La Palma Journal 2025

It's tremendously special to be on the volcanic island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, which is a key planetary stargate. I've always found it to be a bellwether, and even a crucial key, to the Shift. Especially now, in 2025, this Year of Acceleration. What can the islands tell us of the accelerating timeline for the Shift? Come adventure with us.
Explore an Intro Video to La Palma and the Shift:
The end of Atlantean Epoch and The Crystalline Grid ๐๐
I've sometimes came to the place of (internally) inquiring about the dynamics leading up to the end of Atlantean epoch and the influences that might be carried onwards. On the occasion of reading about La Bonita story and the experiences from last La Palma gathering, I was asking Open for some further reflection about the Shift, at the end of Atlantean epoch.
I wish to first include some of the key elements that I was pointed towards
What I recalled in meditation, was how the Shift was meant to complete then - a complete cleansing of the Matrix. However, due to the soul contracts Gaia was bound up in, the density of the moonโs field, and due to the implanted tech of the Annunaki, plus the trauma from Lemurian times, the Shift failed to complete. Thatโs what I recall of it. It enabled the intervention to begin again.
So, I remember more about moon's story and the density of its field playing a role.
Since I read more about La Bonita story it also triggered the feeling of being trapped on the other side of the Stargate. What I mean by the other side, is probably, pretty much life on Earth in the 3D, and the story that has been going on for the last 12.000(?) years. As my recollection of the experience goes - there was a strong breakdown of the (physical) reality, that eventually destabilise the energy grids around the planet and throws them off radar. Yet, many of those grids would have been a point of connection to various celestial energies (probably strongly hijacked by Intervention back then, but still an entry point for the benevolence as well).
So, this might all tie in with the soul contracts & Gaia that have been mentioned.
But, happening at the same time with the breakdown process, I believe there was an attempt to stabilise the field and mitigate part of the Consciousness from the chaotic upheaval. I have a sense that some of the Star-being nations came to gather their "ground crew" and took them on board. To me that is somewhat metaphorically reflected with the story of Noah's Ark amidst the flood. This is when, some would make it to "the other side" of the Stargates, whilst others sunk down (either with the land, or as part of the collective Consciousness).
Even though, both directions would be probably just partial healing of the Lemurian trauma and Star-beings seems to be drawing closer to the planet, once more.
For some time, I've been deeply engaged with unravelling dynamics within my earthly ancestral lineage and discovering where it might point towards. As my understanding goes, it traces back to the off-shot of Pleidean energy that came here as part of the Atlantean epoch. In escaping the cataclysm, it acquainted itself with the warrior aspect, blended with "viking features" and became more of what would be probably called Nordic type. But even developing itself through this process and succeeding to meet the challenge of current environment (and Matrix) - there was still this wound that you also pointed out as part of your recent experiences with La Bonita. It spikes this feeling of wanting to just leave it all behind, and depart "Home", as soon as the opportunity arises.
So this journey with the energy of my ancestral lineage, all the way back to meet the occurrence of Annunaki implantation, might have addressed another of the suppressing elements from the previous Shift.
In regards to this dynamics, I landed strongly with the feeling of looking for some ways to implement/amplify the energy of the New Crystalline Grid as the beacon for ascending (human) Souls. There is still some feeling in me, of failing in this endeavour during the end of Atlantean epoch, and therefore the calling to realign it on the following occasion.
This is as far, as my reflections felt to be shared in this moment, I am curious to hear if someone shares similar feelings?
End of the Atlantean Epoch: Lessons for Today? ๐
In reply to The end of Atlantean Epoch and The Crystalline Grid ๐๐ by miha
Thanks for these insights about the ending of the Atlantean epoch, Miha, as they are invaluable - I encourage all to read.
Yes, in my knowing, the conclusion of the Atlantean epoch happened 12,000 years ago with the "Great Flood". It was caused by the last solar micornova cycle and pole shift, which then spawned all the myths and mythologies about it.
However, the Shift did not fully complete - it was blocked by Annunaki implanted planetary technology, and the intervention exploited soul contracts of Gaia. It's why the Matrix Simulation was able to begin again, and regenerate to the level we now witness it.
You could say it was another of those 'disasters' for benevolence. That said, of course, we learn and grow by them. And so hopefully, the same mistakes won't happen this time - with the new energies of Avalonia coming in, I do believe that's going to help things enormously.
Thanks for your insight - much appreciated.
<<< Open ๐
La Bonita - ascending to 5D/6D/7D? ๐
28/01/25 La Palma Update
It is certain that strong changes are now underway with the soul of the island of La Palma, which is a key planetary stargate and bellwether for the Shift - a fractal of the greater planetary whole. And it does indeed make sense for us now to refer to the soul as, "La Bonita", since she's dissociating from identification merely as the island itself - like any of us, when dissociating from the ego identity.

