
Whether we know it or not, reality is arrayed in multiple dimensions of consciousness and our lives are greatly influenced both positively and negatively by the various flows and interplays between them. There are benevolent energies and entities supporting our natural evolutionary unfolding and others intentionally retarding it. By becoming increasingly aware of these influences and sensitive to them, we're able to align ourselves more accurately with our destined evolutionary path and not get diverted down some blind alleyway.

Of course such etheric experiences are always dependent on the subjective perspective of the person experiencing them. These feelings are frequently abstract and challenging to rationalise. But they are a part of our lives and therefore of great benefit to understand and integrate from our own perspective.

Articles on Multidimensionality:

Return of the Pleiadians and Earth Energies Reconciliation

Submitted by Open on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 15:21

Contrary to popular belief, Homo Sapiens did not descend naturally from the Apes! Anyone who doubts this might like to explore how the chromosome count mysteriously contracted from 48 to 46 and then propagated throughout the entire human species when such a 'mutation' would have been an evolutionary disadvantage. There are countless other reasons that point to some blend of extra terrestrial genetics. Like the 223 genes that appear nowhere else on Earth's tree of life. In my knowing, Pleiadian consciousness was integrated to seed the original humans. It's vital for all making the 5D Shift, to integrate potential karmic past life convolutions...

14718 Reads

How to Live From 5D Consciousness...Here and Now

Submitted by Open on Sat, 06/11/2016 - 06:08

It's time folks. Procrastination has to fall by the wayside now. Allegiance to a dying system must progressively wither and perish, just as the system itself is doing. There will likely be fear about that. It's okay. Honour it, embrace it, because fear is a tremendous vehicle for growth. It's in the fear where you can honestly touch your identification - the holding on. Where does it get tight inside? Here's the answer your soul is seeking, here's exactly why you created this moment. So that you can break through the 3D density into 5D.

7006 Reads

Betrayed, Abandoned, Cast-adrift, and then...Reborn!

Submitted by Open on Sat, 05/28/2016 - 05:45

Do you feel sometimes like you've been betrayed, abandoned and cast-adrift on the ocean of life? It's like nothing seems to add up, life doesn't always flow like it really should, and there are 'shadows' everywhere who seem to make it their purpose to slow you down. Don't worry, even though sometimes you may feel alone and cut-off from the wider universe you know as home, you are not powerless - you have gifts beyond measure, and as long as you let the flow speak through you, it will find a way to connect you back up to the source. If you let the fullness of you express, it doesn't matter what odds are ranged against you, you'll overcome any obstacle and challenge they throw in your way...

4798 Reads

Time is Now Accelerating to a Standstill...How do you deal with that?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 05/20/2016 - 04:34

Are you feeling it too? It's like you have more and more to do, and increasingly less time to do it. It's because of this Great Shift of Consciousness into the 5D. Time is speeding up, because life here in the 3D has been locked into an eddy current - a 'time-warp', behind the flow; but now, that reality is unwinding, we're rejoining the space-time-continuum, where there is no time! How do you deal with that in a practical sense? What does it mean for your life and all that you're doing - all that you're working to create?...

5141 Reads

How can we best Live the Great 5D Shift in Daily Life?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 19:32

Whether aware or not, everyone is influenced by the current higher dimensional shift of consciousness into the Fifth Density. All is interconnected by consciousness, and the underlying flow on Earth is into higher dimensions. Gaia has centred herself in the 5D and is inviting all life to join her. It may sound a bit 'out there' to some, but when you examine it fully, you'll find that every thought, emotion and feeling - indeed every action - is being influenced by the interplay of the shift. Here's how to live that from day to day.

