Understanding Energy Implants and How to Remove Them

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 05:33

Increasingly people within spiritual circles are becoming aware of, and speaking out about, "energetic implants" in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, human beings. They've been used as a tool by an Extra Terrestrial Opposing Consciousness in the 'dumbing-down' of humanity. It's a subject that needs to be elevated into the group consciousness more generally if we are to catalyse spiritual evolution, that we can heal humanity. So what are energetic implants? How do they work? Most importantly, how do we remove them?

Removing energy implants happens when we are ready

Firstly what is an "entity"? Where the soul is encased in some kind of vehicle, this may be considered as an "entity". A soul encased in Human form may therefore be considered a Human Entity. Likewise, there are souls encased in other vibrational forms that exist in the field all around us. These might be considered "entities in the field", of which, there are both benevolent forms that support human evolution, and others that retard it so as to harness energy for their own existence - like a bodily parasite, which needs to be removed.

More sophisticated entities are able to insert coiled twists of energy into the human field so as to generate disonance, which then causes energy release which they can harvest. Up to now, we've tended not to talk about these implants because they can stretch tired and skeptical minds! But removing them is definitely more effective if people are aware of what's going on, so I imagine in the years ahead, we'll be much more transparent about the underlying catalytic healing work Openhand is doing. During the courses we do, removing energy implants tends to happen naturally within the general underlying shifts of energy, but you can intensify the effect with greater awareness and direct focus. Once you become aware of them personally, essentially you already have the power to remove them yourself. So let's take a closer look at their nature.

What are energy implants?

I think its important first to understand what they are, where they've come from and how they work. As we're increasingly alluding to, there is a highly sophisticated life form operating in the field all around us. It's an Inter-dimensional Consciousness - like a virus - which is essentially controlling society and farming humanity for energy. At Openhand we've called it an Opposing Consciousness.

Human DNA can be influenced from the fourth density field. Since DNA is a receiver/transmitter of frequency, then by projecting a particular vibration into the DNA - like lazer, sound or even thoughts and words - can shift and change it. Or even block it and dumb it down.

Having interfered with human DNA through this kind of manipulation, the Opposing Consciousness has intervened in the natural evolution of humanity. It has done this to limit and control, so that people cannot so easily feel, intuit or know external distorting influences coming in through their field and affecting the choices people make. In effect, Homo Sapiens is a hybrid species, that we're now being invited to heal, cleanse and evolve beyond. Even our DNA can be healed that we may evolve into a new form (something which at Openhand we call... DIVINICUS).

One highly undermining tool the Intervention has used to limit and dumb down, are energy implants. The best way to describe these are twisted eddy currents of energy that emit various frequencies which create something akin to 'white noise'. People are internally distracted by the 'noise' which lowers their vibration and since it is so prevalent, then fades into the background of their experience.

Energy implants close to key chakras

Often, an energy implant will be inserted close to a key centre such as the third eye. So when people try to meditate and open that centre, the (now) subtle vibration of the white noise means they can't actually bring attention to the authentic centre itself. When I sit with people in groups, I can literally feel their implants as twisted knots of energy, often in the forehead just left or right of the centre. They are frequently the reason people get headaches or migraines when they try to meditate. At the very least, as you become more sensitive, you might feel them as a subtle vibration or hum.

These implants not only lower your vibration, but they cause people to bleed energy into the field. And they act a little like a cloak, often concealing entities that lodge in your field which cannot then be 'seen' or felt. They cause you to get internally tight and emit energy, which is why the entities are there in the first place. They 'assimilate' the releasing energy for their own benefit, which is often to the detriment of the host - it generates lack of peace and lowers energetic vibration.

Removing entities and implants

To remove them, firstly you need to expand your consciousness as much as possible, and become as sensitive as you can, by following your natural evolutionary path - the one we've outlined in 5GATEWAYS. You must first process out attachments to the lower vibrational planes: especially the physical and emotional. Then you can get into the mental or lower-mind plane through the solar plexus chakra. You must start to break down inner child and teenager conditioning by confronting conditioned behaviour patterns. If you do this, then you'll increasingly activate and unfold into your causal or energy body - the chakra and meridian energy field system.

If an implant is present (which in most people they are), then you'll start to feel this as unpleasant convolutions of energy - like distracting buzzing. They often put people off meditating or doing any further energy work, but this is exactly the point to persist, because the paradox is, that once you can feel the implant, you already have the power to remove it yourself. Universal Life Energy is moved in the fourth density by heartfelt emotive will. It can begin as a physical/emotional experience which wells up from within and can then be directed through the field around us by focused intention.

