Inevitable Intervention Pushback Against Energies of Avalonia

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/06/2025 - 06:10

There's a fair old ding-dong battle happening through the planetary Torus right now. It was always likely to happen, that when the Intervention forces on the planet understood the deep significance of the new planetary soul, Avalonia, they would recalibrate, reorganise, and attempt to slow the emergence down. And so they are. At this pivotal stage in The Shift, let's explore what's unfolding, to illuminate the right path forwards.

Unwinding the Layers of Karmic Density

As I explained in the book, DIVINICUS, you can't expect that because there's some welcome breakthrough, the veils of the Intervention would all fall at once - that the "swamp" would be cleared, and the Golden Age would simply emerge from the mire. It's because the external landscape is the product of humanity's internal one.

There are many layers of karmic density and soul-contract-residue for humanity to work through. There is no shortcut to this essential work. It must be dug up in the internal layers, processed, integrated through, and released. The effect of this on the planetary surface, is that you'll see plenty of new iterations of the Intervention, before finally, their rusty old ship goes down.

We are fortunate to have the new emboldened energies of Avalonia, a more dragon-type configuration come in. Because she'll continue to accelerate the planetary Torus. However, she must also enjoy breathing space through the planetary chakras, so as to emerge through, and express vibrantly onto the surface.

Recently, a resurgent reconfiguration of the Intervention, around Ra and the Tall Whites, is blocking this. What exactly is happening?

Get up to speed with leading-edge insights from the frontline of The Shift

Reconfiguration of the Intervention

What we need to understand, is that humanity and the planet have been embroiled within a complex array of Intervention energies, that have wrapped humanity up in a Simulation, pulling the strings of dream and desire, by hybridising DNA.

In the last couple of decades, Benevolence has steadily engaged these layers and stripped them away - the Reptilians being reunited with their aligned Draconian ancestors; the split in the Annunaki being healed, to render the evolved Anu; the Greys being reunited with their Orion ancestors; the Council of Nine, fragmenting, and reconnecting with the Galactic Family of Light.

Yet still there's more to uncover and reintegrate. What we're witnessing, since the insurgence of the Avalonian energies at the beginning of 2025, is a recalibration in society by the ancient Egyptian entity, Ra, whose applying the Tall Whites and AI to continually create ever-escalating dramas in the Simulation from the 4D. Consciousness is being subtly wrapped in. It's weaving a web of duality and complexity.

Get To Understand the Nature of the Puppetmaster Ra

The surface evidence of this, in society, and on the planet is three-fold:

1) We've seen the new US regime challenge the phoney war strategy through Ukraine against Russia. The manipulative nature of this has been called out by President Trump. However, European governments are now coalescing around Zelensky, to bolster their failing agenda of population control through fear.
2) We've witnessed the "yo-yo" effect on cryptocurrency, first surging due to the approach of introducing state crypto asset reserves, as a hedge against fiat-money-printing-inflation. But this now being complicated by state apparatus inertia, slowing the bold development.
3) We're seeing increasing inertia in the 4D planetary field, which is holding back the emergence of the new planetary energies, by constricting volcanic and tectonic plate openings. These openings must happen to allow the faster planetary vibrational energy of Avalonia.

Attachment to the Energies of Gaia

When journeying through the planetary Torus in recent days, the key dynamic I've experienced, is a pushback by various human groups, and energies, attached to the old Gaia consciousness. I've especially felt these in the solar plexus and sacral chakras of the planet - those that embody the old soul contracts.

What I've been shown, and have been feeling the weight of, are various groups who are clinging to the old Gaia energies (either consciously or unconsciously). Thereby, they are rebinding that old energy to the planetary Torus, which is having a strong braking effect on The Shift. It's causing a turgid, nauseous feeling in the gut, when I travel to those regions.

I'm feeling the toxic sewer of the Old Paradigm, intentionally blocking the emergence of the New.

Benevolence on The Case

As intimated in the title of this article, this inevitable pushback was to be expected. There are many vested interests in maintaining the old power base, both at a societal level, at a spiritual mainstream one, and in the field. Plenty are stuck in the inertia of the old configuration, who are not yet ready, or able, to go with The Shift.