When I was leaving the island yesterday, I felt strong waves of sadness, which was in part, due to the end of an Openhand chapter there. But also, it coincided with her sadness at having been so long departed from the sense of her own Twin Flame. At that point I became a higher dimensional channel to renew the connection.
To me, this image conveys the sense of La Bonita's Twin Flame returning, due to the increased connection by her at the Source...

On the plane, leaving the Canaries, I went spontaneously into a deep meditative process, where I felt her energies with me very strongly. It was as though she wanted to leave. It was made clear to me, by the benevolent mission, that at least for some while, she should stay with the island, but could now ascend, progressively, into the 5D/6D/7D higher aspect. I felt her Twin Flame coming in to support and hold her there - she was reconnecting at source, but now shifting to 5D/6D/7D.
I then felt a strong infusion of Avalonia Dragon Energies take up the lower dimensional vacant space.
Of course, this is all perception-based, when feeling into the quantum field itself. So we can only talk in terms of probabilities - it feels reasonably probable that this has happened.

If I'm accurate, then this will clearly ripple into the physical 3D aspect of the island in due course, in a very visible way.
Let's see what unfolds. I'm sure we all wish "La Bonita" well in her openings, shifts and integrations.
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
La Palma - in Closing ๐
26/01/2025 La Palma Closing
It's been absolutely marvellous here on the Volcanic Island of La Palma - after all the years of coming here, it never fails to enthrall. It surely is a key bellwether in the shift, that encapsulates a rich and colourful fractal of the bigger planetary picture.
Our work here has certainly supported the re-emergence of the naturalness of the Island's soul, "Isla Bonita". Just like the planet herself, there's been aeons of karmic trauma and Intervention suppression that's locked her natural exuberance down. But there's now definitely a feeling she's ready to release, and emerge out to 5D/6D/7D. It's only a quesiton of time. I can feel both her, and those supporting in the ether, tremendously grateful for what's happened and unfolded here.
Early morning before the final session...

It's simply so lush here...

The rainbow tribe gathers...

Final integrations, "How will you be different when you go back?...

A Group hug of convergence...

Isla Bonita Exuberant!

Bye Bye.

Bright blessings and well wishes for all who participated, both here terrestrially, and to you tuning in through the field. You are seen and felt.
Love and well wishes to all.
<<< Open โฅ๏ธ
About the volcano ๐
In reply to La Palma - in Closing ๐ by Open
Hi Open and All who were at La Palma ๐
I have been following the journal and this afternoon felt to make an enquiry regarding whether or not the volcano might now erupt to aid the release of Isla Bonita.
Once again I dropped into deep breakthrough breathing and after a few minutes came the harmonic sounds I had experienced in the shift that ushered in Avalonia. The inward/upward breath sound from the base was laboured and appeared fragmented, and the outward/downward breath was stronger, slower and more connected to the base.
The lower sound vibration from the base up to the crown was difficult to draw up to the crown. Then the next breath from the higher note back down, literally reverberated so strongly and loudly in the 6th and 5th chakras respectively, like an amplified chamber, but then fragmented trying to reach the base.
I felt to stop as I became breathless, but I did record the sound!
I wonder about expressing in harmonics when I make planetary enquiries, because I donโt always when making other enquiries about my own personal journey?
Bright blessings,
Karen ๐ฌ
La Palma Update: The Earth is Moving for Us!
25/01/2025 La Palma Update
Last night the group sat together in the main cabin sensing and feeling the tremors of the nearby volcano, and surrounding land. It was pretty surreal: I could feel myself merging into the field as it wobbled and moved. I've felt this before - that as the magnetic field shifts, the physical will feel much more like a wave than solid.
I prepared the group to leave at short notice, and although the energies kept building and shifting through the night, it felt as though Isla Bonita was still unravelling herself. I could feel she wanted the welcome support. Hence I felt to stay on. But who knows what happens next?!
Yesterday we went out on an early morning excursion...

Oh No! We're too early for coffee at El Time! "Please let us in..."

Up on the volcano, we had masses of space to ourselves. It was simply magical...

The energy was simply serene...

The group meditation felt like we were moving the whole island!...

