True Nature of Angelic Guidance
Positively beaming
Very uplifting, makes me feel like hanging out in some woods and communing with Gaia, infact thats what I am going to do.
Great production as always Trin :)
great video again! very
great video again! :-)
very inspirational!
Trin you did again such a great job, like e.g the music is woven in so beautifully to support the teaching, and Chris, you're literally BEAMING on this one!
Oh how I miss you both :-)
Gaia's grace
Wow I love this, felt like I was sitting there part of the group for a few moments.
It does seem as though Gaia will guide us to just what we need when we stop seeking the unnecessary. Intention creates - 'tension'?
It moves me to the core to feel Gaia's guidance. Creating the space to listen to the whisper of her voice can really change the path ;-)
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