Essential Shadow Work: the Wounded Goddess and the Sigma Masculine
Much attention has been given in spiritual shadow work to healing the distorted masculine, and rightly so. However, little seems to have been explored around the "Wounded Goddess", which can influence humanity both male and female. Often the wound is caused by the ancient karma of being worshipped, or glamourised, and often points to the need to integrate the solidity of the paternal energy within. Perhaps then, what might really support the healing, is an understanding of the Sigma Male archetype.
Paternalistic "Leadership" Through the Field
We've been exploring in the Openhand community recently how the Intervention here in the Shift has been constantly recalibrating. The Matrix Simulation on the planet has been formed by a complex alliance of different Intervention frequencies - the Annunaki have been the original architects. However, as they've been healed and withdrawn, other allignments have taken place.
The predoninant configuration now in place, appears to be led by the ancient Egyptian entity, Ra, working with Tall White synthetics and AI. Ra is of the Atlantean times where the Goddess Isis was the spiritual leader of the Temple of the High Priestesses, who worshipped Ra, and gained energy from humanity's purposeffully collectivised consciousness in the 4D. The Isis/Goddess relationship with Ra was a paternalistic/daughter type dynamic.
In those times, the population was "elevated" by a sort of deification - a degree of dissociation onto the plane of the 4D. It's a means of control and soul-harvesting, which is strongly prevalent in society today. The Goddess is set up as a glamourised icon, to worship and follow. Many carry the effects of the karma, both male and female, both protagonist and victim.
Stay up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...
The Nature of the Wounded Goddess
I would say you can witness the unintegrated "Wounded Goddess" manifesting as a sought-after "empowerment", which has become a counterbalancing overt sense of projection. It's lauded, and impressive, but still wounded. True power has no need to project.
You also frequently witness the "High Priestess" syndrome in healing work - the channelling and giving of "divine energy". To be clear, no one can give you what is truly already yours. If your field is contracted down, it's usually because of some fragmented aspect of soul. We must regress into the contraction, see where the original attachment is, and then open out through it by letting go into it. The "client" then "self-realises". They realise, of their own self.
To add counterbalance to the viewpoint though, a "healer" can hold an energetic frequency, which like a tuning fork, can stimulate the reactivation of the "client's" own field by resonance. Crucially though, in this approach, the "client" must be consciously integrating through self-awareness. They must be fully present in the reactivation.
What might be the solution to the Wounded Goddess distortion?
The Sigma Masculine Archetype: In Men and Women
I'd say the issue often relates back to the original distorted dynamic - that of requiring a paternalistic father figure outside of oneself. What exactly is it that's being craved? Where's the susceptibility in the field?
My observation of a key dynamic within the shadow work is about not being fully comfortable in aloneness - all-oneness. Not being able to sit with the completeness of the One inside. Being prepared to stand all alone in the world and have that anchored sense of trust in oneself. It's not courting popularity, not needing validation or feedback. It's about following goals, but more as the evolution and expression of Self as opposed to a particular outcome. The qualities I'm speaking of are actually those of what's termed the "Sigma Masculine", which is available to both truly empowered men and women.
The Sigma Masculine stands outside the regular pyramid of the usual hierarchy in society. They're happy to be outcasts, and whilst they can interject at appropriate moments, they don't seek recognition nor any kind of fame or following. They have few friendships and although can be very expressive, are also very introverted, happy to be in their own thoughts and dreams.
I would say this kind of energetic archetype is a great way to heal both the overpowering masculine and the Wounded Goddess. It's about finding the completeness of the paternal energy inside yourself and taking comfort in that. It's something we can all work at, by rejecting the need for validation, sitting comfortably in aloneness, especially when you have a problem to resolve.
Standing Outside the Hierarchy
Where the wound of acceptability, community, or a degree of adoration is still present, then there's the risk of drawing the paternal Ra entity to fill the energetic hole. There's a sense of completeness that comes with it, but an inertia of disempowerment too. The freedom of flow and true sovereignty subtly disappear.
Especially where there's the sense of protection or provision of community.
