Daily Inspiration for the Soul...7 ways to Innovate for Evolutionary Success

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/25/2015 - 17:36

I think there's a huge misunderstanding about the purpose of the soul, and with that, life itself. I put it to you, that the soul is an expression of the One - of pure presence. And it's purpose is to actualise the One in every moment - as an expression. When you hit this sweet spot of life, without needing it to go a particular way, then you channel the enormity of the universal flow through you. It shapes things you couldn't possibly have previously imagined.

7982 Reads

Entering the "Dreamspace" - 9 Ways to Become Multidimensional

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/11/2015 - 17:31

There are two ways of living your life: one, as if nothing is a miracle; two, as if everything is! We're living in two worlds not one: the old is one of systems, logic and control, which strangles the juice out of life. Then there's another one - full of mystery, miracles and magic, where everything has a deeper meaning, a deeper significance and purpose. How can you become multidimensional? How can you live it? Here are 9 ways:

9284 Reads

The Importance of Individuality on the Path - this is YOUR day!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 08:06

You are the One; and at the same time, you are a unique expression of the One. If we deny that uniqueness, or suppress it, you can't ride the wave of the Soul all the way back to the shores of the One within you. You have so very much to offer to life and the world. Sometimes in spiritual circles there's a tendency to emulate some perceived spiritual way of being. Or to drop duality by dropping the quintessence of you. This is self-defeating, building in itself, subtle spiritual identity. Individuality is essential to expressing the One. There's absolutely nothing like becoming the fullness of YOU...

8552 Reads

Understanding the 5D Shift...What is Ascension into the New 5D Paradigm?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/21/2015 - 09:41

It's clear that profound shifts of consciousness are taking place to sentient life on Planet Earth. The old reality is beginning to draw to a close; it's necessary that we unfold into a new vibrational paradigm of being - the next evolutionary chapter. What is that exactly? How does it work, and how do you join it? Ascension is actually quite a natural phenomenon of life - the underlying driving force, encouraging souls to unveil ever more of themselves. Here is an understanding of the overall process from the book 5GATEWAYS, together with a short doco film...

8834 Reads

9 Step Spiritual Healing Process for dealing with Karma in our Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 06:21

I'm hearing from people around the world that the path is taking you deep into process. My heart is with you! Fear not, it is necessary. You can't truly Ascend into the New 5D Paradigm without regressing into and processing karmic 'Source Pain'. This is subconscious conditioning that projects out into your world and has a disharmonious impact on your life. It's unavoidable, this karma brought souls here in order to confront such limitation and evolve through it - the only way out is through! Such spiritual breakthrough comes with an enormous sense of well-being, rejuvenation, empowerment and Ascension.

Here's Openhand's detailed approach to processing karmic trauma when it activates...

24205 Reads

22 Characteristics of the Spiritual Warrior - Embodying The Warrior Spirit

Submitted by Open on Fri, 05/22/2015 - 06:55

What the world needs most of all right now, is for the new breed of 'Spiritual Warriors' to step up and step out. It needs people to dive into centre stream; to take a risk, that we can truly change the worldwide reality by having the courage to change our own. It is said that... "madness is doing the same thing day in day out and yet expecting a different result." Well, there's plenty of madness out there right now.

So where do you stand? Are you one of the New Spirit Warriors?
Here's how to hone your warrior spirit...

13563 Reads

9 Methods for dealing with Psychic Energy Attack in Your Field

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/27/2015 - 14:40

There's a high degree of Psychic Energy Attack going on in the field right now. My strong sense is that it's coming from (what Openhand calls) the 'raptor consciousness'. It is a dense vibration, a controlling energy, that's like a consumptive virus. It's prevalent across the planet, has been so for millions of years, and acts through humanity's denser vehicles of expression. I've described it's origins in the Divinicus Book. Right now, that energy has been deeply stirred up and its stronghold here greatly challenged by the supportive, realigning energies of benevolence. It's making life increasingly unstable, but here's why that's a good thing and how to deal with it...

7988 Reads

Moving Beyond the Patriarch Distortion: Breaking into Enlightenment

Submitted by Open on Mon, 03/16/2015 - 09:17

In moving fully towards and into Enlightenment, there is often the sense of something much bigger supporting and guiding us. And it can feel so benevolent, so caring and so patriarchal when it's there, that there often grows an incredible craving for it. However, as you move deeper and deeper into presence, closer and closer to the Source within yourself, there'll come the point where your soul yearns to drop into it. You actually become 'the father' so to speak. You become that openness which is the source of all authentic experience. Hence, paradoxically, the 'father' must disappear; the sense of external guidance must cease. It must all come from within. And this can be a very lonely place... at first...

8883 Reads

Intentional Manifesting, Authentic Choice, and Truly Letting Go

Submitted by Open on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 02:47

Zillions of words have been written on the subject of intention. I'm sure it goes without saying that we'd all like a successful and fulfilled life. But what is true intention and where does it come from? In 'setting intention', we need to be really clear it's not coming from a subtle sense of lack. And in creating with the divine, we also need to be clear how that works exactly. What, if anything, does the divine 'want'? I put it to you, that there is a way to totally surrender into the divine flow, and thereby lead a truly magical, blessed and abundant life. Providing that is, we make the one authentic choice open to us...

10307 Reads

How an Opposing Consciousness affects our Kids (and what to do about it)

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/29/2015 - 13:27

Increasingly, people are investigating and writing about an Opposing Consciousness in the field that influences people and society. It's a difficult subject to write about; a taboo area that pushes lots of buttons. And many will challenge its presence at all, because you have to be expanded into the field to see and feel interdimensional entities. But now sensitives all over the world are reporting about the phenomenon. It seems the tide is turning; it needs to, if future human generations are to be free. Specifically I felt to address the most vulnerable in society - our children - and what we can do about them. How can we work to nullify the intervention effects?...

9157 Reads

Understanding the Root Cause of Depression to Effectively Deal with it

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/28/2015 - 19:05

Can you believe it, 70% of Americans are on some kind of prescription drug and more than half receive at least two prescriptions. High on the list of drugs prescribed are antidepressants. I find that shocking. Not least, it speaks about the dysfunctional nature of society in terminal decline. The system is not working! I imagine practically everyone suffers from some kind of unhappiness or depression from time to time.

Why does that happen?
How might we deal with it in an effective, spiritual way, without prescribing medication?...

9749 Reads

Understanding Self-Realisation: Integrating the Purpose of Life

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/18/2015 - 18:12

I observe in the work we do here at Openhand, that when a person finds the right alignment in life, which incorporates self-realisation, then our perspective on life changes immeasurably for the better. It can be said, that in actual fact, there is nothing else but self-realisation going on.

12177 Reads