5D Shift Bulletins: Keep Up To Speed

Stay Informed of the Real News
We're undergoing enormous change and transformation on the planet within the Grand Galactic Convergence - the 11:11 awakening code. It's essential therefore to stay informed of the real news. Here you can find regular 5D Shift Bulletins of the various ongoing changes.

Do share your thoughts and feedback. <<< Open 💎

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5D Shift Bulletin: Atmospheric Moderation

I flew into Jordan late last night, for the Openhand pilgrimage here, flying over the Aegean. Did you wonder why the earthquakes had suddenly died down?

I can tell you there's atmospheric 'modification' going on, bouncing energy into the atmosphere to increase the magnetic field - a sensitive could clearly feel it in the field, as we flew over the area. It's also why there's been flash flooding in Saudi Arabia - highly unusual. And the same has happened in the Canary Islands after our retreat there - unheard-of flash flooding, which I now know has been caused by amplification of the magnetic field.

It gets increasingly intriguing!

<<< Open 💎


5D Shift Bulletin: Energetic March

We're lining up for a highly energetic March, which is already being felt in the field, due to several key convergences, right amidst the sunspot solar maximum. Plus, we'll have the energetic confrontation happening in the Aegean, as the Dragon energies continue to infuse through the planetary throat chakra.

Here's a great cosmological review from Stefa Burns. Let's prepare for a powerfully energetic month...


5D Shift Bulletin: Stargates Opening

With all this seismic activity accelerating, it's clear there's an opening of the planetary Stargates happening. Which are high energy nodes, that can connect us multidimensionally - especially into the infusing/actualising energies of the New Paradigm of 5D/6D/7D.

Right now, I feel a marked enhancement of the Star Beings presence. Which is fantastic to embrace, and can help enormously to surge flows of light through our lives. It can transform our experience, supporting creative endeavours, making new connections, and actualising resources.

I felt to share this video today, to support your exploration in that endeavour. Because there's simply masses to be gained.

It's shot a couple of years ago in the key British Stargate of Avebury, affectionately known as "Crop Circle Grand Central". Take some time to watch. Then inquire: "How might it inspire my journey forward?"

I welcome your feedback, reflections and comments below.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎


28/02/2024: Rare 7 Planetary Alignment

We have a rare 7 planetary alignment happening today, where if the skies are clear, you'll see all seven in a curved line across the panorama. I saw several last night, and the feeling was quite biblical. As if brothers and sisters across the cosmos were signalling their connection, their empathy, as we all forge through challenging evolutionary times.

If you get the chance, take some time to consider this bigger interrelated picture. I find it very humbling and empowering at the same time.

Here's the science on what's happening...

What do you pick up from it?

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I feel that the alignment is representative of various groups coming forward to support us. I also get a sense of something more but I can’t quite feel into it but the word ‘healing’ keeps coming up when I consider this alignment.

With all that has been stirred up this past week around relationships for me, I had a sudden and very strong connection with my twin flame yesterday (first time I’ve been conscious of this), for which I also received multiple signs in the outside world confirming the connection.

As part of the reflections that showed up, a van drew my attention which had ‘Advanced Group Support’ plastered on its side. Shortly afterward, I felt the presence of multiple groups which were being reflected in the clouds which included (so many) dragons and Lemurians too.

Hope that’s helpful.

Nikki 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I didn't know where to post this but this topic seems relevantly related. I am getting a sense of tremendous moon changes on the way, the accompanying visions are weird in a way that usually indicates Pleiadian energies to me, which feels like an overwhelming of the 'old' energies; the main gist of it would be that either the influence diminishes at an increased rate or the truth behind it is exposed ever more undeniably, with the Pleiadians key to the effort. The internal energies concentrate mostly around the sacrum and the throat. I feel like I'm going out on a limb with this, but I would not be surprised if there will actually be a physical result for all to see. Is there anything you (or anyone else) can reflect on this?


5D Shift Bulletin: Mount Etna, Italy

Italy and the Agean continues to be an area of high tectonic plate movement and volcanic activation. What I find wonderfully encouraging about this video from Mount Etna, is the amount of visitors it's drawing, from apparently 'regular' people. It's certain that the volcanic phenomenon touches something deep and primordial within us. They take you right out of the insipid Simulation, and onto the precipice of truth...


