The Power and the Passion of Spiritual Pilgrimage

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/02/2024 - 04:32

I've just returned from a highly eventful and adventurous spiritual pilgrimage in Tibet. I can say, without doubt, when we push the boundaries of our experience, get out of our comfort zone, and journey to the deepest aspects of ourselves, then we gain massively. The power of pilgrimage is where the depth of the outer journey meets that of the inner. And be sure to value especially where you hit challenges, because that's where you grow the most.

Your Spiritual Roots?

My sense of Tibet is that it's a spiritual home for my soul. The pilgrimage activated plentiful past-life memories and brought key dormant energies alive. I don't wish to live there now, because my soul has other things to learn and gain. However, just as a tree cannot reach to the heavens without its stabilising roots, connecting into our past, helps us bring forwards that which we've previously gained and mastered.

For me in Tibet, journeying through vast landscapes of enormous scale and alchemy, is what touched deeply - powerful flows of energy activated readily. Like for example, what I consider to be "Dragon Energy", such as the powerful Dragon Leylines and the Lyran Dragon energies infusing the planet at this time, so as to support a shift in the balance of power here.

It's only when we get out of our regular lives, and our readily constructed comfort zones, that we truly push the boundaries on what limits us. And when you're out moving and flowing in the unknown, that's where you uncover deeply buried aspects of self. And you bring new frequencies alive.

When It All Goes Wrong!

When you're out of your comfort zone, that's when things can easily go "wrong". But you have to be on the edge, and be in a place of some degree of risk, to truly forge your soul.

I was at the end of my journey in Tibet. My permit had just ran out, only to learn that my flight from Lhasa had been cancelled. I relaxed into the unknown, and discovered I could book an alternative flight into mainland China - but would I get to the connecting flight in time? 

What followed, seemed like scenes straight from a Mission Impossible film.

I landed in mainland China only to discover the international terminal (not domestic) was an hour's taxi ride across the City, with just 90 minutes till the flight. Although the taxi driver didn't speak a word of English, nevertheless, he was able to pick up the sense of urgency. We drove at breakneck speed across the city through the night - he turned out to be a great driver - maybe an extra from the film?!

I realised I wouldn't have enough Chinese cash to foot the unexpected bill. And so from the back seat, through his Chinese translation app, I was trying to communicate the value of English pounds. And then he had to fill up - at an electric pump! The seconds were ticking away like flooding water into a city sewer. That's where you see yourself on the inside - do you get tight, nervous, worried? I realised the passion and the power of the Dragon in me, positively willing the car along, and yet also felt the frictions of trying to squeeze the beast into too tight a 3D box. It illuminated so many dynamics in my life, of working in the restrictions of the simulation 3D.

I ended up narrowly missing the next connection, which left me in a Chinese airport that was closing down for the night, with no Chinese currency, the data on my phone out, and no way to login to the Wifi. What happens on the insides when you feel stranded and cut off? All star souls here ought to be able to answer that one!

But providing we're able to relax, and especially open the crown chakra, then miracles and magic are going to happen. I ended up in a great hotel, but stranded there for two days till the next connecting flight, which actually turned out to be an unexpected benefit, and most definitely meant to be - even though I had to work with the inconvenience the psyche was feeling. Nothing is inconvenient in terms of spiritual growth, in fact pointedly watch for those moments of maximum inconvenience. Such is the power of the unknown, when you take yourself out of your comfort zone and off onto spiritual pilgrimage.

 The Wilderness of the Matrix

The "wilderness" today is very different from trekking across some vast landscape of the unknown. Even in Tibet, surprisingly, the hand of the matrix was everywhere, as you'll see in my video journal below. I even managed to get a coconut matcha latte at 5000m! Today's "wilderness" is an energetic one, of debilitating matrix vibes, of junk travel food, excessive EMF, noise, pollution, and busyness. It's full of purposeful distractions, compulsions and addictions - everything that would pull us out of the soul.

