YOUR DIVINE BEING: World Tour 2015

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/01/2015 - 05:21

The next big Openhand Wave is here! As the New Year rolls in, we're really excited in the Openhand Camp. After the great success of the Divinicus Tour back in the autumn of 2014, it's inspired us to keep the 'energy ball' rolling: to keep connecting with people; to keep inspiring and uplifting soul. What else is there?! So we've been beavering away in the background, pulling together the threads of another Tour, weaving a tapestry of evolutionary possibility. This time, not only will we be conducting level 1 "Divinicus" Workshops, but also level 2 "Path between Worlds" and evening Seminars aswell. We know many of you have been tuning into Openhand, on the sidelines for years. The time has come to dive into centre stream with us, and ride the wave of your soul! Event Details of "YOUR DIVINE BEING" World Tour 2015 are now listed here Who are You really? Time to find out...

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It moves me deeply to be part of the incredible Openhand tribe of divine souls. I have met the most beautiful people (in person and virtually) since joining this group through my first Openhand workshop last October. I have been fondly thinking about all of you in Glastonbury this week. The gardens must be lovely this time of year. Sending lots of love to all.

PS - Divinicus 2 in Victoria created a significant activation for me. A great deal has been unfolding within and outwardly. This morning I was awakened by a clear voice stating "take your laptop and go to Jerusalem to meet Jehovah." What does my laptop have to do with meeting God?!....LOL

These are very interesting times!!



Well, open up your mind and see like me,
Open up your plans and damn you're free.
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love.
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just one big family <3
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved.

Sending bunches of love to Glastonbury <3

Maureen xo


Jen and I were just discussing today how both your lives are just full on. Hope you get a break for yourselves sometime. Sending you lots of love right back!!!


Wow Catherine! It's really amazing that you would tune into this song and it's really a true gift that you shared it with me. My mother sang it to me when I was young and Jennifer Juniper was a name she use to call me =) The horse has been strongly showing up for me lately - I am always drawn to their strength, beauty and grace, as well as the sheer driving energy that they embody...very cool image for me to work with riding the dappled mare =).

Thank you Catherine for the deeply heartfelt sentiment <3

Lots of love,



As I followed my soul's pull this morning to write to you, I began to hear the lyrics to Donovan's song of love "Jennifer Juniper" in my head.

"Jennifer Juniper, rides a dappled mare,
Jennifer Juniper, lilacs in her hair…"

For me Donovan's song of love speaks so poetically to the beauty and magnificence of your soul. Thank you for your compassionate understanding about my challenges around speaking up and expressing my feelings. And for your kind words. You help me to feel into my gifts of beingness. It was comforting beyond measure to connect so deeply with you during the workshop, heart to heart, soul to soul.

The most powerful moment for me during the workshop occurred just after we had all shared who we are. And then Open split himself wide open and spoke from the depths of his soul to express his immeasurable pain and suffering as you and Kim sat on either side of him, pillars of strength, and yet vulnerable, visibly feeling his anguish, tears streaming down your faces, courageously and steadfastly holding the space. I felt completely and utterly broken in that moment. And yet I could feel the alchemical magic of breaking in two and putting ourselves back together again, more whole, more complete. Tears stream down my face as I see the image in my mind's eye.

As I said to you afterwards, words cannot express the depth of gratitude I feel for Open and Trinity choosing such a heroic path to be with us to shine the light to the higher dimensions -- as life as we know it is coming to an end on planet earth in short measure. I can't begin to imagine the depths of suffering that Trinity and Open have endured to willingly undertake such a noble and courageous mission.

I resonate deeply with your shares here and learn so much from you, Jen. I greatly appreciate your generosity in coming from such a vulnerable and honest place. You inspire me so much.

Much Love,

xxx Catherine


Everything I read, and everything I feel about the Victoria experience is beyond my ability to express. The invitation was so wide spread that although I live in the Toronto area, I was very clearly impacted.
Thank you to all who participated physical and etherically.
Kim and Jen, dynamic duo!!
Kick-ass, fearless as always,
Joann, sincere gentle heart,
Open and Trinity, boundless.
I've just mentioned those I've met personally and yet for me the beautiful thing is that every single person who was there contributed immeasurably. Each and every one of us is an integral part of these experiences.
Looking forward to Glastonbury.....


Thanks for the kind words Sandra - it was awesome how you were prepared to go into some deep karmic experiences - very inspiring that you were able to be that surrendered. It bodes really well for the path.

Great job

Open *OK*


I sensed I was approaching a "hold on to your hat" experience leading up to this course. I let go of my "hat" the first day, surrendered into the process, and let the catalytic nature of the Openhand approach take me to what my soul yearned to reveal. Never before have I experienced going full throttle into my karma and expressing it. Thank you Open for guiding me through the very important step of softening into my karma, thus allowing me to feel a state of presence whilst in it.