5D Shift Bulletin: Deep Sea Creatures Rising

A recent phenomenon in the Shift that I've been tracking recently, is how deep sea creatures that we seldom ever see, are rising from the depths and beaching themselves in various places around the world.

It's curious indeed, and for sure a power synchronicity, pointing toward the accelerating shift. In ancient mythology's, when events like this started to occur, it always precipitated a major event, that shocked the physical world.

Stefan Burns just put out a video about this, which I found interesting to share with you all. What do you make of it? And how does it speak to you? Do share below, let's see what the empathic synhcronicities say...

In reply to by Open


In my vision, there is tremendous vibration increase in the earth core. It is surrounded by rock, as to contain it. My feeling is this is to prevent the planet from exploding. It is a metaphorical 'rock coat', a containment method which does not neccesarily (and in my opinion even rather unlikely) manifest in the 3D as an actual rock shielding. That these vibrations would be felt through to the outer layer by deep sea creatures does not feel as unlikely.

Dragon energy is running up my spine in meditation strongly, especially strong where the spine and skull connect, and it has also illuminated what I saw as two technological implants, one near the throat and one around the skull at eye level. It speaks of personal support but in relation to this experience it speaks of the feeling described above, as well as rock dragon versus technology. It is like concrete lightning. For a while now, when I vision earth I see strong and bright lightning running from pole to pole. Combining these two experiences, it could mean this energy is building up within the earth to be released.

As above, so below, and so this rock shield, from a fractal sense, may be extended to the surface level already, speaking to me of an endgame where the intervention can now only create as illusions within illusions, as the 'real world' is contained by Avalonia and friends; which to me feels indicative of how AI 'creates' in the digital world rather than the physical. Artificially created thinking silicon life, for who the 'real world' would be the illusion that exists only within the data of its own existence feels quite indicative of this extra step away from the soul level, while mimicking it, from an objective viewpoint, quite brilliantly.

In reply to by Love-the-journey


You're highly on point about the planetary and third eye chakras. And also the issue with the core, which must be protected in all of these strong energy shifts.

With the Third Eye Chakra, Avalonia is requiring a little help reminding her who she is - a challenge for any soul exchange!

Benevolence is well aware of the three dynamics, and has them in plain sight.

Well wishes
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I had a vivid dream. There were a small group of animals trying to sustain themselves. A rooster's head was lolling on it's side, as if broken. A goat was blind with milky white eyes. The goat took my hand in its mouth, but gently, as if to remind me not to forget. At home, a variety of birds and squirrels come up to my garden glass door to stare at me. This seems to say to me, don't forget us, we're all in this together. With the deep sea fish beaching, it's as if the animal kingdom is seeking closer union in the shift. It's humbling to think of this unity in the face of the challenging transition.

In reply to by Open


I was able to connect with the tubefish. They process discordant vibrations through their being to keep the vibration and frequency of that part of the sea in balance. When something big such as an extremely powerful earthquake disrupts what is the normal harmonious vibration, it is more than they can handle. Some may surive but many perish. Although the consciousness does not appear to be sophisticated (like a whale) those who don't initially perish "know" they are disoriented or overwhelmed and instinctivley try to clear themselves by seeking calm. Because the disruption is so powerful, calm water can be hard to find. This is when they may swim higher in the sea than they're meant to. Their consciousness can only remain with them up to a certain depth. When the consciousness is gone they start to lose their lifeforce, can get caught in a current and have the potential to beach themselves. While it may appear to us that they are suffering and need our help to get back to sea, it's actually physical reflexes that haven't lost all their energy yet, the being is already gone and not suffering. It does not seem they intentionally beach themselves to give us a message but in their action is the gift of a message.

In reply to by Ann B


Earlier this week I was hit with a bout of dizziness that has continued every day since. I assumed it was due to exposure to unnatural lighting in the workplace and too much screen time but in reading Ann’s post, something shifted. I feel that the dizziness is somehow linked to what’s going on with these creatures, or at least an aspect of it is.

Will sit with it and see what comes up.