As is customary, the King and Queen of the mountain came to greet us...

Wait, this nut is really too hard!...

It was a totally magical trip. It feels that we've become tremendously intimate with Isla Bonita herself. What a blessing.
What's next?
Who knows!
Well wishes to all tuning in.
<<< Open ๐
PS - do share your feelings and insights if you're tuning into the space โฅ๏ธ๐
I'm seeing Magman in a stateโฆ
In reply to La Palma Update: The Earth is Moving for Us! by Open
I'm seeing Magman in a state of rest, with two angelic beings in support. It feels like the initial reaction of rage is being honoured.
A moving experience
In reply to La Palma Update: The Earth is Moving for Us! by Open
Well, I always thought that Openhand worked with the highest calibre of spiritual truth.But it is somewhat sobering, what some might call a real sharpner, when events unfold like this. Having experienced a well of latent energy, ready to emerge and express, we experienced La Isla starting to rise from her dormant, supine position, to the early stages of regaining her crystalline crown. A pall of mysterious mist enveloping the ridges gave way, at the end, to brilliant sunshine and cheeky Ravens. That last meditation up on the old volcano had a sense of noble purpose, the time is now, this is not the time to be anything other than determined and focused. But the result that same evening, yesterday, was astonishing. From feeling currents of energy and vibration underfoot, mirrored by intensifying tingling in every cell and the crown chakra opening like a champagne cork, to being unsteady on our feet outside, as the ground rocked and pulsated. There was a pregnant pause as we stared at the volcano. Would she errupt? Was this the moment? This was no longer just another retreat, this was the signal that La Isla and Avalonia weren't playing games. This was shocking in that suddenly, the reality of the shift and the reduced time window were real. With an experience like this, the choices now really remain stark. But not stark in a bleak way. The fullness of the invitation to orientate towards the new paradigm was plain to see. Or plain to feel underfoot with the sense of the entire island signalling her readiness.
Isla Bonita is free
In reply to La Palma Update: The Earth is Moving for Us! by Open
I feel Isla Bonita has joined Gaia.
โค๏ธ Michele
ramping up of the signs and energies
In reply to La Palma Update: The Earth is Moving for Us! by Open
Hi Open and everyone,
I'd been feeling for some time that the timeline for our ending here on Gaia would be in 5-10 years. When you kept saying 25 years or so, I thought I was just mistaken, but the feeling, or sensing, has persisted with me. Then my laptop, which seems to want to fill with all AI stuff updates every few days, which I'll never look at or use, decided to erase the names/passwords at the update last night. I had to try multiple times before finally getting logged in to the site. I have all those written in my address book but was still very hard to log in. Was trying to follow y'all but then couldn't find anything for a few days. I think AI is trying to block things too.
So I see all the volcano activity ramping up everywhere and my thoughts have been on La Palma even before you arrived there this week. I keep "seeing" it breaking off. I also have the odd feeling that Yellowstone super volcano here in the U.S. is ramping up in the magma chamber. News doesn't seem to think anything much is happening, but I can see the very obvious external signs all over the place there. These same signs were ignored when that volcano off New Zealand erupted while sightseers were on the island, so my thoughts are Yellowstone may erupt along with La Palma. Just that odd sensing of it preparing to erupt soon. Then there's Mt. Shasta volcano in northern CA. It's been seismically active for a while and now huge areas of trees have died from carbon dioxide (?) releasing from vents all around the base of the volcano. Maybe signs of imminent eruption. Maybe all of them will erupt at once. I won't be surprised. My asphalt driveway is cracking upwards in several places now, from tree roots or ? All I know is things have really become active.
I've been feeling a sadness the last few days, is this because Gaia has removed her energies?
Much love to everyone, ๐โฅ๏ธ
Feeling the La Palma Volcano moving through my body ๐
In reply to ramping up of the signs and energies by Sherri Sunnygirl
Hi Sherri - thanks for the insightful volcano feedback ๐
I would say there's definitely been a shift in the timeline from the earlier, Gaia-based one, of around 202-30years, but now an acceleration to around 10 years, due to the shift in planetary souls as Avalonia has come in recently.
It's clear the Intervention has previously been able to wrap Gaia up in energetic knots that prevented her from going with the Shift. But now the new planetary soul is accelerating faster, to emerge out of this suppression. Hence you're seeing all the volcanos getting increasingly active.
The key thing is for people to really feel, and intuit. Because as I write this, I'm sitting just a short distance from the active volcano here on La Palma, and I can feel it's energies all moving through my body - different compressions, different densities, constrictions and activations. It's almost as if my body isn't my own!
It's certainly now a wake up call for humanity - at least those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see.
Well wishes
<<< Open ๐
La palma
In reply to Feeling the La Palma Volcano moving through my body ๐ by Open
Hi Open,
Still processing everything from la palma and not ready to write about it yet but it was a life changing and consciousness-shifting experience. Even those words are not strong enough for how Iโm feeling now.
In the Dreamtime I have seen and felt energy shifting to a huge degree.
I have also today had a beautiful experience with Isla bonita today when two songs came on the radioโฆ Everglow and Adventure of a lifetime by Coldplay. She was definitely communicating and I felt that she had then either left the island or that a small part of her was still there.
I have started a sound healing course this week and have been amazed at the syncronicities at the location. On one wall is a sculpture of some sort which depicts the island (although itโs apparently from another part of the world):
To be clear: Isla Bonita has NOT left yet the Island in 3D
In reply to Feeling the La Palma Volcano moving through my body ๐ by Open
Just to be clear, Isla Bonita has definitely NOT left the island in the 3D yet. I feel the work we've done has achieved a number of vital things:
1) It's reminded her of her connection to the Pleiades and her Twin Flame
2) It's helped her dislodge from the density that's been suppressing her and holding her down
3) It's opened her crown chakra and repaired the break in her kundalini energy between the 2nd and 3rd chakras.
So her kundalini is strengthening, and where previously you could say she was 'lying down', now she is 'kneeling up' and preparing to 'stand up'.