It was an incredible gift to spend time with Kim and Jen, and to experience them holding space for us for 5 days - WOW! They are both devoted and gifted facilitators who clearly embody and demonstrate the catalytic spirit of the Openhand approach.

Open, I trust you. For three years I walked the path alone, feeling that I would never again feel capable of trusting a spiritual guide. You always bring me back to myself, and continuously invite me to exercise discernment in finding my truth. From the depths of my heart I thank you.

Trinity, I could feel your strong anchoring presence throughout the week. The conscious cuisine prepared for us was amazing (amazeballs...hehe). I truly felt loved, honoured and supported by you in many ways.

To my fellow course participants, I deeply thank you for the opportunity to intimately walk the path with you. I admire your honesty, committed and the courage to unleash and express your soul.

All my relations.



I am deeply touched by the loving support and feedback for the work.
Thankyou. It was a profound joy to lead.


Five days in the Garden of Eden. Truly feel like that was the gift! An experience that mirrored what original hominids had. I felt loved, seen, heard and held. I knew opening my heart as fully as possible was safe and not only safe but natural. Kick ass seems to be one of the descriptors going round that I totally relate to. Having Kim & Jen on either side of Open holding the space was incredibly powerful in so many ways bringing out empathy and catalytic energies in equal portions. Open you are indeed a most beautiful, dedicated, powerfully empathic, catalytic guide and leader. The honesty and soul-felt expression of each and every one there touched me deeply and allowed me to express from my authentic beingness. For that I am eternally grateful. The space was magical and all of this took place while our angel Trinity held and created love in her conscious kitchen on the road. I don't know if I'll be back to Victoria this year but certainly I carry all of you in my heart and hope to stay in touch here and or FB or e-mail or in the ether. Loving hugs. Joann


Dearest Catherine,

You are brave beyond words. I can relate with what you share about expression and I know how challenging it can be to feel it all, the heaviness, the smothered feeling and connect to the depth of who you are and let that place "speak". I wanted to add that you share who you are beyond the words...I can feel you - the depth and beauty of who you are. You inspire me deeply and it was such an immense pleasure to connect with you face to face and heart to heart. With love, Jen


Hi Kim,

Your courage to express your vulnerability, pain, tears, and deeply felt emotions during the workshop blew me away. When you stepped up to scream out your pain at one point, I felt constricted energy loosening up within me. It's far easier for me to express myself in writing than verbally. I'm happy that what I write here inspires you.

Since the workshop, I've been feeling into the distortions, fears, and past experiences that I've identified with that cause my body to close up, at times, when I try to speak up. I feel a heaviness in my chest, heart, and throat. Like I'm being choked and smothered. Bit by bit, I'm feeling into dissolving the fears and blockages and letting the light flow through. The mirror tells its tale and is reflecting back to me that I'm communicating with more honesty and transparency. You've really helped me to become more conscious of my patterns through your feedback, Kim. Thank you, thank you!

I came across this inspiring quote today that fires up my soul:

"I bare my nakedness to the world that the world may see who I am; not the mask that hides my flaws; not the mask that hides my beauty. I bask in the light and take off the mask." ~Jocelyn Soriano

Wishing you well on your journey to fully expressing the magnificent soul you are, Kim. How wonderful it is that we inspire each other.

Much Love,

xxx Catherine


Arrived back in Florida yesterday in the wee hours of the morning. What a week!! I feel immensely grateful that you each invited us into the space so openly and whole heartedly. You were willing to open into the contractions, the suppressed energies, the protection and bravely, steadily unfold. What a gift it is to see you each enter the space and with each moment bring in more and more of who you truly are. The mirrors for me were incredibly powerful and I have come home with a deeper awareness of where I haven't been willing to go, or been able to fully acknowledge until now. Expression has been suppressed at times and though I have been working with it up to this point, I have still held back from just stepping out and shining forth fully. I feel the invitation to rip through the perceived boundary, to bring in this deeper voice no matter what. Right alongside you all, I too felt into the depths of the fear and saw how it contains us and yet we CAN express the truth of who we are. We see it, we feel it, we know it ...and now, it is in the living of it - it is in the meeting of each moment with the fullness of who we are right in the moment where the distortion starts to unfold. You have all deeply inspired me to dig deeper, to find my true voice and to express my true song no matter what...the only way is through! Thank you all for the heartfelt connections. You are so beautiful! With lots of love, Jen


Wow Kim, your expression feels like a deeply powerful gift and an invitation.

