What is the 5D Ascension?

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution for mankind. The Earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th Dimension - the 5th Density. But there's much confusion about what this 5D Ascension Shift means. What is really happening and how will it affect you?

Most importantly, how can you ride the changes successfully and Ascend into the higher 5D Paradigm?

Openhand has been passionately working in this field for many years, helping people around the world through evolutionary change. These articles on the 5D Ascension Shift are designed to stimulate your own inner realisations about the phenomenon...

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Planetary Shift Facilitators: Opening Pathways into The Golden Age

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/27/2025 - 06:27

The Shift is entering what we may call the "Banana Zone" of exponential acceleration. We're seeing it in the freaky weather patterns planetary wide; we're seeing it in the accelerating Pole Shift; the activation of earthquakes and volcanos; and, with powerful emissions from the Sun. For anyone being misled by the Alternatives that this is "all just shadow manipulation", well, think again.

367 Reads

When Things Suddenly Break Down In The Shift: What To Do?

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/20/2025 - 05:27

I'm hearing from plenty of people right now that weird and deeply challenging things are happening to them, in a very physical way. The house burns down, for example; a sudden life-threatening illness; or a car crash that shocks to the bones. Often, there follows panic mode - how to fix them? But this can just make the situation worse. What we first need to understand, is why they happened. Why did WE manifest them?

346 Reads

Group of 9 vs The Council of Nine: Powerful Field Unravellings

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/15/2024 - 05:24

When the Shift to 5D is complete, and those who've ascended look back on the twist and turn of events, we'll quietly pinch each other, and marvel at the dramas that have played out before our eyes - Shakespeare's pen will quiver! No other act could have impacted life on the planet more instrumentally than the entry of the Ascended Masters. When does benevolent intention become intervention?

717 Reads

The Spiritual Journey: The 3 Aspects of Ascension

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/04/2024 - 05:25

Whether yet realised or not, we are all engaged in the spiritual journey of Ascension - it's only a question of understanding exactly what that means? We know that everything is of consciousness, that emerged as relativity from the singularity at the Bigbang. This dynamic has now cascaded into multiplicity of form. Yet underlying everything, is the journey of Unity Consciousness back to the One.

357 Reads

Manifesting With Dragon Energy To Transform Our Lives

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 04:22

We're living in the year of the Dragon, within the Shift to 5D. But this is much more than just metaphorical mythology. Gaia has signaled her willingness to shed the old karmic construct. Her Torus is accelerating, as experienced by the increasingly freaky weather patterns. It's being amplified by the latest infusion of Dragon Energies. Embodying these, can provide massive alchemical quantum shifts in our lives. Here's how.

1115 Reads

Understanding the Nature of Dragon Energy and How to Embody It

Submitted by Open on Sat, 08/24/2024 - 06:42

You'd be forgiven for thinking that "Dragons" are merely mythological beasts of pure fantasy. They are not. They might best be considered as strong alchemical flows of quantum field energy, that souls of a particular nature have chosen to embody. They've become especially potent on the planet at this time to support the next phase of the Shift.

1002 Reads

How to Alchemise Any Typical Day in the Shift: 7 Rituals

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/29/2024 - 04:42

It's becoming increasingly clear that the "Shadow Simulation" is weakening. However, it's grasp still reaches far and wide through society. It's weakening and we can break through, but it must be a constant daily practice to access the higher alchemy of light. There's a much bigger possibility available to us.

590 Reads

Major Gaia Shift: Reanimation of Her Lower Kundalini

Submitted by Open on Wed, 07/17/2024 - 04:38

We've just completed a highly alchemical Facilitator Conference here in Glastonbury, the heart chakra of our planet. We've been working at a field level, uncovering the key dynamics of Gaia's ebb and flow in the Great Shift to 5D. Where does she stand now? How is she responding to the planetary Simulation? Most importantly, how is she being supported in breaking through? All of this exploration, will speak clearly into all aspects of daily life.

1273 Reads

Why Veganism is Essential for the Ascension of Consciousness to 5D

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/05/2024 - 15:04

In recent times, it's becoming abundantly clear, just how all-encompassing the shadow simulation of reality here on the planet is, especially since the bogus pandemic. All walks of life are being manipulated to create a lower vibrational bubble, in which to entrap souls in a limiting state of inertia - a last-ditch attempt to prevent their Shift to 5D.

1274 Reads

The Path of Ascension Across the 4D Karmic Plane is One of Absolution

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/30/2024 - 17:09

The stakes are heightening in the 5D Shift as Benevolence is turning the tables on the Shadow in the Matrix Simulation. If you're finding it easy and comfortable, you've either detached from the ascending flow, or not actually really begun. For those following the energy, they're being buffeted around by karma and intervention in the 4D. But with the strong mast of absolution, you will make it through.

974 Reads

What Advanced Civilisation Can Be Like: The Andromedan Connection

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/02/2024 - 15:57

It's becoming abundantly clear that here in the 3D/4D aspect of Gaia, we are living in a gross engineered simulation, designed to keep souls entrapped. When you consider it in detail, it's a dim shadow of what advanced, cosmic civilisation can truly be like - living in harmony with nature, and technology, that respects all life and liberates souls in the mutual journey of evolutionary freedom. Such is the nature of Andromedan civilisation. I'd say it's the pinnacle of what humanity can currently aim for.

1010 Reads