Nikki 💕


5D Shift Bulletin: Tectonic Plates Moving

By the day, we're witnessings earthquake clusters as the tectonic plates of the planet are moving. It's all down to the accelerating Pole Shift and the impact of the Sun.

We must keep equalising with the real news of our planet. And then, as we discovered recently on retreat in La Palma, you find your whole body begins to change and move with the Shift. You become more like the oscillating field of energy that you actually are.

Here's the latest:

Over 200 earthquakes during earthquake swarm in Campi Flegrei, Italy
Permian Basin pipeline ruptures after M5.0 earthquake hits Texas
Shallow M5.0 earthquake hits Toyah, near El Paso, Texas
Strong and shallow M6.0 earthquake hits near Fentale volcano, Ethiopia.

This is only the beginning.
Here in the Openhand work, it is our mission to help people move with the energies of the Shift, and positively transform within them.

Great to have you on board.
Love and well wishes.
<<< Open 💎


5D Shift Bulletin: Angelics and Dragon Nations

Now the third Greek Island has declared a state of emergency due to intensifying seismic activity. Following the developing situation on Santorini, the islands of Amorgos and Anafi are also being rocked by undersea earthquakes:

State of emergency declared on Anafi, third Greek island after Santorini, as undersea earthquakes continue
State of emergency declared on Amorgos, second Greek island after Santorini

This is hugely pivotal for the whole region, into Egypt and Giza, down through The African Rift Valley, and across into Saudi Arabia. It's all interconnected, where the new energies of infusing Avalonia are directly confronting the energies of the Old Paradigm, in this intense region of convergence.

In the Openhand Resurrection retreat that's just concluded, we found ourselves naturally empathising with the situation in the Aegean. We embraced the whole Torus of the area. What transpired was simply heartmelting and miraculous:

As the Dragon energies continue to surge in, the Angelics gathered around, holding the space, acting as a bridge into the 4D, for whatever now might transpire going forwards in the Shift. Preparations are well underway.

Well wishes to all.
<<< Open 💎


5D Shift Bulletin: Santorini Building Energies

The energies in the Agean keep building, with escalating earthquake swarms - thousands, in the last few days. The infusion of Avalonian Dragon energies, through the planetary crown, have built around the throat chakra of the planetary Torus - which expresses in this region. The dynamic is strongly reflective of the transforming energies of Earth right now - from the slower moving Torus of Gaia, to the faster moving one of Avalonia.

It's bound to shake things up. And ultimately, of course, that's necessary to unleash the energetic density of the old construct, as the Earth shifts vibration into 5D/6D/7D. So, here, right in front of us, we're witnessing this transformation beginning to build and break out.

I felt to share this video, which explains well the deeper geology of the region, and why it's so significant...

Well wishes
<<< Open 💎


As I carry the name of the Magdalen, and I have honoured her as a Guide, rarely present to me, yet always a Loving frequency as well as one very much based in a grounded way of Being, bringing insights when needed that simplify an issue I haven't found a way to deal with - this has been my experience of her.

Now, participating in the Resurrection retreat, the archetype of her as a wounded, shallow, lacking in emotional intimacy in sexual healing in Egyptian times, has been hard to be with.

So what is it in me, that has these characteristics, that I could not deal with? that is my enquiry...and I returned into a past process soon after my activation into Spiritual life, when I spent many times wailing out my grief and betrayal. It was all pervasive...her time in front of Jesus on the cross, having to hold his energy and taking on some of his suffering, is what I felt this to be from. It was angry, feeling betrayed, and lost in the overwhelming emotion, added to by that of Mary as well - they had to leave at one point, unable to take it any longer. That is my recollection of this time from her, as it was given to me.

Going through my chakras, the solar plexus very affected - loss of empowerment, unable to deal with it all, plus betrayal. Heart - angry that all of this emotion is still being focused on by Humanity, when she has moved beyond it now...echoes of connection to Gaia, also now in a higher space and Healed, yet, stuff still going on in the lower frequencies that keeps reactivating these old wounds. So the question comes, am I still holding onto this too? Do I see myself as wounded, betrayed, angry? I have. Am I still? There are times when I feel overwhelm and helpless, my go to, to let me know its time to regroup and go inward.

