5D Shift Bulletins: Keep Up To Speed
Stay Informed of the Real News
We're undergoing enormous change and transformation on the planet within the Grand Galactic Convergence - the 11:11 awakening code. It's essential therefore to stay informed of the real news. Here you can find regular 5D Shift Bulletins of the various ongoing changes.
Do share your thoughts and feedback. <<< Open 💎
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Important realizations
In reply to Talking about healing isn't healing 🙏 by Open
Hi Open, so further to this post, I started an inquiry into where I was 'failing' in my approach to processing my stuff. I copied the 9 processes for working through karma and have it on my wall above my desk now. I've been looking deeper into each step, while looking at what I was doing with that step during triggers. Turns out I'm getting to #3 and then when I start to feel better from the purging and acknowledgement, that's when I get up and go on with my day, genuinely thinking I've made progress. I've not been even trying to break through with presence, or any of the other steps beyond #3. I've been believing that I just haven't got through enough to be able to go deeper, or have done enough purging, not realizing I was stunting my practice. I blame it on my ADD (there's literally a song that says that☺️) where I skim over information thinking I got it when I don't. So while I make it seem like I know what I'm doing I don't actually. It's like the chakra attuning; for quite awhile I was doing it 'wrong' as in not the OH way that's taught. And yes I've noticed a big difference now I'm doing it the right way. So it's time I face another truth: I have learning disabilities and must take the time to fully explore every aspect of a process and ask questions until I'm sure I truly understand it. Also, I believe I tend to want to skip over the details and get to the fun stuff. This is a liberating realization. Another one is realizing I've been feeling out of my league with the high levels of intelligence in this community and not wanting to be seen as the dumb one, so I hide it with my decent ability with use of language and ignore whether I'm actually understanding, thinking I can figure it out later on my own. This is not a fully conscious behaviour either. It's what I've been doing my whole life I think, due to trying to gain my father's acceptance. Like Jen recently mentioned, I too have 'performance anxiety', but mine is about not wanting to look foolish. I see how I do myself and my soul a great disservice with this behaviour. Of all places i should not be feeling judged here. Of all places i should feel safe to be myself, faulty brain and all. Of all places I should know I am accepted for who I am. So glad I finally figured this out. I feel like now I can finally get started. Thank you for the motivation and push in the right direction! Much love and gratitude, barb
My important realization
In reply to Important realizations by sylvanheart
Hi barb
you just help me get one deep realization. All these "problems" are just surface level, but on a deeper level you are perfect being, we all are, it's just that mostly we don't feel it, then we feel lost. But when you feel it - you know everything is ok, there's just some work to do...
And all this work is really meant to connect us with our perfect being and live as an expression of it.
Here's one for you, about shedding old skin, piece by piece, powerful and transformative
Hi Danniel,Thanks for the…
In reply to My important realization by Danniel
Hi Danniel,
Thanks for the reminder and the encouragement, it's a lovely song 🙂 Harder to shed that skin than I'd hoped. But I'll just keep chipping away, piece by piece 🙂 much love, barb
Dear Open and all those empathizing
In reply to Distorted Magdalen Energy Strong in the Field Right Now 😢 by Open
Dear Open ,
All the themes you mention hit close to home. I have been aware of the block in my throat chakra for a while now . And the handing over of power to a paternal figure is also a very familiar theme . Also my life circumstances are impelling me to take that power back - bit by bit as I can see how its so easy for me to fall into the pattern of handing it over to a strong masculine presence .Seeking validation of my very existence to an entity outside of my self feels at once a trauma response and an old habit . This is the very nature of abuse is it not - wherein the Magdalen dynamic casts off her power and then feels victimised . In the morning today I “saw” how the victim is also a movement that I chose to take on. And now I can do something else with the wellspring of power within me .
Just this morning I was deeply examining why I needed anyone’s permission but my own to unfurl into authentic expression . And I was feeling into the “old programs “ in my solar plexus that seemed to impede my unashamed authentic expression. Vis-à-vis the sexual energy and its application there is a lot of shame in my field ,and that is also something that I have been exploring recently .
In many ways ,I am very much looking forward to Jordan though a part of me is afraid of losing an old, old identity .And yet once the energy is released ,a big knot will unravel in the middle East . I can “see” that unfolding .
The above sentences are mine and those of Isis as she is trying to align herself with the Shift and …Freedom .
Deep Bow . The interesting times get more and more interesting .
gratitude for your process
In reply to Dear Open and all those empathizing by iamdurga
Dear Megha,
As I was reading what you wrote, I was getting that your are working with field energies in addition to your own stuff. Part of your "role" is to heal the karmic wounding of the Divine Feminine. When you said the words are both yours and of Isis, I realized you are aware of this too. I can feel so much love and appreciation in the field for your strength and capability to take this on.
Ann 🙏
Wounding underneath the distortion
In reply to Distorted Magdalen Energy Strong in the Field Right Now 😢 by Open
The Magdalen energy has been in my field lately and is starting to reveal her wounding to me. It hasn't fully landed and I'm not sure if she's sharing with me as a first step in a healing process or to manipulate me into feeling sorry for her. Also I'm not absolutely sure yet if her sharing is 100% authentic or part of the story without all of the context. But I'll share as maybe this resonates with what others are picking up. What I'm being shown is the Temple of Isis practices involved physical intimacy without emotional intimacy. There was the expectation of becoming physically intimate with distorted masculine energy not because of desire or love but because of purpose. And the knowing that the masculine didn't care about her but just wanted what she could offer him. This created a deep wound. Ra, being opportunistic, recognized this as an opening for him. But instead of healing the wound, he filled a need so the feminine remained dependent on him.