The key is to feel the implant but then not retract from it. Instead you must go right into the centre of the feeling (no matter how uncomfortable) until it no longer defines you. If you can do this, you can begin to trace how it was inserted into your field in the first place. For example, people frequently feel them being inserted through the ear (please bear in mind, these are not physical plane implants, but since all bodily vehicles overlap and enfold one another, they also tend to be aligned with the physical vehicle channels/orifices).

So where this is the case, it becomes possible to direct ones energetic will to literally extract the implant through the channeling direction of the ear (the reverse in which it was inserted). A healer can help do this too. However, from personal experience, it is definitely more effective if the healer can energetically guide and talk people through what is actually going on. Especially since the implants do take different forms and dealing with each tends to have a different approach. Once the implant has been removed, often there's a noticeable infusion of higher self energy, powerful flows open and a reconnection to previously lost aspects of beingness.

Imprints of energy Implants

It's also important to note that once the implant has gone, there will still likely be an 'imprint' in one's field. Knotted energy will have formed around the implant which has characteristic feelings of the implant itself. These imprints will naturally unwind themselves in the hours and days following the implant removal. But it's important to be aware of them, because doubt and disbelief (that the implant has gone) will make the healing work much less effective.

Removing entities and connection with the angelic realms

This is still not the end of the process though. Where an implant exists, often there will be one or more entities hiding behind the 'cloak'. These must be removed too. Of course they will resist, it's like being evicted from a cosy home! Again, once we can feel them, we already have the power to eject them. You simply have to intuit how to work with them. But you can also call in help from an experienced energy worker - it tends to accelerate the process.

Sample this ground breaking meditation for removing Implants and Entities

Connecting with the angelic realms also helps greatly - they are assisting humanity in this vital area. I can also say that if you hold some kind of internal judgment about the Opposing Consciousness (most people understandably do), then removing the entities is either not going to work or be only partially successful (they'll likely return at that energetic level). We must first evolve past such judgment - whatever has been done to us - in which case, our effectiveness in the field is going to be greatly enhanced.

Healing Humanity's Karma

This is a vast area in the karmic healing work humanity needs to now embark upon and I have only really scratched the surface here in this article. Openhand's multi level 5D Ascension Program is purposefully designed to integrate much deeper awareness helping healers unfold these skills themselves. Finally we're really beginning to understand and get into these limiting veils that have shielded humanity from its divine birthright for so long. I feel a growing sense of excitement and anticipation as the work unfolds. In the years ahead, I see humanity shaking off the mantel of oppression and evolving into a new, more divine form - something I've written about in...

DIVINICUS: rise of the divine human

Gain Help Removing Entities and Implants on Openhand Courses

Removing entities and implants is a major part of the Openhand work that naturally takes place on our gatherings and events. The Openhand energy helps to trigger them so they become energetically visible and so can be removed. If you require support, consider joining our network and getting involved.

Openhand Ascension Academy

In loving support

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Hi Rock N Roll,

Welcome to Openhand. Yes indeed, I totally agree, people do get more than a touch incredulous frequently around this topic. It makes me smile - when I sit with a group, I can feel them in just about everyone. How do you remove something that doesn't serve when the person doesn't even want to go there? We've learned the hard way how to deal with that one :wink:

Feel free to share your experiences here. I sense you'd have a shaman's tale to tell!



The subject of implants among healers and shamans is a hot topic. Bridging the two worlds of earth mysteries -- shamanic work-- with cosmic energy is a new area for many. In discussing the implants people can be incredulous and have a hard time "buying into" the celestial affects on their well being. This post is perfect and I am grateful for your sharing! It allows implants to be discussed and acknowledged in a safe way. And addressed in a manner that empowers us to be the solution! Many blessings and deepest thanks for this.