When she achieves this, you'll see a rippling effect on to the surface of reality. When she finally does depart, you'd certainly know it, because that would probably pull the island apart - since she is what's been binding it together.
It's important to be clear.
Well wishes to all.
<<< Open ๐
Her process
In reply to To be clear: Isla Bonita has NOT left yet the Island in 3D by Open
Just thought I'd mention when Isla Bonita connected with me, she asked that I call her La Bonita. As she's working to strengthen her energy so she can depart she's also in the process of detaching and untangling emotionally from the island she's come to love (physical land and the sovereign beings who inhabit it physically and in the ether). To her, Isla reminds her of everything she's working to unravel and move on from.
Also I felt one side of her energy starting to rise but the other side being tethered by a thin chain or string like implant. It felt like it was put in place a long time ago and not noticable to her unless/until she tried to leave. To me I felt the left side rising up and the right side being held down but sometimes I feel things in reverse, so it could be the other way.
La Bonita
In reply to Her process by Ann B
Hi Anne, this was similar to what I feltโฆ your description of the rising up was what I felt too and I interpreted that as her leaving but there was a tether which I felt was at the feet.
La Bonita - her shift a wider planetary Blueprint
In reply to Her process by Ann B
Hi Ann - yes, a good call for La Bonita to drop the identification as the island itself.
I would say it's the right side of the island rising, but temporarily at least, the left side being held by the implant you mention - probably something that's been placed along the fault line. I think we can ask the Anu to support in removing that.
I'm also aware that a "contract", an offer/suggestion, for La Bonita to stay with the higher dimensional aspect of the island for now, and to be reunited with her Twin Flame in that state. Because she would represent an important blueprint for the shift of other planetary locations from the 3D, and into the crystalline light grids of the 5D/6D/7D. I'm aware that's what's being suggested to her. Maybe you can support that communication.
Much love
<<< Open ๐
Hi Open,When I tune in, Iโฆ
In reply to La Bonita - her shift a wider planetary Blueprint by Open
Hi Open,
When I tune in, I sense a strong desire, almost impatience, to return home. La Palma is such a tiny area of the planet she doesn't understand why her actions are so important to the shift as a whole or why it's up to her to create the blueprint. Out of gratitude for the healing, she's willing to help but there seems to be kind of a nagging or annoyance of "how long do I have to do this before I can move on". Kind of like when you ask someone to do something and they say ok but roll their eyes so you know their heart's not in it and they may do it but not give 100%. Maybe if the higher dimensionals can communicate more of the big picture and why it's (and she) is important to the shift as a whole, she will be able to relax and accept what is being asked of her with grace.
How long do I have to do this before I can move on?
In reply to Hi Open,When I tune in, Iโฆ by Ann B
Hi Ann - I totally empathise with the feeling: how long do I have to do this before I can move on? Because I feel it myself!! โค๏ธ
What I would communicate to La Bonita, and everyone that's impatient to 'get home', is this:
When you leave this (or any incarnation), all you will take with you are the experiences and integrations you've gained. That's what life itself is all about. One day, you'll find yourself on some heavenly 'beach' looking back, reflecting upon what just took place. I can consciously say, it's of indescribable joy, to realise what you experienced was made increasingly worthwhile because it had a much bigger purpose and reason - where you know that your presence made a difference. Leaving too soon would be like departing the Sweat Lodge before it's complete - that's not a great feeling! But when everything is completed, and you've inetgrated through the experience, that feels like value and purposes - destiny completed. It's a marvellous feeling of accomplishment.
Ann - where La Bonita is concerned, I would communicate that she's already done all the hard work - thousands of years of suppression, so as to hold in the old vibrational state. So that a karmic construct could be established. Right now, we've begun the unwinding from that. This 10-year window may seem like a long time, but it will go in a flash. And it's where all the hard work is realised. Let's maximise the opportunity.
La Bonita is in the amazing position that she holds a key blueprint for the shift to 5D/6D/7D. How? Because she holds much of the historic imprint from Earth's history: 1) The volcanic beginning; 2) the breakdown of Lemuria, caused by the Intervention; 3) Experience of the 1st Nations living compassionately with the land; 4) The Intervention marginalising the 1st Nations out; 5) The Unwinding mechanism into the Golden Age of the New Paradigm.
La Bonita contains all of this within her 'DNA'. And so by unwinding out, sets an important precedent for other energetic fractals around the planet.
Finally, I'm very much looking forwards to resting on the 5D/6D/7D beach of La Bonita a while, before heading back home myself. We'll hug before we each both depart. ๐๏ธโค๏ธ
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
La Bonita - Not Leaving Karma & Identity for Later๐๏ธ
In reply to How long do I have to do this before I can move on? by Open
One other thing I would encourage La Bonita to explore - I sense she's identified with the history of the island. This, of itself, if not processed out, would create karma and generate a similar experience down her path. Better to have fully integrated and released. Then the choice of future pathway is entirely a free one.
<<< Open ๐
Isla Bonita
In reply to La Bonita - Not Leaving Karma & Identity for Later๐๏ธ by Open
This song from other island across the ocean resonate perfectly, so much karma there..
A drawing from 1678 showing a volcanic eruption on La Palma
"No woman no cry"... Love it! ๐ฉโ๐ฆฐ
In reply to Isla Bonita by Danniel
"No woman no cry" - love the song, thanks for the reminder. I'm sure La Bonita can feel it.
Much love
<<< Open ๐
Planetary Kundalini Energies rising here on La Palma ๐ซ
La Palma Update: Kundalini Energy Moving
Important questions were posed here below, about the shifting energies of the planet, that might be encapsulated in the dynamic if Isla Bonita - this magical Volcanic Island in the Canary's - the "Canary in the Coalmine"!
What will happen when Isla Boniat "stands up, shakes off the Simulation, and extracts from the planet? (as she now seems to want to do)." I could also add to that: What happens as the energies of Avalonia surge in? Also, why is this so significant for the planet and the Shift as a whole?