Magdalen energy manipulating for attention?
In reply to Wounding underneath the distortion by Ann B
My sense at this time is that the distorted Magdalen energy is working to gain favour and manipulating for emotional sympathy. Then appearing to be 'processing her kama', but actually is not. I've seen this pattern frequently over the years through this work. There's emotional outpouring and projection into the outside, which pulls people (and whole communities) in. The pain is distributed, and energetic entanglements bind the community into a co-dependence of sympathy, which limits all. But the root karma underneath is then subtly avoided. I sense Ra is behind it all.
It's definitely a dynamic to be aware and wary of. Let's not be afraid to call this distortion where we see it.
<<< Open 💎
Serving divine feminine
In reply to Wounding underneath the distortion by Ann B
This struck a deep chord with me. Its something I've been working on. I realised over some time now that there was a distorted sexual feminine pull which alluded to goddess energy and the requirement of service. This started as fake emotionality and desire, often with a requirement to have children sired after which the male was discarded. The masculine wanted sexual favours in return with a degree of stability, maybe translated also as power and validation. This created a dysfunctionality and confusion around relationship. Its wonderful to haved this called and explored here.
Reclaiming freedom of flow
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Emergency Evacuation of Santorini ⛴️ by Open
When the earthquakes began, I started feeling volcanic energy about to erupt in my sacral and throat chakra. It felt like I was feeling more than just planetary activity. And feeling volcanic and earthquake activity in my field is new to me so I stayed with it to inquire.
What I realized is I'm feeling the surpressed emotion of the original souls who were manipulated, downgraded, and lost their connection in ancient times. It seems Gaia realized this was an unintended consequence of her drawing the intervention to her and felt responsible. As a way of expressing her sorrow and grief she created a contract to hold their pain and she was holding it in the throat chakra of the planet. Now that she has moved on and the contract is nullified, all of this surpressed emotion is releasing and expressing through the activity in the area. It feels like as this energy is expressed it will help those souls reclaim the part of themselves that was fragmented by the trauma they experience.
5D Shift Bulletin: Santorini Supervolcano latest (video) 🌅
5D Shift Bulletin: Santorini Supervolcano
In answer to Megha's point of view below, I can totally understand how you'd relate the opening of the planetary throat chakra, marked by the Santorini supervolcano, as connected with the 'birthing' of the new planetary soul, "Avalonia".
I don't see it quite that way, although the metaphor is a good one. To me, Avalonia has come in, but now is beginning to 'unfold her wings' through the planetary chakras, from the Torus itself. And it appears the throat chakra is the next layer of unfolding. Which is probably why my throat is on fire!
I've also been feeling a strong and warm bloating feeling in the lower abdomen, especially in the dreamtime. It's abundantly clear to me that I'm empathising with a strong build-up of magma in that location.
Check out the latest seismology from Stefan Burns. Do be sure to stick around to point 8:55, where he goes on to explain how "Tidal Stress", due to Earth's manipulation by the Moon, can cause earthquakes and trigger volcanos. I see it as the other way around: Earth now realigning with the natural axial Torus, thus pulling against the artificial imposition of the Moon. Either way, it creates the stress he's speaking of...
5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Throat Chakra Ready to Roar? 🦁
5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Throat Chakra
Many of the chakra points of the Planetary Torus are coming active already in 2025. We've seen, for example, the crown chakra come active at Mount Everest, with a devastating Earthquake there in early January. We saw a tsunami wash ashore near Lake Titicaca, the sacral chakra, at the very end of 2024. Then we've seen the mud volcano explode in the East African Rift Valley, where there's been a strong blockage of soul contract energy around the vibration of the solar plexus. It's all happening!
In recent days, as I've tuned into the Planetary Torus, my throat has become tight and hoarse - I've been coughing strongly, especially in the dreamtime. I wondered why? Now the reason is clear - there's been over 200 earthquakes on the volcanic island of Santorini, in the Mediterranean, in the region of the Throat Chakra of our planet. It's down to the tectonic plates moving there.
(To be clear: I don't see the planetary chakra points in one specific location. But rather there are particular vibrational locations that express those particular frequencies).
Gain an insight of the scope and magnitude of this volcanic location with Stefan Burns - then come back to the post for what this activation is suggesting...
The powerful synchronicity of this throat chakra activation, is the call to get into your spiritual flow state - to make sure you're responding to situations and circumstances in your life from maximum sense of flow.
For essential guidance, check out Openhand's lead article on this, with 4 key points of focus, here...
Transitioning to 5D Consciousness: 4 Keys To Focus on the Higher Flow
Be sure also to check out the video below on coming into your natural flow state.
Let's get flowing everyone!
<<< Open 💎
Take up your Spiritual Flow State...Video guidance 🏄🏻♂️
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Throat Chakra Ready to Roar? 🦁 by Open
Let's not ignore these tremendous spiritual reminders. The Shift wants us to get more in our flow state. Here's how. Take your time to embrace, and apply...
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Feels like labour pains
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Throat Chakra Ready to Roar? 🦁 by Open
Dear Open,
The slowly increasing crescendo feels like labour pains. Did you know there is a deep connection neurologically between the opening of the cervix and the throat chakra? The opening of one, helps open the other.
It feels like the Earth, now Avalonia is going to give birth to the new paradigm. Interesting isn't it that in the clip you posted, 555 earthquakes have been recorded thus far.