Hi - I think I had some experience of this at the Openhand retreat in Llanberis a few years ago. I was seeing Holocaust events in group meditation which I think other people were having too You mentioned Chris that this had been a common experience for people and was originally due to the Implant placing procedures which were quite to say the least not very nice. After I'd spoken to you about it then a whole part of my life and the reasons why I had taken some major decisions unravelled - it really was like pulling a piece of wool and the whole jumper unravelled. It started with events in this life and traced backwards into other incarnations - and I felt at the time you were telling me that the implant itself could have been the reason for some incarnations themselves - or at the least played a major part in it. A very perculiar but pleasant unwinding experience. I've also heard this high pitched humming - sounds like very fast digital tranmission of some kind - don't feel any tightness with it - have heard it since I was a child - I always thought it was information passing down the telegraph telephone lines - I learned morse at one point and am pretty sure there is some code coming in the pitch. I know Chris you've mentioned on retreats that you see the code - perhaps it depends on which sense it the most developed? However I am always led back and back to the Openhand courses - amazing how much they have evolved over time - and I rest assured in the knowledge that if I do have any implant hangovers I have friends around who can let me know and help me unhook any more implants I know when you first told me about this Chris I felt very tight - one of my - oh no don't believe this experiences. I've since learned to recognise the feeling and the tightness and use it as part of my spiritual practice. Thanks for everyones comments - it helps to make sense of some of my own spiritual journey and experiences Peace and light ann


I'm glad to be of help guys :smile:

Here at Openhand it feels like we've been 'battling' this energy for eons and have much insight into where it came from, how it works and most important of all, how to negate it.

Up to now, it's felt like the timing wasn't right to speak about it. With quite a few people, when we have, it's closed doorways and turned them away.

But now I sense more and more people stepping forwards who are truly having these deep multi-dimensional experiences - they can see and feel the denseness of the fourth dimension for themselves so it helps to illuminate the subject.

Let's see how things take shape!



Many thanks for sharing Chris. I find this truly useful information and the image is beautiful too, really captures the essence of the sharing.


Some people hear the background field of Unity Consciousness as a high pitched tone too. It would depend on how the experience makes you feel? If it doesn't cause any tightening, then maybe its just the field. Usually with an implant, you can feel pretty tense and tight.


In reply to by Open


Thanks. I have moved to a peaceful calm after pushing fear out of my life. The sound never makes me feel tight or tense. I've considered it a gift since it started on 9/11/10. I appreciate your replies very much.


Well I don't personally hear them, rather I feel them - but my knowing is that they do emit high frequency tones yes. So if you're more clairaudient, then perhaps you would hear them as that. Open (formerly Chris Bourne)

In reply to by Open


Thanks for your reply.

I hear the high frequency tones in my own head nonstop and wondered if that was from an implant or something else?


This implant would not be a constant high frequency tone would it Chris?

Thank you for the article.



"A tennis racquet, like a baseball or cricket bat, has a sweet spot. If a ball impacts at the sweet spot, the force transmitted to the hand is sufficiently small that the player is almost unaware that the impact has occured. If the ball impacts at a point well away from the sweet spot, the player will feel some jarring and vibration and perhaps discomfort of the handle. The sweet spot is a vibration node, located near the centre of the strings."

It feels like the ball has hit "The Sweet spot" with this article. If you've ever had this experience with a racquet then you also know where that ball will wind up even before it sails through the air. There is a knowing that occurs in that moment. And I suspect that for many reading this article they know that the sweet spot has launched their ball into Glastonbury .

Many thanks amigo!

Love, Lisa


Many Thanks for this fascinating and deeply informed article, which I feel more able to look at now.Aliens are very much a reality at the moment in mine and my sons life.The teachers in his school evenhave put goo around the school toget the children thinking.Is it a hoax? Or is it for real ?
I have always been incredibly sensitive to precisely what you are pointing at and literally feeling it all and seeing the energy ''numb'' humanity and knowing somethings not right.It works deceptively and subtly I think and robs us of our divine birthright, and our humaity !! Making us feel that the more out of alighnment we are with our true selves the more we will succeed. It's away of treating people like tin and not feeling beings.
I also have met some alien forces in other dimesions.It seems that it can be very confusing, deceptive.... as there must be benevolent aliens too, some aliens I have met care deeply about mother earth and are deeply graved at how humanity is destroying it, but at the same time they were aliens who wanted to destroy humans, it seemed.....yet at the same time I felt I was ascending actually to ahigher place of consciousness. I will never forget the time I found myself woken up from a deep sleep and across the other side my room as oif I had been flung there and feeling like my mind had been messed with by aliens.AS a teenager I was told to keep it quiet! Material reality became my abstraction......

So, it can be confusing there are so mnay dimensional realms and life forces and to sort out which ones are benevolent and which ones are malevolent is a task. What about good aliens. Are you saying all are malevolent and if the interplay of balance is part of Higher Conscioousness,to bring it back to harmony, then what? I think connecting to the angelic realms is vital when we find ourselves confronting this stuff...

Thanks for the article.