Benevolence is on the case. There's careful observation and consideration of all the dynamics at play. I have the strong conviction that the Shift to the Golden Age of Avalonia can no longer be thwarted - but possibly slowed down a degree, by such machinations outlined here.

Evolving people must be very awake and aware to the shifting landscape, and how that impacts our inner layers of consciousness. Let's not get embroiled in inertia. Let's keep working to open up, keep the chakras attuned, release toxic density, and channel in the vibrant new energies of the Avalonia.


For background understanding of what's unfolding with the new planetary energies, review this Openhand mini-documentary...

If you wish to break free from the toxic energies of the Old Paradigm and ready yourself for the New, then explore the groundbreaking work of Openhand, which was perfectly crafted to meet these times of extraordinary transformation:

Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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Hi Open,

I left an artist community I've been part for a while ,today. I saw the community splitting , to avoid that and to have a harmony (here togetherness, that was my distortion) I raised a concern which triggered people. They weren't willing to see the truth and they took it personally. I wrote a couple of messages which got interpreted in unprecedented ways. I already knew by raising a concern I'm putting myself in a state of juxtaposition. Yet I did because it felt the right thing to do. After writing my leaving message I bursted into tears. Leaving a community, being ostracized.. I'm still processing.

After leaving that group I could still see/ feel the energetic impacts of the messages I wrote. Those are keep playing in my head which made me aware of intervening energies. But I cant see the blind spot. It's twisting and changing. At one point it appear as sadness then shift into judgements and fears. I'm also started doubting whether it was the right thing to leave the group. I couldn't see the intervention while I was in action. So my expressions might have come distorted. I can take ownership of that but this self doubt.. I don't know how to break this loop. If I meditate and feel into my Torus, it goes away. Later I could see it's slithering back when I'm in actions. Then I breathe and ground myself. Both peeling away and incoming is happening.

Thank you


In reply to by Soumya


Hi Soumya,

When I read your post, what I get, is that the mind is getting in the way of the feeling. I'd say it's clearly happening because of attachment to an old construct. Rather than going with the risk of letting it go.

But it does feel like you're intuiting the right approach to letting it all go, by breaking the mind's log-jam. In these situations, the key is to recognise the felt-sense as the original impulse. Get to know this, and centre in it. Then work to break the mind loops that are trying to get in the way.

Well wishes
<<< Open πŸ’Ž


07/03/2025 Shift Review: Avalonia

I shard this view above on how I've been feeling inevitable pushback, against the infusing planetary energies of Avalonia - a new planetary soul, that's come in to accelerate the Shift to 5D/6D/7D. To be clear, I only see this as a 'hiccup' in the process, and bound to happen. In my view, nothing now will be able to prevent the steady emergence through the storm clouds of the old construct, and into the Golden Age.

I felt it important to share this podcast from the beginning of 2025, for people to review exactly what's taken place, and how we might all gain from these more vibrant new energies...

Bright blessings to all.
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Just a reminder for all Openhand Facilitators and all in the Program, there's an important Development Conference coming up at the end of this month. With so much going on, including this recent Intervention pushback, it's utterly essential to stay abreast of all the developments, and to explore how best we facilitate them.

See you there!

3 Day Online Facilitator Conference for advanced travellers with Openhand. Whether working towards accreditation or not, benefit by integrating your consciousness in cutting edge processes; deepen your facilitator craft; develop your spiritual business; process your own karma; keep abreast of the latest energy movements in the Grand Galactic Convergence.
Develop Your Consciousness & Craft

