5D Consciousness: How Best to Interpret Signs and Synchronicity
As you inquire deeper into the real meaning of the moment, and of your life's purpose, you'll start to pick up signs and synchronicity, where the field seems to magically click in around you, as if by some pre-ordained force. What's going on here? How might you best understand, and work with, the signs? They are powerful pointers to your journey of evolution. This exploration contains a video in the Openhand Philosophy series.
5D Consciousness - Moving into Harmony
We live in a world that has become very disconnected from the divine flow. Humanity has created a system based on logical rules and regulations. Conditioning causes people to expect things to work a certain way, and to struggle for some desired outcome. All of this intentioning cuts across the natural flow of life. The result is, everything appears random and haphazard; there's no apparent deeper meaning and therefore there's a perceived need to try to control life, to get some kind of outcome.
However when you give up chasing and struggling, the relaxation causes soul consciousness to expand and connect up with the higher flow. You start to realise there IS a deeper meaning to all this, there IS a deeper purpose.
It's all about revealing the wonder of you... to yourself.
Stay up to speed in the Shift, with leading-edge spiritual insights...
Synchronistic Organising Power of Benevolence
It feels divinely magical when you sense an incredible power of benevolence, working tirelessly and majestically all around you, sending you signs and messages. It can be truly breath-taking.
Sometimes though it can be frustrating if you don't understand the signs or how to interpret them. So it's beneficial to have a general understanding of what they're working to tell you.
Consider that life is a game of self-realisation; that every moment configures as a reflection of who you truly are - in a feeling way. So you see something noteworthy, your consciousness spikes, and there's a deep "aha" kind of feeling. That's when you're recognising a deeper aspect of yourself - you're actually beginning to embody deeper aspects of your soul. This is when signs and synchronicity truly help.

You're in One of Three Synchronicity Cycles in Every Moment
At any moment in your life, whether you know it or not, I put it to you (based on experience with countless evolving people), that you're in one of these three cycles:
1) You're either processing difficulty and density, where the ego is getting you stuck in identification.
2) You're breaking through density and unleashing the soul with authentic and aligned aspects of beingness. You feel simply 'right'.
3) You're expressing authentically, in an empowered way, and therefore Right Action clicks in for you. You simply know what you have to do now.
Here's the key: whichever of those cycles you're in, signs and synchronicity will present mirrors of clarity; they'll tell you about your distorted shadow side, which needs to be worked with or your authentic beingness wanting to break through or you'll be ready to step into Right Action, supported by the universe. You'll notice signs and synchronicity by a kind of spiking "aha" feeling - "Yes, that's definitely meant for me". If you then identify what kind of cycle you're in - processing density, breakthrough or stepping forward - the signs will give you a great indication of how to approach the moment.
The inner recognition of them, helps the deeper meaning infuse and integrate to become a way of life, a new aspect of being.
Flowing in Right Action with Signs and Synchronicity
And when you do find yourself flowing with Right Action, everything starts to click in magically around you. Why would you want to live any other way? With that in mind, we produced this video dairy from retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma...Resonate?
If you want to explore working with divine guidance to bring greater clarity into all aspects of your life, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand.
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
What signs & synhcronicity tell us about our internal process βοΈ
15/02/2025 Shift Insight
We've just finished a fantastic online Resurrection retreat, where so much was coming through about the wider shift dynamic - how our individual journeys, are having a deeply transformative effect, both on our own lives, and the wider field.
Right now, there is no better time to be working with divine guidance to illuminate the landscape around us. Especially as the Simulation goes into death throws of distraction!
We're been working with the Openway spiritual compass, taking off free-wheeling and "treasure hunting" - those marvellous convergences in the field where it all clicks in... "Aha!!"
When we set off with an essential question about a life situation, the Universe always answers. BUT, we have to be looking for the right answer. What do I mean? As I explained in the lead article above, the space-time-continuum bends around you through the Law of Attraction and reflects back exactly where you are in process at this time. The convergences will speak into one of these three internal dynamics...
1) You're either processing difficulty and density, where the ego is getting you stuck in identification.
2) You're breaking through density and unleashing the soul with authentic and aligned aspects of beingness. You feel simply 'right'.
3) You're expressing authentically, in an empowered way, and therefore Right Action clicks in for you. You simply know what you have to do now.
The Universe is simply brimming with this benevolence. So I do encourage you to pay attention to the signs that are reflecting in your life and allow the inner guidance mechanism to go forwards in that direction, knowing that as long as you're self-realising, you cannot make a mistake!
Do share your free wheeling experiences and I'll happily share a reflection...
Your Free Wheeling Experiences Forum
In loving support
<<< Open π
In reply to What signs & synhcronicity tell us about our internal process βοΈ by Open
Still, the dogs are barking at me. I can hear them from a far distance. When I reached home after my purchase, the bag of rice rice tore and collapsed at my doorstep. I know it's saying something but I don't know what. I feel a great change in me. But still I feel the fear/tension when I spent each penny( it has reduced but still it's there). My inner configuration is changing, I'm becoming vulnerable as a baby along with a lot of sadness and fear.