Feeling inspired, Thank you x


Today has been overwhelmingly powerful. All day I have been working with waves of emotion flooding through me. I feel totally blessed and truly grateful to have been at the Victoria workshop. It was a privilege to sit with all of you and it helped me tremendously to find more clarity with things that I am working with. During the week I would pick a card each day from an Earth Magic deck and I kept getting "Clouds". It was all about shape shifting, choosing your expression and working with variations of self expression other than how you normally present yourself. Catherine, thank you for sharing. Your writing is always an inspiration to me because I see your willingness to be vulnerable and honest when you express. I am working to soften and fully express what wants to come out without filtering it all first, stopping it, or hiding who I am. What you said to me about not wanting to take up the time and space when sharing in the group really resonated with me as I work to fully be myself no matter what the consequence or how uncomfortable it may be for me.
Much love to you all,


Hii Catherine ,
I am very happy to hear that our support has uplifted your spirits at the right moments . By connecting to the group , i was also invited to dig in deeper where it was necessary - and even being able at times to use some alchemy of transcendence . Magical transformations are taking place - so inspiring .
Thank you Catherine for your example of persistence . U have been rewarded beautifully for your efforts .
Shine on dear Sister ,


Cynthia and Jean-michel,

There were moments during the Openhand workshop when I was fearful that I would not be able to keep up with the physical pace. Your continual messages of support on Facebook and through the ether made all the difference in helping me to push on. Deep gratitude and love, precious soul friends.

xxx Catherine


An overflowing heart full of love to Open, Trinity, Kim, Jen, the angels that swooped down to envelop us in love, and all the beautiful souls that came together in Victoria for this effing awesome workshop. Deepest gratitude to everyone for your many kindnesses that made it possible for me to participate in this workshop by getting around my physical disability. Your compassion melts my heart and reduces me to tears. Special gratitude to those souls who let loose and howled their pain out into the Universe as it roared up inside to be released. Your outstanding courage inspires me to go deeper and to find the courage to express more fully.

My soul was afire with constant streaming illuminations as I felt into the mirrors presented by everyone around me. Felt into the anguish and tears of repressed memories, distortions, and physical and emotional pain related to this lifetime and past lifetimes. Felt into the attachments and identities. The resistances to surrendering to what is. Then feeling myself release what no longer serves me to express my gifts of beingness. Feeling myself dissolve into the white light of Absolute Presence, the path between worlds. Moments of pure ecstasy.

I especially resonated with Open's assignment to immerse ourselves outdoors in the beauty of nature to feel into how original humans experienced life on planet earth before the Intervention. I'm truly blessed to realize that I often feel a magical sense of unity when out in nature as all my senses come fully alive and transform into soft tendrils that drift gently outwards and everywhere to lightly touch and embrace the All. Kim, thank you for your observation that you felt I didn't express fully what I was feeling after this exercise when we came back into the circle. What I didn't say was that I felt tremendous sorrow, grief, and sadness at the loss of this feeling of unity consciousness as I identified, once again, with a smaller sense of me, afraid to express how I felt. That said, I'm committed to becoming conscious enough to feel into the distortions and pain, as they arise, that take me out of feeling this Oneness so that more and more I burst the illusions and feel myself as who I truly am, non-identified Absolute Presence in all things.

Trinity, a huge and special thank you for your Angelic Presence, your love and compassion which I feel so deeply, our lovely chat, and last but not least for your nurturing food filled with the lightness of angels' wings. And for the photo of me entitled "Kickass Catherine!" I'm feeling into my ray one warrior energy as I write these words!

Open, what can I say!? You Da Supreme Kickasser! You Da Man!

xxx Catherine


Thanks Jan - as ever, it was a pleasure hosting you. :-) And here's the group photo from 'movie night' as we settled down for an interdimensional "Interstellar". It was mind blowing, especially considering the work we'd be doing. It took on a deep significance...


On this journey I am building confidence that no matter how far down the deep, dark rabbit hole the work takes me, it ALWAYS breaks through to love. And loving support is all that there was during this 5 days of incredible transformative shifting.
Thank you Open and Trinity for the work that you do, the risks you have taken and for being the wholly authentic and loving Souls that you are. Geoff and I felt held and nurtured in warmth and wisdom - with gentle guidance and wholesome nourishing food. We are grateful beyond measure.
A special thank you to Jen and Kim for holding the space for us so solidly and for the work that you did quietly behind the scenes.
Thank you to EVERYONE for sharing our experience with us. You all truly are the Super Heroes of our time.
A huge MMMMwwwwwAAAAAAAAA to everyone - from my heart to yours. See you in November !!!
Jan xoxoxoxo


Wow Trin, the cake looks beautiful and lovely to see your smiling radiant face :) I have happy memories of the raspberry version *ok*

Open, powerful "diad work", thanks for sharing.

With love and light, Fiona


Magic, magic, magic...thank you so much for sharing, everyone, so beautiful to see and hear of the happenings of tribe. Loving the look of that cake, mmmmmmm!! <3


I can't hold my tears as i am tapping into the Wonderful sharings above ! Trinity , your chocolae/strawberry slices look incredibly yummy . Thanks guys for the sharing , can't wait for the 12th Mei !


