
Whether we know it or not, reality is arrayed in multiple dimensions of consciousness and our lives are greatly influenced both positively and negatively by the various flows and interplays between them. There are benevolent energies and entities supporting our natural evolutionary unfolding and others intentionally retarding it. By becoming increasingly aware of these influences and sensitive to them, we're able to align ourselves more accurately with our destined evolutionary path and not get diverted down some blind alleyway.

Of course such etheric experiences are always dependent on the subjective perspective of the person experiencing them. These feelings are frequently abstract and challenging to rationalise. But they are a part of our lives and therefore of great benefit to understand and integrate from our own perspective.

Articles on Multidimensionality:

System Shennanigans - 5D Ascension is Now!

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 06:17

For every cause there is an effect. On every occassion in world history where there has been an amplification in the electrification of our planet, be it from radar to 5Jeez, there has been a global virus pandemic, because in the physical we are electrified beings. The body is simply reacting to the toxicity. Fortunately, we are much more than physical. What this current (in my view artificially created) fear pandemic reveals, is the need in us to shift and focus life orientation. 2020 is the clear division of two pathways: either the higway to hell, or the journey into the higher 5D paradigm. Let our heavenly Ascension begin right Now.

2441 Reads

Ascension into the 5th Dimension (Exploring Primary Concepts)

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/04/2020 - 07:24

Ascension has become a hot topic of late, especially as we sail into climate crisis and as the infusion of galactic energies transform Gaia and the Solar System. There's much misunderstanding that needs to be clarified. For example, we don't ascend to a 'dimension', rather a density, and not just one, but a range, in this case the 5th, 6th and 7th densities, where the new form of the divine human, DIVINICUS, is taking shape.

14664 Reads

Deception on the Spiritual Path and How to Overcome It

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/13/2020 - 05:09

Humanity is waking up from a grand deception, propagated through the energy field by an Interdimensional ET Intervention to suppress and control. But now the roots of this 'matrix' have been broken from Gaia at the deepest levels by Benevolence. However, now is not the time to get complacent. The Intervention senses the end game and is spinning all manner of deceptions in a last-ditch attempt to divert people into a synthetic high-tech reality and go off planet. Let's avoid that derailment. 5D is our rightful destiny.

3667 Reads

5D Ascension: How to Thrive in 5D Consciousness? (7 Qualities to Embody)

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/01/2019 - 05:37

We are now, very clearly, living in two worlds not once. The old karmic construct dwells within its final death throws, which although will take time to clear, is most definitely in terminal decline. But the breakdown is allowing the marvellous infusion of higher light too. It's now possible to ride those vibrations in daily life as the planet transforms progressively into 5D consciousness. Here are the key pointers to watch for and to embody.

2890 Reads

Inter dimensional Travel, By Realising the Universe as a Hologram of Light

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/04/2019 - 07:26

Increasingly there is a yearning within the soul of humanity to reconnect with the true source and shape a new reality that is more harmonious, unconditonally loving, just and fair to all sentient life. After aeons of forced amnesia, Humanity is realising his/her greater place within the cosmos - these are exciting times indeed.

In terms of travelling and creating in higher dimensions of existence, there are some fundamental keys to behold which can unlock the inner gateways. The first is to realise that the outer is but a hologram of the inner. How does this work?

1945 Reads

5D Shift: How will the New Evolution of 5D Human DNA take Form?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 11/01/2019 - 05:37

These are exciting times to be alive. If you're here on the planet during the Great Shift, then you'll have a front-row seat in a spectacular rebirth leading to a New Paradigm of Existence. Let's be clear though, this is NOT about healing the old 3D reality, for it is already well past its sell-by-date. We're taking the very best consciousness from the old, raising it higher, and blending it with something entirely new in the 5D. How will that work at a human DNA level?

5864 Reads

The Ascended Masters...and the Benevolent Mission around the Earth

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 14:38

The Shift of consciousness taking place on the earth right now is a complex one, presenting plenty of knots of intervention energies with humanity working to emerge into the light. At times like these it is for sure a tortuous journey. However, there is a vertiable 'army' of supporters and guides in the ether positively willing the emergence of a New Paradigm and a new evolution of humanity to go with it. Central to that support are already ascended beings, those who've come through plenty of incarnations and now reside in higher dimensions supporting the shift. How do they most effectively work, and how can you connect with them to best illuminate your path?