I journeyed in the dreamtime, through the various layers of the field, with these questions last night.
Firstly, to say, that with this strong planetary shift through the New Year, with an actual "soul exchange" of the planetary soul happening, from Gaia to the more exuberant Dragon energy of Avalonia, we've seen at least four key signs of strong energetic movements, that are highly reflective of this:
1) The Tsunami that came ashore in Peru, north of Lake Titicaca (the planetary sacral chakra), on December 27th - signalling Gaia's willingness to extract.
2) The mud volcano exploding in the East African Rift Valley, the "Cradle of Humanity", signalling an activation of soul contracts ready to be unbundled and released.
3) The strong earthquake at Everest, signalling a shift in the planetary crown chakra, thus beginning the realignment of the Earth energies with the axial crown of the Torus - as opposed to the Simulation's Precession of the Equinoxes. alignment.
4) The Californian wildfires (how ever ignited), symbolise a yearning to cleanse the Earth of the Simulation so as to save the natural ecosystems, that are at the point of complete destruction.
My strong sense is that we're now waiting for a fifth sign, that would signal a strong resurgence of the planetary Kundalini Energy.
In the dreamtime last night, I travelled into the deeply buried Lemurian energies (around 35 km down), which is where the last volcano here on the Island released from. I could feel that strong bubbling again, and the sense of a 'cork popping', deep down. But I also felt the Island rift too, which is a Billion tonnes of rock blocking the rise of the energy, and significant of the blocking of Isla Bonita's energy between the sacral and solar plexus chakra. Nevertheless, I felt the sense of the energies rising to meet this, ready to explode through. Should that strengthen and accelerate, should Isla Bonita fully "stand up", then what might happen?