Perhaps one of the most powerful self realisation processes at Openhand is our 'diad work'. We set up two columns down which to channel energy, then we let the universe chose partners to sit with; intuitive questions are asked, interwoven with guided meditation. It's extremely powerful and brings lots of repressed energy to the surface. Then the participants get to see what's been holding them, we feel into it and unravel it with breath, movement and music. There's always lots of breakthroughs - things are never the same again!... getting down to it... always room for a supportive hug...


Fantastic, what a wonderful location.

Food looks amazing as usual, Trinity working her magic! And no doubt Open is working his magic with everyone too.

Love and blessings to all there, Fiona


Great pictures. I was feeling my brothers & sisters in Victoria yesterday as I meditated to the ripples on the water at the lake in my area. <3



Thank you for the more pics - for those of us who are attending etherically it is a special treat to be physically engaged as well.
Beyond beautiful and loving every minute of it. For the familiar faces, and for the new ones, there are no words without sounding sappy!


We've been blessed by a beautiful centre and beautiful weather to boot. Making full use of the sunshine... Palma the shaman taking it all in... Miles upon miles of beautiful scenery to lose yourself in... Hey guys what's this? Didn't we tell you, it's no sleep till Tampa! Woken up, just in time for dinner!... It's all green for "go!" in the kitchen. What a blessing to have you along Trin...


So Happy to connect from Belgium with the Canadian group . The energy sounds amazing and i am very looking forward for the Level 2 in Glastonbury . Catherine , Full on , all in . Fantastic !!! The property is perfectly suited for very deep work ! Thanks for sharing guys , Love .


Beautiful words & pictures Open. Excited for everyone there! I am on my way out to find my own Garden of Eden! :)

Maureen <3


Sleeping Dog Retreat Centre looks like the Garden of Eden! What an amazing setting, and what a beautiful and expansive experience for all involved. Loving the pics of awesome souls, and it's good to see Kick-Ass Catherine there!!


It's very special here in Victoria at the Sleeping Dog Retreat Centre. It's a lovely property with quiet little corners here and there; little waterfalls and sacred gardens. Yesterday I regressed people back to the Original Human in them, right back to what we might call "The Garden of Eden". We were appreciating life in a very gentle and humble way, maximising the senses, drinking in the beauty of the place. Having broken through layers of blockages, we were unleashing the soul through them, which rides you right back to the source inside yourself. It's a beautiful, blissful experience. Here are a few images: Group sharing on the lawn... Margaret taking it all in... Sandra after some deep processing, relaxing and enjoying... Kick-ass Catherine, always active in the Openhand Community... After taking people into the place of surrendered openness, today we'll be venturing through deeper repressed layers, that subconscious density that constantly affects our lives but which we'll be pretty unaware of. Bring it on! Open


Openhand's level 2 "Path between World's" in Victoria begins today. It's early morning here at Sleeping Dog Farm and everyone is awake! The cockerel's crowing, birds are chirping, dogs grunting, the horse neighing and in the kitchen is Trinity, already cooking away some aromatic delights for when our guests arrive. The beginnings of courses always have a special air for the Openhand Team. We're tuning in, feeling the vibe, watching for those threads of consciousness that are already beginning to form. The energy shapes itself well before the guests show up.
    Path between Worlds recognises that we're not living in one world but two: the higher realm overlapping the lower, physical one. The journey into the higher paradigm is internal, that we know, but so often it is misunderstood how to get there. You can't do it by trying to distance yourself from the physical world, because the hooks that keep you in the lower density are deeply embedded within your subconsciousness - they're what brought you back.
So you have to activate these hooks by getting into the energy of them. Only then can you let them go. So the Openhand Course Work uses all manner of intuitive techniques to take people into these repressed feelings. Meditation of course features highly, but not just sitting in stillness - we use emotive music and movement too. And we challenge consciousness with perspectives on truth. It's a deep concoction that frequently takes people into the heart of their density, helps them break it down, and then transcend it. When people do this, it's a joy to behold; they ride the internal waves into the higher paradigm. So the course begins today, Trin and myself are greatly looking forwards to it and sharing with you all in this journal. Stay tuned Openhanders, you're most welcome. And here's a short video on Transcendence which gives an insight into our philosophy on what that truly means. Enjoy Open...


Open, you took us into the Cosmos (which was a challenge to come back from, I must say) back down to Earth, then onto the dance floor. The evening was fun, fun, fun and sharing the space with so much heart energy was a real gift. Thank you everyone for being there!
Geoff and I are READY for Path Between Worlds - this is the way we play now!
Thank you Open and Trinity for making your way here to Victoria to share yourselves with all of us. Outstanding...
Jan xo


Holy Smokes, Batman! We were definitely on the soul train last night in Victoria with Trinity and Open and a fabulous bunch of superstar soul friends. Open managed to spin his cosmic wizardry and both articulated the wordless and got us into feeling it! You Da Man! The pics are wonderful, Trinity (especially the one of me haha). Yes, indeed, I rocked my heart and soul out. Must have been tuning into Terri-Lee's wild depth of soul, as you so aptly put it, Trinity! Rocking to David Bowie at the end of evening was absolutely transcendent. Thank you Open and Trinity and everyone for such an amazing and uplifting experience. At the start of the night I told you I might fly, Open, and I did!