Throat's turn...strong sense that its time to let go of all the drama of the crucifixion, and focus on the resurrection. What have we learned from it? I feel the courage of Jesus in choosing this path; to stand so strongly outside the matrix. Yet, there is also fear, that such suffering needs to be emulated to attain an ascended state - why? It doesn't. There are always many paths to the same goal, even as, personal healing is vip and integral to them all.

Jesus laid down a template, to show us that he was able to follow a path that held him outside the matrix, throwing off the restrictions that were imposed on him by it, by being the expression of his Soul, in Open's words. The Divine Masculine - courageous, committed to his path, holding the space of moving forwards in integrity, in my words, in his unconditional Love.

His counterpart, his wife, his teacher as he was hers too - the Divine Feminine of the Magdalen - giving her all to support his process, while staying in her own power, her own presence of Love, that did not demand he change or she change, in total acceptance of his path...at least, until the suffering overwhelmed her in that moment.

Can we recognise, the gift of this period, as a profound time of moving beyond the wounds of suffering, of betrayal, of helplessness or overwhelm etc, or of the vengeful wounded feminine in all the underhand ways ascribed to it, and be in instead, the beauty of the empowerment shown by both, lived by both, to cause ripples and tears in the matrix, that allow us now, to focus on how best to keep this growing and expanding in us and thus in the matrix too. To focus on the gifts of total unconditional Love and acceptance, unity consciousness, of standing tall in the face of at times severe opposition, which doesn't mean fighting it in the usual sense, but being a stance for it being irrelevant, no longer needed, as the Soul perspective is of acceptance, of learning, of being a moving force for new opportunities arising within us all from the learnings already gained.

What is keeping us from this? that is what we need to answer for ourselves, as I do, too.

In reply to by Takeli


It's an insightful sharing Takeli, and draws us deep into the various biblical dynamics around the story of Jesus (and Magdalen).

As we've been working with on the Resurrection retreat, they so often come up as archetypes (plus the various other characters too - Judas, for example). The situations stimulate so much, helping identify shadow filters and unleash tremendous qualities of beingness.

I would say that, ultimately, we must work to peel off these identity filters (where they might attach within), so as to fully unleash unbridled soul.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎


5D Shift Bulletin: Reconfiguring Intervention

In the Openhand book DIVINICUS, I expressed that as the Matrix unravels, it won't all disappear over night. It will go through plentiful different iterations and reconfigurations as it eventually disappears.

In recent times, I've experienced the healing of the Council of Nine, which the infusion of the new planetary energies, Avalonia, have caused. The Council has provided the base layer of the Matrix here. And so it weakened greatly, through the back end of last year, and into early 2025.

But what happened to Ra in all of this? (the Intervention frontman).

I get that the entity has reconfigured around the new US regime. Which is why we're seeing the "bold plays" on territory, land, power and the financial system.

Something to be aware of and watch.
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

The dragons are swarming in response. The Earthquake Swarm IS Ancient dragons awakening and activating . It’s a message to whoever or whatever is in the way. This is happening and its happening NOW !

( The feeling I get is that until now there was still some semblance of opportunity to realise and to reconfigure . Now there is just immense ,aligned,cleansing FORCE .There is no room for any sort of negotiation . That time was a Graceful Gift ,but its in the Past. )

That’s the message I am given to offer to those listening and the Field. ( The energy seems to be a feminine aligned green blue dragon energy with Qwan Yin working to break down the karmic field )

That’s what I am getting .


In reply to by iamdurga


Just finished the third day of the Resurrection retreat and after 2 incredible dense days for me,  today right from the start I have felt a harmonious and wonderful energy building. I was wondering what that could be since the release of karma went quick and easy so far. Wow it was powerful! Thank you I resonate with your message 


In reply to by Open


I had not thought about Ra configuring around the new regime but I can see how that is possible and how it would play out. Yesterday I experienced intervention in a much more subtle way that feels like it's part of the overall strategy.

I read an article where an independent lab had tested several brands of a product for toxicity and disclosed the results. Several organic brands including one known to be a "good" brand that I've trusted were on the list. While I'm not an activist, my typical response would be to contact the company, the organic certifying organization or both and ask for an explanation of how this is possible. Instead I had the thought, if the corruption runs this deep, what's the point. I was surprised by that thought and at first wondered if because of the accelerated time line it didn't seem worth it to me. But then I realized it's about putting the energy into the field so typically I'd still take action. I also questioned if I was caught in inertia. But I had two other experiences yesterday that showed me without a doubt, I was not.