Many observers point to the end of March for things to really start to twirl and whirl. I am. Also feeling a lot of pressure inside of the throat. Much of it is mine, my tendency to suppress truth to survive (many layers of karma in that one knot) and also over responsibility for another to the detriment of one's own sovereignty. Many of these knots are unraveling fast, so much so that I frequently feel nonplussed and disoriented in the 3D. Dragon energy is coming up with dragon language every time I meditate.
The times they are a changing!
5D Shift Bulletin: Sun goes "Nuclear" in its effects on Earth ☀️
5D Shift Bulletin: Powerful Solar Activity
We've got major flooding happening in places around the world, such as in Australia - our prayers and well wishes go out to all who are caught up in it.
Major flooding underway in northern Queensland after extreme rainfall, Australia
Streets turn into raging rivers as heavy rains hit Italy
We need to be aware of the massive influx of cosmic and solar radiation happening on our planet, which is greatly impacting the jetstreams and causing massive climate turbulence. No, this is not due to man made warming effects! But neither can it be attributed to weather manipulation, as plenty of alternatives want to point to. This is to ignore the exponential shift acceleration we're now travelling through. Furthermore, it's doing those who could realise and commit to the Shift a disservice. When what we really need to do is to embrace the enormity of the truth now unfolding, so that we may prepare our consciousness at a soul level.
Check out Openhand's lead article today on how to empower yourself
Here's video insight into the strong solar effects currently underway:
Let's learn to master our emotions and thought processes in this tremendous transformation that's now underway. Here's that article again to refer to, which can help you empower yourself...
Check out Openhand's lead article today on how to empower yourself
Well wishes to all
<<< Open 💎
5D Shift Bulletin: Powerful Volcanic Eruptions Underway 🌋
5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Volcanoes Triggering
I've just arrived on the Volcanic Island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, which happens to be a key planetary Stargate and bellwether in the Shift - what I feel is a crucial key to the Shift.

It's clear there's been a powerful shift of energetic frequencies through the core of the planet during the time window leading into 2025. Which currently, is only evident to those who've been tuning in at the field level. But it's my strong sense and prediction, that powerful ructions are set to ripple out onto the surface of our reality as the new planetary soul 'unfolds her wings'.
Already I'm noticing a raft of volcanic accelerations around the world. Here are some new ones in recent days...
Series of explosions and exhalations at Telica volcano, Nicaragua
Thousands flee as Indonesia raises Ibu volcano alert to highest level
Fourth eruptive episode at Kilauea volcano with lava fountains reaching 200 feet, Hawaii
Nankai Trough megaquake probability raised to 80% after M6.8 Kyushu earthquake, Japan
Lava surge at Erta Ale volcano reaches historic camp for first time in 20 years, Ethiopia
Seismic activity near Grjótárvatn increases, attributed to deep magmatic intrusion, Iceland
I'm currently working on a whole new raft of Openhand work called, Avalonia, with new advanced spiritual practices, calling on ancient Lemurian mysticism. I'm sensing it's going to me around 6 months to complete, ready for Avalon Rising, the World Ascension Summit during August, the Lion's Gate, 2025.
It will work to enfold the consequence of these new energies and enfold in the accelerating timeline.

More on that in due course. For now, I'll be running a La Palma blog to involve you all this coming week.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Powerful vibrations rippling through at a cellular level
5D Shift Bulletin: Powerful vibrations
I've started feeling powerful vibrations rippling through my being at a cellular level - like a hum, that's very heating, and feels like it's impacting especially the DNA level. It's as though the whole body could readily break down.
I know is directly related to the acceleration of frequency that's come to the planet.
And it's also to do with the Openhand practice of full soul infusion through every layer.
Do let me know if you're picking up anything similar.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Pink angel and dragon sign…
In reply to Powerful vibrations rippling through at a cellular level by Open
Pink angel and dragon sign in the clouds this morning on my way to the airport!
strong infusion of light
In reply to Powerful vibrations rippling through at a cellular level by Open
Hi Open, I would say my experience is of the same nature, since yesterday evening I can feel and see strong infusion of light within me. It is suddenly rather easy to just keep feeling and visualizing this during the day regardless of what activities I am doing, it is there in the background, giving me strength of purpose. This is entirely new to me. I still get distracted by the external and lose track of it but far, far less than I am used to. It has a color not of this world, reddish/purplish/pinkish but neither of those really describes it. Everything is more powerful.
Avalonia Dragon Energy 🦋
In reply to Powerful vibrations rippling through at a cellular level by Open
Hi Open,
It's so exciting to tune into the earth every day and feel the changes. Almost like a rubix cube continuously changing its configuration. No wonder tectonic shifts are increasing.
When i told my mum about the recent soul exchange, she tuned in and later sent me this wonderful image as a confirmation 🙏🏼
I am curious to see what unfolds in the days ahead 😊

5D Shift Bulletin: Potential Causality for La Fires 🌅
5D Shift Bulletin: LA Fires
It's tragic watching the destruction happening right now in areas of California due to catastrophic fires. Let our hearts and meditations go out to all suffering ♥️🙏
We need to be aware that this kind of occurrence is going to become common place as the Earth now changes gear in the Shift. As the finger of blame for the widespread destruction points to lack of effective preparation (insufficient water supplies), to my mind, this distracts entirely from the causality.
For example, there's been a raft of strong earthquake action along the San Andreas Fault leading up to this, and several strong geo storms irradiating the planet too. Both of these can ignite widespread fires. But of course that doesn't fit the fakestream agenda. To me, the idea that one homeless man could have started such widespread and devastating destruction, feels highly unlikely to me - it feels more like the shadow providing an intentional scapegoat, to distract from the real causality - which, I believe, is the accelerating Shift itself. Maybe arson has been involved, and complicated the situation, but let's not distract away from the underlying causality - which for me, are the fundamentals of the Shift.