"We can be heroes."

xxx Catherine


I could feel a smile on my face throughout most of the seminar. It was MAGIC!!! When something resonates deep in the core of your being your soul recognizes it as truth. Last night felt like one big, long, beautiful Aha moment!! Although not new to me, Open's sharing resonated at a level that my soul simply wanted to dance and rejoice in. And dance and rejoice we all did, in the funky Bollywood vibe of Sunset Labs. It was an awesome night Open and Trinity - a wonderful opportunity to introduce some of my friends to Openhand. Thank you!!


That really hits the nail on the head Trinity!
Open somehow manages to do that - I suspect it's a skill born of much experience within the wordless.
Loving the soulmotion and beautiful pics!!!
Thanks for sharing.


and it feels real!!
From 'here' what is happening in Victoria feels really huge - massive and uplifting.
We will be sweating together in a couple of months - really looking forward to that.
My love to all....


Thanks for tuning in guys and sending those positive vibes - we could feel them all the way over here in Victoria. Just briefly, the seminar was wonderful - magic! We connected with lovely people - it never ceases to amaze me where you appear from - we'll all a part of one emerging, evolving family, yet in disparate places of the world, all connecting through the ether.
    To everyone who traveled from far and wide to be there - thanks so much for your your energy, support and loving feedback. It was a delight meeting you!
The sunset labs were a funky place to hold a seminar (a bit like in the video below). But anyone who comes along to an Openhand event these days will know we're moving into areas where music and emotive speaking combine with film, meditation and movement, all crafted to get people quickly into feeling their soul. For Openhand that's what it's really all about. That's what inspires me in life - divine magic. Hence this song found it's wonderfully subtle way into some soulmotion movement which got everyone moving to their core vibe. It was just amazing. We may have captured some photos and video to follow, but in the meantime, close your eyes, breathe, listen and feel...


First official day off work. Heading out that way today but not joining you until Monday. Not sure how I arranged that but trust it. This gathering on home soil is special for me. I haven't been in Victoria for over 30 years! Cannot think of a better reason than to join soul family. Catherine thanks for your kind words. Really excited to meet all of you and experience another Openhand magical journey. I'm with you in spirit. Much love. Joann


Victoria seminar in full swing right now...Thinking of you all, connecting, and sending loads of loving support through the ether. I'm sure it's awesome!


Joann! I see you'll be joining the Victoria gang, as well. Holy Smokes, Batman! The star power keeps growing. Looking forward to meeting you in person!

xxx Catherine


Jen and Kim!

How awesome that you are joining the Victoria gang for Path Between Worlds. I'm so looking forward to meeting you both in person. More star power! Happy travels you two. Don't forget your raw chocolate!

xxx Catherine


I am over the moon excited to be reunited!! Travel tips are indeed welcome.


Jen & Kim....that is awesome that you are both able to go. Enjoy!! the new pic. I will see you in June. :)

xo Maureen


Synchronistic magic, oodles of support and everything opened up in the most incredible way =). Yes we are thrilled to be coming out to Victoria and to meet/ see all of you!! See you all on Saturday!!

Much love,

PS LOVE the new pic Kim!!! Can see your beautiful smile!


Taking note of your travel tips Open because two"Florida fairies" will be there. After feeling the pull and some synchronistic magic everything fell into place. We are excited beyond words. Looking forwards to meeting some new Openhaners and reconnecting with others. See you all soon!


