Unbelievable rhythm

Not only did I post this in the wrong place previously, I wrote a short description from my head. It didn't convey what I felt in my heart and therefore seeded confusion. Flamenco often makes me cry and transports me. I seeing the dancing, weaving rhythms as elemental in nature, the performers faces are often twisted with emotion. As I sit in the present enquiry of expressing authentically from the heart, I feel intense emotion in my heart and throat as I write this. I feel as if my body could explode, that it's such a tiny container for the scope of my soul...Very tellingly, when the flamenco troupe comes together in effortless cocreation, the energy is propelled to dizzying heights.


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I have to pinch myself to prove I’m really here. The outer world in descending rapidly into unfettered insanity. It seems that the global management is rapidly moving backwards towards aggressive expansionalism. Instead of horses and bows and arrows, they have executive cars and jets. Instead of streaming across the steppes screaming war cries, they’re sitting around polished tables talking nonsense. Increasingly, the other bit, the unseen world which I access in dreamtime, seems like reality and this like a weird illusion. I can see why those clinging onto the 3D paradigm risk psychosis.

I came from afar, I’m not sure where,

To be of high service, I know not how,

And this mad, crazy theatre gave me cause for despair,

What civilised ones, could this mess allow?,

At first it was them, I projected my pain,

The question then changed, who, then, are ‘they?’,

I had pointed my finger, with growing distain,

Drawing roars from the crowd and inflaming the fray,

‘They did it to me, they beat me with fists,

They burned me, and drowned and whipped me too’,

Near the point where I broke and could no more resist,

My mind was unravelling, by turns of the screw,

I’m losing my blob, feeling insanity,

As I search for an anchor, a mast in this mess,

With my raft now adrift in a wild karmic sea,

Leaking and groaning, near sinking no less,

But stop, wait a minute, pause the epitaph,

A movement now caught, to one side of my eye,

A cavorting red robin is making me laugh,

Silly clouds making shapes, swirling now in the sky,

‘Don’t take it too seriously’, a soft voice says,

It’s just an experience can’t you see,

Many hats, a sombrero, a trilby, a fez,

All the fun comes from what you can be,

Take a step back, just breathe, take a look,

In the maelstrom you still can be mellow,

Think of the contrast, could you read a good book,

If all of the pages were yellow?’

Hmm, hold that thought there, the penny has dropped,

The lift has arrived at top floor,

I suppose the entirety of soul can adopt,

Any script at short notice and more,

Sometimes it’s gruel and a secondary role,

With sackcloth and pay of two bits,

Or the World Cup scorer of the winning goal,

With champagne and cake at the Ritz,

Or a perp or a victim, else something between,

Or a king or a sweep or a groom,

A beautiful maid or something obscene,

( or a mollusc in a pool on the moon),

The landscape is endless, possibilities vary,

The movie keeps rolling forever,

No need to react or be sad or contrary,

Or make out you’re wonderfully clever,

The shift is the shift and it’s happening now,

As the storm clouds, they move in advance,

There’s nothing to do but surrender, allow,

And ride quantum waves in a dance.



Galaxy, not constellation,

Spiral for your information,

Known as Messier thirty one,

Catch Antarian bus to come,

Using sacred geometry,

Morse code is too rough, you see,

Quite a lovely place to go,

The finest dancers, don't you know.

Andromedans are very nimble,

Expert with a stick and gimble,

Their choccy puddings are the best,

( after one, you'll need a rest),

Sip your coffee, before its cold,

Receive with grace, Andromedan code.


Timelessness, not before, soon or next or maybe then,

Timelessness, sweet melodic hum of presence when,

Inner peace, the endless inky well of coming home,

Time has ceased, preceding thought where all is known,

Absolution, fading now to swim in the unknown,

No solution, the need for outcome is outgrown,

Embrace the end, for was there ever a beginning?

Nought to mend, just sacred fratals singing,

Dancing nymphs, of light, who jig as they create,

Merely glimpse, the hidden mystery past the gate,

The greatest realisation is to come,

When all will burn as brightly as the sun,

The flower of life will seem to be destroyed,

And claimed then by the silence of the void.


Flowering on La Isla,

Reaching and stretching and yearning for fresh expression,

Yearning for aligned waterfalls and rivers to wash away the tears,

Yearning for mysterious clouds, mirrors and metaphor,

To sweep away poisonous skies,

Beckoning, with open arms, the new tendrils of the flower of life,

To soothe the parched skin of this exhausted land,

And to invite those who suffered, entwined with Gaia for so long,

For so long, an eternity,

For so long with weary limbs and spent wings,

Yearning for deliverence to Avalonia's bright new paradigm,

To lay heads gently on sweet moss of repose,

And hear the crystalline chorus of celestial sylphs softly on the breeze,

In harmony with bird and haunting whale song,

Weaving a new reality,

With a thousand lotus petals, vibrant now.



A bandstand and a church I see,

defined by relativity,

Their atoms jostling for position,

at least, that is my supposition.