Hence I offer the sense of the Sigma Masculine archetype for standing outside the typical hierarchy of society, being on the outside looking in. And drawing great coherency from the detachment. Not that we can't each learn by resonating these qualities in each other - we can. But just being prepared to take quality time in our immaculate aloneness, and learning to take sustenance from there. Then we're truly empowered to support those traits in others.Resonate?
If you resonate with my sharing and wish to resolve this kind of ancient karmic wounding, then explore the spiritual healing work of Openhand:
Bright blessings
<<< Open π
My contemplations
I was feeling an anchored coherent strong uprising energy in my base chakra for the past few days, I knew it as the shiva energy. Because of it I was feeling a quiet degree of sexual energy (which was inactive because of my rejection towards sexuality) which made me to explore self intimacy/ self love. What first came up on the surface was guilt. A guilty feeling that I made myself impure which were coming from strong religious/ spiritual indoctrination I was involved in the past. I worked with it. The next came was like " what am I doing? It would be much beautiful if I had my partner with me". This immediately closed off further explorations. So I worked with this mental attitude of the feminine in me. Why does the feminine thinks she need a partner to fulfill her? At this point I could see the Isis in me appeared frozen, like she touched something hard, but she came up with this ' look at the nature, how animals are being'. That sent me back into further contemplation.
Yesterday morning while I was having my breakfast I started crying. There was a lot of sadness and emotional churnups. "Nobody is getting me?"I asked, why do I/you need somebody to get me/you?
"I don't need anything. Just this words are enough, I see you, thats enough" I asked again, why do you need a soft shoulder to lay your head on? At this time my phone rang, it was my partner.
Animals in this planet are being in one level of consciousness, right? A unique beautiful consciousness/beingness. There would be an evolution of consciousness. If thats true, self love/ self intimacy ultimately leads to our connection with twin flame. Right? Considering the disconnection of La bonita with her own twin flame makes me to ask " has the feminine/Isis/Magdalene found her connection with her own twinflame?".
When I read Ra is not releasing the Magdalene energy, I feel to ask ' who the hell he is?' Ra can only hold of me of If I have an affiliation with him or any attachments with him, right? So what are the attachments? Is it the need for a soft shoulder/partner? I hope she has worked with it, then what is holding her in the grasp of Ra? Correct me if Iam wrong/ misunderstood.
Thank you
Powerful realisations within sexuality, Twin Flame, empowermentβ‘
In reply to My contemplations by Soumya
This sounds like a rich and bounteous exploration on the path, Soumya. Keep going - it's bringing up all manner of deep insights.
In sexual expression, there's often much buried sense of guilt to overcome. As you point out, often due to the restrictions and dogmas of religion and society - it seems particularly strong in India's cultural past.
I would say learning to become sensual and intimate with yourself is essential. It's a tremendous spiritual practice, that helps unleash the free flow of kundalini. But yes, there'll probably be a good deal of guilt and stigma, even shame, to overcome and let go of.
Where self-intimacy becomes a dance with your Twin Flame, it becomes easier to drop these distortions and limitations. Because you get to experience the sacred divinity of it.
Well wishes
<<< Open π
Sigma Masculine
Thank you! The timing of this message is perfect.
I have been struggling with and processing related issues for 2-3 years. Yesterday something occurred which triggered a familiar pain pattern and response within me.
On my way into work this morning, I surrendered and said aloud "Show me. Please show me a better way."
I immediately experienced a tingling sensation around my head and shoulders. This calm and loving feeling brought instant, fully-fledged insight into my awareness creating an important shift in my perspective.
Now, 2 hours later, I am reading your article which feels like another 'piece of the puzzle' slipping gently into place.
I am at peace and filled with gratitude and wonder.
Sending love and thanks - Jill
How magical is the journey of self-realisation π§ββοΈ
In reply to Sigma Masculine by Jill S (not verified)
I'm touched by your sharing, Jill.
How wonderful and inspiring it is, when we have those "aha" moments that get confirmed in feedback loops.
