Inspiring Spiritual Videos
Here's Openhand's long running inspiring spiritual videos thread. Enjoy...
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It is up to all of us...
Spirit Breaking Free!
Glorious dance of light, music, and technology entitled "Pleiades" by Japanese dance troupe, Enra. Spirit breaking free! Exhilarating! Feels like what's going down with Openhanders these days! x Cathy
thanks heaps for posting the
thanks heaps for posting the down to earth video Marye, ill definately be looking out for when this video screens in Aus.
ps: A little explosion of "rightness" hit me when i saw that your exploring this :D -yeah girl!!
Higher Vibrations
Visual Artist, Alessia Fortuna, calls this exquisitely beautiful, harmonious blend of fractals, sounds, and colours, "Vibration of the Fifth Dimension." Deeply relaxing, peaceful, and uplifting, at least for me, and perhaps for some of you out there.
Peace, amigos.
x Cathy
I'm aware the poem "If" has been parodied by some and others focus on the distortions of Rudyard Kipling and that's okay. All I can say is that his poem, written for his son, touches my heart deeply every time I read it, and I have read it many times when experiencing major challenges and losses in my life, and it inspired me to keep going no matter what. These are challenging times. I am feeling my own fear and the fear of others, so I offer the recitation of "If" by Sir Michael Caine in the event it inspires others to take heart and pluck up their courage. The full poem is included below the link to the video. I read the poem as beyond gender. The poem reflects Victorian stoicism which I have been well steeped in although in another decade. Thankfully, I have learned to express my losses when it feels right to do so and to stay silent when that feels right.
Much Love,
If by Rudyard Kipling
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!"
The Meaning of Pure Being - Of True Peace
It's brilliant, I agree, and there is some alignment with the Openhand Approach - with a caveat. The "You" he's referring to, is the absolute presence - "The Seer", which is not manifest. But there is also a "You" which is manifest; it is the expression of the Seer. Which is the Soul and where the Soul gets bound up in the illusion - which causes depression (for example). here's the video... The problem comes when we talk about simply "non-identifying". If "you" simply decide to drop the experience (of depression, for example) like "dropping the proverbial hot coals" (as spoken of in many mainstream spiritual texts and practices), then the risk is, you're creating an identity that is doing this. And the presence you access, is not presence at all, but simply a bubble of Unity Consciousness - it's what people often are connecting with when they say "you are love" or speak of being "love and light".
- It's a common trap by the "shadow identity" I speak of in 5GATEWAYS. The shadow identity is not the same as the false self ego. It is much finer and subtler. It's an aspect of soul, which is not yet fully self-realised, yet knows how to behave like the mainstream of the soul - the self-realised aspect or "True Self". This shadow is the trickster and can be very difficult to 'smoke out'. I spoke about this in Gateway 4 on the pathway to Enlightenment - true Enlightenment.
The ultimate key to Enlightenment, is to be able to be in and through all things, including that which has made you depressed, and yet not be depressed by it - to be able to be in the fullness of the expression, not at all distanced from it. Especially it is to be able to find the truth in it, at the core of it. This may sound similar to what he was saying, but there is a vital difference that I pick up - a shadow identity speaking about it. Before dropping the depression, the key is to ask "Why am I depressed? What's causing it?" You see, within the depression, within that eddy current of consciousness, is a fragment of your soul which is stuck, for some reason. Why is it stuck? And if you simply say, "I am not depressed" and pop out of it, you don't reclaim that fragment of soul that was/is buried there.
- I worked with you on this exact point Marye on the last 5GATEWAYS in Belgium. You were 'sitting on your stuff' and rejecting it. Which is why it wasn't truly processing. But on the last day, you did surrender into it, and began to express it outwards, which meant it was clearing, and so you were enlightening through it.