To be tuned into this higher guidance at these times is utterly priceless as the challenges of the shift get more complex. The ET Opposing Consciousness is applying Artificial Intelligence to try to lock people into a synthetic agenda, which for a raft of people appears to be working. We're witnessing a parting of the waves in the Shift and it's essential to be clear where your own consciousness is headed. That's where Ascended Master energies can greatly help.

4077 Reads

5D Shift: 5Jeez, The Hopi Prophecy, and the Divergence of Humanity

Submitted by Open on Sat, 06/01/2019 - 05:59

Recently I wrote about the phenomenal significance of the 5Jeez/5D synchronicity - a quantum increase in the EMF irradiation of our planet, that now needs to mark our Ascension into 5D. We're at the decision point, a crossroads in our evolution. And the illuminating synchronicity reveals another essential marker for evolving people to hoist on board: humanity has reached a divergence point in The Shift. It's clear, the majority in the mainstream head willingly into the technological abyss. And just as the historical record bears previous witness, now, a clear divergence is beginning to happen for those who're ready to begin The Shift in earnest.

3005 Reads

5GEE/5D: An Illuminating Synchronicity Signalling the Time of Our Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/09/2019 - 04:37

Nothing happens by chance. The Universal mother tongue is that of synchronicity. As The Shift unfolds we'll be seeing countless mirrors as to the way forwards. And here we are, a wave of people beginning to shift into 5D right at the time a new, highly invasive, 5GEE technology is being rolled out. Which one is truly SMART indeed! I can feel it deep in my bones that this is an illuminating signal for evolving people. This seems to mark a full-on assault to our ecosystems by an unseen consciousness. Together with abrupt climate change, environmental degradation and the Pole Shift, it's all converging. The invitation is to begin Ascension into 5D.

It will be the ride of our lives!

11128 Reads

Close Encounters with Reptilian and Draconian Entities in the 5D Earth Shift

Submitted by Open on Sun, 03/31/2019 - 04:58

Humanity is waking from aeons of isolation and disconnection, progressively rediscovering his multidimensional place in the wider Universe. It's a great sign, and completely necessary to be a part of The Shift into the New 5D Paradigm. Many veils need to fall, that have obscured the complexity of the reality we're engaged within, ones that interrelate existentially with human karma. It's clear, mankind did not evolve naturally from the apes, and is not alone within the multidimensional landscape here on earth. In fact, in many ways, Homo Sapiens has been an experiment - a slave species - to a more advanced alien intelligence, that he is now emerging from, unwinding out of.

Awareness is the key. What you fearlessly bring your awareness into, explodes the ties that bind and limit. It is with this courageous approach, that we must dig deep through the internal intervention of the "Reptilian" energies concealed within. We must confront and realign them.

8576 Reads

Taking the Inner Journey to Higher Dimensions, 5D/6D/7D

Submitted by Open on Sun, 03/10/2019 - 05:39

In 1973 the acclaimed mystic Ingo Swann astrally 'travelled' to Jupiter and reported it had rings around in a similar way to Saturn. The science community ridiculed him. That was until 6 years later in 1979 when the space probe Voyager physically travelled there and photographed what he saw! The entirety of the Universe is within. What we see on the outside is a reflection of our inner state. So as we contemplate the possibility of the New Paradigm in higher planes, we don't have to wait. It is right there, right now.

The time has come for humanity to unleash profound 5D/6D/7D possibility.

8359 Reads

5D Shift: Unwinding the "Black Snake" Energy of the Deep Field

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 04:30

Is there metaphoric truth in the Garden of Eden story? That somehow humanity has been tempted out of divine union by a shadow side "Black Snake" energy that engrosses through distorted attachment to the physical? In this sense, most definitely yes. And it's an energy that has misaligned the very foundation of society itself, creating a "deep state" or "deep field" that works to ensnare through deceptive manipulation. We see it all around surreptitiously propagated through the media. The Shift energies are now beginning to tackle and unwind this energy itself, which is a very positive development. Here's an overview exploration of how you might tackle it in your own field for the greater good...

6778 Reads