What are the Chakras and their Purpose?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 18:04

A great deal is spoken of in spiritual texts and musings about the Chakras and exactly what their purpose is. Here at Openhand, we view them as 'consciousness exchange points' where Unity Consciousness as the soul infuses with Separation Consciousness as the bodymind. Our lives are greatly affected and influenced by our relative level of vibration within these crucial consciousness centres. Understanding and exploring them will have a profoundly beneficial impact. Here is an extract from Five Gateways offering a perspective on their functions and purpose...

22317 Reads

The Spiritual Path: What does it mean to Truly Let Go?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 06:14

Continual Process of Confrontation
In the shift of Human Consciousness  into higher dimensional awareness, we're often talking about 'letting go' of the lower density. But what does it mean? How do we truly let go? It's quite prevalent in the human psyche that there's a subtle inner program that makes people want to avoid challenging and difficult circumstances. It's certainly a conditioning from society. To me though, truly letting go, is a continual process of confrontation of the moment - that which we might want to avoid - and instead, surrendering into what we really feel...

18305 Reads

9 Essential Questions on Ascension

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/24/2012 - 05:55

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution.
Our planetary system is moving to a higher vibrational reality - one founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The Soul of the Earth, a vastly more evolved being than ourselves has ascended and is beginning to draw her energies ever higher. What exactly does this mean? How does it effect you?

Here are some essential questions on Ascension which frequently get asked...

17410 Reads

Containing Destructive Energy...Then Unleashing Creative Aligned Expression

Submitted by Open on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 02:02

Life is full of paradoxes. In fact the more we walk the path, we may realise each stone we tread, is in itself a grey area of multiple truths, yet each step with a distinct Right Action. Take for example expressing ones truth: many know how important this can be. If we don't express who we truly are and if we're not being authentic, then we're certainly going to limit our unfolding. Yet what if we feel frustration inside, anger, rage or at times even hatred? I've observed all such colours are painted in life's karmic artistry. Is it right to suppress such feelings or deny them if they are bubbling away within? Yet if we let this causality out, does that not then draw to us their reflective effects?

Here's where we need to master the art of 'containment' and then unleashing authentic creative expression. What exactly do I mean by this?...

17527 Reads

Ancient Alien Theory

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 07:01

'For those who've been tuning into the Openhand material regularly, you'll know that from time to time we're referring to an "Opposing Consciousness", one that has intervened with the natural human evolutionary process and has been essentially controlling society for it's own ends. It's been a difficult subject to talk about openly because of the incredible volume of historical disinformation that's either burying the evidence or else 'spin doctoring' it to present particular sanitised viewpoints. Society does not want us to know the accurate picture, because once full disclosure of what's really going on unfolds in the collective consciousness, it will metaphorically turn how we live our lives 'on its head'. It will have an accelerating effect on human consciousness that could no longer be controlled by the 'powers-that-be'...

19110 Reads

Journey of Ascension: 5 Gateways of Consciousness into the 5th Dimension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 03:50

A profound route map for human evolution The world is undergoing a very turbulent evolutionary process. As the very fabric of our society begins to fracture, a New Paradigm is beckoning founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The question is, how do you join it? There are many ways up the ‘spiritual mountain’, for each there will be a unique path. Yet those who have climbed before, often speak of five key expansions, five key 'altitudes', through which all tend to pass. It is a common journey into higher dimensions of consciousness that has been established by spiritual masters through the ages.

22921 Reads

Understanding Planetary Ascension: The Shift from 3D to 5D

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Sun, 01/01/2012 - 07:16

Update 2012 Much has been written in recent times - especially through 2012 - about our planetary "Ascension". What exactly does the term mean? What is going on? To me it is an entirely natural evolutionary flow of the universe which although can be explained in scientific terms, can only really be grasped through spiritual realisation. To me, it is the movement of sentient life from one vibrational frequency of reality into a higher one. Along with a growing number of evolving people, I perceive Ascension is happening on Planet Earth right now as Gaia shifts her centre of consciousness into the 5th Density (and higher)...

30949 Reads

The Cosmic Role of the Spiritual Catalyst

Submitted by Open on Thu, 08/25/2011 - 06:31

Some souls have incarnated here to hold an energetic harmony that provides empathic support for evolving people. Others however, have come with the specific mission to break down illusions and inspire change by the very energy they hold. Such people may be called "Spiritual Catalysts". They’ll frequently find they have a confrontational effect on their environment and especially the people in it: you begin to undermine the very illusions society has been built upon.

30151 Reads

Law of Attraction: 5 Golden Keys to Harness the Power of the Universe

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/09/2011 - 06:55

The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool of the Universe no doubt. Unfortunately, to my mind, it's been much misdirected and maligned, cleverly disguised in trying to get what the ego wants. But especially now, in these times of great challenge and turmoil, we can bring it to bear in support of our lives in most beneficial ways, providing we do so authentically, and in alignment with the natural flow of the Universe.

23356 Reads

Activation of the Spirit Light Body and Merkabah

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 21:31

These are exciting times to be alive. If you're here on the planet during the Great Shift, then you'll have a front row seat in a spectacular rebirth leading to a New Paradigm of Existence. Let's be clear though, this is NOT about healing the old 3D reality, for it is already well past its sell-by-date. We're taking the very best consciousness from the old, raising it higher, and blending it with something entirely new in the 5D.

How will that work at a human DNA level? It's all about Spirit Light Body Activation - Activating the Merkabah.

34688 Reads