<<< Open ❤️🙏
Navigating through it all
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Potential Causality for La Fires 🌅 by Open
I’m at the airport leaving for Sedona first visiting a family member in California for the weekend. My original flight through Dallas was canceled due to severe record breaking winter weather. I got rerouted and have to first fly east before all the way across the country west. The airlines also rerouted me to a new destination- Los Angeles (currently out of control fires) an hour and a half away from my original destination. I feel really calm about it all, flowing with it knowing I’m either “the boots on the ground” for benevolence or intervention is attempting to stop me from going. It will be a long day but I’ve got my game face on and will just navigate through it all.
Earthquake rocks Mount Everest - the warnings get louder 🏔️
5D Shift Bulletin: Mount Everest
A powerful earthquake has just taken place close to Mount Everest in Tibet. The warnings of dramatic acceleration are getting ever louder. You may recall, that on my pilgrimage to Tibet and Everest in August, I reported how the Dragon Leylines were reactivating. And recently how the crown chakra of the planet needed to progressively come back into alignment with the natural axial Torus (rather than offset, through the Precession of the Equinoxes).
I would say, here's the delayed reflection of that...
For anyone interested in exploring deeper, here's the video diary I compiled of my time there, and the alchemical energies that began moving...
5D Shift Bulletin: Mud Volcano errupts in Cradle of Humanity
5D Shift Bulletin: Mud Volcano in Ethiopian Rift Valley
A mud volcano has just errupted in the Ethiopian Rift Valley - in the region known as "The Cradle of Humanity", where Homo sapiens emerged from.
How the planet, and this recent shift, are speaking ever so loudly now.
As I've expressed in the lead article on this seismic planetary shift now underway (AVALONIA: Birth of a New Planetary Paradigm), I've felt Gaia's bundle of collective human soul-contracts still prevalent in the sacral region of the planetary consciousness - like a "toxic swamp", that needs to be uncovered and unravelled.
And here's the surface evidence, speaking loud and clear. It's exactly what I was feeling...
5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Evidence of the Gaia Soul-Exchange
5D Shift: Evidence of the Planetary Soul Exchange
People should rightly inquire, as I do, that if something highly alchemical had just happened in the quantum field, that this would ripple out onto the surface of the planet. So if Gaia had now committed to letting go, to make way for a different kind of planetary soul to come in, you'd expect to see a seismic shift.
During the festive period, I'd felt a build-up in the abdomen area, as I tuned into the Planetary Torus. On Christmas Day, I was made aware by the higher dimensional Ascended Master Team, that a Soul Exchange was being proposed to Gaia - because it was considered a different soul could better hold the speed of frequencies necessary to fully birth the planet into 5D/6D/7D in such a short window of time that we now have. It was considered that Gaia needed a much longer period of rest, rejuvenation and karmic healing of her own, and that this would best be undertaken in a different cosmic location - one without all of the Intervention convolutions that we currently experience on Earth today.
Gaia received the proposal well, however was unsure as to how to proceed, how to make it happen? She was made aware that just as soon as she clearly demonstrated this was a path she was ready to follow, and actively stepped into it with visible evidence, then a whole "army" of Star Beings would go to work in support.
I communicated to her that all she needed to do was, "fall into the home-coming stream, like falling off a log".
Two days later, on December 27th, I do believe we saw evidence that she had surrendered into that movement. A 13-foot Tsunami washed ashore in Peru, north of Lake Titicaca and the mystical Machu Picchu. Many consider Lake Titicaca to be the sacral chakra of the planet.
Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia is considered the Sacral Chakra of the Earth, and is said to be a sacred chalice to balance sexual energy and birth new manifestations. The lake is considered to represent the key convergence of the planet's masculine and feminine energies, with two ley lines crossing at the lake representing the feminine (Dragon serpent) and masculine (Rainbow serpent).
Apart from the 8 key volcanoes coming more active over the festive season, like Kilauea in Hawaii, I do believe this was the key moment we can perceive a clear letting go by Gaia - a clear sacred agreement to begin the proposed soul-exchange. It's like the 'waters broke' at this point...
How could a planetary soul-exchange happen so quickly?
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Evidence of the Gaia Soul-Exchange by Open
Some people in the community might well ask, "How could a planetary soul-exchange happen so quickly?"
Indeed, even though I was made aware it could happen, I had expected it to finalise over a period of years and months henceforward. As I've reflected on it in recent days, the higher dimensional Ascended Master Team have made me aware: it actually has taken months and years of preparation. That although it wasn't previously 100% clear this would actually happen, nevertheless, all the groundwork for it had already been done leading up to this point.
Just think about it:
1) All of the work Openhand has been doing over the years here softening and realigning the Intervention energies that have intentionally held (and skewed) the bedrock of the old karmic construct here.
2) During the last couple of years, all of the work that's gone on in healing the 1st Nations souls, the 'guardians', in the 4D ether - and the encouragement for them to start moving on.
3) Back in the summer of 2024, we had the reintegration of Gaia's Torus, through the removal of key Intervention technology in the 4D.
4) The new Lyran Dragon energies were ushered in during the summer of 2024, as expressed in the marvellous 2-phase crop circle creation near the Lyran monument at Ethcilhampton, Avebury.
5) The activation of the Solar Logos, that has helped keep the Intervention from locking the shift down.
