Inspiring Music (2)
Our inspiring music (1) thread got pretty full and unwieldy - thanks to all the great music! So I felt to share a new thread here for all the latest inspiration you come across.
What resonates your vibration?
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Saint of Sin: I find this music video wonderfully captivating ✨
While out in the stillness of the Desert, this music by Saint of Sin came to me, which seemed to meet the mood perfectly - the great power of the vastness.
See what it does for you...
Stay with Me: Uplifting Healing Music by Liza Gerrard 🌻
This seems so appropriate right now, especially as we reconnect with the wayward souls of the Simulation. Bright blessings to all...
Remember, although Ascending we're rooting in the Earth too! 🏝️
Check out this fantastic track from Aisha Badru, called "Rooted". It's reminding all ascending souls that we're not actually leaving the planet, but reclaiming it on behalf of the natural Flower of Life. Rooted here, yet reaching up to the heavens too...
Wheel of Life - emotive music ☸️
Check this video out by Ayla Nereo, about the Wheel of Life, with inspiration for the flow. I found it deeply moving and inspirational - with a clip from Glastonbury, heart chakra of the planet - now there's a resonance...
Check out Ayla's inspirational website here...
Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎
Ayla - soul stirring: take the darkness from my eyes 😎
I just came across this amazing, soul-stirring artist called, "Ayla Nereo". Wow, what a calling to the soul. See how you find it, then check her website...
Journey of Life Meditation - Expanding the Heart with Mei Lan ❤️
I found this deeply calming in these challenging times...
Letting go and following the flow - uplifting video
I'd say right now in life, especially with the tremendous field shifts ongoing, we need plenty of inspiration to simply let go and follow the flow...
Some movement and motivation for 2025 - the renegades 🏃🏿
How about some movement and motivation for 2025?
You'll never find me - I'll be where you can't be found...
Love this song
After a rough week this song popped in this morning. Lit me up like christmas tree! made me smile and dance!
The Dead Can Dance - Yulunga. Awesome! ⚡️
I found this wonderfully inspiring...
Music of peace for the Solstice - Song of Divine 🔆
I trust you're finding some time for peace and reflection this solstice. Here's a track to encourage that...
Hits the spot
In reply to Music of peace for the Solstice - Song of Divine 🔆 by Open
Hi Open,
Once again just what the doctor ordered, thank you. Woke quite agitated and discombobulated for several reasons but listening to this is settling me right down. Brightest Solstice blessings! barb,sylvanheart
Myth of the Ocean, Saint of Sin, Inspiring Music 🐋
I keep discovering these great gems with Saint of Sin...
In reply to Myth of the Ocean, Saint of Sin, Inspiring Music 🐋 by Open
No other words. Absolutely brilliant and meaningful. Ok maybe a few words. This song and video are doing intense things to me. Hello my name is barb and i identify as Selkie(amongst others) ;)
Beginning the journey back home to self
No doubt the challenges are the forging of us, and after challenging but rewarding regressions, i feel ive moved enough past key obstacles to see for myself it is indeed time to start making that journey back home. This song just popped in my head and for me really embodies the anticipation and joy of the homecoming. So heartfelt. Hope you enjoy! namaste and love, barb,sylvanheart
Cosmic Gaia's journey with Huzy the Galactic Shaman (music)
Last night I somehow intuitively opened YTB just to find this magnificent musical journey from Huzy happening live. Wow, to me it felt deeply cosmic, but also intertwined with a sense of Gaia's energy. It's like opening the portal for the benevolent Star Nations to come in, to ease Gaia's realignment process. He's no doubt a Galactic Shaman. His music can easily bring consciousness into the cosmos, and he is not leaving you there but also gently bringing you back.
I felt to share if anyone would like to try this for journeying.
🙏 Asya
Unexpected treat
In reply to Cosmic Gaia's journey with Huzy the Galactic Shaman (music) by Asya
Hi Asya,
Thank you for this music! I remember being introduced to Huzy's music at the Summit last year and i loved it, but this is epic! Very much right up my alley. ive only been listening for a few minutes and i'm tucking in for the whole thing. And i love how he shrouds himself in that intense, deep blue. Looking forwards to seeing where i might go.
Speaking of journeying, i just had a great experience of reconnecting with the little me of my earliest memory, which is a very good one. And what a needed change from all the trauma-diving. It's great to take a break from the heavy sometimes, good thing to remember. Usually i can feel what i felt but only see the memory as a flat screen in my mind. But this time i was able to embody her and be more there and remember more details and feel the feelings more deeply from a simply moment spent in the living room while my parents chatted in the kitchen. The plants were my favourite. i think this was the most authentic me i can remember. i was present and free of hangups. No resentment or grudges. All i was concerned with was feasting on every single moment of this incredible life! i wanted to experience everything and was full of this adventurous excited energy that had to see what was around every corner and down every path, marvelling gape-mouthed at every miraculous discovery. It felt like something wonderful was constantly just about to happen, and that drove me to see what was next. It was all about the discovery. And not sure what this is but this time i seemed to have been playing with some white misty substance that was beautiful and loving and made really cool patterns. Then before long, a setting sun through the window, red and plump, warmed me and the room so much i felt a sudden urge to have a snooze. And i can remember the instinct to find a safe place to shelter and chose a bench to curl up under, as i settled and enjoyed the delicious feeling of sleepiness. im blown away by that. i feel like if i could restart from that pure place i could without barriers explore who i am and what really sets my soul alight. Not that i don't already have some ideas, but i've been attached to others so long i"m not sure if it's really mine or not. i guess i have to look for that rightness yeah? Practice makes perfect. Haha but then i hear Open's words in my head "What's stopping you now?" Or maybe they're mine dressed up as Open's. His accent is cooler than mine what can i say ;) i really love this music, my Friday night just got more interesting, thank you! barb, sylvanheart
The Cosmic Shaman - Genius! 🎶
In reply to Cosmic Gaia's journey with Huzy the Galactic Shaman (music) by Asya
When you really take the time to sit back and soak up Huzy's shamanic music, it's awesomely transcendent.