When you're traveling, I find you've got to work hard to stay fresh. And by that, I mean keep your vibe high. The matrix is abound, and that density can so easily slip into your consciousness and downgrade it. What can you do? Here's just a few key areas to focus on...
  1. Conscious Movement: there's lots of 'on the bus/off the bus' in traveling; plenty of 'hurry up and wait'. So don't waste a moment. Trin and myself use little opportunities to do soulmotion, pilates and yoga. Even on planes you'll often find us at the back, squeezed into a little corner doing some kind of conscious movement. You've just got to have the commitment.
  2. Meditation: there's so much distraction on the road: people, places, objectives and deadlines, it's so easy for attention to be even more distracted from 'in-here' to 'out-there'. Again discipline is necessary. Take a few minutes here and there to go within, feel the vibe of your soul and breathe it into your being.
  3. Food and water: these should perhaps be top of the list. It never ceases to amaze me the utter junk that masquerades as food, especially on planes, and yet people still eat it! We seldom eat the food provided, even special meals, and even if that costs us extra. There's always something you can find if you're prepared to be patient, manage the tummy rumblings and instead make the higher choice. You're evolution is worth it.
  4. Hotels: just because a hotel is cheap, doesn't mean the vibe is poor. I've frequently had the best night's sleep in youth hostels. Often hotels have too much wifi and gadgetry. With that in mind, if you have a choice, go for a room on the top floor or near to it. And make sure you unplug unnecessary gadgets like those illuminous clocks and TVs for ever on standby. Sleep with your head away from the wall so as to be away from the residual electrosmog. Every little helps!
  5. The Path of Light: always watch and feel for the flow of the moment. This begins even at the time of booking a flight or ticket, even if weeks in advance. Feel it carefully. Don't necessarily always go for the cheap option, it could cost you more in the end. Watch for those signs and synchronicity. When you're moving, if you're observant, you'll spot them everywhere. Watch for the 'path of light' - it takes the effort out of traveling.
With that in mind, yesterday we were wondering about breakfast - the hotel food was out of the question. Even when they serve fruit, it's extremely rare that it would ever be organic. But the divine provides! And here, just outside of the station in Brighton, on our way to the airport, we discovered this amazing fresh juice bar run by Gareth and Tom. Together they call themselves 'the juice revolution'... And here's Tom Greenery doing his stuff (is that really his name? I'm told so; it seems he was destined!)... And here are the guys hard at it, prepping juices... Do check out their website, it's an inspiration... Juice Revolution And if you're ever in Brighton, do check them out at the main train station. When ever I meet people like this, I think of us all as the 'vibe warriors' - making big inroads into the matrix, bringing some lively vibrations back to the world. Yee-hah - Go for it guys! Open & Trinity


Thanks for the well wishes guys - heart warming *give_rose*

I remember getting to Victoria on the Divinicus Tour - it seemed like I needed every mode of transport to get there - but it was well worth it.

Trin and myself are on the ferry now (wifi is everywhere!), after a long flight and bus ride, a little jaded, a little tired, but nevertheless deeply enthusiastic for our visit - meeting up with the Victoria Team again. And I hear a couple of 'Florida fairies' might be making it over here too - time will tell.

Till soon



Knowing that Open and Trin are on their way re-ignites the experience I had in Florida a month ago (Was it really that long ago?). I completely fell in love with Openhand and the work they are doing. FINALLY, a pathway that makes sense to my mind and feels right in my soul. I will be eagerly following the experiences coming from Victoria. Blessings and joy! and some deep work, too...!


Enjoy your time with Trinity & Open Victoria! Excited for you!


Yah, you're on your way! Have a wonderful trip to Canada, Open and Trinity. Love the photos. Now that's some powerful soul in motion! See you both soon. It feels like pure magic to me! Cynthia, so happy you and Jean-michel and other Openhanders will be tuning into the Victoria gang with your beautiful energy!

xxx Catherine


Path Between Worlds in Glastonbury was incredibly awesome in Nov - so much so that I'm going for a second round of "hold onto your hat" awesomeness in Victoria. I don't think I've ever repeated a course by choice...LOL. See you soon Open and Trinity!

Love Sandra


How lucky we Canadians and Americans are to be welcoming both of you very soon in Victoria, Open and Trinity! Can't wait to meet you in person, Trinity! Since joining the Openhand community in 2013, my consciousness has expanded multi-dimensionally! As I gear up for the Divinicus seminar and Level II workshop, stuck energy is surfacing in order to be released. I know I will benefit hugely from Open's powerful mirroring and catalyzing. I look forward to seeing the Openhand gang, once again, and to meeting any new folks who might be attending. xxx Catherine


We are super excited for your arrival, Open and Trinity. Spring has truly arrived here and we are really looking forward to seeing the Divinicus group again for Path Between Worlds.
Since Level 1 the world has shifted on its axis for us here - we can't wait for Level 2! It feels like 'fasten our seatbelts' time.... :)
Much love,


The "Your Divine Being World Tour" is now gearing up for Victoria in Canada. Both Trinity and myself will be traveling this time, and we're greatly looking forwards to it. I met a lovely group of people last autumn there for the Openhand Divinicus Course and many will be coming back for the level 2 Path between Worlds.

As with Australia and the US, we'll also be putting on a 3hr interactive evening seminar, which incorporates presentation with meditation, emotive music and video. It's an approach I'm greatly enjoying and is lifting people well. The events begin with the seminar on April 23rd. Not long now!

Looking forwards to seeing you all

Open & Trinity


Truly beautiful...witnessing your beautiful souls journey, expand, open, surrender, warrior on...inspires me and fills me with profound loving connection.


It has been hard to find the words to express the amazing journey over the last two weeks. Many new connections made in so many ways. For me the softening, surrendering and opening allowed me to see what walking the path really means in a deeper way than ever before. I am slowly breaking down the resistance. Seeing myself in all of you was so powerful and deeply moving. There is nothing else. I will continue no matter how hard this journey seems to be. I look forward now to the more conscious feelings of tightness I experience so I can soften and unravel them. The gratitude and love I feel is indescribable. I feel truly blessed beyond words. I'll be at the Transfiguration, hope to see some of you there as well.