I went outside to buy an article for me to remember my commitment in my journey and my connection with twin flame. I was attracted to a glass lotus, but I didn't buy it, I didn't even ask the price , because I thought it would be priced more then what I have. I don't know why I did that? I could have atleast ask the price? Once again im confirming to universe that I can't have things. When I tune inwards I don't see I'm lacking anything. Something is happening when I go out. I couldn't find anything and ended up buying grocery and sweets. I nneed to work with this ssituations.
Where am I? What's my current state? During the first two days of the retreat, I felt like a muddy water, no light, no clarity. Now I could atleast see, that im in the middle of a high voltage streaming twinflame consciousness and a potential karmic pastlife. A stage of processing and integrating. I'm seeing the numbers 44 and 88 all around, pointing the karmic construct which appearing externally my struggles with resources. When I contemplate at a wider level, the meeting of high vibrational avalonian energies and the old karmic construct of Earth leading to massive changes reflecting as Volcamic eruptions and earthquakes. Is Avalonia a closest reflection of Gaia's Twinflame? The physicality of earth is changing. YES, the games are changing.
At an individual perspective, the small I in me is afraid. Afraid of how it's gonna be in it's relationship with others. That's a big thing. But it's know there is no going back. Because everything is changing internally
I made a small altar at one corner of our bedroom. It felt really good. Its a small symbol of my commitment. I need a few more things to keep my crystals and Ganesha, it will come to me soon.
Feeling Grateful to be a part of this grand shift.π
NB:I have edited this post a couple of times because the way I see things are changing. A Change from victimisation to self empowerment.
Thank you
Twin Flame - the real treasure is in the feedback loop itself β¨
Hi Soumya,
I can clearly see from what you're sharing here, and from the Resurrection retreat, that you're on the brink of a powerful change within. The spilt rice would signify the ego breaking down - in the Agni Hotra ceremony the Tibetans burn rice to signify the determination to break down the ego. It's something we do on the DIVINICUS retreat.
With regards feeling like you didn't have the money to buy the glass lotus, that's not a problem at all. The real 'treasure' in working with one's Twin Flame is not the external item itself, but what it represents, and the feedback loop that connects within. It signifies that the connection is far more valuable than the prize - it is the prize!
So it feels to me like you're heading in exactly the right direction inwardly - just keep working on what comes up, integrating through it.
Well wishes
<<< Open π
process of the mind
In reply to What signs & synhcronicity tell us about our internal process βοΈ by Open
I discovered in my thirty's that I am dyslexic. It has been a function I have learned to compensate for even tho I still go right when I am told left. I noticed last night while passing the time with a hidden object game ... when I had a preconceived idea of what an object should look like ... I couldnt find it. It was only when I slowed down and focused on seeing the objects that were actually there vs what I was trying to find. Sounds like an obvious thing to do but it was a clear reflection of distortion in my perceptions. I have conditioned myself well enough to process information given, deduce an acceptable answer with the goal to be considered correct. I adapted to this process because my version was rarely accepted and feelings are not allowed. I conformed to the simulation and I did it well. Free wheeling is like stepping into another dimension ...to stop identifying what I think is there and allow myself to slow down and be with what isnt immediately identifiable. It is literally reprogramming my mind. As an empath I feel but its distorted to support the mind. When I genuinely let go into the flow it makes little sense. Its exciting and frightening to let go of the conditioned mind. To allow myself to come out of the protective cage I have built. Maybe that is the synchronicity of seeing the devas in a cage. I am in one too. Time to open the door!
Devas in the cage
In reply to process of the mind by Michele.
Hi Michele
I want to thank you for your invaluable Sharing. The word ' Devas in the cage' spoke a lot to me and I went straight into a karmic experience. I believe you are also processing and integrating well.
I just felt to let you knowπ
See you down the flowπ πββοΈ
Thank you
White crow
In reply to What signs & synhcronicity tell us about our internal process βοΈ by Open
A white crow came to me in meditation. I was this white crow. Then I heard: βWhy do you always have to think youβre so special. Why canβt you just be ok with being a black crow?β and I thought, right, humility, stop with that old ISIS priestess superiority program, letβs just be a black crow. But wait... Being a white crow is NOT about being superior to others, is it? There is so much judgment in that. I love black crows, I think they are awesome creatures! Hold on... What if I am really supposed to be a white crow but deny my true nature because of this judgment that white crows are better than black crows and I shouldn't feel better than anyone else? They are almost funny, these deviations of the mind! Ughhh...