So all of this was preparatory work, that would support a Soul-Exchange if it needed to come to that. Hence it could happen so quickly, once agreed, and visible steps by Gaia taken - which I believe was actualised in the Peruvian Tsunami on December 27th (video above).
You might ask: "Why were planetary sentients not given prior notification that this could happen?" The answer is straightforward: so as not to inform the Intervention, that is constantly recalibrating their manipulation of Gaia's Torus so as to lock it down. It's why it took me by surprise too. I wasn't made aware of it intellectually until Christmas Day, two days before the decisive act by Gaia actually happened.
So in truth, the soul-exchange was being prepared for over recent months and years. What we're witnessing here is the culmination of that.
Well wishes to all
<<< Open 💎
Where is Gaia now, and why can I still feel her?
In reply to How could a planetary soul-exchange happen so quickly? by Open
If you have a fond connection with Gaia, then you might be wondering where she is now? And also, why can you still feel her?
To me, it's clear: she went out of the physical body and into her 4D energy body, held in the angelic realm. However, she's maintaining a clear 'umbilical cord', through the sacral chakra of the planet, and into the collective energy of soul contracts she has with sentient life here. It's why sentients might be feeling a build-up of energy in the sacral chakra, around the belly button area.
In conference with the Ascended Masters, I asked: what should be done about this energy and this 'umbilical cord connection'.
The conclusion we came to, was to hold it currently in place, for the foreseeable future going forward. Because it serves two key functions:
1) It stabilises the seismic shift, so earth souls can actualise it more steadily
2) It provides a conduit for many souls into the angelic realm when they pass on.
This second point is particularly important. Because what you have around the planet right now, in the 4D, is a Simulation bubble, constituted by the Intervention, which is deceiving souls and pulling them in - stopping them following their rightful path of reincarnation through the 4D angelic realm. So this Gaia 'umbilical cord' is a good solution for bridging souls across to the angelic realm as they pass on - those that aren't moving into 5D Earth.
<<< Open 💎
reflection groundwork
In reply to How could a planetary soul-exchange happen so quickly? by Open
I wanted to add, though you likely already considered this, to me the laying of the groundwork and the unexpectedness of the outcome is also reflected in the fact that you spend years building something called Avalon Rising and then suddenly, you were done :D
I also want to add that if I put all this news aside and feel what it means to me and does to me, then it's a pretty non-spectacular feeling that can be best summarized as 'ok'. It's not that I do not understand the significance of this, it just doesn't feel as... awesome? as I would expect it to feel. That does make me intellectually question how to approach this and what that says about me, but if I remain truthful, at a feeling level, there isn't really much going on for me.
Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎
5D Shift: Avalonia Begins
It took me by surprise just as I'm sure it will you all reading this. But at the same time, I am very clear as to what's just unfolded in the closing hours of New Year's Day...
A New Planetary Soul came in through Earth's Axial Crown Chakra, a Lyran Soul, and as she infused down through the chakras, Gaia steadily withdrew. Gaia was supported in extracting out into the angelic realm of the 4D. What I thought would take months and years, was undertaken in hours - instigated by the Ascended Masters, so as to prevent intervention energies blocking the new shift dynamic. The new planetary soul wishes to be now known as, "Avalonia" - respecting and honouring the ancient history of Gaia and the planet. 🙏
The Shift was heralded by the Solar Logos, with inbound geomagnetic storms throughout the rebirthing, that helped nullify interferring energies.
Needless to say, this is monumental. And I'll be writing about it in due course. I was present with the exchange throughout, and now need some time to recover before sharing more. At this point, it felt right to provide this initial insight with the wider community.
Of course there are many implications that unfold from this, but for now, I encourage a quiet celebration and welcoming for a new birth and a new beginning for the planet; for a new soul that has come to ensure the eventual unfolding into the Golden Age for Earth, in 5D/6D/7D.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Soul exchange and the nature of the merkabah
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
Hi Open,
If I understand correctly the merkabah is related to the body, so if a soul exchange takes place, does it then alter the existing merkabah or replace it?
Insight into how the new planetary Merkabah will be established
In reply to Soul exchange and the nature of the merkabah by Love-the-journey
Great question. Yes, the Merkabah relates to the body - it is the body, when the ego is fully dissolved. Likewise for what has been Gaia's incarnation.
Gaia's Merkabah has been strongly distorted, due to the intervention energies, that purposefully created a dissonance from the natural axial alignment with her Torus through the imposition of the artificial moon. Which is how the "Precession of the Equinoxes has been generated.
This is what caused a disconnect in both her base and crown chakras - which the Intervention imposed to exploit/extract energy from her Torus. In short, they created a polarity - a "battery" of Gaia - which bled her of energy, slowed the Torus down, and thus enabled them to create the Simulation.
What will happen now, steadily over time, as a result of this soul-exchange (for Gaia with Avalonia), will be the emergence of a new planetary Merkabah, supported by the Star Being Nations through the application of Sacred Geometry of the 5D/6D/7D crystalline grid. Here's just an initial sense of that...
This new alignment dispenses with the limiting distortions of the Old Paradigm, ejects the Intervention, and over time, establishes the new Golden Age for Earth.
Well wishes
<<< Open 💎
Lyran dragon soul
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
It was a powerful retreat, and it was beautiful to feel the Lyran dragon soul coming in while we were meditating as a group. I woke up this morning to see this picture sent by my mother. New flowers had bloomed at my home. You can even see the axial in the centre! I simply knew this was a small reflection of the infusion and emergence of the Lyran dragon energy. Simply astounding. I'm grateful to have been a small part of it.