The sunlight glances like a sword,

Akashic nuance to record,

Above a drone- technology,

mixed with gulls, far from the sea,

multilayered and alive,

defined still though, by senses five,

unless with crown a-tingling now,

orchestrated in the brow,

Kaleidoscopic, shifting sand,

Of the infinite journeyman,

the landscape writhes, revealing more,

A landscape steeped in metaphor.

In reply to by andyvaz


Hi Andy,

From this to the Flamenco to the pictures and the prose, we are indeed well fed good sir. Thank you! That piece evoked many feelings and i agree this journey can feel very romantic at times, especially as one starts to get an inkling of the love they have inside. And personally it speaks of that poignant place between the old world and the new; the sorrow of goodbyes and endings and the beauty you can't quite see yet but feel just around the corner...and the glorious call of the soul to rise up and meet it. Gratitude :)


Well, it's worth a mention. Something glorious is ramping and summating. I see the mountain top, resplendant with geometrically beautiful flowers in vibrant colours. I perceive the crisp air, like golden manna singing through my cells. The cry of a high wheeling eagle, alluding to those caretakers that worked to hold sacred frequencies. The whisper of a breeze gently folding a blade of grass. The throaty gurgle of a crisp stream winding through moss-coated pebbles.

A slight cough and rawness of the throat, but there is no longer any need to judge the sensation as this or that. Just quiet acceptance and the unfurling petals of the crucible, accepting keys, codes, gifts..caresses from the field, joyfully received.

Here I am, not this or that,

Observing as the drama hums,

Focused like a feral cat,

Attentive as alignment comes,

Bathed in divine resonance,

A bridge to sense the growing grace,

Perceive the elemental dance,

With planted feet and upturned face,

Like a solid, sacred tree,

Timeless branches, anchored tight,

Feel the growing harmony,

Feel the sunlight, feel the night.



The sweetness of infusing grace,

Sat quietly in my sacred place,

Alllowing all, to now unfold,

Feel not timid, or even bold,

Float in equanimity,

Sailing sparking Karmic sea,

Dancing dragons, now incoming,

Divine joy through nature strumming,

Soothing all the pain and strife,

Passage for the flower of life,

Majestic, brilliant, radiant hue,

To burn away what isn't true,

Invitation, by the one,

Sweet calling from the central sun,

As warrior now greets the dove,

and welcomes blessings from above,

The conduit, like a solid tree,

Inviting higher harmony..


And so, blessed Gaia,

You retire to rest and repair for now,

You have been shattered by eons of service,

Our gratitude can hardly be expressed,

As gigantic karmic struggles raged,

You graciously held the space.

You held the platform for souls to evolve,

And the creation of a new divine frame,

Now we welcome Avalonia with love and joy in our hearts,

Transfusion for the shift, gratefully received,

But Gaia, you are never forgotten,

Your selfless service,

Your inspiration in the face of monumental challenge,

You are honoured and cherished.


Like a Turner painting,

The equanimity and repose seems to be over there,

The shaft of soft sunlight dancing on trees,

The timelessly framed autumnal gold, Against a backdrop of lazy cloud,

A wainwright wooden struture or two, couched in mosaic stone wall,

A gentle allusion to a moment in time when my heart stood still,

Over there,

I see it, I feel it, the stirring of hot tears of desire,

But where do I go from here?

I am here and the landscape is over there,

That yearning of peace and fulfillment,

Like water teasing and draining through outstretched fingers,

In fleeting moments, unexpected, sudden stillness,

When the machine cogs stop,

When the dawning realisation flourishes and takes root,

There is here,

I am Turner and Wainwright and I am the landscape,

I am all those things and more,

All that is over there,

Is a mirror to my soul.


Inspiration through the crown,

Let it trickle, spiral down,

Ground it, like a fine masala,

Manifest an icecream parlour,

The quantum haf no rigid rules,

there are no kings or queens or fools,

Just swirling possibilities,

Whatever the observer sees,

Generated from within,

Caressed and kissed by flaming twin,

Tweaked by synchronicity,

A fractal in a foaming sea,

Laughing, crying, matters not,

Alchemy's crucible burning hot,

Dragons dancing, cosmic waltz,

Andromedans, ( with all their faults),

We shriek and swirl and feel so free,

And bridge to this reality.


The star people are with me today. I can feel them humming in my space, after coming in strongly during the glorious facilitator conference. It's almost beyond words to express joy and gratitude for the gifts we have all received and shared. So intense, yet so gentle and caressing. And the love radiates everywhere, reflected from the field powerfully in so many ways. I think about love, and a heart shaped rose petal floats down next to my coffee cup. And as I thank the higher dimensionals ( and Bigfoot), a symphony of grace fills my chest;

Gaia, share your divine pulse,

dig deep and sing to your core,

Bring forth your divine song,

that we may dance, like elementals,

in the moonlight,

and cry tears of infinite gratitude,

come now rise, let us rise together,

strike the celestial chords of harmony,

align with God's heart,

and kiss the new dawn..