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I was thinking about the timeline. Since it was expressed that it had become shorter and that Gaia had moved on, initially there was deep sorrow. And I do believe I still have attachment to her though subconsciously. I think it manifests as concern and attachment to my sisters who I believe may have been my children in a past life. I know it is time to let them go. But since then I've fluctuated between relief, excitement and worry that I just won't be ready in time. I'm sure I'll face the fear and sadness again at some point, especially if resources get diminished and planetary energies ramp up the ructions. The other night I was contemplating my huge distortions and misalignments and frankly, abject toxicity, and it came to me not for the first time that I feel like i would need at least another lifetime to unravel the mess of dysfunctional behaviours and beliefs I carry. But the thought of having to do this again, well, not even the lure of a comfortable, prosperous life can seem to make me want to go back down that path again. My first feeling is I want to move on. I want to see what's next. I want to shake of the indolence and stagnation and bust out of this prison and explore all the wonders and marvels that lie beyond this 3d form. It remains whether i have not only the courage but the strength to persevere. At this point all i can tell myself is "Fuck it, keep going.", to borrow your expression. Let's see how far we can go. If I do have to do it again then so be it, but let's see how far we can go first. Let's push on till dawn!

Struggling with toxic people whom I've attached to me via my own typical distorted behaviours, I couldn't seem to pull myself out of the mire. Still working on the chakras, connecting with SGOB and anchoring to the base anyway; I won't give up even though at times it seems hopeless and that I'm more disconnected and foggy than ever. This morning a wonderful shift: The deep sorrow and dejection at feeling powerless was gone. Suddenly the behaviours of these people didn't matter anymore. This is my current journey and these are my lessons. Such liberation! I have to keep reminding myself how i created it and that I must align my toxic behaviours and that what these people are giving me is actually a gift. To see how my thoughts and feelings manifest my reality. But to be at this place of acceptance and possibility is such a relief and blessing! I ponder, "How did I do it?". I believe I've had help in the dreamtime though I can't remember last night's. It could be the obsidian mala beads I started wearing to ward off intervention. It could also be that I verbally expressed before falling asleep that I would only allow and receive anyone and anything that only had my best and highest interests at heart. That I would not entertain energies that negatively influenced me or misled me. It has been rampant in my dreams of late, how I keep allowing maligned energies to lead me around by the nose, even behaving against my values knowing my teacher sat nearby. This is not who I want to be. I need strong boundaries even in and especially in the dreamtime. Working on focus, awareness, presence is hard for me right now. It feels like trying to to wake up after drinking too much. But I will do it not because it is easy but because it is hard! Thank you JFK. Because I know it will be the making of me.

This renewed feeling of hope and possibility is all I need to keep pushing through even stronger, letting go even more the things that divert me, and committing even more to the path.

This morning as I made breaky, the dawn twilight was particularly beautiful and magical, and I was given to deeply express my gratitude to the universe and helpers for this much needed shift and redirection. My efforts have not been in vain and just show how I need to keep practicing patience and trust. Then as the sun rose, it somehow gave off a green light for several minutes that I basked in, breathing it into my being. What I marveled at was how the night before i had started to call on Archangel Raphael to help me with some healing issues as i struggle with internal disbyosis and an infected wound that so far has been resistant to treatment. I stopped myself because I feel I should be learning how to heal myself, but then realized I'm at a vulnerable place and maybe it's okay to have help until I can do it for myself. Till I'm safe and sound. I worry as i have no desire to take antibiotics but fear the infection may become systemic. But again the lesson of patience and perseverance is gifted to me and today the infection looks like it may be damping down again (thanks to the miracle of tea tree oil!). Just like the intervention struggle; it gains the upper hand, but then grace realigns it. I too think this can be expected across the board. It will gain traction, but then the light will break through and damp it down again. Until the final purge.

And now a beautiful fluffy snowfall which i love so much, purifying and cooling my infection. I am looking forward to this journey. So much gratitude and love!

PS Forgot to mention yesterday in the middle of watching the podcast a truck went by with the word 'Findlay' which to me easily interprets as Fin=french for end, and dlay for delay, but didin't get a sense whether it was that it would be delayed or trying to be delayed.


06/03/2025 Shift Update: Intervention Pushback

In recent days, while travelling in the dreamtime through the planetary Torus, I've experienced a strong degree of Intervention pushback againts the new energies of Avalonia. The new soul has come into the core, yes, but the attempt by the shadow is to block the planetary chakras, so she can't fully emerge through.

Do explore what I'm outlining of this above.
And please do share your own thoughts and feelings.
Let's keep illuminating what's really going on in the Shift.

