as witnessed by strong 'eruptions' through the controlling financial systems - with the powerful emergence of cryptocurrency, for example, where Bitcoin just hit ยฃ100k - eureka indeed!

We must hoist on board that everything is of consciousness - everything is interrelated through the quantum field. Shift the central mast, and everything else will move with it.

Now there's the crown to realign. And I can feel the work on that has already begun. Watch this space!

Well wishes to all
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž


We've got Ascension Exchanges coming up this Saturday, in the wake of our monumental pilgrimage in Glastonbury, Gaia's heart chakra. It was where we experienced another fundamental shift in her alignment - where she's breaking away, at a consciousness level, from the planetary Simulation (as described above). Instead, she's realigning with her Twin Flame at the Galactic Core.

For those following the quantum field, they'll know that's already having a profound effect on the surface of our planet.

What could it mean for you? And how can you benefit from it in your own life?

That's exactly what we'll be exploring at Ascension Exchanges this Saturday. If you want to stay up with the leading edge of the Shift, these gatherings are becoming unmissable...

7th Dec: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open


04/12/20924 Shift Insight

I said in my article above, you'd expect to see the effects of this axial realignment of Gaia's Base chakra, to ripple out onto the surface of our planet, either through volcanic action, earthquakes or storm.

At the pilgrimage, we performed the Openhand singing chakra meditation in the White Springs, which emerges from underneath the Glastonbury Tor.

Just yesterday, there's been a strong eruption of the Indonesian Bledug Kesongo Volcano, which is actually one of mud. And so very synhcronistically points to 'clearing the swamp' in the base chakra.

We've seen the curious sink hole phenomenon in the driveway of a housing estate in Britain...

We've also seen record snow falls in the USA, and flooding storms in Indonesia...

Strong eruption at Bledug Kesongo mud volcano, Indonesia
Large sinkhole opens up in South Wales after Storm Bert, UK
Storm dumps over 1.22 m (4 feet) of snow over New York, U.S.
Sundhnรบkur crater row eruption now second largest since 2023, Iceland
Severe floods hit southern Thailand, affecting over 240 000 households

These are the kinds of impacts you'd expect to see, if Gaia had realigned her consciousness from the displaced axis (causing the Precession of the Equinoxes - see above) and more into alignment with her natural Torus. You'd get a phenomenal impact on the magnetic field, which could generate these kinds of effects.

I also said that such a change in the base chakra would "ripple onto the surface of society". Anyone whose been following the sudden surges in cryptocurrency recently, may well have noted that XRP, of the company "Ripple", has surged a whopping 428% since the US election, with a strong surge of 90% since the weekend. This currency represents what will likely become, a key foundation of the new financial hybrid state, as the old one unravels. Years ago, I did say this currency was like the 'Black Dragon' of the realignment in the financial system. Let's be clear though, it will likely also provide the base structure for plenty of new Central Bank Digital Currencies (CDBCs) - which is why I've personally stopped supporting it in recent times. You can't, on the one hand, 'preach' the liberation of human consciousness, and likewise be supporting a venture that may constrain it!

PS: It's definitely not too late to get into crypto. We're only at the beginning of the mass adoption curve. And also to say, expect huge corrections to the down side, as the mainstream manipulates the markets to put retail investors off. The possibility is high, for example, of a 10-30% forced sell-off by the end of the Christmas holiday period. The shadow system, in the likes of Blackrock, is trying to own as much of the new technology as it can, for itself. But it also means you can wait, and buy the dip!

I would say let's not expect suddenly to shift to a purified state. Life will iterate through plentiful shades of grey until we finally shift into the 5D.

One thing is for sure: the Shift is well and truly underway. Everything of the old construct is unravelling. In that we can all celebrate!

Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐Ÿ’Ž


03/12/2024: Shift Insight

For anyone intrigued by the vert latest shifts in the underlying field of Gaia, and how the Star Being Nations are acting in support, do check out Openhand's latest insight above. It may well explain exactly why you're experiencing what you are.

We're sure to be working on realigning Gaia's Crown Chakra at our upcoming New Year retreat on the volcanic Island of La Palma - which is a key planetary Stargate, connecting directly into the crown chakra of Gaia (where the video below was shot). The intrigue and adventure continues...

For anyone interested in a front row seat, we still have a couple of tickets available...

19th-25th Jan: NEW YEAR RETREAT: 7-Days, LA PALMA
Journey to the island paradise that is La Palma, off the North Coast of Africa. Connect with the ancient energies of Gaia as you meditate on an active Volcano; Secluded and peaceful retreat centre; high-vibe cuisine; ground-breaking meditations; trips out around the island; break-taking scenery; cruise with Whales. All in this adventure-packed retreat of a lifetime. No better way to quantum leap your New Year 2025.
Soul-stirring Adventure in high-energy Stargate