I would say it's clear: this Billion tonnes of rock would dislodge and slip at free fall speed into the Atlantic. It would completely destroy the 3D aspect of the Canary Islands and send tsunamis across the Atlantic. To be clear, it would also liberate the energies locked here within the islands into their renewed crystalline bodies in the 5D/6D/7D - they would unite with the crystalline grids of the New Paradigm.
So this would have a huge impact on the Shift as a whole, at a planetary level.
It's certainly not the only shift that would indicate this happening. There are plenty of other possibilities around the planet. But this would be a highly significant one. I do believe this will happen at some point in the Shift. It's not a question of "if", but "when".
I can say that Isla Bonita has been met, her ancient trauma worked with, and then she's also been seen in the young vibrancy of the Pleiadian star soul she once was. What she goes onto do from here, is entirely her own sovereign will.

I'm sure we all wish her well, with bountiful healing and joy, as she releases from this mightily restrictive and punishing Simulation.
Bright blessings
<<< Open โฅ๏ธ๐
La Palma - the Earth is moving!
In reply to Planetary Kundalini Energies rising here on La Palma ๐ซ by Open
We've just been sitting having dinner tonight, our final evening of the retreat, when the earth started to move. You could feel it 'wobbling'. As we went outside to explore, I could feel the whole field moving at different layers. It was quite extraordinary - as if the field was bending. I've had everyone pack their bags in case it would be necessary to evacuate at short notice. The Shift doesn't get any more real than this!
Bright blessings
<<< Open ๐
La Palma: Exploring & Healing Ancient Lemurian Wounding ๐
La Palma: Working with Lemruian Wounding
A pertinent question, posed in the journal here, by Ann, inspired me to take the group last night into a deep exploration of the original ancient wounding of this Island, which turned out, goes right back to Lemurian times.
Here you see the soul of the island, "Isla Bonita", pictured in the distant mountain range, as a woman lying down - can you see her?

I've always felt that the Canary Islands, and this one in particular, held a lot of energy of the planetary crown chakra. As we undertook our journey of discovery, it was realised she'd held the crystalline vibrations of crown chakra of an ancient continent during Lemurian times. Furthermore, she was a Pleiadian star soul, that came in to anchor that vibration here.
When the Annunaki showed up, in preparation to create the Atlantean epoch, they essentially shattered the crown chakra, and displaced it, so they could slow the planetary Torus down.

It was done in a way similar to what the Moon now does (although the Moon now does this in a much broader, systemic way). There is a connection here between the key fault line that runs through La Palma, that holds a billion tonnes of rock, that's poised to slip into the Atlantic Ocean.

It was at the point where her crown chakra was shattered, that Isla Bonita lost her connection into her home constellation of the Pleiades, and indeed her Twin Flame, who withdrew there.

There was a further shattering that happened when the original continent pulled apart, between the sacral and solar plexus chakra. Hence, we were feeling a pool of disconnected, ancient, and primal, Lemurian energy contained in the base of the Island. At this point, Isla Bonita gave up her original configuration, and 'lay down' to the Intervention, which then 'walked all over her'.