Much love
<<< Open π
Lived Perspective
This inquiry has stirred up quite a bit in me and I have all of these thoughts, emotions and feelings stirring around in me at the moment. I feel it definitely speaks to a dynamic that I've had close relationship to in this lifetime. I'm going to do my best to make this as coherent as possible. The first thing that comes up for me is that when I get this desire to share about something, I get flooded with all this information at one time and it all makes sense to me, and I feel pulled to share, but there is an aspect that is playing itself out within my being that talks me off the ledge and gets me to retreat. I fought this dynamic this morning, but my soul pull was stronger so here I am sharing with you all. This voice said, "get up and write, share".
I've been on this course the past 5 weeks about looking into and healing/integrating ones CPTSD - Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. CPTSD, a mental health condition that develops after prolonged or repeated exposure to traumatic events, such as abuse, neglect, or violence. I would say that our civilization was birthed out of one big collective trauma. With this being said most of us have all adopted trauma responses to our not so nice life experiences.
One of the things I've noticed over the past 5 weeks is this dynamic being played out. There is this struggle and tension between the masculine and feminine energies being played out. I've experienced it firsthand in my own intimate relationship. To give you some context, married 14 years to a female law enforcement officer, I've been a stay-at-home dad for 9 years to 4 daughters. I've reflected upon this dynamic for some time now about what it all speaks to in my soul's evolutionary journey. This struggle for power has been playing out in this dynamic for many years, distorted masculine energy (my wife) and distorted feminine energy(myself). I've been witnessing and feeling this dynamic playout for years now. It has reached its crescendo point within our relating dynamic, we are faced with a choice point. Self-reflect and self realize; evolve or get devoured by this energy that I feel is not just specific to my situation. I feel this dynamic is being played out across the globe and as you can see with my own experience it isn't gender specific. What has allowed me to see this more clearly is the soul embodiment work I've been a part of for many years now. I'm learning that I have to take responsibility for this dynamic unfolding in my reality, what am I to learn from this life experience.
What is coming up on this course is the need to be seen and validated about one's experience. I can totally relate to this feeling but at what point does one just give their power and sovereignty over to the other. Being a man this dynamic can play out both ways regardless of gender.
Distorted empathy comes to mind for me. What is the difference between aligned and grounded empathy versus fake empathy? People feel they're healing and integrating past traumas but there is a sense of keeping one another stuck and paralyzed too, in the story of it all.
I haven't got to this point in the course yet but there is an element of this journey that is all about re-parenting oneself. This feels in line with what is being discussed here, learning how integrate and align with the divine masculine and divine feminine within, without needing anything from the external to validate this deep and intimate inner process. Arriving at a place of knowing, a felt sense, this is who I feel pulled to be now no matter what! I feel that the thought of the sigma masculine archetype is one thing and truly embodying it is another thing. I guess this is part of what the work is all about, inquiring and seeing how this dynamic is showing up in your life to learn, grow and evolve.
I appreciate the space to share.
With love and gratitude,
Off the ledge
In reply to Lived Perspective by Patch (not verified)
Wow Chad your sharing articulates my current inquiries and reflects much. Thankyou for jumping off the ledge. It has enboldened me to jump as well, not be afraid to share and press onwards step by step. Its been a lovely confirmation for me. Thanks again very much appreciated.
With gratitude n big hugs
Erin ππΊ
How to Embody the Sigma Masculine? πββοΈ
In reply to Lived Perspective by Patch (not verified)
11/02/2025: Dealing with Bottled up Stress Disorder
Hi Chad - what a powerful sharing indeed. I invite all to read, as it reflects into so many dynamics happening at a planetary level right now - in many relationship situations.
I want to call this specific point that you're making in relationship to what you've experienced: Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). I believe many are carrying this around in their bodily fields within the 5D Shift, and not even realise that they are.
How does it happen? What does it do?
Most people in life are inadvertently configuring to a value system imposed by society. For example: how you should be in relationships; how you should live and work. But this contorts the soul into an ill-fitting box. And the being unknowingly builds stress by holding in place the illusionary identity. At some point the tension can build to such a degree, that you simply break down and unravel - like a broken watch spring.
The unravelling needs to happen, for us to come back to truth and authenticity of the soul.
How best to work with this CPTSD?
