Inspiring Spiritual Videos

Here's Openhand's long running inspiring spiritual videos thread. Enjoy...

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We search for Him here and there while looking right at Him. Sitting by His side we ask, "O Beloved, where is the Beloved?" Enough with such questions! -- Let silence take you to the core of life. All your talk is worthless When compared to one whisper of the Beloved.


Can't shake the feeling of a pure soul being surrounded by everything that is wrong with modern day society, corporate influence, advertising and corrupting the mind and whatnot. But here I am on youtube clicking the advertisement away and being glad to be able to listen to it through the internet. Modern day paradoxes I guess


I saw this too, held my breath as I watched it. I switched off a little when I saw it was Van Damme, probably on account of his past advertising roles, and instead marvelled at the precision of the trucks (drivers) I that matrixy that I fell for the marketing so utterly as per the intended hook. ha ha

Ultimately for me it does feel very matrixy and ching ching, with over 13 million hits in 24 hours, I'm sure they are happy. On a personal level for Van Damme feels like he's reclaiming some of his artistic dignity previously lost.

Am I taking it and myself a bit too seriously perhaps :).
On a lighter note, something I'm likely to never forget watching.


I've also never been a fan of his work. Here he is different. More mature, more humble, even somewhat broken (in a good way). In the early days you could feel the ego doing the splits. Now it's like a test of trust. At least this is what I am getting. It adds a lot to the ad :D


I was amazed when I saw it. I could immediately empathise with how he might be feeling as the trucks pulled apart. Whatever you may think, whether there's ego or not in testing oneself in this way, it would take enormous surrender to do something like it. I've never been that aligned with Van Damme's 'artistry', but I take my hat off to him on this one!


I know that commercial of trucks might look a bit weird on this site, but I was very inspired by this one, because it carries a different vibe, a different message from what I'm used to sense in ads. This is the kind of commercial that says: we're moving some place else, to another way, another world. It has a touch of humanness and nature, there is stillness and peace in it, and it's just beautiful.


I had vision of me and the earth holding hands and flying together into the light. I always felt like we were best friends and now this feeling is intensifying. I was experiencing so much pain about what is going on with this planet and after this vision I finally feel peace. I know where we're going. This video somehow made me feel that again. Almost as if the earth itself is talking to me. So beautiful.

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this is truly beautiful! thank you Yulia. i deeply resonate with the hand movements of the woman in red... and the music is one of my favourites from the film entitled and about the life of Bab Aziz (a sufi teacher not many know of...) ... and it might not have much with what touched you, but never mind: i've had sufi life memory fragments before and when i first heard the music and saw extracts of the film i went into a trance - basically... i attach a little extract as a taster - maybe the whole film is not even worth watching but this you might like Yulia :-) lovelove, R ___________________________________________________________________________ Sorry for the Hun subtitles, but here's a couple of quotes from the extract above, not in order... Isthar (the boy): "Bab Aziz, we will certainly loose our way in the desert." Bab Aziz: "Isthar, those who are truely at peace with themselves can never loose their way." At the movie's end, when Bab'Aziz undoes his turban and sits down in his own grave to await his death, a young man asks him why he is so calm. "Death is the end of everything" the young man cries out anxiously. Bathed in tranquility, Bab'Aziz patiently replies, "How can it be the end of everything when it doesn't have a beginning?" And then he goes on: “If the baby in the darkness of its mother’s womb were told: “Outside there is a world of life , with high mountains, great seas, undulating planes, beautiful gardens in blossom, a sky full of stars, and a blazing sun … And you, facing all these marvels, stay enclosed in this darkness …” The unborn child, knowing nothing about these marvels, would not believe any of these. Like us, when we are facing death. That’s why we’re afraid. - But there can’t be light in death because it‘s the end of everything. - How can death be end of something that doesn’t have a beginning? Hassan, my son, don’t be sad at my wedding night. - Your wedding night? - Yes. My marriage with eternity.” The Poem of the Atoms goes like: "O day, arise! The atoms are dancing. Thanks to Him the universe is dancing. The souls are dancing, overcome with ecstasy. I'll whisper in your ear where their dance is taking them. All the atoms in the air and in the desert Know well, they seem insane. Every single atom, happy or miserable, Becomes enamored of the sun, of which nothing can be said."