What is the 5D Ascension?

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution for mankind. The Earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th Dimension - the 5th Density. But there's much confusion about what this 5D Ascension Shift means. What is really happening and how will it affect you?

Most importantly, how can you ride the changes successfully and Ascend into the higher 5D Paradigm?

Openhand has been passionately working in this field for many years, helping people around the world through evolutionary change. These articles on the 5D Ascension Shift are designed to stimulate your own inner realisations about the phenomenon...

Check Out Openhand's 5D Ascension Program

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Are You Experiencing Ascension?...21 Top Ascension Symptoms

Mastering The Power of Quantum Manifesting in a Terraforming World

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/07/2022 - 04:43

The balance of power on the planet is transforming strongly. But not necessarily as projected into society by the shadowside. There's a need to beware of the surface distraction, because a tremendous influx of consciousness is abound that we can each draw power from if we look up beyond the surface shenanigans. It's high time to discover and embody the true, selfless, power of quantum manifesting. Now, more than ever, this is essential to your harmony and balance in life.

1241 Reads

A New Humanity: Joining the Galactic Family of Light

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/23/2022 - 10:18

When you consider the catastrophic breakdown of society unfolding right now, it's understandable you might balk at it all and want to close back down in the 3D shell. But this is not the time to play it small! We must keep working through and shedding the old homo sapiens layers. Progressively your 5D wings take form, and you find you can navigate and create in the world from an entirely different, expanded possibility. Awesome! You're joining the Galactic Family of Light.

1765 Reads

Ancient Pleiadian Reptilian Dynamic that Humanity Must Heal

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/12/2022 - 04:34

There is an ancient Pleiadian Reptilian dynamic of victim and oppressor at play within humanity with its origins further afield in the galaxy. It affects many relationships. On the one hand there's the need to be protected and looked after; on the other, the compulsion to control and manipulate. Since the human genome contains the DNA of both star nations, it's a dynamic we all need to pay attention to and resolve out, if people are to have balanced relationships.

1362 Reads

Star Being Nations Drawing Close to Support our 5D Ascension

Submitted by Open on Tue, 07/26/2022 - 04:37

We're at a crucial pivot within our Ascension process, where a strong reorientation is necessary to accelerate sufficiently with the Shift into 5D. The Star Beings, from many different constellations, are drawing ever closer in support. There's still much blocking going on by intervention energies in the 4D layer - the "Karmic Red Sea".

1072 Reads

5D Shift: Andromedan Vibration Overcoming Inertia of the Ra Energy

Submitted by Open on Thu, 07/21/2022 - 04:17

We have a lot of higher vibrational support in the field right now resonating from the Star Beings supporting the shift, and especially the Andromedans. There's much inertia to overcome, that of the limiting "Ra" energy for example that wants to keep us soft and non-committal "on the sofa".

Here's what that's about including 5 ways to break down the inertia to support a faster creative vibration in your life.

527 Reads

Planetary Lightworkers and Healers: What Modality are You?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 04:13

Lightworkers, healers and planetary shift facilitators are coming to the fore in this Great Shift of Consciousness that the planet and humanity are unravelling through. Wow, what a process! Some of you are now well experienced in the work that you're doing, others are just coming online.

1099 Reads

Becoming the Alchemist: Creating the Conditions for Higher Alchemy to Flow

Submitted by Open on Tue, 06/28/2022 - 05:21

One of the most influential and loved spiritual books out there is The Alchemist by Paulo Choelo. It's a marvellous demonstration of how you create alchemy by coming into the natural flow of the Universe. Paradoxically there's no longer a 'you' creating as such, alchemy is flowing through you and the landscape is then shaping around you. So how might we create the right conditions to amplify this universal phenomenon for maximum possibility? How might you become the alchemist?...

2592 Reads

Planetary Shift Facilitators: Changing the Nature of the Game

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/15/2022 - 18:11

If you've been drawn to the title then I guess you see yourself as a facilitator in this great planetary shift that's unfolding all around us. Or perhaps you haven't quite realised that yet? There have been plenty of shifts before us and there will be plenty to come. You may feel eager and keen to get things moving, or you may find yourself buckling under the strain at times - how to find the right pace and balance? It's crucial to know how to measure success and who you are in it all.

1167 Reads

Join us in our 5D Retreats and Courses: What To Expect?

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/25/2022 - 04:57

With Openhand you can come into alignment with the natural flow of the universe, allowing you to join our Ascension into 5D consciousness.

A great way to do this is by joining us on our 5D retreats and courses that can be done both terrestrially and online via Zoom. They're deeply transformative and always full of high alchemy and adventure.

193 Reads

4 Key Missions of Energy and Lightworkers in the Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 05:11

It's crazy and confusing out there in society right now with much purposeful deception and misdirection. But not if you understand and focus on your mission here in the shift. What is your purpose? What did you incarnate specifically for at this moment? Understanding these crucial questions can furnish much peace of mind and dispatch wasted effort.

Here then are 4 key missions of energy and lightworkers in the shift...

1878 Reads

Becoing an Ascended Master: An Eternal Student of Life

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 06:22

On the spiritual path, what is the true measure of mastery? You may have journeyed plenty, you may have touched deep presence and be able to open into multidimensionality. However, this doesn't necessarily equate to being a master of the Shift itself, that which is moving everything into the Universal Torus of Life. For this, we must understand and master the process of Ascension itself.

15916 Reads