At the point you become aware that you're bottling up this kind of tension, that's where Breakthrough is invited and becomes necessary:

1) Honour the truth of the situation - this is how you find things right now.
2) Feel and express the tension/tightness - this will often feel like some gordian knot in the sacrum, solar plexus, heart or head. Express it, animate to it, tone to it, breathe with it.
3) In the midst of this inner illumination, come to know yourself as the Observer in it - The One. Now just witness it, and let go of the need for it all to be a certain way, or for it to end a certain way. Let go.
4) Once you've become The One, now let the tension unravel through expression - movement, dance, breathwork, the Openhand Bow. So let the soul express through freely.
Now you'll be healing and realigning through the tension of the CPTSD. And, you'll start to integrate more of the qualities of the Sigma Masculine outlined in the lead article above.
I expressed it in this video several years ago in Florida...
Explore more on Openhand's approach to Breakthrough
Bright blessings all.
<<< Open π
In reply to How to Embody the Sigma Masculine? πββοΈ by Open
Hi open, and thank you chad for your post on CPTSD.
I continue to experience CPTSD as a result of a series of traumatic childhood events, in combination with my previous work where I worked with victims of sexual abuse.
The symptoms are not as bad as they were during a βbreakdownβ I had around 2 years ago but I do still get what I would call intrusive images. I have tried telling myself that the images unrelating to me (a βvideoβ or a flash of a made-up image of an abuse scene based on a description given to me by a victim of abuse) are not my experience but this doesnβt seem to work. Even when my own stuff comes up, telling myself it was just an experience doesn't seem to work very well.
Do I just keep pushing on and telling myself these experiences are not mine when they relate to a βvideo of abuseβ playing in my mind? I canβt seem to shake off the images I have accumulated over the years in my previous role.
Iβm working to break down identity and karma and have just recently had a couple of breakthroughs, one being directly linked with the distorted goddess identity where I am aware of being in a position of power and toying with men, having them at my beck and call whenever I wanted. A sense of entitlement and βdonβt you know who I amβ attitude has surfaced, which is linking with numerous other aspects in my life, and which I am working into.
I have to wonder if Iβm somehow holding onto these images as a way of punishing myself for my behaviour in the past life. As I write this, an emotional response is surfacing and I realise I may have touched on the real issue.
Any reflections of observations are very much welcomed.
With love
Nikki π
Letting go of traumatic experiences by equalising with them π§ββ
Hi Nikki - you raise an important point on the journey around what it means to actually "equalise as the One" around a specific issue.
You said...
Do I just keep pushing on and telling myself these experiences are not mine when they relate to a βvideo of abuseβ playing in my mind? I canβt seem to shake off the images I have accumulated over the years in my previous role.
I feel in your expression there's a rejection of the images. Not just that they're not yours, but there's a rejection of them.
It's entirely understandable. However, do you see that the rejection of them actually creates a relationship with them? And therefore keeps regenerating them.
You are the One. And in the nature of The One, all things, can, and do, flow within you, without rejection.
We can say, "abuse is being done to you". But that then is to identify with the relativity of the Universe - the illusion, "out there".
Yes, when aligned, your soul can choose to drop these experiences so that your journey doesn't need to have them. However, this is only going to happen where there's no rejection of any particular experience - or else the bonded limitation kicks in.
To truly process something, is first to equalise with it. To completely accept it. And not push it away.
Then you'll be able to let the experience go and move on.
Much love and support
<<< Open π
This video - just what I needed to hear today!
In reply to How to Embody the Sigma Masculine? πββοΈ by Open
Found this video this morning. it is exactly what I need to hear today!
Spot on
Wow, wow,- the articulation and clarity of this article illuminates what I feel is my key distortion. I've spent long enough chasing role models, father, perfect feminine, loyal family, a rather pointless and frustrating pursuit, loaded with projection and confusion. These pursuits have siphoned so much energy for so long. I totally resonate with the observation that aloneless, to the very core, creates the space for the dynamics to shift. To increasingly feel you don't need a damned thing from anybody or anything is liberating to the point that you can almost revel in being free and unencumbered, whether alone in a field, sat in darkness, or in a social throng. And feeling no reactivity or need for anything from others, theres little for intervention to interfere with. Peace and equanimity reign! Wonderful reflection. π
Wounded Goddess and Sigma masculine exploration β€οΈβπ©Ή
10/02/2025: Shift Insight: Wounded Goddess
As we move through the accelerating Shift, it's bringing up all manner of karmic layers to be worked with and processed through. Especially now, since the original foundational layer of the Matrix, supported by the energies of the Council of Nine, have been successfully broken down.