So then I wondered if this was even my thought and that's when I could see it was not. It felt like it was being projected into the field not directly into my being. And then it made sense to me. The new regime is very quickly exposing layers of corruption which could lead to an uprising of people reclaiming soverignty. So this very subtle yet heavy "blanket" has been created in the field as a way to prevent this. It wasn't even noticable to me until I had an opportunity to push back against something. And it's created in a way that you don't even notice it unless you step back and really question.

In reply to by Ann B


Some resonance with this post. For me, playing the simulation 'game' has shifted subtley as of late. There are a series of fairly small but blatent challenges of sovereignty around goods, services and finance. They are quite obvious but come with a feeling that they are not worth challenging, that the energy expended is not worth it. There is also a seductive element, to appear friendly and helpfull on the surface. But disempowerment lurks. For me its a call to be conscious and vigilent, to be very discerning and stand rock steady in my power. ( And facing those interventions down with patience and lack of reactivity).


5D Shift Bulletin: Evacuation of Santorini

The seismic activity on around the Greek Island of Santorini escalates. Such that Greece has now (sensibly) called a state of emergency there, and inhabitants are now being evacuated. Let our hearts go out to them. ❤️

And, it sends an important reflection to us all:

Santorini sits in the throat chakra region of the planet. Which is all about freedom of flow in one's journey and life. It's almost certainly why the pyramids were built in this region - to lock down the flow into the beginnings of the planetary Simulation. It's time to break free. To let the flow take you, and rediscover the mighty support of signs and synchronicity. We were never meant to be bonded to one particular place. Let divine grace carry you.

In the video below, and others I have seen, the 'experts' say, "The earthquakes are not about volcanic eruption, but just the movement of tectonic plates". The field says different: yes, the tectonic plates are moving. However, there's a large buildup of magma causing it. I suppose they're trying to downplay it.

I share the video below, to communicate the sense of reality that we're now sailing into within the Shift - and not the distracting nonsense shared in the fakestream. Let's always embrace the reality of any given situation - for then we can equalise with it, and Breakthrough:

Here's how to break through any given situation

Well wishes to all.
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I woke up feeling a LOT of density . Almost like I was feeling into a tonne of rock . I moved and engaged with the density best I could -a lot of stuff is coming up around the neck and shoulders . My entire field is on fire. In meditation I could feel ( fantastical as it seems ) solar filaments - CME’s headed for the Earth . I have never ever empathised with the Solos before . So this is new for me . I am feeling a lot breaking down in the solar plexus as well as a connection between the solar plexus and heart .

I saw this video after the meditation and this may point to what I am feeling

In reply to by iamdurga


Hi Megha, and all reading...

Interestingly this eruption in the planetary throat chakra is coinciding with what I've been picking up recently - a strong expression of distorted Magdalen energy. Bear in mind that Santorini is not too far from the Gizza Pyramids, which is said by many to be the Throat Chakra of the planet. It's where the Temple of Isis arose, under the dominance of Ra, and from where the distorted aspect of the Magdalen energy took her power.

I would say that the Pyramids were purposefully positioned there so as to displace the planetary throat chakra, and lock down the free-flowing energies of the natural Torus - the Flower of Life. We've seen this a lot, where the chakra points of the planet were purposefully displaced and blocked off, so as to slow the planetary vibration down, and lock it into the vibrational Simulation.

I'm feeling the Magdalen energy in a contained state of fear and panic right now. Because the foundational fabric of the old power base is being cracked open.

In terms of the Magdalen energy, to be perfectly clear, I'm not saying it is intentionally malevolent. Its purpose has been to heal - especially the distorted masculine energies. With much focus (from the Temple of Isis practices), on sexual healing. But these energies were interfered with by the entity Ra, to which they gave their allegiance and ultimate power. It was through the distorted feminine's need for an external paternalistic authority - rather than finding the absoluteness of pure presence within.