In the end, though, I am neither a white or a black crow. These are only reflections. In many cultures, a white crow is a sign of profound transformation and change. Yes, ok, that is a nice confirmation of what I am currently feeling, but it is not complete. Then I made the connection to the need for external validation I was playing with in meditation earlier and it clicked. I believe this white crow showed up as a powerful sign not to embrace their individuality, but to embrace my own.
The meaning of white crow?
In reply to White crow by Ella J
Hi Ella, I had to smile at your sharing π
How the machinations of the mind can dance rings!
What might white crow be saying? Black crow tells us to watch our shadow distortions. White crow might then be speaking of some attachment to purity or superiority?
As you say, black crows are beautiful indeed - and tremendously smart. I'm often guiding with them, adjusting shadow expressions to find alignment.
Maybe that helps a degree to see into the challenge.
Much love
<<< Open π
A murder of crows
In reply to The meaning of white crow? by Open
Interesting... I saw black crows everywhere for a few weeks before the retreat. Even at the start of the retreat, a murder of them (I just am always amused by this expression!) just parked and expressed themselves loudly in a tree just outside my window. I had not made the connection with shadow distortions! Thank you for shedding light onto this. π
More crows
In reply to A murder of crows by Ella J
Really during every online Openhand event I have followed 2 or 3 black crows gathered round my city garden and sit in the tree for a while. It is amazing !! And Openhand retreats are always shedding light on my shadows π
Synchronisation colouration
This is a lovely video, I really enjoyed the part where you spoke about synchronicity and everyone in the frame was wearing something orange, or had orange in their clothing.
The universal hand assisting with continuity and wardrobe...Nice.
Free-wheeling trip
Hi Open,
That trip I went free-wheeling on Sunday, I did ask Show Me but not really sure yet what to look for, was just open to anything that jumped out at me. The 3:33 time got my attention. I find this synchronicity article to be very helpful so will refer back to it periodically.
Thank you
Hall of mirrors
Mmm, I resonate with this mirroring I really do. But. I find myself in a hall of mirrors with multiple scenarios, business, family and self. Business, family and self. Business family and self.
My guide says be still sit yet my, probably ego, says if you sit still you will be run over by the juggernaut of life. The thought of a squirrel jinking around a busy road trying to cross comes to mind.
A hall of mirrors, I didn't see that one coming.
Alignment through the mirrors in life
In reply to Hall of mirrors by Keith (not verified)
At least you're seeing them (the mirrors) Keith. The key is not to try to control them. Let them activate what they will and unwind through them. Then better alignment will happen.
An interesting experience at the parking lot - good will to all!
We've been exploring the importance of Spiritual Hibernation from time to time in your processing, especially at this time of year. Hibernation is not necessarily just sleep and rest though. There can be an active exploration of what the signs and synchronicity have been showing us, that we may integrate more fully.
Yesterday I was at a busy carpark in the middle of a city and as I came to pay for my ticket, the machine said the ticket was invalid. I had to speak to the attendent through the machine. But no matter what she did, the system wouldn't accept my payment. The process stretched out. And in a short while there was a huge queue behind me getting increasingly impatient, which led to differing projections of what I should do - like getting out of the queue - apparently as they did their Christmas shopping for 'good will to all men', they were happy to consign me to Christmas in the parking lot!
It was fascinating just to watch how the uncaring crowd mentality built up, and what that can feel like inside - like a dense wave sweeping over you. For one of the rare circumstances in my life, I couldn't find any appropriate words to say. But I do believe something did need to be said - 'good will to all men', for example! Maybe singing a Christmas carol... "we wish you a merry Xmas!"
As it turned out, and I was unable to leave the carpark, but nevertheless felt to pull up next to the exit machine, they had no choice but to let me out, and I was able to do so without paying. As I explained previously, in creating from 5D, we will have to open out through the 3D. And you will likely get some push back as you do.
Good will to all men... and women... and children... and turkeys!
The Long And Winding Road
I'm fine-tuning my awareness around signs and synchronicity these days so welcome and appreciate your video, Open. Feeling and honouring the dream and the vision lightly enough not to hook into outcomes, taking the steps as the path of light unfolds, allowing the tears and discouragement when it fades, plucking up the courage to walk the side roads to clear the debris, returning to the path, once again. And on it goes. Contrary to what's been said about the straight and narrow being the only way, I'm finding it's more of a winding road.
"The long and winding road that leads to your door
Will never disappear: I've seen that road before
It always leads me here: lead me to your door
The wild and windy night that the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears, crying for the day
Why leave me standing here? Let me know the way
Many times I've been alone, and many times I've cried
Any way you'll never know the many ways I've tried
And still they lead me back to the long winding road
You left me standing here a long, long time ago
Don't leave me waiting here; lead me to your door..."
x Cathy
Thanks for the video. When im
Thanks for the video. When im in the difficulty and density i always fail to remember that it will be followed by a breakthrough. Thanks for the reminder. This clicks into place for me. :)
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