What's rising to the surface at this time, is the relationship of the "Wounded Goddess" and the connection with the Isis/Ra temple of Atlantean times. Although, I would say, it's a widespread dynamic in other cultures too - where the Goddess is established on a pedestal that invites subjugation.
To be clear, both sides of the dynamic develop karmic wounding from this. The need to be worshipped tends to come from not having broken all the way through the relativity and into the absolution with the One. A relationship then builds with a paternalistic God-like identity, that is subtly external to the inner completeness of self - just the Ra/Isis dynamic for example.
This was then used to subjugate the masses. I've explained the dynamic, and how to approach healing it, in my article above...
Essential Shadow Work: the Wounded Goddess and the Sigma Masculine
Do share your thoughts and insights, so we can work to unravel this ancient karmic distortion.
Bright blessings to all,
<<< Open π
Healing the Divine Maculine and Wounded Goddess (video) πΈ
In reply to Wounded Goddess and Sigma masculine exploration β€οΈβπ©Ή by Open
In terms of exploring and healing the dynamic of the distorted masculine and Wounded Goddess, I felt to share this video I shot, during Lockdown, from the Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh. It was a deeply moving experience...
Heart π felt
In reply to Healing the Divine Maculine and Wounded Goddess (video) πΈ by Open
Hi Open,
When you spoke near the end of the film about embracing the feminine my heart burst with the remembrance of divine unification π
I felt a few momentary seconds of grief, then a huge wave of compassion and oneness.
When I felt to go to the chapel whilst freewheeling at the Gaia pilgrimage, I experienced the energy of Magdalen and I spoke to her of my gratitude for her service to the unification. In return I felt wholeness and so much love.
Karen π»
In reply to Healing the Divine Maculine and Wounded Goddess (video) πΈ by Open
Wow this is so beautiful. I didn't expect to be so moved. And reminded of that beautiful divine feminine in me. I'm all set to start embracing the Sigma, but this is such a great reminder that I must not forget the feminine too, which I tend to shrug aside because she isn't overtly "strong". But without her I'm incomplete. I love her softness and love; her surrender and caring. Her deep abiding joy of life. I love me as her. Embraced by such comforting peace. I was forgetting. I remember that lovely voice too, singing with me. So many blessings in this video and beyond. Deep gratitude!
Very powerful and timely
In reply to Healing the Divine Maculine and Wounded Goddess (video) πΈ by Open
Thankyou for sharing this Open, I felt alot of energy moving and healing unfolding like a butterflies wing. Very beautiful.
Big hugs
Erin πΊπ
a contemplation
In reply to Healing the Divine Maculine and Wounded Goddess (video) πΈ by Open
I consider myself so lucky because I have been to the Rosslyn Chapel. Even with people there, the energy was incredible. So the above post, combined with the wounded, distorted Magdalen showing up in my field lately, has sparked an inquiry in me.
In the chapel she is able to maintain such a pure frequency and create such a strong energetic container of unconditional love and healing. Watching the video, I'm able to tap back into that beautiful energy. When I was there intervention energies were present, but she was still able to stand softly yet strongly in her power and they were not able to diminish her frequency. She allows anyone to come into the space and freely offers her frequency but does push herself on anyone and does not seek recognition or worship. Most who enter the chapel have no idea of what the space is truly meant for and do not take the opportunity to sit, go inwards and entrain to her vibration but she is not hurt or resentful. In the chapel she shows up as a completely aligned goddess.
So how is it that outside the chapel she shows up as wounded, distorted, manipulative, and not willing to work on her karma. I've been contemplating this all day and it really feels to me like she did not willingly seek Ra out or even want anything he offered. It feels to me like she was threatened, coerced, or tricked in some way. It feels like now she wants to reclaim her freedom but Ra is not willing to release her.