Ahh it is beautiful to feel the energy of your experiences rippling out... Deeply touching...

With the recent Solar Eclipse I felt the end of a cycle which seemed to bring awakening and awareness and the beginning of a new cycle, the next step, a cycle with a greater depth and what felt like deeply peaceful, pure, still connection was tangible.
The ceremony which I was invited to hold was around, healing the divine feminine; so that the chalice may be held, an empty and a pure space for the healing of the divine masculine to come forth - beautiful ripples... Beautiful Connections...


What an incredibly powerful experience we all shared. For me I experienced the gentlest expression of the divine masculine that I have ever a way I didn't even know was possible. This energy held open a space and gently but quite deeply dove into the divine feminine - exposing, feeling and expressing the core of our most sensitive and painful places and then opened into a field of unconditional love and support.

Ladies, it was just an honor to be part of this gathering - I saw myself in all of you - all the different colors helped me to see myself more clearly. Thank you for sharing yourselves so completely.

Open, it is absolutely beyond words for me to describe the gratitude I feel for your guidance, love and support...I am thankful beyond measure that the path lead me here to Openhand...everything has changed these last few years...everything has become richer, more alive, more true. Until we all meet again, sending you all much love! Jen


So beautiful to read about the Florida experiences, thank you all for sharing. I honour all of my soul sisters over there and send each of you the warmest of etheric hugs!

How wonderful, Open, that you could bring that alchemical energy of divine masculine to hold space for these women and allow the deepest possible expression of feminine release. I have felt that balanced masculine energy, it is such a soul-full invitation to drop all defences in complete safety and such a gentle salve to some very deep wounds. When in alignment with the balanced feminine able to meet it, I feel that there is so much opportunity for very rapid transformation.

Right now, the warped version of patriarchal masculine energy is in it's death throes. We must take every step in awareness and mindfulness as we usher in a new way of being. It is so very important for this sweet salve of divine masculine energy to permeate the world and for we sisters to welcome it with open arms! It was never this energy which hurt us, we are safe within it. We can surrender, we can lay back and float in it's presence, knowing we will always be honoured and respected in every moment.

It is so beautiful to find the divine masculine embodied in human form, as it is such a delightful peak expression of what humanity is capable of. At the same time, not forgetting also, that we have this energy always available within us and around us. We can call on it and feel it and play with it whenever we feel to, since finding actual embodiment of it in male form appears quite rare, so far! Further, I feel also that it is important for we women to bring the embodiment of this energy into ourselves, as well. It is not just for male bodies!

In balance, we can flow between expressions of the masculine and feminine. For ourselves, for our children, for our partners, for our communities, we can draw on all of those qualities. We can model what is possible. We can hold this space for others and ourselves. We don't need to wait on anyone else to provide those expressions for us! Whether brothers or sisters, it is all within us, quietly and unassumingly waiting for us to be ready to recognise ourselves.

I am sooooo excited to be alive right now and be a part of this epic moment in time! Thank you so much for listening to my heart's outpourings, sending much love to all! :) xoxo


Hi Trinity,

I felt you and your angels with us in Florida. I look forward to meeting you in June :)

Maureen <3


I don't feel I have lost a thing...nothing has decreased. Entering back into 3rd D was not nearly as difficult as I supposed it would be. I am somewhere an authentic expression of the Divine Feminine, with all the Rays glowing. I knew Florida would be life-changing but never could have envisioned the depth it would go for all of us. Such beautiful, beautiful souls in newly-found freedom and Light/Love.



So heart is bursting. I posted the following comment under course sharing but felt it belonged here.

Words can not express the deep gratitude & love that I feel for the experience that was created for myself and 7 other brave, beautiful women. My spirit has been lit in a way that I know will transform my life. The space was safe and infused with unconditional love. I experienced joy, pain and love in a beautiful way.

The karmic release I experienced on the final day has begun profound healing of my Divine Feminine. I will never forget the unconditional love and tenderness that I felt from all and beyond. To have you all sing so lovingly to me as I had the beautiful experience is something I will never forget. The space was infused with unconditional love, tenderness & healing. The Level 1 & 2 experience has shifted me somewhere deep inside.

Maureen <3


Wow. I'm melting. A message straight from the heart. Thank you, Open. Thank you, divine sisters. And thank you, John Lennon, for your profoundly healing lyrics, which bring tears to my eyes. xxx Catherine


