What is the 5D Ascension?

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution for mankind. The Earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th Dimension - the 5th Density. But there's much confusion about what this 5D Ascension Shift means. What is really happening and how will it affect you?

Most importantly, how can you ride the changes successfully and Ascend into the higher 5D Paradigm?

Openhand has been passionately working in this field for many years, helping people around the world through evolutionary change. These articles on the 5D Ascension Shift are designed to stimulate your own inner realisations about the phenomenon...

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Are You Experiencing Ascension?...21 Top Ascension Symptoms

Plantary Shift of Consciousness: Becoming the Warrior in the Heart

Submitted by Open on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 05:05

Make no mistake we are at an anvil in human history. The falsehoods enacted by states around the world in the name of the virus pandemic and the bogus control of populations are being called into account by the rising of sovereign consciousness. But much more needs to be done, and not by the leaders of our world, but by regular people - the likes of you and me, for there are millions of us, governed only by consent. A quasi facist/communist takeover seeks to spread its dark veil across the planet, which free and sovereign people are being invited to challenge.

It's deceptive. It's confusing. It appears even in the guise of democracy, enacting "regulations" for "the good of the whole". But when you go into your heart, no matter how confusing to the mind, you recognise it immediately as control. It is anything other than freedom, respect and love. This is what we must stand up against and express into, in order to expose and unravel.

3791 Reads

5D Crystalline Grid - Divine Super Intelligence, And 5 Ways To Be In It

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/26/2020 - 07:44

It's challenging down in the old 3D/4D karmic construct on earth, as the controllers struggle to reshape society according to their shadowy intentions. What needs to be hoisted on board by ascending souls is that WE are in the driving seat - the controllers are merely reacting to the 5D Ascension of Consciousness, desperately efforting to lock it down. They will fail. The Benevolents have been augmenting the structure of the 5D Cyrstalline Grid, the energetic foundation upon which the new paradigm will sit.

It's already downloading energy from the sun and galactic core. Here's how we can benefit from that infusion of energy.

8463 Reads

Earth Ascension: Gaia's 5D Crystalline Grid Comes ONLINE

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/14/2020 - 16:00

Right now we're witnessing what the First Nations people described as the time of a global "conflict with materiality". It's a double-sided coin, because the light of a new paradigm steadily emerges as the lower densities progressively break down and transform. If you keep transforming within you, then you'll tune into a super-conscious 5D crystalline grid that's already forming the light foundation of the New Paradigm. It's active, and you can draw on it right now!

6062 Reads

System Shennanigans - 5D Ascension is Now!

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 06:17

For every cause there is an effect. On every occassion in world history where there has been an amplification in the electrification of our planet, be it from radar to 5Jeez, there has been a global virus pandemic, because in the physical we are electrified beings. The body is simply reacting to the toxicity. Fortunately, we are much more than physical. What this current (in my view artificially created) fear pandemic reveals, is the need in us to shift and focus life orientation. 2020 is the clear division of two pathways: either the higway to hell, or the journey into the higher 5D paradigm. Let our heavenly Ascension begin right Now.

2494 Reads

How to Break Cycles of Cravings to Accelerate Your Consciousness Shift

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 05:13

We're living in two worlds on the planet right now: a metaverse in society that is working to suck souls in and entrap them in a limiting reality; and a New Paradigm that's increasingly infusing light to forge a new way of living and being, interconnected with the divine. To access the latter, we're going to have to confront and break open cycles of addiction and cravings. We can do it if we understand how. No worries. We've got this!

962 Reads

Deception on the Spiritual Path and How to Overcome It

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/13/2020 - 05:09

Humanity is waking up from a grand deception, propagated through the energy field by an Interdimensional ET Intervention to suppress and control. But now the roots of this 'matrix' have been broken from Gaia at the deepest levels by Benevolence. However, now is not the time to get complacent. The Intervention senses the end game and is spinning all manner of deceptions in a last-ditch attempt to divert people into a synthetic high-tech reality and go off planet. Let's avoid that derailment. 5D is our rightful destiny.

3733 Reads

5D Ascension: How to Thrive in 5D Consciousness? (7 Qualities to Embody)

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/01/2019 - 05:37

We are now, very clearly, living in two worlds not once. The old karmic construct dwells within its final death throws, which although will take time to clear, is most definitely in terminal decline. But the breakdown is allowing the marvellous infusion of higher light too. It's now possible to ride those vibrations in daily life as the planet transforms progressively into 5D consciousness. Here are the key pointers to watch for and to embody.

2948 Reads

Inter dimensional Travel, By Realising the Universe as a Hologram of Light

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/04/2019 - 07:26

Increasingly there is a yearning within the soul of humanity to reconnect with the true source and shape a new reality that is more harmonious, unconditonally loving, just and fair to all sentient life. After aeons of forced amnesia, Humanity is realising his/her greater place within the cosmos - these are exciting times indeed.

In terms of travelling and creating in higher dimensions of existence, there are some fundamental keys to behold which can unlock the inner gateways. The first is to realise that the outer is but a hologram of the inner. How does this work?

2008 Reads

5D Shift: How will the New Evolution of 5D Human DNA take Form?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 05:37

These are exciting times to be alive. If you're here on the planet during the Great Shift, then you'll have a front-row seat in a spectacular rebirth leading to a New Paradigm of Existence. Let's be clear though, this is NOT about healing the old 3D reality, for it is already well past its sell-by-date. We're taking the very best consciousness from the old, raising it higher, and blending it with something entirely new in the 5D. How will that work at a human DNA level?

5981 Reads

The Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration in Earth's 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/30/2019 - 06:47

You often hear about the need to 'raise your vibration' in the ongoing consciousness shift that is sweeping across our planet. Further on I share Openhand's top 10 ways for doing so, but before that, it's essential to understand what is 'raising your vibration'? What exactly does it mean, because clearly there's plenty of misconception going on and it's important to get it right if we are to align with the unfolding 5D Shift...

10773 Reads

The Ascended Masters...and the Benevolent Mission around the Earth

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 14:38

The Shift of consciousness taking place on the earth right now is a complex one, presenting plenty of knots of intervention energies with humanity working to emerge into the light. At times like these it is for sure a tortuous journey. However, there is a vertiable 'army' of supporters and guides in the ether positively willing the emergence of a New Paradigm and a new evolution of humanity to go with it. Central to that support are already ascended beings, those who've come through plenty of incarnations and now reside in higher dimensions supporting the shift. How do they most effectively work, and how can you connect with them to best illuminate your path?

To be tuned into this higher guidance at these times is utterly priceless as the challenges of the shift get more complex. The ET Opposing Consciousness is applying Artificial Intelligence to try to lock people into a synthetic agenda, which for a raft of people appears to be working. We're witnessing a parting of the waves in the Shift and it's essential to be clear where your own consciousness is headed. That's where Ascended Master energies can greatly help.

4180 Reads