There may be other dynamics going on but it really feels like at least in the beginning she was forced into an allegiance with Ra.
Further Exploration of Magdalen, Wounded Goddess & Ra β€οΈβπ©Ή
In reply to a contemplation by Ann B
11/02/2025: Shift Insight
Hi Ann, this is a powerful inquiry indeed. Yes, the Magdalen energy is just as you describe in the Rosslyn Chapel - that's what came through for me there, as I expressed in the video. Although, for me, I would say the energy was of the sacred feminine, of which the aligned Magdalen was an aspect.
As you allude to thought, the shadow manipulates and pulls the strings on this, hiding in the background. So if there's a tendency to go unconsciousness in the loving light of the divine feminine, in other words to lose your anchored sovereign connection within, then the shadow will exploit that and create some degree of dependency on it. Although you might not realise it's happening - this often happens a great deal for men within this dynamic. It's how the divine masculine gets subtly exploited.
Why does Magdalen maintain the connection with Ra?
Firstly, I would say that she is beginning to break free. That the ties are weakening. However, what we also need to consider, is that's there's a whole army of Magdalen archetypes out there. Just as there's an army of Christ/Jesus archetypes. I would say Ra has created a gordian knot of these beings and those layers of energy.
Just as there are those working to unravel this energy (like Chris for example), so I can imagine, Magdalen would want to be doing the same. Hence probably, this explains the continued connection.
Well wishes
<<< Open π
In reply to Further Exploration of Magdalen, Wounded Goddess & Ra β€οΈβπ©Ή by Open
With the recent arrest of the 'Russian Jesus', I am left very curious as to how the theme of archetypes works. Are they just deluded individuals, or do they carry a significant essence or vibrational blend which is comparable to the real thing? Do archetypes ultimately serve by providing temporary spiritual platforms or do they distract?
Exploring the nature of the Spiritual Archetype π
In reply to Archetypes? by Andy (not verified)
Hi Andy - it's a good question indeed - how do spiritual archetypes work?
I've explored this in a previous Openhand article here...
In reply to Wounded Goddess and Sigma masculine exploration β€οΈβπ©Ή by Open
Dear Open ,
Yesterday evening I felt what can be best described as deep waves of fear in my field . I was able to be present with some of it but then distracted myself. Today morning I finally finished your book β Resurrectionβ. I was just unable to take in the last 20 percent for some reason and clearly something shifted and I took in some of it ( there is still the portion that describes the shift that I dissociate when I read - in recognition of the devastating impact it will cause my 3 D self )
Right now ,after entering myself I am feeling what I can best describe as wave upon wave of energy that touches some resistance in my field ,goes back then comes back in again . ( Am I feeling the earthquake ?)
All the themes you describe above ,are feelings that I have dealt with in my recent past after breaking up with someone who described himself as a Sigma male but couldnβt embody the internal detachment along with deep surrender it implies. Which wa sa perfect mirror of course to my own inner wounding about power and validation. I am however ,learning to be with my all-one-ness .
Itβs quite a deep exploration for me and rather humbling look at a tendency to first give up power and then try to get it back via a powerful masculine presence . Who is hooked in because of a lack of connect within to his inner feminine .
As I am working through it I am getting glimpses of a deep flow state with a heart centre that is extremely powerful in her Be-ing . Without the need for any worship or even acknowledgement. Where she walks ,the air changes .
I am looking forward to meeting in Resurrection today .Have a wonderful day everyone !
Integrating gifts of beingness
Hi Open,
the flow is getting stronger in my life day after day. Today I experienced lots of synchronicities around the blue color, which to me were speaking very clearly of the divine feminine, acceptance and surrender. I even had two moments of deep meaningful breakthroughs. I had never experienced something like that before, life was pure magic, even though I was at the mall.
Those synchronicities activated a βresonanceβ within that I can still feel when I give attention to it. I guess it is one of those βgifts of beingnessβ that you usually speak of. And so I'm sitting with this feeling, being it. But I wonder if there's anything more I should βdoβ with itβ¦? Maybe there's a way to embody it more efficiently?