Well, "Path between Worlds" was probably the most touchingly moving completion to an Openhand Course I've ever experienced here on the World Tour in Florida. And that's saying something, because there have been countless soul stirring courses. It began quite innocuously, myself and 8 wonderful, gentle, women from far and wide in North America. Because the group was small in comparison to others, it meant we were able to be much more personalised, weaving sensitively the threads of each person's life into a tapestry of group energy. These courses steer themselves, they always do...
    I felt quite a different blend of frequencies coming through me this time, led very clearly by the divine feminine. I was encouraged to look even deeper inside myself, empathise, soften, open, and to trust that the subtlety would still catalyse what was necessary.
And oh how it did! How absolutely magical the divine feminine energy is. It catalysed just as strongly. The group were able to regress into deep seated territory, emotionally break down into it, then quickly integrate and emerge out the other side. Like doves taking to flight, the divine feminine in us all was truly empowered. I am humbled. Thankyou for a most moving and memorable experience. Here are some photos and stay tuned for the very special music we shared towards to end... It began quietly, intimately, and so we went very deep, very quickly... It was a divine venue, a fair way from the hubbub of Florida, with an acre of lovely leafy grounds... Our lovely sunny retreat house... The forest meditation cabin... Jen weaving her artistic magic... And here she is in a reflective moment... Sandra performing a knitting meditation....and here's me thinking we're supposed to be unraveling the threads!... The organiser of the 'show'. Kim, who managed to slow down plenty too. Awesome job Kim!... Be humble grasshopper, like the dust... A parting soulmotion session on the immaculately dusted veranda... None of us will forget the finale. I opened myself up, to which the divine masculine came through in the most tender of ways I've ever known, with a message for all women everywhere: a deep expression of gratitude, for everything that you've endured in humanity's very suppressive and brutal past...
    "Woman, I can hardly express, My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness, After all, I'm forever in your debt, And woman, I will try express, My inner feelings and thankfullness, For showing me the meaning of success..."
And Lennon was most definitely with us on that final day. Take it away maestro... To the divine feminine everywhere, thankyou, from the bottom of my heart, for truly showing this man the meaning of success. Open


Mmmmm...this is something I am feeling called towards, I know it will be an exciting and transformational journey...looking forward to opening ever deeper into these learnings...thank you!! Big love xxx


Hi Trinity...yes youre right...I'm working on leaving behind my victim mentality and processing and embracing the massive expansion I experienced at Kiama at the workshop! Love Nicole...thank you :)


It's a fascinating time to be alive, it's a fascinating time to be a Spiritual Facilitator!
A big part of the Openhand 'mission' is to help encourage, catalyse and develop a Network of Spiritual Facilitators in various parts of the globe. It's an advanced program - it has to be. Helping people regress into, and to process, their karma, requires the development of profound psychic gifts of sensitivity. For example:
  • we work on our inherent ability to feel someone else's energy field as if it were our own
  • we master the art of sensitive/intuitive questioning to explore the blockages we can feel
  • processing karma is all about self realisation: a healer can remove the karmic energy, but unless the 'client' has self realised why it built up in the first place, then it is sure to return (if not in this incarnation, then another)
  • the deep, intuitive questioning exploration invokes self-realisation, which can be felt and realised as an inner, alchemical integration
  • we master how to infuse energy of catalysis: you bring it into your own field, which then resonates in the other persons - they feel their own infusing soul.
It's deeply humbling and rewarding process to be able to facilitate someone in this way. Humanity is only just at the very first steps of beginning to process karma. There is bundles of work to do. You could say such karmic healing is a massive growth area! So on the World Tour in Florida at the moment, I'm working with a small, focused group, helping to initiate and activate these gifts. They're people who've come through the Openhand Advanced Course Program; those who've shown a real motivation and aptitude for divine service at this level.
    Is that something that interests you? Is divine service a passion and commitment that fires your soul? Do you have the commitment and courage to truly unravel, that you may help another in a deeply profound way?
Here's what the Openhand Facilitator Program is all about, and how to qualify for it...Warriors of Truth


With you in thought and spirit. Your passion and dedication are truly inspiring. For me uncovering soul is the only worthwhile pursuit. Soooo much love to you and all your support team in Avalon and Florida. Love you all!!!


Well the "Your Divine Being" World Tour rolls on to Florida next - I'm travel bound once more. Meeting people involved in the work really excites me. I'm passionate about helping people be who they truly are. Having personally come into an existence that didn't really serve my higher nature, I too know exactly what it's like being lost in the density and having to work your way out. It happens both with patience but also persistence. You have to keep going, keep digging, keep unraveling. Then you'll be totally amazed at what you uncover. And that's what fires my passion most -
    watching people truly doing this and helping inspire it.
So I'm greatly looking forwards to this next chapter in the Tour. Thanks everyone for tuning in and lending your support. It's greatly appreciated. Open *give_rose*


oh yeh, im on track then.. thats where i was headed anyway.. but i will deal with that in everyday life...

i wasnt rising above anything. i was just balancing cos thats what i felt to do.

im looking forward to the next course.. ive had the feeling since the first course i attended that im waiting and supporting everything to mature before the serious stuff begins.



Hey Clear - didn't realise who you were at first.
It was lovely having you involved in the work.
All sparkles and rainbows!

Open :-)


I must have made an impact...for I embraced fully only to be ignored unlike everyone else who posted...must be my journey ;)I remain strong,positive and purposeful...
Love and enlightenment to all :)