Magdalen has been appearing in my field a great deal recently. In some ways trying to usurp and undermine my natural flow state. But I also feel her authentic soul calling out for realignment.

Well wishes to all.
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I'm currently watching the paramount series, "Dune Prophecy", which is all about the sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit and how they controlled society by manipulating masculine leadership. It speaks to me strongly of the emergence of the Temple of Isis. Often these things begin on the premise of a benevolent intention, before going astray - "all power corrupts!"

For anyone wishing to work through this kind of karma, it's a key theme of Openhand's Resurrection work. For which we have two upcoming retreats (check the events section), and also the Resurrection Book...

The divine spark in Humanity, has all but been stamped out, by a nefarious Intervention that’s pulling the strings of our reality. It’s manipulating practically every walk of life, from Big-tech to the Media, to the Financial systems and religions, and spirituality. It’s even manipulated human DNA and the morphogenic fields of Gaia, so as to receive its controlling influences. Its agenda is to create a limiting bubble, a synthetic reality, divorced from the true nature of life.

We’ve got to break down the karmic ties that tether us to the old reality construct. We’ve got to journey deep within, and part the seas of the 4D Karmic Plane, to fully unleash the new humanity. It can all be done, when we’re fully aware of what needs to be confronted and how to work. This is a true life story of one man doing exactly that - a historical figure, reclaiming his original identity, and with that, pulling key foundation stones from the bedrock of the system itself. Who have you been in past lives? What are you here to do and how can you best apply yourself? RESURRECTION is crafted to help, by offering illuminating reflections and powerful guidances, in these complex times of great transformation.

Learn more and get a copy: Resurrection of our Divinity

In reply to by Open


I am undoubtedly seeing these distortions in my own behaviours and can relate to just about everything you have all expressed. I'm chagrined and concerned taht I'm still not fully committing to unravelling these distorted behaviours. That I'm only half-heartedly doing the work without really holding the space for true karmic unravelling. I feel I am still allowing myself to be manipulated by Ra so easily and not wanting to let go of what clearly derails me. Seeking attention, sympathy and validation rather than sitting with my shadow. Still seeking someone to give me what I can only give myself. Still avoiding. Still afraid. I own it but now must also own the process. I'm grateful to this exploration as it brings to light what I haven't been able to, or wanted to clearly see myself. Thank you.

In reply to by sylvanheart


With a bundle of love and respect, Barb, I ask the question - when are you truly going to begin? ❤️

Talking about healing isn't healing.
Planning to undertake healing isn't healing.

You already know what needs to be done - to strip away the distractions and soft comforts in any given day, for some committed period of time, and then going deeper within. Feeling the aloneness, and the pain of the inner confrontation, and the karma, then working into it. You know the Breakthrough Approach well. It's a case of now consistently applying it.

Openhand Breakthrough Approach

Much love and well wishes
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Open, I keep asking myself this question all the time! I can see how I allow myself to be pulled into the same tired habits and neediness and I'm exhausted. Bored and sick to death of myself. I've always been great at planning but the follow through is absent. f it's not fun i go back to avoidance. I always know what to say but not how to truly be. I think I'm ready now. A brief vision the other night showed me something quite profound and even though I've lost the initial feeling of it, I remember enough to have something to strive for: a me I've forgotten that is so much more than this. Beyond words. Until you experience it you can't truly know and now i know so there's no more excuses. Open i can't tell you how grateful i am to you for not giving up on me and my silliness. Words can't express my gratitude for your support and honesty. I won't flinch anymore when the snow owl wants to land with truth. Im ready to be carved up. With love and deep respect, barb🙏💙