That's why here at Openhand, we encourage people to actively get into the eddy current - into the distortion. To fully own and express it out into your world. What happens then, is you 'normalise' in it. You accept it as okay without judging it or even needing it to go away. You become so as-One with the heat - that you become the heat. Then you are truly The One in it. What might be the truthful, aligned and authentic feeling at the core of depression? Take boredom for example - needing some kind of distraction or entertainment. Yet the soul, when aligned and self-realised (realising of The One), could sit timelessly without the need of any distraction at all. Pure beingness becomes pleasurable in its emptiness - as an experience. The soul pleasures itself in the nothingness. Or maybe someone gets depressed because of the Pain of Existence - not being able to turn off the experience of relativity. But instead of popping out into some illusionary, disconnected bubble, you go right into the heart of the distraction - the pain - until you become so as-One with it, you normalise in it. Then the illusion that holds you truly bursts. The noise of the universe will always be there. But You - as The One - don't need it to go away. The Pain of Existence bursts open as a distortion that was owning you. Even meditation and spiritual practices such as yoga can become a distraction from pure being. From pure acceptance and tolerance of experience - all experience. It's something to be careful of. This is when you become totally free. Truly free. You could be in any experience - even in the middle of a war zone - and you are totally okay, totally at-One. You'd accept the war zone was a necessary expression of light breaking through the darkness. You wouldn't resent it, nor need it to go away. This is true peace. Namaste Open
Beautifully inspiring,
Beautifully inspiring, touched my heart :-)
Thank you for sharing.
Michelle x
Iron Man: a whole new meaning!
Lately, I've been connecting with so many warrior souls who face immense physical, mental, and emotional challenges in day-to-day living and yet continue to meet them head on with incredible courage and fortitude.
This morning, I came across a profoundly moving story about the extraordinary commitment, compassion, and love between a father and son who call themselves Team Hoyt. Rick and Dick Hoyt give a whole new meaning to the term "Iron Man". Despite the hardships and obstacles, they have run over 1000 marathons, duathlons, and triathlons. Their message: "Yes, you can!" I am both inspired and humbled. Have a look! x Cathy
Tears stream down your face...
Profoundly moving video of a loving father and his young, autistic son weeping to Coldplay's "Fix You" at a concert in Mexico. The pain of separation can be so excruciating. I'm crying along with them. Thanks for posting this on Facebook, Kim.
"Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face...
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones..."
poetry in motion
Magnificent video by Headway with superb blend of glorious nature, classical music, power and beauty of physical form, and triumph of the soul spiraling upwards.
What do you do when you fall? Stop? Go? Or rise with artistry and grace and become poetry in motion? x Cathy
The True Cost
A new documentary now available on Neflix, The True Cost, explores the dark side and horrific suffering behind fashion and consumerism.
Hi Yulia - welcome back to Openhand - good to 'see' you. *OK*
You've picked a very enigmatic way to greet us again - amazing.
I always experienced the universe as an in-breath and an out-breath simultaneously.
The video is (for me) also fascinating because it seems to imply (toward the end) the decay of form. Interesting that the makers tied chromosomes into it. I see the engineering of Homo Sapiens' chromosomes causing a lot of the degeneration happening to humanity today. So maybe this theme somehow found it's way in there.
I guess it reveals you've been on a fair old journey too?!
Deeply intriguing!
Open :-)
Breath in, breathe out
Son Lux: Breathe Out (Official video) - NOWNESS from NOWNESS on Vimeo.
Why people's opinion's of you aren't real
This video will inspire you to hold strong to who you are and express your uniqueness. (Source YouTube).
One of the most liberating things you can do for yourself is not to take anything that happens to you in life personally. We can be so chained to and desperate for the approval of others, that we alter who we are, and allow our wellbeing and happiness to be knocked off centre when a person in our life rejects us or gives us the disapproving eye.
Letting go of results and watch...
Enjoy !
"Seven years in the making, UNITY is a new documentary that explores humanity’s hopeful transformation from living by killing into living by loving. It is a unique film about compassion for all beings or all “expressions of life...."
I'm not the invisible man
"I'm more than just a homeless guy
With dirty hair and hands
I"m not the invisible man..."
Love to all especially the forgotten,
Water vid
Just came across this, really inspiring ....