In the dreamtime last night, I felt her beginning to heal from this wounding, shake off the Intervention suppression, and start to kneel up. The Star systems in the night sky seemed to depict this. We've got a key planetary alignment coming up that feels like she'll be able to converge with, and draw energy from. And it is all being supported by the Avalonia energies now coming in.
There's plenty more yet to do. But I'm feeling quietly exuberant at what's unfolded and what can now happen. I get the sense, that when she's ready, she'll likely withdraw back to the Pleiades for reunification with her Twin Flame there, and healing.
It's a tremendously heart-warming feeling.
Bright blessings
<<< Open โฅ๏ธ
Connected to extraction?
In reply to La Palma: Exploring & Healing Ancient Lemurian Wounding ๐ by Open
Hi Open,
I've seen what can best be described as a being of black rock and magma, who is quite angry. I've been feeling the anger and it seems directed at the intervention. The most appropriate description of my feeling sense is being ready to rip them apart with bare hands. I didn't know what to think of it yet. After reading this it feels connected with La Bonita; would extraction likely be accompanied by great destruction in the 3D? This being clearly has a dominant male component, so I use the name Magman because, well, I believe there should always be some humor when things turn serious.
In addition, I'm having a strong connection between this and the Hagalaz rune which signifies great upheaval. In the material sense of the old Norse it represented especially floods and storms. I've found over the years that many people with some understanding of the Norse futhark deem it one of the bad runes because of that reason when there is no such thing. It has a positive and a negative aspect, where the positive means it's wise to prepare for the unavoidable and the negative means things will seriously get out of hand if they are not attended to. In this viewing, it takes on the positive aspect.
This is combined with the reappearance of what I call a storm dragon, which I first saw some months back, taking form as swirling clouds with blue electric lightning. It was just 'hanging around' back then so I never mentioned it because I had no feeling sense of anything. Now, there is a definite connection. Both are extremely powerful and completely done with it. It seems not so much like Stormo and Magman are working together, more like working towards the same goal.
Isla Bonita
In reply to La Palma: Exploring & Healing Ancient Lemurian Wounding ๐ by Open
I can feel her tears. Tears of gratitude, of the wounding, of almost disbelief that the pain she's held for so long has been acknowledged and met. Her energy feels a little wobbly to me like a baby when they are learning to walk. I can also feel her appreciation for what you all have done and her determination not to waste this window of opportunity that you all have given her. ๐
A Rumbling underneath!
In reply to La Palma: Exploring & Healing Ancient Lemurian Wounding ๐ by Open
In meditation, I got this sense of a rumbling underneath. Then it was followed by an opening being created for expanded consciousness to come through. Then a sense of relief and softness came over me. Followed by a lightness and joy of reunification. The last thing to came to me at the end was a word; COMPLETION. This is what came to me when tunning in.
With Love and Gratitudeโค๏ธ
La Palma: The Vital Importance of Healing Ancestral Karma ๐งโโ๏ธ
22/01/2025: La Palma Update: Ancestral Karma
Yesterday we got deep into dealing with ancestral karma, how it impacts us, and how it binds down the surrounding field. La Palma has a very colourful past, that speaks phenomenally into the collective journey from the Original Lemurian configuration and into the Atlantean, hybrid times.
La Palma had a vibrant tribe of Originals, called the Guanche, who lived completely at-one with the land...

But the island was invaded by Catholic Conquistadors, that brutalised and marginalised the originals, stamping Christianity across the Canary Islands. It was a tragic loss of the original ways of living.
This is the kind of Ancestral Karma we all carry, which must be processed out so we can release it and move on. In which case, we help the field unravel and realign so the vibration can ascend into 5D/6D/7D.

Here's an understanding on the nature of Ancestral Karma and how to work with it
The Group is going deeply, very quickly here, uncovering all the layers we need to work with...
In the Studio...

The nearby volcano providing the impetus...

The Rainbow Tribe gather...

It's so vibrant here...

Contemplations amongst the cacti...

Isla Bonita calling...

After the clearing work, feeling ecstatic...

Lunch is lush...

A window in time - yum!...

It's simply magical here. Biblical!
Thanks for joining us - your energy is felt. โฅ๏ธ
Love and well wishes
<<< Open ๐
With the time lag this mayโฆ
In reply to La Palma: The Vital Importance of Healing Ancestral Karma ๐งโโ๏ธ by Open
With the time lag this may already have been addressed, but when I read this La Bonita was asking not to forget about her and for someone in the group to connect with her and help her process karma. ๐
Isla Bonita - dealing with her karma
In reply to With the time lag this mayโฆ by Ann B
Thanks for the reminder Ann - we're getting into all kinds of dynamics here, and most definitely Isla Bonita is right there in our hearts.
That said, I feel there are some more essential aspects of her trauma to uncover.
We'll keep digging deep. Anything you pick up would be most welcome.
Much love and gratitude
<<< Open โฅ๏ธ๐
One thing she's bringing toโฆ
In reply to Isla Bonita - dealing with her karma by Open
One thing she's bringing to my awareness is deep trauma resulting from Gaia's departure. There was some type of perhaps emotional but also symbiotic relationship that had developed over time between Gaia and Isla Bonita. Avalonia is not continuing this relationship causing a lot of turmoil for Isla Bonita.
The Shift: What Does Reduced 10-Year Timeline Mean? โฐ
21/01/25 La Palma Journal: 10-Year Timeline
We got down to work yesterday on our full first day, diving right into breaking down identity layers that are entwined in the 3D layers of society - how are you plugged into that old value system? What's really accelerating the deepening for people, is the recognition of the now greatly reduced, 10-Year timeline for the completion of the Shift.
Why so reduced, and what will that mean?

