All comments
- Don't theorise - realise08.04.15
- Open to change08.04.15
- still confused08.04.15
- Looking Forwards to Victoria08.04.15
- Probably processing karma07.04.15
- The only way out is through06.04.15
- <306.04.15
- A question for Open06.04.15
- A prayer for inner peace06.04.15
- Hello, thank you for your05.04.15
- Thanks Open05.04.15
- The possible affect of LSD05.04.15
- This is all so very04.04.15
- A resurrection message if there ever was one!04.04.15
- Thank you for the support03.04.15
- Keep delving, unravelling03.04.15
- Unfolding03.04.15
- Both methods03.04.15
- thankyou03.04.15
- Living Beings02.04.15