Inspiring Spiritual Videos
Here's Openhand's long running inspiring spiritual videos thread. Enjoy...
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DREAMS with Lisa Gerrard & Rumi (quotes)
Never, Ever Give Up.
Woody Harrelson's song
Xavier Rudd - Spirit Bird
Sub plots
I saw this too, held my breath as I watched it. I switched off a little when I saw it was Van Damme, probably on account of his past advertising roles, and instead marvelled at the precision of the trucks (drivers) I that matrixy that I fell for the marketing so utterly as per the intended hook. ha ha
Ultimately for me it does feel very matrixy and ching ching, with over 13 million hits in 24 hours, I'm sure they are happy. On a personal level for Van Damme feels like he's reclaiming some of his artistic dignity previously lost.
Am I taking it and myself a bit too seriously perhaps :).
On a lighter note, something I'm likely to never forget watching.
Maturity and softness
I've also never been a fan of his work. Here he is different. More mature, more humble, even somewhat broken (in a good way). In the early days you could feel the ego doing the splits. Now it's like a test of trust. At least this is what I am getting. It adds a lot to the ad :D
Take my hat off
I was amazed when I saw it. I could immediately empathise with how he might be feeling as the trucks pulled apart. Whatever you may think, whether there's ego or not in testing oneself in this way, it would take enormous surrender to do something like it. I've never been that aligned with Van Damme's 'artistry', but I take my hat off to him on this one!
Higher vibration shines through commercial
Dancing with Earth
woman in red
In reply to Dancing with Earth by someone
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