Shift Philosophy Articles

Here's the Openhand library of Spiritual Articles in the Shift on topics including Enlightenment, the Soul, Meditation, Spiritual Evolution, Chakras, Karma, Kundalini, Multidimensionality and the 5D Shift.

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Gaia's Cosmic Karma, Self-Realisation and Ascension

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/23/2012 - 04:46

Right now, it looks like Gaia is brewing a storm. I feel aeons of suppressed energy bubbling below the surface and beginning to break free. I've seen this coming. During a car crash in 2002, I witnessed a series of spectacular visions. I saw the collapse of the old world consciousness, a cleansing of the Earth's surface and the Ascension of Mother Earth. In effect, I saw Gaia processing her 'cosmic karma'. Since then, deep communion with Gaia has clearly shown me that throughout our recent history, her Kundalini energy has been progressively suppressed, almost to the point of destruction. But now I feel her energy beginning to rise again - shifting into the higher paradigm. Here's how we can all take part:

17477 Reads

A healthy relationship with Death

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/06/2012 - 06:33

How often do you contemplate passing on? Whether we appreciate it or not, we are all just one step away from death. In our culture, it seems to me that death has been so glamorised, fantasised and above all sanitised, that we've buried its true meaning under mountains of conditioning. It's either surrealised for Hollywood movies or pushed under the carpet of drug-induced, idealistic health-service longevity. It causes people to fear it, to deny or to ignore it. Paradoxically, such activity takes away the true meaning of life itself. It constrains and limits us. However, when we can constantly embrace the close proximity of death, without fearing it, I've discovered it's an incredible liberation. It sets us free to accept the moment fully, as it is, and to soar on the out-stretched wings of empowerment...

19261 Reads

Human Origins...How did humanity really evolve?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 05:45

On the surface, our evolution step-by-step from the apes has been heavily researched and documented. Anthropologists would have us believe our original ancestors were two legged homonoids that first stood upright around 4 million years ago. And yet there are still many missing links in our fossil records. A growing lobby of independent researchers are saying for example the change from early pre-humans to Homo Erectus around 200,000 years ago was just too great and too sudden for it to be a simply natural evolutionary process. So what are our origins exactly? These are incredibly exciting times where much of our convoluted past is coming to light. Especially since we are now able to look deeper into the Human Genome...

14788 Reads

Understanding Energy Implants and How to Remove Them

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 05:33

Increasingly people within spiritual circles are becoming aware of, and speaking out about, "energetic implants" in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, human beings. They've been used as a tool by an Extra Terrestrial Opposing Consciousness in the 'dumbing-down' of humanity. It's a subject that needs to be elevated into the group consciousness more generally if we are to catalyse spiritual evolution, that we can heal humanity. So what are energetic implants? How do they work? Most importantly, how do we remove them?

95443 Reads

Humanity's Convoluted DNA heritage

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 07:54

DNA of course forms the building material for most of life on the planet. It is what determines our very physical make-up. To me, it is a complex receiver/transmitter of energetic frequency. It is the very bridge between the etheric and the physical, the internal magician that receives higher consciousness impulses which it then manifests into mirroring form. As science now begins to unlock the buried code within our DNA, it's going to answer many of the vital questions of our time: how humanity came to be in the form it currently is, why there is such disharmony not just in our physical selves, but also the wider world. And it's also going to point the way forwards for a new humanity...

16428 Reads

Connecting with your Guardian Angel...Here's How in 3 Steps

Submitted by Open on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 05:09

What has truly enthralled me during my awakened life is the sweet scent of synchronicity: the eternal message of the divine, forming the very fabric from which the weave of life is woven. It's all too easy to see the denseness, difficulty and even despair through the physical world. All too often we get sucked into an end goal, the need for a particular outcome. Yet if for just one moment, we can look above and beyond this limiting parapet, if we can summon the courage to hold back the moment and just be present, sit and wait and trust; trust that we are eternally loved by a presence of infinite benevolence, then our lives could be so much more magical...

17721 Reads

Void of Presence...Coming Into Enlightenment

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 03:21

We're living in an illusion. But it's a very real illusion, a very noisy one. Our lives are full of busyness and external distraction like no other time in the history of mankind. It's as if everything created has been purposefully designed to pull us into the external drama, to tempt us, to invest us, to entrap us. The paradox is, that every external 'entertainment' is but a reflection, often quite a distorted one, of an end goal that each soul is really, ultimately looking for. It's a place of absolute perfection, crystal clear clarity. It is infinite potential yet absolutely empty. It is the beginning and the end of every inquiry and journey. It is the Void of Silence.

20656 Reads

Morning shower meditation

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Sat, 10/06/2012 - 03:06

Want to feel invigorated in the morning? Try this... Here's a morning meditation that you can do in 5 minutes while taking a shower and is sure to rev you up better than any cafe latte. Turn the bathroom light off - you'll see why later. Set the shower to a warm comforting temperature and begin by feeling the warmth on your skin as the water trickles down your body. Imagine you are stood under a cleansing waterfall of golden light...

14697 Reads

"Animal Medicine": Learning from and Communicating with Animals

Submitted by Open on Fri, 09/28/2012 - 05:13

How does animal medicine work?
I am frequently overwhelmed by the shear beauty, perfection and awesome simplicity of animals. They were surely put here as our teachers revealing in us how our beingness can wonderfully manifest itself when not constrained through distorted thinking and perceived limitations. How is it that the 'right' animal, be it the real thing or just an image, can miraculously appears just at the right time when we need guidance most?...

16138 Reads

The Vital Importance of Embracing "Future-Landing-Now" in the Shift

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 05:22

What does "Being in the Now" really mean?
It’s almost 'old-spiritual-hat' to speak of 'being in the moment' these days. New-Age bookshelves are brimming with suggestions of how to let go of the past, forget the future and simply "be in the now". Yet what if every distortion conceals a hidden truth? If I regret something of the past, then perhaps I’m still carrying it’s energetic lesson just waiting to be uncovered? And if I have one foot in the future, perhaps I'm already intuiting the flow of events yet to fully take shape? Maybe then, there’s much more to this 'moment of now' that we’re not fully giving credit to?...

15523 Reads

Activate Your Higher Mind: Navigate Life's Complexity...8 Ways to Do it

Submitted by Open on Wed, 07/18/2012 - 08:47

In this great reset that the shadow is desperately trying to impose on society, it's essential that we be informed more by higher knowing, and create our reality from the infusion of divine guidance. It's cloudy out there - divine inspiration must inform into our reality. It's all about opening to higher mind and harnessing its energy into our being. Here' an understanding of how higher "divine" mind best works and 8 ways to better activate it in into your life.

23363 Reads

Redefining Relationships - 7 Essential Qualities for Evolved Relating

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 07:17

The shift is challenging relationships to evolve
Our consciousness shift is hotting up. People are unwinding, unfolding and breaking free from aeons of constraint. It's a truly wonderful movement to behold. I feel blessed to be here during these times of profound change. But it's a double edged sword too. In many cases it's generating untold pressure within families and relationships: it's causing great friction and sometimes even tearing them apart. What is the most effective approach to this unfolding dynamic? I feel strongly in my heart we need to redefine the very nature of relationships...

17485 Reads