Bright blessings to all.
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I was at a local shopping centre this afternoon, somewhere I’ve visited many times before, when I turned a corner and saw this piece of art:

The artwork appears to depict intervention energy, on the left, in the 4D trying to pull in a representation of the soul on the right. The soul has attachments (karma) in the form of weights, and entities attached but you can see it rising at the crown and there’s even a merkabah in the centre of it. One level below it is the 3D world and one level above into the roof windows is the 5D.

I feel a strong sense of intervention trying to pull souls in, keeping them consuming and spending money. The image speaks strongly of how the intervention makes the 4D appealing and beautiful so as to dupe humans to choosing to be there.

I have passed this sculpture many times but today it jumped out and stopped me in my tracks. On reading the above, I felt to share.

Best wishes,

Nikki πŸ™

In reply to by NikkiNoo


Hi Nikki - wow, I'm bowled over: to see such a 'sculpture' in a shopping centre. And as you rightly point out, with all that symbology!

These things will always jump out and speak to us, if we're awake and aware.

I also see the frog as being about metamorphosis. And the 5/6 windows behind the structure as the journey into the higher paradigm.

Thanks for sharing!

Well wishes
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


I have been feeling some intervention energies in my field blocking the crown and feeding some thoughts, dreams and desires. This is coming through as regret of taking certain steps in the past. This is quite strong as its pulling me in, even when I know its not aligned.

When I inquired deeper it was coming from a desire to have a mission whereby either I'm not fully honoring or in touch with the mission I'm already part of or wanting something differrent. This shifts orientation from an internal one to something external.

I'm also travelling through the simulation or is at places where simulation has its hold quite strongly hence its also a challenge to keep coming back to the centre.

Breakthrough happens when I finally gets tired of this dynamic and decides to let go where by I open into aligned energies. What helps is when I strenghen my discipline , do some fasting and work through any ties thats holding me back to the old energies.

As you have mentioned in some other article, we have to know through our core that the old way doesnt actually work to make this transition fully. Until then this pendulum movement still happens to a degree. I guess this is where the intervention has a hold on us.

Interestingly somebody gifted me a book on the road - conversation between God and a small child. The God (Ra) is teaching the child how to heal his fragile body through the power of words and affirmations. It reminded me everything your have written in the book ressurection.

Vimal πŸ™

PS: On a completly differernt topic : The facilitators conference dates are written as Feb instead of march on the main Home page. I guess this is an error.

In reply to by Vimal


Hi Vimal - what speaks to me from what you've shared, is how the intervention does indeed interrupt the spontaneity of an open crown; and then usurps it with fears or limiting cycles of negative thought. This is how it derails people.

At some point, we must centre more in the feeling of the felt-self, whereupon, you can just sit back in the Torus, and watch the loops - be amused by them, before they dissolve away!

Great that you're able to reflect and see.

Much love
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

(PS - the Facilitator Conference should be showing the correct dates: 27th-29th March πŸ˜‰)

In reply to by Open


Hi Open ,

What I mean in this case , is not the negative thoughts, thats would be the obvious ones. I have seen how intevention can read our core resonant frequencies and provide a vision which can hook us in. This happens especially because the vision comes with feelings like meaning, purpose etc which the soul is longing for. But this can become like an addictive loop if not careful. I guess this happens because of the difficulty in sitting in the stillness without resolution. When given enough energy can take us out of the spontaneity of the moment. In this case, regret is the blind spot where the energy comes in unconsciously. Something for me to explore deeper. What I'm learning is not to get owned by it but instead use it as a pointer for a sense of direction. I trust this makes sense.

What I was pointing was the dates given in the featured events section which is still February.

Vimal πŸ™

In reply to by Vimal


Hi Vimal, yes, what you say here is really important...

I have seen how intervention can read our core resonant frequencies and provide a vision which can hook us in. This happens especially because the vision comes with feelings like meaning, purpose etc which the soul is longing for. But this can become like an addictive loop if not careful. I guess this happens because of the difficulty in sitting in the stillness without resolution.

If we're attentive, we'll get to know where these loops of visionary activity become addiction. That's when to break the cycles.

Open πŸ’Ž