During the interdimensional conference I've described which took place in the run-up to the New Year, it was realised that Gaia wouldn't be in sufficient alignment, healing and vibration to go with the completion of the Shift into the Grand Galactic Alignment, that's upcoming in around 30 years. So she was offered the choice to extract early (now), to make way for another planetary soul to come in that could handle that rapid transition to the higher vibrations of the New Paradigm. It's clear, through various surface shifts that have converged, she's willingly taken that opportunity (I've described the detail of what took place here... 5D Shift Podcast:Birthing Avalonia 2025).
Why does this reduce the timeline for the Shift?

It's because the reactivation of the planetary Torus will now happen faster, due to the stronger and more coherent core energies. That means the volcanoes, earthquakes and storms will cleanse the field earlier and begin the process, as opposed to being triggered by the Solar micronova in about thirty years.
As I now feel into the field, my sense is there's only now a window of around 10 years of viable 3D living on the planet, before it's all cleansed away in the 3D. As we're discovering in the group, that vastly changes people's orientation and focus in life. Whereas 30 years was always a long way off, and so focus still engaged in the Simulation, instead, you realise the Shift is happening now, and you're right in it. Every step you now take, will determine whether you go with the Shift into 5D/6D/7D or not. It has a tremendous focussing effect - a willingness to get on with the job, and a readiness to jump right into deepening processing.
I invite all those tuning in to contemplate, and share, how you now feel about it?
What does it mean to you? I'll happily share a reflection.
Getting down to work in the Studio...

Andy & Masami...

Desi & Agnes...

Anatoly & Tilly...

Joy & Asya...

So what does this reduced timeline mean to you?

Bright blessings to all.
<<< Open ๐
a sense of completion
In reply to The Shift: What Does Reduced 10-Year Timeline Mean? โฐ by Open
Hi Open, to me there is no more point in looking at things in a linear fashion, in having a future goal. Not even wanting to be there; if I die tomorrow that is equally alright; if that happens then maybe my work is done or maybe I will be at the shift as a child or supporting from the ether, I don't know and I don't care. In fact, I could be a worm or a galaxy and still not care. I would summarize that as an increased willingness to sit in the unknown.
As for oriรซntation, the need to be supported or understood by old friends is rapidly fading. We could go back for five or ten or twenty years but if our lifes no longer align, so be it. There was always a how-am-I-going-to-explain-this, that is now a they-can-think-what-they-want-of-it.
The worst thing that can happen is that I die completely alone in a horrible way. If you can accept that, then what's left to worry about? That being said, I have to honestly say I still don't know what I'm going to do when money really does run out completely; if I'll really be so extracted from the matrix that I will be able to accept it. I do ask the universe to show me the way forward, but the feeling sense is that I'm still doing alright.
Increased inspiration to strip away limitation & get on with it!
In reply to a sense of completion by Love-the-journey
Thanks for sharing LtJ ๐
Indeed, when you know the window of opening for the completion of the Shift is so short now, then it strips away much complexity - for example, why worry if people get you or not? The need for validation falls away. And what's really important in life takes precedence.
We're finding it tremendously motivational - there's a new inspiration to peel back the layers and get on with the job of unleashing soul.
Much love
<<< Open ๐
La Palma 25: Group Arrival on Volcanic Island ๐
20/01/25 La Palma Journal
Our final retreat on La Palma begins today, and it's already feeling biblical. Openhand has been leading retreats here for several years, but the centre is closing this year, and sadly, it feels like the story here is concluding for Openhand. It also speaks into the closing of an epoch for Gaia, as the planetary energies shift strongly now, as we accelerate into the Shift and the shorter timeline window. So it's double-edged being here: on the one hand a letting go with sadness, but also a great sense of adventure and excitement too.
Come tune in with us this week, where I'll gladly share energetic insights. It's such a keystone for the planetary field, it's bound to share important insights as to what's unfolding now.
Arrival on "Isla Bonita", the beautiful island...
Masami & Desi arrive at the retreat centre, Finca Aurora...

Bring in the Joy!!...

Intrepid group of travellers...

Pause time for Coffee, up at the magical "El Time" (the Look Out) before it all gets underway...

Looking forwards to sharing it with you all. It already feels very special indeed.
Love and well wishes to all.
<<< Open ๐
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