In reply to by Open


Hi Open, so further to this post, I started an inquiry into where I was 'failing' in my approach to processing my stuff. I copied the 9 processes for working through karma and have it on my wall above my desk now. I've been looking deeper into each step, while looking at what I was doing with that step during triggers. Turns out I'm getting to #3 and then when I start to feel better from the purging and acknowledgement, that's when I get up and go on with my day, genuinely thinking I've made progress. I've not been even trying to break through with presence, or any of the other steps beyond #3. I've been believing that I just haven't got through enough to be able to go deeper, or have done enough purging, not realizing I was stunting my practice. I blame it on my ADD (there's literally a song that says that☺️) where I skim over information thinking I got it when I don't. So while I make it seem like I know what I'm doing I don't actually. It's like the chakra attuning; for quite awhile I was doing it 'wrong' as in not the OH way that's taught. And yes I've noticed a big difference now I'm doing it the right way. So it's time I face another truth: I have learning disabilities and must take the time to fully explore every aspect of a process and ask questions until I'm sure I truly understand it. Also, I believe I tend to want to skip over the details and get to the fun stuff. This is a liberating realization. Another one is realizing I've been feeling out of my league with the high levels of intelligence in this community and not wanting to be seen as the dumb one, so I hide it with my decent ability with use of language and ignore whether I'm actually understanding, thinking I can figure it out later on my own. This is not a fully conscious behaviour either. It's what I've been doing my whole life I think, due to trying to gain my father's acceptance. Like Jen recently mentioned, I too have 'performance anxiety', but mine is about not wanting to look foolish. I see how I do myself and my soul a great disservice with this behaviour. Of all places i should not be feeling judged here. Of all places i should feel safe to be myself, faulty brain and all. Of all places I should know I am accepted for who I am. So glad I finally figured this out. I feel like now I can finally get started. Thank you for the motivation and push in the right direction! Much love and gratitude, barb

In reply to by sylvanheart


Hi barb

you just help me get one deep realization. All these "problems" are just surface level, but on a deeper level you are perfect being, we all are, it's just that mostly we don't feel it, then we feel lost. But when you feel it - you know everything is ok, there's just some work to do...

And all this work is really meant to connect us with our perfect being and live as an expression of it.

Here's one for you, about shedding old skin, piece by piece, powerful and transformative


In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

All the themes you mention hit close to home. I have been aware of the block in my throat chakra for a while now . And the handing over of power to a paternal figure is also a very familiar theme . Also my life circumstances are impelling me to take that power back - bit by bit as I can see how its so easy for me to fall into the pattern of handing it over to a strong masculine presence .Seeking validation of my very existence to an entity outside of my self feels at once a trauma response and an old habit . This is the very nature of abuse is it not - wherein the Magdalen dynamic casts off her power and then feels victimised . In the morning today I “saw” how the victim is also a movement that I chose to take on. And now I can do something else with the wellspring of power within me .

Just this morning I was deeply examining why I needed anyone’s permission but my own to unfurl into authentic expression . And I was feeling into the “old programs “ in my solar plexus that seemed to impede my unashamed authentic expression. Vis-à-vis the sexual energy and its application there is a lot of shame in my field ,and that is also something that I have been exploring recently .

In many ways ,I am very much looking forward to Jordan though a part of me is afraid of losing an old, old identity .And yet once the energy is released ,a big knot will unravel in the middle East . I can “see” that unfolding .

The above sentences are mine and those of Isis as she is trying to align herself with the Shift and …Freedom .

Deep Bow . The interesting times get more and more interesting .


In reply to by iamdurga


Dear Megha,

As I was reading what you wrote, I was getting that your are working with field energies in addition to your own stuff. Part of your "role" is to heal the karmic wounding of the Divine Feminine. When you said the words are both yours and of Isis, I realized you are aware of this too. I can feel so much love and appreciation in the field for your strength and capability to take this on.


Ann 🙏

In reply to by Open


The Magdalen energy has been in my field lately and is starting to reveal her wounding to me. It hasn't fully landed and I'm not sure if she's sharing with me as a first step in a healing process or to manipulate me into feeling sorry for her. Also I'm not absolutely sure yet if her sharing is 100% authentic or part of the story without all of the context. But I'll share as maybe this resonates with what others are picking up. What I'm being shown is the Temple of Isis practices involved physical intimacy without emotional intimacy. There was the expectation of becoming physically intimate with distorted masculine energy not because of desire or love but because of purpose. And the knowing that the masculine didn't care about her but just wanted what she could offer him. This created a deep wound. Ra, being opportunistic, recognized this as an opening for him. But instead of healing the wound, he filled a need so the feminine remained dependent on him.