And that's exactly why to journey through this landscape: to be in the place where you're feeling the interference, yet working to forge soul in it - picking up the creative flows from the crown chakra, merging them into the lower densities, and fusing them into pathways that truly serve. You're looking past the distractions, the glitz, and the glamour, and instead, picking up the quantum feedback loops of signs and synchronicity, that help you meditate through it all. What better way to learn and grow?

With that in mind, I'll leave you with my video journal from Tibet, which I trust will inspire you to forge soul on some pilgrimage through the energetic wilderness of the Matrix. What trials and tribulations can you bridge? What flows of adventure and alchemy can you pick up?...

It gives me so much pleasure to be able to organise and host pilgrimages like these for intrepid adventurers on the path, where we help you open into the deepest aspects of self and forge soul. Explore the alchemy in store in our upcoming calendar...

Openhand Events Calendar 2024

Bright blessings in the Year of the Dragon  
<<< Open 💎

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We still have a couple of places on the October Pilgrimage to India - I feel to raise it, not because Openhand "needs to sell the places", but because the event represents the most amazing opportunity for growth and change imagineable.

Up in the Himalayas, the activation of the Crown Chakra is strong - especially now, with the activation of the Dragon Leylines and the infusing Dragon Energies. That's going to feel expansive, vibrant and mystical. But also prepare you much better to make change and transformation in your life within the Shift.

Not only that, but India is such a magical, colourful and vibrant place to visit. You could, for example, take a train up to Dharamshala, as I originally did, passing through stunning countryside and a myriad of fascinating villages and towns. Yes, there's the pollution and busyness too, but the Indian way of living, to me, seems so natural and happily surrendered, compared with our carefully controlled life in the West - I find the energy of ease and flow, just seeps into the bones!

If you're inspired and intrigued by the possibility, check out the info...  

Himalayan Energies Pilgrimage: 20th-26th Oct

See you there!  
Bright blessings  
<<< Open 💎


I get a sense whatever mission you were involved in while in China may be at least in part tied into Yagi, an extremely powerful typhoon headed for China.  Living in an area impacted by hurricanes myself, I have utmost compassion and heartfelt empathy for all individuals in the path.  Yet when I tune in energetically this feels like an energetic cleansing taking place led by perhaps draconians and maybe dragons as well.  I felt to look up the meaning of Yagi and it means a highly directional and selective shortwave antenna.  It can also mean goat.  So I looked up the spiritual meaning of goat - determined confidence, persistent, ability to overcome challenges and adversity, determined confidence to climb to the top.  

In reply to by Open


These are fabulous!!! Some of my favorites that made me laugh out loud were the crown chakra surprise, the pendant, and lemon sparkle (very spritely name Tilly!) I got a kick out of Jean's mountainous synchronicities. 🤣 I have to say crown chakra surprise catches my vote! Thanks for the comic relief!!!! ♥️ Love the creativity of sharp wit!


Thank you very much for your great message. I m Swiss living on Bali. You told very important contents :-)


So, Openhanders, what are your fondest memories of spiritual pilgrimage? 

Here are just a few of mine...

Driving across the Egyptian desert for hours, on the way to the marvellous Abu Symbel, and discovering the coffee oasis in the middle of nowhere - playing great soulful music too!!...

The ultimate chill, after all the hard work is done, floating on a felucca down the Nile...

Connecting with Raven Energy up on the volcano in La Palma...

The stunning red rocks of Sedona...

And the magic Chocola tree in Sedona when all the work is done!...

Andy, telling me about his 12-hour taxi ride from Delhi...I laughed till my jaw ached!!...

Gathering around a warm fire in the Himalayas with our wonderful Indian band of supporters...

Mexico, when all the kids showed up and joined us in a photo shoot...

Joy's unforgettable "Hakka" on DIVINICUS...

The Lion Monument at Avebury, which created so much Dragon Energy alchemy...

In reply to by Open


I always love travelling "down under" to Oz - where the people are so relaxed and welcoming. We've got some wonderful energy building for the November retreat and people beginning to book in...

We have a great centre, close to Sydney, yet out in a 100 acres of secluded bush.

Looking forwards to seeing you all there!...

Resurrection: Reclaiming our Divinity, 10th-15th Nov