What is the Soul?

There are many definitions of what the Soul is. For us here at Openhand, consciousness flows through the universe as waves on a vast ocean. You and we are each a unique blend of these various energetic characteristics - aspects of beingness.

So we are being both the ocean and a unique blend of universal consciousness too. It's what we call a 'Soul Ray Harmonic'. The Soul is what makes us unique, animates who we truly are, and the Soul's full liberation and expression is the purpose of our existence.

Enjoy our articles on the Soul Below:

How to Break Cycles of Cravings to Accelerate Your Consciousness Shift

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 05:13

We're living in two worlds on the planet right now: a metaverse in society that is working to suck souls in and entrap them in a limiting reality; and a New Paradigm that's increasingly infusing light to forge a new way of living and being, interconnected with the divine. To access the latter, we're going to have to confront and break open cycles of addiction and cravings. We can do it if we understand how. No worries. We've got this!

962 Reads

The Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration in Earth's 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/30/2019 - 06:47

You often hear about the need to 'raise your vibration' in the ongoing consciousness shift that is sweeping across our planet. Further on I share Openhand's top 10 ways for doing so, but before that, it's essential to understand what is 'raising your vibration'? What exactly does it mean, because clearly there's plenty of misconception going on and it's important to get it right if we are to align with the unfolding 5D Shift...

10780 Reads

Your Ascension and the "Infinite Game": Be the Infinite Player!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/07/2019 - 06:19

The Spiritual Journey does not lead to some final accomplishment, some 'top of the mountain' or even some state of never-ending peace. Even "The Shift" or "The Event" as some call it, is a shift within a shift. Even the mystical State of Enlightenment is not an ending but a beginning. Think about this deeply for a moment. You can stop striving right now. There's phenomenal freedom in it. And if you can find your right alignment in this "Infinite Game", it will bring you continual joy and accomplishment...

1689 Reads

5D Shift: The Peculiar Sense of No Self...Moving into Enlightened States

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/30/2018 - 07:27

I've often heard people say on the path, "I don't know who I am anymore!" It's indicative that you're starting to move beyond the false self ego and into the sense of 'no self'. It can be pretty scary and unsettling at first, and as it arises, fear might bounce you back into ego again. But there'll come a point, when you realise everything that you thought you were was false and an illusion anyway. And that such contracted identity doesn't serve anymore. This is when absolute freedom beckons.

2221 Reads

The Liberating and Empowering Effect of Absolute Forgiveness

Submitted by Open on Tue, 06/05/2018 - 05:49

On Openhand's level 3 course DIVINICUS, we explore deeply into the importance of not apportioning blame and instead taking full responsibility for the lives only we are creating - at a soul level, we draw everything to ourselves in order to learn, evolve and grow. One vital aspect of this approach is that of forgiveness: realising the other person is not to blame for their distortion (and my creation) and therefore being able to forgive them. In my experience, this is one of the most liberating and empowering things we can do. But if EVERY situation is purposefully designed by the natural flow for us to self-realise, then is there truly a need for forgiveness, and if so, what might that look like?

914 Reads

The Incredible Power of "Transmutation" on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/26/2018 - 04:45

I have to pinch myself sometimes, being here in this physical body. I know well a higher dimensional existence of pure light, where thought and creativity happen at lightning speed; where you feel completely interconnected with sentient life and can travel through the cosmos in the blink of the third eye. But I am here in this dense - and wonderful! - physical body. And I'm reminded that light can still change it. In fact, consciousness can change all our 3D experiences and creations.

7810 Reads

How to Innovate to Succeed on the Spiritual Path...in 4 steps

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 08:01

There can be nothing like awakening to your deeper spirituality. To know that you are an interconnected part of the whole and loved unconditionally by the divine is the deepest blessing. There often comes with it an enormous sense of gratitude, followed by the commitment to make essential changes in your life. But quite often, in a world of disfunction and disharmony, where every offering works to enslave in the old ways, it can seem a monumental task. Monumental it can be, but you don't have to get there in one giant leap! And it's essential to realise that ALL distortion - even those of the matrix - are founded on truth. That's why lasting change can happen through progressive innovation. Here's how...

1019 Reads

Exploring the Grief of Leaving a Soulmate

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/21/2018 - 01:52

The classic mainstream idea of soulmates seems to be that you meet on a cloud and sail off happily into some distant sunset, there to live happily ever after in coupled bliss. It's a very limited perspective! In my experience, soulmates appear at key times on your journey, so as to have great experiences, yes, but also, to push you to the limits, to find ever deeper aspects of your unrevealed self. A soulmate will have exactly the right configuration to encourage you to find your highest light, and also, to dig deep into your density. Once the 'soul agreement' is complete, you may walk parallel paths a while longer, or you may diverge and each go their own way.

In my experience, parting was a gut wrenching illumination,
that initiated the apex of soul integration for both...

4180 Reads

Embracing the Vitality of Risk on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/18/2017 - 07:10

There will come a point on the spiritual path where there's nothing for it but to risk all. The soul wants to flow as freedom. It doesn't calculate what is logical, safe, or will gain the best practical outcome. It is yearning to be forged by the crucible of life into something immortal, beyond fear and limitation. Not that the soul doesn't have boundaries, not that it doesn't blend into rigid realities, it does.

4130 Reads

Overcoming Fear of the Shift: Liberate Yourself from Past Limitation

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 07:12

It's understandable that people would have fear of the Shift, because it's a massive undertaking. You're progressively shifting reality and that's pulling on all the threads of the old construct. But climbing a mountain happens with each small step. Providing we can confront our fears and process them as they come up, then fear becomes a powerful tool on the path - it shows you the direction in which you're being invited to travel. Let's explore how to deal with it.

6227 Reads

Rights of Passage on the Spiritual Path...Encountering Spiritual "Initiations"

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 07:01

There will be times on the path where you're presented with vital opportunities for accelerated evolutionary growth. They are windows of possibility where your soul is wanting to expand into a new conscious existence. The Universe presents a cauldron of alchemical change, where you're tested emotionally, physically and mentally to your threshold and beyond. It's like a new flower, breaking through tough surface layers. By pathfinders who've endured them, they've become known as 'initiations'. They are the most earth-shattering, bone-shaking you will encounter. It pays to know something about them, to make sense of what's going on...

5325 Reads

The Path Less Traveled And How to Tackle It...Reflections for the Wanderer

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 05:22

Are you one of those constantly searching for the deeper meaning to ignite your life? Plenty say they are, but then the Path Less Traveled is littered with people who fell by the wayside, those who took the soft, comfortable option of staying where they are.

4363 Reads