Dive fully into every feeling

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 16:54

You've got to keep testing the illusion. Look, you have three trillion cells in your body, and each is asking you to buy into your physicality. Sometimes you'll get tired, unwell or hurt. Maybe frustrated or angry. And it's no use simply manipulating your thoughts to overcome this limitation. It's like you've got to test into every feeling dynamic going on within your bodymind, until you can soften through and feel the expanded consciousness that you are. You can do it. Your soul is seeded to do. But you must constantly apply it, to ultimately know it.


Trust in the Stillness

Submitted by Open on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 16:26

Can you really trust that the emptiness will deliver all you require? Can you rest, or move, in the stillness with nothing coming and still trust; trust until something 'right' lands - something that resonates in the core of you? Well it's my experience that when we're efforting to make something happen, eventually, it all turns to pants! Trust in the divine, is something we have to keep working at: to keep trusting in the emptiness, and watching the flow - the real one - emerge from it. But the trust will only build if we then follow what we feel landing. To give trust a chance.

Change your Life

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/27/2015 - 05:58

When you take a step in truth, when it is truly fired by the soul, then you're connected up to the internal superhighway of the universe - the entirety of the flow. When you take this step, miracles and magic can, and will, happen. You may not know how to get to the end game, but by stepping out into the apparent emptiness of the unknown, I've discovered time and again, that something truly amazing happens: the universe always comes to meet you. The landscape through which your soul is flowing, shapes to support your true destiny. And it happens in ways you could never predict.

Give the world your presence

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 18:19

It's the tradition to give gifts to others, especially at birthdays and the festive season. And how often do you find yourself wondering what to buy? It's actually because at some level, we know that everyone already has everything inside. The greatest gift you can give another therefore, is to remind them of that; and the best way to remind them, is to show it in yourself.


Open Praying Emoji

Synchronicity: dragging or rushing?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/20/2015 - 16:43

Synchronicity: dragging or rushing? If you’re following synchronicity to get to somewhere, then you’re behind the flow and therefore dragging it. If you’re continually in the head thinking about what ‘the signs are saying’, then you’re rushing the flow and probably redirecting it. But if you’ve let go of intention, and are following attention of your inner feelings to direct you moment by moment, and then you’re reading signs as a confirmation that everything is clicking into place, then you’re probably slap bang, right in the middle of the flow.


What is true confidence?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/19/2015 - 17:53

Ever considered the nature of confidence? It seems to me that when people speak of it, what they're actually speaking of, is building the sense of their separate identity - their ego - up. But true empowerment comes in quite the reverse way: you break down the ego by not being unduly concerned about how you come across - not caring what others think of you. This brings you to a place of absolute vulnerability to the moment - you're okay for literally anything to happen, because you've tested yourself and broken yourself down of any need for it to go a particular way.

In a universe of constant change

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/13/2015 - 17:25

In a universe of constant change, change is the only constant. If you understand and embrace this, you can actually use change as a powerful driver through your life. Know that nothing ever remains the same. Although people in society try to grasp on and insure their future by trying to control the daily outcome, actually this is fruitless, and some day, the risk is, it collapses all about you.

Spread your soul wings and fly!

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/10/2015 - 06:54

We can't procrastinate with the highest choice in life "until the timing is more convenient". The purpose of the obstacle you face IS to catalyse the path. So putting it off simply means having to reconfront the difficulty again, at some other time, in some other guise. So better to seize the day. Take the bold step now; look into the face of challenge and let it evolve you.


Open Praying Emoji

Connecting with your Twin Flame

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 19:52

I'm often asked how to manifest the feeling of the Twin Flame? I say watch, experience. With everything that you encounter, feel the response inside. Send out your loving appreciation of the world yes, but be sure to ground the feeling of it within. Then the experience of the Twin Flame will grow. It becomes an immensely creative and enjoyable power.


Open Praying Emoji

Look into the Mirror

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 19:32

I frequently see stuff about "surrounding yourself with only positive people". It's a big mainstream misunderstanding! You're already surrounding yourself with the manifestations of your own consciousness. So look in the mirror - why did you create it? What are you being shown? When we realise this and release the distortions, then the right mirrors shape around us naturally.


Open Praying Emoji

Heading back upstream

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 19:03

The situation in the world right now is utterly fascinating. I'm speaking to lots of people around the world and they definitely break down into two camps: there's those who're trying to carry on as everything is 'normal', even as the river approaches the falls. To these people, life seems still relatively ordinary, okay, comfortable; And there's those who can see the cliff edge coming and have started to swim against the prevailing mainstream. To these people, life is a real challenge, at times intensely testing, there's every reason why to turn back.