6620 Reads

The Complexity of Blending the Higher Flow with the Lower on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 17:31

Okay, so more and more people are speaking of the importance of aligning with the natural flow in life - to find greater harmony, fulfillment and at-one-ment with the divine. But there's an added complexity happening in the quantum field which I felt to bring attention to. Because if you're embarked on the spiritual path, it's sure to be affecting you. It's the realisation that at least two main - sometimes contrasting - flows are influencing your consciousness. Understanding and integrating these is going to be important to peace of mind. Because the interplay of the two, will likely affect every choice that you make...

6746 Reads

The Nature of a Soul Exchange (or 'walk-in')

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/19/2015 - 10:29

I incarnated somewhat unusually via what's termed a 'Soul Exchange' or more commonly referred to as a 'walk-in'. It's where two souls exchange places, within a fully fledged human being, by sacred agreement. It frequently happens during a near death experience (but isn't limited to that). What is the nature of this and why does it happen? I believe more souls than one might imagine have incarnated this way, and it can be extremely challenging to understand and integrate, which is why I feel to bring light to it. My purpose is to support and help. Perhaps it happened to you and you have a particular mission here to fulfill...

22521 Reads

What Spiritual "Empaths" and "Catalysts" might Learn From Each Other

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/02/2015 - 08:17

Let me begin by saying I believe we ALL have varying degrees of empathic and catalytic qualities. The work here at Openhand draws people from both ends of the spectrum in equal measure. It often occurs to me that in the group work, each is reflecting to the other. Perhaps then, there are some things someone with more empathic qualities can learn about their gift from someone with more catalytic ones? (and vice versa). Perhaps, for example, there's something a "catalyst" naturally does, which is inherent to their nature, that an "empath" can also develop? And perhaps by opening to more empathic qualities, a "catalyst" can have a more sensitive effect on the field? That's the purpose of this exploration I invite you to join...

22249 Reads

Entering the "Dreamspace" - 9 Ways to Become Multidimensional

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/11/2015 - 17:31

There are two ways of living your life: one, as if nothing is a miracle; two, as if everything is! We're living in two worlds not one: the old is one of systems, logic and control, which strangles the juice out of life. Then there's another one - full of mystery, miracles and magic, where everything has a deeper meaning, a deeper significance and purpose. How can you become multidimensional? How can you live it? Here are 9 ways:

9215 Reads

9 Methods for dealing with Psychic Energy Attack in Your Field

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/27/2015 - 14:40

There's a high degree of Psychic Energy Attack going on in the field right now. My strong sense is that it's coming from (what Openhand calls) the 'raptor consciousness'. It is a dense vibration, a controlling energy, that's like a consumptive virus. It's prevalent across the planet, has been so for millions of years, and acts through humanity's denser vehicles of expression. I've described it's origins in the Divinicus Book. Right now, that energy has been deeply stirred up and its stronghold here greatly challenged by the supportive, realigning energies of benevolence. It's making life increasingly unstable, but here's why that's a good thing and how to deal with it...

7975 Reads

How an Opposing Consciousness affects our Kids (and what to do about it)

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/29/2015 - 13:27

Increasingly, people are investigating and writing about an Opposing Consciousness in the field that influences people and society. It's a difficult subject to write about; a taboo area that pushes lots of buttons. And many will challenge its presence at all, because you have to be expanded into the field to see and feel interdimensional entities. But now sensitives all over the world are reporting about the phenomenon. It seems the tide is turning; it needs to, if future human generations are to be free. Specifically I felt to address the most vulnerable in society - our children - and what we can do about them. How can we work to nullify the intervention effects?...

9136 Reads

How Interdimensional Entities influence Daily Life

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/25/2014 - 11:19

Dealing with the concept of Interdimensional entities in the field that are influencing humanity has always been a challenging one. Where are these entities? Where's the evidence? The problem is that the majority are generally too focused on the external drama: trying to fix this or that; trying to control some kind of outcome. Since the world we see is defined (partially) by where and how our consciousness is directed, then most miss the subtle interplay between the inner world (the entirety of the multiverse) and the outer mirror. This is where and how the intervention reveals itself, and until we engage in it, we can never truly be free...

18872 Reads