Unbelievable rhythm

Not only did I post this in the wrong place previously, I wrote a short description from my head. It didn't convey what I felt in my heart and therefore seeded confusion. Flamenco often makes me cry and transports me. I seeing the dancing, weaving rhythms as elemental in nature, the performers faces are often twisted with emotion. As I sit in the present enquiry of expressing authentically from the heart, I feel intense emotion in my heart and throat as I write this. I feel as if my body could explode, that it's such a tiny container for the scope of my soul...Very tellingly, when the flamenco troupe comes together in effortless cocreation, the energy is propelled to dizzying heights.


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The star people are with me today. I can feel them humming in my space, after coming in strongly during the glorious facilitator conference. It's almost beyond words to express joy and gratitude for the gifts we have all received and shared. So intense, yet so gentle and caressing. And the love radiates everywhere, reflected from the field powerfully in so many ways. I think about love, and a heart shaped rose petal floats down next to my coffee cup. And as I thank the higher dimensionals ( and Bigfoot), a symphony of grace fills my chest;


Gaia, share your divine pulse,

dig deep and sing to your core,

Bring forth your divine song,

that we may dance, like elementals,

in the moonlight,

and cry tears of infinite gratitude,

come now rise, let us rise together,

strike the celestial chords of harmony,

align with God's heart,

and kiss the new dawn..