Vimal 🙏
Don't just automatically take this Gaia/Avalonia News from me
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
I can imagine there'll be plenty of skepticism out there in the community regarding what I've now shared in relation to this soul-exchange, of Gaia with Avalonia, which I'm putting forward. How to deal with such monumental news?
I would address this in several ways:
1) If you're skeptical and can't yet feel the energetic shifts going on, then be skeptical. In fact, I encourage it. But I do suggest you maintain an open mind and hold the open possibility of it, until evidence reveals itself to you. Please don't just take things from me.
2) Notwithstanding the above, it's as clear as a bell within me, that this has now transpired. In fact I know the new soul well, from my past travels in the Lyra constellation many millions of years ago.
3) If you struggle with the concept that the planet could exchange souls in this way, and that now the identity has shifted, consider that what's really changing is the vibrational speed and nature of the planet: less fixed in interrelational dynamics that the Intervention has exploited, through emotional karmic entrapment and inertia; instead, now there's a faster vibration that's entered, which will accelerate the shift more quickly - that you'll likely feel as a greater clarity, coherency and speed of vibration.
I would suggest holding the possibility of it, and see what reveals to you in the coming days and weeks.
Do be skeptical. But at the same time, hold the space for the possibility for you.
For me it's certain: it's already taken place. Although will need some time to fully unfold and integrate.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Letting it land
In reply to Don't just automatically take this Gaia/Avalonia News from me by Open
The planet does feel different. Lighter, faster vibration, somehow purer.
However, Im letting it land slowly, knowing that I might not have realised for a while that a soul exchange took place if I hadn't read it on the website.
There's a sadness I feel along with great joy making for an emotional day. It's like saying goodbye to a treausured friend, knowing its for the best to move on.
I'm curious to see how a relationship with the new soul develops. Right now i feel welcoming but unsure - perhaps cautious. The question arises, how to best attune with Avalonia and establish a way of relating in the shift going forwards?
Much love,
I'm not surprised
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
This makes perfect sense to me that everything happened so quickly. There are so many beings both currently incarated on earth and in the ether who have a strong connection/relationship with Gaia. If the process were to take months or years, those with strong connections would notice that something was "off". As an empath, Gaia would be able to feel their distress around this and it could cause her to second guess her decision. As an empath myself I can say it's extremely difficult to feel the pain of another, know that you are the cause of it, and continue to cause more pain.
I'm also excited she was able to convey her willingness to move forward with this plan in a way that was right for her even though it was softer than what was asked of her. This way felt right to her given her energetic configuration. And how fantastic that all those who were here to support her in the process were attuned enough to her to pick up on her agreement. This is a great reflection for all Divine Feminine, that she was able to stand softly and gently yet still be in her power and still create change.
Ann 🙏
What if I'm still feeling the presence of Gaia here?
In reply to I'm not surprised by Ann B
Thanks for your insights Ann - for the feedback. I'm glad things are now easier for Gaia that she's withdrawn.
In the converse, what I'm feeling of the planetary Torus right now is tremendously intense. I feel a strong infusion of higher dimensional energies, but at the same time, strong convolutions in the abdominal area of the planetary Torus - relating to the plane of water. As I inquire in, the best way to describe this is as "afterbirth". Gaia has left, but the bound up soul contracts of the OId Paradigm are still there - with what feels like a "toxic swamp" of emotional density.
The water dragons are coming in to stir up this swamp, and help release the energy. It also explains why plenty of sentients here might still feel the presence of Gaia - they're likely feeling this emotional layer of the old construct.
To be clear, the soul contracts with the old construct are now annulled. They have no more validity, as the old construct progressively dissolves.
Gaia is still around, in the 4D, and ready to receive any souls who can't accept this shift. But let's be abundantly clear - she is moving on. So if souls still wish to be connected with her, they will move on from the planet at some point too.
Right now the new energies are infusing and stabilising - working to cleanse out the density of the old.
<<< Open 💎
Unmistakable energy changes
In reply to What if I'm still feeling the presence of Gaia here? by Open
When I woke up today, I could feel the energy in my body was different. So the news of the soul exchange somehow isn't that surprising to me. Of course it's monumental, but I feel like it's actually very ordinary and meant to be.
For me, as long as I can remember, I've always had a feeling of constriction or like something was pent up and under pressure around my chest and core. But this morning, that feeling was completely gone. And now all I feel in my core is like a continuously moving wave of energy that's both rising and falling. I don't have words to express how monumental this is on a personal level. And at the same time, it feels very ordinary.
I also noticed today that when my mind starts thinking of past events in my life, it feels like they don't really matter all the much any more. When even just yesterday, those memories seemed more "real". Today it's like my mind can't even hold on to them. It made me wonder if this is what it feels like when soul contracts have ended.
I don't know if my experiences are related to the soul exchange, or if they're the effects from our retreat. It's likely both. Either way, thanks again to everyone on the retreat for sharing such a life changing experience on so many levels. 💜
I can feel a difference
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
What an incredible 3 days in the New Year Retreat! On my drive to work this morning I can definitely feel something different. I feel an expansive confidence and stability. My reflection of it feels good. There is a calming stability to it. It will be exciting to see what and who moves along with this new energy. Thank you Openhand for this amazing platform!