Thank you very much
Moving beyond the mind into Being
In reply to Integrating gifts of beingness by Edu
Sounds like you're making some great progress Edu π
"Is there more you can do?" That sounds like the mind interfering.
I would say, focus on beingness, and when it feels right, step from there.
But first, it takes a good while to deprogarm the idea that "I must constantly be doing things".
Doing from Being will happen. But the Soul will want us to deeply ground in the feelings of being first.
Best wishes
Open π
Being is always the answer
In reply to Moving beyond the mind into Being by Open
Hi Open,
Yeah, that's what I suspected!
Thanks :)
Winning and belonging from the perspective of sigma masculine.
I can very much resonate with the sigma male archetype. I think anyone on this journey who has found a degree of sovereignty could see this inside themselves.
Following the facilitator conference, my days have been one of intense confrontation with the baggage of ancestral karma. It's inviting me to surrender and let go , some of the distorted aspects of the masculine like control and embody the feminine. Even though unpleasant at times, it's deeply rewarding. I'm asking questions like - why do we feel the need to be important? Why do we feel the need to win and succeed? I think winning takes on a completely different perspective when looked from a self realisation aspect. This sovereign aspect of the self is ready to sit outside the box and not belong to any particular group or person but to its own connection with the universe which is formed from a constant inquiry of reality. Thanks for illuminating this at this time. It's a synchronistic reflection of my path.
Btw I recently watched a movie from Netflix called Nimona which shows a civilisation like atlantis led by the goddess energy but by the rejection of its own shadow. But the lead character in the end realises the shadow as his /their own creation and accepts it unconditionally and there by the shadow it integrates within. It's really moving and worth watching.
Vimal π
Fascinating step forward
Many thanks Open,
As someone who used to be very extrovert and involved in all the acute dramas of "life", I have increasingly found myself doing quite the opposite in recent years. Being content in solitude is now the "norm" for me and is a lovely, peaceful place to be.
It was fascinating on the recent course to observe the very healthy relationships between people and contrast those with what is commonly seen otherwise. I recently tried to "help" an acquaintance who very much seems to represent the "wounded Goddess" you discuss and feel this could have been very helpful at that time .... we shall see.
Many thanks for this, I will definitely be exploring it further.
The Nature of the Sigma Masculine Archetype - who are they?
Thomas has produced this cool image quote on the nature of the Sigma Masculine Archetype.
I was wondering who else out there recognises it?
A new concept in healing work - embodying Sigma Masculine
So have you come across the archetype of the "Sigma Masculine" yet?
What is that exactly? The Sigma Masculine stands outside the regular pyramid of the usual hierarchy in society. They're happy to be outcasts, and whilst they can interject at appropriate moments, they don't seek recognition nor any kind of fame or following. They have few friendships and although can be very expressive, are also very introverted, happy to be in their own thoughts and dreams.
The new Openhand article above explores how both male and female might heal some key distortions by activating the sense of the Sigma Masculine within. I believe it can help both the "Wounded Warrior" and the "Wounded Goddess". See what you feel about the article and do share your questions/view below. I do believe it's essential shadow work.
Bright blessings
Open π
Really resonates
In reply to A new concept in healing work - embodying Sigma Masculine by Open
Hi Open,
I find this really resonates with me. I have long felt that I have a pretty equal integration of both male and female energies which I find really helpful in my feelings of Sovereignty. I recognise very much the way I choose to sit on the periphery of society yet still interact; and more personally, the way I sit very much on the periphery of friends and family members lives yet feel able to reach over with a caring hand on occasion and take great pleasure from spontaneous warm connections. It also speaks into the way when I passed through Gateway 2 and my life changed and people fell away; some relationships reconfigured and those truly able to accept me as I am are in a more distant way, nevertheless still part of my landscape.
Thank you for this illumination! βββββββ
Divine feminine expressing the Sigma Masculine
In reply to Really resonates by Tilly Bud
Thanks for the share Tilly - it's perfect to hear the divine feminine expressing the sigma masculine!
Open π
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