Andrasta Crop Circle

At the Openhand facilitator conference in Avebury 2022, several of the different Star Being groups connected through us as vibrational frequencies you could feel at a soul level. It's essential to say that there's no requirement to actually see these star beings or even know which group you're tuning into. The crucial thing is:
What authentic frequency do they resonate and activate at a soul level?
Because that's how they can help you best.
The Androemdan Connection

Star Beings such as the Andromedans are speaking to us across the great divide through marvellous constructs like the crop circle phenomena. They speak in terms of sacred geometry, signs and synchronicity. Really what they're doing is activating an inner frequency within your soul-ray-harmonic. What comes alive in you as you connect with them? Perhaps the mystery and the wonder? Perhaps excitement and adventure? Perhaps they encourage you to maintain an openness to the great mystery and see it weave all around you in life.
Healing Modality

You may be engaged in various modalities of healing or energy work. And right now, benevolent beings, from across the cosmos are converging in the field and drawing close to support our work. It's a crystal clear message I've been getting of late, how keen they are to work with facilitators, healers and lightworkers, but it's been a challenge - there's been much karmic pain to overcome from the past for these groups, much deception and betrayal, that's been caused here through the intervention. So it's been difficult for them to re-engage.
How to Channel High Alchemy in Your Life

One of the most influential and loved spiritual books out there is The Alchemist by Paulo Choelo. It's a marvellous demonstration of how you create alchemy by coming into the natural flow of the Universe. Paradoxically there's no longer a 'you' creating as such, alchemy is flowing through you and the landscape is then shaping around you.
Game Changer in the Shift

It's so easy to be attached to outcomes in life, to fix this or that - whether it be a living situation, a relationship or the job that we do. It's understandable because these situations have such a big impact on our lives.
BUT, we need to understand that the situations themselves are the product of what we're being within. The landscape - the quantum soup - bends around what we are being. That's why it's crucial to uncover, and come from, authentic beingness. It's a real game-changer in life. How?
Nature of True Abundance?

Right now there's cause for optimism on the planet, especially if you're tuned into the flow of the divine, because there are high-level infusions of light taking place. No, I'm not blind - yes, the shadowstate continues its brash attempts to reset our lives, but that will only work to the degree you allow yourself to be defined by it. The divine flow is accelerating on the planet right now, especially in the higher dimensions of 7D, 6D and 5D. That energy is sure to cascade into our lives providing we pay attention to it.
Elders Speak across the Divide

The elders are always there for humanity, tuning in, following your path and generating openings where they can. So let's make sure we keep tuning in on a regular basis. It's going to help your unfolding pathway no end. <<< Open 🧡
Healing the Divine Masculine Feminine

It seems like an obvious statement: to heal BOTH the divine masculine and feminine within us in order to heal humanity. Yet it's all too easy just to focus on one, and then if in partnership, to divulge responsibility to the other. Let's see the marvelous reflections life constantly presents to us, but then endeavour to express and integrate both. It's crucial for the 5D Ascension of man.
Bright Blessings, <<< Open 🧡
The Aligned Path

The problem is NOT that you'll activate difficulty and density upon your path,
because your path is forged from the cobble stones you walk over.
The problem is not have the courage to set the stones down when you encounter them.
That's where it takes guts and commitment.
And ultimately, that minimises the suffering and maximises the opportunity.
Time Lines

What we really need to be careful of is just how deceptive and distorting the Opposing Consciousness on earth right now is. How spiritual truths get distorted to create illusionary realties that the mind can more easily cope with. Or else seeding some "hope" for the future, whereas the True Self deals only in truth - how ever harsh that may appear to be. I find it useful to contemplate that as we sit here now, whole civilisations and planetary systems are being obliterated in the universal natural process of constant creation - AND, the One in you is eternal through it all.