Knowing landing
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
Hi Open and community,
Reading yours and Ann's posts, a knowing has landed in the area just above my belly button. I got the sense early this morning that Gaia is still here, and making her preparations for departure. "Setting her affairs in order' comes to mind, and making sure those she's connected with are ready for her to leave, and aligning well with the new energy, which personally has felt lovely. It feels more open and expanded and there's an ease of pressure. It's easier for me to find my way back to myself when i drift off, and i feel like im connecting a bit better, given the layers i still need to clear. Personally very looking forward to some deep cleansing energy from those water dragons! So grateful for that and i can really use the help. So grateful to Avalonia and WELCOME!
i feel as though the main prior attachments (family) ive been carrying are releasing and letting go and that is feeling like such an immense blessing for all of us. There's still one deep attachment but im working it through and practicing the letting go and trust to let it unfold as it wants to and not jump ahead for a quick solution that's not from the heart and that may cause more damage than good. And the importance of staying in the present so i can enjoy this connection to the fullest and for as long as is needed. Im really turning towards embracing the unknown because i feel like it could be so much better than my "worry mind" keeps trying to make it out to be. I also feel the rightness now of letting go of the 'dead body' ive been dragging around, which i now feel to be all the old stuff i just dont need anymore, and stuff that is quite harmful to myself and others. i actually see it as light from one side pushing out the old dead stuff out the other side.
It's like ive opened up more and am now feeling more possibilities, and a feeling i really can get through this all and get to the other side, with help from my friends of course. As Diana Nyad always said before starting a long distance swim: "Courage!"
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If you're still feeling Gaia in the abdomen/naval area
In reply to Knowing landing by barb,sylvanheart (not verified)
Hi Barb,
Yes, there is, let's say, an 'element' of Gaia in the area you're speaking of - that one can feel in the abdomen, close to the belly button. It's the same convolution I've been speaking of on the emotional plane.
But I definitely don't believe this is Gaia. I believe it's a bundle of energetic soul-contracts - the root foundations of them. As I said, I feel its the 'afterbirth' as Gaia has left the body. But there's still an 'umbilical cord that she's attached to.
If you're emotionally attached to Gaia, and physical/emotional living on the planet, that will be the primary orientation of consciousness for you. This is the consciousness that's being exploited by the Intervention and keeping people locked into the contained reality through attachment, fear, and anxiety of expanding out of the 3D bubble.
In my knowing, Gaia has left and is in the angelic realm, close to the Earth, in the 4D. However, this big bundle of soul-contracts, in the form of a huge energy knot, is still there. It's the emotional toxicity I've been speaking of. As part of an Interdimensional mission, I've been working to free this energy in Gaia since the New Year Retreat concluded. It feels like it's going to take some while and some further illumination.
In order to know this, and truly know the magnitude of what's going on, your consciousness would need to be exceedingly clear - beyond egoic identity. You'd need to be able to blend clearly with the Torus of Gaia, to truly observe and know the various differences of energy densities there. With respect Barb, I don't believe your consciousness is anywhere near that clarity yet. But do keep working within possibility. Remember, to truly work in the quantum field, is to work with possibilities, and then probabilities, rather than definites.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Deep gratitude to you Open,…
In reply to If you're still feeling Gaia in the abdomen/naval area by Open
Deep gratitude to you Open, i very much needed to hear this! Thank you!
Avalonia with the water dragons
In reply to Avalonia: Birth of New Planetary Soul on New Year's Day 🌎 by Open
I found this picture a few months ago, it felt somehow important, didn't know why, now I know.
Energies are definitively changing, it feels like something very heavy is lifting, like waking up, getting alive again, just great. Thank you, stars.

Amazing Dragon Image
In reply to Avalonia with the water dragons by Danniel
My screen saver at the moment.... Reminds me of something :)

5D Shift Bulletin: Gaia to Leave Planet at Shift to 5D/6D/7D 🪽
5D Shift Bulletin: Gaia to Leave Planet in Culminating Shift
I've spent practically the whole of the festive break in communion, with the Ascended Masters, the Star Being Nations, Dragon Beings and then Gaia. There was a deep contemplation around the current state of play on the planet. There's been a wonderful opening in the second half of 2024, with the balance of power shifting. However, there's still much inertia of consciousness, much entanglement that the Intervention recalibrates around.

A key problem was considered: The myriad of soul contracts Gaia has, that interrelate back through history, with countless karmic wounds that the Intervention continues to exploit. It was realised that Gaia would struggle to ascend out of this in the short window of time now leading into the Grand Galactic Convergence.
Hence something radical was proposed: that she could be assisted in extracting from the situation, and depart to another cosmic location for rest, rejuvenation and a long period of healing. Meanwhile, another soul would come in, one with a much faster and more coherent vibration - a Lyran Dragon Soul.
In short: A Soul Exchange for Planet Earth would take place.
This suggestion was proposed to Gaia, who, I'm pleased to say, felt incredibly relieved by it. After a short period of contemplation, which has been unfolding through the Openhand New Year Retreat, I can report she appears to have gracefully accepted the proposal.
What might this mean for everyone on the surface of the planet in the Shift?
It's sure to precipitate an acceleration of opening and possibility; the opportunity to break free from the energy of the Intervention, that will no longer be able to control the destiny of the planet.
I will be writing and sharing the full detail of this in due course. For now, I felt it important that especially the empathic sensitives in the community, and around the planet, gain an understanding of what's now unfolding.
This is something I'll be exploring in detail at the upcoming Ascension Exchanges:
Ascension Exchanges: January 4th
Yes, this is monumental for the Shift, and all souls on the planet.
It represents a welcome breath of liberational fresh air.
Bright blessings to all as we enter 2025, the Year of Acceleration.