In reply to by Ann B


My sense at this time is that the distorted Magdalen energy is working to gain favour and manipulating for emotional sympathy. Then appearing to be 'processing her kama', but actually is not. I've seen this pattern frequently over the years through this work. There's emotional outpouring and projection into the outside, which pulls people (and whole communities) in. The pain is distributed, and energetic entanglements bind the community into a co-dependence of sympathy, which limits all. But the root karma underneath is then subtly avoided. I sense Ra is behind it all.

It's definitely a dynamic to be aware and wary of. Let's not be afraid to call this distortion where we see it.

<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Ann B


This struck a deep chord with me. Its something I've been working on. I realised over some time now that there was a distorted sexual feminine pull which alluded to goddess energy and the requirement of service. This started as fake emotionality and desire, often with a requirement to have children sired after which the male was discarded. The masculine wanted sexual favours in return with a degree of stability, maybe translated also as power and validation. This created a dysfunctionality and confusion around relationship. Its wonderful to haved this called and explored here.

In reply to by Open


When the earthquakes began, I started feeling volcanic energy about to erupt in my sacral and throat chakra. It felt like I was feeling more than just planetary activity. And feeling volcanic and earthquake activity in my field is new to me so I stayed with it to inquire.

What I realized is I'm feeling the surpressed emotion of the original souls who were manipulated, downgraded, and lost their connection in ancient times. It seems Gaia realized this was an unintended consequence of her drawing the intervention to her and felt responsible. As a way of expressing her sorrow and grief she created a contract to hold their pain and she was holding it in the throat chakra of the planet. Now that she has moved on and the contract is nullified, all of this surpressed emotion is releasing and expressing through the activity in the area. It feels like as this energy is expressed it will help those souls reclaim the part of themselves that was fragmented by the trauma they experience.


5D Shift Bulletin: Santorini Supervolcano

In answer to Megha's point of view below, I can totally understand how you'd relate the opening of the planetary throat chakra, marked by the Santorini supervolcano, as connected with the 'birthing' of the new planetary soul, "Avalonia".

I don't see it quite that way, although the metaphor is a good one. To me, Avalonia has come in, but now is beginning to 'unfold her wings' through the planetary chakras, from the Torus itself. And it appears the throat chakra is the next layer of unfolding. Which is probably why my throat is on fire!

I've also been feeling a strong and warm bloating feeling in the lower abdomen, especially in the dreamtime. It's abundantly clear to me that I'm empathising with a strong build-up of magma in that location.

Check out the latest seismology from Stefan Burns. Do be sure to stick around to point 8:55, where he goes on to explain how "Tidal Stress", due to Earth's manipulation by the Moon, can cause earthquakes and trigger volcanos. I see it as the other way around: Earth now realigning with the natural axial Torus, thus pulling against the artificial imposition of the Moon. Either way, it creates the stress he's speaking of...


5D Shift Bulletin: Planetary Throat Chakra

Many of the chakra points of the Planetary Torus are coming active already in 2025. We've seen, for example, the crown chakra come active at Mount Everest, with a devastating Earthquake there in early January. We saw a tsunami wash ashore near Lake Titicaca, the sacral chakra, at the very end of 2024. Then we've seen the mud volcano explode in the East African Rift Valley, where there's been a strong blockage of soul contract energy around the vibration of the solar plexus. It's all happening!

In recent days, as I've tuned into the Planetary Torus, my throat has become tight and hoarse - I've been coughing strongly, especially in the dreamtime. I wondered why? Now the reason is clear - there's been over 200 earthquakes on the volcanic island of Santorini, in the Mediterranean, in the region of the Throat Chakra of our planet. It's down to the tectonic plates moving there.

(To be clear: I don't see the planetary chakra points in one specific location. But rather there are particular vibrational locations that express those particular frequencies).

Gain an insight of the scope and magnitude of this volcanic location with Stefan Burns - then come back to the post for what this activation is suggesting...

The powerful synchronicity of this throat chakra activation, is the call to get into your spiritual flow state - to make sure you're responding to situations and circumstances in your life from maximum sense of flow.

For essential guidance, check out Openhand's lead article on this, with 4 key points of focus, here...

Transitioning to 5D Consciousness: 4 Keys To Focus on the Higher Flow

Be sure also to check out the video below on coming into your natural flow state.

Let's get flowing everyone!
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