Don't label people
Hey this video has 24.5 million views!
Seriously, that number will help me sleep a bit easier now....
Bringing women into the divine equation
A friend posted this 8-minute, TED talk video by Meggan Watterson on Facebook today. It's about bringing women into the divine equation. Because we most certainly have been left out in this matrix. I am so moved by her words. Perhaps her video will touch you, as well.
x Catherine
Charlie nails it
Charlie Chaplin gives 'the greatest speech'. Spot on after all these years!
Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood
This heartwarming and uplifting video came into my FB newsfeed today. Mr. Rogers' beautiful, compassionate, loving presence touches my soul so deeply and brings tears to my eyes. His spirit calls out to be shared here in this Openhand neighbourhood. x Catherine
Today I Rise
Powerful. Totally Heart-Opening.
"Where are you? Where are you?"
Today I Rise.
x Catherine
Finding your meaning in life
I enjoyed this motivational video. To me although it uses different language, it speaks of expressing from your soul...
A prayer for inner peace
Living Beings
Focusing the truth
Hi Yulia,
You said...
- "I do this all the time - see the truth and the distortions."
Yes, but unless we actually put our attention on the truth, focus and harness it, the tendency is to dissipate our energy and run around in a depleting fizz.
Distortions and truth
Hey Kim
I do this all the time - see the truth and the distortions. In my perception and observation, there are distortions everywhere, in everything and absolutely everyone.
This is just how things are. Existence is build not upon the light, but the distortions of it, places where there are shadows, where it gets broken, reflected, etc. Experiences are all about that. And this is why there is no truth and no purity, just relative degree of harmony, and possible evolution of it in time.
There is no completeness in things, people, sensations, but still, one can feel complete within his incompleteness.
This is why I don't see a problem with people being distorted and being still inspired and learn from them. I see distortions in most evolved people I've met too. I also have a very high sensitivity to that, and to denial too :-) But I don't feel the need to fix all this anymore. I used to. Focus on the wrong stuff, rejecting, judging. What does that serve exactly? I just realize more and more that it doesn't. And what kind of purity can one look for in this place?
It is all a matter of perspective, I find.
I can look at Trin's comment, for example, and feel the distortions of it, or I can see the light, funny and bright side of it, or both. And add to it my own reflections of light and my distorted perceptions. Then reflections and realizations come... And it was just a small comment. In this way every little experience has the potential of this kind of unraveling.
And in all cases I will learn something about myself.
There is really no need for perfection and absolute purity in order to experience, communicate and grow. Quite on the opposite.
So all this is a gift, in whatever way we take it :-)
And just when the judgement of distortions we see goes, suddenly there is no "good and bad" anymore, just our own experience of it all.
Thanks for sharing the video
Thanks for sharing the video Yulia and thank you to Openhand. It is only because of working with them that I am able to watch the video and recognize the truths he shared as well as the distortion a in his message.
Letting go into the truth
In the Zone
Beautifully inspiring. Thanks, Yulia. I live on a busy street with constant noises of traffic clatter, so finding serenity deep within the storm and chaos of the matrix, symbolized by the rattling train passing by, resonates strongly with me. Yukia's fluid watery movements, interspersed with powerful and firm "stand and hold" arm/fist pumps, feel like the perfect blend of divine masculine purpose and divine feminine surrender and acceptance. The perfect dance, the perfect way of being as you so aptly describe it. Peace, ahhhhhhh, yes. x Catherine
Yuki dance
Yuki from Johan Planefeldt on Vimeo.
Beauty and Wonder
The gorgeous images and gentle, soothing sounds of the piano and violin fill my heart with peace, wonder, and beauty. And I love this quote especially:
"There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment…" Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Thank you, Yulia. x Catherine
Thank you Someone.
Thank you Someone.
This helped slow down my habitual morning rush to nowhere.
ah, lovely.
ah, lovely.
'life is a mysetry to be lived, not a problem to be solved.'
Playful and free
The Most Human Activity
Russel Brand inspiring compilation
Time will tell
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing John - wonderful
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