<<< Open 💎
Stunning news
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Gaia to Leave Planet at Shift to 5D/6D/7D 🪽 by Open
This is so exciting and uplifting that I feel my chest might burst. The lead up to the festive season has been characterized for me like a type of straining at bonds, painfully shedding old layers and pushing to break free. This has been manifest physically with a viral type illness which has been unprecedented in its intensity. Yet, emerging has revealed glimmers of something which almost defies description. Yesterday something flowed in, wave after wave of intense grace and joy. Venusian energy was there to support it and caress the process. My heart is singing now. This is monumental. 2025 is so filled with magical potential. Blessings and gratitude to Gaia. ❤️
So happy to hear this
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Gaia to Leave Planet at Shift to 5D/6D/7D 🪽 by Open
Hi Open,
Thank you for sharing this amazing update. I was so happy to read this and feel very emotional and ecstatic at the same time. I have been feeling a build-up and have had a sense that something big was coming and this news has just blown me away. Can't wait to hear more about it!
Sounds like a plan
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Gaia to Leave Planet at Shift to 5D/6D/7D 🪽 by Open
Hey Open,
It sounds like good news for gaia, though I do have a burning question.
Didnt gaias consciouness transition to the 5D quite awhile ago????????
I am confused about that, would you enlighten me please! Or anyone that understands.
Big hugs
Erin 💚🌺
But I thought Gaia had already ascended into 5D?
In reply to Sounds like a plan by Zee
Dear Erin, with all love and respect, where have you been these last six months? Somehow, you must have missed what's been shared here in the community. 🤗🌸🙏
Firstly, how we discovered back in the Summer at the Facilitator Conference, that during the Galactic Convergence of 2012, a New Paradigm in 5D had indeed been initiated. However, that Gaia had gone out of body to a degree, which was pounced upon by the Intervention, who inserted 4D interrupting technology through the heart chakra. This separated the Higher Self from lower consciousness of Gaia. Which grew into inertia and was preventing the Shift from properly unfolding. It was why the Simulation has grown so strongly on the surface of the planet since then.
The Openhand Facilitator Group, together with support from the Star Being Nations (principally the Anu), removed the technology, which caused a reanimation of Gaia's Torus - a "kickstart" to get the Shift on track again.
However, as I reported here on the site during the Glastonbury Pilgrimage at the end of November, we realised how the natural alignment of Gaia's chakras had been purposefully tilted out of place, through the imposition of the Moon - which causes the precession of the Equinoxes.
It meant Gaia was struggling to hold BOTH the base, AND the crown chakras. During the pilgrimage, together with supportive help from the Draco, we managed to align Gaia's base chakra with the axial chakra of her Torus (in the quantum field). However, the intervention, principally the "Council of Nine", were blocking the crown chakra from alignment. Hence the recent inquiry as to whether Gaia would actually be able to unravel from the limiting energies and multitude of soul contracts she was weighed down with. Hence, the proposal for her to now let go, withdraw, and be recovered for healing and rejuvenation - for a new Lyran soul to come in, that could handle the speed of the different frequencies, but without the baggage of the old soul contracts - which would become annulled.
It's my observation that this has been welcomed by Gaia with a great degree of relief. Rather than wait though, or for there to be a lengthy exchange, which might give the intervention time to recalibrate to interrupt this new Shift, the Ascended Master Team have acted decisively. Gaia was ready and willing to withdraw. She was helped to do so, out through the base chakra, and this created the space for the new soul to come in.
Yes, I do realise it's a degree complex. It's a complex Shift!
I will be writing more about this as the days, weeks and months unfold.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Thanks for the clarity
In reply to But I thought Gaia had already ascended into 5D? by Open
Hey Open,
Yes I must've miss understood something along the way it seems. I feel like a bit of a doofus for asking the question.
I often struggle to understand the complexities of things in the field. It often still feels so new to me all the energy stuff etc. I have so much to learn. It has triggered some stuff for me to unravel so that is a good thing. And I trust I will gain more understanding as time goes on. Thanks for bringing me up to speed.
I am glad for gaia and for the Lyran soul coming in. Perhaps the grief I have felt over the last few days has been related to this shift.
Big hugs
Erin 💚🌺
5D Shift Bulletin: Profound Benevolent Mission Over Festivities
5D Shift Bulletin: Profound Benevolent Mission
I can report there's been a profound benevolent mission converging on the planet during the festive break, assessing where the current shift situation is at, and preparing the ground for strong evolutionary emergence in 2025. That's already underway at a field level. Which I will share with the community in due course going forward, as the proper way to express it lands.
Meanwhile, I felt to share these 10 ways to prepare your consciousness for strong evolutionary growth through 2025.
Revolutionary Evolution on Earth To Accelerate in 2025: 10 Practical Steps
The future is bright - for those who take it in their hands
<<< Open 💎
I'll be sharing and working with this powerful new insight during The Openhand New Year Retreat commencing today, and Ascension Exchanges this coming Saturday. For anyone truly interested in where the shift is now heading, they will be unmissable...
30th Dec-1st Jan: NEW YEAR RETREAT: 3-Days, ZOOM
There's no better time to gather with Openhand than at the turn of a New Year, especially with so much shifting in the field. Gather half-days online, so you can spend time with family too. We'll apply ground-breaking meditations with Openhand Ascended Master Energies to quantum leap your consciousness into 2025. We're developing an unstoppable wave in the Shift.
Activational Ascended Master Energies
4th Jan: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open
This happened exactly at conclusion of the Benevolent Mission
In reply to 5D Shift Bulletin: Profound Benevolent Mission Over Festivities by Open
This happened at the conclusion of the interdimensional benevolent conference that took place over Christmas...
Eruption intensifies at Kilauea volcano with vigorous lava fountains, Hawai’i
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