A true cosmic shaman indeed.
<<< Open 💎
In reply to The Cosmic Shaman - Genius! 🎶 by Open
Hi Open,
You hit it on the head. It occurred to me yesterday that while im learning presence in my life, i never really applied it to music so when i was listening, i consciously focussed on it and it became like it's own dimension? With structure. But that can also imbue everything. This way i was able to connect with it deeper. Initially i started to float on the melodic waves but then got drawn by the "beating heart" and started to sink down into Gaia instead and it felt like being wrapped up in a warm, loving cocoon. So awesome! But then i kept getting interrupted by commercials. It felt like something caught on and kept trying to block the connection. But i think its from being lax with my energy and boundaries. No doubt Huzy creates magic!
Cosmic Frequencies for Inner Peace and Clarity 🎶
I found this simply soul soothing...
Saint of Sin: Spirit of Free - uplifting music 🎶
In need of a moment of uplifting spirit?
Are you one of those walking the Forbidden Road? 🙈
Are you one of those walking the forbidden road?
Aurora - a Soul with no King (inspiring music)
I've often found Aurora's music can touch deep in the soul...
Your Guiding Light - Music Video 🎶
We've been speaking of following your Twin Flame as your guiding light through the Shift (check the Openhand view on Twin Flames). Here's Mumford and Sons, who although might be singing about something else entirely, always speaks to me of the heartfelt connection to the Twin Flame - be inspired...
Angelic Twilight, Saint of Sin, Soul-Stirring Upliftment 🪽
I'm loving playing this recently on Openhand events...
Ray 1 Folk Metal Music from Mongolia - with compassion!
Recently an Openhander (thanks Michele!) sent me a link about these guys, called The HU, who are a totally awesome Mongolian folk metal band. If you're in need of some Ray 1 inspiration, but with heart centred compassion too, when then see how this fits the bill...
In reply to Ray 1 Folk Metal Music from Mongolia - with compassion! by Open
the Upsetter
I came across this track a few months back and felt strongly to share it here today. I like how the text and style both contradict and complement each other. To me it speaks of how one can be determined and subtle, disruptive and gentle. To me this speaks of how to adres the reptilian energies at this time.
How To Train Your Dragon Music
Here's the uplifting theme tune to the popular film, How to Train Your Dragon. I find it wonderfully uplifting...
Gaia and the Stairway to Heaven
In view of the marvellous movement of Gaia energies during the latest Facilitator Summer Conference, it seemed highly appropriate to share this majestic song by the marvellous Led Zeppelin. It's as if the elementals had a hand in it!...
And she's buying a stairway to Heaven
In reply to Gaia and the Stairway to Heaven by Open
What a beautiful creation! Her emotional connection with the song and physical connection with the piano embodies a goddess energy that almost hurts because it ignites a forgotten passion in me I have not seen since I was 19. I deeply miss that connection ...
Lover of the Light
In reply to An Uplifting Song in these times of great Change! by Patch (not verified)
Mumford and Sons are a definite favourite - thumbs up for that one!
Here's one of mine...
Sanctuary of art supported by music
This piece came out of the blue when I was immersed in my sanctuary of art and painting in blue. It speaks deeply into my being and exploration of the moment. Somehow it happens that I manifest the right music when making art (working on a video or painting, or just a specific photo). It feels like my inner "team" is giving in such a way a reflection or confirmation of being around, a deep sense of connection and support. I love spoken lyrics, feels very inspiring, uplifting, energising, it may be leading into meditation. Maybe someone else will enjoy it...
With love
Stunning upliftment in this new music video: Snow Patrol
I found this totally exhilarating and uplifting. I could feel my Twin Flame coming through the words and the music. What do you get from it?
It's like my twin flame made…
In reply to Stunning upliftment in this new music video: Snow Patrol by Open
It's like my twin flame made this song for me🥰😍🥲
Namaste (Transcendal music)
Gorgeous music! Deeply…
In reply to Namaste (Transcendal music) by Vimal
Gorgeous music! Deeply soothing and purifying, and turns out helpful too as now I know to post music here instead of the wall, thank you! 🙏
Music for surrendered warrior (processing fear)
This track helps me work with fears and find courage - surrender into the fear and the situation, and invoke inner warrior at the same time.
Invoking the Warrior to Break the Simulation
In reply to Music for surrendered warrior (processing fear) by someone
Thanks for sharing Yulia - it's a powerful reminder of the need for the Warrior energy to break the simulation.
Here's another one, from the last Kingdom...
Dancing with Gaia
Speaking of Aurora...
Speaking of the Aurora Borealis, here's another Aurora, with some also totally soul-stirring vibes...
Intriguing new Xavier Rudd Film - World Order
I found this new video by Xavier Rudd intriguing and inspiring...
I won't back down - inspirational music video
Loved this...
After processing...Rise up!
This song came after processing of some heavy $%&!
It was so appropriate... and made me think I was in an openhand event - indeed there was an openhand event at that time!
Judah Earl - soul-soothing music 🎼
I found this track by Judah Earl simply soul-soothing...
"Inshallah" - stunning Mei Lan & Ali performance
I found this so moving and inspirational...
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